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i‘‘ AvdhMT* Daily N«t ProM lUn " BVlv Ik* WMk taM ' Tito. W i i tBwr : DeBoahw iw, UGS : /

1 T 3 j 8 7 9 : ao«4y ato VMOkir. ill*

- . -' .-Mtankw.al «k * -A d ^ tfe ektoge'le 'iwqyOwkiWb Iwr

Bbi'— ef Ctiwiktlae 20-25. Rtgli ITrUky ip tte Wk •A'City o f ViUage,Chdrm . /

TOL.L]aaai,NO\t9 (gIXTBBIf PA6B$) MANdHE^^, CONN,» THURSg^, JANUARY 8, 1»«3 (OtaMifled AdTcrttOag m Fee* 14) PIUdB GftNTII

Fadt-Finder SiateNews

Named Ih

Miller Enters

NEW: YORK (AP) — A Innocent Plea federal offieigl reports spb' By ThA, Aeeeolated Ifteee i Mrs. Potnpeno told a. Atory of stantial progress in negotia- “My poQti /kidBj wh*t will unpaid household biUa and debts In Sillan Case - ticHis seeking to settlethe her husband didn’t know about. they say?” It all led to toe holdup— a "spur dock strike on the Atlantic Mrs. Consti^ce Pompano of the moment” decision—of toe BRIDGEPORT (AP) — aiid Giilf Coasts. ' Cheshire branch o f TTie Waterbury Harlis Miller, 31, of 14 Spring of Ndw Haven, a petite, 88- Washington »6urc«a said Frssl- year-old housev^fe, sobbed National Bank, located to a ahopr HiH Ave., Norwalk, pleaded dant Knrnedy likely wltt luve to ping center. reconunend special leglslaui^ tQ out those words during her innocent in Superior Court to- Police aaid Mrs. Pompano, who day to.,a first degree grand end the orippUng Bast-Oulf- Cost arraignment last Nnight in aUmds under five feet in height, Still /Fears tlocks strike. If the walkout, now In Cheshire on a charge of bank jury murder indictment in walked into the bank shortly af- Its leth day, is still On when Con* robbery. ter noon yesterday and .handed a the strangulation death o f gresa reconvenes next week. And to-Bridgeport,., two toen ar- paper bag to teller .Patricia Du- Mrs. Isabelle Silla:n, 50, in her T shlombe * tlie report was made after In- reeted yeeterday for the holdup of Plaise with a note that said: dustry and union repreeentatlvoa Westport home Nov. 42. a bank to .Bristol to mid-Decem- "Pill this up.' I have a gun. Don’t The former handyman, irepre- agreed. Wedneeday to have James ber have told police that-hlgh Uv- make a sound.” . . SbntedAby Public Defender Herbert Healy, Harvard University , pro- tog ate up most of Me )13,309 She left with |1,497. A short J. Buildock, elected trial by jury, Sabjotage tosaor of Industrial relations, loot. time later she was caught, in' a and Judge James C. Shannon as- serve as a fact-finder in the con- About |4,4(>0 was found when store Wbih-e she purchased . $20 signed the case for trial Jan. 22. tract dispute. they were picked u p ' here yester- worth of clothing, Including a A motion by Bundock for a LEOPOLJpVILLE, T i e James J. Reynolds, assistant day afternoon, new dress. change of venue Wfilch, if granted, Congo (AP) — U.N. forces secretary of labor, said' tbs ac- A :tip Bent police to the apart- Aii old and unloaded revolver would move the sch^uletl trial to ceptance of Healy was a sign i of ment of ex-convlct Robert Er- 'was found to-her handbag. Police another county, will be argued captured t^e important Ka- progress. . hardt,' 84, to a two-family house recovered the bank money. Tuesday before Judge Shannon. tanga town of Jadotville, to- “ I can say there hgs been sub- at 86 Poplar St. There toey ar- Mrs. Pompano was brought to State’s Attorney Otto -J. Saur day, a U.lN. spokesman saiid.

stantial progress because they be- rested Brhardt anu Robert Fase- the 'Woodbridge home of U. S. Is in charge, of the prosecution of This gave the attackera a gan In left field and are gradually kas, 24; of 148 Yoric Rd., Fair- Millei* who faces execution or life springboarld for an advance , approaching the infield,” Rey- field. (Continued on Page Eight) imprisonment, Without benefit of nolds said. pardon or parole if convicted of on Katanga secessionist Pres- Healy was assigned to survey first degree murder. ident Moise Tshombe’8 ' head- welfare and pension contributions quarters at Kolwezi, about 90 in the industry and report hie Governor 48 miles away. findings before resumption of ne- Katanga forces realstlng the gotiations this afternoon. Siberians See k A id, HARTFORD (AP) — Governor U.N. sweep through toe aeceaaion. RepreBentatiyes of toe striking Dempsey, still battling a heavy cold, today celebrated his 4Sth 1st province hMr.been expected to AFLi-ClO International Longshore- make a riiajoi ' atahd at Jadotihlle, P men’s Association and of the ehip- birthday quietly at the Executive If Residence. , a mining center m idm y between ptng and stevedoring companlee J Persecu tio n He had hoped to visit his State Kolwezi and the falt^ agreed -to discuss pension and OapRo'l office briefly, where his capital of f Elisabethville. ' welfare benefits with Healy. If office staff had planned a little U.N. tr^ps stopped six asOss Secretary of Labor W. Willard MOSCOW (AP)— A determtoedtseek asylum. They tried to hand blrthdny get-together. However, from Jadotville Wednesday night Wlrtz was to rejoin toe negotia- band of Siberian peasants, de- over a letter, which was not atfi he reluctantly canceled this for after crossing the Lufira River tione toda'y—the 12th day of toe scribing themselves as persecut- Cepted, and.,.then went away. medical reasons. on impreWised pontoons and buc- Strike of 50,000 dock workers ed Christians, forced their way The shabbily dressed peasants T'he big white birthday cake, do- kled girders from three rlitoea which has tied up shipping in Into toe U.S. Embassy today and who appeared at the U.S. Embas- nated by his office staff, was sent the Katangans had blown up. The appealed for refuge. sy said toey had come by train Headed for Open Water ports from Maine to Texas. directly to the Executive Resi- U.N. units were fo re ^ to leaye Negotiations for the industry Protesting loudly, toe 82 meh, from Chemogorsk, a Siberian dence. It contained 48 candles and Coast Oua^ tug from Bristol. R. I., broke toe ice in Greenwich Bay, R. I., and tqwed out 1.5 qua- women and children wSre taken town about 2,100 mllea east of haug skiffs. Shellfishermen in the area were able to get to open water for the first time since the their hejivy equipment; behind. are being handled by toe New the lettering, "Happy Birthday, Indian', Irish and Ethiopian York Shipping Association, which away to a Soviet bus nearly four Moscow. Governor!’’ deep freeze set in. (AP Photofax). hours later after Soviet -officials They said they were fleeing troops in the U.N. force took Ja- represents 146 .shipping and stev- This evening there will be a dual dotidlle by noon, a U.N. qwksa- edoring companies. Traditionally, promised toe embassy they would from persecution by local offi- celebration at the Goven.or’s Man- be put up to a hotel and Would cials who threatened to Jail them man skid. This indicated they had conttoct terms reMhed in nego- soon when Dempsey will .be Joined little reeistance. not be harmed. -And take their chltdren away from by his daughter Margaret who is Viet Fighters tiations here set toe pattern for Kolwezi; 150 miles northwest of eettlementa in other ports. The demonetration—almost un- them. celebrating her 16th birthday. Blast Deaths at 15, heard jst to’ the Soviet Union— A U.S. Embassy official told Elisabethville, la the baas for Ten ships brought more than most of Katanga’s air. fores as 6,000 passengers to New York Tiroughi 'to light an unpublicized newsmen the group wanted help Tend Injured, to get oflt of toe Soviet Union, Inaugural Parade Set well as temporary headquartan docks Wednesday and early ito- mrotwt by a group of Russian rather than to seek asylum. They HARTFORD (A P )—^ v . John for Tshombe’s government. day. Most, of toe passengers were Baptists six monthi ago at toe made no specific ' request to go N. Dempsey will be inaugurated Cause Still Sought As the U.N'. colunm moved to- returning ihroni Caribbean cruisee. British Embassy. " Ignore Chase A British Embassy Spokesman to toe United States. for hie first tovr-y^Ai" term next ward Kolweifl, toe United Mhtfons Latest tor Arrive wae toe Carib- said toe B^Usts had ajmealed The. peasants said they haid Wednesday with , the usual ponip prodded Tahombe -to end' hfo •*- bean Lines' Riviera Prlma, which TERRE HAUTE,- Ind. TAN HIEP. South Vlst Nartj for help to “ getting to touc:touch with heard they could go to an embas and ceremony. (AP) —f.Haute. "That was About 10 'til 7. cession from toa Congo deMMIf . docked with 866 passengers . at Rescue crews with cranes recov- A little after that it exploded." (AP)—After 20 hours of battle, toe Uhlted NAticna,” but did not ay and get refuge while toe em The ceremonies will begin with government; U !40 a.m. The ship was 16, hours ered two more bodies today from "All of onoe' the building started Vietnamese and Americans plckAd baasy arranged (Or them to be an Inaugural luncheon at the up their dead and. wounded from Foreign eonsula to "BUhabeto* late because oL stormy weather sent out of toe country. Statler-Hllton Hotel. the ruins of a meat packing plant, shaking,;' said Henry Akers, -28, yille, however, wers reposted alBl toward toe end cl toe trip. pushing the toll of Wednesday’s West Terre Haute, who was on this Mek.ong River delta area to- During an argument bSMnrtSA '^About 1 p.m. the Governor will fearful Tehombe would earry tut The ehipta paseengere faced toe rotesters were packed aboard explosion to 15. the top floor of th® two story brick day. The Vietnamese forces ID ick P o w e ll ride to open cal- to a parade showed little Interest in chasing his threat ot wldsapread sdbottat same task as those who arrived SiS. bus, one man complained: through downtown Hartford Wind- The search continued for one building. "A big noise, the lights and destruction o f mining and went out, and I started rising in the Communist guerrillas, who bad Wednesday—toting their own bag- "Let us be sent to any country. ing up At the Capitol, where he other victim believed buried in other installations to the eirs-ildl gage from toe pier. It 'doesn’t matter. Tliere’s no the air." trapped them with blistering gun- Died of Cancel^ will be greeted by a 19-gun aalute. the rubble. fire. province. T h e striking longshoremen lace for us hera—no place The First and Second Companies Fifty-five other workers were “ It was a long time,” he added. Correspondents In BliaabstovUls made no attempt to hinder toe 10 go.” "I know It was. I said, 'Oh, God, Acroqs the rice paddies, evi- of the Governor’s Foot Guard and injured in the explosion that shot reported many bridges and powsr ships which arrived. They were In 2-Day Coma "We told them there wm. no let me live through this,’ four ot dence of Wednesday’s battle was toe First and Second Companies ttoough toe Home Packing Co. grim. lines blown lip. EllsabsthTlUa was aided by tugboats. way we could help them leave of toe Horse Guard, wearing their plant here- Wednesday. Six were five times. Then I landed. I could without electricity. toe Soviet Uhion unless toey v^'ent Five American helicopters lay The union is demandii^ a pack- HOLLYWOOD (AP) — Dick colorful colonial-style uniforms, listed in critical condition. see a little light. I started climb- .'nielr reports also said UnloR through Soviet authorities,” an ing down the side of the building.” crashed In the mud. Bodies of two Powell, who made hie fame sing- will participate In the parade. "I had my left hand free." Miniere, European-owned (Oontinned on Fpg6 Ught) ing love songs to Ruby Keeler and American official said. "When worker Gerald Fagg, 20, West Authorities today remained un- Americans killed In the fighting ^ ------they heard toat they agreed certain o f the cause of the blast. were recovered. A third Ameri- firm which digs Katanga's c o p i^ hla millions to the tycoon role he Raised to Prelate Terre Haute, related aftevward. and cobalt, was hurriedly reraesr- loved bMt, died of cancer there was no point to stajdng.” "I kept digging, digging, ahd dig- Investigators were checking the can died after he was evacuated. HARTFORD (AP) — The Rev. possibility of a gas explosion. One U.S. helicopter bore 21 bul- tog machinery from Ita fuffnary Wednesday'’ night 'with June Ally- ging. There was a body right to Jadotville before U.N; traeps Papets Imply s Cabinet And before Congress even re- the offer is under stady. In his a nationwide wave of tocreaeed In All GOP Quarters session to toe. Elysee .Palace to message, De GauUs' 1 ^ ddwn eosts to the n ew j^ p w busto« turns-i^'U doesn’t come back until which De Gaulle took An active next week—he appears repdy to to firm, precise taenia 'the basis The striking AFL-CIO union dis- part. Detailed Proof I^eeded foundations o f Frcaeh poMey SB missed toe publlahcirs’ statement accept defeat on two of his major WABHINOTON (AP) — Ctov.Ofanjdly. The minister said toe Americmi programs, medical care ' and aid national defense, Infoemaats as "a typical” threat. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New Romney has made toe same offer to Bell Polaris missiles was said. Bertram A. Powers, president to education. York has started emoting Repub- point to declining to classify him- discussed to tonnection with a For‘T&E’ Tax Account " If this seems a ' startling atti- of toe atrilstog ITU I^ a I 5, SAid: licans of all shades of opinion in self as either a- coiuervative or long report by Foreign. Minister tude Uiere is at least one explana- MARKET RALUES “I. consider toe jrtAtetnent re- his obvious quest for toe 1964 a liberal. , Scranton has down- Maurico Couve de MurvUIe on the NEW YORK (AP) — Tb» leased by toe pubUshi^ As a tion for it: Kennedy doesn’t want QOP presldehtial nomination. pradMl labels although -he says if recent British-Amerlcan summit EDITOR’S NOTE — For many^Intemal Revenue Service’s new to fight with (jongress. stock maihet -wiped sat MB threat tralcal of those used by Ctov. George Romney of Mlchi- he had to accept one, If probably meeting to Nassau. ' Americans, the phrase "It’s de- regulation for business travel, en On New Year’s Day In 1962 and losses of opening IMS. trading them throughout our negotia- gAh is playing it cool on whether Would be to! toe llbenit category. The foreign minister got addi- ductible” has been a flrst-ctAss tertalnmeiit and gifts. now again ln< 1963, from Florida, and charged ahead In a sfisBg tions.*’ m ' be 'Will be attracted later by the Rockefeller obviously has felt tional. details Wednesday from ticket to out-of-town fun. Now the where Kenned)' is .vacationing, rally today. Momliig vsinnMl Powers said, “ I personally think "g een er paetures” of national The regulation, effective for constrained iot some time to ti^ U.^. Ambassador'' Charles E. Boh- ’’expense account set” will - have 1963 tocom.e tax returns, is de- have come a...bundle of identical of 2.06 (uUUoa sharsa wm mar- they will attempt to use toe same to shake off toe liberal label gen- ly twice that of ; U inllllen Ah methods to publish that were len. Bohlen will see De OaUlle 6n to pay for Its own vacation. The signed to insur,e that the great stories from newsmen covering Gw,-elaot WilUan) W. gcranton erally pinned on him becAuse of Yriday. * him. i : the first dwo lio«m sC tha ysarTa used by toe Ctolcago papers back pf Pennfeylvanla—who will have a new tax riiles effective .Jan. t body of American taxpayers ISuT what he likes to .call his "forward-' Peyrefitte told newsmen that make a business -trip strictly busi- Then and now the” stories said first seMloa. ’ Mm I to 1948.” further opportunity to sound off looking Republicanism.” footing the bill for freeloading France still tdoes nbt coiqpletelV ness; This is the _^second of three flatly 'what the President la think- shared la riaea that His reference wsA ' to a vari- when he formally takes office Whereas Romney talked to Junkets, 'night club- and theatre understand how ' Kennedy’s propo- articles on the new regulation. forays to the big cityi and winter ing about his problems. Then and to more than $t a share for i type. process—throuito vdiiob copy Jan. 10—already has said he terms d solving Michigan’s moun now they said the Information ersl key stoohs. Is tjped on glossy paper, then would not resist an "unlikely” taindua problems and Scranton sal can be pertinent to France. vacations. under the southern sun. photographed, for reproduction. France, Peyrefitte pointed out, Expense Accounts—Part 2 came from sources close to Ken- r draft for toe nomination. may be under ,the- same require- The rules by which. taxpayers hedy, from weil-plac^ sources. The process ellnilnates toe usual does not possess any submarines ' By STERUNG F. GREEN must substantiate the deductions HATTERS STEOUNO n ia t’s the {KdlUcal rundown at ment to speak of Pennsylvania’s or from the highest authority'.. type-setting procedure pei^ormed capable cif launching a Polaris WASHINGTON (AP) — The they-claim for business travel add NEW YORK- (A n —floms 14U the beginning of 1968 for the three ills, Rockefeller felt tree to ad- This doesn’t leave much doubt 000 members of tgs aem m ’s had printers. ' , Republicaiu most talk^ about as dress himself to areas Where htlsslle, nor any nuclear warheads governmen*; has set the brake on, up , to a formidable burden of In t Cleveland, negotiatictos re- about their origin. And, since this ‘workers onloa wsat oa atrlko Mr thei possible G^P choice for there may be party opposition to for such a missile. free-wheeling tun at the expense paper work for many business- day, rompletoto tiolag m gfo sumed Wednesday to the 85-day- of. other taxpayers. collective presidential mind-read- g what promlsAS to be his 1964 ambitions. Under those concUtions, he said, men. ing has now happened two years vast toduMbry tlmt «*as potasA M old strlko. that has closed* the a Herculaan attem ^ to ou»t Dem- It could hardly be regarded as toerO la no reason for France, to The cost of business travel is IRS Commissioner Mortimer iK. etty'e two dailies, toe Cleveland to ,a row, it looks like an annual begin, manunotors of Ms aeir ocrat Joka F. Kennedy -JVbm tto 'accidental If R i^ efeller warmed abandon Its own nuclear pro- alwayij a legitimate iqcom e. tax Caplin has eased pdme of the cuatom. spring stylos, Bat’svsn wfeNs V PUito Dealer and the Cleveland presidenoy next. year,. former President Dwlgbt D. Ei- gram; I;- deduction. But too many trips— stringent terms of.; his original Press And Ifdwa. The strike Is by And alnce' neither last year nor 000 of Hip ATlcGIO U altPtW it RockeCells*, t a l ^ in stride hie senhower with his . observation ’Die information minister gave Mlhen examined by toe tax m an- proposed regulation btit it atlH re- this, has Kennedy challenged whait Osp aad Mimnwy Wssmts Pg-' the Teamsters Union (Did.) second liUMViiration ae goverho*i fcto'“r"too local community ___ no hL.t of D« ciauUe’s attitude to- have turned out to be work-and- quires more detailed proof than the cnsveland Neweteper OuUd, ban was reported to-be on his mind Ion picHstsd five dlitiIsM Ig, dwee to spice his homily on toe Justly appeal to the state for help ward Kennedy’s offer—whether J>lay excursions wito the empHa; many companies ever have re- toe stories can be coivildered both MpnaattaB sm .- EiMidgyi 'a unit of the AFLCSO' American virtues of the Anieriean aystem in meeting its ecctionUc and so- toe-French president will accept als on play. quired of their 'execuUyee,'.BaieB- Nevgqpaper OuUdt The negotla- accurate and reliable. with advice to RepubUcana to cial needs only If It does ajl to or reject It. He said there has not From, Jaij. 1 • on, out-of':toVm nien and employes'. ' He intend* to follow up : hU ot loeal the labels temPte divide playtime la strictly at toe tax- a aad- to .«nNi .to' • ~ f (O o^M d ea Page BigM) earn etxpenaa under toe (Oonttoued on -Pneo »)’ (OoStlnned •n'Pigo.FWfop) Y ct m i fc ,

' t % il i fAQW two 8 L i s t e d t o E f f e c t Rockville-Vetnon Berger Hired avers Removal of Meters IlinM lR DETECnVBS ’< AsCity^sist Seitlementin mspixrr rviden

