Political Lecture Series to Be Held at War Memorial
.~._'" "lI-"r,., •• All the News of All the I Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse ointe ewS Complete IVews Coverage of All tlte Pointes llo11!:e 0/ the News ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------:-------------_. --------------------------- ----------VOLUME 24-NO 51 . ._t_hEnl'",d"__e_p_o_s_t_o_ff_l_c_e_a_tS'ro"d __CI'MD_c_tr_o_lt_,M.lte,.t_M_I_C_h_. __ • GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, DECEMBER 19, 1963 'i~:'~'c',;;~• . 24 PAGES-lWO SECTIONS-SECTION , I _ , -----------'------------------------_._-----------------------------------,-----------_. HEADLINES I Service Girls Find Many Ways to Serve o/Ih, Political Lecture ILions Clubs \VEEK IAssisleAl hy As Compited by the Series to be Held G'OSS6 Po'nJ6 News BO}TS in Blue ThursdlllY, December 12 Woods Group Exceeds At War Memorial Quota of $2,000 for First Time; Other Pointes THE PENTAGON will close I All Six Speakers Re-ConfirmH d bTheirF IIAcceptances;db' State. 35 military installations by I Party ea s to e 0 owe y Give $5,079 Octobe'. 1966. cutting about attona 'gures an I ors 75.000 out or a job. Deputy N' I F'~_______, d Ed't ..' g enThee rP0 0usj n1yt e duringrespondedthe Se.... ,a..,. of Defen". Roswell 1'he lecture series planned for early January a, the! Goo die 110 w Newspaper Gilpatric, revealE'G th(' plans to Fries AuditohriUldnof th~ yvar MemonaldCeAnltletr'hlsschekd-•Sales on Monda\' D~cem- memb.., of Ihe New York eon- uled to go a ea as orlgIna y arrange. e spea _. .' ' l1 gre,,;onal delegahon. It " ex- ers who agreed to speak have confinned their engage.! ber 16. II Was dIsclosed by p('cted that Defense Secretary ments. .. ~_.
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