• I- •' ' / ATm^fc Daily Net I^eig Ron T h e W a F i^ Mm We«k Ended ; «« D. a, 1 ii Angnetlt, 19U 13,562 ' SS te I Mmibee ’ot tbe Audit l^eeday tiwidy 1w«t— e< d n on tioB ^4»nehe$ter^/4 City of Village Charm VOL. L X X X n , NO. 272 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, AUGUST W, 1963 (CTweMled A dw rtM ns «■ l>i«e 14) PRICE SEVEN CENTS - \ Names of Buddhists Hold Dot Roster Biggest Protest, HOLLYWOOD (AP)— ^Thefto converge on Washington Aug. 28 in support of civil rights legis­ Aug. 28 civil rights march on lation, Among show b u ^ e s s per- Washington will get support sonaliUes w ho. have announced from some (rf Hollywcwd’s their Intention 'to be there are: Students Strike most famous names. Tony Curtis, Tony Franclosa, Pet­ Plans for cooperation with the er Brown, Paul Newman, Joanne Negro drive are being formulated Woodward, Billy WUder, Sidney by a stellar committee. The chair­ PolUer, Pearl Bailey, Dick .Or^- SAIGON. South Viet Nam man Is Charlton Heston. After in­ ory, Sammy Davis Jr., Brando, (A P )— Buddhist leaders said itial meetings, he went to New Hestmi and Gamer. „ Burt Lancaster and Gregory today a Vietnamese army of­ Heads of Services Yoi4[ 'for a television show and his ficer got into a shooting hght duUes are being carried on by Peck are expected to fly to Wash­ James Gamer and Marlon Bran­ ington from film locaUons in Sunday with Buddhist demon­ do. Paris. Harry Belafraite has been strators in Da Nang. Several An estimated 100,000 to 280,000 released from'- a performance at demonstrators were reported Back N-Ban Treaty Negroes and whites are expected the Greek Theater here so he can attend. wounded and the officer was Mel Ferrer, chairman ot the beaten. broadcast committee, gave some Buddhist priests in Hue said WASHINGTON (AP) — fDavid U. McDonald, chief of na- ot the background ot the group. The heads of the Air Torce, F elloir Alum ni: they had received news of the A XT J XA • I ^ Sboup. f~rwT-.FT7»n^TTt of the "Ours is a self-dissolving (ngan- Incident in a cable from monks in Army, Navy and Marines speaking m turn, izaUon whose sole purpose is to Da Nang, a coastal town in cen­ united today in support of the | subscribed to tins poaitiao. lend support to the march on tral South Viet Nam. Meredith an d Washington, which we feel is for According to the Buddhist ac­ limited nuclear test ban wppeet of the treaty, be- a just cause,” he said. "W e don’t count, a demonstration of about treaty provided minimum ^ hearings of the even have a name for the group. Senate Foreign Relations. Armed 10,000 Buddhist followers began security safeguards are guar­ Services and Atocnic Energy com­ Ross B arnett "Our purpose is to help get late Sunday in a Da Nang street.' anteed. mittees. is con&tiooed on across to the pubUc what the mis­ An officer idefied as Capt. Vo compn- Gen. Curtis E. LeMay. chief of benrive. aggressne and continu­ OXFORD, Miss. (A P )— sion of the march Is—as Presi­ Thanh Xuan reportedly tried to dent Keimedy said, a peaceful as­ the Air Force, testified that the ing undctgmuDd weapons testing The white people stared stiff­ drive his jeep into the crowd . and military disadvantage.s “ can only permitted ixider the treaty. sembly to petiUon for a redress fired shots when he found him­ ly ahead, without expression. be made acceptable" by safe­ In addition, they said it is of grievances. Perhaps by the use self surrounded. guards previously outlined by based on maiotenaace of mod­ The few Negroes in the audi­ of our names we can get more The cable said five or six dem­ Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, chair­ em miclcar laboratory facilities ence watched somberly in attenUon to that mission that can onstrators were wounded, after other people." > man of the Joint C ^efs of Staff. and programs, a state at readi­ small, self-conscious groups. which the crowd pulled the of­ He and the other chiefs made ness to resume atmospheric test­ Except for a few glances, neith­ The committee has chartered a A youngster at dockside maintains a vigil while police and divers search Crystal Lake ficer from the Jeep and beat him, plane to fly stars to Washington clear, imder questioning by Sen. ing. and improred faciSties for er gro«m seemed to look at the this morning fw the body of George Stiles. Divers alongside the boat are replenishing while burning his jeep'. Aug. 27. ■rillhe price• for■ fare■ and Richard B. Russell. D-Ga.. chair­ detecting any rioiatian at toe other. 