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V Co-Editors David S. Abusamra Richard J. Mochak

Business Manager Walter P. Suchon

Faculty Advisers William G. Scannell Clement J. Trudeau


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An outstanding coach ... A hard working director . . . A devoted teacher . . . All these characteristics are blended into Mr. Charles R. Bibaud’s warm, out-going personality. No wall exists between his manhood and our youth. To some men friendliness is merely fanciful, but to Mr. Bibaud it is a reality. He has instilled in our lives an “esprit-de- corps” that should be a goal for future students. It is to Mr. Charles R. Bibaud, who has fulfilled our ideals of the Christian gentleman, that we, the Class of 1965, dedicate our yearbook.





6 The Class of 1965 is the class of the Liturgical Renewal. There will be other years in the future: the year of the new buildings, the year of academic upgrading, the year of the new curriculum, the year of improved activities, the year of cultural stress, and the year of anything else worthy of the attention of a school that is alive, unsatisfied and growing. However, nothing will ever be more significant than our life together the first year we tried to enter fully into the spirit of Vatican II. I pray that every graduate may go from Assumption with a keen appreciation of the Liturgical Constitution that went into effect when he was a Senior. He knows this means more than group singing, lay participation or ritual changes. He knows it means more than personal interior growth. He knows it means more than a group living in some vague bond of brotherhood. He knows it means leaving the Prep School community alive in Christ and ready for life in a new community to which he will bring Christ, His truth and His grace. In many ways, the class of 1965 has been what we hope the boys of tomorrow will be. You have been a good class: idealistic, serious in your work, willing to give of yourselves, aware of others, opened to Christian education. Your real worth, no one can appreciate today. All we can say is that the beginning has been good. Wbat you do in the future, in a different community, will testify to what you started at Assumption. We believe that He

Who rose from the dead

Jesus Christ, The Son of God

Is the living bread

Who abides with us and

In us.

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EDGAR MAURICE DONAT DURAND PHILIP J HN MARTIN, BOURQUE, A.A. AULAIRE, A. A.A. BONVOULOIR, A.A. A.A. Headmaster Asst. Headma Treasurer Dean of Students English Study Habits Director of Religion Religion Admissions

ALPHONSE CHARLES BIBAIJD EDMOND LOUIS BOUCHER ROBERT PALAIMA Director of Athletics BRUNELLE Director of Devel jpment CORMIER Greek Mathematics Asst. Dean of Language Laboratory Latin Students Assistant English

10 C n J HENRY GEORGE HENRY ROY, A.A. FRANCIS MESSIER, A.A. CALLAN, A.A. CHARLAND, A.A. Physics CHIASSON, A.A. French Librarian Religion Biology Development Office




JOSEPH EDMOND BONIN CLEMENT EMILE TRAHAN WALTER FIELDS MON DOR Latin TRUDEAU English Mathematics History English French Guidance Coordinator ROGER THOMAS KENNETH ALBERT GEORGE DUBUQUE SEVERANCE LOISELLE BOUFFARD BERGERON History Mathematics French Biology Religion Language Physics Laboratory Director


13 14

SEATED: Miss Denise Bleau, Secretary to the Assistant Headmaster; Mrs. Olive Laurence, Secretary to the Headmaster; Mrs. Frances Zuma, Bookkeeper, BACK ROW: Mrs. Isabelle Boissonneault, Secretary to the Development Director, Mrs. Annette Gauthier, Bookkeeper; Mrs. Jeannette Couture, Library Assistant and Switchboard Receptionist. (Missing from picture — Mrs. Frances Lar¬ son, Secretary to the Assistant Headmaster). MM

SEATED: Brothers Francis T. Lachance, A.A.; Edmond J. St. Gelais, A.A.; Vincent Petro, A.A. STANDING: Brothers Richard L. Mandeville, A.A.; Robert J. Trahan, A.A.; Clement J. Lebel, A.A.; Paul-Maurice R. Gosselin, A.A. Brother Armand J. Goffart, A.A.

16 SENIORS David Swydan Abusamra

“Sam” . . . “Turk” . . . one of these who overcome all obstaces on the track . . . active in many sports ... a truly serious student ... a great organizer whether for the Memini or the Senior Prom ... a steady at school dances . . . can’t stand rec-hall smoke or bad jumping pits . . . “880, anyone?” . . . regrets not attending as a Frosh . . . wants to taste life, meet people, help wherever possible, and find his true self in the process . . .

“It’s no use saying, ‘We are doing our best!’ You have to succeed in doing what is necessary.” — Churchill

Varsity Football 2,4; Track 3,4. Intramural Basketball 2,3,4; Volleyball 2; Tennis 3. French Club 3 4. Heritage 4. Memini 4. Y.C.S. 3,4. National Honor Society 4.

Home address: 76 Hillcroft Avenue., Worcester, Massachusetts.

Douglas Martin Allbach

“Doug” ... an avid football fan . . . “I’ll see you in the line.” . . . likes cars, reading and listening to the radio . . . admires student nurses . . . “Who’s Patt?” . . . likes “Feelthy Pierre” . . . “Qu’est-ce who?” . . . hopes to make a pile of money . . .

“Nothing succeeds like success.”

Varsity Football 2,3,4; Track 2,3,4. Intramural Basketball 1,2,3,4; Volleyball 3,4. Explorers 2,3,4.

Home address: 65 Leonard Avenue, Haverhill, Massachusetts.

Emanuel John Anastasi

“John” . . . Pizza king of A.P.S. . . . occupies the broom-closet suite of A.P.S. . . . a true Italian . . . lover of the French language . . . Anyone for tea? (in the physics lab) . . . dreads dorm II . . . loves those weekends . . . Never again Weasle!

“The end lies concealed in the beginning.” — James Stephens

Intramural Football 2,3,4; Volleyball 2,3,4. Service Corps 3,4.

Home address: 12 McKinstry Drive, Oxford, Massachusetts.

18 Joel Philip Argento

“Joe” . . . “J. P.” . . . has trouble making the first bell-especially on Saturday mornings . . . still looking for that senior French class . . . firm member of the “Cresent Park” group- Al, Lugsy, Clint, Pete, and Joe . . . owner of that lonely little racing-green M.G. in the parking lot . . . “What can I say?” . . . avid James Bond fan . . . wants to be happy and pleased with whatever he does . . .

“This above all, to thine own self be true. And thou canst not then be false to any man.” — Shakespeare

Intramural Volleyball 2,3. Explorer 1,2, Service Corps 4.

Home address: Stiles Road, Boylston, Massachusetts.

Dennis Clement Barry

“Den” . . . “Bear” . . . cultural chairman of the C.Y.C. . . . “ I really am cul¬ tured!” . . . can’t stand loudmouths or big-wheels . . . Lachapelle’s other half . . . likes Robitalle’s restaurant . . . fond (?) memories of the football season . . . frustrated by cue sticks . . .“I don’t know what time it is!” . . . likes to sing and read . . . favorite song is: “All day all night . . . “hopes to never disappoint his self-respect . . .

“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” — Shakespeare

Varsity Football 4. Intramural Football 2,3; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Tennis 2,3. Glee Club 2,3,4.

Home address: 36 Ball Street, Worchester, Massachusetts.

Claude Adelard Beaudreault

“Beaud” . . . “Boady” . . . “Hey Beaud, how about a haircut?” . . . con¬ tinuously breaking his glasses ... an avid collector of car magazines . . . dislikes weekends on campus . . . would like to ban slow drivers from highways . . . enjoys watching cars coming up Homer Gage Ave. in the morning . . . hopes to travel . . .

Intramural Football 1,2. Glee Club 1,2,3,4.

Home address: 441 South Main Street, Woonsocket, Rhode Island.

19 Edward Bonnici

"Ed” . . . "Bouch” . . . always available to help . . . won D'Alzon Prize for service as a sophomore . . . served on everv dance committee going . . . advocate (?) of phys. ed. classes . . . seldom seen alone . . . sturdy pillar of the Debate Club . . . can't stand people who don't use ash trays . . . candy machines out of gum . . . silence is golden, but watch that silver tongue! . . . wants to succeed in life as a man and a Christian. . .

"It’s what vou learn after you think you know it all that reallv counts ' — S. Edward Bonnici

Heritage 1,2. Learned Blacksmiths 1,2,3,4 Memini 4 Service Corps 3,4

Home Address: 63 Harrington Avenue, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts.

Dennis Leon Bouffard

"Bouf" . . . enjoys the company of good-humored persons ... is convinced that Water- burv, Connecticut is an ' All America City'’ . . . ardently devoted to the recognition and glorification of Corvairs . . . Frigon’s counterpart and accomplice . . . strongly devoted to the Democratic Party . . . honorary member of the S.P.C.A. . . . dislikes his roommate’s literal hand laundry . . . hopes to be a success in life’s undertakings, earning only what he has deserved.

’’Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

Explorer Post #31 2. Glee Club 1.2,3. Service Corps 1.2,3,4. A.R.T.S. 4.

Home Address: 31 Dennv Street, Waterburv, Connecticut.

Charles L. N. Bourguinon

"Charlie” . . . enjoys dancing, reading and hunting . . . doesn't mind work as long as he sees its usefulness . . . likes to be on the move, wouldn’t like to settle in one place . . . "What book did you buy today, Charlie?” . . . dislikes kitchen work . . . "Who’s Kathy?” . . . thinks that life is a rat-race . . . aspires to enjoy life and see the world.

"You can never reach a person by telling him what to do.” — Fr. William Dubois A.A.

Intramural Football 2,3; Basketball 4. Explorer Post #31 2. Glee Club 2,3. Service Corps 2,3,4.

Horne Address: 249A Bleumer Road, West Holyoke, Massachusetts.

20 Paul Donald Bourke

"Bourkie” . . . hates the Yankees and Barry Goldwater . . . almost always for the under¬ dog . . . likes to joke, especially about politics ... a regular at the card table . . . buvs only Camels, but will leech anything he can get ... a jolly green giant . . . pet peeves include Fall Dances and study hall monitors . . . 'Why don't they let the underclassmen smoke?'

" The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.’ — F. D. Roosevelt

Les Enfant* Sur La Place 2,3. L

Home Address: 117 Illinois Avenue, Worcester, Massachusetts. -

John Richard Brosky

"Brosk" . . . "Jack" . . . still trying to convert Table 2-B . . . interested in basket¬ ball . . . didn't like Worcester buses, so he started his own line . . . found interesting mixture of characters at the Prep . . . favorite subject is English ... an extraordinary idealist . . . got a new "bus” this year — "Pray now, pav later.” . . . Will Frank get a ride tomorrow? . . . can't take too much work . . . wants to help others as a social worker.

"If hard work is the key to success, most people would rather pick the lock.” — R. Seitter

Intramural Football 2; Basketball 2,3.4 Volleyball 2,3.4. Explorer 2.3. French Club 2,3. Service Corps 4. * Y.C.S. 3.