— ^"LLFREO BHEINWOU) oificildS and downtown businessmen met informally (Gontlnned (rom Pag* Om ) lunchroom ehtranea and prevent .Whan tos wind whistles down (Oontlaaed titm Page One) Red Director Plant Dispuj^ •rtant deorss of Congress. The duce taxes without Increasing def- with General Manager Richard Martin last night, and agreed pictiircfs belni^takw of the-^gvoilp. flia chimney and toe wolv?e^howI WITH THIS COUPON AND YOUR $5-00 OR MORE PURCHASE Just 'before being taken, away,- Saloon keepers. /K ^ e A men, law . forbids deduotibns lot "lavlah icits at least temporarily. that the immediate rtmoval of parking meters from/ th^ The pIywood\w*a propped up oh RookvUle City Council outside In toe enow — that's whan or extravagant" outlays duriitj’ Hours of- supervised public. ice Commenting on Kennedy's . The hiring of Donald Berger aa the man who seemed the’ leader bridge detectives huddle together theatre ownera ai)(U nlktjtJ spot But he said the deficits must LlXdfJ ONE„(!OUPON PER PURCHASE. GQOb THROUGH SATURDAY, '] downtowltt business district wopld be a good, thing. of the Siberian group said in a barrels of traan and hid the *nr Mslneaa travel. skating remains toe same at both statement that he expects to hold be held to a minimum—"We can't RocKvtlie's first recreation direc- trance from newsmen atanding a wenLltipng with plana for seittUhg and' solamnly tjeolare which play- oporatora are edgy/especially in their preference ' Uje re-election of Oarleton loud voice: The mysterious border between Center Springs Annex and Char- government expenidltures ex- go,A,en spending as though they JANUARY'S, 1963. ITEMS PROHIBITED BY LAW EXEMPT FROM PLAID few feet away. a flnan^-^anarl ovar the pity's ers a re ' crinlinala and why. Join what is extravagant and what ter Oak Park—from 1:30 p.fn. to. iMUtjr; they agreed with Max- Mllaneafr^a* chairman of the rec- - *‘Wf! appeal to all brothers and raoort and toiirist centers. Will didn’t exist.” He said he thinks end ‘up without operating fujid*=— Shortly before 1:30 p.m., em- filtration plaiit, but tbAt wonder- ftiem In inspecting the evidence. Isn't will have to be defined. 10 p.m. cept thoe^;..for 'space, defense and STAMP OFFER. $ tta to take the following ateps; despite the fact that th$j»xft§or\ty reation coihmteslon, and thoughts sisters who believe in Jesus many convention-goers simply estimates of the money that could , 1. 1 ^ propoaed meter clear- bassy officials ordered news cor- South dealer The clarification, due next Coasting Is permitted daily from fixed charges—at the present lev- WiU play ah Importantpart When, of developing an- ice skating rink Christ." ed whether part d f the aettlemeht stay at home now? be recaptured througlf so^called eaee will be put on the agenda As the bus drove off, Soviet respondents. out of the embassy Both Bldea vulnerable month, probably will' make it liard 8:30 to dark at Center Springs els, Byrnes said: loophole closing 'havC been exeig- and if, the prppeSed'municipal, tax at Henry Park were j reported tp might not lekd to p re ^ ra s for a Opening lead—Queen of Bpadea. for an executive to Justify "a "The trouble Is that defense and tor the next meeting of the board district la - abPi'O'ted by the a'tate the city council last mght. \ polie'emen . manhandled several compound find an American qftl- The hartonders’ union has Park. gerated. e< dlrectora, Jan. 15,,.to see if the Ame'hlcan news.meh after- they clal escorted them to the sidewalk tax Increase. West opened toe queen of served up a-, warning that about buslneu meeting", on a yacht Center Springs, Pond remains national security have become legislature. Berger, who lives, at 22 Grove spades, a n d ' Bouth won vrith the hoard will approve, the removal. took photographs but they did not in front of the embassy. The aj^reement betwean the el$y 100,m barteiidera could loose oridaifig the Bahamas, or for a closed. very broad terms ancl you don't Or, if the directors decide to pay St., is a sixth-grade teacher at the king. Declarer led a low heart to salesman to make. his sales pitch know what, spending programs Padded Peril Although the meters can be re= Verplanck Elementary School in confiscate the cameras or film. ' Shortly before 1 p.m. the make- and; Plantations Construction Co.' IP'-” their.. Jobs. The Hotel Association off the meter debt from general dummy’s ten, but Rest won with Ih an expensive night spot. would be exempted under those moved at the discretion of Police Manchester and has been the di- .The group's leaders said they shift screen was taken down on ot Rhode Island — the firm which t f St h Si of New York tuts pradlotod that Poles Convict G.t. Chief James Reardon, 'he said funds — aa wa# strongly urged by toe aco^of hearts and returned a heads. I would be mdre confident VENTURA, Calif. (AP) — Fire rector of the Henry Park swim- were Evangelical Christians, a condition that Western newsmen built the filtration plant-^^ "wash- 4 9 AB »MS the "oneFous and unreasonable" last night he would prefer that Bruce Watkihe at last night's Protestant sect . whose reiigioua would , take no photographs. es out all clalRui” < both ' parties spade tto toe ace. rScord-keeplnlf'rules will be "very If he would simply declare a mo- Chief Jack (Comstock warns there meeting — then the appropriation ming pool for the past eight years. South drew another round of PULAWY, Poland (A P)-U .S. raldrlum on all new programs the move be approved by the dl- .doctrines do not recognise any Some of the protesters filed Out hai(e agklnst each (ither. clubs to get rid of a apoda. damaging, to the hotel Industry.'.’ RofikvUle-V ernon is a hidden danger in padded Super-Right Quality, Heavy, Steer Beef reetore, since the initial outlay must be brought up at a public He has ben hired on a year-round, trumps by leatjttng to dummy’s Marine Sgt. James .S. Chase was that are not designed to deal with part-time basis at a salary of $2,- form o f , state authority. of the lunchroom and stood next Also aa part of the. agree: Only after getting tms dlaoard . Caiiilln thlnlfs not.. He calls the convicted of involuntary man- I brassieres He. says they can (or the meters was so great. hearing. nine and tried" the club' flnesSS. actual emergencies." 1 Cau.se fires. 000 a' year. "W e. ate all equal," one of to'the bus while Americans and the city haa agreed.to pay can declarer . afford to Wad a regulation "reasonable and prac- slaughter by a Polish court today It all the directors go along The hearing, which must be ad- Soviet officials talked with them, West won with the/ king of clubs Month Fire Lo §8 Instead of this, Byrnes said, the Reporting on the hiring ot Berg- them said. “ We are peaceful pe,o- tatlons Construction, Co. a $51,194 end cashed a q^de trick. Then triimp. Ho eventually k>e«i a tical.” He says It conforms with and given a one-year suspended CJomstocK said Wednesday that . i#th. Mayor Francis Mahoney, vertised five days beforehand, , An elderly man and a woman trump, a diamond, and a club administration apparently intends who expressed his approval Of the er was John Daigle, commission ple. We want peace throughout balance of the agreed contract he switched to a: diamond, and what weir-nm odmpanles have sentence. an inceasing number of fires in could not. be until JAn. 21, which the world." were seen weeping and one worn' —but not a spade. been doing—or should have .been Listed at $27^15 to renew its efforts for such home and commercial dryers are meter removal last night, they memlter whp also announced the an shouted; “ We want to Stay! price — with an immediate ' pay- South was ' down one when the f e ' The three-judge court ruted that things OS'S large-scale aid to edu- ROASTS would delay the "immediate" me- re-election of MilqneM as chair- The group ignored embassy offi- Dally Queattoa doing—right along. being caused by bras. then mukt face a financial obsta- We want to stay!” ' ment of a $15,000 portion of the diamond finesse failed. Chase, a member of the U.S, Em- cation program. Sources close to ^Jer removal for some time. man and that of John Murphy of cials' suggestions that they con- $51,194' going to suboontractora You have ell toe evidence need- Dealer blda one heart, -pour Taxpayers who claim deduc- Rockville’s fire losses during bassy guard, killed a Pole in an ele. , Two men, who appeared to be partner doublee tor a takeout, and Kennedy have Indicated, however, The foam rubber padding* TOP ROUND or The town currently is about $3,- Anticipating the eventual clear- E. Main St. as secretary of U»a rec- tact such organized PCotestant designated by Plantations. ed for e verdict. Decide for your- tions for travel costa must record 1942' reached $27,215, ail Increase Aug. 19 highway accident by fall^ breaks down in about six months, groups aa the Baptists. - leaders of the group, talked with toe next player Uda two hearts. that he Is not overly optimistic 400 behind in its meter rearenuM, ing of. all meters from Main ' St., reation commission. Davies, who put his arm around Corporation X^junael Bklwln Lk- self before you reed on: Who was in a diary or account bo<^ every from the $6,0()0 in losses reported Ing to _ watch . the road properly. about chance.s for pa.ssage of an Comstoibk .said, and the ' garment = BOTTOM ROUND LB- Martin also asked that the Down- Rockville Mayor Lieo B Flaher- U.S. officials herded the group the criminal, and what was his You hodd; Spades, -Q-J-IO-Sj expenditure for outrof-town meals, ueed to pay salaries o f two Man- the shoulders of one of them. One vitt, who recommended the coun- Hearts, 6-2; IMamands, 1-4-I-2: for 1961,, but still a "fine record,” (Jhasb, 22, from Burlington, Vt., education program. develops a.,very low ignition tem- * eheater poltcemeh charged with town Merchant* Association pre- ty Jr., noting that Berger had re- into the embassy lunchroom to crime? . < , lodging and Incidentals, large - or entered a plea of Innocent at the perature. 89 get them out of the bitter cold of the Soviet officials broke into cil adopt the settlement, thought aubs, K-10-6. according Jtd Fire Chief John Ashe. Byrnes said there widespread policing Main St. parkingi pare signs to replace the meter signed from the recreation com- conversation excitedly and it might be possible. to transfer Prepare the Obll amall. A voucher or receipt must outset of the- trial. The U.S. Em- agreement that some ,>tax rates To be safe, Ck/mstock added, 99c heads on the w.aist high poles mission, said he had appointed weather and notified the foreign What do you dayf . / '~'—Including much as $250,000 in back Income Bergman, 68, pleaded guilty In ance for travel of $25 or less need t District, Watkins said. It doesn’t matter. There’s no Anderson’s court last month to vember, Ashe sedd toe department rently held in escrow, with which "There will be no pictures taken claims for "delays." Plantations taxes end penalties will now face not keep substantiating records. it could pay off Its current ex- Nassiff thought it would go a A collection o# bells has been place for us here — no place toe charge of evading payment of answered three still alarms, one PIE “ 39' ITALIAN - IMPORTED GLORIA BRAND long way towards providing a new on embassy premises.” to go." .claims fell In between $60,000 and' dlobarred Hartford Attorney Na- The $26 limit does not include for a fire at Duo-Set Processing 8 penses. loaned to Lutz Junior MuSeum Like other embassy officials, he ^$60,000, according to Lavltt. Plan- $69,000 In Income taxes for 1657. entertainment, or plane or rail Large 8 inch the MRA does not take over "image” for Main St. atOre.s. by Mrs. Flora Pickles Ranney • of He said, as newsmen listened, thaniel -Bergman, 54, who began He had originally been indicted on where some lint In a dryer. vent It refused to make any further state- tations maintained there was a fares. 1 lb 8 oz .(fee obUgaUon, the directors may Garman said that all the mer- Bast Hartford, formerly of Man- that they had been told by offi' serving a 21-mo«ito federal prison three additional counts ot -eva- pipe had ignited. Also in Novem- Tomatoes 4 ' 1.00 ment. dais in Chemogotsk that iffter delay in furnishing plans and that Similarly, a mileage allowance ber, the department answered a take one of two steps: chants he knew were firmly be- chester. The collection includes term for tax In v^on Wednesday. sion, but these were nolled, as for transportation can be used hind the meter removal. At 11 ;40 a.m. a blue and white the New Year they would be piui' the city was required to pay addi- box alarm at 96 Brooklyn St. to Jane Parker, Plain or Poppyseed They may instruct Chief Rear- wooden bells, brass bells, bone Soviet bus pulled into the embas- tional funds for "extras.” Spokesmen for toe U.S. Internal- were similar charges against his Without substantiation if it does Mayor Mphoney was anxious to bells and lava bells. ished for their religious beliefs. wife, Mona. put out a bedroom blaze. Ashe don to wait until about mid-Feb- sy compound, .apparently to take The full cost of the plant la Revenue Service said today the not exceed 16 cents a , mile. VIENNA BREAD 2 ^^U9' IONA SLICED YELLOW CLING ruery to remove the njeters, by get rid of the meters Soon. ‘T see Mrs. Ranney will describe the He said they would - be jailed and olvl'l recovery action could now .said the fire was caused by chil- the group of protesters away. their children taken away. close to $1 million. While toe case against him In One m^Jor corporation has pro- dren playing with matches and 1 LB 13 0Z which time enough money should this as a benefit tp all of Main collection Sunday at 2:30 at the proceed aa the criminal matters tested that it will have to rent JANE PARKER, CRESCENT MARBLE The bus pulled up to the lunch- "We appeal to all brothers and On another matter related to the New Haven was pending, Bergman that the damage 'was $175. havt been received to pay off all St., particularly to the small mer- museum in a program foUowied by facing toe famed orimlnal lawyer was out on bail on a previous con- warehouses to store all the ex- POUND CAKE “39' CAN 27' chants who can never supply'thetr a concert of folk songs and carols room entrance'Ond workmen has- sisters who beiteve in Jesus filtration plant, the' council ap- Among Decemiber fires handled Peaches MW and outstandirig obligations; proved a bid—forwarded by the ended Wednesday with his sen- viction. In February, he and three pense' accounts, receipts, and Or they may make, arrange- own parking space. Those are, the played by the Center Congi>ega- tily erected a makeshift Screen of Christ," be said in a loud, firm tenoing on an Income tax evasion by the department was one at 93 plywood to block the view of the voice. Rockville Area Chamber of -Com- other men had been convicted In vouchers. These substantiating ments to use money in the general people that are really hurting” lional Oiurch handbell choir. charge In U.S. Dlotrlct Court In papers must be kept for at least Union St., said caused by a cigar- DANISH CHAMP The choir, directed by Miss merc* In behalf of tfee-Todd Divi- U,S. District <3ourt In Bdston o f a ette, damage estimated at $200; fund for the current debt. Atty. Phelon, ,spea!klng for the New Haven. bribe- conspiracy Involving an In- three years, but IRS expects to parking authority, pointed out Pamela Conant, was organized sion, Burroughs Corporation—to another at the Shea and Isch M they decide to let the meters connect a sewage line from a pro- In addition to the 21-month ternal Revenue Service official. shorten this. FRENCH FRIES that St preisent the town’s only about 1V4 years ago. It is the jail term, he was fined $10,000 on' Garage on Windsor Ave., caused eUy until they have paid for them- Rockville-V ernon posed printing plant In Tolland to His 18-monto sentence for this The new regulations stem from A&P Luncheon Meat 3 cans M eatvea, the parking authority will source of revenue to buy new only handbell choir in the area. the evasion charge, and will serve by "live tobacco from a plpd", 9 o z t y t e The choir piombers are (Cynthia the city’s f sanitary sewage dis- conspiracy ' conviction will be the tax law passed b y ' Cong;resB PKGS A U parking areas is the meters. a simultaneous 18-month term for last October, It says that deduc. damage estimated at $300, and an- 2 "According to a parking sur- Barnes, Heidi Cole, Linda Mahqr, posal system. served concurrently with toe 21- other at 10 Robert Rd., caused by Herman Olson, chamber presi- conspiracy to fix his tax case monto sentence Imposed yester- tlons ' henceforth shall be based on vey. the town needs 1.000 new Judy Petersen, Judy Seavey and Raids on City Safid Assailed; through a $10,000 Convic- thatving a pipe with a blow torch, A&P INSTANT Karen 'Taggart. dent, said the proposed printing day. precise records rather than "rea- parking spaces. At an estimated tion on the consplrSiy count came sonable estimates” as in the past. damage at $50. 13'‘^O Z O O C cost of $1,000 per space, where plant is just 64 feet from toe Ver- NABISCO non town line on Rt. 30, and that last February in Federal Court In Under "reasonable estimates,” PKG 0 0 are we ever going to get enough PILOT DROWNS Orlowski Asks Police Patrols Boston. SALTINES 31' Choc. Drink SAN JUAN, P. R. (AP) — A a tie-in with toe city’s sewer lines some taxpayers have . estimated money to cover the cost without Spokesmen for tos IRS outlined their expenditures, given them a Bolton meter revenue?” fighter pilot from Ridgefield, would not mean that any proces- KEEBLER BANK Conn., drowned Tuesday when Some Olty Oiuncil members ex-^a reasonable distaivce apart was sing wastes, would go into toe toe action which wUl now take blanket label like "sales promo- Mahoney sold he hoped that the place against Bergman in this tion,” and claimed their deduc- BUTTER THINS 29' downtown district might some day dragged beneath the surface by pressed annoyance last night over lodged against Ragnar A. Abra- sewer system. Fife Extinguished; the apparent rapid loss of sand hamson, 21, of. 10'Lewis St., yes- fasUbn: tiilitt'i'mr/ tions. If challenged they needed SUNSHINE qualify for urban renewal, and rough surf while on a trip to the Olson said'toe proposed struc- '^1. An assessment of his total TONIGHT thru SATURDAY only to, make a reasonable that the proposed special taxing beach. The victim, Lt. Paul F. from sandboxes and over the re- terday around 10 p.m. after an ac- HI HO CRACKERS ' 37' STOCKS moval of sand from the city yard ture "looks like a school building" tax llabUlty covering the years "THE HAPPY PICTURE’* showing that the outlays were Spotlight Ignited It district, which would asisesB mer- Venus, 27, had been serving with cident on Bolton Rd., south of Val- on Went St. by persons said, to be ley Falls Rd. and that plans call for tos hiring Involved In alleged evasions of In- Jackie Gleason hi "ordinary and necessary" in the MEL-O-BIT AMERICAN chants to pay bond-financed off the Puerto Rico Air National mostly of local residents. come-taxes. Accordlrig to toe fed- pursuit of business. street parking, would fill in the conducting private sanding busi- Abrahamson, arrested by Con- ’HJIGO'T’ (In Color) Use of a spotlight to keep wa- CHEESE SIK E S NOW I0< OFF Guard since November 1961. Au- Asked why the firm did not lo-' eral indictmeot against Bergman, The day- to day record of busi- The investor whose primary gap between the removal of the nesses. stable John L^an, la due 4t the 6.-70-10:00 ter pipes from freezing caused a REGULAR PRICE! thorities said an unidentified man Alderman John Orlowski said cate on a Rt. 83 site in Vernon this comes to about $174,000, sJ- plus Richard Egan In ness travel which the nCw regu- fire last night at the home of Ray- AlP _____ meters and the complete renewal >vho tried to save Venus also ap- Jan. 22 Rockville seMlon of Clr' abjeedve is ospitel conservation the practice of raiding the city cult Court 12. which It had been interested Ifi, lowing credit for tax paymento he "500 BPARTANB^ lations require must be completed mond Negro, Hebron Rd., firemen JUICE TOMATO 1 QT U OZ CAN 29' of the area. parently drowned. Olson said the property had been and extra income now . . . but yard for sand by what he called Lehan reported Abrahamson’i did make. 8:10 within a couple of days after toe said. persons conducting private sand- car was heading north wlftn it "filled in" and that Todd Division 2. During this assessment, a de- expenditure was made and must The blaze broke out at about ANN PAGE, PREPARED who also is looking for capital ing businesses was going to t>e -skidded Into the rear of another felt that property of this tyi>e termination of items which could Include tbs following Information: 11:15 p.m. in the basement and SPAGHEHI 2 ”^^ 27' curtailed by increased police pa- could not accommodate the build- be claselfted aa fraudulent will al- 1. Amount. Each outlay must growth over the" yeara-... might car which had been driven off the traveled through partitions to the OUR OWN trols at the yard. roadside by M i^ ed Waldman, 48, ing it wanted to erect. Ifi addition so be made, and added to toe $174,- be noted separately, although upper part of the house. Firemen ANN PAGE 2 lb jir 79c do well to consider an investment NOW ! Alderman John Woron ox of 65 Waranoke Rd., Manchester. to this, tli^e would have been a 000. breakfast, lunch and dinner may had to rip out Insulation to get at PRESERVES 35' HEARTY & VIGOROUS [Hreased dismay at the number of 30-foot d ^ p on one side of toe 3. When both o f these Items be shown for each day as a single in a good bank stock. There are Chamber Secretary the flames, which caused exten- M^RCAL LEASING . . empty sandboxes around the city. Mrs. Helen Frank of Hurlburt building if It had located on Rt. 83, have been added together, a: penal- DINING and Item, "meals.” Small and Inciden- sive damage. A smoke ejector was a nuaibcT of banking institutions Woron, vVho said the sandboxes Rd., Tolland, has been retained as Olson reported. ty of 50 per cent is added to them, tal items also may be gn"ouped used In toe attic. TISSUES toilet 2 23' 1963 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL had just been filled recently, as- On another Item, Lavitt told the and toe IRS attempts to recover under, such headings as taxi fares. 100 BAG BOX whose shares we consider emin- secretary at the office of the Rock- DANCING The Andover Fire Department HEINZ f serted- they hod been emptied in ville Area Qhamber of Commerce, council that there will be a bond toe total amount, plus interest oh Ups, or gas and oil. short order by persona .who hauled 2. Time. The record must show was alerted tg stand by. Bolton’s KETCHUP 2 07 BOTS 49' ently luiuble for such purposes. according to Gloria ^ o t t i , cham- extension by the Rockville 'Water toe unpaid taxes. SATURDAY EVENING three pieces of equipment were at the sand away by the "truckload. and Aqueduct Co. so that repairs Sources close to the Bergman the dates of departure and return, ber manager. the sedhe. These are companies with ex- Orlowski also reported he had on the W. Main St. water line in- case indicate this total could be AT and the number of days spent Mrs. Frank succeeds Mrs. Vir- Tuesday at 2 a.m., firemen went M omut *>iwac a Mcme ma tonnm. oc. ttlknt earnings and dividend asked police to watch snow plow- ginia Seng, who has taken a posi- stallation can be carried opt In about $260,000, or more. awa„ from home on business. ing operations by private contrac- Bergman has paid the govern- 8.' Place—The city of destination to the Lopez home on Vernon Rd. tion as secretary to Everett Gard- late spring! tp make sure a beam fire was out facords and favorable prospeas tors. Frequently pile* of snow are ner, local surveyor. ------k ment back about $80,000 toward ARMANDO'S or area of travel. Super left on the. streets for removal by 4. Buriness purpose. The busi- that a repairman had ignited by for future performance. If you'd Hammer Relocates RE-ELEOT SHEA toe amount the government will the city, he said. finally say he owes. But, federal Routs No. s, East Windsor ness reason for the travel must accident with a torch. Atty. Harry Hammer has wt- HARTFORD (AP) — Demo- Next To.Boloh Motors Markets like to know more about banks Orlowski on other matters, said nounced the removal of his law of crats in toe House of Ropresbnta- officials say, this money is applied be .staled. the public works commission had first against penalties for evasion, Resorvattons: 289-1044 No longer will it be possible for WOMEN AND THEIR MONEY as iovemnent possibilities, give flcee from 32 Elm St. to 66 Park tlves of toe General Assembly selected a new $4,303" Iptemation St., Rockville. Atty. Hammer's and then against toe six per cent a traveler to deduct the full trans- ''ST . PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) have elected State Rep. William T. — Feminine investors approach US a call or drop in any time. al truck to be used -by "the public flew' offices are at the forijier lo- Shea of Meriden to a second term portation 'cost* to and from EXTRA SHAMPOO 60c SIZE & SPRAY SET SPECIAL works department. stock buying from a more emo- W e are proud to announce our Lincoln cation of the local draft board at at House Minority Leader. Miami, for , Instance, if he attends The truck was purchased from the corner of Pro-spect and Park 1963 session of the Legisla- a convention for a week and then tional standpoint than do men, STAMPS Halo 1.19 TOTAL VALUE BOTH FOR \ I / Coptinentel leasing program, unparalleled Goodhall^s Garage in Stafford Sts. t o r convenes next Wednesday. f stays on for two weeks of va- 300 women taking a course on fi- intlitf GtMseitaU J7 torjproviding fine-car transportation tailored Springs. Others who bid on the Government Forum ' Bhea was chosen, to continue in cation. nances were told here. truck were Fitzgerald Ford, Rock- Is Fun EvViry Wed.^ 4 Women buy shares only In a to your personal driving needs. Select either Lincoln Vernon First Selectman George the pqst he held during the 1981 He must pro-rate the transpor- ville, $3,962, and C3yde CJhevroIot, Rlsley, Rockville Mayor Leo B. session , by Democratic House DANCI N Thurs., Fri. and Sat, « tation expense If he devotes as company whose product they use EXTRA 22 OZ £ T C Continental model— the peerless sedan or America'* RockvlUe, $4,142. Orlowski said the much as 26 per cent of the trip and believe In, said William PUTNAM Flaherty Jr., and Donald Loverin, members at a caucus here -last< Says Your Friendly Host, Mike Stonko. , 4 STAMPS CAN only 4-door convertible. International cost more, but that past chairman of the Vernon Board night. to personal matters, if the whole Emerson, vice president of a New Lux Liquid Detergent 65' & CO. it was a heavier truck and had an of Fire Commissioners, will discuss 4 trip lasts longer than a week. York Investment house. Also, they "extra speed which would be help- Featuring-For Your Pleasurei In another regulation still to are much more likely than men 71 g emm n.. auNCHisua aspects of local government at a BOBBY GAYNE AND HIS' 4 Ml 1 -n si ful in getting up Rockville's Wlls." come, IRS will spell out Its rules to expect "to get rich quick” from Reporting on police matters, Young Republicans forum to' be an Investment. EXTRA held Jan. 10. Ibe event will start HAPPY NEW YEAR! "HARMONY JETS" 4 for Implementing one other Im- feaifcsri N»w Y»rk ttock Alderman Thomas McCusker STAMPS JANE PARKER EACH MORIARTY BROTHERS singled out . Patrolman George at 8 p.m. at the Vifrnon Public 0.AK GRILL— 30 Oak St.— MI 9-8100 4 Iced Layer Cake 69' Safety BuUdbtg. "l^rtfard County’* Oldest Comet— Lincoln Continental- Gardner for commendation in hav- o AMPLE REAR PARKING a 4 Open J . DiUly Mercury and Willys 4-Wheel Drive Vehicles Dealer" Up for discussion i^ll be UiF or- Prices shown 'In this euerenmd thru Sat., Jan. S & eflecu«t ALL A&P Super Markets In this tommunlty 4 vtahilti. ing helped capture a juvenile In We Cater to Parties and Gatheringa t Tobacco preducu 4 Items prohibited by liw exempt (rom Plaid Sump offer. IpoM ( : f 0 to • Thurs. Eva. connection with a break at the ganization,, responslblllUes and jur- ENDS SAT— A U . COLOR! I> 301 CENTER ST. ~ Ml 3-5135 isdiction o( the three local govern' Plan To Have Yoiir Holiday Party Here 1 “ Itallan-Amerlcan Friendship Club 4 OpoB t to 12 Saturday* on Kingsbury Ave. Gardner chased ments. The Young Republicans Jack Gleason Diane Baker pjl My>T-Fine the youth in a car for a distance, said th forum would be of particu- Kathy Kath BMi. EOgoa Dows Silv^rdust but because of Icy conditions, gave ^lar benefit to newer residents /in "GIGOT" ‘•800 Puddings up the chase but radioed the ^helping them understand function 8:00 SpartoBs" NEW HOURS ings of the governments and to en' 4:00-9:45 Hondi-Wrap Detergent ~ ASSORTID RAVORS license number to state police. OR LEMON PIE PI UI NO MoC^ker also reported that Pa- able tho. newcomers to "more ably III 100 FT AA C ' LARGE OPC trolmen John Bundy and Francis discuss any changes which may mi i ROLL 4 7 PKG w A Barbero were ndf'going to receive be proposed in the coming year. ' •» PKGS**' special training /at the Bethany A question and answer period will state police s c l^ I right away. follow the presentations- H T A M I- E V WARNER McCusker said the delay was due Program cHi(iirman is Marshall MONDAY ...... 9^5:30 Rinso Blue All Condensed Lux Liquid to sickness in the local depart- Welch, Wllshii'e Rd., Venjon, whb ment. . also is vice president of the YounY STATECE3 TUESDAY ...... 9-5:30 r Vernon Mishap Republicans. . / Shorn Tonliiit At fi. aad 4 Ji! Detergent Determent Detergent A charge of failure to drive at Rockville Arrest mry THURS., FRL M SAT. NI8HT WEDNESDAY ...... 9-5:30 LARGE A f C 12 OZ - J 7 C Orrih A. CovUle, $9, of 144 W. PKG CAN Main St., was arrested around 7:SQ to musk by Hw "THREESOME" THURSDAY ...... ' 9-9:00 — ------* II 1 p.ni. yeste^ay by Sgt. Georgb featoringr BUIy Nlmerofl and his Gtddra Tnaipett Personal Notices Trapp following a disturbance ' at FRIDAY ...... V... 9-5:30 his residence. Oovllle, charged "isir Spry Shortening Swan Liquid with'Intoxication and breach of the im iM M Fluffy All In Memoriam peace, posted a $100 bond for a SATURDAY 9-5:30 In lovlna msmory of James Hc~. Every Thun. '" It on Detergent Caujhey, who passed away January Jan. $2 appearance at the Rock PLUS 0 . o OO^HlT LARGE Q«C Vllle eession of Circuit Court IS.' REGULAR PRICE 12 OZ A j j : . N i g h t I s 3LB 7QC PKG It seems so strango that those w* Hospital Notes CAN need Admitted yesterday;' Harry iTa GECOACH ^ C A N r 7 And those we love the beet t ' '.I. " - Are just the ones God calls away Flamm, 22 Windermere Ave.'; LADIES' And takes them home to rest. RoMbn Summit Rd., Ver- To d ^vcers' non; Mrs. Ruth flocii NIGHT! , W k k tiq u ia Hondy Andy Personal Ivory Dotergent Liquid Cleaner Soop nNT'AlC QUART 7 AC ISOZ 4 AC , 28OZ SAC 1 CAN CULN . bot w Y' bot 0i7( 4 cakes26‘ I9 ' • ' . -I— f . “1 “1

S, #! •S-,i,

\ 4 >.


