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Math in Moscow Common History Scientific WorkPlace® • Mathematical Word Processing • lt\TEX Typesetting Scientific Word®• Computer Algebra Plot 30 Animated + cytlndrtcal (-1 + 2r,21ru,- 1 + lr) 0 ·-~""'- r0 .......o~ r PodianY U rN~ 2.110142 UIJIIectdl' 1 00891 -U!NtdoiZ 3.!15911 v....,_ Animated plots tn sphertc:al coorcttrud:es ,. To make an animated plot in spherieal coordinates 1 Type an exprwsslon In !hr.. v.Nbles . 2 Wllh the Insertion point In the expression. choose Plot 3D The neXI example shows a sphere that grows from radius 1 to ,. Plot 3D Animated + SpMrtcal The Gold Standard for Mathematical Publishing Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Word Version 5.5 make writing, sharing, and doing mathematics easier. You compose and edit your documents directly on the screen, without having to think in a programming language. A click of a button allows you to typeset your documents in lf.T£X. You choose to print with or without LATEX typesetting, or publish on the web. Scientific WorkPlace and Scientific Word enable both professionals and support staff to produce stunning books and articles. Also, the integrated computer algebra system in Scientific WorkPlace enables you to solve and plot equations, animate 20 and 30 plots, rotate, move, and fly through 30 plots, create 30 implicit plots, and more. ..- MuPAD MuPAD. Pro Pro 111fO!Ifii~A~JetriS)'Itfll "':' Version 4 MuPAD Pro is an integrated and open mathematical problem­ solving environment for symbo lic and numeric computing. Visit our website for details. cK.ichan SOFTWARE, INC , Visit our website for free trial versions of all our products. www.mackic • Email: [email protected] • Toll free : 87 7-724-9673 --CPAA-2007-- communications on Pure and Applied Analysis ISSN 1534-0392 (print); ISSN 1553-5258 (electronic) ' ' CPAA, covered in Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCI­ Editorial board ' ' ' ' E), publishes original research papers of the highest quality Editors in Chief: ' ' ' Shouchuan Hu ' in all the major areas of analysis and its applications, with a ' . WeikeWang ' ' ' central theme on theoretical and numeric differential equations. ' ' Board of Editors: ' The electronic version of the journal is at Martino Bardi ' and ready for subscription. Stefano Bianchini Xavier Cabre It is edited by a group of energetic leaders to guarantee Gui-Qiang Chen Wenxiong Chen the journal's highest standard and closest link to the Carmen Chicone scientific communities. A unique feature of this journal Yacine Chitour is its streamlined review process and rapid publication. Manuel del Pino Details and submission information can be found at Charlie M. Elliott WeiFeng Changfeng Gui MaoanHan CPAA is a joint journal of American Institute of Igor Kukavica Mathematical Sciences and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Michel Langlais Congming Li :·:·Other Journals from AIMS Tatsien Li Vieri Mastropietro Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems J. C. Mattingly o Series A As an SCI journal, DCDS-A is a leading journal that Alain Miranville enjoys a high impact factor of 1.025, ranking the top 15th in the Camil Muscalu category ofmathematics and the top 39th in the category of applied Rafael Ortega mathematics Steve Shkoller 0 Series B DCDS-B, SCI: indexed in Science Citation Index, Gigliola Staffilani ranked the top 33rd among all applied math journals, with an impact Zhi-Qiang Wang factor of 1.048 Juncheng Wei Tong Yang Journal of Modern Dynamics Hong-Ming Yin ISSN 1930-5311 (print);ISSN 1930-532X (electronic) Shoji Yotsutani Advances in Mathematics of Communications Jiangong You ISSN 1930-5346(print); ISSN 1930-5338( electronic) XingfuZou Inverse Problems and Imaging ISSN 1930-8337(print); ISSN 1930-8345( electronic) ~ American Institute of Mathematical Sciences \ I \1 S ~ [email protected]; Tel (417)889-0336; Fax (417)889-0336 NEW f6 FORTHCOMING from Birkhauser Spectral Theory of Infinite­ Self-Dual Gauge Field Vortices Planar Ising Correlations and Volume Hyperbolic Surfaces An Analytical Approach the Deformation Analysis of DAVID BORTHWICK, Emory University, Atlanta, GA GABRIELLA TARANTELLO, Univmitii di Roma 'Tor Vergata ', Italy Scaling This book is a se lf-contained monograp h on spectral JOHN PALMER, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ In modern theoretical physics, gauge fi eld th eo ri es are theory for noncom pact surfaces, particul arly infinite­ of great importance since they keep internal symm etries Steady progress has been made in understandin g th e volume surfaces. In the context of infinite-vo lu me and account fo r phenomena such as spontaneous special mathe matical fea tures of ce rtain exactly solvable surfaces, spectral theory actually emerges as scattering sym metry breakin g, the qu