Home Address: 92 Mannville Street, Leicester, Massachusetts.

Stephen Edward Carlson

"Steve" . . . persecution poet . . . sees no need for proctors in Study I . . . Does a great rendition of taps key of C-15 . . . doesn’t like invisible blackboards . . . member of the Junior Improvement Program . . . does better with tangents in French class than in Math class ... a friend of the downtrodden . . . "It weren't me wot done it!" . . . wants to do something for the world and have a family that will do something.

"If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor. ' — Einstein

Intramural Basketball 3; Tennis 4 Learned Blacksmiths 2. Service Corps 1. Y.C.S. 3.4

Home Address: 359 Shrewsbury Stri*et. Holden, Massachusetts.

21 Joseph Paul Carnazza

“Joe” . . . found the teachers understanding and interested in him ... as for the hours: “Where else can one go to school at sunrise and not get home in time to watch the sunset?” . . . can’t take those math quizzes . . . wants to help society . . . irritates O’Brien with his ramblings on his “twin sister” . . . often helping at the card table . . . “How’s Jeanne?” . . .

“One must grow small before he can be considered big.” — Paul Carnazza

Intramural Football 4; Basketball 2,3,4. Service Corps 1.

Home address: 17 Einhom Road, Worcester, Massachusetts.

Daniel Robert Cavan

“Dan” . . . “Cave” . . . will miss the campaigning in school elections . . . particularly enjoyed debating . . . can no longer kid Carlson for living “out in the sticks” . . . “It’s ridiculous!” . . . can’t stand kibitzers or Franco-Ameri- can-Chinese chop-suey . . . good student ... a regular at the card table in the rec-hall . . . would like to see less student griping and more student action . . . wants to make the world a better place to live in . . .

“Whatever makes men good Christians, makes them good citizens.” — Webster

Varsity Track 2,3,4. Intramural FootballBl; Basketball 1,2, Memini 4. Service Corps 1. Learned Blacksmiths 1,2.

Home address: 71 Newton Street, West Boylston, Massachusetts.

Paul Neil Chevrette

“Mousey” . . . “Unstamped books! Me, Father?” . . . school’s most avid sup¬ porter of the dramatic club . . . the only boy in the school who has four shirts exactly alike . . . “I’m really not allergic to soap, but ...” dislikes school policy and “keep-to-the-lefters”

“All the world’s a stage” — Shakespeare

Intramural Basketball 1. A.R.T.S. 1,3,4. Y.C.S. 3. Explorers 1,2,3,4. Service Corps 2. Liturgical Choir 1,2,3,4. Heritage 2,3,4.

Home address: 8 Winkley Street, Ainesbury, Massachusetts.

22 John Gerald Colgan, Jr.

“J.C.” . . . “Johnny5' ... an avid supporter of folk music . . . lead guitar of the Greenhill Three . . . likes sports especially tennis; doesn’t mind losing if he’s done his best ... a staunch member of the IRA . . . likes to put up shamrocks on March 17 . . . sees Y.C.S. as really effective training for later life . . . always ready to lend a hand . . . believes in the greatness of the class of ’65 . . .

“Change is inevitable, but not all change is progress.” — Mr. Flagg

Varsity Football 2,3; Tennis 3,4. Intramural Basketball 1,2,3,4. Explorer Post #31 2,3. Heritage 3,4. Service Corps 1,4. Y.C.S. 3,4.

Home address: 47 Beacon Street, Florence, Massachusetts.

Robert Raymond Comtois

“Stretch” . . . “The Count” . . . had almost as much fun in Phys. Ed. classes as in study . . . enjoys hunting, fishing, and basketball . . . likes to travel . . . dreads SAT’s . . . often found “just driving around” . . . freezes because he can’t sit in the car . . . wishes the residents would hurry up so he could use the pool table . . . enjoys the dances . . .

“Desire for money is the root of all evil.”

Intramural Basketball 1,3,4. Service Corps 4.

Home address: 141 Quinapoxet Lane, Worcester, Massachusetts.

Brian Micheal Connolly

“Deacon” . . . enjoys flamenco and folk music ... a great fan of Joan Baez and Bob Dylan ... an “eagle eye” in intramural basketball . . . let’s his feel¬ ings be known ... a Bury Goldwater fan . . . loathes a conformist . . .walking home in the dark . . . plays a mean harmonica . . . wishes people would stop knocking folk and classical music . . .

“Age is no better, hardly so well, qualified for an instructor as youth, for it has not profited so much as it has lost.” — Thoreau

Varsity Cross Country 4; Track 3,4. Intramural Basketball 3,4. Challenge 4. Learned Blacksmiths 1,2. National Honor Society 3. Y.C.S. 3,4.

Home address: 115 Fairhaven Road, Worcester, Massachusetts. Norman Richard Cote

"Weasel” . . . enjoys hunting, bowling, bridge and James Bond ... is Frigon and . Kenney’s part-time roommate . . . believes that the only wa\ to travel is by hitchhiking . . . dislikes Maine being compared to a potato . . . really enjoys the Cape . . . wants to succeed in whatever field oi studv he chooses.

"Do whatever you attempt to the best of vour ability.”

1 ntramural Foolluil! 3.4% VoIIcn bull 1.2..4. L Exploivr IMsl -#■ 21 2.2. Service Gorps

Home Address: 18 Germaine Avenue, Lewiston, Maine.

Christopher Ray Creamer

’’Chris” . . . ’ Cream” . . . enjoys steak and roast beef (home stvle) . . . likes all sports, especially baseball, basketball, and swimming . . . ’Never fear, Chris is here!” . . . ’’The Toe” . . . has traveled to many foreign lands . . . came as a junior . . . feels he has received nothing but friendship here . . . detests people who brag . . . wants to travel and be well-liked.

”To thine own self be true." — Shakespeare

Varsitv Football 3.4? Baseball 3,4. Intramural Basketball 3.4.

Home Address: 384 Burncoat Street. Worcester, Massachusetts.

John Guy Daigle

"J.D.” . . . born in and spends most of his time there . . . possesses a weakness for Canadian girls . . . loves speedboats and motorcycles, basketball in the summer . . . hates lousy bands . . . faithful traveler to Nazareth . . . allergic to clean tennis uniforms . . . would rather read a good novel than study . . . good in all fields, excels in none.

"To live long it is necessary to live slowly.” — Cicero

Varsitv Tennis 3; Intramural Football 1.2,3.4: Intramural Basketball 1,3,4; J.V. Basketball 2: Intramural Tennis 2. Explorer Post #31 1.2.3,4. Service Corps 4. Y.C.S. 1,2.3,4.

Home Address: 30 St. Catherine Street, Madawaska, Maine. _

24 Ronald James Daucunas

Ron' . . . "R.J.” . . . avid fisherman and skier ... a Yankee fan . . . "What have you got against pistachio ice cream?” . . . plans to marrv the first woman president . . . one of (lie last great individualists . . . will argue anything, anyplace, anytime . . . hopes for a long and reasonably successful life . . . never a lie — occasionally a generality . . . would like a longer weekend.

”It takes a long time to bring excellence to maturity” — Publius Syrus

Intramural Football 4; Basketball 3,4; Volleyball 3,4 Heritage 2,3,4.

19 Kenilworth Road, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts,,.

Thomas John Davoren

"Tom” . . . came to A.P.S. as a P.G. . . . gets along well in a group . . . easy to make friends with . . . believes that A.P.S. has been hard but worthwhile . . . appears to be quiet, however this has been proven wrong on many occasions . . . loves mealtime at A.P.S. . . . hopes to help better the youth of America.

"Only a fool tries to please everybody.”

Intramural Football 4: Basketball 4.

Home Address: 3 Water Street, Milford, Massachusetts. -

Paul Joseph Deignan, Jr.

"Deig” . . . ace phvs. ed. leader . . . boisterous attendant at most basketball games . . . once a year in the language lab . . . French Club — many lun-filled alternoons . . . doesn't like strict study hall monitors . . . musical chairs in Study 1 . . . Revise and Return” . . . between him and Carlson there’s never a dull moment in study hall . . . even the library is livened..,

"All that glitters is not gold.” — Shakespeare

Intramural Football 1,2,3; Basketball 2,3; Volleyball 1,2.3. French Club 1.2,3.

Home Address: 78 Ida.Ha Road, Worcester, Massachusetts. -

25 Thierry Jean Henri Delbert

"Terry” . . . "Del” ... a conscientious worker . . . famous around the ping-pong table . . . a Frenchman all the way . . . hates Saturday morning classes — three classes and three tests . . . another weekender . . . dislikes inconsiderate and ill-mannered people, also marks under 80 . . . big drag on second floor south . . . would .like to work either in the U.S. or France.

"When there’s a will, there's a way.”

Varsity Tennis 1,2,3,4. Intramural Basketball 4. Camera Club 2,3. Les Enfants Sur La Place 3,4.

Home Address: 1866 Beacon Street, Waban, Massachusetts.

Terrence Richard D Emilio

"Terry” . . . "T.D.” . . . loves music and singing . . . one-third of Uncle Al’s Greek class . . . sees studies not as an evil but as a necessity . . . loves to make friends but doesn’t believe in cliques . . . "She s giving eggnog unlike she used to.” . . . has a cat named "Dog?” . . . intends to first get into college, then to graduate.

"All men change.” — Heraclitus

Varsity Cross Country 4; Track 3,4. Intramural Football 2: Basketball 1,2. A.R.T.S. 1,4. Explorer Post #31 1,2,3. French Club 2. Memini 4. Service Corps 4. St. John’s Guild 1,2. Y.C.S. 4.

Home Address: Box 75, Perry Highway, Wexford, Pennsylvania.

James Alexander Dougherty

"Digger” . . . really enjoys good books . . . will always remember American history class . . . "Contrary to popular belief, je ne parle pas francais.” ... is fascinated by stocks . . . loves Lois coffee . . . strong supporter of Republican conservatism . . . hopes to become a highly educated person and to be successful in whatever he does.

"All I say is by way of discourse and nothing by way of advice. I would not speak boldly if it was to be believed.” — Montaigne

Intramural Football 2; Basketball 4; Volleyball 2,3,4. Service Corps 3,4. Y.C.S. 2.

Home Address: 22 Babrock Avenue, Plainfield, Connecticut.

26 Anthony Martin Feeherry

'Tony” . • • "Rouge” ... a passenger in the Brosky bus . . . "Anybody want to hear my speech?” . . . school’s orator . . . contends with Carlson for Poet Laureate of the class . . . Who is Robert Emmet? . . . despises phys. ed. and Saturday mornings . . . "Has anybody got a pen I can borrow?” . . . can’t stand people who misspell or mispro¬ nounce his name . . . wants to serve his fellow man.

"Life is much too important to worry about.” — Wilder

Intramural Basketball 1,2,3,4; Softball 3,4; Volleyball 3,4. French Club 2.3. National Honor Society 3,4. Mu Alpha Theta 4. Y.C.S. 1,2,3,4. Class treasurer 2. Social chairman 4.