Senator Robert Kerr of Oklahoma reform process. .The usual Shape freedom. There is, of ooune, ex- ,;flla n rliP 0 tp r as a hero. Of the obstructive .wrench, back In cept for that one premise, nothing New Blizzard By his system of exchanging Connecticut the old days, waa that of some pro- sacrosanct about the new cou m . ttfM itttfii J l^ r a ld posal to make court reform"bet- favors with his colleagues, by his tef” than the reformers them- Hits England unabashed generosity as be ladled Yunkee selves^propoeed to make It. Pilot Dodges City taxpayer money out iftto pork Mow that reform la actually on barref projects, by his ability to By A. H. 0* the books, and that a minor court- LONDON (AP)—A new blluard We a gre e ...in ’6 3 ! [.TER In Crashing Jet PubUs make contributions to the poUtloal system which at l^ast pretends to swirled steadily down on southern jroODdad October 1. 1881 campaigns of colleagues less Looking forward to the 1963 be a modem reform system Is ac- Ikiglarid today, deepening the tually In operation, there la per- MAUBUr Cailf. (AP)—When his . Bv «7 Esenins Except session of the General Assembly, worst snow'In Britain's lOQ years wealthy than he, by his appafmt haps less need for automatic sus- engine fafied at 40,(XX> feet, an Air TO SHOP Holidays. Entered at the we, find it is more likely to be at Manchester Conn, as willingness to go for ,anything concerned with procedural and picion of those who still want to Force pilot pointed the nose of hla of recorded weather, history. MaU Matter. if somebody made It worth his technical adjustments of existing make it better. Many of the new FIDO jet fighter into the cknids in Oontinupus snowfalls wars fer«- a blind descent — and emerged TON RATES while in torins of future legisla- stote functions and institutions perfectionists, no doubt, come to cast fo r '' the rest of the day. yable in Advance t^ton with the declaration of new that role in all sincerity, with a from the overcast dlrecUy oter Weathermen said they could, see Carrier MaU tive power for himself, Senator FIRST NATIOEIAL ie Year ...... ^E,50 $32.po principle or the creation of new love for the good standing and im- the center of Los Angeles. no sign of a break In - the cold 8X Months ...... T.7B U.OOKerr waa able to reach, the statue fimctlons. provement of the Connecticut sys- Maj. Keith D. . Chrletsberg before next week... Three IKotiths ...... E90 8.B0 .One Month ...... 1.89 In which he was labeled' the im- There seems little question that tem.of justice, with a concern fob stayed at the controISr stretched, The temperalu'ra rose above -Wee'Weekly ‘ crowned king of the Senate, and •both the most absorbing, and the people and lawyers who do his glide as far as possible, arid freezing at only a' few places in AND business with these courts. But, In headed for the sea, 20 miles MEMBER OF it waa he who, holding no official also, unfortunately, the most con- the nation. < ' „.TtiB ASSOCIATED - --_ PRtaS- fusing single issue of this kind addition to the.se, there are al.so away. At least 17 dead^B were blamed The Associated Press ts exclusively position of leadership, had never- in the new session will concern those whose criticism of the new . He crossed the coastline At on the paralyzjrig weather, and entitled to the use of republtcatlon of theless become practical successor court system may actually'consti- Malib only 1,000 feet' up, fired all news dlscatchea credited to It or the fimctioning of Connecticut’s more were feared. ,/1 SAVETW ICE 2 V^ f p 3 AM % not otherwise credited In this paper to Lyndon Johnson. The Kennedy courts, on all levels. tute a compliment to it, just as his ejection seat, and parachuted and also the local news pubUshed here. Thousands of farm animals lay administration was forced to deal In contrast to the main court their opposition to the refonn in to the sea as his plane crashed dead In the snow. Thousands more All rinbts of republlcatlon of special— the first place waa vivid testimony offshore. He was picked up unin- LB dlsv«tches herein are also reserved. with him as If he were a sort of issue in Connecticut for the two were in danger unless food could dedades preceding the 1959 ses- of how great and long overdue was jured by a fishing boat minutes Readly-to-Cook Opens OfHc& Full service client of N. B. A. Serv- independent potentate: it per- be got to, them. Vegetables were Get the Very Best Dr. Robert Hi. Stanton iiaa be- ice Inc. sion—for all UiU time the Issue the need for it. With some critics, later. scarce and costly In shops.as--the suaded him to give up his long- the real motivation may not be so Mut np^ T e n d e r , M e ^ t y gun practice in Manchester ea a Ptihlishers Representatives. The waa primarily between civilian An Air Force spokesman snows ruined crops. Julius Mathews Special Agency—'—New time opposition to forelgm aid, but reformers and a political section much an impatience with the praised Chrletzberg’s heroism- In spedaliat In ebstetrica/ and gyne- York. Chicago, Detroit and Boston. of the legal profession which ^rilnor defects of the n^w court sys- The new blizzard struck first Stamps and the cology. Hla Office la art 183 Main MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF only by making special concessions staying with his plane. The major Wednesday night at the Isl^ of CracUL.ATTONS. waa reluctant tp acknowledge tem as it is a nostalgia fpr the was on a training mission from St. to the gas and oil industry in Wight, off the southern coast. even much need for reform or major defects of the old court sys- George Air Force Base, Vlctor- SPUt er CUT-UP 33. D r.' Stanton, 38, was bom in The Herald Printing Company Inc., .Then gales pushed the storm In- P>ittsfleld, Maas. He eanted a B.r assumes. no financial responsfbllUv for which his own fortune had been change—the new era of legisla- tem. vllle, Calif., wheii the iriciderit land. Lowest Price! degree aa a pre-medcall atudent a' typographical errors appearing In ag- made; the Kennedy administra- tive discussion of the Connecti- But between the possibility, on occurred Wednesday. lu mat cut courts seems likely to wind up iflghways that had been-plowed St. Mlolmel’a College In Vermon in The Manchester Evening Herald. tion never did find the price which the one hand, that the new court clear Wednesday were blocked ...... I ' y I I being primarily of, by, and among system is full of faults, and little in 1960^ and an M.D. degree fror. Display advertising closing hours: would soften his opposition to the lawyers themselves. ' F o g ‘ D r y i n g ’ T r i e d once more. Isolated communities \ B r e a s t Q u a r t e r s 4 1 < | L e g Q i i c l r t e r s » 3 7 < the Boatoji University School o: For Hondasr—1 p.m. Friday. else, and the posslbtlitv. on the medicare. As it progresaes it may or may were locked In even more tightly Medicine in 1955. For ^ esda y—1 p.m. Monday. • other hand, that all tfie present 2e ucALDEAL PACK V For wednmday— p.m. Tuesday. But If Senator Kerr seemed to not—we make . no prediction at criticism of the new system is PARIS — Airport Officials In by drifts that rose In some places He aeVVed an tntemahlp at to 25 feet. For Thursday—1 p.m. Wednesday, function with almost no principle stage— call all the original civilian really a complirrient to it and an Paris are experimenting with tur- Greenwich Hospital from lfl55-5r For Friday:—! p.m. Thursday. bojet engines to eliminate fog over London got only a moderate B a r b e c u e d C h i c k e n s AVAILABLE AT MOST STORES LB 6 3 < and the following year served • For Saturday—1 p.m. Friday. at all,- those who evaluated his m- reformers back Into harness, for indication that it Is working all too Classlfled deadline; 10:80 a.m. each an emergency profeclion of their well for some of the people who runways. The idea is to evapor- new snowfall during the night. Ford Dog Food 27< residency in Intaimal mesdlcinc. day of publlcatloa except Saturday — fluence seemed to think it came ate the fog. Seeding of wlntjCr fpgs But a film of hard-packed snow From 1957-60, he conducted gen- 9 a.m. big victory in the 1959 Session. practice in it, there is, of course, a 7c DEAL PACK out a slight degree on the side of One thing seems certain, and that middle ground, to which one hopes with special liquid-propane spray- and ice made the streets dan- eral practice In Greenwich. Thursday, January 8 the good. And, for that matter, is that ther are many varieties the Le^slature will find Its way’ ers is also being tried. gerous. FANCY BRISKET - FRO N T CUT He haa just oompleted a three- 3-LB CAN year residency In olwtefHca and his amoral functioning doee not and sources of discontent and and where one hopes it will re- Spry Shortening 79. criticism and advocacy of change gynecology at St. Raphael’a Hos- Escalating? compare unfavorably with the ac- main. among thq lawyers of the state, On this stretch of middle ground BLUE DETERGENT pital In New Haven. Many a year end appr^sal tual odnduot of some of his col- and that the confusion which thpre Is a sign which says that, Dr. Stanton la married to th'< which ftund ua momentarily "at leagues who claimed that their may result could be an advantage even were all the ^riticlsm of the LGE PNG former Mias Joyce M. Sheehey o ' 35. Burlington, Vt., and the couple ha peace” fai this world did so only own admiration and devotion to for the wicked. new court system conceded, even Silver Dust COBNED BiEF ‘•65 four children, Ann Katherine, f In the matter of court reform, by Ignoring the special kind of principle was responsible for were It all the horrible, unwieldy, Fragrant or Lavandar we have always characterized as super-expensive things Its worst st r aigh t cut l. 89. Chriatoptier^ James, 7; Jane Mar- war the United States Is trying to their enmity to Senator Kerr. wicked those members of the bar garlet, 4; and Shaun Patrick, 11^. critics say of it, this is still bet- O l O D O R I Z I l 7-OZ CAN 5 9 f fight in South Vietnam. Many of these, upon analysis, who specialized in giving prom- ter for the state than the system Renuiit The family Uvea at 23 Bruce Rd. EJvents yesterday reminded us of would not be found m position for inent Ifp service to the idea of re- It replaced. Any discussion which Low Sudsing this special war, lind raised, again, throwing stones at anybody. It is form while they were really busy keeps this main point clear should SHOULDER sHpplng monkey wrenches Into the C o lu m b i a the question of Just , how long Us sometimes more honest to play be allowed all kinds of range and 4 to 6 LBS . 4 3 < Ad D I T I K I I N T GIANT PKG 79. Sm oked Picnics vnlque character and status will the game as a game, as did the tor iamUy iiia, Ibe Colnnnal>t' Area Nursing Unit la^ bluff end hearty Senator Kerr, are os ttie water's edge of tiw M M ie Oeeei For Whilsr, Brighter Washes LB $ i | 6 5 The war we are fighting in than to put on the saoctlmonloua There’s 82S feet of private beach for sumiog . . . two H N A S T - BIG V A LU E sait-water pools. . . exciting social activities. De^sea W iii« B A G Mails Information Elouth Vietnam is unusual in that pretense and wait for the moment and golf nearby. Enioy east and informality, superb Fnb P i t i R G I N T LGE PKG 35. Frankfurts we do not admit It Is a war, and when nobody is watching. Those alcdonunodations and wonderful food. Opon Dae. ^ loApril K. 2 Tfie Rev.'John K. Honan, chair- In that we do not, except by spe- who had least use for him perhaps Write Dept. 19 for FREE color folder! 5c DEAL PACK 85 East Center St. man, has announced that thal office cial ruling, classify the American saw tn him, as if tn caricature, __ F. Dm S smM ml .PwiliiK First of the CAL Public Health Nursing At Summit St. EXTRA JlfC STAMPS men fighting in it as participants some portion of themselves. Vel L IQ U ID p r r i R O I N T 12 OZ BTL 32. Armour's Star L IV IU W U U S T LB 39< Service'has been opened M ,the hi a war. Lonergan BulUUng; 948 MAIM St., WEEKEND CASH AND CARRY SPECIAL! HOUJEHOljP DEODORIZER But the most unusual thing WllUmantic. Misa Matilda DTlKpo How Cold It Was about this w'ar and about our atti- em .1, Finast fulnnS LoafSliced Bacon B A C K l A Y LB 55. o f Hartford and Misa lillah Oarro tude toward it le that we some- Some of the calculations of the Florient . c a n 79* of Norwich will servo as nurses how expect that we can keep step- mra but to date no announcement has professional weatherman, h is $1.59 lolPAUMon n BEACHad SHORESes 2c DEAL PACK - With Bleach ~ O N I 8-«z pkg H N A S T ping up our participation in It Olive Loaf Sausage Meat H O N O U M A I D LB 35. been made-ateut a superviaor and buaness of highs and lows, can POMPONS BUNCH Riviera Beach, Florida • Phone Palm Beach, VI 4-5221 secretary to staff the office. Flyws without having the Communist somehow miss the middle-range describing the ivaw hurring pro- enemy increase his own Invee^ understandmg of his average audi- Ajnx cLMNiu 2 cwl 27. owi*N.. Franks gram are now being mailed to resi- meat in the struggle. We have ence. But when, over the recent 2 BATH BARS He Ot^EEN Cod Fillet .> 37. denta of Oolumbl^ Ashford and Lebanon from the office o f the seemed., to expect that we our-. weekend In which we accomplish- J 5 T A M P S . elves would be able to give our State Health Department. Mrs. ed the twm feats of moving from MANCHESTER SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION. INC. Pniniolive Soap 3 B A » 31. Henry Beck, ehairman. of the CAL allies, the regime In South Viet- one year tp another and one cli- education oonunlttoe, will meet nam, enough additional help to In- 1 BATH BARS 21c mate to another, the weatherman H O M IM A K B R / SAVI 29c P fO itu e m S p a e ia is / I with her co-meriibers, Mrs. OHver sure their victory, while the Com- made his calculation of ooeffl- Perry of Aahf<»d and Mrs. AvtUtir munist regime in North Vietnam I42nd SEMI-ANNUAL Beitder of Lebanon soon. denta and came up with the pro- Cashmere 3 .^, 31< Teacher Bettrea would conveniently hold its own nouncement that when you meas- Laundry DelargenI Mrs. Herbert Englert, Sr., of Rt. support of guerrilla operations in ured the temperature outside STATEMENT OF CONDITION Baked Beans 4 95* 87 was guest of honor at a tea giv- South Vietnam to the same level against the velocity of the wind en by Che honre iaoonomlcs students L IQ U ID 19 OZ BTl F IN A ST - ixperfly Seasoned S A V I ft at Rham on her retirement as a which existed before our own outside you came up with the Dynamo 49. entry Into the war. P E A RS mathematics toaxdier. ffiie was DECEMBER 31, 1962 I equivalent of 40 degrees below All Purpose 2 0-O Z feted by her associates at the high This has .always seemed a curi- zero, that was the wea^erman BTLS D'ANJOU - WESTERN school and presented with flowers ous confidence on our part. Per- sneaking a language aH of us un- L IQ U ID C L I A N I R 15 OZ BTL K o t c k l i p •'*** ^ AGGC by Charles Bailey, president of haps, however, It has begun to Ajax 39c Rham teacher’s association. derstood. Conditioned (or Ealing wear out, hi the face of continuing Orange, brahga-Pihaapple, Grape, Punch Mrs. Englert, who has long been If we didn’t understand H was For Children 2 29* Indications that our efforts in associated with Windham Com- to our own peril. If we somehow G AL munity Memorial Hospttai as a South Vietnam, to date, have not refused to believe him, we were Sonky PUN i A T H 10-OZ BTL 69c volunteer worker, will begin new succeeded in making any basic Lincoln JUICE DRINKS JUGS likely to find an automobile Im- duties in the credit department change in the situation. And what OFFICERS ASSETS BAGGIES FOOD WRAP BAGS • PKG OF 35 41c Briefs mobile after only an hour or two R IC H M O N D . French Style Emperor Grapes • 2 29* Ward Rosebrooks, chatmum of made news yesterday, in an en- In the open, we were likely to find the board of assessors, said that gagement only 40 miles from the First MortgagB Loans ...... ».$14,240,188.34. a pipe frbzen, or- a water tank JOHN H. HYDE Baggies i 29. flgures given to hiiri by the J. M. capital city of South Vietnam, 15V4 0 Z ' empty, or a house plant frozen. Chairman of the ^oahl Passbook L o t o s ...... 234,357.17, Cleminshaw Co., the flim recently waa the possibility that the Com- FELS NAPTHA HAND SOAP • X »ARS 2 2 c 5« DEAL PACK C A NS doing the ten-year revaluation'. One miscalculation we were not Breen Bedns 2 munist guerrillas, having already Uttuce Tifr 2 HO 29* Indicate the grand list will exceed' likely to make; we were not likely FHA Improvement Loans ...... 86,483.29 $7 million this year. succeeded tn stalemating our ef- ROBERT J. BOYCE Q R A N U L IS p f c 3 0 c F IN A ST - Delicious in Stews to be outdoors in that combination Instant Fels Lucius Robinson Jr., agent fo-' fort, are now beginning to build President U. S. Government and Corporate Bonds ...... 971,484.60 of temperature and wind and run LIQUID DETERGENT - 1.0c DEAL PACK the Zoning Cennmissiem, issue' up their own activity and their 16-OZ one buildix^ permit this month to the risk of frost bite. Quick as the. Federal Home Loan Bank S tock ...... 217,000.00 Tomatoes RED, RIPE CELLO PKG 23‘ Joseph Pepin of WiUimantic for own bdldness again. Yesterday, in CANS frost bite would have been, most BlMIL L. O. HOHENTHAL JR. Sliced CcM'i'ptD 2 a house to be built on Oakwoo^' a new kind of tactic, they shot up Cash on Hand and in B an k s...... 369,145.t7 G6ntl0 Fels oz btl 55< of us were quicker to acknowledge Vice President Lane, a cut-off of the old R t 6 an American fleet of troop-carry- Kind lo Your Hands K R A FT - Chocolate Covered at Hop River. defeat and weakness, and retreat ing helicopters, serving notice O ffice Building and Parking A r e a ...... /. 262,943.55 Trie Salvation Army fund drive indoors. that one of our chief strategies In DOROTHEA K. 8TAVNITSKY L IQ U ID D n i R O I N T 120Z BTL REG Is Jagging behind its 8400 quot: The fact 'which the weatherman Furniture and F ix tu re s ...... 4. 72,983.6.3 Swan 37. according to Mrs. Wilbur Fletch the guerrilla war ,may be nearing Secretary .y PKGS was emphasizing with his multi- Chocelates sr, treasiuvr. A total of $320 ha the end of ha practioal usefulness. other Assets ...... '...... 48,667.74 DETERGENT plication of temperature .times C A R R O TS been collected so far, and Mrs And, if the natural and traditional Perfect for Lunchei Fletcher has asked those who wind speed was that this was, in HENRY B. AGNEW ^ ------ escalation of war takes place, we All C O N D I N S R ) 24-OZ PKG 40. WESTERN wish to contribute to do so be- the way it felt and in its effects. Treasurer 1- l b ^ E c fore the end of the week. vill begin protecting our helicop- 125-n Just about the coldest sustained TOTAL ASSETS ...... $16,453,204.09 r .:IGENT Rich in Vitamin A CELLOS Dandridge Osmond of Whitney ters HTth fighter planes, the Com- W A X PAPER ROLLS weather any of us has ever known. Cut-Rite Rd. win assume the duties of as- munists might respond, and the HAROLD C. NORTON sistant scoutmastw for Trot^ 16?, Temperatures have, on numerous fluppy 3-LB PKG 7 9 c war could progress, le\’el by level, Assistant Treasurer All Meet Varieliei and Vegetable S A V I 9e temporarily. Lucien Levesque, occasions, and for some sustained 2 scoutmaster for the peut tw up toward the atom. DETERGENT period of time, gone 16 degrees years, and assistant for thre All this has, perhaps,, not' really lower. But winds never go higher, Campbell 2 6 9 . years before that,, is convalescin:. • begun to happen. What goes on ' JOHN A. Hpn^LUND LGE PKG ut his home after hospltaJizatior for any prolonged period of time. R(nso Blue ‘ P IN A S T — Regular or Craamy SAVI 2e In South Vietnam ts, we 3uppo.se,;,,suppovsc, ; • " Assistant Treasurer , Osmond is an Eagle Scout. K still basically one of those limited I ^ . Saturday « 4 LIABILITIES 15c DEAL PACK graduated from the University c little wan: which have been promi- to Monday noon. As the French Dressing 2 IS 3 9 . Connecticut this year and is wit Church-Reed in WUUmantlc. nent in the fancies of Kennedy ad- 'coefficient strengthened, so Surf D I T I R O I N T g i a n t PKG 57. Meat or Mushroom SAVI -2e There are 35 Scouts In the troo ministration mlliurv theorists-equl^•alent of 40 bejow. invad- Savings Accounts ...... •J|.. $14,429,350.07 and more adult lea^rshlp is neec Best For All Nice Washablas ed. CommltteemCh and parerit wars which we and our enemies' supposedly secure Mortgage Loans in Process...... 98,025.00 Bine Spaghetti Sauce”!Sf‘39 Are mipiKised to keep little and: was, of DIRECTORS have been assisting for the pas; LGE Just the Thing For the. Lunch Box ^ 2w - pkgii of-s .30 21c few weeks, subsUtitting fo- limited by some sort of common' Escrowed Funds of M ortgagors...... 162,104.94 Lux Flakes PKQ 3 6 ^ Levesqqa The troop meets at 7:3- consent ! damage were not encountered. pun. on ’H nu^ays in Yeoman ROBERT J. BOYCE Federal Home Loan Bank Advances ...... 300,000.00 The Liquid Way lo Your Cleanest Wash S A N D W IC H i A O S What happens in such a little” I We may be a little too numb to Cul-Rite 2 3 . Hall. limited war if one side or the ^ realize it, but this was one of HAYDEN L. GRISWbLD Other Liabilities ...... )(183.36 Wish L IQ U ID D IT I R G I N T PINT CAN 41. lo o k! ^y e upfo4&% Sfanciieater Ev«iin0 H enld Co- other begins to feel , itself kxsing-. I MAUDE R HILL Specific Reserves ...... lumbia correspondent Mm. Ed- that IS something that has riot yet ...... 8,125.94 d e o d o r a n t s o a p Prove n F o o t/ S p a e M ward Oarisoo, Mepboas 22B-S224. been determined. weather records—the conditions EMIL L. G. HOHENTHAL JFL produced by coefficients do not Reserve For Depreciation We happen to have a most un- HON. C3IARLES B. HOUSE ' Lil^uoy FIRE-KING reasonable and old-fashion^ fear really make, factual statistics- , Office Building___ J...... 66,562.28 3 .^3 5 . Art Course Set will be the weekend we will try to JOHN H. HYDE DEOeORANT SOAP’ Finast Waffles ^'10* •—that, in such a situation, the side ]^ m itu re and F ix tu re s ...... Of which found itself losing might be- describe when we want to tell MATTHEW M. MORIARTY . . 41,239.91 iwaason's 3'Course Dinners chi*kwvX'«*‘«v staoc pkg 89c For Lutz Adults gin to n^ke the war a little bit some younger gmeration how HAROLD b. N orton Reserve For Contingencies and Surplus . . ssssssssee 1,347,612.59 2 ^ 33. bigger and a little less limited, un- ree^ly colddt got once. An art appreciation &>une, open A U p O P A C lA l f l LAUNDRY DETERGENT S o iB B iS S jp m e t p im / to the adult membership of Lutz til the other aide, feeling itself be- b y A ^ p h o x H o o k i n g ^ Junior Museum, will begin Jan. r :f ginning to lose, wtmld also take ELMORE TURKINGTON' i L IQ U ID too EXTRA STAMPS 18 at trie museum. TOTAL LIABILITiES ...... $16,463^204.09 0 1 CAN StepA, tovtard a bigger and less A 'fou gh t for Todhy , All 75c iXTRA STAMPS Ten illustrated lectures will be JUDGE JOHN J. WALLETT 5 Plaoe*— One on Sofa Each Week. wifh limited war. TTia recent trend dl Sponsored by the . BlaiKdiesess -w- wm ITEMS USTED BELOW----- wonderM ,naw Dutwnt Teflon finith for quick given by John Greg^ropoulos, a the mlUtary news from South Oonnei] of ChitreMBa R. BRUC® WATKINS FOR YOU! member of the University of Oon- O m 32-ez bll neoticut Art School. Special em- Vietnam suggesU that the temp- Dial Dfodorant Soap 2 Mai:m 29f Finast Liquid Dstorgont and eofy cleaning. . . no Peking, no icour^‘ 1 THEODORE C. WRIGHT Cary'i AAapla Syrup ; n «i m 89g OM 32-oz bll Finest All-P urp o s e Cle aner phasis will be given to the baok- tation to both sides, to step things There is a story that comes out (Clip V a lu q b lo Coupon Below I NOW ON SALE ~ ITEM NO. 2 ground and history of art. up, is getting stronger and of the Civil War about an incident <^ry s Happy Jack Rancaka Syrup m-m m 39* ONi FINAST Tw o Crust, Lemon Pie '.The lecbures will bs held Fri- stTongw. in a Southern village when the chicxm thi sia swo icah V A Q T . R O U N D CASSER OLE day evenings from 8 to 6 o'clock. Light Ci)unl( Tuna oi 35* . FlrM , fighting was at its thickest. Right IXTRA d M STAMPS I NattaMl I Registration for the iiours* is open a ^ i e / i e 4 / G / t -fl white Solid Tuna” cmicsw o» / hi iia r oi csn 43* until Saturday, Jan. 12. in the heat of battle an old lady A Kind Of Hbniesty? Diatal'ic Tuna .[Chicmn o» thi sia ah oi cam 39* WITH ITEMS USTED m o w *1.39 Persona are asked to rcglstsr rushed out of her home waving a early, because the class slse wijl broom. A young soldier yelled, vS A V I M G S Durkea's Cocoanuf v-ei pu 31^ OMIl^ean Jo t Ben A m t Spray 100 2il GREEN STAMPS .57X1 ON SALE — HEM NO. t If you could ^ bring yourself to be ltmlte4. “Grandma, you .can’t ' fight with / Sunkist Oranga admiration -fSf a- big, hearty, .0,1/ L O A N 2 4 0ICAHI 35c e m 7-ez can Bon A m i Dust N ' W a x W H h th e Purcheso off $ 1 or *Moro 1 Q T . R O U N D CASSER OLE that.” Quickly *8116 replied, "But I A. ‘s <) c r \ I I (i N N a h ^ Premium SaifintB wealthy, purposefully generpus. can show which side I’m on.” * CURRENT f . m-oipkq 3ie dNSpMkiee Foremost M o K CUpt A N D TH IS C O U P O N Japan’s Ships in Red Wide ojpen personality w h o. could This is the kind of spirit the Imperial AAargarina _____ al special Inireduclory price VtMBg MB wo 40c pm Mb pke GoMon Ciiocolcito Gra h am Cookio4 MMMAKI AT VOU* MSt NATieNAl SUW MAMH 9 9 / TOKYO — Japanese ships bs b ltd ^ y amoral la his public Chilrch needs in its peopto at the Coupon Valid Through Saluiday, January S, 1961 start of a new year. Perhaps the A N N U A L JaD-O Chocolate Pudding md ia ipa c k 2 *KozpRas421c e m Mb leaf N n a st Choose Brood risdooly 47,976,000 tons of'th e poUeies and who apparently re- ' UMR OM TO AM AOWT CUytOMBi enm ewu Miucc»Ma wns at tiJf iach weapons at our dtspdsal are not Burry's Butter Cookies »«x fw-;29< PNi FINAST ’OnAMnB, MR AM TOIACCO BUMPT ROM RAMP qFFR 116,360,006 bona of goods Import- gardid.pilnciplss as luxuries to be MAIN OFPICB COVENTRY .BRANCH Lemon Cranch Lo a f sd by JeMn tn 1961->'-4 l per eani always the best, but it is far over- W« RESaVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTnlES PNipkeeTtf E^cebuiody at P int National I swapped in the first l^slaUve due for us to show, the CJmrch DIVIDEND' 1007 Main Street Shopping Center—Route 31 BRICES EFFECTIVE IN FIRST NATIONAL SUPER MARICEft ONLY Finast O ld Fashlened,,0onuts cofnpaipd with tbs previous yeer'a 48. Japanese bottoms oarrisd 5S.\ trade that came along—&en, ap- which side we're on .; CGARmiS. BEER A TOBACCO PROOuaS E X M FROM OFFER o m B-Inch Farm House Cre am Pie nraxiN Manchester, Conn. Coventry, Conn. ^^eenut, Chocelete, lemen, lenene, Strawberry - psr cent of cxpoits ooniperad nM you could have the late Rev. Roy R. Hiitcheon Wapping OooummMgr Churcb M.8 in IMl, Jboaa’e dMo- ,wi luEua an MOM 10 uMii gusMlnai t 5 S l V iiicii nmaeaiM a u i tiAnobM suw/iMdMfivfltAJC VMMVMO Ok : -j.y ■ ■m'

- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHEStER, COHN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1968 / IIANGHESTER EVENING HE1UU>. UANCBESTiSB. tX>NNw THU^D AY, JANUARY S. 196S year In tomorrow. Dues may be chairman; Mrs. Jay M. Frank, aec- pus Chrlstl,” F rank A lsklar will Jumor Dancers acat to David Thomas, 13 Lucien Install^Uon Set which Women m government .take of tomorrow than In the reewid tired rKIDNEYE retary; William Orr, fmanolal sec- Devotions Topic show elides on Corpus Chrlstl a more- personal approach thiui paopla tte i 1 wBapt h tr iaUMr," 8L ■ ■ ■ ., retary; jG. Ivsr Carteon, treasurer; he once quipped.' of yesterday, because out of tha Meifel T b m o r r d w Which he took .m Poland during men, female pollticlana attenillng Dick Powell and the'pre«mt a better.fu- snd aecretary,' • ihip coiTimittee chairman, will be final. . . ):• ..r,' If Uio New York governor; bay eaas't g«^jto^ ..^ i ; w ito^ Mrs. Elvira Anderson will be ''Eucharistic Devotions at "Women have a slightly differ- (Sobol's Flowers Dies of Cancer^ Danea Club will hold Ita flrat teens from 8 to 9;1S. All are giv- Ahio, Miaa muuui Wilkie, chap- moderator. ent attitude than men on subjects Powell'e fortune was immense' mlaae( hoI- again soon, to rebtlfy that e rto r.------Fbannaeg. Charlotte Glesen, veteran . state In 2-Day Coma from 7:48 to 10:16 p.m. at Ver- March 23. new'offlcsi's will be seated tonight son, aakiatant master of ceremo- p.m. at a meeting of the Guild of groups before the program. political leader, n ' ' ■ ' I1S2 BUBNStDB AVB. lyupood'a weafthlaat. He eras al* planok SohoM. Tha regular club nies; Jay M. Frank, outer guard; Our Lady of St. Bartholomew’s All women of the parish are BAST HABIYDBO most as/siKcessftil In real estaM (Oeatianed frsn Fags One) O n ' Feb. 31, the elut) .will epon- at 8 o’clock at Orange Hall. Mra. Paulin# R, Williams, like J*elevision that he might bid for It. But ha ^lar, Laa Pine M Wetherafleld, ■or a slelghrlde at Circle 8 Ranch Mrs. Harry Alberg, district Kent Carlson, inner guard; Mrs. Church at the church. invited. Mrs. Glesen a member of the city JA 8-5009 or Ml S-M18 (22) School! Batch WjU ... > (OontlBMd. Ami Pa«n Ow) aa he wiu In show busineae. has not closed the dodr agAliut •rill call for the dance, Viola T. Kress, financial secre- Speakers and their topics -^ill liriiveries Daily to Maaohsatei i HMjlUr (to p w €^ ) He bought Southern California lU own power to satliify theae First Arefi Twins In Hebron, followed by a dance deputy, and her ataff from IVeat council in her home toutp, i be- (24) Passing Kotea ' dn Musie suppdrtlng Rockefeller if he hluv AH ihambcra are invited. Ra- called by Pine. Pereons. who wish Hartford, will mstall Mra.. Ander- of hospital plan 2; and John be Geno - Andreinl, "High M a^;” WOMAN’S VIEW ( 3-12) Bister Ed fnant, was given A-aedative by tha land erhen it was cheap and sold hurnen wants at the local level." Nptkf lieves women seiVe more con- ----^ EeoiMmr ( S-40^S) The Nelson Faml.y self doesn't run. . To T o ^ G)u[ile ttashmenta wll be Mrved. to attend may sign up at the aon and Other office'n aa followa: elson, cultural'leader. Mrs. Charlea Hamilton, "Benedic- RICHMOND, Va.(AP)—Schools, scientiously than men In electi've ( 8-4043) Doana Reed Show *- doctor. . . '( '■ ’ it when values goobied. Eisenhower has kept his DoadUnii fCr thiea for the new Refreshments will be served. tion,” and Willlani Martens, "Cor- health and safety are fields'm (22) Biography Rockefeller certUnlyr agpeeta no dance tomorirow. Mrs. Lennart Toratenaon, vice -posUlons. ' ______. others at the be^de were Pow- ^?f“ ’*i**?**” ®f**i couiiael in the matter, but thwe] dissent from Senate: KepuhMcu WE HAVE DAILY Rf^d Herald Advi*. I BiiddtbwTy Bound (24) The Quiet War profeasionaiiy, the naMtoame six- ~ The first 4lfl,3 twins bom in the ’ ( 3-12) Perry Bason ell’s two brothers, Howard, WiU- footer ----- , ^ U o Ootwtoy 8:30 (10-22-30) Dr. Kildare sato.rtld- ■ Busmessman,•kkSeSTiSi i. i susplcloiv -nthnsiiisticuiiv that he migHl for House Republican Leader CharfSa *2** Greater Hartford" area were DELIVERY TO THE __[ ( a) Kown. aporta ii Watobw ( MO-53) L BauMM7 ( 3) The Detectives lUinois Central Railroad, and 'u -; Funei^l aervicea ■.will be con- ®ven Romney than believe that political leader A .". (ai) RolUO Jnootao.Ctab HOnao (18) SubscripSon TV ther, retired vice president ot the'ducted - Friday morning - a t Alll ions of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ben t o t ^ (24) Invitation To Art South American Division of Saints - . . —Eolscoual - dhurch”ln-- Sever- wound - up - .-. bidding-jj, against_ ea|)lt{‘avd the affirmative ^ t y \ r u » Jaoobs 98 Cuskman Pr. K I l9> ikdvoattroa.et TIim ( 8^0-53) My Three Bona ■ ^ther fo rth e nomination. lesaly to prune out vraateful ahd BOLTON WiU i jnim, — 2:30 (10-22-30) Hasel (C) i naUonal Harvester t3o.; Pospell’a ly Hills. Cremation will fonow at nonessential eNpendlturea of the .MIchaBl.weighed 4 poundi. two e u p AND REDOM COUPON . (U) Bonw and AU two children from his previous Forest Lawn It might have been Sen. Barry Bigger Values Ibr Bigger Savings M51 ( 8-4053) McHale's flavy \ oimoes, aiid waa bom at 7;4i a ; ^ Uoy Na»» (24) Trio \ marriage to actress Joan. Blondell Goldwater, R-Ari*., .speaking taxpayers' money.” ‘ir s v ...... 10:00 ( 3-12) The Nurses (0) \ when Rockefeller said: .The governor's call for ''fiscal yesterday at ML Sinai HoapltAli' AREA I T ta ( a) wynaWyntt Biatpmimiv . and Pamela, -an adiqited daugh- HORSEPLAY MUST STOP Hartford. David, walghlBg fouf ( 8-4053) Alcoa Premiere \ ter. "We should respect conserva- integrity" is attune to the Dirk- 100 EXTRA (a«)(Hi ntbo * Oreat Ideaa ^ (22-80) The Andy Williams \8()ow VERO bea ch. 'Fla. (AP) — pounds, 1 ounce, made hli arrivAl (It) Nowa. Sports A Waalbtr (C) ' Richard Keaith his 13-year-old tism—because we know the meas- sen-Halleck political theme soAg. 1 (10) “ • 11:00 ( 8-30:^10) News. Sports son, was at the home oif. Jhutlii Airport nuuiager Floyd Boyer ureless value that -je our^.herttaige Arid, of course. Rockefeller did two minutea later. - ‘ LSHOX I WeathVr says traffic is too hea'vy at the "hie twins are the first children rentos Beport 11:15 (10) Tonight (C) Dart, a close friend Ol Powell. to save, to cherish and' enrich— not neglect the liberals like Sepa S & H SYAM PS (J) Bo'—ibocHptton Tc IotWob (40) Steve Allen Show Vero Beach AlrpOrt^horse traffic Jacob. K. Javlts, R-N.Y., and of tha couple. Jacoha-la amployed 1,000’s Death came in a plush pent- because we believe that every- ph ar macy (B8) r o in ( 3) Thursdyr Starlight hou.se apartm ent into which U|e that is. thing that Is soundly built for the Clifford, P. Case, R-N.J., 'AWho by Paine, Webber, jTaieltson - and I with perckaM el *0 or iimk T:U taO) Ht» Sporu Onorm (30) Sports Roundup He said Wedneaday the airport future la built iA the present on.promise to be warm kupporters Curtis, brokers, of 107 Pearl St, (40) Evening Report 11:2U U2) Late Movie Powells had moved only a few 2(4 a AW Tik n . Coupon good Jon. 3 thru Jan. 5, 11)63. IJmit — — .. cronklle 11:80 ( 22-30) Tonight IC) da.vs earlier. i area has no fence around it and'the fotuxiations o(^ the past." |of biq bid for the presidential Hartford. HigMighm ( 8) Steve Allen Show Mr. ami Mrs. Jacoba tiava been One Coupon to a F^uully. Adults Onl.v. 12:50 (30) News and Weather Powell disclosed' last Sept. 27 horsemen are using the runways! Goldwater is the choice of ai nomination. / TB - Ml ( 4)8(4 . OF T -leatmy ______Country , 1:00 ( 8) Night Watch Theater that he had cancer of the lymph for riding strips. Boyar said he j great, many GOP conservatives I "We should respect libieraliam," married more than four anJ a half Btote Law: Cigarette*, Beer and F’air Traded items excluded 8KR »ATV(*v»ArH TV 1 r o B OOMPUBTK t^lSTINO glanda With characteristic op, intends to stop the horseplay, but! for their -party’s nomination. Hejhe said, "becausa we are more years. They moved ,ftnm New timUm, he announced that he he didn't say how. I la taking a look at the possibility I concerned with tha opportunities Haven four'Tears ag«i I from offer. / would lick it. / ■ He continued aq, president, of the EXTRA highly successful Four Star Tel- Radio evision, Inc. and kept filming his ' >•-' I'ra. (IH i ItoMaw iMiBiw otfy I «MVS broadesuits t ( 1* ay 15-a appearances as host of the top- Miglh. 8owe atatlolia cAiry r short oatvacaata). rated Dick Powell Show, a dram a winac-uai/ # 7:30 News of the World anthology series. i: STAMPS ^7:45 Sing Along V But in October hq annouqood 1:00 Kart Busaell 8:05 Pop Concert .:H|Nawa. Hffi OB . 9:06 Nlghtbeat he was stepping down as presi- 11 ;0O New deni of the highly-successful TV •:00 News . 1T:15 Sports Final studio and would become chair- t:U Paul Barrsy; Or. Albert 11:30 Starlight Serenade 1.00 News and S in Off man of the board. IA Iu TDi I w WPOP—1412 He still was optimistic about hia NO 8;lKrJoey Keynolda health. His doctor attbOunc^ CO-1 LIMITl ddtos 10.00 BUI Hugbea bait treatments had cleared up 3 1:00 Johnny Argo NO WINF—1282 the malignancies in the glands. ' 8:00 News. Wall Street Then came hospitalization fori COUPONS 8:15 Showcase 6:40 1-owell Thomas what at first appeared to be a NEEDED! wnc—1M8 7:00 Showcane muscle spasm ' Sadhv ' ...... i News, Sports and^xWeatber 8:00 The World Totalgbt out to be cancer of the lower KarfeetTBuslc 8:30 Showcaae back. Three Star Extra 11:00 News Enjoy Ojnversatlon Piece 13:30 B ln Oft , It was that last growth that > killed him. | MOTT'S "TENDER-TRIM" Powell was bom Nov. 14, 1904,' MEATS . . AND FILL YOUR Loony harcenie* pf^Ji962 in Mountain View. Ark. He did' his first rtoging in church choirs SAVER fOOKS FRESH SHOULDERS while attending Little Rock Col- lege. Then he became a crooner FASTER! with bands In Louisville and In Burglars at L^ast (OanappUa and attracted attention a.s a the'’ter master of ceremon LEAH TRIM ies -at the Stanley Theatre in --•^erfone gets the sm t fine norfi Pittsburgh. Left Kitchen Sink “The very llrsl girl performer FIRST A I ever intooduced from a stage Bmifeoe sheresthesghmlemi^^ Hr MEADEK O. PATTINOION yto why someone broke into their was a pretty but scrawny, red- Writtea____ . . . for _ Newapaper ______refuge and .rtole . A A l m a m wpuppy. ^ tiw v a a r 'rThey a e A s s Mare V m haiired Charteeton diihcer named FOOD SHORT SHAHK PORK Ealerpriae Aaaa. j^lven away“ ree for. the asking. Ginger Refers,” he once recalled. Srerye/ieei^eyt the seme trientffjfseivlee Soon carpe the talkiea and NEW YCWtK — i>eto»2eei Mw f o l l o w i n g traffic violation ago. PREEN STAMPS STORE OF MANCHESTER, INC. OMO has ooma Intoieisting aaglM: He is survived also by, a iii if A aiAa Ih Phllodolphlo, accuied of (ObhoMY '(Mt enm si..^nfNTv OFHterMMHa brother, Robert, an actor and, niii Is ifc« s«(si, fcicieM af ‘qslertieM csedklsM, IfWBIwg tm ftrnmo ti(dnts „2nis like Morgan, a golfing partner. V O O 6 ET A MiH's rasi set sf aiiy •fysrthsf ilssi, vse cm ttoBood to f t doya in Jail for Carson;« funeral will be con- Mobllhdaf HIGH QUALITY # GROCERIES • MEATS • PR^iOCE • LOW PRICES mti«2 a "RAIN CHIOr sotitNeg yse te Iks It adds up to T% yean, duc.ted Friday at Forest Lawn, " R A IltC H E C K aesdect sa .yaer aasi rsgelar (tail la Ihe 8isrs. tho oantonoa. the same day that rltei wlH b« DOUBLE S&H STAMPS EVERY WED. di l t r ol B b ViM- held for Dick Powell, »!■«« • can- . « » A Y r P.l^a-4 AT1HIDAY; TILL 6t3C^^^l»,M. aqwtMod aa aar^vletim. iJ


