.~._'" "lI-"r,., •• All the News of All the I Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse ointe ewS Complete IVews Coverage of All tlte Pointes llo11!:e 0/ the News ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:-------------_. --------------------------- ----------VOLUME 24-NO 51 . ._t_hEnl'",d"__e_p_o_s_t_o_ff_l_c_e_a_tS'ro"d __CI'MD_c_tr_o_lt_,M.lte,.t_M_I_C_h_. __ • GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, DECEMBER 19, 1963 'i~:'~'c',;;~• . 24 PAGES-lWO SECTIONS-SECTION , I _ , -----------'------------------------_._-----------------------------------,-----------_. HEADLINES I Service Girls Find Many Ways to Serve o/Ih, Political Lecture ILions Clubs \VEEK IAssisleAl hy As Compited by the Series to be Held G'OSS6 Po'nJ6 News BO}TS in Blue ThursdlllY, December 12 Woods Group Exceeds At War Memorial Quota of $2,000 for First Time; Other Pointes THE PENTAGON will close I All Six Speakers Re-ConfirmH d bTheirF IIAcceptances;db' State. 35 military installations by I Party ea s to e 0 owe y Give $5,079 Octobe'. 1966. cutting about attona 'gures an I ors 75.000 out or a job. Deputy N' I F'~_______, d Ed't ..' g enThee rP0 0usj n1yt e duringrespondedthe Se.... ,a..,. of Defen". Roswell 1'he lecture series planned for early January a, the! Goo die 110 w Newspaper Gilpatric, revealE'G th(' plans to Fries AuditohriUldnof th~ yvar MemonaldCeAnltletr'hlsschekd-•Sales on Monda\' D~cem- memb.., of Ihe New York eon- uled to go a ea as orlgIna y arrange. e spea _. .' ' l1 gre,,;onal delegahon. It " ex- ers who agreed to speak have confinned their engage.! ber 16. II Was dIsclosed by p('cted that Defense Secretary ments. .. ~_. :the chairmen of the Grosse Robert S. MeNamm witt make 1'he sedes. "Politi" ... 196.... 1 F t D .. IPointe Lions and Grosse and.y offid.1or so. Seven.nnonneemenlof the inst'lIa-In a . 'J.nn.ry:witt begm7. wtlhTuesdaysuceesmeevemn.,lee- I a..~ rlvlng: :.'Pointe Woods Lions Clubs lio", .re In New Yo,k slate. ~,. ! tu,es eve..,. T u e s day nIght E I P ., I CollectIOns excecd~d those of but aides of Michigan Con-) j",,,,,,",j:' Ithroug, Febrna..,. I I. nl S alr s :I"t yeaL oHh the ""ods Cluh g'essmen repo,",ed t1,.t th ... , :L;:'::;::,3 !,,, The fi.,t spe.ker will be. i exeeedmg ItS quola of $2.000. wa. no md"at .. n .t th" hme .....•."'-c{ , . Zolt,n A. Ferenay. Demo... tic Crlme Career: The G'o"e Polute Lio", twhl.alltbaenYl'nMvoJ'Clvheigda.ninstallatiOnS ' .":'" . "~:',' St ate Chairman, ~e will discuss I A / ! Goodfellow salesmen turned in j '~1{ , . ! Candidates and Issues as re- - I a total of S5.079.25 on Monday, • * • :, : ~. " ~,. '1'j\1 Ila ted to Miehigan. The Rcv. INab bed After aD-Mile: as ,ompared to $'.8" .95 eol" Friday. December 13 : :' ,,".:'. if./ ":)1 'Bert .. m deHeus Alwood. minIs- I Ch • B I S ts ,'cot'd in ,he J'''2 "'0<. The ,IRS. JOHN F. KENNEDY.! .... ,,(7' ! te< of the G,osse Pointe X'e- ase, e anger e "0" 'hi, )'e... as was th.t of widow of the 1.le P,esidenl. re" : B:~. .. i mO'ial Chur<h. will give the in- $20 ,000 Sond ;J.st ,'m. '"as $10.000. vealed that she pl.r~ to ob'crve ',;-;N, i vocallon th.t evening. i Ralph M"lin. who served as a full ye.. of mou,ning. Her [,,,'t'~"'.> ! Other speaker.s will be t.r" A traffic violation arrest' eh.i'''''n of the Grosse Poinle p,..,. seeretary. P,mela Tur- .'" " 'thut. B. Elliott. h. Repuhllc.n W ednesda V morn ing, De. iLion, d,i ve f 0' ,he p.st fi "e nu,. asid. that .he will aceopt Slate Ch.i,m.n who will .Iso cembe,' 11: foHowing an 80- ;ye.. ,. expressed his th,nk, to no public engagements during discuss state candidate", and Imile an hClurchase through; the polke and fire per<:onnel of thai period. M,.s. Kennedy ,~.,ues. The Rev. J.mes D. Grosse Pointe Park streets, the P,,'k. CIt,., F"ms and further disclosed to President . ~Ixon, pastor of the Grosse d d th "I I Shores for the tremendous help Johnson Ihat she will take no ."Pomle Meth 0 d'"t Ch. ur<h , WI-II Ii en e e cnmIna,. careersb h i Ihey ""oe,ed". m_ selhng_ p'pe.,. p.rt in the 196. Presidenll.1 ,give the invoeatlon that night, ! of two D",rOlt men. ot , . • , election, She is planning to: Service Girls b. the 10 elementary buildings of kin d erg art en; ANGE A , gra e .; L DENCKER d 6 IIJanua.