1\>gether, imder the taU Buddhist ^ y Scouts intervened one night's lodging is $244 and their air tanks. (Herald photo by ^nto.) man of the Senate Armed Serv­ treaty and manXaining knowl­ oaka, they sat in awkward silence and dragged the officer to safety, I ices (kimmittee. that they would edge of JBino-Soriet nneiear activ­ some stars have dcmated $600, so 'f ---------- the message said. | and watched what neither had not have approved the treaty ban­ ity. capabilities and acMeve- that local woriiers for Negro or- In Saigon, Buddhist monks con­ ever seen before. $;anlzaUons can go, too. ning tests in the atmosphere, mentx. James Howard Meredith, a tinued a 48-hour hunger strike. underwater and in outer space if Secretary of Defense Robert 8. Ferrer’s broadcast committee Body of Stiles and university students boycotted i slight man of 30, became the first consists of Curtis, Wilder, Andre Lost Miners Found, they had not been assured safe- . McNamara testified earber classes in Hue as the Buddhists Negro to graduate from the Uni­ Previn, director Blake Edwards guards would be provided. toe bearings that provisinn would verity of Mississippi in its 118- stepped up their campaign LeMay, Gen. Earle G. Wheel- and writers Stanley Shapiro and Not Yet Found, against the government. j year history. Without incident, be Nate Monaster. It was formed aft- ar. Army chief of staff, Adm. | received what some are calling ter Ferrer told his feUow mem­ Supplies Lowered Authorities sought to head off the IS mllUon diploma, that being bers that the best funcUm they Heart Blamed further outbreaks, but another the eeUmated cost of the soldiers could perform was in the field of young monk was reported deter­ arid U.S. marshals it took to get public information. mined to bum himself to death and keep Meredith at Ole Miss. "A t first we wanted to put on HAZELTON, Pa|. (AP)^-<l’tuaUy '>««> R*ven up for This afternoon, State Police as a protest agalnstfthe regime dead. The scene Sunday bore no re­ a television special, but we ran Rescue workers lowered soup, were still searching for the of President Ngo Dinh Diem, a Goldwater in Dilemma The next step is to bore a big Roman Catholic. semblance to the night he entered, into the equal-time problem ," medical supplies, head lamps body of George Stiles, 52, of last Sept. 80, in an explosion of said Ferrer. "If we had an hour, enough hole to bring the men out. Four monks and one nun have j H. B. Charm bury, secretary of violence and death. Few people at the networks would have to give and a requested cigar today to 125 Hollister St., missing af­ committeed fiery suicide to press three eoal minors trapped minaa, estimated tt might take ter his sailboat capsized yes­ Buddhist demands for religious Over N-Test Ban Vote anywhore from a day to a week (Contlmied on Page Two) < (OoBtfoued en Page Four) since'Tuesday near the bot­ terday afternoon in Oystal equality and government reforms. Ralph Ditzler, distriot mine in­ The government denies Buddhist tom of a 400-foot shaft. spector, however, said it would Lake. charges that they are being per­ By JACK BELL ^woild peace was WBcated to to­ "We’r« all ok«y," sboutsd .lake two to three days, -Hia family theorizes that Stiles secuted. Aaaoclatsd Press PoUUcal Witter day's iasoe of toe party organ, David .r«Uto. 86, <mA of Uta Mo, t Rvteok 22 hours tq drill die six- may have suffered a heart attack Delegations shuttled back and iVASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. “ DenM>ciat.” after a drill pieitMd M|s gsagway befbfi ' disappearing from the forth between Saigon and Hue, Bairy Goldwftter appears to be A front page O m m j to toHneeed Visit to Titof iiidiclftes adiere the men fled aflSr the Ditsler said be wanted to start boat. He has had a history of 400 liniles to the north, to coordin­ struggling with a decision on the ^*Test Ban Mupport Growa" In main shaft walls cdllapsed. the rescue digging, but had to heart trouble, suffering a serious ate the anti-government movement limited nuclear test ban treaty mwitinntog oppositlofi to toe Contact was made Just before bold up because the trapped men attack about three years ag®. in the two centers. that could affect his 1964 GKIP treaty, tt refers to Goldwater as midnight Sunday after they vlr- were too tired to direct the oper< Manning a DUKW and a motor About 17,000 demonstrators. presidential aspirations. a "frequent aDy" a t toe **far Nikita Strong at Home ation. launch and using a two-man div­ If the Arizona Republican votes riglit-Jolin Birdi dczncct.** All activity outside the mine ing team, police resumed dragging (Continued on Page Etoven) against ratification of a treaty be A "no" vote by Goldwater en stopped and most of the onlook­ and diving operations early this has called “one small step to­ the treaty mmld add to toe By WIULIAM L.
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