antum Hall eff ect, charge models in statistical mechanics and quantum fie ld theory, theory so that the study of spectral th eory for noncompact fracti onalization, superco ndu ctivity an d supergravity. in cl udi ng th e scali ng limits of the 2- DI sing (lattice) spaces provides an access ible and attractive introducti on This monog raph discusses specific examples of se lf-dual model, and more ge nerally, a class of 2-Dqu antum fie lds to geometric scattering theory and the theory of ga uge fi eld structures, incl uding the Chern-Simons known as holonomic fi elds. New res ults have made it resonances. The exposition draws on techniques model, th e abe lian-Higgs model, and Yang-Mills gauge possible to obtain a detail ed nonperturbative analys is from algebra, number theory, functional analys is, and fi eld theory. Many open questions still remain in th e of th e many spin correlations. This book is principally differential geometry, and thus should appeal to graduate fie ld and are examined in this wo rk in conn ection wi th devo ted to an analys is showing th at th e scaling functions students and researchers in math ematics and phys ics. Li ouvill e-type equati ons and systems. The goal of this are tau fun ctions associated with monodromy-p reserving 2007/A PP ROX. 240 PP., 10 ILLU S./HARDCOVER text is to for ma n understanding of se lf-dua l solutions de formations of the Dirac equation. ISBN 978-0-8176-4S24-3/$S9.9S (TENT.) aris ing in a variety of phys ical co nt exts and thus is ideal While charting a fairly direct route to th is analys is PRO GRE SS IN MATHE MATI CS, VOL. 2S6 fo r graduate students and researchers interested in via new results of Palmer and oth ers, as we ll as partial differential equati ons and math ematical phys ics. previous research of th e Kyoto Schooi-Sato, Miwa, D-Modules, Perverse Sheaves, 2007/X IV, 334 PP./HARDCOVER and Ji mbo-are the prima ry focus of this book, oth er interesting math ematical ins ights occur all along the and Representation Theory ISBN 978-0-8 176-43 10 -2/$79.9S (TENT.) PR OGRESS IN NONLIN EAR DIFFERENTI AL EQU ATI ONS way. Exploring the Ising model as a microcosm of th e RYOSHI HOTTA, Okayama University of Science, Okayama, AN D THEIR APPLICATIONS, VOL. 72 con flu ence of interestin g ideas in math ematics and Japan; KIYOSHI TAKEUCHI, UniversityofTsukuba,Japan; phys ics, this work will appeal to grad uate students, TOSHIYUKI TANISAKI, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan math ematicians, and physicists interested in the This first English-language translation of the Japanese Linear Partial Differential math ematics of statistical mec hanics an d quantu m fie ld text, DKagun to Daisugun, translated and updated Equations for Scientists and theory. by the original authors, deals wi th recent advances in pure mathematics, such as D-modul es, intersec ti on Engineers 2007/A PPROX. 37S PP., 30 ILLU S./HAR DCOV ER ISB N 978-0-8 176-4248-8/$69.9S (TENT.) cohomology groups, and rep resentati on theo ry. The Fourth Edition PROGRE SS IN MATHE MATI CA L PH YS ICS, VO L. 49 im portance of several new basic theo ries that have TYN MYINT-U, Manhattan College, New Y01R, NY; emerged in the past few decades is explain ed in the LOKENATH DEBNATH, Univmity of Texas Pan-American, wo rk. To fur ther aid th e reader, appe ndices are provided Edinburgh, TX Fuchsian Reduction as reviews fo r the theory of de rived categories and This significantly expanded fourth edition is designed Applications to geometry, cosmology and algebraic varie ti es. D-modules, Perverse Sheaves, and as an introduction to the theory and applicati ons mathematical physics Representation Theory is a unique and esse ntial textbook of linear PDEs. The authors provide fundamental SATYANAD KICHENASSAMY, Universill! de Reims at th e graduate level for class room use or se lf-study. concepts, underlying principles, a wide range of Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France applications, and various methods of solutions to 2007 /X II, 41 4 PP., 66 I LLU S./HARDCOVER Developed in the 1990s for semilin ear wave equations, ISBN 978-0-8176-4363 -8/$89 .9S PDEs. In addition to essential standard material on the subject, the book contains new material that is no t Fuchsian Reduction research has grown in response PROGRESS IN MATHEMATICS, VOL. 236 to those problems in pure and applied math ematics, usually covered in similar texts and reference books. whe re numerical computati ons fail. This method has 104 Number Theory Problems The book primarily serves as a textbook for the fir st two multiple app lica tions in soliton theory, Einstein's courses in PDEs, or in a co urse on advanced enginee ring From the Training of the USA IMO Team eq uations and cosmology, stellar models, lase r mathemati cs.
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