-y 14. lof whom confessed to nu-; COMPA~IES CONTRIBUTE spend Chri~tmas din Palmf Bench It,he Grosse Pointe Public School System assist pupils GEORGE DWAIHY, ki~'ldergarten; and CAROL CON- Schlesinger Caming I'merous b 11 r g I a r i e sand i HE',also expressed his thanks with the Kenne y am, "v. as and teachers in a variety of ways. Upper grade girls NOLL Y, grade 6. Sponsor of the girls' service organi- Arthur e .,mger. r.. pC'", _.' b . ! organization to the Pfeiffer " S hI ',' J S _ ar~ed robberies according; for hImself and on behalf of hIS usual. She' will go to Palm I D h hI' k' d t 'th zation at Defer is Miss Margaret Long, second grade cial Assistant to the late pres1-1' to mformctlon released y, B J b' S' Beach with her two children, tath 1r,e~er karet sownd b tse pm~Ch ldtwo I~ ergar eners WI K d d Pa k Poli'e Chief Arthur rewerv com!Jan~'. aeo I. mee about December 18, accepting ,I ,e. laC e s an 00, I ren pIc.tured are (left t I th t h ht t b bl L _ o teacher. (See storY. on Page 19.) Id,ent .enne Y'. announ. ce ear. r (. 1904. a~d Verdonckt Bakery, for the offer of Co!. C. Michael I rIght) JO ANNE LUZADRE, grade 6 KAREN MANN ler a e mlg no, e a e I ouwers, I their contributions of refresh- --------~-------------------------------__ ..~ ~p"~ but h~ ~n~ ro~1 ~e~~andhcldfurin~~~'m~~duringandafterilieUI", Paul to Use his home for the ---. • I ftemed h" speakmg ~ng.~e"l gation we~e Donald Asher, 22, I especially at the par~y given for duration Of her visit in the well LeI t 'Cat Burglar' ScaI-e BI-Iengs Tree Pla"l'ltlng ment, ,scheduled for JaI1ua~ .~1. of 4103 CICotte; and .Joseph L, I the Goodfellows, which was heid FlorId. resort. l "g l. - ., He WI" speak on the posthon Harvarth. 24 of 869.' Carlin. in I. Ai G... n's. Jefferoon .nd UNMA * • • • • H B IPS of partIes and candIdates on tbe 'whose car p<~!ice found a tele- I Beaconsfieldt Saturday, December 14 ICentf.>r Tre'e InqUIrIeson orne urg ar rogrum et n<iti~,nal1evel. The Rev. Chal:les phone that. had been ripped I Martin sa;d t11at his organiza- NNED EXPLORA- ,/ v W. Sandrock, pastor of the FU'st from the wa'l of a "onstructi('O, . b' 'I -I h- TION of the moon has been 1 Evange Ica ut eran urc, shack on the grounds of St.1 ' 11. S da Al P Ii Off Ad. U · W d I, I L h Ch h " tlOn has a Ig JO) to (0 t IS eu,t.ited hy the Sp"e Ageney. US un y arms; 0 ce er VIce p In 00 Swi;; give the invocation on lI,.t CI"e de "ontef.len School" r:~~;~::e:h:h~~~::;;p,~e~'ll~~ by cancellIng five of the nine --------- occaSIOn. Charlevoix a~ld Au:d.ubo~. wh~re ! generous with their contribu- R'anger spacecraft flight plans. • ---- Interested Residents Urged to Contact local Author;. Hope to RepJace 500 Elms Fred Clark ScrIbner, Jr" of a new schOOl addItion IS beIng i tioll'j through the mail. Checks. This means that the day the Community C ere m 0 n y tio:>s,or BBBBefore Device Installations D h 0 Portland, Me., g~neral ~Ol;lnsel built., . , monev orders, or money can be Vnited St.te. iands 1" first in- Starts at Fries Auditor- - Lost to utc isease; of the Repubhean N.uon.J The p'" we... rr .. gned be,,! '1 d t h' t 15.39 Maek willstrumentsbe delayed,On lunaras WIllsuorfacesthe ",urndat 2'.30-,I' AIJdRes',- A b f 'd ts1 h h ul f dh d' '. To Be Spring Pro',ect Committee, is scheduled for fore Park .fudge C, Joseph, m,al e ~e t .1'; ~l\J'('h 482i4 num er 0 reSI en W 0 ave expresse a eSlre January 28, and will speak on Bellinger On the date: of their: a\enue, e 101 , • I, . manned spacecr.ft pl.nned for ents nv,te to install home burglar a arms, as a res tot e aellVl- the ,"me ,uhjeet as Schlesinger. "'est. They ",ood mnte and: DBIVE HELPS MA~-Y I.ter in the 1960's, ties o.f the "cat burglar," have been calling their police A tree planting program but f"m the Republican poi"t w.ived e.. m... tiou. The jUdge! He said .11 t.n'" colleeted i" • • • The annual Tree Light. departments for advice, it was revealed by the five in Grosse Pointe Woods, of view. The invoeation that found snfficlent eanse for a. the sales d"ve and those re" Sunday, December 15 I ing ceremony will be held Pointe police chiefs on Tuesday, December 17.
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