The Pickering 52 PAGES ✦ Pressrun 48,900 ✦ Metroland Durham Region Media Group ✦ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2008 ✦ Optional delivery $6 / Newsstand $1 Afghanistan Heading to university Time to talk about Post-secondary schools get extending Canada’s mission ready for fall students Pages 2 and 6 Page 7 GOLDEN EFFORT FOR CANADA Incinerator fits Courtice: study Durham residents ing. About 10 delegates spoke out against the plan. continue to fight Specifically, said Ms. Bracken, selection process there are issues in terms of how air quality was judged. By Jennifer Stone “The differences between the
[email protected] Courtice and East Gwillimbury air- sheds are extreme,” she said. But those considerations will be NEWMARKET — Despite pro- made later in the process, when tests to the contrary from a number more site specific studies are done, of Durham citizens, Courtice is the the committee heard. Those stud- best place to build an incinerator, ies can’t be completed until both says a joint Durham York commit- site and technology have been tee. determined. Consultants hired by Durham council will now be Durham and York recommended asked to approve that recommen- several months ago the Durham- dation, as will council in York Re- owned lands near Hwy. 401 and gion. Courtice Road as the best site for But, the site selection process, the proposed facility. done by the Regions’ consultants The recommendation will go to was flawed, said delegations to both regions’ councils for approval. council, many of whom also main- If approved the recommendation tained incineration is not the way will be submitted to the Ministry to go.