מורה מורינו הגאון הרב חיים מרדכי קטץ זצ’’ל ראש ישיבת טלז

Hagaon HaRav Chaim Mordechai Katz zt’’l

The Rosh HaYeshiva zt’l, a giant in Torah scholarship and leadership, built the Torah citadel of Telshe in Cleveland with his brother-in-law, Hagaon Harav Elya Meir Bloch zt’l. Together, they also wrote the blueprint and the goals for a city which would respect Torah and aspire for continued growth in Yiddishkeit and Torah knowledge.

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai endeavors to follow in the Rosh HaYeshiva’s footsteps as an institution with a succinct Torah atmosphere, which embraces the total community and makes everyone feel comfortable.


Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai IN MEMORY OF

מורינו הגאון הרב פסח שטיין זצ’’ל ראש ישיבת טלז

Hagaon HaRav Pesach Stein zt’’l

The wisdom, guidance and encouragement of the Rosh zt’l spearheaded the establishment of Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai in Elul 5756.

The first evening of the Kollel’s existence merited the appearance of Reb Pesach zt’l, in which he extolled the virtues of pure Torah for a community. In subsequent years, Reb Pesach’s to the Kollel was consequential to everyone’s Torah development and a highlight which will be cherished forever. The ’s demeanor and warmth made the ride of life palatable.

Following on the path and agenda which Reb Pesach zt’’l set before the Kollel will be his legacy and memory.


Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai ANNIVERSARY DINNER

05 07 19

2 Iyar 5779 May 7, 2019 JOSH BOOKMAN DINNER CHAIRMEN Honored Guests, DANIEL GOTTESMAN This evening, we celebrate twenty-three years of Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai’s limud haTorah and harbotzas Torah. Currently, the Kollel is the catalyst of a level of and life – even among its laymen – which was AARON LICHTENSTEIN never dreamt of in University Heights and Beachwood. Until now, maintaining the legacy of my father, HaGaon JOURNAL CHAIRMEN HaRav Chaim Mordechai Katz zt’’l, Rosh Telz, in the city where he co-established and co-developed its ELLIOT SMITH Torah infrastructure with HaGaon HaRav Elya Meir Bloch zt’’l, was our mission. Clinging to that hallowed path vigilantly, siyata d’shmaya has produced a desire to elevate and shteig. Four groups of baalei batim in addition to the Avreichim, multitudes of , adults and children, early morning and late night, immerse themselves deeply in Torah study. COMMITTEERAMI BERNER CHAIM SIMCHA ELIAS Our honorees – Reb Dov and Reb Dani personify that new breed of baalabos – the “shteiger.” They bring RABBI YOEL FLEISHER tremendous pride to Hashem as He views that holy attitude permeating their homes. The encouragement and support of their wives, Devorah and Arielle, brings the words of Shlomo HaMelech, “Chochmas noshim bonsoh BRIAN FOX beisoh” to reality. Although their husbands are the guiding light of their home, they are its guiding hand. In their RABBI RAFFI GLICKMAN sacred roles of wife and mother, they are as relevant in the construction, growth and stability of their 2019 home as Shlomo HaMelech’s declaration in his time. NATI KLEIN DOVID MALCMACHER Tonight’s event brings us the opportunity to hear Daas Torah on the happenings in today’s world and how to live in it in accordance with Torah standards. HaGaon HaRav Sholom Kamenitsky shlita of Philadelphia Yeshiva has been DR. MOSHE ORNSTEIN blessed by Hashem with the ability to deliver the Torah view in a most succinct manner. DAVID POLLACK RABBI DOVID RIBAKOW As we celebrate, our sore feelings caused by the demise of our dear friend and Kollel benefactor from the day of its inception, Reb Mendy Klein z’’l have not healed. This evening’s Kiddush Hashem is dedicated to his neshomo. ELIAV SHARVIT RABBI RICK SCHINDELHEIM Exemplary Avreichim with tenacious devotion to limud HaTorah and harbotzas Torah, together with their wives’ commitment is a blessing that Hashem has granted us. No one would have fathomed that so many talented SHAYA SHTERN individuals – current and alumni – would commit themselves to that ideal in University Heights-Beachwood. DR. YITZCHOK WARN In the same vain, Hashem has granted us an extensive and wide-ranging group of baalei batim, wives and children RABBI TZVI WEISS who are Torah thirsty Jews. They have the breadth of mind, soul, and heart to maintain sedorim at the Kollel, while warmly supporting our efforts as well. Our thanks to them on both points.

