Middle Town Paces County's Eatables Growth with $200,000 Tax Loss
' V *' • ,. 'V, 25,6*0 . JMW tonwr (by increasing dD y Copyrifst-The Red Bank Register, Inc., UK. aad oMtfooed cold, high JM5. DIAL 741-0010 ftrf nwffly-cloudy aod,«ofcl. MONMOUTH GOUmrS HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS VOL«8, 'art FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1966 7c PER COPY PAGE ONI Middle town Paces County's Eatables Growth By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON by the Board of Freeholder! and tracts from the assessor's fig- business inventories; and farm Mlddletown increased $15.1 mil- Holmdel led all municipalities erty reduction of $89,039, to $6.2 FREEHOLD - Middlettwn, , local governing bodies in cal- ures and toe municipality Is re- machinery, livestock, crops and lion in 1965; Manalapan, J14.7 in personal property used in million, and Freehold Borough was off, $148,814, to $4.7 million. ManaJapan, Colt* Neck and culating the tax base upon which quired to adjust it*, tax projec- produce. million, to $39.9 million; Colts business at $11.9 million, but the ' local budgets will be spread. tions to that base.. Each category of. business and greatest one-year increase was Hetmdel Townthips paced Mon- Neck, fin million, to $47.2 mil- The final tax equalization chart mouth County's growth, of $160 The • bigger the number, the ' Because' of change* resulting farm levies is reduced to frac- in Mlddletown. There the rise will be published March 1. A lion; and Holmdel, $11 million, was $823,647 to $6.4 million. million in new ratable*, in 1865. wider the bate, the lower the from equalizations,- tax rates tions (65 per cent tor machinery, hearing for municipal assessors rate.
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