Home Address: 157 Providence Street, Worcester, Massachusetts.

John Joseph Fee ley, Jr.

"Jay” . . . loves sports, as a spectator or a participant . . . good student . . . regular altar boy . . . enjoys reading, especially novels . . . works in kitchen . . . "Seven sub¬ jects? Whew!” . . . will always remember the fire drills in Mr. Field’s class . . . cannot be separated from Joe Hurley . . . "Aren’t you finished with that shower yet?” . . . peeve: Boys without paper.

"God grants liberty to those who love it and are always ready to guard and defend it.” — Webster

Varsity Football 2,3,4; Baseball 2,3,4; Intramural Basketball 1,2,3,4; Volleyball 1. French Club 2,3,4. National Honor Society 4. Memini 4.

Home Address: 11 Phillips Drive, West Boylston, Massachusetts.

David Thomas Frigon

"Frig” . . . "Dave” . . . spent his senior year in exile on second floor north . . . believes that the American way of death is the best . . . Bouffard’s counterpart . . . hails from the Promised Land — Connecticut . . . secretary to the biography editor . . . dislikes being awakened at 5 am . . . collects thumbtacks . . . burns offerings to Buddah . . . "What’s that funny smell on second north?” . . . hopes to merit the best that life has to offer.

". . . But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.” — Robert Frost

A.R.T.S. 3,4. Explorer Post #31 1,2,3,4. Glee Club 1,2,3. Service Corps 1,2,3,4. Y.C.S. 2. Memini 4.

Home Address: 68 East Clav Street, Waterburv, Connecticut.

27 Charles Frederic Gagnon

"Chuck’" . . . another folk music fan . . . can often be heard playing his guitar . . . really enjoys math ... is the only senior transfer student . . . strikes people as being intellectual . . . likes Syrian bread with peanut butter . . . dreads compline and singing class . . . dislikes people who use up all the hot water in the showers.

"The right to do what you ought to do.’" — Mr. Flagg

National Honor Society 4. Service Corps L Y.C.S. 1.

Home Address: 735 Chestnut Street, Manchester, New Hampshire.

Gerald Bleyer Gauthier

"Jerry’’ . . . "God" . . . the school’s biggest supporter for Lowell High School . . . "Who’s Humphrey Pumpernickel?” . . . # 1 sports statistician in the school, specializes in humorous athletic stories . . . does two chem. and math, tasks every night . . . hates to lose at anything . . . enjoys Mr. Flagg’s classes . . . would like to be successful in whatever he takes up.

"There’s no substitute for victory”

Varsilv Football (manager) 1.2.3: Baseball (manager) 1. (scorer) 3,4. Intramural Football 1,2,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Volleyball 1.2.3,4. Heritage 4.

Home Address: 155 Warwick Street, Lowell, Massachusetts.

Bruce Joseph Goral

"Bruch” . . . natural extremist . . . will defend the John Birch Society to the death . . . rabid disciple of Barry Goldwater . . . daily, hitchhiker from the other side of the tracks in West Boylston . . . likes hiking, skiing, tennis, and collecting early jazz records . . . likes Polish ham, but will send it back to Poland to stop the spread of Com¬ munism . . . detests French poems and off-key study hall hummers.

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.” — Barry Goldwater

Intramural Football 1,2; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4 Tennis 4. Challenge 4. Explorer 1,2,3. Heritage 4.

Home Address: 9 Winthrop Street, West Boylston, Massachusetts. Edward George Granger

"Grange" . . . Barn ... loves to plav pool . . . likes to relax . . . After a dav like that. 1 can use it! . . . glad he came to the Prep ... a founder of "The Clique" . . . loves to plav basketball . . . would prefer shorter school days . . . "Let’s be a little bit serious!" . . . finds school a challenge . . . thinks junior year was much easier . . . wants to be a success but not at the expense of his personality.

"The end lies concealed in the beginning." — James Stephens

Varsitv Basketball 3.4. Intramural Football 1,2; Softball 1; Volleyball 2,3. Service Corps 3,4

Home Address: 29 Indian Hill Road, Worcester, Massachusetts..

Richard Lee Gravelin

"Grav” . . . "Au H2O. Never met him and don’t want to.” . . . enjovs basketball, tennis, ping-pong, riding and skiing . . . has gourmet inclinations, especially regarding ham¬ burgers . . . enjoys dancing . . . dislikes waiters who can't provide him with toasts.

"In order to do good, first one must be good." "Life is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and furv signifying nothing.” — Shakespeare

Intramural Football 2; Basketball 1,2,3; Volleyball 2,3; Tennis 4. Explorers 2.3.4 Glee Club 3,4. Service Corps 3,4. Y.C.S. 3.

Home Address: 20 Portland Street, Springfield, Massachusetts.

Gregory Michael Halligan

"Greg” . . . "Hey! How va doing?” . . . enjovs traveling, but not alone . . . "Calm down you've got plenty of time.” . . . There are Irishmen, and there are the rest of the people . . . enjoys participation in any sport . . . likes to win . . . passes his time reading newspapers and history books . . . forever playing hoop . . . dislikes hitchhiking at night and railroad tracks . . . "You high-brow.” . . . hopes to someday see the Olympics.

The one who has the will to win — will win.” — Knute Rockne.

\ arsitv Football 4 Track 4 Glee Club 4 Service Corps 4 Y.C.S. 4

Home Address: 44) Manning Boulevard, Albany, .

29 Edward Marsters Harrington

"Feelthy Pierre” . . . member of the Wej Code Society . . . enjoys football, basketball, and baseball . . . loves to eat . . . "What happened to you when God gave out math and chem talents?” . . . gets thrills from apple and shaving cream fights . . . wonders about the social life at A.P.S.

"If you want to know, ask me.”

Varsity Football 4; Track 4 Intramural Basketball 4

Home Address: 645 Highland Street, North Marshfield, Massachusetts.

John James Hartwell

"Hart” . . . never met anyone he couldn’t like . . . works only for a purpose . . . "Scotland forever” . . . our expert on archaeology ... a reasonable conservative . . . his pet peeves include the British Empire, Barry Goldwater, and state’s rights . . . among his idols are Albert Schweitzer and Charles DeGaulle . . . hopes to further man’s knowledge . . . feels the finest words are faith, tradition, and nationhood.

"The best of men are like water. Water benefits all things, and does not compete with them.” — Laotse

Home Address: 8 Temple Street, West Boylston, Massachusetts.

Robert Francis Horner

"Pope” . . . "When will you turn off the lights, Pope?” . . . gets more mileage out of an eraser than anyone else at the Prep . . . enjoys skiing, skating, baseball and a good game of pool . . . dislikes the presence of uninvited guests . . . hopes to bring back the classics and to re-establish their importance in the world of today . . . "Tout homme a deux pays, le sien et puis la France” ... an ardent lover of French and Latin.

"Ex nihilo nihil.” (From nothing comes nothing.) — Perse

Intramural Tennis 2. Explorers 2,3,4 Liturgical Choir 4 St. John’s Guild 2

Home Address: School Street, Cheshire, Massachusetts.

30 Joseph Patrick Hurley

"Joe” . . . class president in freshman year . . . loves sports . . . "Who's the last one out of the locker room?” . . . always ready to give 100% . . . "Son of a gun!” . . finally found out what it’s like to throw a touchdown pass . . . good student . . . taught Jay Feeley how to serve Mass . . . hates walking to school and memorizing pessimistic French poems . . . What’s the definition of society, Joe?

"I do not know what your destiny will ever be, but this I do know — you will always have happiness if you seek and find how to serve” — Albert Schweitzer

Varsity Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 3,4; Baseball 1,2,3,4. Intramural Basketball 1. Explorer 1,2. National Honor Society 4, Memini 4

Home Address; 227 Burncoat Street, Worcester, Massachusetts.

James William Igoe

"Jim” . . . entered A.P.S. in his junior year . . . enjoys sports both as a player and as a spectator . . . loves to be on the slopes in the winter . . . one of the hard workers of the class . . . "There’s no question about it.” ... is everybody’s friend . . . spends much of his weekend time in North Brookfield . . . dislikes people who constantly brag . . . would like to be a proud father of a fine family.

"I wasn’t much good, but at least I played.” — John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Intramural Football 3,4; Basketball 3,4; Volleyball 4; Tennis 4. Glee Club 3. Y.C.S. 4. Service Corps 4. Challenge 4. Memini 4.

Home Address: 80 Salisbury Street, Worcester, Massachusetts.

Clinton Francis Jenne, Jr.

"Clint” . . . "Clancy” . . . just makes it to school on Saturday morning . . . lives on the shores of scenic Indian Lake . . . dislikes all-boy boarding schools . . . hates to come to school on legal holidays . . . worked (?) at Hampton Beach . . . really enjoys French class . . . also likes spaghetti in dark Italian restaurants . . . admires Bob Dillan and hopes to be able to play the guitar like him.

"A promise is made to be kept.”

Varsity Cross Country 2; Track 2,4; Baseball 3. Intramural Football 2,3,4; Basketball 2,3,4 Service Corps 4.

Home Address; 3 Alexander Road, Worcester, Massachusetts.

31 Nicholas John Kallis

"The Greek" . . . believes in a weak central government . . . has a part time residence in studv hall . . . intends to take up flag pole sitting . . . Mr. Trudeau's favorite student? . . . avid sports fan . . . uses Robe's clothes more than the Robe does . . . enjovs water skiing . . . last of the big-time borrowers . . . hopes to have a big family.

"It’s always darkest before the dawn.”

Varsitv Football 2.3.4. Intramural Basketball 1.2.3. k Softball 1; Vollevball 1.2.3. k Glee (Hub k

Home Address: 22 Wilson Avenue. Braintree, Massachusetts.

Peter Paul Michael Karpawich

"Karp” . . . "Pete" . . . enjoys all competitive sports, especially basketball . . . likes popular and folk music . . . always willing to help others . . . has phobia for blue falcons . . . fascinated by the sciences . . . window-gazer in Study I . . . can’t stand sneakers with fraved laces or French kilbasie . . . tries to make the most of any situa¬ tion . . . wants to get the most out of life and travel.

"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is the probable reason why so few engage in it." — Henrv Ford

Varsity Basketball 3.4. Intramural Tennis 4 Y.C.S. 4

Home Address: 1 Coombs Road. Worcester. Massachusetts.

James Patrick Lawlor Kenney

"Jay” . . . "Kens” ... the "Admirable Crichton” of 1964 . . . turned his room into Democratic headquarters ... a devoted "Kennedy” man . . . another exiled senior . . . recipient of the "William G. Scannell Award for Excellence” . . . carries a bigger variety than Honey Farms . . . "Did you mention Jackie Kennedy?” . . . got a nose job . . . dislikes book reports and AUH2O . . . hails from Connecticut — God’s countrv.