ר Of course, we humbly and proudly acknowledge that the One Above has been the key to all our efforts, ruo lla no fronts. From the depths of our heart, we truly thank Him and request that He keep His ayin tov on us, so that we can continue with our mission to glorify Hashem and His Torah in the world.

B’kovod, Yedidus and Thanks,

Yakov Zev Katz

P: 216.626.5926 | WWW.BEACHWOODKOLLEL.COM | [email protected] | F:216.452.1510

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In memory of our yedid, benevolent supporter and rishon l’chol davar sheb’kedusha

R’ Mendy Klein z’’l

May he have a lichtige Gan Eden, as he lit up this world with Torah.

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai

Yakov Z. Katz Faivel Katz

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai בית מדרש זכרון אשר זעליג

לכבוד כולל יד חיים מרדכי,

הנני הזה להכיר את כבוד הרב יעקב זאב קטץ שליט''א, שפעל ועשה ובנה היסוד שעליו נבנה את כל שכונותינו, שעלה ונתגדל לאחד הקהילות החשיבות היהדות התורה. הרב שליט''א ביחד עם בנו הרב שרגא פייבל קטץ שליט''א ע''י מסירותם להרבצת תורה ויראת שמים, וגם לרבות חברי הכולל המופלגים שיחיו, שכולם לומדים ומהנים לאחרים ממואר תורתם, זכו לכך שכולל יד חיים מרדכי הנו באמת דמות ואות מופלא איך שמקום תורה יכול לרומם את כל הסביבה.

ויהי רצון שיזכו להמשיך בהרבצת תורה וזיכוי הרבים מתוך בריאות אותנה ונהורא מעליא.

החותמים לכבוד התורה,

רב יעקב אורי פרמן

קהל זכרון אשר זעליג

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai MILESTONES

October 1985 November 2008 Kollel Mechanchim Shabbos Evening Shiurim In memory of Rabbi Upper Beachwood Shlomo N. Markowitz zt’l • • January 2011 January 1992 Morning Iyun Shiur Shabbos Evening Parsha shiurim- • Cleveland Heights September 2011 In memory of Mr. Sidney Speiser zt’l Alumni Chabura Far Rockaway-Miami • • October 2011 September 1996 Dirshu Morning Shiur II Cedar Green Community • Kollel established September 2012 • Chabura November 1996 Mechanchim Chabura Shabbos Evening Shiurim • Beachwood , Huntington-Green, March 2015 University Heights Permission received from city • council for new Kollel building April 1997 • Vacation Davening September 2015 and Learning Program Republication of Beair Mechokek • and Sefer HaCikaron - 50th Yartzeit - June 2001 in memory of Weekly “Oneg Shabbos” Publication Roshei Yeshiva Moreinu HaGaon • HaRav Chaim Mordechai Katz zt’’l April 2004 Dirshu Morning Shiur December 2015 • Cornerstone laid for October 2004 new Kollel building Women’s Torah Program • • August 2016 March 2005 Moved into the new Kollel building Zichron Reuven Leib • Daf Yomi Shiur (Evening) November 2016 • Baalei Batim begin delivering chaburas September 2006 Youth Tutoring

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai IN GRATITUDE TO AVREICHEI HAKOLLEL 2018 - 2019

Rabbi and Mrs. Faivel Katz Rabbi and Mrs. Yosef Wainbrand Rabbi and Mrs. Shlomo Menachem Aron Rabbi and Mrs. Pinchos Beer Rabbi and Mrs. Moishe Jeremias Rabbi and Mrs. Gavriel Kaganoff Rabbi and Mrs. Shmuel Yaakov Katz Rabbi and Mrs. Azriel Levin Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchok Lever Rabbi and Mrs. Mordechai Nadoff Rabbi and Mrs. Yosef Nissenbaum

for their selfless dedication to Torah study and their utmost devotion to the community

