'". V •„ i‘‘ AvdhMT* Daily N«t ProM lUn " BVlv Ik* WMk taM ' Tito. W i i tBwr : DeBoahw iw, UGS : / 1 T 3 j 8 7 9 : ao«4y ato VMOkir. ill* - . -' .-Mtankw.al «k * -A d ^ tfe ektoge'le 'iwqyOwkiWb Iwr Bbi'— ef Ctiwiktlae 20-25. Rtgli ITrUky ip tte Wk •A'City o f ViUage,Chdrm . / TOL.L]aaai,NO\t9 (gIXTBBIf PA6B$) MANdHE^^, CONN,» THURSg^, JANUARY 8, 1»«3 (OtaMifled AdTcrttOag m Fee* 14) PIUdB GftNTII Fadt-Finder SiateNews Named Ih Miller Enters NEW: YORK (AP) — A Innocent Plea federal offieigl reports spb' By ThA, Aeeeolated Ifteee i Mrs. Potnpeno told a. Atory of stantial progress in negotia- “My poQti /kidBj wh*t will unpaid household biUa and debts In Sillan Case - ticHis seeking to settlethe her husband didn’t know about. they say?” It all led to toe holdup— a "spur dock strike on the Atlantic Mrs. Consti^ce Pompano of the moment” decision—of toe BRIDGEPORT (AP) — aiid Giilf Coasts. ' of Ndw Haven, a petite, 88- Cheshire branch o f TTie Waterbury Harlis Miller, 31, of 14 Spring Washington »6urc«a said Frssl- year-old housev^fe, sobbed National Bank, located to a ahopr HiH Ave., Norwalk, pleaded dant Knrnedy likely wltt luve to ping center. out those words during her innocent in Superior Court to- reconunend special leglslaui^ tQ Police aaid Mrs. Pompano, who end the orippUng Bast-Oulf- Cost arraignment last Nnight in day to.,a first degree grand Still /Fears aUmds under five feet in height, tlocks strike. If the walkout, now In Cheshire on a charge of bank jury murder indictment in walked into the bank shortly af- Its leth day, is still On when Con* robbery. ter noon yesterday and .handed a the strangulation death o f gresa reconvenes next week. And to-Bridgeport,., two toen ar- paper bag to teller .Patricia Du- Mrs. Isabelle Silla:n, 50, in her * tlie report was made after In- T shlombe reeted yeeterday for the holdup of Plaise with a note that said: Westport home Nov. 42. dustry and union repreeentatlvoa a bank to .Bristol to mid-Decem- "Pill this up.' I have a gun. Don’t The former handyman, irepre- agreed. Wedneeday to have James ber have told police that-hlgh Uv- make a sound.” . SbntedAby Public Defender Herbert Healy, Harvard University , pro- tog ate up most of Me )13,309 She left with |1,497. A short J. Buildock, elected trial by jury, Sabjotage tosaor of Industrial relations, loot. time later she was caught, in' a and Judge James C. Shannon as- serve as a fact-finder in the con- About |4,4(>0 was found when store Wbih-e she purchased . $20 signed the case for trial Jan. 22. tract dispute. they were picked u p ' here yester- worth of clothing, Including a A motion by Bundock for a LEOPOLJpVILLE, T i e James J. Reynolds, assistant day afternoon, new dress. change of venue Wfilch, if granted, Congo (AP) — U.N. forces secretary of labor, said' tbs ac- A :tip Bent police to the apart- Aii old and unloaded revolver would move the sch^uletl trial to ceptance of Healy was a sign i of ment of ex-convlct Robert Er- 'was found to-her handbag. Police another county, will be argued captured t^e important Ka- progress. hardt,' 84, to a two-family house recovered the bank money. Tuesday before Judge Shannon. tanga town of Jadotville, to- “ I can say there hgs been sub- at 86 Poplar St. There toey ar- Mrs. Pompano was brought to State’s Attorney Otto -J. Saur day, a U.lN. spokesman saiid. stantial progress because they be- rested Brhardt anu Robert Fase- the 'Woodbridge home of U. S. Is in charge, of the prosecution of This gave the attackera a gan In left field and are gradually kas, 24; of 148 Yoric Rd., Fair- Millei* who faces execution or life , approaching the infield,” Rey- field. (Continued on Page Eight) springboarld for an advance imprisonment, Without benefit of nolds said. pardon or parole if convicted of on Katanga secessionist Pres- Healy was assigned to survey first degree murder. ident Moise Tshombe’8 ' head- welfare and pension contributions quarters at Kolwezi, about 90 in the industry and report hie Governor 48 miles away. findings before resumption of ne- Katanga forces realstlng the gotiations this afternoon. Siberians See k A id, HARTFORD (AP) — Governor Dempsey, still battling a heavy U.N. sweep through toe aeceaaion. RepreBentatiyes of toe striking 1st province hMr.been expected to AFLi-ClO International Longshore- cold, today celebrated his 4Sth P birthday quietly at the Executive make a riiajoi ' atahd at Jadotihlle, If men’s Association and of the ehip- Residence. , a mining center m idm y between ptng and stevedoring companlee J Persecu tio n He had hoped to visit his State