"It is better to have campaigned and won than to have sat home and lost. ' — John F. Kennedv

Intramural Tennis 4. A.R.T.S. 3.4. French Club 2. Glee Club 1.2.3. Memini 4.

Home Address: Post Office. Mechanicsville. Connecticut.

32 John Edward Kroyak

"Pat” . . . "Kro” . . . the only person ever to fall asleep in a Peppery English class . . . makes friends easily . . . easy-going and good-natured . . . often forgets what dav it is . . . dislikes tall girls also baggy pants . . . hopes to travel and find out what the world and its people are like . . . avid follower of our basketball team . . . can take as well as make a joke.

"Life is like a flower that blossoms in a meadow; along comes a goat, eats it up, and it’s all over." — Anton Chekov

Varsitv Track 2. Intramural Basketball 1,2,3. Explorer Post #31 3. Service Corps 4.

Home Address: 25 Laurelwood Avenue, Leicester, Massachusetts.

James Frederick Labonte

"Pottsy” . . . likes skiing and bridge . . . easy-going, never gets mad . . . counts the days to the next weekend . . . likes fish . . . enjoys his green Volkswagen . . . dislikes egotists and people who are always talking . . . "Could be trouble.” . . . faithful attendant of summer school . . . 'Conscience makes cowards of us all.”

"Life is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing.” — Shakespeare

Intramural Football 3,4; Basketball 3,4; Volleyball 3,4. Service Corps 3,4. .

Home Address: 2 Sunnyhill Drive, Worcester, Massachusetts.

John David Lachapelle

"Lach . . . found hard work and great rewards at the Prep . . . knows exactly when 45 minutes have passed . . . great fan of hootenanny music . . . can usually be found at the pool table . . . enjoys the dances at Venerini . . . passenger in the "Brosky Bus” . . . dislikes being a big brother to "those sophomores.” . . . "C’est la vie! ... plans to help others and continue loving himself.

"Never does a man stand so tall as when he stoops to help a bov.” — Boy’s Club

Intramural Football 2; Basketball 1,2,3. French Club 3. Y.C.S. 4.

Home Address: 14 Winchester Avenue, Worcester, Massachusetts. .

33 Alfred Me Alpine Lancellotti

"Lance” . . . "Al” . . . can always brighten up a group . . . has frequent visits from Fr. Henry T . . . "What! only four free periods a week?” . . . thank heaven for Lois’s . . . owes his roommate for math and chemistry . . . really enjoys playing football . . . Italy’s gift to Assumption . . . has had many a water-fight ... a talkative roommate gets on his nerves . . . hopes to be free, independent and successful.

"Life is what you make it.”

Varsity Football 3. Intramural Football 4; Basketball 1,2; Volleyball 3,4. Glee Club 3. Service Corps 3,4.

Home Address: 54 University Avenue, Providence, Rhode Island.

Leo Francis Laver dure

"Crash” . . . "IBM” . . . tries to get as much as possible out of school . . . participates in sports ... is one of dorm II’s Halloween ghosts . . . asks nothing more from life than friends and the chance to be himself . . . not so tied up in studies and activities that he can’t appreciate a little fun . . . dislikes conservatism . . . hopes he learns from his mistakes and will be able to live like a prince.

"L’essentiel est invisible aux yeux; on ne voit bien ...” — St. Exupery

Varsity Cross Country 2; Baseball 1,2,3,4. Intramural Football 1,2,3; Basketball 1,2,3,4. Heritage 4. Les Enfants sur la Place 1.3,4. Mu Alpha Theta 3,4. Service Corps 3,4. Y.C.S. 1,2,3,4. Class President 1. Physical Chairman 3.

Home Address: 47 Barnes Road, Berlin, Massachusetts.

Paul Gerald Lavoie

"Lugsy” . . . loathes people who hide behind false fronts . . . still trying to adjust to the long hours and Saturday mornings . . . true "ivy-league prep-schooler” . . . does a lot of reading . . . very grateful for the education his teachers drilled into him . . . proud owner of an Austin Healy Sprite . . . measures success in life not by how much money he makes, but by being happy and content in whatever he does.

"I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.”

Home Address: 5 Dubiel Drive, Worcester, Massachusetts.

34 David Francis Lemire

"Dave” . . . enjoyed the athletic program at A.P.S. ... a partner of Lemire incorporated . . . a leakv sink would get on his nerves . . . dislikes people who are constantly seeking attention . . . has finally found out that a room is better than dorm . . . Charlie’s ping-pong partner . . . "Where’s Indian Orchard?”

"If you have a job to do, do it! no one will do it for you.”

Varsity Football 4; Track 4. Intramural Football 1; Basketball 2,3; Volleyball 1,2,3. Explorer Post #31 1,2,3. Service Corps 2,4. Y.C.S. 3.

Home Address: 177 Pasco Road, Indian Orchard, Massachusetts.

Joseph Wilfred Lemire, Jr.

"Swampy” . . . "Joe” ... a partially converted Yankee, but really a rebel at heart . . . aware that A.P.S. has given him more than an education ... is proud of the South . . . one-half of the Lemires . . . "No, we’re not related.” . . . likes water skiing and New England clam chowder . . . hopes to obtain the best education he can . . . dislikes cold rooms and students with machine-like personalities.

"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.” — Barry Goldwater

Intramural Football 2; Volleyball 2,3,4. Explorer Post #31 2,3. Service Corps 1,4. St. John’s Guild 1. Y.C.S. 4.

Home Address: 317 Summer Street, Greenville, South Carolina.

Guy Bernard Leroy

"Lee” . . . "Chuckles” . . . the most ardent rooter of the Boston Patriots . . . believes that the school food will never compare to that of his father’s restaurant . . . would like to beat his roommate in a game of tennis . . . hails from "Beantown” . . . hopes to be a success in life in every way.

"Si on peu rien faire que critique qu’on se ferme la geul.”

Intramural Vollevball 2,3,4; Tennis 3,4. Explorer Post #31 1,2,3,4. Les Enfants sur la Place 3,4. Service Corps 4.

Home Address: 14 Florence Street, Wollaston, Massachusetts.

35 Francis Michael Lockwood

"Lockie” . . . alwavs around the pooltable . . . the original Latin scholar . . . "A” for effort in the declamation contest . . . reads more of Poe than Poe did himself . . . enjovs driving French teachers insane . . . Fr. Gilbert’s ’’little dear ” . . . the originator of "dining hall madness” . . . Broskv’s chief antagonist at Table 2-B ... in love again every weekend . . . can’t stand teachers who talk like it's them who are flunking instead of you.

Intramural Basketball 1,2; Volleyball 1.2. A.R.T.S. 3,4. Explorers 1.2.3. Servire Corps 4.

Home Address: 32 Melrose Street, Worcester. Massachusetts.

Peter Francis Lofgren

’Lofty” . . . ’’Lightfoot” . . . loves to drive his T-bird . . . always ready for a game of football, basketball, or golf . . . willing to try anything once . . . usually at the Cape or Hampton Beach during the summer . . . lives at Highland Street Friendly’s . . . never turns down an invitation to a party . . . ”Mv hair is up!” . . . loathes snobs and going to school on legal holidays.

"Nothing succeeds like success.” — Napoleon

Varsity Football 3,4 Intramural Basketball 2,3,4 Volleyball 4. Service Corps 4.

Home Address: 45 Stark Road. Worcester, Massachusetts.

Charles Vincent Lor anger

"Pin” . . . "Stud” . . . loves to hear anything about New Bedford . . . has a terrific temper . . . will compete against any opponent . . . enjoys the funny things of life . . . dislikes snobs and hypocrites ... is amused by the Portuguese language.

"Nothing makes a person like a person himself.”

Intramural Football 1,2,3,4; Intramural Basketball 1,2,3,4; Intramural Volleyball 1,2,3,4; J.V. Football 1; Explorer Post #31 2.

Home Address: 201 Maryland Street, New Bedford, Massachusetts.

36 Henry Francis Malkowski, Jr.

"Henri" . . . look for him in study hall ... an avid racing fan . . . active member of the Wej Code Society . . . enjoys an occasional bridge game . . . dislikes people who spill milk . . . member of the Bent Fingers . . . enjoys tuning in on an argument between teachers ... is angry with the shortage of food . . . hopes to be able to travel extensively.

Intramural Volleyball 4

Home Address: 2 William Avenue, Seekonk, Massachusetts.

Philip James Martowski

Mart ... enjoys good classical music, good books and math . . . enjoys basketball and ping-pong ... a frequenter of the T-V lounge . . . enjoys French comedies, Robert Frost and Cicero . . . believes that hard work and studv coupled with a purpose bring success . . . "Got a minute, Leo?" . . . "The more you learn, the more you find out how ignorant you are."

"A man of one book.” — Thomas Aquinas

Intramural Basketball 3,4; Volleyball 4 Challenge 4.

Home Address: 102 Church Street, Ware, Massachusetts.

Stephen Frank Mastrangelo

"Steve” . . . enjoys teaching tennis . . . dislikes morning air — so, became a waiter . . . "Let me trv to get some music.” . . . has a strong but quick temper ... a good listener — sometimes . . . dislikes yes-men and phonies, food originality, the 6:10 bell, pesty roommates, sword fights and writing comps.

"He who foresees calamities, suffers them twice over." — Porteus "Nobodv is wholly tolerant. The more you believe in tolerance, the less vou can tolerate the intolerant.” — Robert Quillen

Varsity Tennis 2,3,4. Intramural Football 1; Basketball 1,2; Tennis 1,2. Explorers 1,2,3,4 St. John’s Guild 1.2. Y.C.S. 1.2.3.

Home Address: 19 Grandview Avenue, Stamford, Connecticut.

37 Andrew John McCusker, IV

“Andy” ... a product of Connecticut’s tobacco fields . . . has an aversion to small Hondas ... a most unlibrarian-like librarian’s assistant . . . connoisseur of weekends . . . fairly adept procrastinator . . . likes everything, loves nothing fair at everything, great at nothing . . . avid banana fan . . . would like to succeed, but lacks previous success . . . dislikes interruptions . . .

Intramural Football 2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Volleyball 2,3,4. Heritage 4. Les Enfants Sur La Place 1,3. Y.C.S. 1,2,3,4. Student Council 3,4. Sophomore Vice President.

Home address: R.F.D. #2 Rockville, Connecticut.

Paul Kevin Meyer

“Oscar” . . . favorite sports are football and hockey ... “I love contact” . . . likes to drive . . . always in the rec-hall playing pool, cards, or ping-pong . . . always game for a game . . . ready to help another if possible . . . quick with a joke ... a member of the Burncoat Street Wall Gang . . . his pet peeves are French and school on Saturday . . . his favorite food is pizza . . .

Varsity Football 3,4. Intramural Basketball 1,2,3,4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4. Explorers 3,4. Service Corps 4.

Home address: 126 Hillcroft Avenue, Worcester, Massachusetts.