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai IN GRATITUDE TO Rabbi Yehuda Appel Mr. Mark Bander Rabbi Yerachmiel Becker Rabbi Alexander Charlop Rabbi Yisroel Denciger Rabbi Abish Feifer Rabbi Moshe Fine Mr. Reuven Gancz Rabbi Yochonan Greenwald Rabbi Shimon Hildeshaim Rabbi Yakov Joseph Rabbi Pinchas Klahr Rabbi Pinchas Landis Rabbi Meyer Lebovits Mr. David Levy Rabbi Moshe Lowenthal Rabbi Tzvi Maimon Mr. David Pollack Rabbi Dovid Ribakow Mr. Harvey Rifkin Rabbi Avrohom Schamovic Rabbi Aaron Sikowitz Rabbi Moshe Stoll Rabbi Sender Stoll whose participation in the Kollel’s sedorim enhance its quality of learning

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai IN GRATITUDE TO CONGREGATION ZICHRON CHAIM Rabbi Moshe Garfunkel Rabbi Alexander Charlop Elliot Dickman, President Board of Directors Kehila

who so graciously allowed the Kollel to use their Bais Medrash for 19 years

Rabbi Avi Aviv Rabbi Shimon Frankel Rabbi Yonah Jacobs Rabbi Binyomin Levi Rabbi Avraham Meystel Rabbi Shlomo Moerman Rabbi Yisroel Schneider Rabbi Sender Stoll who deliver outstanding Shiurim at the Kollel

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai IN GRATITUDE TO With heartfelt feelings of gratitude to Rabbi Alexander Charlop for 14 years of devoted leadership in the role of Rosh Kollel.


Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Adler Rabbi & Mrs. Binyomin Levi Rabbi & Mrs. Yehuda Altusky Rabbi & Mrs. Shneor Levine Rabbi & Mrs. Boruch Atlas Rabbi & Mrs. Yehuda Levine Rabbi & Mrs. Mordechai Bauman Rabbi & Mrs. Dov Lieberman Rabbi & Mrs. Yerachmiel Becker Dr. & Mrs. Ari Lundner Rabbi & Mrs. Mordechai Berkowitz Rabbi & Mrs. Reuven Mandel Rabbi & Mrs. Rami Berner Rabbi & Mrs. Betzalel Moldaver Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Bresler Rabbi & Mrs. Shlomo Newman Rabbi & Mrs. Yaakov M. Brisman Rabbi & Mrs. Yosef Reichman Rabbi & Mrs. Naftoli Cohen Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid Ribakow Rabbi & Mrs. Doniel Dadusc Rabbi & Mrs. Yakov Sanders Rabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Daina Rabbi & Mrs. Eli Schwadron Rabbi & Mrs. Boruch Dombroff Rabbi & Mrs. Shimshon Sendler Rabbi & Mrs. Zvi Feiner Rabbi & Mrs. Bentzion Siegfried Rabbi & Mrs. Ari Fireman Rabbi & Mrs. Aaron Sikowitz Rabbi & Mrs. Yitzchok Frank Rabbi & Mrs. Nochom Sokol Rabbi & Mrs. Yitzchok Friedland Rabbi & Mrs. Aaron Sonnenschein Rabbi & Mrs. Michoel Garfinkel Rabbi & Mrs. Yakov Sonnenschein Rabbi & Mrs. Mordechai Giffin Rabbi & Mrs. Sender Stoll Rabbi & Mrs. Shlomo Heifetz Rabbi & Mrs. Yehoshua Tashman Rabbi & Mrs. Chaim Helman Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid S. Weinberger Rabbi & Mrs. Shlomo Hunger Rabbi & Mrs. Yakov Weinberger Rabbi & Mrs. A. Yona Klein Rabbi & Mrs. Chaim Mordechai Weiss Rabbi & Mrs. Nechemya Leiman Rabbi & Mrs. Avrohom Willner Rabbi & Mrs. Dovid Zomber who dedicated themselves to establish the Beachwood-University Heights Kollel and maintained its vibrance and scholarship level.

Many have dedicated their lives to Avodas HaKodesh. May Hashem grant all of them success in their endeavors.

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai IN GRATITUDE TO

Mrs. Ilana Yares

Mr. Michael Post and Mr. Nochum Efroymson Micro-Office Systems, Inc.

for their roles in the production of the “Oneg Shabbos” on a weekly basis.

