S&H Green Stamps
MONDAY, k>ECEMBER 17, 195J, WAXSrE TWENTY iianrlffBter lEvi^nitts ijfprald Free Parking!—Stores Open Until 9 Tqnight for Shopping—Free Parking 1r Main St^ Manelwster Pfiona Ml 3-4123 Average Daily Net Press Rota The Weather OPEN .For the Week Aided VoreeMt ef C. 8. Weetber Bureeo December 8, 196Z /• Cloudy, oontinned cold toolfbt FREE PARKING and Wedneeday with a ebano« of 13,861 a little llgtat ■tow or rain. Low lEu^rntm ll^ralh toafght in tlie teena and the Ugh NITES till raarof stora. Meiiiiiw ef the A n ^ Dnieeu o f ObcoIatlM Wedneaday Z5 to 80, Manchester— A City o f Vittage Charm VOL. LXXXn, NO. 67 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1962 (C Tas^ed Advertfeing on Page 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS FROM Negotiators IJ'. S,-Anglo Amity State News GIFTS GALORE On Captives Seen Strong Point Roundup JFK Feels Rapport Fly to Cuba Shots Kill Woman, BOYS' MODEL MEN'S MEN'S / In Bahamas Talks Injure Her Father MEN'S MIAMI, Fla. (AP)—New Toric attorney James B. Don NEW FAdtFIEIJO (AP) — Au- IMPORTED ovan flew to Havana today in NASSAU, Bahamas (AP)ftl“ n two hours from Andrews gUBtUB J. Pinto, 28, o f 65 Menrimac With USSR Distant SPORT an effort to complete negoti •President , Kennedy and Air Force Base, Md., nesu- Wash St., Danbury, killed a New Pair- LEATHER PALM ations with Fidel Castro for ington. field woman and critioEdly wound- IMPORTED British Prime Minister Har Macmillan praised tire weather, ■ed her father last night, state po WOOL rriease of 1,118 Cuba inva old Macmillan stressed close a warm contoast with fall condi lice said.
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