Office Building Sofia, Tsarigradsko shouse Blvd. ForFor Sale Parameters: Office Building, Class А TBA: 21 000 sq.m., distributed between: • 13 500 sq.m. office space; • 7 500 sq.m. parking space Plot size: 2 500 sq.m. Floors: • 10 floors above ground; • 4 underground levels. Price: EUR 31 000 000 Contact information: Evgeni Atanasov 26A Rayko Aleksiev Str. 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria Mob: +359 898 542 930 Mob: +359 884 924 640
[email protected] The information contained herein has been given to us by the owner of the property or other sources we deem reliable. We have no reason to doubt its accuracy, but we do not guarantee it. All information should be verified prior to purchase or lease. OfficeOffice BuildingBuilding Tzarigradsko shousse Sofia, Tsarigradsko shouse Blvd. Sofia, Bulgaria ForFor Sale Parameters: Location: Tzarigradsko shosse Blvd. - 4th kilometer, between Military Complex and Rodina Complex Contact information: Evgeni Atanasov 26A Rayko Aleksiev Str. 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria Mob: +359 898 542 930 Mob: +359 884 924 640
[email protected] The information contained herein has been given to us by the owner of the property or other sources we deem reliable. We have no reason to doubt its accuracy, but we do not guarantee it. All information should be verified prior to purchase or lease. Office Building Sofia, Tsarigradsko shouse Blvd. ForFor Sale Contact information: Evgeni Atanasov 26A Rayko Aleksiev Str. 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria Mob: +359 898 542 930 Mob: +359 884 924 640
[email protected] The information contained herein has been given to us by the owner of the property or other sources we deem reliable.