2021 CHANCHAL COLLEGE HOME ASSIGNMENT POLITICAL SCIENCE (General) Paper Code: I-A [New Syllabus] Full Marks : 50 Time: One Hour

Answer all the questions Choose the correct answer Each question carries 2 marks.

1. Who is the author of the book Politics? (A) Plato (B) Aristote (C) Green (D) Locke

2. Who said "Politics is the study of influence and influential" ? (A) Robert Dahl (B) David Easton (C) H. J. Lasswell (D) David Apter

3. Who is the exponent of Normative Approach ?

(A) Plato (B) Robert Dahl (C) Catlin (D) David Easton

4. Who wrote the book "The Process of Government' ? (A) Graham Wallas (B) Arthur Bentley (C) Robert Dahl (D) Robert Owen

5. Who is the exponent of ldealist Theory? (A) Robert Dahl (B) David Easton (C) Hegel (D) Jeorge Catlin

6. Who said "The voice of the people is the voice of God"? (A) Thomas Hobbes (B) John Locke (C) Plato (D) Jean Jack Rousseau

7. Who wrote the book 'Lectures on Jurnisprudence' ?

(A) John Austin (B) Bodin (C) Bentham D) Hegel

8. The word Liber' means (A) Right B) Liberty C) Equality D) Fratemity

9. Who said "Liberal democracy is qualified democracy?

(A) J. C. Johari (B) C. B. Macpherson (C) S. E. Finer (D) Alan R. Ball

10. Who is the author of "Modem Politics and Govemment ? (A) Alan R Ball . (B) Robert Dahl (C) David Easton (D) H. J. Laski

11. Who is the main exponent of 'Rule of Law' in U.K?

(A) Alan R Ball (B) A. V. Dicey (C) Robert Dahl (D) David Easton

12. Who is the founder of the doctrine of "Separation of Power”? (A) David Easton (B) Montesquieu (C) Tony Blair (D) Jean Jack Rousseau

13. Main two Political parties of USA are - (A) Democratic and Republican Party (B) Conservative and Labour Party (C) Communist and Labour Party (D) Conservative and Protestant Party

14. In which chapter of the Chinese Constitution the fundament right and duties have been included? (A) Chapter1 (B) Chapter2 (C) Chapter3 (D) Chapter 5

15. How many articles are there in Chinese Constitution ? (A) 138. (B) 197 (C) 395 (D) 450

16. How many articles are there in Swiss Constitution ? (A) 138 (B) 197 (C) 395 (D) 450

17. Who is regarded the "Father of Indian Constitution” ? (A) J. Nehru (B) (C) Dr. (D) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

18. In which list the item of Railways has been included ? (A) Union list (B) State list (C) Concurrent list (D) None of the above

19.Which Articles deal with Right to Equality in the Constitution of ? (A) Art. 14 to 18 (B) Art. 19 to 22 (C) Art. 23 to 24 (D) Art. 25 to 28

20. Which of the following rights was described by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar as the ‘Heart and Soul' of the Indian Constitution? (A) Right to Equality (B) Right to Constitutional remedies (C) Right to Freedom (D) Right to Cultural and Educational Rights

21. Who nominates 12 members in the Council of States of the Indian Parliament ? (A) Prime Minister (B) President (C) Vice-President (D) Speaker of Lok Sabha

22. First Vice-President of India was- (A) Dr. S. Radhakrishnan (B) Dr. Jakir Hossain (C) Dr. Shankar Dayal Shama (D) K. R. Narayan

23. First Prime minister of India under UPA- l Govemment was- (A) Pandit (B) Rajib Gandhi (C) (D) Dr. Monmohan Singh

24. Second Chief Minister in was- (A) Prafullya Chandra Ghosh (B) Prafullya Chandra Sen (C) Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy (D)

25. Who appoints Vice Chancellors of the State Universities ? (A) Chief Minister (B) Govemor (C) President (D) Prime Minister