Richard James Mochak

“Mope” . . . lasted four years at Assumption . . . just can’t adjust to prep school life (Assumption ) . . . “Sunday night and only five and a half days till the weekend” . . . spends most of his weekends hunting and fishing . . . dislikes hypocritical loudmouths . . . never seems to have enough money . . . very unenthusiastic ... in the end he realized that it wasn’t four completely wasted years . . .

“Truth himself speaks truly, or there’s nothing true.” — G. Hopkins

Varsity Football 2,3; Track 1,2. Intramural Basketball 1,2,4; Volleyball 4. Memini 4. Y.C.S. 1.

Home address: 38 Taylor Avenue, Westfield, Massachusetts.

38 Roger F. Morisseau

“Moose” . . . another P.G. . . . can be found at Lois’s . . . likes to participate in sports ... is a member of WEJ Code Society . . . would like to see study halls done away with . . . enjoys the atmosphere of the school . . . head of the Bent Fingers ... is the school’s best spitter, often practices in dining hall . . . dislikes cocky people . . .

“He who walks a straight line must run.”

Varsity Football 4. Glee Club 4. Y.C.S. 4.

Home address: 957 Smithfield Road, North Smithfield, Rhode Island.

Lawrence Archer Mullaly

“Mull” . . . “Lorenzo” . . . interested in social and political movements . . . always ready to try again . . . tries to be helpful to everyone . . . dislikes hypocrites . . . avid fix-it man . . . enjoys hunting and camping . . . staunch Irishman (hopes to visit someday) . . . tries to be organized in all things . . . “Wow!” . . . camera bug . . . flips over rice pudding . . . haunted the Physics lab . . .

“Nothing tried, nothing gained,”

Varsity Track 1,3. Ham Radio 1,2,3. Camera Club 2,3. French Club 3.

Home address: 5 Deering Drive, Worcester, Massachusetts.

Paul Stephen Murphy

“Murph” ... a convert to the residents during his Sophomore year . . . one of the school’s good atheletes . . . another member of the IRA who likes to put up shamrocks on March 17 ... is always ready to have a game of football . . . believes that the school needs more school spirit . . . really enjoys Field Day victories . . . Dislikes spiritless students, dull razor blades and his room¬ mate’s guitar . . . wants to better mankind.

“Not every male is a man.” — Fr. Chabot A.A.

Varsity Football 3; Cross Country 4; Track 2,3,4. Intramural Football 1; Basketball 2,3,4. Heritage 3,4. Y.C.S. 2,4. National Honor Society 4. Service Corps 1. Student Council 2nd Vice-president 3; President 4.

Home address: 67 Crosby Circle, Centerville, Massachusetts.

39 James David O'Brien, Jr.

“O’B” . . . class president in junior and senior years . . . captain of basketball team . . . really misses Jack Menard . . . likes everybody . . . the politician of the class . . . loves all sports- especially basketball . . . very interested in gov¬ ernment . . . feels that the toughest teachers were the best . . . hopes to meet more people, form new and strong friendships, and help others who are less fortunate . . .

“I have fought the good fight, I have run the course, I have kept the faith.” — St. Paul

Varsity Basketball 2,3,4. Intramural Football 4; Basketball 1; Volleyball 2,3,4; Tennis 4. Explorers 1,2. Service Corps 4.

Home address: 4 Hawthorne Street, Worcester, Massachusetts.

Daniel Francis O'Connor

“Oakey” . . . believes that if yau want something badly enough, you will take the means to get it . . . will never forget the time Gerry Plasse “fell” into the pool . . . enjoys post-season football games on Wednesday afternoons, even in the snow . . . “Any situation could do better or worse.” . . . enjoys an oc¬ casional game of chess . . . helped Robes warn the school about the cake . . . hopes to be able to say, no matter what happens to him, that he did his best . . .

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” — Joseph Kennedy

Varsity Football 2,3,4; Track 3,4; Baseball scorer 1.2. Intramural Basketball 3,4. Explorers 2,3,4.

Home address: 77 Huntington Avenue, Malboro, Massachusetts.

Russell Rosaire Pariseau

“Russ” . . . one of the great weekenders but usually ends up in Southbridge late because of sports . . . been playing football as long as he can remember . . . has even played all four backfield positions in one game . . . loves to meet peo¬ ple . . . not fussy about his career . . . hopes ot make of himself the best possible human being according to his God given talents . . .

“If you want to leave footprints in the sands of time, you’d better wear work- shoes.”

Varsity Football 2,3,4; Track 1,2,4. Intramural Basketball 1,2,3,4. National Honor Society 4. Service Corps 4. Y.C.S. 2,3,4.

Home address: 28 Harding Court, Southbridge, Massachusetts.

40 Vincent David Pelletier

“Vince” Pellet la’s right hand man ... a hard worker who achieves well ... a firm believer in “Aimez et ne jugez pas.” . . . one-third of the Greenhill Three ... a good all-around musician ... is learning what it means to help out and to give even when it hurts ... a veteran headwaiter . . . enjoys French dramatics . . . hopes to bring men back to the Father.

“Ama et fac quod vis.” — St. Augustine

Intramural Football 3,4; Basketball 1,2; Volleyball 2,3,4. Glee Club 1,2,3,4. Heritage 3,4. Les Enfants Sur La Place 2,3,4. Liturgical Choir 1,2,3,4. Y.C.S. 1,2,3,4. St. John’s Guild 1. National Honor Society 3,4. Class Vice-president 1.

Home address: 307 East Main Street, North Adams, Massachusetts.

Paul Dennis Phelan

“Dude” ... is always willing to help others . . . one of the easy-going P.G.’s . . . hopes his girl is still waiting for him ... is facinated by history . . . lives at Lois’s . . . “What room are you in now?” . . . never holds a grudge . . . dislikes watered down draught . . . hopes to travel around the world but end up in Ireland.

“Now is now, make the best of it.” — Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

Intramural Football 4; Basketball 4; Softball 4; Volleyball 4.

Home address: 8719 Milford Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland.

David. Francis Plourde

“Dave” . . . comes to A.P.S. from “Potato Country” ... is always reading a book . . . never makes it to the chapel on time . . . has an independent temper . . . is a veteran potato picker . . . has the ambition of passing room inspection- just once . . . dislikes white shirts and ties, also the bells . . . hopes to achieve a good education . . .

“Think, but do not let thoughts become you aim.” — Kipling

Intramural Football 4; Volleyball 4.

Home address: 431 Main Street, Van Buren, Maine.

41 John Steele Power

"J.P.” . . . instigator of daily card parties at recesses . . . avid fan of James Bond . . . favorite poet is Robert Frost . . . enjoyed being a reporter for the Heritage . . . attended most school functions . . . allergic to language lab . . . irritated by pessimistic French poets . . likes both the Beatles and Beethoven . . . can’t stand kibitzers.

"The woods are lovely, dark, and deep But I have promises to keep And miles to go before I sleep And miles to go before I sleep.” — Robert Frost

Varsity Cross Country 4; Track 2,3,4. Intramural Football 1,2,3; Basketball 1,2,3,4. Heritage 3,4 Learned Blacksmiths 1,2.

Home Address: 3 Wakefield Street, Worcester, Massachusetts.

Mark Andrew Richardson

"Marcus” . . . passenger on the Brosky bus . . . those political discussions with Mr. Palaima . . . always laughing . . . can be found in the rec-hall — either at the pool or card table . . . "The Big Bomb” . . . joker . . . quiet worker . . . always tired . . . carefree and funloving . . . punctual (?)... that long hair and Fr. Philip . . . great fan of Ian Fleming and Mickey Spillane ... his pet peeves are crew cuts and under¬ classmen.

"Don’t be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated. You can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps.” — David Lloyd George

Intramural Football 1,2,3; Basketball 1,2,3; Volleyball 1,2,3. French Club 3.

Home Address: 14 Ludlow Street, Worcester, Massachusetts.

Roger Gilbert Robitaille, Jr.

"Robes” . . . "Shiek” . . . always ready to go along with a gag . . . likes to ptay foot¬ ball with the boys (both in and out of the snow) . . . does a good imitation of Jose Jimenez . . . likes to sing, act, and play his washtub bass . . . avid home-team fan . . . speaks fluent canuck . . . tries to keep the boys he associates with in good spirits by trying to keep in good spirits himself . . . hopes to have happiness and success in what¬ ever he does . . . dislikes troublemakers, liberals and A.P.S. fish.

"You can’t get something for nothing.”

Varsity Football 3,4. Intramural Basketball 3; Volleyball 3,4. Glee Club 1,2,3,4. Learned Blacksmiths 1. Les Enfants Sur La Place 3,4. Liturgical Choir 2,3,4. Heritage 1,3,4.

Home Address: 85 Madison Avenue, Holyoke, Massachusetts.

42 Thomas James Ruell

"Wilbur” . . . can usually be seen in the rec hall playing Bridge . . . helps his room¬ mate do his math . . . never worries ... is noted for his drawing . . . reallv enjoys French class . . . sometimes bashful . . . enjoys A.P.S. meals.

"A vaince sans peril, on triomphe sans gloire.” — Le Cid

Varsity Track 3,4. Intramural Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2.3,4; Volleyball 1,2. A.R.T.S. 3. Explorer Post #31 2,3. Service Corps 4.

Home Address: 17 8th Avenue, Fairview, Massachusetts.

Paul Peter Sazani

"Jack” . . . likes to play cards . . . entered Assumption as a post graduate . . . has spent two out of six weeks in study hall . . . never stays up later than he has to . . . enjoys parties and dancing . . . regular occupant of Dorm II . . . wants to go to the World’s Fair . . . played football for the school . . . dislikes tall roommates.

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” — Knute Rockne

Varsity Football 4; Varsity Baseball 4; Intramural Basketball 4; Service Corps 4.

Home Address: 70 Stuart Avenue, Amityville, New York.

Francis Xavier Schiavone

"Fran” . . . "Sciv” . . . unsuccessful water-skier, but still trying . . . dislikes wet football socks . . . received a better understanding of God and fellow man at the Prep . . . always friendly and helpful ... a few of the things he can’t stand are small desks, scales that don’t read over 200 lbs., broken shoulder pad straps, and people who borrow bus tickets . . . wants to help eliminate world tensions and the rights of freedom the world over.

"Making the most of today is the best preparation for tomorrow.”

Varsity Football 1,2,3,4 Me mini 4 Service Corps 1,3,4

Home Address: 8 Woodside Terrace, Auburn, Massachusetts

43 Theodore Anthony Seligowski

"Howdy'" . . . "Ted” . . . likes long-haired music — the Beatles . . . not inclined to labor, but will work hard when the need arises ... an ardent believer in the complete¬ ness of experience gained from books . . . "Man could live bv books alone, if onlv he could get someone to make his living for him” . . . wants to become as civilized and cultured as possible, and then help others to do the same.

"Damnant quod non intellegunt.”

Camera Club 2.

Home Address: 125 Brookline Street, Worcester, Massachusetts.

