Implementation on the Status of Implementation of Government Assurances in Selected Districts
PARLIA,IVIENT OF UGANDA REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT ASSURANCES AND IMPLEMENTATION ON THE STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF GOVERNMENT ASSURANCES IN SELECTED DISTRICTS OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO PARLIAMENT y,'. PARLIAMENT BUILDING /* KAMPALA _ UGANDA 6, \,f!* k) APRrL,2Ol9 /i r* 1,O. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Committee Maadate 1) In accordance with Rule 176 of the Parliamentary Rules of Procedure 2017, the Committee on Government Assurances and Implementation is mandated to: (a) record and scrutinize the Assurances, Promises and Undertakings given by any Minister, Prime Minister, President, Vice President, in the House from time to time; (b) monitor and evaluate the fullilment of Government Assurances; (c) exercise such other functions that are not covered by paragraphs (a) and (b) as may be allocated to the Committee by the Speaker from time to time. 2) Rule 176(7) further provides for Members of Parliament to report to Parliament, the Assurances, Promises and Undertakings given in their constituencies by the President, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ministers in the House from time to time; 3) Rule 176(2) further states that, where the time frame for implementation of al Assurance is not given by the Minister, the Committee shall determine the category within which it falls and accordingly determine the time frame within which it ought to be implemented; The categories include - (i) EmergencyAssurances. (ii) Short term Assurances. 1 (iii) Midterm Assurances or ( ttC (iv) Long term Assurances. [^/ 1 L.2. This Report Rt. Hon. Speaker, in accordance with its mandate as provided under section 1.1 above, the Committee recorded and scrutinized the fulfillment of promises, undertakings and assurances given by the President, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ministers in Parliament for selected districts.
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