May Hashem reward them and their families for enhancing and sanctifying our Shabbos.

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai IN GRATITUDE TO

Rabbi Moshe Schottenstein

His dedication, loyalty and commitment to go beyond the call of duty was an invaluable asset to the Kollel’s mission and development - spiritual and financial.

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai IN GRATITUDE TO

Mrs. Ilana Yares for stepping in so seamlessly and managing the Kollel office with such dedication

Mrs. Barbara (Adler) Kleid whose persistence, perseverance and dedication are critical to the Kollel’s financial solvency

Mrs. Rochelle Kozuch whose definition of “volunteer” is in a whole different dictionary

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of

Mrs. Ilana Yares Without her, this dinner and journal never would have happened.

Rabbi Y.V. Katz Rabbi Faivel Katz

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai IN DEEPEST GRATITUDE TO

,ראשי הכולל The

שליט’’א HaRav Yakov Z. Katz שליט’’א and HaRav Faivel Katz on behalf of מסירות נפש for their בין ברוחניות בין בגשמיות ,the Kollel

Their selfless devotion and unswerving dedication and commitment to each and every yungerman is truly remarkable.

The outstanding success and impact of the Kollel perpetuates the legacy of the Rosh HaKollel’s father, the revered Rosh HaYeshiva, מדן הגאון הרב חיים מרדכי קטץ זצ’’ל

being הצלחה May they have much continued מקום תורה in the new מרביץ תורה ומרבה כבוד שמים ברוב פאר והדר, להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה עד ביאת גואל צדק בב’’א

Chavrei HaKollel Harav Yosef Wainbrand

Shlomo Menachem Aron Azriel Levine Pinchos Beer Yitzchok Lever Moishe Jeremias Mordechai Nadoff Gavriel Kaganoff Yosef Nissenbaum Shmuel Yaakov Katz

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of

Dovi and Devorah Zilber

Avodas HaKodesh Award A most deserving honor!

May Hashem bentch you with much Torah nachas from your family

Rabbi Y.V. Katz Rabbi Faivel Katz Rabbi Yosef Wainbrand and all the Chavrei HaKollel

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of

Dani and Arielle Schwartz

כתר שם טוב עולה על גביהן A most deserving honor!

May Hashem give you much Torah nachas from your wonderful family in the zechus for all that you have done for the Kollel and the community.

Rabbi Y.V. Katz Rabbi Faivel Katz Rabbi Yosef Wainbrand and all the Chavrei HaKollel

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Katz

With deep respect and admiration for the way you promote and encourage .in our community לימוד התורה

We are humbled to be a part of this worthy cause. May you bask in the very glory which you illuminate amongst us.

Dovi and Devorah Zilber and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Totty and Mommy

We know that this honor is a result of your efforts, tefillos, and hopes for us. We hope to repay you with continued nachas.

יברכך ה’ יושמרך יאר ה’ פניו אליך יוחנך ישא ה’ פניו אליך יושם לך שלום

With all our love, Dovi and Devorah

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai

In honor of my parents, Dr. Michael and Mrs. Robin Schwartz, who taught me the true meaning of Avodas Hashem, and who continue to show me and my children how to lead a Torah life to the fullest.

Dani and Ari

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of my wife, Ari, who’s self sacrifice for the good of others is unparalleled and .אשת חיל who is truly an


Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of the Roshei Kollel, שליט’’א Rabbi Yakov Zev Katz and שליט’’א Rabbi Faivel Katz for all of your efforts on behalf of the Kollel and for all you do for the community at large.

Dani Schwartz

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BENEFACTOR

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BENEFACTOR

Hakoras Hatov to Rabbi Y.V. Katz for his extraordinary efforts and selfless dedication to our community kollel.

Continued success in all your endeavors.

May you and Chani enjoy good health and much nachas from your family for many years to come.

Ita Klein

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BENEFACTOR

In honor of Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai, Rabbi & Mrs. Yaakov Velvel Katz and Rabbi & Mrs. Faivel Katz

In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Dovi Zilber and Dr. and Mrs. Dani Schwartz

Yoni and Shoshie Klein

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BENEFACTOR

In tribute to

Dovi and Devorah Zilber Avodas HaKodesh Awardee

For their selfless dedication and tireless efforts on behalf of the Klal.