Ricardo Serrano Quesada

"Rick” . . . hails from sunny San Juan P.R. . . . lived in Cuba until Castro couldn’t stand him any longer . . . wants to help maintain freedom . . . dislikes people who say, "Look at that crazy Cuban with the dark glasses” . . . enjoys morning parties.

"One cannot always be a hero, but one can always be a man.” — Goethe

Explorers 1,2.3: Heritage 1.2.5. t (Editor); National Honor Society 3,4; Y.C.S. 1.2.3,4; Student Council '3.

Home Address: Bouret #409. Apt. 8. Santuree, Puerto Rico

Craig George Stevens

"Pygmy” . . . the Arnold Palmer of A.P.S. . . . "Three books a week?” . . . always has a new joke to tell . . . hopes to help those who have helped him . . . knows Fr. George’s footsteps better than his own . . . will argue on anything at anytime . . . treasurer of Feelthy Pierre Inc. . . . dislikes people who think where’s Ware is a new joke . . . Paul Stevens’ Jewish cousin?

"Nothing succeeds like success and nothing fails like failure. ’

Intramural Football 1.2.3,4; Basketball 1.2.3,4; Volleyball 1.2,3,4; Tennis 4. Explorer Post #31 2,3,4. Heritage 3,4. Y.C.S. 4. Service Corps 4.

Home Address: 91 West Main Street, Ware, Massachusetts.

44 Paul Kevin Stevens

’’Moose’" . . . "WEJ” . . . came to A.P.S. as a P.G. . . . has gained 13 pounds since he came here in September . . . thinks that extracurricular activities are important . . . enjovs athletics ... is a camera bug ... is the object of the WEJ code society . . . dislikes doing his laundrv.

Varsity Football 4< Baseball 4. Service Corps 4. Y.C.S. 4.

Home Address: 12 Elm Street, Hyannis, Massachusetts.

Walter Suchon

Such” . . . born in New Jersey . . . lived most of his life in Venezuels . . . spends most of his time on sports fields or at his desk . . . ”Do vou have vour class dues?” . . . has fallen in love with New England . . . enjovs weekends at the homes of friends . . . holds school record for stitches . . . never seems to get enough sleep . . . dislikes freshmen . . . suffered through four years of undersized beds.

"Whoso neglects learning in his youth, loses the past and is dead to the future.” — Euripides

Varsitv Football; Varsitv Basketball 2.3,4; Varsity Baseball 1.2,3.4; J.V. Basketball 1; Memini t: Mu Alpha Theta 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Y.C.S.

Home Address: Campo Verde, Tia Juana, Zulia Venezuela

Albert H. Surprenant, Jr.

"Al" . . . "Sup” . . . came to A.P.S. in his junior year . . . claims to be an alumnus of every private school in the state . . . rattles Mr. Brunnel bv "slapping second” at eight in the morning . . . pinstripe kid . . . one-time athlete . . . Al's garage pool hall ... St. Albert of the Service Corps . . . "Get out of that refrigerator!"

"Look into the pewter pot and see the world as the world is not.” — A. E. Housman

Service Corps 4.

Home Address: 81 Newton Street, West Boylston, Massachusetts.

45 G. Anthony Tessier

“Tony” . . . hails from the distant state of California ... an avid San Francisco Giants fan . . . enjoys, surfing, hockey, and horseback riding . . . dislikes hypocrites, phonies and Father George’s belt . . . has learned of the pleasures to be found in study and hard work . . .

“Let them come to Berlin.” — John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Service Corps 4.

Home address: 1914 LaVilla Rose Court, Modesto, California.

Henry Tileston

“Tilly” . . . “Henree” . . . occupies the broom closet suit of A.P.S. . . . “What! Would I throw Gerry in the pool?” . . . enjoys the Cape, The Moors, Grafton kids, Fr. William’s class and wisecracks . . . dislikes homework, slow traffic . . . Fr. Etienne’s pet . . . “Tileston, light my cigar” . . . ‘“Tileston, erase the blackboard” . . . anged la classe de francais . . .

“Death, thou shalt die!” — Donne

Varsity Football 3,4; Track 3.

Home address: 7123 Waterman Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri.

James Edward Welsh, IV

“Jim” . . . “B.J.” . . . 100% Irish . . . “Erin Go Bragh” . . . hobby is col- lecting match books . . . enjoys, skiing, fishing, golf, tennis, canoeing, and swimming . . . “Are you serious?” . . . instigator in Study I ... he and Oscar make an unbeatable team at whist . . . “What’s her name this time?” — Daucunas ... “I don’t really live in the sticks!!’ “But, Father . . .”

“Miles to go before I sleep” — Robert Frost

Varsity Football 2,3. Intramural Basketball 1,2,4; Softball 1,2,3,4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Tennis 2,3. Explorer 3. Service Corps

Home address: Manning Street, Jefferson, Massachusetts. Daniel Joseph Kelleher

"Kell” ... is usually found by the pool table . . . has enjoyed the two teenage epics of the math department . . . newcomer to resident life at A.P.S. . . . thinks Pottsy’s pot is rather cute ... is thankful to Tileston . . . went crazy with Lockwood’s hair . . . appreciated Fr. Edgar’s sincere advice and council . . . hopes to live in every way possible . . .

"Everything has to evolve or else it perishes.” — John Knowles

Intramural Basketball 3; Heritage 4.

Home Address: 70 Florence Street, Worcester, Massachusetts.

47 &AUy 0 u R

1961-62 1962-63

1963-64 1964-65



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FRONT ROW: R. Perras, J. Toloczko, H. Culverhouse, E. Coonan, R. Vaudreuil, F. Hebert, C. Turcotte, R. Suzor, J. Hennessey, G. Gardner, C. Hazebrouck. SECOND ROW: R. Fortier, M. Santom, D. Savoie, R. Zulkiew- icz, R. Parquette, S. Tsomaia, J. Raymond, E. Gaudreau, M. Coutu, S. Lancellotti, R. Koppel, A. Grenier, J. Baldwin, J. Bouffard. THIRD ROW: J. Rosseel, F. Dion, W. Kelly, R. Marion, T. Grayman, D. Fuller, R. Men¬ ard, M. Laska, G. Rodrigue, J. Parmakian, M. Laverty, T. Myers, P. Bedortha, S. Hajduk, E. Bettez. FOURTH ROW: A. White, J. Cosgrove, J. Gabriel, R. Julian, T. Shea, D. Jarry, P. Granger, T. Macy, P. O’Leary, E. La- Belle, J. Jacques, W. Fox, A. Talevi, R. Rawding, J. Ash. FIFTH ROW: M. Pollan, R. Savoie, D. Giza, W. Brown, J. Flynn, D. Torrey, P. Walsh, J. Thompson, D. Copeland, F. Stipeck, P. Hennessey, R. Ryan, J. Man¬ ning, R. Raymond, G. Lemaitre, P. Benoit. JUNIOR NOT PRESENT: P. Cragan, R. Daigle, V. Di Benedetto, V. Farese, H. Grenon, D. Harrington, R. Lane, W. Mackensen, W. Moynihan, R. Murphy, Paul Paine, T. Picard, P. Redkovich, J. Salmon, F. Thomas.


FIRST ROW: J. Hanley, R. Gauthier, J. Stevens, M. Rioux, B. Dow, P. Ouellette, E. Prunier, L. Denys, M. Zabek, R. La Porte, M. Hazebrouck, B. J. Bagdis, D. Uccellini. SECOND ROW: P. Fournier, M. Chevalier, R. Simon, R. Longden, F. Grandone, L. Vadnais, P. Pinette, J. Santomenno, J. Howarth, V. Perreault. THIRD ROW: J. DeMoss, R. Tiziani, P. LaBelle, V. Laronga, P. Barnacle, P. Giza, R., Cote, R. Letendre, C. Fortin. FOURTH ROW: M. Aubuchon, T. Ash, W. Dolan, B. Gareau, R. Wentz, J. Dolan, J. Joyce, R. Kennedy, S. Scott. FIFTH ROW: C. Linga, C. Blaum, P. Nordberg, G. Aranguren, L. Loranger, J. Thibodeau, M. Giliberti, J. Hoey. SIXTH ROW: F. Granger, R. LaBonte, R. Pare, J. Lukin, P. White, C. Bulikowski, P. Monfredo, R. LeClerc, R. Dodge, V. Mancuso, P. Rudden, G. Troie. SEVENTH ROW: P. Flynn, D. Fortin, M. Dowjat, R. Myers, S. Pisinski, P. Karolkiewicz, J. Lukin. EIGHTH ROW: J.Reopel, J. Tremblay, P. Mastrangelo, J. Connor, G. Raymond, P. Deary. NINTH ROW: R. Gannon, D. Mulaire, D. Eddy, G. Reills, K. Gunter, R. Parks, J. Loughlin, J. Mangaudis, J. Peterson, F. Schilling, III.


FIRST ROW': M. Abusamra, R. Hebert, R. Quesada, R. Hebert, J. Daley, P. Tetreault, E. Kenny, P. Cote, P. Fenton, W. Vachon, D. Boisvert. SECOND ROW: G. Palermo, M. Grady, J. King, P. Vega, Sun Kim, R. Gran¬ ger, M. Morrissey, J. Chandley, E. Mbeche. THIRD ROW: G. Sinnott, R. Brown, M. Scrimgeour, P. Lefrancois, R. Cronin, S. Lamontagne, T. Healey, A. Bergevin, R. Landolfi. FOURTH ROW: P. Creamer, P. Prunier, M. P. Gor P. Costello, J. Gadbois, F. Vray, M. Santiago, T. Ehoff. FIFTH ROW: P. Laverty, R. DeFeo, W. Krause, M. Clifford, M. Caurant, J. Lemire. SIXTH ROW': G. Grimes, P. Gordon, B. Vigil, W. Flood, M. Raymond, D. Mercier, ??????, M. Blaise!. SEVENTH ROW: R. Fournier, G. Frawley, S. Sylvestro, J. Mullahy, B. Goodro, R. Casey. EIQHTH ROW: W. Cunningham, J. Kurkolonis, T. Laskowski, P. Descheneaux, W. Shea, W. Chuplis, G. Ware. NINTH ROW: G. Sullivan, J. Bolton, J. Karpawich, L. Seligowski. J. Hawkesworth, J. Gilbert. TENTH ROW: A. Walmus, P. Hargraves, M. VanVooren.



Student Council

National Honor Society

Mu Alpha Theta

Amateur Radio


u1 Plea*«*« Explorer Post 31 l»y


Liturgical Choir

St. John’s Guild

Young Christian Students




Paris Par Ici


CATHOLIC YOUTH COUNCIL — SEATED: Paul Murphy, President; Philip Bonvouloir, A.A., Moderator; John Colgan, First Vice-President. STANDING: William Galanes, Historian; Richard Daigle, Physical Chairman; Andrew McCusker, Secretary; Anthony Feeherry, Social Chairman; Fredrick Thomas, Treasurer; Warren Mackensen, Spiritual Chairman; Dennis Barry, Cultural Chaiman; Wayne Moynihan, Second Vice-Pesident.


NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY — SEATED: Leo Laverdure, Maurice Allaire, A.A., Moderator, Vincent Pelletier. STANDING: Ricardo Serrano, Joseph Hurley, Paul Murphy, Charles Gagnon. Walter Suchon, Anthony Feeherry, David Abusamra, John Feeley, Russell Pariseau.

57 44 MU ALPHATHETA—SEATED:RichardMochak,LeoLaverdure,lldefonsA.J.vanderLinden, Moderator, WalterSuchon,RudolphZulkiewicz.STANDING:JohnFeeley,DanielCavan,Anthony LaBelle, DavidFuller. Feeherry, MarkRichardson,GeorgeLemaitre,AndrewMcCusker,CharlesGagnon,Edward 58 AMATEUR RADIO CLUB — SEATED: Daniel Mercier, Henry Roy, A.A., Moderator; Maurice Blaise. STANDING: Ralph DeFeo, Jere Baldwin, Warren Mackensen, Casimer Bulikowski, George Gardner.

PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB — SEATED: John Loughlin. STANDING: John Conner, Jere Baldwin, Thierry Delbert, George Gardner.


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FIRST ROW: R. Wentz, E. Bettez, J. Thibodeau, R. Kennedy, V. Perreault, S. D. Fortin, R. Gravelin, J. Raymond, D. Allbach, R. Dodge. FOURTH ROW: Lainontagne, C. Hazebrouck, M. Abusamra, R. Hebert, P. Vega, R. Hebert. L. Mullaly, P. Chevrette, G. Reills, R. Rawding, W'. Kelley, F. Hebert, R. Hor¬ SECOND ROW: D. Frigon, G. Aranguaren, S. Warner, R. Cote, M. Raymond, ner. FIFTH ROW: Rev. J. Fredette (advisor); Mr. W. Fields (institutional rep¬ R. Casey, S. Hawkesworth, F. Dion. THIRD ROW: P. Mastrangelo, S. Gaffney, resentative); S. Larnont.


61 HERITAGE Published six times yearly by the students of Assumption Preparatory School, Worcester 6, Mass. Student Subscription included in Activity Fee. Previously published as Vermesynel (39-40), The Atom (40-43). The Echo f43-50). Printed by Mercantile Printing Co. of Worcester. This issue: 500 copies. Volume 26, Number 4, Whole Number 136; February, 1965. Faculty Moderator: Edmond O. Brunelle, A.B. CO-EDITORS-IN-CHIEF PHOTOGRAPHER Ricardo G. Serrano '65 Douglas W. Mulaire '67 Philip T. O'Leary '66 BUSINESS MANAGER ASSOCIATE EDITORS Roger A. Wentz '67 Henry N. Grenon '66 FACULTY MODERATOR P. David Jarry '66 Edmund O. Brunelle, A.B.

HERITAGE — KNEELING: Douglas Mulaire, Bruce Goral, William Gauthier, David Abusamra, Daniel Savoie, George Lemaitre, John Fox, Ronald Menard, Stephen Hajduk, Thomas Ruell. SEATED: Paul Manning, John Colgan, Edmond 0. Brunelle, Moderator; Vincent Murphy, Philip O’Leary, co-editor; Ricardo Serrano, co-editor; David Pelletier, John Power, Andrew McCusker, Craig Stevens, George Jarry, associate editor; Henry Grenon, associated editor; Roger Gardner, Paul Chevrette, James Lukin, Edward LaBelle, Roger Wentz. STANDING: Leo Laverdure, Vincent DiBenedetto, Gerald Robitaille.

62 lOtturgiral (Ehotr

LITURGICAL CHOIR — SEATED: Riccardo Quesada, Angel Vega, Robitaille, Ronald Parks, Michael Courant, Burt Vigil, Paul Chevrette, Vincent Pelletier, Ernest Bettez, Steven Lamontagne. STANDING: Mariano Santiago, John Lemire. Robert Horner, Daniel Savoie, Jere Baldwin, John Lamonte, Roger

^aittt dlnljtt’n (guilft

SAINT JOHN’S GUILD — SEATED: Yvon R. Dubois, A.A., Moderator. STANDING: Steven Lamontagne, Robert LeClerc, Maurice Blaise, Thomas Ash, Marcel Rioux.

63 YOUNG CHRISTIAN STUDENTS— SENIORS — STANDING: Terrence D'Emilio. Roger Rogitaille, Leo Laverdure, Paul Mur¬ phy, John Colgan, Walter Suchon, Brian Con¬ nolly, Charles Gagnon, Joseph Lemire, David Lemire. SEATED: James Igoe, Vincent Pel¬ letier, Edgar A. Bourque, A. A., Moderator Craig Stevens, Russel Pariseau.



JUNIORS— SEATED: Wayne Moynihan, William E. Dubois, A. A., Moderator; Ter¬ rence Macy. STANDING: Roger Perras, Stephen Lancellotti, Michael Pollan, Patrick Hennessy, John Flynn, Vincent Farese, Ernest Bettez.



SOPHOMORES — SEATED: William E. Dubois, A. A., Moderator; STANDING: William Galanes, Richard Labonte, Peter Mastrangelo, Roger Wentz, Thomas Ash, Bernard Gareau. STUDENT INTERRACIAL COMMITTEE

STUDENT INTERRACIAL COMMITTEE — SEATED: Terrence D’Emilio, William E. Dubois, A. A., Moderator; Terrence Macy. STANDING: Roger Perras, Joseph Lemire, Frederick Thomas, Brian Connolly, John Colgan, John Flynn, Vincent Farese, David Lemire.

CHALLENGE — SEATED: Craig Stevens, James Igoe, William A. Dubois, A. A., Moderator; Paul Chevrette, John Daigle. STANDING: Bruce Goral, James Dougherty, Brian Connolly, James Labonte, Philip Martowski, Andrew McCusker.



SERVICE CORPS — LITTLE SISTERS OF THE ASSUMPTION — SEATED: Richard Ken¬ nedy, William E. Dubois, A. A., Moderator; Paul Fournier. STANDING: Thomas Ash, Robert Ganno, Marc Van Vooren, Ronald Hebert.

SERVICE CORPS — NAZARETH HOME — SEATED: Ernest Bettez, James Igoe, Norman Cote, James Labonte, Russell Pariseau. STANDING: Clinton Jenne, Claude Beaudreault, Joel Argento, James Dougherty, John Daigle, Gregory Halligan, David Frigon, Charles Bourguignon, Dennis Bouffard, Charles Gagnon, Terrence Macy, John Flynn, Frederick Thomas.

SERVICE CORPS — JOHN AUGUSTUS HALL — SEATED: Terrence D’Emilio, John Colgan, Joseph Lemire, Craig Stevens, Francis Lockwood. STAND¬ ING: John Anastasi, Alfred Lancellotti, Douglas All- bach, Francis Schiavone, Ronald Daucunas, Brian Conolly, John Kroyak, Andrew McCusker, John Brosky, Guy Leroy. PARIS PAR ICI — SEATED: John Toloczl^ Richard Simon, Yvon R. Dubois, A. A., Moderator; John Feeley, Hugh Culverhouse. STANDING: Thomas Ash, Edward LaBelle, Alfred Talevi, Alan White, David Abusamra, Alain Grenier, Rudolph Zulkiewicz.


67 M

William G. Scannell Clement J. Trudeau Faculty Advisor Faculty Advisor

The 1965 Memini Staff would like to express our ap¬ E preciation to the following for their assistance: Fr. Henry T. Paul Chevrette Fr. Ildefons Thierry Delbert Fr. Gerard David Frigon Fr. Gilbert James Igoe Fr. Philip Andrew McCusker Fr. William Douglas Mulaire Mr. Bibaud Rog er Robitaille M Mr. Brunelle Guy Leroy Mr. Scannell Mr. Trudeau

Walter P. Suchon Business Manager

David S. Abusamra Richard J. Mochak Co-Editor Co-editor

68 Edward Bonnici James P. L. Kenney Daniel R. Cavan Photography Editor Biography Editor Biography Editor

This is it — the yearbook of the Class of 1965, of Assumption class participation and interest. Without class co-operation this Preparatory School. If anything, it was the late start on the book would have remained merely a record. Now, it represents planning of the book that has made it what it is; the increased a record of memories, lasting and clear. pressure forced us to exclude any frills, retaining only that con¬ Only those students who entered our makeshift headquarters in tent which pictures the reality of Assumption Prep’s life. the Lecture Hall and Room #258, and only those names men¬ Exhaustive is the adjective to describe the book’s totality. The tioned on the opposite page, know and appreciate our travail. Staff made use of, or at least tried to make use of, every idea Because this book is more personal to us, the Staff, than any¬ and suggestion. This is why the book contains numerous firsts: one else, it remains for the readers’ appreciation to insure us of first in color, largest, dedication standards, junior editors, super¬ the book’s success. latives, supplement, class will, and especially, the tightening of

Terrence R. D’Emilio John J. Feeley Joseph P. Hurley Layout Editor Sports Editor Sports Editor r

“REMEMBER WAY BACK WHEN?” “I thought I saw a football.”

“I didn’t add instead of multiply, did I?”

“Honest Father, it wasn’t us this time.” “WELL, I DIDN’T PREI 4 RE

WwffiZ \ . . ■ - J mk.

■" n


f .yjtfyiwy j* ^ A jpL



Sophomores . . . Johnny M.’s dorm proves a bit different

. . . a new Headmaster . . . “Are you serious?” . . .

Mr. Flagg teaches History . . . pool tables ... we slid

over the campus in cardboard boxes . . . last year of

Latin—for some . . . desk carvers’ masterpieces removed

. . . Paul Murphy and Chief Menard lead us to victory

on Field Day . . . “Tartuffe” is presented . . . Kallis takes

up flagpole sitting . . . Joe Hurley pitches victories

over St. John’s and St. Peter’s . . . first Dalzon

Awards: excellence — Leo Laverdure, honor — Walt

Suchon, service — Ed Bonnici ... we depart as Upper¬

classmen . . . OUR FRESHMAN YEAR:

A.P.S. opens its loving arms to another crop of “little dears” ... we first hear the names “Phil,” “Chris,”

“Pop,” “Drac,” “Joe D.,” “Caesar,” “Pepper,” “Willy,” and the rest . . . football has two freshman starters:

Joe Hurley and Walt Suchon . . . remember Pepper’s

“crush you like a snail” ’s speech? . . . come winter, we removed the snow—in many ways (gulp) . . . Goba’s car was a hit wet . . . weekly pillow fights . . . the “bug” hits the school—189 cases in one night . . . remember the boys: Frenchy, Lawlar, Priest, Driscoll, Dyjak,

Huntley, Bajardi, DiMuccio? . . . “Don Juans” flop at

May Dance ... a near miss on Field Day . . . Freshman

year finishes as it started—with exams . . .



