Implementation of Bit-Vector Variables in a CP Solver, with an Application to the Generation of Cryptographic S-Boxes

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Implementation of Bit-Vector Variables in a CP Solver, with an Application to the Generation of Cryptographic S-Boxes IT 14 063 Examensarbete 30 hp Oktober 2014 Implementation of bit-vector variables in a CP solver, with an application to the generation of cryptographic S-boxes Kellen Dye Masterprogram i datavetenskap Master Programme in Computer Science Abstract Implementation of bit-vector variables in a CP solver, with an application to the generation of cryptographic S-boxes Kellen Dye Teknisk- naturvetenskaplig fakultet UTH-enheten We present a bit-vector variable implementation for the constraint programming (CP) solver Gecode and its application to the problem of nding high-quality Besöksadress: Ångströmlaboratoriet cryptographic substitution boxes (S-boxes). Lägerhyddsvägen 1 Hus 4, Plan 0 S-boxes are a component in some cryptographic protocols, for example DES, which are critical to the strength of the entire system. S-boxes are arrays of Postadress: Box 536 bit-vectors, where each bit-vector is itself an array of bits. The desirable 751 21 Uppsala properties of an S-box can be described as relationships between its constituent bit-vectors. Telefon: 018 – 471 30 03 We represent substitution boxes as arrays of bit-vector variables in Gecode in Telefax: order to leverage CP techniques for nding high-quality S-boxes. In a CP solver, 018 – 471 30 00 bit-vectors can alternatively be represented as sets or as arrays of Boolean variables. Experimental evaluation indicates that modeling substitution boxes Hemsida: with bit-vector variables is an improvement over both set- and Boolean-based models. We additionally correct an error in previous work which invalidates the main experimental result, extend a heuristic for evaluating S-box quality, present two symmetries for substitution boxes, dene several generic bit-vector propagators, and dene propagators for the S-2 and S-7 DES design criteria. Handledare: Jean-Noël Monette Ämnesgranskare: Pierre Flener Examinator: Ivan Christoff IT 14 063 Tryckt av: Reprocentralen ITC Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Background 3 2.1 Constraint Programming . 3 2.1.1 Example: Sudoku . 4 2.1.2 Definition . 6 2.2 Bit-vectors . 9 2.2.1 Integers . 9 2.2.2 Concatenation . 9 2.2.3 Bitwise operations . 10 2.2.4 Parity . 10 2.2.5 Linear combination . 10 2.2.6 Hamming weight . 11 2.2.7 Hardware support . 11 2.2.8 Support in constraint solvers . 11 2.3 Substitution boxes . 11 2.3.1 Description . 12 2.3.2 Measuring the linearity of an S-box . 14 2.3.3 DES S-Box design criteria . 15 3 Previous work 17 3.1 Bit-vector variables and constraints . 17 3.2 Constraint programming and substitution boxes . 20 3.2.1 Criterion S-2 . 20 3.2.2 Criterion S-3 . 21 3.2.3 Criterion S-4 . 21 3.2.4 Criterion S-5 . 21 3.2.5 Criterion S-6 . 22 3.2.6 Criterion S-7 . 22 3.3 Symmetries . 22 4 Theoretical contributions 25 4.1 Propagators . 25 4.1.1 Hamming weight . 25 4.1.2 Parity . 26 4.1.3 Disequality . 27 4.2 An extension to the constraint for criterion S-2 . 28 4.3 Corrected S-7 constraint . 28 i 4.4 Reflective symmetry . 29 4.4.1 Reflection over the x-axis . 29 4.4.2 Reflection over the y-axis . 33 4.4.3 Symmetry-breaking . 33 5 Bit-vector implementation for Gecode 35 5.1 Variable implementations . 35 5.2 Variables & variable arrays . 37 5.3 Variable views . 37 5.4 Propagators . 37 5.5 Branchings . 39 5.6 Source code . 40 6 Bit-vector S-Box models 41 6.1 Variable choice . 41 6.2 Channeling . 41 6.3 Criterion S-2 . 41 6.3.1 Decomposed bit-vector S-2 . 41 6.3.2 Global integer & bit-vector S-2 . 42 6.4 Criterion S-3 . 43 6.5 Criteria S-4, S-5, and S-6 . 43 6.6 Criterion S-7 . 43 6.6.1 Decomposed bit-vector S-7 . 43 6.6.2 Global bit-vector S-7 . 44 6.7 Models . 45 7 Alternative S-Box models 47 7.1 Set model . 47 7.1.1 Channeling . 47 7.1.2 Bitwise operations . 47 7.1.3 Criterion S-2 . 47 7.1.4 Criterion S-3 . 48 7.1.5 Criteria S-4, S-5, and S-6 . 48 7.1.6 Criterion S-7 . 48 7.1.7 Comparison . 48 7.2 Boolean model . 48 7.2.1 Channeling . 48 7.2.2 Bitwise operations . 48 7.2.3 Criterion S-2 . 49 7.2.4 Criterion S-3 . 49 7.2.5 Criteria S-4, S-5, and S-6 . 49 7.2.6 Criterion S-7 . 49 7.2.7 Comparison . 49 8 Evaluation 51 8.1 Setup . 51 8.2 Results . 