e-ISSN 2395-9134 Estudios Fronterizos, vol. 20, 2019, e033 https://doi.org/10.21670/ref.1912033 Articles British capitals and agrarian production in border areas. Bahía Blanca, Argentina (1860-1900) Capitales británicos y producción agraria en espacios de frontera. Bahía Blanca, Argentina (1860-1900) Florencia Costantinia* https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8669-6851 a Universidad Nacional del Sur, Centro de Estudios Regionales “Profesor Felix Weinberg”, Departa- mento de Humanidades, Bahía Blanca, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, email: flor.costanti-
[email protected] Abstract: In order to problematize the modernizing process in the south of Buenos Ai- res, in the following article we inquired about the role of British investments in the rural economy in Bahía Blanca between 1860 and 1900. The metho- dology used is microanalytical and uses tools from the hermeneutical study of documents, reconstruction of personal trajectories and statistical analy- sis. Addressed in its diachronic dimension, we can detect two types of British Received on April 3, 2019. capital presence in the region that follow one another in time and that were Accepted on October 9, 2019. accompanied by particular forms of immigration: the investment of indivi- duals in farms and the presence of free-standing companies. Although diffe- Published on October 25, 2019. rentially, both moments propitiated large-scale agricultural production acce- lerating the shift of the agrarian frontier with effects on the conformation of social groups such as the internal traders of the country’s fruits and cereals. * Corresponding author: Florencia Keywords: British investments, Bahía Blanca, agrarian frontier, business. Costantini, email, flor.costantini@ hotmail.com.ar Resumen: Con el objetivo de problematizar el proceso modernizador del sur bonaerense ar- gentino, el siguiente artículo investiga el rol que tuvieron las inversiones británi- cas en la economía rural en el partido de Bahía Blanca entre 1860 y 1900.