Hon ^Connecticut resldehts— about 40 per cent of the stete’S popula- j| tion—were protboted a n iiw t T w e T^es Jadotville Blast Deaths at 15^ 1 poUo virus with Sabin, vaccine \ during the year. They May Rur Mrs. Mary T ra y fli CD APPM ^fTSU N TS i In to Kolwezi Mrs. Mary Valentine ’Ipaygia, Cause Stitt Sought HARTFORD (AP) — Leo F. Minus Strikerr 72, of 15 Sherwood Circle, died McCrann, who retired Monday as yesterday after a, short illness. (Odatlaaed from Pace Om ) assistant Hartford school superin- (Coattanatf Irom P ar« One) (Ooatiaiwd iNns Tfb Om) She was bom in Lithuania- And (Continued from Page O n e). loading dock at the southeast tendent, was appointed today by V- Fluffing Feathers, cams to the United States mort* late for the Hai IXoceee corner of the building, said, "tVe rtem in Governor Dempsey to the State tions Wednesday 'w «r « wit^ th? M d a few hundred Katanga gen- than 50 years ago and to Man- which has Its head Civil Defense Advisory Council. year-old building, designated last were supposed to put some racki Hiunden. Guild only. ' \ darmes In Jadotville. U.N. ad- Finch Frees Feet chester In 1934 from West Suf- in a boxc&r. Before I . knew it I He will serve as director of adult nionth as a civil defense fallout * Msgr. Knott was releai The New York (niblUheri ) was named chairman of the coun- feet are frozen fast to a -unit in the basement and spread lly Life Bureau of the Nation Loco) 6 boa dtmanded a wap. . Lt. Gen. Prem Chend, Indian She' was a member of. St. c il to succeed the late Kenneth M. branch and it cannot fly a stifling blanket o v e r . the area. I was about to ,stiifocate. There Catho^ Welfare Conference in increase Of lia.to spread over tv U.N. commander in Katanga, de- away ? Bridget’s Church and of the Lith- Sister Juetlne at' St. Anthony was three or tour others down Singer, Greenwich. uanian Living Rosary Society. Waohuigton. years. T h e pre.strlke .averar scribed -the fighting aiong the I f it is a thinking goldfinch Hospital 'said. "W e were all" cry- there with me. screaming. I think bOsie wage was $141 week < She is sur\’ived by four sons, that’s how t broke my finger, dig- Jadotville road a.s the heaviest like ^ the one stuck on a ing and coughing" from the am- the day ahlft. . branch outside Seymour Edward Traygis, Frank Traygis monia coming from the lungs of ging to .get free." Tedesco QuU$ Practice Since clashe.s erupted into a third and William Traygis, all of Man- After the tl-20 offer was mad round of U.Ni-Katangan combat Smith's window here, itap- the injured men rushed to the John J. Callahan. 24, St. Mary- BRIDGEPORT (AP) — Mayor tht'PUbUahars' atatement said, plies its own de-icer.s. chester, and Felix TraygiS of Bol- emergency ward. ol-thb-Woods, who was one of two 'Tedeoco anrtounced today that as Fact-Findervl last Friday. ton; two daughters, Mrs. Joseph tentative oigreement was reach At least four iiTdian soldiers Smith disclosed today that Nurses donned respirator masks other men working on the dock of next TulMday, the day before with the Deliverers’ Union (Inc" Brizitis of Manchester and Mrs. with Fagg. was found dead 'in the have been killed' ^nfl 19 wounded. he watched a gold finch fight and oxygen equipment in order to he takes office as lieutenant goy-> on Increases of $6.60 in wages a Gives Jlecital William Bagley of Houston, Tex.; heap of concrete, steel and bricks The U.N. reported 18 Katangan furiously to free its legs from treat the patients. ; - emor, he will sever all connections Named in welfare payments over two yeai Mloi Dianna PlaAtv organist and a sister, Mrs. Katlierlne Rozenas Fagg, who was working on the seven hours later. dead and said its troops had cap- an icy branch. with the la w ' firm of Tedesco. plus a fourth week’s vacation r V dhoir director of Trinity Covenant of Worcester, Mass.; and eight Blawle and Belinkie, and wlH cease tured two white mercenaries, a Getting nowhere, the bird er 10 years' service at a tot- Church, will play in a dedicatory grandchildren. the prac^ce of law. Belgia.i and a Hungarian. finally relaxed, settled down department in Hartford. She was be held at East Cemetery, Man- cost of $10. organ recital at the church Sun- 'and puffed its feathers out The' funeral will be held Satur- The mayor said his decision Dock Strike On the financial front U.N. day at 8:15 at the Walter N. Le- also a former employe of the John chester, at the convenience of the "Settlements on this basis, day bA 4:80 pjn. around its frozen feet. The stems from the assumption of his Her program wiU include Bach’s soulrces in New York said they clerc Funeral Home, 23 Main St., L. Jenney Insurance agency In family. • extended to oil the newspaper u feathers did the trick. In 10 added duties ill the state position, "Prelude-in Fugue In B Flat Ma- expected Andre Van Roey, Bel- followed by a .solemn high Ma?s Manchester. She rejjraa tCrdm {Oontiaued from Page One) Iona, would have involved 1 minutes, the ice melted, The to which he was elected last No- jor (LltUe),’’ m h k ’s "CinUblle,’’ gian governor of the Bank of of requiem at St. Bridget's ChuCch work SIX years ago. creased costa of more than ; bird flew away. vember. And from the prospects for Guilmont’s "Sonata In C . Minor’ Katanga, to come to Leopoldville at 9 o'clock. Burial will be in St. Surviving are four sisters, Mrs. age of 60 cents an hour, including million a year,’’ the stateme’ greatly increased acUvitlea as the end several other compoaitlons by in a day or two for talks on Bridget's Cemetery. Walter Palmer and Mrs. Florence Funerals 26 cents in wages, oyer two years. said. 69' S au sages lift, identified as Peter Bowman, Warnef of East Hartford and Mrs. neral Home, 19 Ellington Ave., church’s Married Couples Club; a conditions, particularly at th< Jones and Paul Maneggla were ap good will of Katangan soldiers Nellie M. Dean of West Hartford. 600-student capacity, the board The recommendations are: pointed to serve on the jury com Onr best Step $ Shep learned of the holdup when he re- Rockville. The Rev, Winthrop Boy Scout leader: a member of the indicated. morning Plain Dealer, are hole’ (B«n«le«f Pork Bhould«r) And refugees at the border. Funeral services will be Satur- 1. All book balances should ))e mlttee for another year. A ll three SAVE 8o . . . tu-rned to the shopping plaza. He F. Farnsworth, pastor of the Society of Americ€Ui Engineers State Eklucation Commissioner ing up agreement on a contract Instead the soldiers, infuriated day at 2:30 p.m. at the Newkirk reconciled to bank balances have served on the committee for Rt| 2 for 4$e noUfied police. Rockville Baptist Church, will offi- and an active member of the Man- William J. Sanders said the State Wages are still unresolved 1; Cling Peaches at the sight of American and and Whitney Funeral Home. 776 chester High School monthly. Sliced Halibut Steaks "-bS Chief McNamaha said Mrs. Pom- ciate. Burial will be In Grove pro. Department of Education will sur- talks with both unions. several years. Irish passports, kept the r'eportcrs pano had telephoned her husband. Farmington Ave., West Hartford. Surviving, besides his father, are 2. Old outstanding checks should Both sides have recessed talk: First Selectmen Charles Rob- Hill Cemetery, Rockville. vey all of Connecticut to determine Save 4c . . . Reg. in a dung-floored shack for five Raymond, and was waiting in the The Rev. Richard B. Hardy of the his wife, Elizabeth Klien Daniel; a be eliminated periodically by a until Saturday. bins signed the contract with the hour.s and beat and threatened Friends may call at the funeral future institute locations. 2 for 4Be store for him. First Bapti.sl Church of West son. Dean Daniel, and a daughter, stop-payment order being placed Data 6x)oessing Corp. last night. them with guns. Wallace said he home tonight from 7 to 9 o'clock. pound CIS The Pompanos have three sons, Hartford will officiate. Donna Daniel, both of Manchester. on them at the bank. The contract, dated November 1, Friend Beans thought the end had come when ages 14, 16 and 18. B\irial will be in Spring Grove Robert Louis Berg Dual funeral services will be Shooting Victim Dies ^ 3. AiU'paynienLs ahould be «up- Rockville-Vernon 1M2, provides for three years they wer.e -taken to a glade where, Cemetery, Hartford, at the con- BRIDGEPORT (AP) — A 39- pmjisd' by detailed invoices and Pompano, a foreman at a New VERNON — Robert Louis Berg, held tonight at 8:30 at the Holmes service in mechsuilzlng accounting UTER CAKE MIXES they were told to remove their j venience of the family. yeai^old woman, Mrs. Lillian Mae ..payment should be withheld until clothes. ! Haven metal finishing company, 53, of Thrall Rd., died this morn- Funeral Home, 400 Main St., With procedures and preparing the alv Spvs lOo . . Regularly Friends may call at the funeral CEilling hours after 7 o’clock, and Lipscomb, shot five times by h «f such invoices are received. Macchi to Present stract and rate book at a cost of An Afriian major finally raced .said he wa.s "surprised and con- ing at Maacheeter Memorial Hos- v39o pkg fuselcked 35, years. He attended Vernon Congrega- The authorities said the couple control over ca.sh receipts. meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. at th< by the Manchester Flotilla of the American and British diplomats. | quarreled In Mrs. Lipscomb's Vitamin C for good health I ^ , ‘out Ek-hardt and Fazekas as the For 40 years, he had bean em- tional Church. The auditor's report, prepared town hall. U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary will two cool grunmen who passed a apartment a)x>ut a daughter who ployed as a salesman by the Red Besides his mother, he is sur- France Wants by Robert J Pue b Co. of Rock- Making the presentation will bf begin tonight at 7 at the com- Extra Tap Value Staaipa Extra staapa,with-a bag around from teller to teller had recently left home. ville, said that In general the city’s Cross Mattress Co., which later vived by his wife, Mrs. Helen W. A. J. Macchi of Hartford, struc- munity hkll. witk pkg Tendarattaa battle ef BO AHaela Indian River Grapelmit'iftH;'6»«»'59* Chain Coffee Parly while several b^nk patrons looked became the Englander Mat'.teas Berg, records had been well-maintained, tural engineer, who was hired b- ( oin. DlsijuBslon group 1 of St. Maurice Co., in the Boston area. thmeral services will be held ■ Mononucleosis Climbs and that the audit recommenda- the selectmen In Oetpber.' Fazekas and Erhardt have ad- Owii N-Force Church will meet tonight at 8 at Extra Staapaiirltli T ax Aids Dimes Drive Surviving are his wife,' Mrs.’ Saturday at 1:30 p.m. at., t h e HARTFO RD (A P ) — An addi- tions, from the preceding g|ear had Macchi has delivered a report ^ Alxtra Staapa with a Large Calif. Cauliflower M*d 39* mitted the robbery, police said. the home of Mrs. IFronk Manna, Elsie Plummer Hopan; three Holmee Funeral Home. 400' Main been conformed with.. of his survey findings, anfi It 1: Maatar tbf||dar battle at Llatarlaa During the questioning yester- tional five cases of mononucleosis Hebron Rd. nephews, William Neville of Man- St.. Manchester. The Rev. Allison Among other points brought out understood ths report cbntain Remember, you get TopValue Stamps, too! Mrs. Francis Mahoney, wife of day the two men told policfe they Despite Offer last week was reported today by tha mayor, wijl attend a coffee chester, William J. Uncles of West R. Heajis. pastor Of the Vernon the State Health Department. were: provisions for an elevator end fur- Manchester Evening Herald Bol Extra Staapa wHh a lb Extra Staapa with N b | IE ox had u.sed pp a sizable amount of Congregational Church, will o ffi- party at the Governor's Mansion Hartford, and Eldward Coyle of (Continued from Page One) .'f.. Dr. Franklin M- Foote, health 1. 'That tax anticipation borrow- ther recommendations for sand- Ion correspondeiit, Groce MoDer Napaa All Beef Fraaka pkg at Saowy Blaaoh money on a down payment for a ciate. Burial will be in Bast Ceme- ( In Hartford, for the benefit of the used car, a trip to New York, new Bridgeport." conunissioner, said the' number of ings for fiscal year totaled $303,- blasting the surface o f the bulld- mott, telephoM IfItolMlI 16666 March of Dimes, tomorrow at 2 A solemn Mass of requiem will terv, Manchester. cases in the state rose from 13 to 000, with the Interest costs placed Ing and for pointing up the ma- clothes, and gifts. yet been a decision one way or sonry. JjjP A ixtra tjiaapa with II tx. C AExIra Tap Valae Staapa with P-m. , be .said Saturday at 9 a.ih. at St. Friends may call at the funeral the other'. at $2,987. . . Police would hoit say how they home tomorrow from 3 to 5 and 7 ^8- IS ^ ^ p k g I t p M Bald ChIr gal. Sta Faf SeHaRar Mrs. Mahoney in turn will give got the tip that broke the case. John the Evangelist Church in One official said that there is no He also said statistics ' for 11 2. That the conduct of the tax Among the reasons for the sur- a coffee party for the benefit of Wellesley Hills. Burial will be in to 9 p.m., Meeting Planned They said Elrhardt has .served contradiction between the Ameri- months of 1962 showed 710 cases, collector’s office reflected "com- L determine C A ixtra Slaapa with pkg *f C A lxtra Staapa with king alia pk tha medical research foundation. SI.'James' Cemetery, Manchester, compared with 641 cases for all of whether the building could accom- Upton Tea sentences in San Quentin;' Pennsyl- Mrs. Jennie S. Ferris can offer and De Gaulle's deter- mendable collection effort and coni Bind her guests will hold their own vania State Prison, and a Connect- friends may call at Waterman's 1961. Infectious mononucleosis, he momte both the town office apace By Organ Society ^ ^ D a a r f a t t Saaaaga Llaka ^ Datargant Mrs. Jennie S. Davis Ferrla 96, mination to build a national force, scientlouB application of collection Crisco Shortening !!!; 33c L. 86c There's more tee taste coffee parties later hi the month. icut jail on vurious convictions. Funeral Home,.Wellesley Hills, to- too. said, has been on the increase in and bookkeeping procedures.” and Superior Court raciimes.facilities. First morrow from 3'to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. formerly of Manchester, died Tues- Anyone Interested may contact Fazekas is currently on probation the last decade. ,. T... o,.' -A . her. day at a nursing home In Eastham, Peyrefltte stressed that Prance The January meetfog of the from Circuit Court op a charge of Donations miiy be made to the Infectious hepatitis cases rose 83c r,7 65c Heading arrangements for the heart fpnd. Cape Cod, Mass., where she had remains strongly attached to the vlUe Redevelopment A g e n c y Manchester chapter, Hammond breaking and €T»teripjg, they said. from 10- to 12 during the week. noted that .unless the town pro- chain of parties is Mrs. Robert B. The W. P. Qtiish Funeral Home, been a patient since March 19M. principle of an independent .' de- showed that in a minority of in- Organ Society, will be held 'Satur- Fluffo Shortening 1!! 35c !'» 80c Charged with violating the fed- fense. Mumps were up from 84 to 113 Jided more sutUble facillUes for Weiss of Windsor. 225 Main St., is handling local ar- She was born. In South Mlui- sUbces, payments were made on day at 8 p.m. at the Watkins Bros, eral bank robbery statute, the men and measles from 41 to 64. ‘ Court, the court rangements. chester, Feb. 11, 1866, daughter of Defense Minister Pierre Mess- some -oontractual obligations be- might locate In some other cotn- department store. waived examination last' night at mer reported that a French-built Streptococcal sore throats de- fore being formally approyed. Club membdrs will .provide the Kaiser NO ADVICE NEEDED a prelimiresry arrignment before the late Joseph Thompson and munlty. missile, operating on solid fuel, clined from 314 to 208. 4. That , the office of building In- Sunshine Hydrox Cookies ^p.dlt,a 49c Comet 231c 23c W ASH ING TO N (A P )— U.8. the U.S. Comml.ssioner. .Miss Mae V. O’Connell Sarah Ann Bennet Davis. Mocchl’s presentaUon also will program. Broiler Foil had been successfully tested 10 Membefri will wear their name Ambassador Foy D. Kohler did They were placed in the stale Mis.-! Mae V. O'Connell, 67, of In 1895, she and William S. Eer- spector reflected commendable ef- oupns costs and posslbls alter- Educator Crackerama 49c Dole Pineapple Slices 2 *^„J'39c ■ V not ask for- instrucflons from ris were married. Her husband days ago in the Sahara. The infor- fort In the collection of 'lOO per natee. - toga. Members .without tags will ®tt d/V- jail here to await an appearance 17 Holl'ister St., died early this 2*Year Frolic Record 14 " by 20 f f . * t U C tke $tat« Department before in U.S. Dustrict Court. Their bond morning- at Manchester Memorial died in 1911. mation minister gave no details, H ARTFO RD (A P ) — For the cent of current sewer privileges, Im given them. Star-Kist-Light Tuna 35c Burry Thins ,oVJsi. Mr. Clean JLU 39c ;‘.»6lc tumlng over t« Soviet officials was set at $50,000 apiece. Hospital after a short illness.. She joined South Methodist but nonetheless left the impression first time in its recorded health In addition to past due amounts. RefreShqients will be served. Del Monte Zucchini ‘L“ 27c the Siberian peasaats seeking She was bom in Manchester Church In 1885, and was a long- that France might be able to' uti- history. Connecticut hs* gone two 6. That in one instance, the se- Swanson TV Dinners y^^'SSc Tidy Home j*** 21c ' rafufci today In the U.s; Em- June 30, 1895, daughter of the time member. lize this missile as the delivery, consecutive years without a polio quence of premimbered tickets for Aliout Town /elf Have Weather Eye bawytln Moscow: State. De- late Patrick O'Connell and Bridg- Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. vehicle for its own nuclear war- death. the swimming pool was broken and Hormel yatrtaM$it officials aald^. Kohler et Shea O'Connell, John B. Curtiss of Eastham, with heads. The Stats Heglth. Department the tickets- w ei* unaccounted for. George Inn Cookie 39c Cheerw »>*• 35c ’'M ; '’’ “83c Public Records The Cburch Women o* CHICAGO—Tlw radar weather Ivory Liquid 37c 65c‘i,“ 93c Davilad Spam Spread - b s M In accordance with the ^flss O'Connell was a Yoteran of whom she had made her home also said. In a, summary of 1962, A dupUcate deposit o l^ was pre- Lutliaran Mtaciple that the United States C o i^ rd ia Lut^m m Church will eye of a nMMlem jet jdrllner con- V^orld War ,1. during which she since 1942; a stepdaughter, Mrs. JSTERNAL TRIANGLE that only two polio cases were re- pared for the approodinate amqunt stantly scons meteorological con- lo M M t recognise grmnttng Warrantee Deeds served as a female yeoman in the Elsie Gregory of Springfield, NEW YORK (AB) — The Gov- of the mlsalng ticket, but the dii- m ^ to m o rro w ^ a t'Iia o p.m. at tlio DOG FOOD 0 0 7 - wqrhm by embassies dr contu- p ^ e d during thb yegr. church for eledUnr a ditions I N mllss shiaed and out- 2 - U 39c Milo B. Deckef and Emma\T. U.S. Navy. Maas., anfi a stepson,, Charies H. ernor cainton Hotel has an- posit was not credited to the swihl- thataUinc Alpo ■ Uvar ^ leasa OVC |4i/i aacaa i t / C Dash »,^?k,4ICiipi, B2c ut $2.39, Ivory Snow 35c '"m 84c Iffr hMeoa. Therefore, they said 'TOe d^ioitment sold peryistent ofTlcers. M n ; d w a t d Kehl onH lines thsni on a scop# on tha fight DecHer to Alexander J. Matthew For 25 years, she was employ- Eeiris of West Springfield, Moss., nounced tha^ It wiU provide free ming pool account. Ihqufry at Uie “ waa ns aecd-for spikiMlc and Jeanite B. Matthew; property atote and looal Inununiaatim ef- har oonunMUa win serva refroOh- dlKk: Tldt lets ths captain adjust ed in civil service, as a depart- and Dunedin, Ela^ dlapfr service for guesta Under forts hod greatly reduced polio as bonk reyoaled that Uda deposit Ms floures to avoid uneomfortoble at 275 'Vernon St, , ment heOjd of the internal revenue mmu. All Cor^rdia women or* Private ^mmittal serviced will four years of age.’ a public health threat One mil- was never ntade. uivitecL ' wiMitlier patdios. ■ ■ • : ' — r 1 ^ . J ' r.- , :. .A,. •^•^—d