52 9 Conclusion 59 Bibliography 61 ii Acknowledgements I would like to thank my advisor Jean-Noël Monette, who proposed the subject of this thesis and who provided valuable suggestions and feedback as well as several crucial insights. Additionally, I would like to thank Pierre Flener for his excellent teaching in his constraint programming course at Uppsala University, and Christian Schulte for producing the most complete and clear definition of constraint programming I have read, and for his prompt help with issues on the Gecode mailing list. iii Chapter 1 Introduction Secure communications rely on cryptography in order to hide the contents of messages from eavesdroppers. On the internet, these messages might be users’ passwords, bank details, or other sensitive information. For the communica- tions to truly be secure, the cryptography must be strong enough to withstand attacks from dedicated adversaries. Substitution boxes are a component in some cryptographic protocols which are critical to the strength of the entire system. These substitution boxes should have particular properties in order to ensure that the cryptographic system can withstand efforts to decrypt a message. Substitution boxes are arrays of bit-vectors, where each bit-vector is itself an ar- ray of binary digits, or bits (a 0 or a 1). The desirable properties of a substitution box can be described as relationships between its constituent bit-vectors. Constraint programming is a technique used to find values for variables in such a way that certain relationships between the variables are maintained and, optionally, the best values are found. If each bit-vector in a substitution box is represented by a variable, then constraint programming can be used to express the desirable properties of substitution boxes and then find substitution boxes which fulfill these properties. Constraint programming typically occurs in the context of a program called a constraint solver which provides different types of variables such as integers or Booleans. Currently, most solvers do not have support for bit-vectors. Although it is possible to convert the bit-vectors into another form (for exam- ple, interpreting each bit-vector as a number of Boolean variables; one for each bit), some of the desirable properties of substitution boxes are much more eas- ily expressed in terms of bit-vectors. This thesis therefore describes the implementation of bit-vector variables in the open-source constraint solver Gecode and their application to the problem of finding high-quality cryptographic substitution boxes. In Chapter 2, constraint programming is defined, bit-vectors and operations 1 over bit-vectors are introduced, and substitution boxes and their desirable prop- erties are described. In Chapter 3, the works on which this thesis is based are reviewed. Michel and Van Hentenryck introduce bit-vector variables and domains for constraint programming and also define a number of propagators for bit-vector oper- ations [10]. Ramamoorthy et al. suggested the application of constraint pro- gramming to substitution box generation [13] as well as some method for break- ing symmetry in the search space [12]. In Chapter 4 we present our contributions: two additional symmetries of sub- stitution boxes, several additional bit-vector propagators, an addition to the non-linearity constraint, and a correction to the S-7 constraint presented by Ra- mamoorthy et al. which invalidates their main experimental result. In Chapter 5, we detail a bit-vector variable implementation in Gecode. In Chapter 6, we present several alternative bit-vector models for substitution box generation. In Chapter 7, we describe a set variable-based model and a Boolean variable-based model. We also define new propagators for the S-2 non-linearity constraint and the S-7 constraint. In Chapter 8, we give a comparison of the various models for substitution box generation and describe their relative merits. Experimental evaluation indi- cates that modeling substitution boxes with bit-vector variables is an improve- ment over both set- and Boolean-based models and that efficiency can be im- proved by the implementation of propagators for some of the substitution box criteria. Finally, in Chapter 9 we summarize the thesis and present possibilities for fu- ture work. 2 Chapter 2 Background Here we present an introduction to constraint programming, bit-vectors, and substitution boxes. We use sudoku as a simple example problem for constraint programming, then present a more formal definition. Bit-vectors and the rele- vant operations over them are then presented. Finally, substitution boxes and their desirable properties are introduced. 2.1 Constraint Programming Constraint programming is a method of solving problems in which the prob- lem is characterized as a set of constraints over a set of variables, each of which has a domain of potential values. The constraints describe relationships be- tween variables and limits on the variable domains. Taken together, these form a constraint satisfaction problem. Finding a solution to a specific problem is typically done within a constraint solver, a program which can be used for many different problems and which can provide implementations for commonly used constraints.
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