Wishing you much continued bracha and hatzlacha in all of your avodas hakodesh.

Chany and Nati Klein

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BENEFACTOR

In honor of

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai

Rabbi and Mrs. Dovi Zilber

Dr. and Mrs. Dani and Arielle Schwartz

We wish you continued success in all your endeavors.

Amir and Edna Jaffa

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BENEFACTOR

Salute to

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai

Rabbi and Mrs. Dovi Zilber

Dr. and Mrs. Dani and Arielle Schwartz

Thank you so very much

Shmully and Dina Halpern

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BENEFACTOR

In appreciation of the Beachwood-University Heights Kollel for making a positive impact on the community.

Special thank you to my Rabbi Faivel Katz and Mr. Yaron Goldberg and Mr. Marvin Schiff for making Wednesday night the best night of the week.

Wishing the Kollel success in all its endeavors.

Brian and Cheryl Fox

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BENEFACTOR

מזל טוב הצלחה and continued .הרבצת תורה in

Your father zt’’l is kvelling .כסא הכבוד by the

Jeffrey and Linda Bookman

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BENEFACTOR

”The Torah is the Corner Stone of , the Kollel is the Corner Stone of Cleveland” ~~DJG~~

I have never met anyone that had practically chased me down the street to make me have a chavrusa, or two. Thank you to Rabbi Katz, and all the Kollel guys.

With gratitude and admiration, Mr. Daniel J. ”Danny” Grand Business Interventionist [email protected]

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BENEFACTOR

In honor of Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Rabbi Katz Rabbi Faivel Katz Rabbi Nadoff and all the Chavrei HaKollel

Thank you so much!

David and Elana Pollack

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BENEFACTOR

We would like to express to our community הכרת הטוב our Kollel for their tremendous efforts and hard where מקום תורה work in creating a real .bring up our children אי”ה we can

We would also like to give a special thanks to Rabbi Katz, and Rabbi Faivel Katz.

!הצלחה Much

Josh and Goldy Bookman

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BENEFACTOR

In memory of our beloved father and grandfather Mr. Tuvia Bennett z’’l

Mordechai and Penina Lipton and Family

Ezra and Alanna Bennett and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BENEFACTOR

In appreciation to Rabbi Katz and in honor of the Zilbers

Oshie, Rechama, Chaim, Eli, Dovid, Ephraim, and Pearl Jacobovitch

Building Blocks Therapy

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BENEFACTOR

With appreciation and best wishes

Marla and Joe Shafran

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BENEFACTOR

Congratulations to the Kollel

May you continue to grow from strength to strength

Joseph and Pam Kanfer

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai SUPPORTER

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai SUPPORTER

Our huge Hakaras Hatov to the wonderful Rabbi Yankel Z. Katz Rebbetzin Chani Katz Rabbi Yosef Wainbrand Rabbi Mordechai Nadoff and the entire Kollel

Ruthie & Sam Salamon Shimshon Avigdor, Gidon, Leah and Eli שיחיו

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai SUPPORTER

לעיליו נשמות

ר’ אליעזר בן ר’ יצחק חיים קעללער ז’’ל נפטר י’’ב חשון תשס’’ו

איידל קעללער בת ר’ יעקב שמעון פאללאק עייה נפטרה י’’ג שבט תשס’’ז


Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Brown and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai SUPPORTER

לעיליו נשמות

ר’ דב בן ר’ מאיר בריון ז’’ל ל’ תשרי א’ דר’’ח חשון תשע’’ג

ליבא בריון בת ר’ צבי לאקס ע’’ה כ’’ח שבט תשס’’ב


Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Brown and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai SUPPORTER

In honor of the Kollel

Madav IX

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai SUPPORTER

In honor of Rabbi Faivel Katz and members of the Kollel

In honor of Rabbi & Mrs. Dov Zilber and Dr. & Mrs. Dani Schwartz

Alan and Debbie Schlesinger

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai SUPPORTER

Congratulations Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai on another successful year.

Morshana Foundation

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai SUPPORTER

In honor of the Rosh Kollel Rabbi Katz Rebbi is such a critical part of our lives. Words alone cannot express the gratitude we owe Rebbi. Not only what Rebbi did for us but what Rebbi has done for our siblings and especially our father.