■*l '■' t

S--- • ' ■ PAOB TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN- THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1968 MANCHESTER EVEHlNd HERALD. UAMCUB8TER. 001^- THURSDAY. JANUARY 8. 1968 PAGE ILSVM K • f TS " DAILY, CROSS WORD PUZZLE LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR B^ ' FLE Save C a sh .. Q e t W o rld Qre en Stamps, T o o l T U B j f V S * ^ o TM A TS W H V Biltilife I HERBS A MEMi PteMMY RISWC) 1 * ? ^ i r f M A M W W AS Th e Baby Has CLBAR'SSBDAMO FRO/W TUB /WIEW-~-WALt>Qi/p;^|^,. 4 Bipafactr HAcklewbm'5 wifb 6 A S S Y O M kI b W ACIOBS S B A ( ? i O A V / w r r w 8 Legal point tBIG C A O B A T H IM S H E A K i t O O Ij^H t tM a i e n b e r a n o t f HkDRfi457S t h b o w l s ' b e b r ^ t H B W IN D O W OM 4SaaaaylM 7 Night before an Named.- S E A R 'S E V e .'M E H A D T H I FUND HI-3ACKBD, ' arent _____ Z, • ------Z AS i^W eV FOR IU e 0NL6| HIMA "THBIR WKW/HOST, gin flrm 8 A S* 4 e r OMaecuUne C L 0 8 P A R .T / , B U T S M B H A N « B E B N a s infltac FBW OWDBRLYASA u r u q a U r a C I Q H e a g Mow TH O t X S M T H E 'D B B E iN i BDUNCCR^ WEEKS BUGLS BUNNY HOLtMtoe c3or on at Allan LydaU Cone and Na- C O F O v / S K m O M / « H B (?, U 31 l u n r fdlow teV*; C|Atn WMkdmu Bretton Rd. She waa bom pec. 33MeiiI IS at MaaoltiMer Manorial BoaiKtal. Her maternal fran^Par- I'L L N NOW TURN L E F T HERE 16 34 Nautical term HAVE US I THINK I'V E SPOTTED TH B UT I'M SURPRISED 17_____ ^ 41B a c W l l U w ; * M k ante ®yarirtt Woodman, OreM Neck. L. I., M H a a tiiic derlei a 25 Topers 'Z THINK W V E BACK ON A^AIN HIGHWAY THROUGH THERE'S SO LITTLE SStIrelandraland 48n A a m a B 0l « 111 N. T. li^M tem al (landmottwr ia Mre. male Gone, isirsum- iOTn u t a n mlt 8t . hia two brothera, Bteven, 13, and Thoniaa, 11; aM aOTTEN US LOST, COUPSE IN TRA F FICl a - taro aMerW, VOU WASCAL! A JI F F Y ,' 34 Wl 4, and Oathryn, t. P O P U L A R 35 Ai e • a e a Ll DOCSTUPN IS a S S u ' « i a i M ner** HERE 38 DitpattioiMla s iS o rin d in d y a 48R a ll a f iw a p CSkrtea, aon.M CUnton Q. Helm and Virginia S3Baandaiy rortsr Hrin, Kouatun St., BUngton. Ha waa bom Dec. 39 et (comb. fMmi) 40Ete mlty 40Sola rdIik iOAgalnm M A R K E TS S3 U|ht touch MhlriheaUrMenortal HbemlUl. Hia maternal tmndparenta are 38---- dlnal r" r~3“ 4r 1 . 1r r Mir. add fUetaard C, Poiter. Wamang. Hla paternal grand- 38Hatal notlier to Mn. Hannah Haim. Roclr^la Ha hew two brothera. 87 Brow It IT 14 David Omdoii. 6, and Soott Jaffray, 3^. l i l i i thiee wajn ^ Check the Values .! o (comb, form) If lOhouU 18 18 ' Levine, Marilyn Wynne, daughter'ot HatoM H. Levine and 4SNimU AnneOe Hobda Levine, Hillalda Ave., Vernon. She waa bom It i 21 Dec. » at Manoheater Manorial HoapiUL Her maternal grand- _ ^ I 6 6 S zr mother to M ra Jean Degnan, Vernon. Her patm al grandpar- V Check the Savings s..! CftACKS 47Riitrict etota are Mr. and Mn. FMUtp Levine, Milwaukee. Wic. She haa AS "TH B 80 Capacity a u or • atoter, Sharon Marie, 3H. MV6TERV= ' measure / 21 2e27 OPEN 54PUlar / , a "' • • • • ALLY OOP BY V. T. HAM LIN 85Vatt4 a : WUIUnafc Sentt Andrew, aon of Dr. Edward A. WUUama Jr. Check the Qudlity...! 80 Ago II and Agnea Barlea, WlUlama, IBS Spencer St Ha waa born Dae. OO^cn sr 37 at .Mancbeater Memorial Hoapltal. Hla maternal grandpar- WES!, THURS. s o OOP WOUND t Ha t s r i g h t , :;’WAY BACK. IN G EE, TM GLAD TH W O lTO U UP IN NORTH D O C, NEAR MY H E A D CRITTER TOOK OFF ...WHICH REMINDS CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER «3B inlc fly tt ento are Mr. and Mra Andrew' Bsrlee, Hartford. Hla paternal AFRICA, EH? TH E TOWN THAT RINGS '3TEPDA TRYIN' TO ME, I COULD DO " thiougb the rram^NumU are Mr. and Mra Edward A. WUHana Waat HaK- a*d FRIDAY O F SILENE*... A BELL... SHARPEN HIS WITH A BITE 48 48 lard. Ha hag a brother. Edwwd A DO, 3; and a aiater, Edna, 3. BUT I CAN'T MOLARS ON M E .', MYSELFT es Small toDor PLACE IT.' 64Shcrtlackata XT 4t 4t BA ITw 48N0W Qn l n a a Pokey, Miark KeauMth, aon of Donald Richard Diibay and poet W u Mary L. Dennano Duhay, 14 Highland St. He wae bom Jan. 1 till 9 P.K |IN ’63, MAKE YOUR MOVE TO POPULAR D 077N at Mandhaater Memorial HoapiUl. Hia maternal grandfather la llliUtaiy tA ti U Alexander Denneno, 43 Dougherty St. Hie paternal grand- ■mlstant mother to Mre. Lauria Dubay, Baet Hartford. He hae a broth- SlMatlnctyait 83 84 er, Donald JOaeph. and a aiater, Sueenne Roae. SShaip N* 3 T H K Oiark, Lien Ann,' daughter of Gordon Richard Oaric, and BUMBLE BEE Evelyn R. Oomeau CSark, Middle Rd., BRingtan. She waa bom PROGRESSO C A R N A TIO N 1^ 30 at Mancheater Memorial Hoepital. Her maternal grand- W HITE MEAT * A GREAT PART O F OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS irehte'are Mr. and Mra.. Frederick'Comeau, Haverhill, Mass. ITALIAN EVAP. NORTH AFRICA W AS Ser paternal grandparent* are Mr. and Mre. Raymond Clark, THEN KNOWN AS UBVA • Ellington. She has three btothera. Dale, 11, Richard, 10, and » m» w MIA. Im. TM U| UB OH ' SAY.yOUCEKTAIWLy VEAH--I .A uTTLi RasTLaearBoy^ Blair, S; and a alvter, Linda, 7, L M AKE A MESS OUT <3UESS THATS A PULL SCALE REVOLT • ' • at • • OF TOUR bed/ rr 1 M U S T OF MATTER OVER MINP/ HaB, Soann Bfarguertte, daughter of Robert M. Hall and PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VBRML,<]R LOOKS LIKE YOU (3 BTA ABOUT THE ONLY TIME MUST HAVE BEEN LITTLE VDUR HULK SETS AMV Olajrre B. HIU Hall, 11 Ford' St. She waa bora Dec. 31 at Ma«- TOMATOES TUNA TOSSINa AND RESTLESS MUCH -NEEDED EXER- oheater Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandmother U Mra. «E DIDN’T KN TURNING, ALL IN MV CISE IS WHEN VDU'RE Marguortte Hill, Stutbridge, Maaa. Her ptfteraal grandparents WHICH WAV' NIOHT/ SLEEP/ ASLEEP AM’ CANT era Mr* and Mrii. Maioolm Hall, Fiekdale. Maaa. She has two 7^ ^ S O U T T M ? PREVENT IT/ „ hrottieM, Robert. M. Jr., 7H, and David M., 3; and two Mstere, Cynthia Anne, 9, and Bliaabeth M., 1. . . . $.4 <% 35 01. • * • • • 5 U .?;, *4 Cans I Botterton, Lorrle Ann, daughter of Charles R. Botterton and Lorraine A. Mitchell Botterton, 75 Finley S't. She Waa bom Dec. M A R C-’ I 37 at Mancheeter Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandpar- ents are .Mr. and Mra. C. R. Mitchell, 137 Pine St. Her pa- 3 ternal grandpariints are Mr. end Mra.' C. E Botterton, 67 Au- 4 turtm SL . Welle. BoUie FaMo, daughter of Jack WiiUem Wells and NAPIER Cayto Farmer Wells, 73 Spring SL She was bom Dec. 29 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents Are C UT W A X or D O L E Mr. and Mr*. L B. Fanner. Valdosta. Oa. Her paternal grand- CALO parim|4 are Mr. and Mra William WeMs, Rockville.* 725 Middle T urnpike East P IN E A W LE- >llowwt«.hc.Tj4.i-ttr-M. ***** D O G e r C A T r Eichard JCias Ardlia daughter of Normand H. Rldlard and G R A P E F RUIT Mildred Ardis Rlchanl. 151 Center 8t. She was bora Jen. 1 at IN M A N C H E S TE R GREEN BONNIE Manchester Memorial JIospiteL She has three brottiera OiHee, • mikyNIA.lM.TMIil.tU.Nt. on. 1/^3 20, P a n t 17, and Peter, 14. « • • • • FOOD ‘My ailment l« so new the doctor hasn't decided on WORLD DREEN STAMP REDEMPTION BEANS VUOU)/ D ID EVEN OUR T H E R E ' T H A T ) y SjodicaM, Im McVeigh, Seen.Jemea, son of Edward H. MeVrigh and Dan- D R IN K IT GNOW VJELCOME MAT- the fee for It yet!” eMe Korytkowski McVeigh, 13 Conway Rd. He was V »n Dec. 28 S H O U L D DO at Mancheater M ^orial Hoepital. He has a brother, Kevin CENTER NEXT TO PO PUUR MARKET LAST NIGHT/ IS COVERED/ T H E T R I C K ! 'S la iu it heroes ARE MADE-NOT BORN j j U y y Giant Edward, 10. Wh ox. lall $ n ttolvatore, Paul WUUem, aon of Roeoo Salvator and Carol , Cans' BOuaquet Salvatore. 150 Oakland St. He wae bom Dec. 38 at BEN CASEY Mandiester Memorial Hospital. Hto maternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. William BousquBt, 97 Hackmatack St. His pater- 10 nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krebs, Stafford Sprlng;a. TH e CRITICAL OPERATION B EGINS.... JU S T THIS ONCE, X He has two brottheru. Steven, 8%, and Gary, 3. [ WANT MV HEAP TO Elberta Peaches PE WRONG / AND. Topping, John David, son of William John Topping Jr. ^ MV H E A R T! Joan Mary Bandro 'Topping, 38 Hillside St. He wae bora Doc. WYLER'S NAPIER HOMEMAKER RIGHT... 29 at Manchester Memorial Hoepital. His mateniel grandmother FREESTONE L q e . $ , to Mrs. Jean Veochlo, 28 W. Center St. His paternal grandpar- MIXED PIECES BOSTON ents lire Mr, and Mre. William Topping, 19 Wadsworth St. He haa a btxrtber, 'Thomas Michael, 8H; and a sister, Linda Jean, 9. IN HEA VY SYRUP • * • • • BY PACKERS O F SOUP MIX Bouchard, PhllUp Alan, son o f Antoine J.. Bouchard and Bea- CHICKEN NOODLE, POTATO S W E ET BAKED D a M O NTE SHORT RIB5 BY FRANK O’NEAJ trice M. Houle Bouchard, 426 W. Middle 'Tpke. He was bom CHICKEN RICE IJec. M st Manchester Memorial Hospital. Hie maternal grand- BEEF NOODLE r n c m r s n s i parents are Mr. and Mrs. Albert Houle, Bristol. Hla paternal P E A S CHINA IS rvWRE KIDDING/ grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dennis BouChard, 383 Cuter St. BEANS t ort'iDiHTaiisr lookmujis S e N PlNS R O C K ^ I C ) C\iBk! RECONNMSSAMOE ?H(SM &n! He has a brother. Dennis Albert. 31 months. Pi-k.*,,, 4 4 9 * or Geld Baker, tHmiel Patrick, son of James E. Baker and Catherine DIAL SOAP Lge. J , 4 serve A. Fay Baker, 13 St. Lawrence St. Ha was bomUse. 27 at $ . 22 oz, Manchester Memorial HoepiUl. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John P. Fay, 404 WethereH St, His paternal P o t s (I grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Baker Sr., RockvlHe. A w EATKA dlAMrS I A |WE X TR A STA M P S » » • • • 10 MORTY MEEKLE WI TH SPe SIZE BY DICK CAVALLI ' netoher, Holly Lyane, daughter of George Raymond Flet- ” 3 ' WITH PKG. I ^ 4 cher and Nancy Carolyn Nqyee Fletcher, 8 Ward St., Rockville. ^ ^ ARMOUR FRANKS \ ^ ^ ALKA SfLTZn Her im jB Q O C O R E fiS C m She waa born Dec. 28 at Manchester Memorial He Q JSSIh THERE... Ceonge A. Fletcher, Wapplng. She haa a sister. .-- Juke - Ann, 20 ux©&-eN0w«? tndntha. SELECTED C H O IC TH U S K E T • • * • • BUZZ SAW YER BY ROY CRANE mxH... I HATC m. Brodenr, Dorienne Lee, daughter of Robert B. Brodeur and Claudia F. Browh Brodeur, 42 Miurgaret Rd. She w»a bom Dec. Cortland Apples UDPENIY: 30 at Manchester Memorial HospRal. Her maternal grsndpar- U anU are, Mr. and Mr*. Robert W. Brodeur, 60 Tanner St. Her yi/jKTW3Df’' ))J ^ALT/ Y^J5 \ F«I.1 P E., paternal grandpsu'ents are Mr. and Mrs.' .Rebstt W. Brodeur, 40 Bi^ngham St. She haa a brother, BlalM Edward, 30 montha. ALL PASSES.^ ' E • • • E PURPOSE L Ooppeto, Beth Anne, daughter o f Philip F. Ooppetc Jr. and Asuie M. Sheehy Coppeto, 69 Ridgewood St. She wae bom Dec. G O O D B 39 at Manchester Memorial HoppItaL Her mfternal grand-, E ATIN G t fattier to Ffhnk E. She<^. Waterbury. Her paternal grandpar- ent* are Mr. and Mr*. PhMlp F. Ooppeto Sr., CEesWra. aiKlv,HiAi«.TjAi-.usN».ea. 7-3 E • E • • CORNED BEEF QriUo, Steven Christopher, son of IXigene Kenneth and Dor- TH IC K END W H O LE BRISKET othy I/orralne Grillo, 701 Governors Highway, South Windsor, He W E NTY MILES FROM HAVANA,.-mE fwaa born Dec. 15 In Snydertown, Pa. '.His maternal grandpar- CAPTAIN EASY /By LESLIE TURNER. enta are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bmertck, East Hartford. His pa- CAR TU R N S DOWN A DIRT ROAD. ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Grillo, Bast Broccoli - - 29*^ Haitfbrd. He has three atstera Candace Jean, 7, Leri Ann, 6, WHAT IP MB , tiEOOEGl SIR CECIL TOLD ITS .HIS WIRE FROM NEW KSRKiX IF HEB and Karen Louise, 8. POSSKIT SPBAK 1MVOOMB HE WAS EPUCATEP WHERE HE CHANGED PlAUBSl J COMIW MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD ENGU^HiMPPy^ W Ej^LAND. BUr THIS IS Qoigtoy, Joseph as, aon of U . Thomas Qidgley Jr. and HIS FIRST TRIP TO AMERia Joann Held of Manchester. Hvtng at Otle Air Force Baee. Mushrooms = 49'' Mass., where Lt. Quigley Is StaUoned. He was born Dec. 35 at YOU'VE G OT TO BE Y P H I L -I - I dape 'Obd General Hoinpdtal, Hyannto, Mass. Hie matein^ Y E S i HE'S MORE CAREFUL, M A Y / ) H A V E N'T SAID nwidpAirontB Mr, Msii Miv. HowuxS Reid, 913 Green Rd. THEN HE'S OKAY, D O CTO R ? g e t t i n g READY YOU COLiLD'VE 7 THIS TO ANYONE I paternal grandparents are Mir. and Mr*. Tbomaa Quigley of C C A N 6 0 I N ? TO LEAV E NO W' BEEN KILL.ED.' - B U T THAT m s \ Tom a to e s — 2 49* VsTOon. ^ ^ - E/ • • • ♦ ■ 9:69‘Lb. Eoi«h,..Chriato|iher Atop, son of Arthur Luther Rowe and First Cuts . . . . Patricia F. Waaver.Rpwe' of Eaton Rd.. Tolland. He was V A L U A B L E C O U P O N i;; EMERGEN Dec. 27 at koekville OKy Hospltai. Hto maternal grandfather C U P i I WARD to Harold Weaver, North Vassalboro, Maine. Hto paternal 8 * 1 la tMrCeepeh'Oeed fw grandfather to Chariaa W. Rowe, Vaasalboro, Maine. He haa five hrotlwra, Clayton, 8, Wayne, 7, Jaijrrey, 8, lOohael, 8, and A N D TImottiar, 3; and twp stote^ Lynette, 4%. SELECTED REDEEM IDO FREEsSTAMPS WM Aiw ParcluM of S5 er Mm9 IRttI: IKaria Anna, daughter of Lt.. John C. Reed and Jean C H O IC E aiN.trNn.i-.TMe-iiifc.-i At Toer F*mH7 Pe9*hr o s CHUCK ROAST A T Y O U R B4V» M RMid of Manohaster, Hvtng in Washington, D. C.. where Lb. lit Read to etationed with the V.S. Navy. She was bom Dec. 80 valid tlireugh Sahi'rday, Jan. 5th at the U.8. Air Force Ho^^Rat. Andrew* Air Force Base, Wasb- F RIEN DLY ADULTS ONLY— 6 N I TO A FAMILY DAVr lONES BY LEFF and MeWILLlAMS 'Ington. Her maternal grandpafahta are Mr. and Mira. Fred lON ELESS P O PULA R No Stimpi with Cigarattai or B**r— St*t, Law Raypoidi of Jacksonville, Fla- Her paternal giudhiotfaer to MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY I'M CONVINCED f ir SURE LIKE ^ Mra. Harold M. Reed, 183 Walker M. FROZEN M A M M A -M I A ! ONE MORE TH E Y M U ST B E T3 e u v W H O'S SORRY H E K N O WI WHAA-T VEAL STEAKS I THIN K lYs SO DO I , MR. O F F -S C R E E N TH E Y'R E RIALIR IA L L Y T A N G L E D W ITH BIF F F A LS, M A R C O DAVY. AAONTY HAS WONDERFUL ABERNATHY. A N D T O N Y . TH O S E TW O TH ATO UR PETS S TIC K TO G E TH e R LIK E m BECOf^B MEATBALLSANP SflAOHETTI Q U A LITY V A L U A B L E \ C O U P O N VERY GOOD GET ALONG FRIENDS SLICED C U P • * g to tU* Cedpw Ceed h r WITH ARMOUR’ Lb. A N D /MARSHA ■ T W e " " REDEEM 200IRFE^ STAMPS d o L D n s H . with Any Purehaae af $10 e r Mere ARMOUR'S STAR A T Y O U R At ¥ou|r FriMidly Foitalar . BONELESS FROZEN F RIEN DLY valid through Satu^ay, Jan. Sih •Y ADULn O N L Y -« N I TO A FAMILY UVERWURST THE P O PULA R No Stampi with Cighratiai or Boon— Stata Lew PIECE VEAL ROAST Lb. and BOLOGMA ^