What a work load! . . . mice invade the school . . .

Kroyak maps out the ventilating system . . . those ex¬

clusive upper-class dances . . . Heritage rejuvenated . . .

remember those great days when Chris took over Student

Affairs . . . Igor and Bouf teach Physics . . . smoking is

allowed . . . Wilbur literally gets booted out of Pop’s

class . . . Three starters on the basketball team . . .

Plasse gets thrown into the pool, completely dressed . . .

Ma’s love sessions with Lockwood . . . Paul Murphy

leads the track to two victories . . . Conlan tied to tree

during supper . . . epidemic of emotional needs after

Willy’s classes . . . Class Rings . . . “Professor” . . .

the Prom . . . “Le Cardinal d’Espagne”—tres bien . . .

number three over . . . OUR SENIOR YEAR:

Who ever said senior year was the easiest? . . . academic

freedom breeds revolt among seniors . . . Feeherry retires

Declamation Trophy . . . sit-in over Lawrence tourna¬

ment and article in the Telegram . . . Beans is a shock

. . . Mousey gets a shower in his clothes . . . apple and

egg fights . . . Murphy—MVP . . . Hurley and Suchon—

captains of football . . . Jay Feeley—MVP . . . O'Brien

and Suchon—co-captains of successful basketball team

. . . Monks go to Lawrence . . . the Shiek’s crazy jacket

. . . Per omnia saecula saeculorum . . . These are the

memories we will take wherever we go . . .









We the Class of ’65 of Assumption Prep, being of sound mind and body (despite any opin¬ ions of the Faculty, Administration, and the Athletic Department to the contrary), do here¬ by bequeath the following as our last will and testament: TO FATHER EDGAR: we leave a file full of used P.Q. exams. TO FATHER MAURICE: we leave a set of oars to "row the boat.” TO FATHER PHILIP: we leave a student demonstration. TO "POP”: CHARLIE BOURGUIGNON leaves a gold-plated shovel. TO FATHER WILLIAM: we leave 87 unused copies of Looking Toward Marriage. TO FATHER YVON: THIRD SOUTH leaves three steel balls to roU:%;% i|nds. TO FATHER GEORGE: SECOND SOUTH leaves nothing. (Ha! Ha!) TO FATHER (?) GILBERT: THE LITURGICAL CHOIR leaves all the Latin Masses. TO FATHER MARIUS: PAUL BOURKE leaves his own translation of Caesar. TO FATHER ALFRED: DAN KELLEHER leaves some pool chalk. ^TO FATHER ILDEFONS: SENIOR "A” MATH leaves a Dutch-English Dictionary. TO FATHER ULRIC: CLINT JENNE leaves his "crass ignorance.” /TO FATHER EDWARD: we leafs our nowledge of engillish grandmar.?:! TO FATHER MICHAEL: DENNIS BOUFFARD leaves a complete edition of "The Works

'A -v -/'•?‘i, -"TO FATHER HENRY T.: we leave a few hundred overdue James Bond novels. •' TO FATHER JOHN: we leave Saturday morning classes and one "Bueno.” - TO FATHER GERARD: we leave one pint of blood. y'TO FATHER JOSEPH: we leave nothing — he has part of everything already. ^•TO FATHER HENRY ROY: we leave a copy of "Elementary Physics” and one "grosso-

£'• ?. .^fj ' i’j-■'j*>.\\«\A»'• ?.f&t:v V TO FATHER DONAT: we leave 5


[ % BB» - *r>


FIRST ROW: D. Barry, D. Lemire, D. O’Connor, J. Feeley, R. Robitaille, W. R. Raymond, M. Coutu, G. Ravmond, R. Lane, E. Coonan, J. Tremblay, C. Suchon, J. Hurley, D. Abusamra. P. Meyer, P. Lofgren, H. Tileston. SECOND Kennedy, E. Lane. FOURTH ROW: Mr. R. Ravmond (coach); S. Haran, P. ROW: C. Creamer, D. Torrey, D. Allbach, R. Koppel, M. Manning, D. Eddy, Giza, M. Santiago, M. Murphy, R. DelSignore, D. Uccellini (manager). R. Pariseau. G. Rodrigue, N. Kallis. THIRD ROW: R. Dodge, M. Aubuchon,

The MONKS were often outscored by stronger opponents this year, but they were seldom outhustled. Playing for their last year against high school teams, they showed that they could compete next year with the prep schools. They played powerful Auburn High on even terms for more than a half, but they lost it. They MONKS 0 Auburn 24 white-washed Commerce High 14-0, with Ronnie Koppel and Jay MONKS 2 Trade 24 Feeley crossing the goal. Against St. Sebastian, Roger Moriseau MONKS 14 Commerce 0 made 17 unassisted tackles. The season, a disappointing 1-5, MONKS 0 St. Sebastian 19 finished on a bad but also good note. The team was thrashed by MONKS 6 Springfield 18 potent Classical High, but sophomore Dick Dodge gave promise for MONKS 6 Classical 44 the future by running a kick-off back 90 yards for a touchdown. Senior Jay Feeley won the M.V.P. award and Frank Schiavone won the Coach’s Award. Rich Lane, Dick Dodge, and Steve Syl- vestro were the outstanding junior, sophomore, and freshman re¬ spectively.


85 Autumn, 1964, saw the return of Cross-Country to Assumption Prep. Can¬ celed in 1963 because of a lack of support, Cross-Country rebounded sharply this year: there were more than twenty boys running for the team. Much credit for this remarkable change must be given to Coach Bibaud who did much to encourage participation. Against strong competition the Monks earned a respectable three and four record. By taking five of the first six places against North H.S., A.P.S. gained its first victory in three years. The high-point of the season came when John Power, ’65, crossed the finish line to assure Assumption a 27-29 victory over arch-rival St. John’s High. Two records were set this fall over our own home course, a grueling 2.4 miles. William Trudeau of David Prouty H.S. set the course record of 13:56; and Paul Murphy, ’65, established the record for an Assumption runner at 14:03 against Classical H.S. Seniors on the team were: Brian Connolly, Terry D’Emilio, Leo Laverdure, John Power, and MVP Paul Murphy. Underclassmen who insure continued success are: John Bouffard, ’66, Ronald Menard, ’66, Roger Cote, ’67, and Michael Raymond, ’68.


FIRST ROW: V. Perreault, L. Vadnais, J. Raymond, T. D’Emilio, J. Powers, ning. THIRD ROW: M. Raymond, R. Perras, J. Lamont, D. Giza, D. Fuller, P. Murphy, B. Connolly, ass’t manager R. Gauthier. SECOND ROW: R. Tizi- our coach Charlie Bibaud. FOURTH ROW: G. Lemaitre, F. Stipek, J. Par- ani, R. Marion, R. Cote, P. Descheneaux, J. Baldwin, R. Menard, J. Man¬ makian. Missing from this picture is the manager H. Grenon.


Coming home from running. That’s the finest time of day; When your legs are spent and tired, When the sky is turning gray, When the autumn air is stinging And your feet upon the ground Shuffle leaves that snap and rustle With an autumn lovely sound.

With your sweatshirt on your shoulder And your track shoes in your hand, Walking home with rival runners In a weary, friendly band. When the afternoon is ended, When you trudge toward locker fights, When the race is over only To be rerun winter nights.

Then you’re coming home from running In remembered autumn months; It’s life’s finest tired feeling But it only happens once!



School enthusiasm was roused by this year’s basketball team at represented the juniors, with Jack Mullahy, just a freshman, APS, as more and more students wanted to see the Monks, also pointing to continued success for APS next year. After put¬ their own Monks win. High not only in talent but also in bal¬ ting up a game struggle against a mammoth Roxbury Memorial ance and in team spirit, the 1964-65 Monks were led by co¬ team at the New England Catholic Tourney in Lawrence, the captains Jim O’Brien, hero of Assumption’s District III triumph Monks then turned in brilliant upsets over fine teams from both over Shrewsbury High, and Walt Suchon, high rebounder and Thayer and Milford before entering the District III play-offs, point-getter throughout the campaign; Pete Karpawich, the man where they topped Shrewsbury 71-62 for Charlie Bibaud’s 200th who nearly carried the entire Monks team to victory on his victory as Assumption coach, before being eliminated by St. own shoulders in the early-February 74-63 loss to St. John’s John’s 57-52, in the final clash of a rivalry that had lasted High, and Joe Hurley filled out the other two senior spots on since the mid-1940’s. The Monks then finished with easy wins the squad. Mike Laska, John Bouffard, Pete Cragan, Tom Gray- over both Marianapolis and Wilbraham, to close out their sea¬ man, Dick Lane, John Gabriel, Bill Brown, and Paul Granger son with an excellent 20-6 record.

FRONT: John Bouffard, John Mullahy, Jimmy O’Brien, Mike Laska, Tommy Grayman. REAR: Paul Granger, Dick Lane, Pete Cragan, Walt Suchon, Pete Karpawich, Joe Hurley, Coach Charlie Bibaud. Players missing are Bill Brown and John Gabriel.

88 "Karpo” "Pete” 89 MONKS 67 St. Mary’s 60

MONKS 51 St. John’s 51

MONKS 85 St. Stephen’s 38

MONKS 72 Sacred Heart 50

MONKS 88 St. Peter’s 85

MONKS 60 St. Bernard’s 62

MONKS 82 Notre Dame 55

MONKS 47 St. Mary’s 42

MONKS 62 Moses Brown 56

MONKS 90 St. Stephen’s 61

MONKS 63 Winchendon 42

MONKS 61 St. Peter’s 59

MONKS 53 St. John’s 64

MONKS 43 St. Sebastian’s 49

MONKS 52 Cornwall 50

MONKS 65 Sacred Heart 38

MONKS 81 New Prep 39

MONKS 69 Thayer 57


Congratulations and the best of luck! We at Loring are proud of the part we have had in helping to make your classbook a permanent reminder of your school years, recording with photo¬ graphs one of the happiest and most exciting times of your life! We hope that, just as you have chosen us as your class photographer, you will continue to think of Loring Studios when you want photographs to help you remember other momentous days to come! When you choose Loring portraits, you are sure of the finest craftsmanship at the most moderate prices1 LORING 0 STUDIOS New England's Largest School Photographers V ‘[it f


FROM THE BOYS Claude “Boud” Beaudreault

Dennis “Bouf” Bouffard Courtesy of Charles “Charlie” Bourguignon JOHN R. GOULD, D.M.D. David “Frig” Frigon 610 WEST BOYLSTON STREET Alfred “Al” Lancellotti WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS David “Dave” Lemire Roger “Robes” Robitaille, Jr. KESSELI & MORSE COMPANY BEST WISHES Builders and Masons Supplies TO THE Tile and Floor Covering Installations CLASS OF 1 965 Transit Mixed Concrete A FRIEND 242 CANTERBURY STREET






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