In honor of Reb Faivel Our connection grows and deepens every year. I look forward to many meaningful enriched years of growing and learning together.

Donny and Ketti Zigdon

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai SUPPORTER

In honor of Rabbi Yankel Velvel Katz חברי כלל and all the

Your utmost devotion and dedication make a difference and is truly appreciated.

Arthur and Miriam Schamovic

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai PATRON

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai PATRON

In honor of our dear friends Dovi and Devorah Zilber

In recognition of your tremendous support of Torah and Chinuch growth in our community.

May HaKadosh Baruch Hu continue to shower you with much Bracha so you can continue your amazing work for the Klal.

Yoel and Sori Fleisher

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai PATRON

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Katz, that will מקום תורה You built a true impact the entire community.

We thank you for your tireless energy and passion.

The Gastmans

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai PLATINUM

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai PLATINUM

To our Dear Family Friends, Dovi and Devora מזל טוב on this wonderful achievement.

Heshy and Shaindy Platschek

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai PLATINUM

Thank you for providing a wonderful place to learn.

Much Hatzlacha for continued growth!

Moshe and Riva Roffman

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai PLATINUM

ישר כח to Rabbi Katz and the entire Kollel for creating and maintaining מקום תורה such a vibrant here in our community. to my chavrusa הכרת הטוב Special Rabbi Binyomin Levi רוחניות May you grow in learning and ,פרנסה ,הצלחה May you have .for your entire family נחת and

Michael and Brenda Altose and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai PLATINUM

In honor of our yedidim and neighbor Rabbi and Mrs. Dov Zilber

May Hashem grant you much nachas from your children and hatzlacha in all your endeavors.

Mr. and Mrs. Matis Friedman

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai PLATINUM

Thank you to the Kollel for my chavrusa, Rabbi Sender Stoll and for helping my children become B’nai Torah.

Jonathan and Shoshana Kaufman

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai PLATINUM

We are very grateful to Rabbi Katz for providing a most wonderful Makom Torah. May the Bais Medrash continue to bring nitzchiyus to our community.

In honor of the Torah learning of our children at the Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai, and our children in Yerushalayim and New York. You make us very proud!

In honor of Rabbi Sender Stoll Learning with you is always an enlightening experience

לזכר נשמת אליעזר בן צבי לזכר נשמת רבקה פערל בת משה

David and Cheryl Lever

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai PLATINUM

In honor of the Rosh Kollel shlita R’ Faivel Katz and my chavrusa R’ Gavriel Kaganoff

With much appreciation Dovid and Dasi Malcmacher

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai PLATINUM

Mazel Tov to our friends, Rabbi Dov and Devorah Zilber and Dr. Dani and Ari Schwartz on these well deserved honors!

Mazel Tov to the Kollel on another year of being a center of Torah learning in our community.

May you all continue to inspire our community for many years to come.

Dr. Meir and Deborah Pollack and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai PLATINUM

In honor of the Kollel for everything it does for the community.

Nathan and Sylvia Pollack

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai PLATINUM

Mazel Tov to our dear brother and sister in law Dovi and Devorah Zilber on this well deserved honor.

As family, we see first hand your dedication and commitment to Torah and Chesed.

May you be zoche to continued Bracha, Hatzlacha and Nachas from your beautiful .

Ari and Nechama Zilber

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai CHAI

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai CHAI

In honor of Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai and my chavrusa Rabbi Gavriel Kaganoff

Dr. Murray and Connie Altose

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai CHAI

Thank you to the entire Kollel for continuing to inspire us all.

Rabbi Katz for always giving us the extra “push.”

Rabbi Binyomin Levi for being a true friend and learning partner.

Rabbi Chaim Helman for the outstanding morning shiur.

May we be zoche to finish many more masechtas in our lifetime together.

Gershie and Shana Goldberg

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai CHAI

With our deepest gratitude to Rabbi Katz, my chavrusa and friend, Rabbi Levi and the entire Kollel, asset that תורה for the tremendous the Kollel brings to our community.