-•Si' A \


HOWIE HOLCOMB Sf. Four No. 1 H U NTIN G Aaaittoat Sports Editor i Foes Cheney Drops No. 5^ Two New Grid Rules BombfhelU oh the Scholattie Front and ^ Nsw twibsU coaqh St Central Connecticut College, Jack In C o n t ^ Selections Stovall, i* an enthusiastic, personable young man who is Lyman Winner, 72-42 Suggested by Scribes UBual^ mild but earnest in his public speaking. Not so, how- '.f FISHING aver, th® other night iii TOrrington when he dropped a couple At Bris:tol lyoading all the way, Lyman Memorial High of Lebanon Not 0[ verbal bombs on an uhsuspedting audience. pinned a 72-4’i2 defeat on Chenev Tech yesterday afternoon NEW YORK (A P) — Col- who faced Injury when they Stovall was speaking before the^ at the Rangel',s' g.vm. lege footbaU should move the ooriminagM on tjie goal line Torrington Varsity Alumni Club, KEIFUDOIO 1 6 6 S are mors psopti with ex*’•a time By HCwS^HOLCOMB .Summary: NEW YORK (AP)— The goalposts up to the goat Una near tha go*l poets. a group mads up of former ath- It was the second victory of the Lyman (Tl) Bob Zuppke was preparing HU The heat from yo«r oamp fire at night, apparent^. W hat/^om ises to bs the .sea.son for the visitors They ve owners of the National Foot- Inols for Its tradItlonaUy bitter to encourage field goals and There was some favor ehown letes at Torrington High, It, was B r for a chiuige In the rule per- goes a lot farther tf it's not wast- e * ‘ « top ffffthif of the Week in the lost five, Clieney is how 1-.5 for Sl Al #* ...... 8 • ! • ' ball League and the rival game 'with' Chicago In the faU of permit‘linUniited aubitituUon, ed. And It’s easy to deflect it right the annual mid-winter reunion I’icrz ...... 6 1 1' * mitting n playar to run with a bringing together ex-athletes, the season. |SM\’ l l ‘ »k\’ -X ...... 1922. and the National FootbaU where you went R. One good way Major Drawbacks CCIL is s(;heduled tonight...... 1 n League fumble, or a Mocked kick as many erf whom hadn’t seen one an- Lyman roared off to a 17-6 ad- M l i k ' - wn k l ...... 7 6 1 Zuppke feared one C^cago play- League should adopt the two- U to wrap logs in aluminum foil There are two major drawbacks Unbeaten league leading Man- .'iDMin. ---; ...... 2 3 are squared off, checkbook er In particular. This,, afternoon point conversion option. In the pro sport. Others sug- other since the previous affair. vantage at the close of the open- 1 M h5’ «1 ...... 2 0 gested that a runner who and use them as back logs to- to night gamM In our opinion. Oi chester High meets runnerup WEST SIDE MIDdETS ing period, tlieil .upped II to a 12-8 Mhiim ...... 0 1 and pen in hand, for the final He had worked to defend ngnlnSt Thla was the opinion of Opening with humorous account is the more frequent use of alco- ..... l b stages of the annual talent hunt. aUps to Ms knee should bs tbrow heat not up... but out to- Bristol Central in the Bell Lost night's action sa-.v Herm's at the half. Clieiie.i’ s scoring K" * l a I . , ...... 1 4 It. The freshmen, using ths Mn- the nation's sportswrltsra and ward you or In your tent. Foil of a mymlcal football team near holic beverages as combatiyehiess- 1 K* I ' Ac h s k v i ' ...... 0 0 " The chief beneficiaries are the roon offense, were o r d e ^ to run ablb-^to get up and run if no city and the reeult may do much Hobby .Shoppe defeat Police A picked up in the third period hut broEulcastera who participated keeps logs from burning but hia home town in Michigan—"we ures against the cold New.Emgland Lyiiiari still held the upper hand college players who are finishing the play against the varsity. dsfensivs player Is near. A were in a losing streak for seven to determine the eventual outcome Fire, 19-12, and Norman's trounce ' T"t)*Is ...... 26 20 7;' in the annual year-end Assocl- sudden death provision, such bounoss.heat off. If you have weather. Not, we might* add, al- of the 1962-63 pennant chase. Personalized Floors, .’iO-26. at the three7quarter break tP-2.5. ( hene> Tech i42i their careers. a-ted survey o f hlghlighta games, then we got rolling and ways by the student body. But the B r as used in praesakmal baU very damp wood, Wrap wet logs John Quaglia le' the 14 clubs of the NFL and the and emphasized when Dallas eighth”—he had the group al- COIL STANDINGS seven, Ron .Noske added .lix. Den- Slate [laced the winners with. 10 .1 cjuifh . .. baU season. flames. Wood dries In a jiffy, can an argument belweereen a couple of T.nik." ...... 4 ,3 1 '. eight in the AFL, the signing of beat Houston for the Ameri- most rolling In the aisles. w. L. Pet. nia Gagnon and Mike Anderson ! points eacli, tVi-Ca|>tain Bill Marsii D' - l c. i i t f * ...... 0 '' Ths question was a two- can FootbaU League oham- be burned later. booze-bolstSTto warriors, then a MANCHESTER . 4 0 1.000 0 all but (our has been announced. Then he launched a pitch for shove and g-push, more hot words each had four for Police & Fne. | collected 14 for Cheney, Sopho- Shl riM ...... 1 ft part query,' asking: 1. "What pionshin Hist month, also was C cntral ...... a > 1 . .750 more Andv Tomko adde-t 11 and Nt ar - I ...... R 2 ]'* The NFL lassoed six and lost Central—all In good taste—out- and before long a full-scale brawl. Ray London (17i. Barry London, Hi H' \ -ha w ft rule does the pro football code ntvor^b d I bOOY duck ‘BAIT* I etherafleld . . . . .8 2 .600 Cn-Ca.plain .Norm UiRose 10. .... 1" four of its 10 conunitted No. 1 lining the school’s planned fu- This has happened in Connecti- Maloney ...... (14l, and Tim Ha.s.sett il4t pro- L. aFi ' l nf ...... 4 1' Z have that you wOuld like see ooUege}Uem rule] wlUoh Its against the law to put out . .S' 2 .600 vided a balanced .scoring punch for I Lvnian'.s ,la\'\’ees copped tlie ...... 0 f. picks. ’The AFL grabbed six and 'might hd adopted by the pros, tures both In athletics and aca- cut, and many other places, and 1 all ...... 2 .000 adopted by the colleges? 2. oom or grain to attract duoks lnto . .8 Norman's. Bob Dolchin (18i took]j .se<‘ond g am e on the p ro g ra m , .50- lost two of its eight. ’The four first- What rule do the coUeglana the ,alre«Mly has the twor your deoQye. But you wiU probably demics. The Torrington-Centrsl unless rightly curbed, can be a < mard ...... 3 8 JiOO . . - ...... 17 8 41* round men who have not signed very unwholesome mess. i game honors with the losers. 1.5. to complete the day’s sweep. 1 J Vnr e i « t hai r ’ 32-R l . vmf l n. have that might help the ' point conversion. Last seEMon find no law (oheok to moke sure) Connecticut tie-in Is strong at ..8 S .500 are , Oregon State The other opposing point la that iM torii pros?" , the 14-team National League against arriflolnl baiting. To do present with two former THS bas- . .1 4 .200 E.4.ST SIDE ,'V1ID<1ETS quarterlback; Pat Richter, Wiscon- unless the li^ ts are permanent, y.’indham played 98 .gameiii; ar^: only that, mix pea gravel with yeUow kelball captains (Dave Frauen- . .0 6 .000 With Dale Ostrout setting the sin end; , Alabama The substitution change hofer and Dick Smedlck) on the night football is. often played un- ' for colleges rsn slightly Ediead four ended in ties. There were paint scatter In shallow water pace, the Lawmen outlasted the Tune for Friday Pairing center, and , Phirdue 56 games in the cight-teem Blue Devils’ vstfslty squad. der’ a set *of arcs more suited for Game time will be about 8 ---- Lp ----- end. *' of the goalpost switch. Hi fa- around yoor decoys. Dnoka are used jousting — 'they're often that old. Pumpers, 24-22, last night in the '^AFL with one tie. to seeing cam In redTiiges, WlU' Stovall commented on the new o’clock at the Bristol Eastern gym. Police A Fire Midget League. Southern California’s ^12th Man’ on the Field Five of the 22 were picked by voring unlimited substitution, Temporary lighting Is equipment The oonvereloh nile aUows swing In for the feast. ^ field house planned for 1964 and It’s too early for tonight's con- both leagues on the first round. this merely reaffirmed a sub- that is almost always, dangerous test to be called the "deciding Trailing throughout much of the Head coach John McKay of the University of Southern California, as excited as any the customary one point for called Central "the fastest grow- game - bv 1.5-10 at halftime ’The NFL got halfback Jerry Sto- ject already desdt with on a a place-kick, or two If the (from pegs used to snohor guy game" but it is the first meeting Rockville, Ellington '^ ja n rooter during the wild finish of Tuesday’s Rose Bowl fame, sprawls tensely on straight "yes,’’ or "no” ques- FIBEISTABTBB -Oig campus In the state,” a state- the winleas Ptimpers made several vall o f Louisiana State (St. Louis) aoorlng team tries a pose or a ment supported from this comer. wires and often from the poles between the quintets moat ob.serv- the playing field to get a better view of a Wisconsin goal-line pehetratioti at Pasadena, and halfback Kermlt Alexander of tion In the poll. The “yeas” Regular household cement works themselves); expensive; 1 n s d e- attempts to move In frqnt hut running play. wonders as a fire starter. Just There seems to be new buildings ers felt, before the season, would UC3LA (San FYancisco), The AFT. had outnumlwred the "nays” quata (whan they talk about can- be the leading ohallengem for the each time the drive fell short. Calif. McKay’s team held on in the final quarter for a 42-87 win. (AP Photofax.) There also was some dis- aquesze over wood and light. Bums everywhere—not unlike the Uni- signed tackle Jim Dunawpy of by a big nmrgin. ousslon at the pros moving dle power, the accent Is on oandle, league title. Ostrout paced all scorers with 1.1 hot and heavy. versity of Connecticut’s appear- Post Hoop Victories Mississippi and center Dave ^ h r - Moving the goalposts up 10 their goal poate back to the ance a few seasons back. not power) and finally tough on Manchester, bolstered by the re- points while Bobby Bowen count- man of Michigan State .both by From mldfleld, a long-legged yauds from the end zone to end zone line "to make the He outlined the accomplish- the nervous system (lights often turn of Co-Captaln Paul Quey, dis- ed seven (or the Pumpers. Buffalo and tackle Eld Budde of left balfbadc took the mapbaok, the goal line would increase play for pay boys go for six ph k aban t b on a str ing arrive only a couple of hours prior posed of one well-regarded ri'val, BrSINBSSME.N’S LEAGIE Back on Dec 7, Rockville High Hard-hunted phansnnts are ments of several recent CX38C Two area basketball teams met* Michigan State (Dallas). raced to his right and cat through the use of the field goal as a points Instesd of three,” and teams and individuals and then un- to game time). Conard, lost FYiday. With more Standings scored a convincing 54-36 win over tough to score Into rite air. Even If enough communities can see last night with the home club any- Cheap Variety Goal 'The AFL kwt Stovall and Alex- tackle. In a swlrt of 'dying bod- major scoring weapon as in “so the field goal will not be- loaded his heavy artillery. time to work back into top condi- W. L. Pot. thing but a good host. Ellington St. Thomas Aquinais at the RHS ander of its first-round picks but ies he wns in the seconda^T where, the professional game. That come the cheap method of on a drive they will slip between fit to Install permanent lights, tion, Quey is expected to be of add- MIKE LAUTENBACH DON SIMMONR Telephone ...... 4 0 1.000 gym. Since then the Rams drop- Admitting they were only per- then police the gamee stringently, High won iW fifth game in seven came up with Dunaway, Betarman, with a baffling hip-twist, he broke was the general opinion of building phony aoorlng.” An- men and scurry out of sight with- ed help tonight. Variety ...... 3 1 .7.50 .starU with a 78-5,5 trounerng of ped (our straight and lost the aerv- loose and ran to the goal line. out once flying. Try this trick to sonal opinions he came up with night football can be a big thing. Budde and end Art Graham of those who favored this change other said the pros should two Ideas that. If given enough The veteran Indian squad has Post Office ...... 2 1 .667 Uoventry in a non-league affair. ice.s of Jim Martello'via an in- Znp'pke fonsed. The tbams for the college game.' atop ’em. Just trail olotties Une ^ But we think those two oMtscles Boston College, Boston, and tac- “make the field goal a more Mmilation, will stir up twin hor- been excellent in spots, horrible in Mai Tool ...... 2 1 .667 Captain Nonn Jaason scored 22 jtiry. kle Junious Buchanan of Gram- were onUed bnric. -Again the baU 't'he rule was chiuiged yean valuable property. The Mieap tween each buntegr. Sllriioiy Une' Is will be hard to overoenve. others and “ middle of the road” Naasiff's ...... 2 2 .5 his head and how mooh to lend • * • the vierwpolnt of a working sports- added 10 aind each of the 10 men That and poise have proved them Colonial ...... 0 4 .000 used by Coach Bob Healy contrib- the Rams are in the -vietory col- cuse (San Diego). ling speedster. hlfn becomes your prohlein. writer covering the scholanric worthy of the designation as “the umn. T5>e latest margin was 46- NEW YORK (AP)— Andyf Toronto held a 2-0 lead mldway^on the Ice hi fRiatration after the As the boy disappeared into rite Two Proposals beat, we'd selfishly like to sea all uted some scoring. through the middle period when shutout had been broken. NFL Misses Wilt ^Held^ to Only 23 Points teem to beat.’’ Poet-holiday play began last 43. Bathgate wasn’t at all con- gloom tow iM -the goal, Zupidce NO-SUP SPONGE His proposals are (1) play most quaUficaUon rules done away with. Now that Grey have the start- For Tokyo Games night with Telephone defeating Ball Locke! was top man for tlie It was close all the , way with ^ th g a te’s goal trtckled Into the 47 Saves In Nets ’The NFL missed out on, Behr- scratched Ids head. cern^ that his record-equal- mian, Dunaway aiid Budde as well Sponges tied under your boots If not all high school football Those boncemlng ths CIAC at ing unit intact, they should con- Mai Tool, 59-40, to move Into fu-sL Patriots veilil.h l7'. follow ed by Rbckville holding a 21-19 half-Ume liet. It opuldn't have been Inten- Two goals by rookie Rod Gilbert "Dere’s some oonsolarion,” he least. Georgiy Flberle with 16 and Dan ing goal was of the so-called tional. "The veteran wing was as guard Rufus Guthrlk signed by will provide good slip protection games on Friday nights and (2) do tinue to Improve. As yet, the Big place In the league BtandingiL' edge. Sophomore .Joe ^'VanOuden- provided the tying and winning muttered in his qnaint Dutrii ac- away with qualification rules for s NEW YORK (N EA)— The trouble the United States VVenped with 13. The- PaU are shooting from an impossible angle. marke^rs for the Rangers and San Diego, but came out of the on mossy rocks. Waterproof ad- Red hasn’t won big. But some Post Offioe routed winlasa Colonial hove took over scoring honors “cheap” variety. cent, “ dot poy Is gring to make Russell Returns ‘Home’ blgh school tournaments, thereby night whcH Quey, (To-CopLain Board, 72-41, in the second game. now even on the season - - four He picked up the puck at the superlative, 47-save performance struggle with end Dave ~RohlRson n great eoe^ ontta me,” hesive tape holds them on. New Rules and Old faces in fielding teams for the 1964 Olympics because of a with 16. It was the second suc- "I’ll take the good with the of Penn State (Green Bay), end allowing all teams that care to Dave McKenna, Fred McCurry and wins and four lo. Ellington canned 25 of 61 from The remairKler of the attaok wm dreasing room Wednesday night. tended for teammate Dean Pre^p- try but reliable aathorltgr soya they bounce around, bsok and compared to the headaclies the lead. But Ray Blinn 1321 led a far, open comer of the net on two (Detroit), as well ever the football suggestion first. Plenty of Talent by innkepers, had almost to be the floor and 28 of 43 from the well balanced with Bud Newmark- The goal In queatlon was a weird tice across the goal. previous major rushes, confirmed you can win n drink from your, forth, year after year with new Games face in Japan. resurgence that gave the winners as Stovall and Alexander. pals thla way, When a whiskey And by the way, the look here Central is not without Hs own exacted at gun point. a quick advantage in the second foul line percentages of 41 and 65 er. Karl Niederwerfer aim! Mike one, tx>imdlng off the stick of a Instead, Toronto defenseman that he was not shooting for the NEW YORK (AP)— ^This then, was the day Big Bill Rus- (and sometimes old) qualification respectively. Coventry made onlv- Two of the four No. 1 picks who Mr. Inside, Outside bottle Is emptied down to the Inet will be an overall observation, not talent. Coach Bill McCooey’s Rams A housing shortage in Tokyo, The hotel situation In 'Tokyo, quarter and they neycr trailed Bucheri each taking’ part. Ed Tonmto defenseman into the Red Kelly got his stick on the pass net when Kelly tipped in his shot. systems. ^ n are also in the veteran category. seven of 20 from the free throw- remain unsigned won’t break sell went home to San Francisco. drop, bet you can squeeze ton singling out any one school. stringent regulation of ticket sale.s the largest city in the world, is again. Dick Nye 1231 and Hal Granski was high for Si. Thomaa Maple Lsafa’ nets and setting the and, attempting to clear the puck, Stovall’s point is that touriia- George Benoit has been called the stripe and their" field goal aver- with 10. . “I was trying to get the pass down until mfter the basketbcdl Setting Fast Pace Russell, an All-America during his college days at San more drops but. Trick Is to drop a Stovall’s reasoning . was that and hotel reservations that could even more acute than in Rome. CJsrlson (18) led Mel Tool. Rangers off on' a oomehaok that flipped it behind the amazed back to Dean,” he said. "But I’ll season. If then. Baker and Richter high schools and colleges shouldn’t ment participation, like ths over- beet in O ntrsl history and even lead to wide-open gouging and age was equally as weak. Rockville meeta neighboring B - brought them a S-2 victory In the Toronto goalie, Don Sinunons, into Francisco, led his Boston Ce ti(» teammates into the Cow light cotton thread down to riio all athletic program, Is part of the McOooey rates him among the Although more western-style hos- John Smith dunked in 26 to Ellington plays at Rockville to- take it.” both are star basketball players bottont, then rip tho bottle on Its tevs to compete for, the same lack of adequate traffic facilities telrles are being built, Japan is spark the Mailmen. Ron Stevens lingLon lomorrow In anothar Xkoo- only National Hockey League the net. and Richter also has a future In With Los Angeles Palace We^esday night for their^ school curriculum. BSaoh team that best he’s coached. Only a junior, morrow night. Coventry is host to league game. The goal was his 18tb of the sea- first meeting ever in San Francis- side and bbunt tho drops ns they fans. Parents and friends of high are potential troublemakers. still woefully short of what will following wlUi 16. Ed McCarthy game on schedule. Many observers felt Bathgate pro baseball. Bedcer also has does participate thus gains In he led the club In scoring lost sea- The Metropolitan Government Cromwell in a (Charter Oak Con- Sumnnary: son and gave him a league-leading co in a regular season NatlonM olhnb thread and fnlL Giving school gridders might also be be needed for Olympic crowds. and Dick Fonlanella each count- What's more Important, It al- may be a bit embarrassed in the played baseball. NEJW YORK—Los Angeles’ worldy experience, so to speak. son and has been almoot up to Olympics Preparation Bureau ference contest. Ko<'livill« liA) lowed the 30-year-old ranger cap- total of 40 points. Basketball Association game with Western Stars liquid an easy route to travel alumni of nearby colleges and thus He mentioned basketball-avid Man.v Japanese inns are not ac- ed a dozen. Barry McCormick 1 16) manner In which he made the rec- Baker was the first man select- hold on first place In- the West the same scoring speed this sea- ruled that foreigners cannot pur- Summary: • BucIk^H ...... tain to equal one of the league’s ord book. Not so, said Andy. Toronto Coach Punch Imlach the transplanted Warriors. makes the difference. are tom between which level of states like Indiana which remove ceptable to visitori. especially Oc- and John Dean 1 14) led Colonial. ed in the NFL draft. The Los An- em Division la accentuated by the the gridiron sport they’ll see. son. chase admission tickets unless Kllinstos IIS) P a p a m ...... most prised records.. It was the "Maybe it’s better this way,” locked the door on the Maple Leaf geles Rams took him. Apparently And Big Bid, generally regard- all ciosalflcarion forms and allow Teamed with him are a pair of cidentals. because they have Ja- SENIOR l.EAGUE B y F'b Ni»*dprw4* rff»r There’s also ths financial aspect they have a certificate showing ninth consecutive game in which he said. “This way I’ll remebmer dressing ropni, and answered the AFL felt It had little chance terrific pace set by Its Mr. Inside ed as the finest defensive player Set for East TOOTH PASTE HANDLES even the smallest schools, to enter returnees — Howie Busae and Bill panese floor beds, no chairs, etc. League-leading Moriarty Broth- .Tannon . . . N’ p w m a r l c p r newsmen’s questions himself. and Mr. Outside, Elgpln Baylor of the proposition. The writer is s reservations have been made in Ham’ firk 0 B ar k o f ^ r i ...... Bathgate had scored a goal, it—and so will they.” to sign the glamor boy for he ever, responded to the cheers of Need acme cheap... real eheap an open tournament. Beneelck — and sophomore Tom Visitors report that on ordi- ers kept Its slate clean last night 8 W’nirtit ...... and Jerry West. Baylor Is one of firm believer that football — In Tokyo or environs for the period Ral . totJ' H . . . matching the mark held jointly by That seemed obvious. The vet- "Yes, Kelly was just trying to wasn’t picked until the 12th round San Francisco crowd of 12,067 ...draw er handles? Cut ths ends We, frankly, can quite sse that Pons to provide the Rams with between Oct. 9 and 25. The games nary business trips they find it with a 66-59 win over fourth place •. ' arl.Hon 9 \ 'a ri O u d ^ n h o v Maurice (RockefI Richard and clear the puck,” he said, then add- the League's leaders in no less with one of his better efforts In NBA Classic off tooth paste tubes, drill for a fart the entire sports program B'‘ laiiRci . 3 C*'*- ...... erah Kelly, a member of the by San Diego. Richter, Washing- approach but allowing each school well-balanced scoring. Busse, Be- run from Oct. 10 through 24. difficult to obtain reservations for I Farrell's Restaurant. The first 5 Wi l l i a m.^ ...... Bemie (Boom Boom) Geoff rion, Canadian parliament when not ed thoughtfully: ton’s top draft, went in the 10th than four out of the five Individ- among nfOny good ones- He held crew and attach. Need some smnU on the high school level should U’pt kh"\ ual scoring columns, runn-ing sec- to enter the tournament of its noit and Benecick are all six-feet Applications for re.servations more than two or three day.s and j game saw Boland Motor.s forfeit \Villinm« .. 6 both of Montreal. plajdng hockey, pounded his stick “At least, I hope so." round to Denver in the AFL. the Warriors’ ' Wilt Chamberlain NEW YORK (AP)—The West legs for a chest? Use tooth i>ara not be overemphasized. Yet there class, might prove Interesting. or better, giving the Rams ade- have to bounce from one hotel to to Ea.st Sides giving the latter Zuiinn 5 T rt lalg ...... 17 13 ond to Wilt Chaunberlain among Is that Inescapable tmth that have been accepted since Dec. 1. 6 At. T h o mM (4S) ’The bidding for Jordan aind to 23 points—less then half his 50 mfy have a numerical advanttige tube tapered caps. Drill end at- Teams that catoh firs In tbs Into quate tf not'overpowering height, another. This condition, of course, team its only win of the season. vni-me the scorers, second among the somebody has to pay! Applicants are required to deposit j Brumm promis^ to be hot. Jordan, point per game average—while over the ElMt for the National tach the same way. stages of the season would have an The Manchester-Central game is half the room rental when reserva- will be aggravated during the I F’krrell's kept pace with Mori- ...... free throw leaders, la the fifth Until all Boards of Eklucatlon 3g 78 CuUum the Dallas’ Cowtooys first pick, is Boston stalked off with a 135-120 Basketball Association All-Star equal chance with those who start- tha only one on tonight’s slate. tions are confln-ned. The balance Olympics, which come at toe artv's for three period.s. trailing by Totsis ...... — . * best reboimder and assist maker. overtime triumph. see fit to underwrite the entire Borawi^kl ...... No. 2 with the AFL’s Boston Pa- game, which will be televised in ed to win earlier. . Saturday brings another toughie must be paid b.y July 31, 1964. height of the toiirlst sea.son. only 45-41 at the three-quarter; (ovm.ry oW. ^ F PlJ* VV'ar-fl ...... Track and Field Federation Sports Schedule West is the sixth top scorer in the to every NBA city except Los An- athletic prog;ram, admission must triots. Brumm, drafted by St. loop and is fourth among the . Syracuse whipped St. Louis 120 It’s probable tbs best tssm for the Indians as Maloney visits If a re.servation is cancelled by Streets Present Problem break. Then Frank Biitkiks and Kbf'rlp ...... p 16 Part(‘ .^ano Louis which had acquired the N;ew ^g^eles, site of the Jan. 16 classic. Yale Ends Junket he charged, at some if not all oon- Sl orr.H ...... 0 0 (JT*ftn8kt ...... playmsdcers. 95 and Detroit bombed Cincinnati would eventually win anyway— ths MHS Arena. May 31, 1964 , 25 per cent of the According to some Japanese Dave Turkingrton got hot and S 13 < ! r a l a ...... York Giants’ turn in the Ralp»h tosts to foot the bill. \V*Mih4' r ...... Not Asked to Sanction Meet Thursday, Jaa. S Chamberlain’s scoring proclivi- 138-118 in the only scheduled Four players—Rudy LsRusso even If It takes a little longer. It’s room rate will be deducted from interviewed, an even greater dif- broke the game open, Moriarty's l.nrkt' ...... 3 17 M f’ d tijik n ...... Gugllelmi deal, was the third se- games. of Los Angeles, Len Wllkens of Without One Win There’s also little doubt that at least a posslbnity that deserves M o r g a n ...... 1 .5 M i M a h n n ...... Manchester at Bristol Centrsd, ties have dropped sharply ever the refund. On cancellations be- ficulty for the Olympic visitor will Anally winning in a rush. P 0 Sym pko ...... lection of the Dallas ’Texans. night games will draw — over an R y a n ...... since the trade between the War- Russell scored only 10 points, St. Louis, Tbm Meachery of Sen a little thought tween June 1 and July 31. 1964, 50 be getting to the Games through Buzz Keeney led Moriarty's with 0 4 VAlf'ntinff ...... 8 p.m. Two stars of 1962, selected e * • Coaching Clinic Morripon ...... NJ!W YORK (AP) — The U.S.'f’loss of eligibility for NCAA cham- riors and New York Knickerbock- but his defensive job on Chamber- Ftwicisco and Terry Dlschinger Yale’s basketball team comes extended period — more .than Sat- per cent of the room rate is de- Tokyo’s inadequate and overcrowd- 17 points, Butku.s adding 14. Bill Haf 1»i n( i ...... 0 n Friday, Jan. 4 year ahead of time as futures be- lain was a major factor as the of Chicago—were added to the home today from an all-losing urday afternoon tussles. Let 0 0 Total!® ...... 1« n 43 Track and Field Federation, an pionship events (or a collegian ers was made, whereby Tom Gola ducted. No refunds will be made ed streets. Viot (13 I. Charlie Bunce 111 I and i l i x i a k ...... Scoro at half 9T1-19 P o r k v i l l # . Penney JVs at East Catholic, cause their original college classes Celtics struggled from behind, West roster Wednesday night in- team falter and lose a few and More Opinions Set for Aug. 20-22 outgrowth of the bitter amateur who competes in an open event came east and Willie NaullS and road tour, but the trip, had some on cancellations after July 31. "Just seeing the people going to George Clifton 111) sparked Far- ...... 247 66 8: IS p.m. graduates, already are In the NFL then romped & overtime. stead o f the three that were sup- those Saturday afternoon affairs . We’U take up ths propowtlqn ...... sports dispute between the Na- not sanctioned by the federation. Ken Sears joined the San Fran- bright momenta. TTie ‘Small Print’ the Games will be a great event.” rell's pffort. SrofF at half 3<^17. F. l l i ngl on. Cheney Tech at Blast Windsor. fold. ’They are quarterback Glynn The Warriors, who have yet to posed to be picked. are played before an “ Intimate with area coaches In the next STORRS—The 18th Annual (’o I lege Basketball tional Collegiate Athletic Associa- Although it relates to all sports, Ellington at Rockville. cisco unit. Right now . Chamber- 'The Ella played their final game A clause in the regulations, one Japanese said. "Thousands Toriighf's game between Mori- Griff Ing of Mississippi (New beat Boston in four tries this sea- NBA President Maurice Podo- of the three-game tour last night gathering." There’s just too much week or so and get some more Connecticut Coaches Clinic, spon- tion and Oie Amateur Athletic the most immediate effect would Oomwell at Coventry. York) and halfback O iuck Mor- lain is behind, for the first time “ Service charges and taxes will be who are not attending the Games arty Brothera and Variety Cater- this year, his 1961-62 scoring son, held a 61-54 halftime margin, loff said Meachery and Dlschinger in C^lhapel Hill, N. C., losing to oompetltion. opinions. Meanwhile If any fans iorid jointly by the University of p Hofstra 81, Fairlelgh DlcWnson Union, has not been asked to be to cut or eliminate college par- East Hampton at Rham. ris of Mississippi (Green Bay). collected after arrival,” opens the will jam the streets to see the era has been poetponed. I.o*< iitofr N 44 F a t h e r sanction any of the big Eastern average. He has 1742 points for 88-84 at the three-quarter nutrk. tied in ths vote of the league’s North CJaroUna 86-77. They were But somehow the night games have thoughts on the subjtot (or Connecticut and the Connecticut Boland's quintet is in need of 80. ticipation in the AAU-sanctioned Saturday, Jan. 5 Boston fianlly caught up op free Interscholastic Athletic Confer- door for more bilking of the public sight. indoor track meets, executive di- Indoor track season, which begins a 48.4 average M compared to a nine coaches and both ware invit- beaten last Thursday by Purdue draw, good teams or bad. There any other) drop a line. new' strength. Any players Inter- BOSTON lAPi Jim Lo.sculoff Quinnipiac 66, New Haven Col- Maloney at Manchester, 8 p.m., throw by Tommy Heinaohn in the ed to play, making a 12-man ence, has been set for thekUCTonn than was done in 1960 in Rome. "I don't know how the visitors rector Chick Werner said today. in Boston on Saturday, Jan. 12 49.1 average In the corresponding and Saturday by Michigan. will get through them.” ested who qualify undei- Rec of the Boston Cellica is a father: lege 60 MHS Arena. period last winter. Since CHiam- final minute, then went Eihead 114- squad for ths West. Three East campus. Aug. 20. 21 and 22. ac- Roman bonifaces not only had Mrs. Lvn Los- N C Slate 69, Cornell 63. Werner at the same time con- with the Knights of Columbus Sunday, Jah. 6 Tile loss leaves Yale with n r e c -' the use of the deposit money for League rules, are asked to con- for the third time Local Sport berlain’s average began to drop, 112 on a Helnsohn hook. players are to b4 naihed today to ord of two victories and six losses. cording to an announcement to- North Carolina 86. Tale 77. ceded that the ineligibility rule Games. Meriden at Green Manor, 7 day by J. O. Christian, UConn more than a year (in Tok.yo the tact Jeff Koel-sch Immediately. cutoff gave birth to an eight pound the NCAA is expected to adopt conversely the San FYancisco Chamberlain, however, dunked join with the eight previously The EHis are 1-0 In Ivy play, hav- five-ounce girl at Winchester Ho.s- | Veimont 78, MIT 70, Two Over- ^ A collegian competing in a p.m., Y. team has commenced winning in a shot to send it into overtime. picked. Tankers Open Slate Friday, athletic director. proprietors will have some of It for Klfin Join* Slars times. next week will drastically cut col- non-sanctioned meet would not Chatter ing beaten Brown in their only almost two years);;they tacked on ______MU pital yesterday. 'The babv. to be i Tuesday, Jan 8 with more regularity. The Celtics promptly reeled off Already selected for the East Usually held during the first lege participation in the m’eefb. become ineligible for all events, Holy Trinity at East Catholic, league encounter. week of August, the clinic was additional assessments sfter the BOSTON I AP 1 —. Defensive William* to Appear named Carole Alice, join.s a broth- | During the past month, the vis- nine straight points and, led by team were Bob Cousy, BUI Rus- er and a sl.ster in the Loscutoff | "These are perfectly legitimate but would be ruled out of the 8 p.m. Sam ’ Jones, outscored the War- In the only other game involv- Grads Win Pre-Season Match moved this year to the latter part full amount of room rental had tackle Dick Klein has joined the BILL SKONESKI, Obartef iting teams improved, consider- seU and Tom Heinsohn of Bostem, ing Connecticut teams last night, meets, nm in accordance with NCAA Track and Field Cham- Rodkville at Plalnville. Oak Ck>nforence > football commis- ably, their winning ways on the riors 2l-6 in the extra session. of the month to avoid conflict supposedly been paid, or cancelled East squad for the second annual BOSTON (AP) Ex-Red Sox family. amateiu: rules and we would be pidnships for one year. Jack Twyman and Oscar Robert- Quinnlpiac beat New Haven Col- the reservation. slugger Ted Williams w’ill take Portland at Coventry. sioner and active in the Manches- road by c<»npiling a .396 average Wilt did not score in the overtime. son of Cincinnati, Lee Shaffer and with summer vacation work of American Football I.,eague All- perfectly willing to sanction them "Actually,’’ Werner said, "the Oomwell at Rham Regional. ter Midget Football League, will Heinsohn led all scorers with 41 lege at West Haven for the third Paced by Tri-Captains Karla Jan. 4, New London, away; Jan. coaches. Extra 10 Per Cent Star game, making the eighth con- part in the annua! New England Paul Hornung set a National as compared to a .286 average John Kerr of Syracuse and Richie time this season. if wo were asked," Werner skid NCAA you know already has rec- Ellington at Stafford. appear on Channel 30 FYiday af- during the months of October and points while Sam Jones contrlb- Guerin of New York. 12, Platt, awayr Jan. 15. Bulkeley, The clinic which annually at- In many cases, they even at- tribution from the Boston Patriots. Sportsmen's Show at Common- Football l.eague record by scor- by telephone from State College, A major factor In the 66-60 vic- Then, John VerfalUs and Ivan Wa- ing 176 poiiil.s for tlie GreeneBay ommended to its membership in Wednesday, Jan 9 ternoon at 1:30. Skoneski will be November. The \d8itors won 21 nted 32. The Celtics' Bob Cousy Previously Upped for the West away; Jan,i 18, Bristol Eastern, tracts some 300 coaches and tempted to levy yet another 10 The game will be played in San w'ealth Armory .Ian. 19-26. it was Pa., where the federation offices an October bulletin that partici- Hall at Manchester, 8 p.m.. Interviewed by Harvey Olson. did not play because of an injured tory was the rebounding of Joe lUeff, the Manchester High home; Jan. 23.23, Crosby, home; Jan. equipment exhibitors will feature per cent when the foreigner ar- Diego Jan. 13. Klein. 6-foot-4 and announced today. Williams will Packer.s in 1960, He had 1-5 touch- out o f 53 In December as con- w^rC Elgin Baylor and , Jerry, (Mi^ Mato St. were moved recently. "But my pation be limited to federation- Arena. trasted to 24 out of 84 during Oc- log- ReiUy and Charley Schneider. The swimming teams will embark on 25, Ck>nard, home. workshops in coaching football, rived. Refunds on cancellations, 260 pounds, joins teammatess Babe demonstrate fly casting at the downs. 41 extra point."! and 15 understanding is that the AAU West of Los Angeles, Wilt Cham- approved events. Many will fol- (?heney Tech at Prince Tech. ARCHERY ENTHUSIASTS tober-November. Hal Greer led a first half surge berlain and Guy Ito^ers of San leading scorers were John l^ t m a 13-meet schedule FYldsy at New Feb. I, Irfaloney, home; Feb. 8, basketball and soccer. whether self-imposed or inflicted Pariili, Jim Colclough, Charlie show. The foi'mer Boston outfielder field goal."!. In 1961 Hornung tal- has told the promoters that they low that recommendation, I think, lied 148 points to pace the cir- Open Thurs., (Siisand Who woulc’ like a practice course Tom Heinaohn o f the Bostln the second. But scoring bursts Miurl (BOO-frsestyle), John Hudson canceled because of 'the feud be- agoiqst the Alumni during the H A V E MARKED D O W N THIS STO C K . HAVE TO Saturday night. 1956 Kentucky Derby. Springfield 2, Cleveland 2. Andrew Trudeau . . . .98 79—177 DRY GAS League personnel may hook on another big------niunber- for --Cincinnati’s------of rix and eight points by MulllnE (medl^ and backstroke). Disk tween the AAU and the NCAA." Christmas holidays, but did man- Berube (diving), Herb Maher said Dussault. “ But the meet def- age to come up with their fourth Fred Mason...... 99 77— 176 Oons 99c with National Basketball Associa- hot-hsndsd Bearcats—28. sparked DOkc to the victory. Richard Barty .95 80—175 IS DRIVE tion teams, but not — apparently (butterfly), DonMcLagan (bresat- initely will be held, despite the Win in four outings this season. The Bearcats, unchallenged as G^rgla Tech's tall and muscu- stroKs) and the medley relay team feiid.” Dussault said all the fea The local ^nners will concen- Leo Rodrigue ...... 95 79— 174 — with the Boston Celtics. lar Yellow Jackets, now 8-0, tool; REG. No, 1 in college baricetbsll and of Bob Heine, McLogim, Maher tore events already have been trate on badly needed practice for Leonard 'Watroui , . . .90 81—171 doth Coach Red Auerbach and gunning for their third straight charge early against the Air and Art Nelzlon. filled. "And I’m sure we'll have the rest of this week, then return Other Manchester scores W'ere $1.69 G A L. owner Walter Brown say they are national championship, extended Force in an atUck led by Keith Phil Rusconi, 169; Dave Landry, TURPENTINE enough relay teams to prassnt a to touglf compeltlon next week not interested in anyone in the Weekly, who scored 10 of thCir - Tha eomptets oohoiaztlo sohsd- the country's longest current win- fun program,” hs added. against always strong Wllbraham 166 and Gfeorge Hanley, 163. defunct loop. ning streak Snd set g school first u , points. irie Indhidss: Brown said in Boston yesterday record for consecutive victories Larry Sheffield paced Notre SPARK he doubted if the Celtics would Wednesday ni|^ by taking their REG. PRICE SINGLE D ^ e ’s Irish, who trailed by 21 * try to obtain any of ABL 28th In a row. They hupibled polhts - at one stage of the first $2.00 Slng k Roll ROLL> Houston 79-56. WALLPAPER PUIGS refug^. half and were bel&d 46-80 at in- -, Brown said Boston had draft Elsewhere — seventh-r a n k e d temission. The sophomore gustrd SAVIm NAME taAHDaUALItY righU only •) to 6-foot-2 Maurice Duke overcame Virginia 82-65 be- held Indiana ace Jimmy Rayl •f Pre-Inventory Sale REG. 49e PLASTIC YVE KEEP TH E Khig, who once played with Wilt a brilliant second-half per- 6*®! I** second TH A N K Y O U Chamberlain at Kansas University, formance by Mbon Mullins; Geor- half, hit the wirming basket with but that King couldn’t make the gia Tech and DePaul remained 14 Mconda to go hnd added the W ORRIES WHEN Celtics three years ago. unbeaten, the Engineers whipping final bucket at the gun. Sheffield each “ Besides,’’ he said, “I’d rather the Air Force 61-^ and the Blue- finished with 14 points, 10 In the HOSE CO. NO. 4 Demons routing Baldwin-Wallace m ond half, while R ^ scored SI, ! PAINT PAILS YOU LEASE YOUR see Jack Foley make It with this team than King. King couldn’t 99-70; Notre Chune tripped In^. out only one in the second half. SAVE 25% to 40% ' We wish to express our apprecistion and thanks M A N Y OTH ER ITEMS REDUCED TO CLEAR make it with us three years ago ana 71-70 and Purdue downed for the terrific job you did in keeping the water and I don’t see why wq’d be any Drake In overtime 89-79. ON ALL WINTf R SKIINO AND more' Interested in him now.” Tom .Thacker hnd the most pro, Scholastic Basketball EXPERT TUNE-UPS damage in our store to s minimum. Your wonder- N O DA M AGED MERCH A N DISE ON SALE Brown ^ 8 0 deflated rumors that ductlve scoring night eg his three:- HUNTING CLOTHINO '6 3 C O M ET the NBA might expand and absorb egaon varsity career for CSncin- WeUi dhOCt Md 8 9 . some of the ABL’s top players. natl with 28 points as the Alumni 69, Maionsy 62. ful work is really appreciated. Thank you. ‘ M L 8 8 “If that many players were that Bearcats brotoed agahiit ylslMwg ,*®«t Hartford ” 69, Qtaafioribury go<^ they would have drawn in the Bdustbn. ' ' 59. ABL,” iw d Brown. “So I don’t' SPORT Mhlllns; punnod in 29 sseond- ^Berlin 74, Viiial Ttoh 16. SHERWIN-WILLIA MS ‘ *15.88 a iO R IA R TY BROTHERS forsee any expansion; there Just holf . points In CoIm ’s unaxpootodly isn’t any justification for It.” NET LOSS—Leo Bovin-of Boston ends up facie down-and in the net, while Bruins’ goal* h z ^ tusZle iMth Vlrglnin in flye Ari Pt ow 09. SPO T SHERW IR WILLIAMS jlnclnde* new alugs, kauvy 67, W todmr 90. 981 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER M ANCHESTER Mi 3-5135 n »e Celtics are on the West Afluitic Coast Congarettoe. Ths 981 M AIN STREET nnlnte, rondenitor and rs tsf. . Coast for three niore road games ie Ed Johnson does just the opposite making im unsuccessful attempt to stop the puck Korwtah 64, Fitoh 4fi. Cayaliom led through much of the Jtow Undon 77, WototCord W . M l f-1747 »IPMmtT;AriRQAPST. afUr besiting the Warriors 135-120 shot by Earl Ingarfield, not shown, of the New York fiangerg.. That’s Ed Westfall flfft half,and bod n 464t o te on 639 CENTER ST. in overtime at San Francisoo lewt of the Bruins skating sway from the act on the ice at Madison S^oaKE (zarden. mp uamH - W fm jSwVs w m u SSS&Si'StSSJtm. :