Kolwezi and the falt^ agreed -to discuss pension and OapRo'l office briefly, where his capital of f Elisabethville. welfare benefits with Healy. ' If office staff had planned a little U.N. tr^ps stopped six asOss Secretary of Labor W. Willard MOSCOW (AP)— A determtoedtseek asylum. They tried to hand blrthdny get-together. However, from Jadotville Wednesday night Wlrtz was to rejoin toe negotia- band of Siberian peasants, de- over a letter, which was not atfi he reluctantly canceled this for after crossing the Lufira River tione toda'y—the 12th day of toe scribing themselves as persecut- Cepted, and.,.then went away. medical reasons. on impreWised pontoons and buc- Strike of 50,000 dock workers ed Christians, forced their way The shabbily dressed peasants T'he big white birthday cake, do- kled girders from three rlitoea which has tied up shipping in Into toe U.S. Embassy today and who appeared at the U.S. Embas- nated by his office staff, was sent the Katangans had blown up. The appealed for refuge. sy said toey had come by train Headed for Open Water ports from Maine to Texas. directly to the Executive Resi- U.N. units were fo re ^ to leaye Negotiations for the industry Protesting loudly, toe 82 meh, from Chemogorsk, a Siberian dence. It contained 48 candles and Coast Oua^ tug from Bristol. R. I., broke toe ice in Greenwich Bay, R. I., and tqwed out 1.5 qua- women and children wSre taken town about 2,100 mllea east of haug skiffs. Shellfishermen in the area were able to get to open water for the first time since the their hejivy equipment; behind. are being handled by toe New the lettering, "Happy Birthday, Indian', Irish and Ethiopian York Shipping Association, which away to a Soviet bus nearly four Moscow. Governor!’’ deep freeze set in. (AP Photofax). hours later after Soviet -officials They said they were fleeing troops in the U.N. force took Ja- represents 146 .shipping and stev- This evening there will be a dual dotidlle by noon, a U.N. qwksa- edoring companies. Traditionally, promised toe embassy they would from persecution by local offi- celebration at the Goven.or’s Man- be put up to a hotel and Would cials who threatened to Jail them man skid. This indicated they had conttoct terms reMhed in nego- soon when Dempsey will .be Joined little reeistance. not be harmed. -And take their chltdren away from by his daughter Margaret who is Viet Fighters tiations here set toe pattern for Kolwezi; 150 miles northwest of eettlementa in other ports. The demonetration—almost un- them. celebrating her 16th birthday. Blast Deaths at 15, heard jst to’ the Soviet Union— A U.S. Embassy official told Elisabethville, la the baas for Ten ships brought more than most of Katanga’s air. fores as 6,000 passengers to New York Tiroughi 'to light an unpublicized newsmen the group wanted help Tend Injured, to get oflt of toe Soviet Union, Inaugural Parade Set well as temporary headquartan docks Wednesday and early ito- mrotwt by a group of Russian rather than to seek asylum. They HARTFORD (A P )—^ v . John for Tshombe’s government. day. Most, of toe passengers were Baptists six monthi ago at toe made no specific ' request to go N. Dempsey will be inaugurated Cause Still Sought As the U.N'. colunm moved to- returning ihroni Caribbean cruisee. British Embassy. " Ignore Chase A British Embassy Spokesman to toe United States. for hie first tovr-y^Ai" term next ward Kolweifl, toe United Mhtfons Latest tor Arrive wae toe Carib- said toe B^Usts had ajmealed The. peasants said they haid Wednesday with , the usual ponip prodded Tahombe -to end' hfo •*- bean Lines' Riviera Prlma, which TERRE HAUTE,- Ind. TAN HIEP. South Vlst Nartj for help to “ getting to touc:touch with heard they could go to an embas and ceremony. (AP) —f.Haute. "That was About 10 'til 7. cession from toa Congo deMMIf . docked with 866 passengers . at Rescue crews with cranes recov- A little after that it exploded." (AP)—After 20 hours of battle, toe Uhlted NAticna,” but did not ay and get refuge while toe em The ceremonies will begin with government; U !40 a.m. The ship was 16, hours ered two more bodies today from "All of onoe' the building started Vietnamese and Americans plckAd baasy arranged (Or them to be an Inaugural luncheon at the up their dead and. wounded from Foreign eonsula to "BUhabeto* late because oL stormy weather sent out of toe country. Statler-Hllton Hotel. the ruins of a meat packing plant, shaking,;' said Henry Akers, -28, yille, however, wers reposted alBl toward toe end cl toe trip.
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