May your dedication continue to instill עליה בתורה our community with an and further growth through assisting בני תורה and creating

Most sincerely, Eli Gunzburg and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai CHAI

In honor of the Roshei haKollel Rabbi Katz Rabbi Faivel Katz and the Rosh Chabura Rabbi Yosef Wainbrand whose warmth has changed the lives of countless families in Cleveland and their vision and devoted leadership are leading this beloved city to soar to new heights.

In honor of Dovi and Devorah Zilber We are inspired by your acts of chesed. Your dedication to the Kollel sets a shining example for us all. We are proud to be your cousins.

to continue in your זוכה May you be inspiring efforts and may you see only nachas and simcha from your wonderful family.

Aaron and Chani Lichtenstein

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai CHAI

In honor of Rabbi and Rebbitzin Yankel Velvel Katz Rabbi and Rebbitzin Charlop Rabbi and Rebbitzin Faivel Katz and all the Chavrei haKollel

כל מי שעוסקים בצרכי צבור באמונה הקב’’ה ישלם שכרם

Dovid and Dina Lipins Noach and Aviva Lipins

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai CHAI

Wishing much Hatzlacha to the Kollel

Shlomo and Avigayil Malcmacher

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai CHAI

Wishing the Kollel success in its sacred work.

Pro Search Health Care and Dr. and Mrs. Morris Mandel

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai CHAI

Congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. Dani Schwartz on a well deserved honor and recognition.

Mazel Tov!

Best wishes, Legacy Dental Care Dr. Jason Warn and Staff

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai CHAI

Mazel Tov on 23 years of Harbotzas Torah

Ben Chafetz

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai CHAI

Mazal tov Dovi on this well deserved honor!

Your drive to excel in all that you do is an inspiration.

May you have tremendous hatzlacha in Ruchniyos, Gashmiyos and Nachas.

Yonah and Roizie Jacobs

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai CHAI

In memory of הירש ראובן בן יוסף לאה בת ברק

Joseph and Shuli Krash and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai CHAI


אלטע מינדל בת אליהו הכהן ז’’ל

אהרן בן משה יצחק ז’’ל

יחזקאל בן חיים ז’’ל

דוב זאב בן יצחק מאיר הכהן ז’’ל

מאשא פריידא בת אליעזר יוסף ז’’ל

שיינה שרה בת חיים ז’’ל

אליעזר יוסף בן חיים ז’’ל


Eddie and Iris Moskovitz

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai CHAI

In appreciation of Rabbi Y.V. Katz, Rabbi Faivel Katz, and Rabbi Wainbrand for all they do for the Kollel and our community.

Wishing you many more years of success to come!

Drs. Saul and Chanita Kane Dr. and Mrs. Yitz and Shoshana Warn

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai GOLD

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai GOLD

Kol Hakavod Another fine year of learning

Thank you Rabbi Katz Rabbi Mordechai Nadoff

Steve and Edith Greenberg

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai GOLD

In honor of Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Roshei haKollel Rabbi Y.V. Katz Rabbi Faivel Katz

Thank you so much for all that you’ve done for the community and our family.

Zev and Elana Jacoby

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai GOLD

In appreciation to Rabbi Yaakov Katz and Rabbi Yitzchok Frank for all your efforts and inspiration

David and Elana Landman

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai GOLD

Mazel Tov to our esteemed alumni Rabbi and Mrs. Dovi Zilber

founding members of Kollel Ateres Nochum Zev

Who have made such a positive impact on our

community. ילכו מחיל אל חיל

הרב זאב בוסל הרב יעקב אורי פרמן ראש הכולל ראש חבורה

הרבפסחקלאהרהרבמרדכיפרידמאןהרביצחקזבלודבסקי הרבמשהגורביץהרבאהרןבאום הרבצביסופר הרביצחקמאירגינזבורגהרבשלמהליבערמןהרבעקיבאאדמן הרבמשהמייזלסהרבמרדכיפערלשטייןהרביעקבמשהרעזניק

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai GOLD

Best wishes to the Beachwood-University Heights Kollel

May you go from strength to strength

Dr. Avi Korn

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai GOLD

Best wishes to the Kollel

And in gratitude to Rabbi Mordechai Nadoff

Mark Roth

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai GOLD

יזכר נשמת הראש הישיבה הגאון הרב חיים מרדכי קטץ זצ’’ל

ברוך ואביבה פלגמן

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai GOLD

In honor of the Kollel, Rabbi Y.V. Katz, Rabbi Wainbrand, and all the participants of the evening chabura.