i p , -I "1 T O H T “I

T ■,

...... MANCHSS^ BVKNINO HERALD, IfANCUBSTER, CONN,, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1968 PAGE I lP I lt K ^NCHESTER EVENING HiERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1968 BofineM Loeatlona Roopes For Srtlr 78 Houses' For Sale 72 Hooses For Sale 72 58 Apurtment*—B «l«— For Rent 64 N OTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Busineaa Serncea Offered 13 THERE OU6HTA BE A LAW BY FAGALY and SHORTEN WutMl—To Buy MANCBEBter- ih actea baautl- BOLTON LA K E -4 room ranch, MUST BE SOLD-e room O pe, Hearing Se^ ‘ Tenement! 53 fully landecaped grounds. Im* oil heat, lakefront privllegea, ex- 1% boths, e perfect beaqty Oft O N P R O P O SE D ^ W ER M AIN EXTENSIO N WB BUT^ UCLL .or tnuto taUquS maculate 6 room OolcnM, Oa- cellent condition, cnly $10,800. Hairy St. Owners leaving state. and luiM fumlturt, ohUui, glaM, five room flat, second floor, la Nonra liilDf-atoro. mi IN D O VER RO A D. EDISO N RO A D, FULTO N RO A D. DICK’S SNOW plowing. Call MI excellent condition. G a n g * , In- e^fiaae, O’er rage. All large rooms. I%^lace. Small down, asaumable mortgage. '$17,900. B. J, Carpenter, Broker, allvnr. plctui* trunap ud old Screened porqh. Central foyer Ooodehlld-Bartlett, Realtora, BU MI 9-0001, MI 0-3163. HEN DEE RO A D. W HIT N EY RO A D, W ED O EW O O D CLASSIFIED 3-6637. ooina, old doUa «nd guns, hobby cluded. Near bus Una and ehop- On 2 Sewel* Projects plng - center. Adults '--peetorred.’ entrance. Aluminum combina- 8-0388, M l 8r7028. DRIVE. EN GLEW O O D DRIVE A N D A PORTIO N ooUeotlona, «ttlo contenta or whole lee itAlM—Ideal te^oCflcas or any VERNON—Ranch honie in ‘ fln*' MUtqs. Fumltur* Rapair Servloe, Call MI 2-7615 after 4 P-m, tions. $33,9d<), Barrows A Wal- Building— Contracting 14 oommcirolal yet. IQ 041339, e-6. lace, Mr. Forakar, 649-0806, fl8,80d--« ROOM Cape, IH bathe, residontlal area, I bedrooms, 'fire- Public heafintfs on two proposed sanitaly^ sewer projects O F A D A MS s t r e e t SO UTH O F MIDDLE TURNPIKE Taloottrile, Conn. T*I. Ml 2-7449. fireplace, storms, cellar, trees, place, basement vaem , reeres/- Fiv e rooms, second floor, new 876^11, $1B-3$34~ W EST ADVERTISING FALLOUT SHELTERS—Additions, near bos, aksumM 4% % , 807.18 tlon room one-hsu fliuisbed, .ss- will be hel(} Tuesday, Jan. 15, in the Waddell School audito- remodeling, bathrooms, tile work, oil furnace, iiot water heater, surtuUrie *%% mortgage. Sale rium at 8 p.m STORM V storm windows, gang*. MI ” Honses ipor Rant 6B monthly. Carlton W. .RUtehlns, MI DOVER ROAD recreation rooms. Rooting, con- 0-5183. oe 116,880. Cantor A Goldfarb, One sewer project U for a clus- 33x64^ andId SfficB4H- Call BZL 8-7796. East Side CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS crete worln Call Leon Cieszynski, lEViDN ROOM colonial with ra- BOLTON AND VICINITY Itbra, MI 8-8443, TR 8-0244. ter of streets north and south of nName Mailing Addraoa MI 9-4291. S A.B1 to 6 P.M. three room newly renovatef: l ^ e . central oh Bigelow Bt. Coll JFK.^8 Attitude W. Middle Tpke.; the oth6r project Ineodore A. and Dorothy B. Brlndamour. 5 Dover Road MI 6-3108, Charlee Agency, forest STRBBT-lMlgiitfUl 10 is for Hackmatack St. CALL ME on your formica needs, Rooms Without Board 69 apartment, private entrance, her room former Cheney realdetuto In LlOyd G. and Mary Boutlller ...... IS Dover Road and hot water, garage opUona'. 18,900 4>/i - room ranch, fire- ANDOVER Both projects have alternate eorge C. and Carolyn C. Foster ...... 19 Dover Road COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. bars, counters, kitchen cabinets, THRBS ROOM houae, 'furnished place, Immediate occii- rk-lUta aatUng. 6 padfooma, 4^ Firm on Allies^ vanitory units, table-tops and Is- ANDOVER—Large furnished room Ideal for newlyweds or workln.q tha. exeallent conation. Owner construction plans on which the Honor E. and Mary A. O’Connell ...... 25 Dover Hoad HOgHkAY T m n U D A T t0:SO a JU.—SAUnjftDAt • A31. couple. For appointment, oadl MI or unturniehed, parking, adulte pimcy. board of directors will have to de- William T.' ibid Clara R. Allen ...... 29 Dover Road land stands. Ml 9-8986. for rent. C. H. aUena, PI 2-7273, aU utlUUea. M l 8 - ^ . KMl 8-7444. Jloute 6, Andover. 8-6888 or MI 9-0641, VACATION AT HOME this Not on House cide. Edward R. Schulz ...... 148-68 Cherry A*a., RECREATION rooms framed. All $8,600 Manchester line. Small year, 7 room (rider Cape, 4 bed- SEVEN ROOM Golohlal, 8 bed The estimated cost of the clus- Flushing,^ f. N. Y, PLEASE READ YOUR AD or any part of carpentry. Nice WOMEN ONLY, furnished room FOUR ROOM apartment in new Arthur F. Bowler Jf. and Winifred B. Bowler . 39 Dover Road __ ; OT ‘ ^ M t AttT mn takMirbTer tlie obone iia • eon* Houses For Bale 72 5 room ranch, economy rooms, ' garage, recreation rooms. 1% baths, rec room, heat- (Contlnned from Pago One) ter project is $63,204, to be divid- work. No Job too small. TTila and for rent, complete housekeeping house, $96 monthly. Adults, Lo- special. ' room, separate dining room, ed eunporch garage. Immediate Angela 8. Kasevich ...... 43 Doyer Road The advavtlaar ilMMild rcM hla « the FIRST DAT T cated In WlUlmantlc. Phone ed among residents bn Dover Rd., low prices January only. Box 901, facilities between Center and nos- living room with fireplace ar; occupancy. John H. Lappen, Inc., Eldison Rd., Fultoni Rd., Hendee APPKAB8 Mid SBPOBT BSBDR8 is ttme for the next taiier- Manchester. pltal. Ml 8-6539. 423-6748. FIVB ROOM ranch, walk-out baae- Cuba success by asserting strong DOVER ROAD m « t , ameilte drive, atorms, near tlS.'OOO 8 room ranch, breeze- teslan well. Easy purchase MI 9-6381. er leadership over the West’s cold Rd.; Whitney Rd., Adams St., En- , Ihe BeioM li riopwiBldr tor ealy ONK^ hioorrect or omitted plan. West Side iMr ahjr Mtoerttoemeot u d then only to the extent of a FURNISHED rooms complete light SEVEN ROOM single house* $f" school, ehopping and bus, $13,900 way, gal-age. Immediate war policies—even' at the risk of glewood Dr. and Wedgewood Dr. BIGHT ROOM Qarriacn Oohiiiial, If the alternate plan Is chosen Vetal F. and Patricia QuackettbfiJiir'...... 6 Dover Road good* taMrUoa. Error* which do not tooeea the value of Roofing— ^Siding 16 housekeeping facilities. Centrally per month, garage avaHable Jar. MI 8-8916. occupancy, Call Mrs. ShorU, Ml 8-8886. large living room, dining rr offending sensitive Allies. William E. and Helen M. MlddlebrpqSt...... 14 Dover Road 1 w ii ant h* oofreetad by *iaake good” Insertion. located. Mrs. Dorsey, 14 Arch St., 1. MI 8-8686, He believes If Western problems on this project, a small pilmping BROOKFIELD STREET-^ room Mtohen, enidy and lavatory, 4 Thomas E. and Ruth A. Ryan ...... 18 Dover Road A. A. DION, INC. Roofing, siding, Manchester, bedroims and bath o n . aacood are to be met and solved the station would be built to carry Glen W. and ^ a r l A. Maynard ...... 22 Dover Road painting Carpentry. Alterations FOR RENT—4 room heated apar' Cape near High and Junior High, $17,300 Vernon line. Largs' 8H United States must assume force- sewage from a low point on Engle- ment. Call MI 8-6118 between 8:3 i garaga stormr Excellent loca- room split level, 3 Itoths, flooi Recreation room with lira- Albert and Marjorie Lee Gullo ...... 28 Dover Road and additions. Ceilings. Workman- FOR REINT—Front room, cen- J. WATSON BEACH & CO. placte in baaement. Attaobad ful leadership and discard all wood Dr. 'and Wedgewood Dr., add- Donald R. and Arline D. Maynard ...... 32 Dover Ro*d ship guaranteed. 299 Autumn St. l6TTNINe ID THS A\0C«RM trally located, parking-. 69 Birch a.m.,and 4:80 p.m. tion. Bel Air Real Estate, MI 3 , Or 4 ' bedrooms, fire- ing $1,834 to the cost, for a total ' " tfSSSSZS- " " DIAL Ml 3-2711 . AA\A TCLU HOW TO RAISE placis, carport, trees. Im- 81 Central Row Hartford double garage. Aluminum oii thought of winning an liAerna- Leona E. Lombardo ...... 36 Dover Rood Ml 3-4860. St. MI 9-7129. 8-9883. Central location 882,900, tional popularity contest. ' of $66,039. Peter and Pla D. Carclo ...... 42 Dover Road KIDS AND M A « eNEMieS/ mediate occupancy. TTie estimated cost of the Hack- FIRST FLOOR. 4 rooms, hast and 532-2115 brick Agency, Ml You can search all the other ALL TYPES of roofs repaired or NEAR MAIN ST. for gentleman, TOLLAND—No money down VA, things he Is reported to be think- matack St. project, if it Is con- EDISON ROAD replac.^d, specializing In Bonded private entrance, parking, 28 hot water. Call MI 8-4017. $600 down, FHA. A home built for /Kjfv. STfwLgY srgrrrw i., $21,700 Large custom 6 room ROCKLBDGE 8 year Old cus- ing and you will find nothing so nected to a pipe near Hop Brook Eaet Side built-up and shingle roofing. *ocvi.*v atrvm-, Pearl St. Tel. MI 8-7236. you. 8 epaoioua bedrooms, choice ranch, biiilt-ln kitchen, 2 tom built modern ranch. Litring is $20,218 for residents ol Hack- FOUR ROOM apartment, heated of beautifully treed lots with ptMdtive or forceful as his attitude Daniel J. and Cjohsettlna P. Sullivan...... 9 Edison Road. TROUBLE REAGHINR OUR ADVERtfSER? Coughlin Roofing Co., Manches- fireplaces, .3 baths, 8 room with 'fireplace, electric matack St., and $13,211 for An- Edward T. and Naomi R. MalTey ...... 15 Edisott Rood ter. MI 8-7707. NICELY furnished room, warm, cabinet kitchen, jgarage, adult:; stone fences. Choose your, today. EAST HARTFORD—Large 6 room about dealing with the Allies. comfortable, large clothes closet, preferred. Call MI 9-0063. large bedrooms, 3-car ranch, built-in Stove, cellar, at- kitchen, dining area, 8 bedrooms, There's an extraordinary con- drew Ansaldl, owner of the fight Cosmo and Ruth Gullano ...... 25 Edison Road $18,400 Cantor St Goldfarb, Real- basement garage, one 3 full baths 20x36 foot recreation of way through which the line BIDWELL' HOME Improvement private home, parking, gentle- tors, MI 8-8443, TR 6-6244. tached garage bus, Carlton W. trast ' between that and how he Lawrence I. Sr. and Dorothy D e ck e r...... 31 Eldison Roeid M-Hair Aiswering Servic« Company—roofing, siding, altera- man. 316 Spruce TWO ROOM apartment on tlrr acre, trees. Hutchins Realtor, Multiple List- roomoom ^ th fireplace,flroplace, attachedattachedga- plans to show leadership with would pass, a total construction Gina M. Shaw ...... 37 Edison Road floor with private bath, heat, rc tions, additions and remodeling Help Wanted— Female 35 Help Wanted— Male 36 Household Goods 51 SOUTH WINDSOR ing, MI 9-613B. ri Congress. It’s difficult to see any cost of .$33,429. John W. and Marilyn L. S qlilres...... i ...... 43 Edisoh Road Frti i Herald Readers of all types Excellent workman- COMFORTABLE room for gentle- frigerator and gas stove furnish- $26,600 18 acre farm, 300 year bncKtrick Agency,Agency. ivuMI v-evn, 94464. I real difference between his attl- If the alternate plan U chosen, 0 man, separate entrance, parking. ed, adults only. MI 8-6888. Ihe beet In ranch style homes. TWO YEAR old ranch, $ bedrooms, EDISON ROAD ship. MI 9-6498. GIRL Wanted for banking insti- PHAFIMACIST wanted. Apply at old 8 room Dutch Colon- ROCKVILLE-4 family 6-4-8. In-^<*« ^ ^ d Cen^eea and Presl- to construct a pumping station to once ^Plne Pharmacy, 664 Center WRINGER type washing machine. Call after 6 p.m.-, MI 3-0520, Low tax rate 3 full ceramic baths, birch cabi- force sewage west to on existing West Side tution in nearby suburban area. FOUR ROOMS,’ first floor, ne' Under twenty minutes to Hartford ial, 3 fireplaces, 2 baths. come 8170 per month. Owner can Elsenhower s. e «C enr efisstllod sdrerttosaowator Nn Knowledge of typing and previous St. Call MI 9-7161. net kitchen with buUt-lns and dis- sewer in Hackmatack St., the cost David and Mildred H. Kozloirich ...... 6 Edison Road custom built house heat and hr , $n,900 : 7 room raised ranch, 1% Outbuildings, productive live rent free niness cause of Elsenhower never roughed up Lawrence B. and Irene Robichaud ...... 12 Edison Road ggtsdr Blinpiy eall ths Roofing and Chimneys 16-A business experience required. land. posal, attached garage, $19,600. would be $30,712 for residents of jPART-TIME man for service sta- FURNISHED ROOM near Main water fumlshe^ adults preferred. baths, 2-car garage, city Philbrlck Agency, MI 9-8464. sole. Asking price $16,000. Make the legUlators, even though it John F. and Yvette A. Costello...... 20 Edison Road Permanent position for qualified Street. 9 Hazel Street, MI 9-2170. Call after 6 MI 3-7289. an offer. Cantor A Goldfarb, might mean getting far less than the street. M A N C H CSTER A N SW ERIN G SER V ICE ROOFTNQ—Specializing' repairing and satisfactory person with ex- 'tlon. Most be honest, dependable, KENMORE 40” range deluxe, water, $4 acre wooded lot. Construction of the sewers Walter C. and Rose M. Lawrence...... 26 Edison Road rooto of all kinds, new roofs gut- experienced, middle aged. Stftte white, $50. MI 9-8478. $38,800 ; 7 room L-ehaped ranch, TWO-FAMILY flat with both Realtors, MI 8-8442, TR 54344. he said was necessary. At the end Harry W. and Marguerite Redfern ...... 32 Edison Road cellent benefits provided. Send WELL HEATED room near bath ROCKVILLE—Beautiful 8% rpo’^ LAWRENCE F. FIANO, around W. Middle Tpke. will com- M l 9-0500 ter work, chimneys cleaned re- Service Station, 770 Main St. 3-oar garage; 3 baths, air- REALTOR apartments vacant Oil steam ----- ^;—' ------^------of each year the man In the White David L. and Marnette B. Fessenden...... 36 Edison Road resume and any pertinent infor- HERE’S GOOD NEWS! for gentleman, parking. 64 High apartment availably February heat,;, porcTporches, large two-car ga- TOLLAND—1 w m iw ch , gara^, Capitol plete. the project begun in 1985, paired Aluminum Mding 80 mation to Box C, Herald. condltloner, patio, long Tames A. and Joan M. TaslIIo ...... 42 Edison Road lea** y*ar naeasege- Tonn hear fro a mu' edvtsHaer la Jig years’ experience. Freie estimates. HELD OVER PROM OUR St. heat, hot water, range, refrlge V MI 8-2766 rage. Large assumable mortgage. 1% baths, $17,600. Joseph Barth, ^^^re on best of terms. with the construction of a force view. main and pumping station on W. I wlthoat speadlBg aO erenlng at the tdephone. Call Howley, Ml 3-8861. MI 8-0763. JANITOR WANTED. Apply Man- GREAT NEW YEAR’S SALE ator’, other conveniences, wash- $22,600: L-ahaped, 6 rooms, panel- Charlee Nicholson PI 3-6864 or We will trade. T. J. Crockett, Broker. MI 9-0820. | Kennedy followed exacUy that FULTON ROAD PART-TIME EVENING chester Bowling Green, MI 6-3969. FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! FURNISHED room with cooking and dryer on premises. Ideal f Realtor, MI 8-1677. Middle Tpke. Last year, the streets South Side facilities, second floor, private ed b ^ z e w a y room. Im- MORSE RO AD -7 room Cape, at- P°Hcy y««r and appare^y. A $74.95 young or older adults. Minutes ' p ort^ Carlsa natural around the wMt end of Center St. John J. and Lorraine B. O lekslw ...... 14 Fulton Road Radio-TV Repair Services !8 WORK MAN WANTED for banking insti- porch, lady only. MI 8-8388. Hartford over Parkway. $’ MANCHESTER—Oversized modern tached garage, fireplace, high lo- intends to do the same In 1963, were sewereo, and residents paid Auto Accessories— Tires 6 “POLAROID” CAMERA trim. ROCKVILLE — In a residential caUon trees hot water oil, com- even though It means some of his Shirley G. DlCiocclo ...... 30 Fnlton Road Lost and Found tution in neary suburban area. — WITH ANY — monthly. Call Rockville T! Imniaculate 6 room Cape, on acre for the Installation of sewers In Edward D. and Sonia Siek ...... 24 FVltrm Road CONNIES TV and Radio Service, ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PLEASANT, heated room for gen- $17,600 : 6V4 rooms, garage, 1% area, settling an estate. 2 family blnatlons needs decorating. Ex- biggest programs will be cut to Knowledge of typing and previous 3 C OM PLETE 5-3748 or MI 9-3467. baths, paneled breezeway 6-4. Second apartment fully fur- lot, IM baths, garage, city utlll- their streets, plus the delayed as- Eriiest L. and Alice L. Desrocher ...... 30 Fulton Road LOST—PASS BOOK No. 5618, Sav- available all hours Satisfaction business experience required. tleman. Apply 2 Pearl Street, ties, Bel Air Real Estate, MI cellent value $16,900. Goodchlld- pieces or cast aside altogether. inga Department of the Connect!- FOR SALE—One continental kit ROOMS OF BRAND Apt. 8, Mrs. Demute. room. nished with income of $26 per sessments for the force main and Samuel L. and June P. N ew berry...... 36 Fulton R 8-7444. Vlaltors are requested not to Fraincia J. and Dorothy E. W ohlgem uth...... 27 Hendee Road Automatic and Standard shift. Light trucking and package deliv- bath In modem ranch home. electricity. Low rent. Adults. Af MANCHESTER—247 Charter Oak. fireplace, nuge master bedroom, prepare a tax bill that would ed with your savings in mind. STORES. INC. BABYSITTING — anytime. PI Free $74.95 Polaroid Camera smoke in patient’s rooms. No more Stephen R. and Leta P hllllm ore...... S3 Hendee Road Pay as you go, take only the ery. Refrigerators, washers and Heated. Large closets. Private en- ply 10 Depot Square, Apt. 4. Vacant, 28-40 Ansaldl brick MANCHESTER—7 room split level, family elze kitchen, dining room. bring about the reduction In sev- Reasonable rates. Call MI 9-6246, 2-8323. $10 DOWN DELIVERS front ranch, full baae ent, thor- V/i baths, rec room, garage, COV' Baseboard heat, recreation room than two vlsttors at one time per West Side number bf lessons required. stove moidng specialty. Folding Park and Oakland Ave. trance. MI 3-6306. Wanted—llesi Estate 77|eral carefully spaced steps. Lewis R. and Doris E. Southergtll ...... 8 Hendee Road E. J. Bayles. chairs for rent. Ml 9-0752. Free storage until wanted. Free TWO ROOM furnished apartment oughly cleaned, redecorating ered patio half acre of j^ k llk e in basement, 30x34 foot garage, But he’s even gloormter about patient. OLDER AND NERVOUS STU- East Hartford 23 SPRUCE ST.—Off E. Center. 6 Heat. Hot water. Stove and refrig plastered walls, fireplace, hot wa- grounds. Hayes Agency, MI 8-4808. very close to schools, shoimlng Herbert J. and Myrtle G. T ed ford ...... 18 Hendee Road INCOME TAX returns prepared Doffs— Birds— Pets 41 delivery. Free set up by our own WISH SOMEONE to Handle youl something else although his Dem- DENTS OUR SPECIAL’TY reliable men. room Oat, second floor, oil steam erator. Apply Marlow’s, 887 italr. ter oil heat, aluminum combine and transportation. $16,900. rall- Patiento Today: 216 Richard T. and Rita M. Egan ...... 24 Hendee Road by former Internal Revenue If you are unable to apply dur- reai eotateT Call me at Ml 04336 ocrats this year, like last, over- William P. and Ruth F. R e a v e y ...... 80 Hendee Road Painting— Papering 21 ing the day, call the Personnel heat, automatic hot water, new- tlons, lot 90x150, amesite drive, COVENTRY—4 room ranch, fire- brick Agency, Ml 9-8484. ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Mrs. Agent in the convenience of yoUr CALL FOR FREE BOOKLET DACHSHUND puppies. AKC regis- VERNON—Nicely fum lt^d 8 root place, breezeway, garage, $11,6(X). •at prompt and courteous servloa. whelmlngly outnumber the Re- Office at 289-1571, and arrange- tered, excellent blood lines. Call Yes! With Purchase Of Any 8 ly renovated. Phone MI 6-2662. $16,500, Also 78 Finley, 6 Lena Griffin, RFD 1, Rockville; home for individual and business. PAINTING and wallpapering, wall- and bath apartment. - private er Joseph Barth, Broker, MI 9-0820. VERNON—Six room ranch, 8 vears Joeepb Barth. Brokei publicans. WHITNEY ROAD ments will be made for a per- MI 9-2576. Room Outfit During Our Great room custom Cape, aluminum Mrs. Helen Krawski, Wapping; North Side MI 9-8938. MI 3-8552 paper removed. Wallpaper books New Year’s Sale, You Get Your FOUR ROOM apartment, second trance, parking, neair. Parkwa'- old, large, Utrlng room, cUning ------— ------It’s this: sonal interview in the evening. combinations, 2-csr garage. Els- MANCHESTER—Small fafm over WE ARE READY, willing and able j j , concedes his entire program Mrs. Madiline Miller, WllUmantic; Thomas G. and PhylUa C. Felice ...... 8 Whitney Roed on request. Ceilings. Free esti- Polaroid Camera At The Camera .floor, hot water heat and automa- Adults. All utilities Included. $2" cott Agency, MI 9-7683. room, and kitchen with bullt-ins. MORTLOCK’S Driving School. We mates. Call Roger MI 8-0923. tic water heater. Adults pre- weekly. Call 'TR 6-9081. an acre, good 6 room house, ga- to help you whenever you have a j, jj the House falls to pre Forrest Hull, 14 Maple SL, Rock- Vera N. Milter ...... 23 Whitney Road have the only office and class- WOMAN TO fold clothes In laun- Articles For Sale 4.5 Shop Of Your Choice. We Pay For Good sized bedrooms, fireplace, Penwnals dromat Saturdays from 10-8. In- ferred. Call MI 8-8111 qr MI BOLTON LAKE—You’ll love this rage, 2 large barns, central, only ceramic bath, large Msement ga- Real Estate problem. Every vent a handful of conservative* 'vllte; Normand Doughty, 161 Alfred G. and Myrna R. Hagenow ...... 29 Whitney Road room in town. For complete in- EXTEFUOR AND interior painting. $12,600. Hayes Agency, Ml 8-4808. Ing We accept gets our cm eM dominating ^ Rules Com- Cooper HUl St.; WlUlam Young, William H. Sr. and Mildred B oardm an...... 35 Whitney Road quire In person. Manchester SNOW BLOWERS - SNOWBIRD. A—L—B—E—R—T— S 3-6969. adorable 5 roorti ranch. Excellent rage, combination windows. Wood- BILECTROLUX Sates and Service, formation see telephone ‘‘yellow Wallpaper books. 'Paperhanging. Business LoeaOons and p h o n a l attention. Do di»- nilttee which can, but only If the 22 Santlna Dr.; Gary Wehren, Elis W. and Helen J. H olm quist...... 39 Whitney Road Laundromat. 660 Center St. Ariens, Bqlens, Toro power han- 43-45 Allyn Street, Hartford condition, oil heat, combinations, PORTFR Bt. —Large colonial boms. ed lot. Convenient to shopping, bonded representative. Alfred page 10.” Office 443 Main St., Ceilings. Floors. FXiUy Insured BRAND NEW luxurious 4 room "J?.*? rest of the House doesn't object, Wapping; Mrs. Helen Duplin, 20 Warren C. Knoll ...... 46 Whitney Rood Amell, 206 Henry St. Tel MI ^ 9-7398. dle. Snow blowers repaired, parts Open Nights Till 9 For Rent lakefront privileges, small down 6 bedrooms, 3H oaths, 3-oar ga- churches, schools and parkway. 49 Whitney Road workmanshte guaranteed. Leo PLEASANT woman to live In with and service. Trades and terma apartment, heat, hot water, re- payment, assumable mortgage, Desirable residential area. Owner with MLS facllltles,_ Call The|^^y^ legislation. Hemlock SL; Angela Bator, H Benjamin and Antbnetta Marino ...... 2-0480. Pelletie., MI 9-6326 If no answer, local family. No cooking, good frigerator, stove, washer, garage, rage, large landecaped yard. Jai^s Realty 6o., ^ 8-4113. Brent Dr., Vernon; Susan Peters, Shirley K. and Richard C. Yeames .... 06 Whitney Road Capitol Equipment, 38 Main St. CORNER CENTER and Grlswo $11,300. Goodchlld-Bartlett, Real- Shown by appointment. Marlon B. transferred. Excellent buy, But It will be difficult to con' call MI 8-9043, home. Write Box DD, Herald, MI 3-‘7958. near Bolton. Young couple pre- tors, BU 9-0939, MI 8-7925. $17,600. TR 8-6882. Andover: Rosanne Caron,''^Storrs; Andrew J. and Mildred R. Kelley ...... 59 Whitney Road RIDE WANTED to Pratt & Whit- Garage— Service—Storage 10 FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator In good ferred. $116 pionthly. PI 2-8090. Streets approximately 500 sq, I Robertson. Realtor MI 8-6968. I 'Vince close observers of Congress ney, 8-4:46 shift from Florence state name and -references In let- condition. $25. MI 9-6704. For further Information call A-'' V ^ presidential program must live Denise Caron, WlUlmantlc; Mrs. Russell Armoglda ...... • • • 63 Whitney Road EXTEFUOR and Interior painting. ter. MOTO MOWER snow thrower, 20” , MANCHESTER—Custom 7 room 1% STORY 7 room home new Dominick J. and Elizabeth E. V asques...... 71 Whitney Road Street. MI 8-1987. GARAGE FDR RENT - For car Paperhanging, ceilings, wallpaper THREE ROOM apartment, heat, 9-4839 8 a.m.-6 p.m. $9,900—6% ROOM ranch, fireplace, i ^ a. 1 7 * s v l* -ta x -te c or fall on the Rules Committee. Marie Wochomurka, West Wll- self-prmielled. See it at McBride’s split level, 2 baths, recreation plumbing and roof, 4 bedrooms, llngton; Mrs. Theresa R u b e r a. storage, 148 Cooper Hill St., Man- books on request. F’ully insured. WANTED — Woman for full-time hot water, stove an(J refrigerator 2-car garage, large lot, prlv privacy. J. " I f A really tough presidential effort WHITNEY ROAD Sport Spot, 639 Center St., MI Musical Instruments 53 NORTH MANCHESTER — Brir room, expandable to 6 bedrooms, Carlton W] Hutchins, Realtor, aluminum combinations, double East Hartford; Robert Moore, 32 chester. $7.00. Call Glastonbury, Call Edward R. Price, MI 9-1003 laundry work. Good hours, good 9-8747. furnished, nicely decorated, $80 garage, close to all schools, y — ' would make a world of differ- South Side Automobiles For Sale 4 633-90.'57. monthly. Call MI 3-4385. “ building. 26x26. with cellar, co' double garage. Carlton W. Multiple Listing, MI 9-6132, Knighton St.; Joseph jGrous, pay. New System Laundry, Harri- ACCORDIONS, guitars, amplifiers, Crete floor, loading platform ar Hutchins, MI 9-6132. $16,900. Philbrlck Agency, Ml ence. David O. and Roberta R. C arpenter...... 18 Whitney Road PAINTING AND paperhanging. Tend Injured, The Florida etorles make the French Rd., Bolton; Karen Dough- Teresa Bario ...... 26 Whitney Rood NEED CAR? Your credit turned son Street. i organs. Save up to 40%. New separate tile garage 14x24, co- VERNON—6 room ranch, storms, 9-8464. Good clean workmanship at rea- TORO POWER handle and store special—free ampMfier and FOUR ROOM apartment, secqnd MANCHE8TER^2-famiIy 6-6, C President look even gloomier erty, South Windsor; Truman Ruth W. Vlttner ...... 32 Whitney Road down? Short on down payment? Household Sei vices sonable rates. 30 years in Man- PART-TIME for snack bar work, floor, heat and hot water furnish- Crete floor. Very reasonab'- fireplace, 2-car garage. Tongren Cowles Jr. and Elizabeth Cbwles, Bankrupt? Repossessicm? , Don’t blower for sale. MI 3-8728. I case with guitar special. Ron- Phone TR 6-9413, zone, expandable attic. Main St. Agency, MI 8-6321. "Anything In COLONIAL —Full of charm and about any chance this year for A lfr^ J. and Anne Jarvis ...... 36 Whitney Rood Offered 13-A chester Raymond Fiske. MI Monday-Frlday, 7 p.m.-l a.m. ; dinone Music Center, 1185 Main, ed, garage. Adults preferred. Call Asking $16,900. Tongren Agency, livability, aluminum siding, alum- Ignore Chase his much talked-about programs 4 Hoffman Rd.; Linda Reilly, 150 Joseph J. and Katherine M. D a iley ...... 40 'Whitney Road despair! See Honest Dougias. In- 9-9237. Must be over 30. Apply at Park- SKATES—Men’s hockey, size 8; MI 3-6969 or MI 3-6111. Real Estate.” Oak St.; Mrs. Anna Setruetz, 21 quire about lowest down, small- East Hartford. 289-2089. CENTRAL location—Store appro: MI 84321. . inum awnings, paneled den, one of aid to education and medical Robert L. and Rosemary S. Parent ...... 46 Whitney Road REIWEAVING Of bums, moth holes. ade Bowling Lane Snack Bar. girl’s figure, size 4, $4 pair. MI mately 20x40, suitable for smr block west of Princeton Street. E. Bremen Rd. William C. and Arlene H. Mather ...... 50 Whitney Road est payments anywhere No small PAINTING, wallpapering, ceilings 3-8863. 118 MAIN—Three rooms, heat, hot CX3ZY 4 room home, garage, deep (Oontlniwd from Page One) care. This Is like quitting before Zippers repaired Window Shades RENT A BAND or orchestra In- business. MI 9-6294. SO. WINDSOR—Sale or rent. 8 wooded lot, assumable mortgage. J. Carpenter, Broker, MI 9-8051, you start. ADMITTED TODAY: Arthur Gerard and Virginia L. Charette ...... 56 Whitney Road loan or finance company plan. refinished, hardwood floors sanu- COME OUT, come out, wherever strument for your child. Rental water, stove, refrigerator, $100. made to measure; all sized Vene- ed. Call Ml 3-2108. MI 9-5229, 9-5. room custom ranch, choice lo- Near bus and shopping; John H. 9-9152. the government forces had enclr-1 All In all the Florida stories WlUey, 71 Green Rd.; Mrs. Mar- Louis P. and Therese L. Martlneau ...... 60 'Whitney Road Douglaa Motors, 333 Main. I you are RN’s. Part-time—hours ONE PAIR lady’s shoe skates, applied to purchase price. -Ward cation, partially flnishqS play- tian blinds Keys made while you ATTRACTIVE small store < Lappen, Inc. MI 9-5261, cted the Communist Viet Cong and don’t make Kennedy look very guerite LeTourneau, 133 Brook- Clarence W. and Carolyn E. F is k e ...... 66 Whitney Road vklng large wooded yard, causes. Hartford Gas Co. . . . 70 94 Wedgewood Drive you to a fresh start by consoli- Legal Hillside St. Richard F. and Beatrice McKeon .. 1229 Main St, Manchester in v it a t io n kitchen equipped with built-in Viet Cong casualties were un- Southern New England dating the many debts that de- known. But there were reports of Telephone ...... 48 62 DISCHARGED TODAY: Rebec ENGLEWOOD DRIVE mand your attention into one Advertisement oven and range, 2 fireplaces, lot N OTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIN G 100x300. Shown by appointment sampans loaded with dead or Manufacturing OompaiUee ca Currier, 105 E. Center St. East Side , ^ . easily paid monthly obligation. MAN FOR part-time work morn- TO BID By virtue of default of a Condi- Now Yoor's Special— NOW REDUCED! 59 68 Elijah Jackson, 31 Strickland St. Anthony J. and Helen F. Pllkaltis ...... H Englewood D ^ .$2,000 requires only $44.50 per only. Call owner MI 84475. ^ wounded guerrillas moving along | Arrow, Hart, Heg. O N PROPOSED SEWER MAIN EXTENSIO N ings, meechanlcal experience; Ap- Sealed bids will be received at tional Sales Contract held by the canals leading out of the area. Associated Spring 14 16 Richard N. and Wanda Bonadies ...... 23 Englewood M v a fhontb including repayment. If ply Moriarty’s Flying A Sefe'ice, the Office of the General Manager, General Motors Acceptance Corpo- FINE 6 FIOOM Colonial homo, 1% 9% 10% Robert T. and Geraldine L. McNamara ...... 27 Englewood Drive you havq property equity, con- The Viet-Cong force that at- Bristol Brass IN H A CK M A T A CK ST.. EAST O F PROSPECT ST. 510 Hartford Road. 41 Center Street, Manchester, ration, assigned and executed by baths, garage, located near the tacked from ambush Wednesday Dunham Bush 5% 6% Donald W. and Marjorie K.'Smith ...... 33 Englewood Drive tact Frank Burke, Connecticut Joseph Wisniewski, Vendee, our Green, nicely landscaped lot. Eve. 48% 52% Four Children Richard F. and Rita A. H u gh es...... 39 Englewood Mva Moftgage Exchange, 15 Lewis Connecticut, until January 11, 1963 was estimated at two regular Em-Hart HACKMATACK STREET FOREMAN (CONSTRUCTION at 11:00 A.M. for Chemicals. representative will sell on Jan. 10, Conrad Rueter, MI 84809., War- 38% 42% Blvln E. Draghl ...... ,....45 Englewood Wva North Side St., Hartford, 246-8897. AND MAINTENANCE) battalions reinforced by a heavy Fafnlr . Bid forms and specifications are 1963, 11:00 A.M., at Clyde Chev- ren E. Howland, Realtor, MI weapons company — a total of N. B. Machine 18% 20% Perish in Flames Michael and Doris Cappa ...... - • • 81 Englewood Drive' Name . Mali s WATER AND SEWER available at .the Controller’s Of- rolet, Rock'vllle, one '60 CSiiev'rolet, 8-1108. ______about 6M men. U.S. advisers and North and Judd 14% 16% Katherine M. Conkllng ^ ...... 57 Mary D. Molin ...... 79 Hackma,. . treet DEPARTMENT Serial No. 01839T219837. 1S% Arthur and Patricia DoBranski ...... ,. 61 Englewood Business Opportunities 32 fice, 66 Center Street, Manches- WEST" in > B —a room Cape| 1% Vietnamese officers *M^d they [Stanley Works 16% ELKINS, W. Va. (AP)—Four Latwrencie J. and Delphine S. Bousquet . . . . 89 Hackmatack Street FOR TH E TOWN OF ter, Connecticut. The seller reserves the rlgUt to 41 46 WiUiain C. and Iona E. Bousquet ...... 97 Hackmatack Street MANCHESTER baths, full shed dormer,-walk-ln could not estimate boW many ro- Veeder-ROot children burned to death early to- West Side -J ( PACKAGE STORE —Manchester. TOWN OF MANCHESTER^ bid. malned In the area. The govern- The above quotations are not to 12 Englewood Drive Virginia Ansald) ...... 123 West Center St. Excellent income. High potential. Salary: $5,033.60-$6,406.40 GENERAL MOTORS closets, carpeting, copper plumb- day in a fire which destroyed Claire H. and Claire R. Reid ...... CONNECTICUT ing, excellent condition through- ment poured in about 800 para-] be oonstroad as actual markets, William J. and Mae N. Wutsch ...... 18 Englewood Drive Cecelia' Plano ...... 98 Forest Street All cash required. Inquire Box E, Plans and supervises work of RICHARD MARTIN, ACCEPTANCE TO KNIT their frame house at the neairby Catherine Shaw ...... 165 Hackmatack Street employes engaged in construc- out, many extra features qul^rt troopers. Frauik H. and Lois K. Maloney ...... 22 Elngtewood Privo Herald. GENERAL MANAGESl CORPORATION The batUe began as a routine j IN STBANGE WATERS town of Valley Bend. 28 Englewood Drive Margaret B. Leister ...... 183 Hackmatack Street tion and maintenance of sanitary stTMt, walk, to school, shopping Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William R. and Barbara S. Garrity Mary-aiM Francis J, Jr. Furphy ...... 187 Hackmatack Street LUNCHEONETTE for sale, equip- sewers and water mains. and bus, $14,400 or reasonable of- "search and clear” operaU Bomatt, The Manchester Evnniiw eaph pattern. Name, addraaa with SEVEN ROOM Cape, 4 bedrooms, was awakened when the flue of a ;nEn>eOTe et a bearing to be held in the WADDELL SCHOO: NURSE. Conn, iicensed, relief con- ice. T E L Ml 9-9515 ZSone and Pattern Number. ^ were downed. Authorities said Rhode I*, uary 16, 1968. _ ___ SnUBIiT. Manchester, Connecticut, at 8.00 P.M., EST., Jan- Harold. 1160 AVE. OF AMERl- 3 full batha, large living room coal-burning stove fell Into the valescent home. Room with tele- Sand 5Qc for the BIg-Slae Album 1th flroplace, attached garage, day one helicopter was destroyed, bo ard OF DIRECTORS 3»68. . . ^ vision. References. TR 5-9121. APPRENTICESHIP openings CAS, NEW YfMW 86. N. Y. bin the crews hoped to be able lan4 State PUota A s^ la tlo n said house. The atructure burst Into TOWN OF MANdOBniBR. filled with lovely (iesigns, a needle- umlnum combinationa, one year flames Immediately, trapping the carpenters and macihine m Fw lat-dmaa mailing add 10c for 2 to reoalr the oth« four and fly arrangementa era being mado to DAVID M. MABMJi ilWlOiy. ^ BOARD OF DIRECTORS o r Ml 3-S578 work'otitcrii aectloii and fraa pat- old. $31,800. Philbrlck Ageney, M l four youDgaterii In a bodnom. 4’, u'. RELIABLE woman to care tor tors, .^ i^ y immediately. C & SO N S and SONS $Ma pattacn. Print Name, Addraaa tiMm miL 'brtaif Um bomo. TOWN OF MANCHESTER. small children, light housework. State Bmploj^nent Sem e*, 806 wlUi loM^ Myto No. and olaa. tona, By DAVID M. BARRY, Secretary. MI 9-3230. Main St., Manchester.



Of Bank JK.. *Uklad on the ley Mountain Laurel Chapter, Sweet road, oTOMiJ to4he o tb u aide a ^ PENTLAND Adelines Inc., will rehearse at 8 DriverFaeps iMerad o t t • utility pola r t ttie own tonight, at the Irish A m e r i c a n THE VTiORliS bau. The youth w u unhurt' hut Geotrally LpehM At K^mne, 68 Grove Bt, Hartford. The From Your s Kitchen ttaa vohoUa bad to be towed away A AUl nhMTMl f o r Ui« speitk- cHbnis Wi l l rehearse for the re- RojMtAJiarge - m v m t U a g ! *low«nf with conridaFaUa front end dam- BmOB BTBBBT ' Inf and pantomime caat of “Alice gion^ competition ih Roohssteri aga Patrolman Bamucl MiUtempo H By DORIS BELDINO Ml 8-4444-40 8-8S4T In Wonderland," the Uttle .The- 1). Y., In April. Those Interested JL'"^a-year-oId B u t Hartford laauad a written warning to Ro- ater of Manoheater'a 'Children*! in 'joining should contact Mrs. Hamburg . Tomato Soup Cas- Opea 8tl04i88 man laat night w u arreated on a manowica for Improper, driving-^ Ihonday tU 8 PJL w i n g production, will be held to- Robert W. Gordon, 416 K. Center serole is a main dish that iti'Bim- iptding too fact for road oondl- charge of failure to grant the right Fuktug Acfou the Bteul alfht from 6;30 to 8 In the down- St. ple to prepare, and easy on budg- atalrs room of the old tech ichool of wi^, which police u y rcMlted In For 100 OUF '. .• • ets that have been overworked At 7:80 ajti. today, a car onarat- bulldtnf. SehoOl St. There will be Maj. E. Walter Lamle wdll con- a three-oar craah at W. Center and ad by Rctoert B. FriU Jr., 21, of no rehearsal for the dancers in duct an --Ijrformal study of "Pil- during the .recent hpUdays. Mrs. V Cooper Bta. 417 Hackmatack St, went Into A the cast. grim’s Progfi^s” at^7:lA tonight Robert Thulln, 61 Bruce Rd., has skid on a Bldwell S t curve and at the Salvatloirrj^^y Anf" Citadel. also included a recipe for Straw- The accident w u one of aeven Involving motor vehiclea yoater- craahed Into a utility pole, break- Stanley L. Smith, son of Mr. and' berry Wafer Torte, a gala des- ing it off at the bue. No Injuriee CAR LEASING Mrs. Wiiliam K. Smith, 70 Garth Persons may reglstw^tpr cliaases sert. day and early today in whieh''two were reported but the car had to Rd„ has been accepted a ! a trans- in the Manchester Adult Hvjenlng Hamburg Tomato Soup Casserole persona received minor Injuries be towed away with extenalva fer atudenf in advanced etanding School tonighft from 7 to 8 o’ciloc^ *1H pounds ground beef and considerable vehicular dam- front end damage. Patrolman CTar- and RENTALS by Oalifomla Western University, at the Manchester High School aa- - 1 tablespoon shortening age w u reported. Icy road condi- ence Heritage le stlU Investigating tions contributed to the acride,nt!. rirrt In MaaehMtw. Bwr m n , Point LOma, Calif. A sophomore ministrative office. There are ^'-pan undiluted tortato soup the accident. openings in several courses begun EUUot R. Arden w u ordered to full maintenance, falls taamnd at the University of Hartford, he 1 ublespoon' grated onion Three other two-car colllsiona will begin the spring semester at last semester and in two new 1 teaspd^ salt appear In Circuit Court 12, Man- to reduce your MhlMM______and courses, conversatlonad French and chester, Jan. 28, to answer the were Inveetigated On Manchester worriee. For * iBfonaaUon California Western Feb. 4. He is a M teaspoon pepper streets yeeteraay, one at Hilliard pire-law major. 'Smith was gradu- practical application of algebra. 2 cups sliced 'co^ed carrots charge which stemmed from the three-car cruh. Police reported St., e u t of Adame St.; a second ated from ^yahore (L. l’„ N. Y.) 2^A cups mashedshed potatoes. on Hudson St., west of Summit Brown hamburg In fat, and add that he w u driving e u t on W. Paul Dedga Pm Hm High School. St.; and another In the Stop * soup, onion, salt and peppbr.. Sim- Center St. and had sigmUed for a ma School LVIenus left turn onto Cooper SL when a Shop parking lot off W. Middle Phone Ml 9-U81 Miss Lode Ann Smith, daughter mer for 10 mlmltes. Add cart«U- Tpke. No injuriee nor arresU and of Howard L. Smith, 300 N. Main Place mixture in lightly buttered . westbound car, operated by Miss 878 MAIN 8TB E B I Paula Ballsieper, 18, of 70 Tanner only alight vehicular damage w u St., Is home for the holidays from 1%-quart casserole. Spread mash- reported by police. Public school menus for the ed potatoes on top of meat mix- St., noticed the signal lights, ap- the Silvermlne College of Art, New week of Jan. 7 through 11 will be Canaan, ture. Bake for about 25 minutes plied her brakes, and skidded Into as follows: the right front fender of the Arden in 300 degree oven. This recipe FAT ’ Monday, for all schools except se^es six. car. The Impact then knocked the Manchester High: Chicken vege- Savings-Loan Strawberry Wafer Torte Arden vehicle into the left front table soup, peanut butter and jelly fender of a car, driven by Jerald % pound sugar wafers, creamed overweight sandwich, vegetable sticks, milk, BYank Nolan, 25, of 199 Windsor Avallabla to you without a doctor’s WINDOW SHADES ice cream. fllled. Crushed / Reports Gains prescription, o u r. drug called 1 quart fresh or frozen straw- St., who W u stopped at a stop Monday for Manchester High sign. ODRINBX.You muet Iqae ugly fat In 7 berries crushed dayo or your money back. No strenu- WASHABLE only: Breaded veal,cutlet with to- Mrs. Roslyn Arden, a passenger IMi cups whipped cream The Manchester Savings and ous exercise, laxatives, massage or mato sauce, mashed potato, butter- In her husband’s car, was shaken INTERSTATE ed spinach, bread.arid butter, milk. % cup gutter Loan Association, Inc., reports taking of s6^I1ed reducing candles, 1 cup powdered sugar Up and was later treated at Man- crackers op Cookies, or chewing gum. AQUA SHADES Tuesday: Meat bails with gravy, chester Memorial Hospital for gains In all departments lu t year. 2 eggs separated ODRINEX is a tiny tablet and easilv mashed potato, whole kernel corn, body bruises. *rhe Arden car and *1716 usociatlon’s 142nd semi- BE Made to Order bread and butter, milk, mixed Divide half of crushed wafers swallowed. When you take ODRINBX. , Wltli Pour t e lle r s and line bottom of 7 x 11 x 1% the Ballsieper car were towed annual State of Condition report you etui enjoy your meals, still ent fruit. from the scene with extensive Wednesday: Oven-fried chicken inch pan. Cream together butter shows total usets now at ?16,- the foods you like, but you slmpl.v Pan LiiM of Custom and powdered sugar. Add egg damage. 453,204.09, an Increase of $1,860,- don't have the urge for extra portions legs with cranberry sauce, parslied At 4 :36 p.m. yesterday, 'Thomu potatoes, buttered peas and car- yolks one at a time and mix. Beat 981, or 1294 per cent, over 196L because ODRIN31X depresses you VENmAN BLINDS whites until stiff and add to mix- R. Gregson, 18, of 60 Lockwood St., Savings accounts increased by appetite and decreases your desire for rots. bread and butter, milk, pears. In attempting to make a right turn Thprsday: Hamburg patty on ture. Put a layer of the creamed $1,503,746 during the year, a gain food. Your weight must come down, butter mixture on top of crushed oft Henry St. into White St., skid- of more than 11 per cent while because ae your own doctor will tell roll, potato stick.s, buttered green ded into a fire hydrant E. A. JOHNSON beans, milk, apple crisp. wafers, a layer of strawberries and mortgage loans Increased by $1,- you, when you ent less, you weigh Gregson w u taken to the hos- lees. Get rid of exoeee fat and live Friday: Baked macaroni and a layer of whipped cream. Cover 873,231, or about 15 per cent. FAINT GOa top with layer of crushed wafers. pital and treated for a chin lacera- longer. ODRINEX coats |8J)0 aqd is cheese, cabbagc-carrot salad, roll tion. His car, with front end dam- Summing up the 1962 fegirres, sold on this GUARANTEE: U not sat- 723 Main St., Tel. MI 9-4301 and butter, milk, peanut butter Chill in refrigerator overflight. age, was towed from the scene, Robert J. Boyce, the firm’s presi- isfied for any reason Just return the cookie, apple.sauce. Mrs. Thulin w'as bom In Monte- r^ othfer 18-ycQr-old boys in the dent, said, "All In all, the year package to your druggist and get your diVeo, Minn., and is a regrlsterod car were imhurt. No arrest w u 1962 h u been one of our best." full money back. No questions asked. nurse. She graduated from North- made. ’The Savings and Loan Associa- ODRINEX Is sold with this guarantee western Hospital, Minneapolis, and L u t night at 10 o’clock, Charles tion was founded In 1891, and h u by: is emplo.ved as a part-time nurse (Herald photo by S^ternis) R^mano'wicz, 16, of 34 Goslee Dr., offices on Main St. and in Cov- ARTHUR DRUG STORE. 943'*-.llAIN

at Manchester Memorial Hospital driving soutli on West St., north entry. 'fjJAn, ORDERS FILLED MRS. ROBERT THULIN The Thullns came to Manchester Thursday Night Specials in 1957, stayed two years and re- turned to Minnesota, coming back

ROAST BEEF AU JUS rn here in 1961.

Mrs. Thulin la a member of South Methodist C h u r c h , the ROAST STUFFED TURKEY ^ 1 Junior Century Club, Lutz Junior Museum a n d the Manchester JUMBO STUFFED SHRIMP ^ GET A FULL MEASURE OF VALUE AT YWCA. Her hobbies are singing and cooking. FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL Heh husband is a mechanical en- As everyone knows, a lo\v price alone does hot always add up to a

gineer at Pratt and Whitney, dl- bargain: Too often, a low price leads to disappointment, generally COMPLETE LOBSHR DINNER .... $1.95 xdsion United Aircraft Corp.. East | because a sacrifice in quality is involved. Best way to overcome this

Hartford. The couple has two problem is to look for a reputation behind the price— your guarantee daughters, Susan, 2H, and Mar- that every price tag carries a full measure of value—your guarantee SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL garet, 5’/4. that your purchase leads to .sen.sible savings! At Pinehurst quality gets first consideration—the LOW price is a bonus. You buy abso- STEAK DINNER...... $195 lutely the finest U. S. Gov't choice graded meats, trimmed to per- fection! A large service at Pinehurst department further makes Pine- Our Grocery Department tvill run We Specialize In Businessmen’s Luncheons— 85c to 99c hurst the areals most complete source for the finer foods you’d rather GENEROUS PORTIONS another sale on these four very have. Bargains for quality and save at Pinehurst. PLUS OUR REGULAR MENU FOR YOUR • LEGAL BEVERAGES popular items— f HOMEMADE BREAD and PASTRIES .4 fter the Holiday j BEST BUY • SOUPS MADE FRESH DAILY In Alumlnuin Combination

Windows— Doors Jalousies Pork is a Enjoy Yonr Favortte Awnings— Siding and Pinehurst Beef Sale Legal Beverage Here . . Tub Bnclosures BUMBLE BEE FRANK’S SEE or CALL good value


CAMPBELL’S The Bank that gives you PACKAGED SAVINGS at 39*b

Very Lean and Meaty TOMATO SOUP can 10c Block Clinch LIMIT 5 CANS ‘ BONE IN OUR OWN MANE



SHURFNE Very Blconomical MEAT lb. 59c Center Cuts lb. 59c PURPLE PLUMS can 25c Earn LIMIT 8 CANS BONELESS BONELESS PINEHURST • PORK LOINS I Dividends CHUCK ROASTS S Lb. Average FROM JANUARY 1 CAMPBELL’S Member o f Federal ALL EXCEPT THE EYE lb. 89c Deposit Insnranoe Oorp. 792 CHICKEN SOUP 6 for $1.00 USUALLY 2 for 37c THIS IS BEEF STEW and SOUP WEATHER PINEHURST Chicken Noodle Soup, 6 for $1.00 anchester lavings FRESHER-BY-FAR

STEWING BEEF WEST BRANCH GROUND MEA’TS MAIN OFFICE EAST BRANCH SMALL TENDER CUBES c East M a n c h o i t e r P a r k a d c 9 2 3 Alain S t . 2 8 5 C e n t e r S t . LEAN C o r . Lenox S i . West M i d d l e T u r n p i k e OF CHOICE BEEF lb O P E N T H U R S D A Y B O T H BRANCHES O P E N F R I D A Y S t o 8 p . m . 89 HOOD MILK gal. 76c E V E N I N G S 6 t o 8 CHUCK GROUND STEWING LAMB KNUCKLE SOUP BONES EVERY DAY PRICE pa kmo ALWAYS n n m o# nun « lb. 15c lb. 29c lb. 79c

Special Prices on Pinehurst

3-in-1 Blend Feed the Wild ffirds. ..

RIB OVEN ROAST OF BEEF BEEF. PORK, VEAL See how many new birds you can find.

TTbuddi^ y/L Jjojvh,! Our latest Is a *rufted Titmouse . . . tst 4 RIBS Lb. 79c [ STANDING 5 Lbs. Bird Seed ...... 69e

A S IS 3 Lb$. Sunflower ...... 79c REGULAR HAMBURG

Lb.49c 25 Lbs. Bird Seed ...... $2.50

50 Lbs. Bird S e e d ...... $4.90 ^ i’ In 10 lb. lots

Bird Sitet on sale at self service meat .case Lb.43c udier* you will find a special feature on



u. s. O O ^ APPLES CHOICE y y c CHOICE 79e



Celery Hearti I Lb. 69c Call In Your Order