Avrumy and Devorah Pollak

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai GOLD

With grateful appreciation to Rabbi Y.Z. Katz on the 23rd anniversary of the Beachwood Kollel

When I first met you several years ago, you were quite clear in your proposal to me. You said: “I don’t want your money; I just want your soul. Come. Try learning with us.”

What I didn’t realize back then was that: 1) One day, I would be more than glad to give you both (who knew?); and, 2) My Wednesday evenings with Rabbi Yehuda Altusky, which I had very reluctantly agreed to commit to in the beginning, and for a very short trial period at that, would quickly become the highlight of my week, each week, every week; and 3) My Wednesday evening “learn-and-schmooze” sessions with my soon-to-be-cherished chavrusa would eventually change me in ways that we would, quite unexpectedly, add a new focus to each week beyond just Wednesday night (again, who knew!).

And for all of that, I’m very grateful to you, Rabbi Katz. May you continue your secret mission to change one soul at a time in the Cleveland community.

All the best in the Kollel’s 23rd anniversary!

Paul Gewirtz

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai GOLD

In honor of Rabbi and Rebbitzin Y. V. Katz and Rabbi and Mrs. Pinchos Beer and children

הכרת הטוב With much and warmest regards

Nachum and Chana Rackoff Passaic, NJ

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai GOLD

Thank you to שליט’’א Rabbi Katz for חברי הכלל and all of the תורה being the epicenter of in our community.

Mazel Tov! Mazel Tov! To the Zilber’s and Schwartz’ for embodying a life of Torah and מקדש שם שמים Chessed and being in and out of our community.

We are so fortunate to be your continue to shower ה‘ friends. May !נחת and שפע ברכה you with

Aliza and Shlomo Koyfman

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai GOLD

!הצלחה רבה Best wishes and

We would like to to הכרת הטוב express our Rabbi Katz Rabbi Faivel Katz and Rabbi Nadoff and all of the other Kollel members for all that you have done for our community.

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Schabes and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai GOLD

To our dear children Dovi and Devorah Zilber Mazel Tov on receiving this well deserved honor.

רבונו של עולם May the continue to bless you with abilities to advance in your עבודת הקודש עד מאה ועשרים שנה

With much love and admiration, Tatty and Mommy Zilber

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai GOLD

With tremendous Hakaras Hatov for the Kollel!

Menachem and Elana Tenenbaum

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai GOLD

Thank you to Rabbi Katz for everything that you do for the community.

We appreciate your total dedication and outstanding commitment to this vibrant community Kollel.

Yossi and Shevy Zigdon

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai GOLD

Thank you Rabbi Katz Yasher Koach!

May you have continued success with the Kollel.

Jonathan and Davida Schultz and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Dani and Ari Schwartz

Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. You are both a huge asset to our community. We are so glad you chose Cleveland as your home. May others follow your glowing example.


Beachwood University Heights Kollel

Mr. & Mrs. Morry Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Gary Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Zev Weiss Mr. Elie Weiss and Sara Hurand

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Rabbi Katz, Rabbi Faivel Katz, Rabbi Yosef Wainbrand, and all the Chavrei HaKollel.

With much appreciation to all those and make the עוסק בצרכי צבור who are Kollel a true makom Torah and Tefillah.

Rabbi and Mrs. Mordechai Bauman

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel Tov & Best Wishes to Dr. and Mrs. Dani Schwartz and Rabbi and Mrs. Dov Zilber and a special Yasher Koach to our good friends Rabbi Yakov Zev and Chani Katz and Rabbi Faivel and Fraydie Katz May you continue to be an inspiration to the entire community!!!

Marvin, Sheila, Carly & Hannah

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Dov Zilber on this well deserved honor for all the tireless work you have done on .כלל behalf of the

נחת grant you much הקב’’ה May from your children and may you continue to go מחיל אל חיל מתוך מנוחה והרחבה כל הימים

Chaim Simcha and Suri Elias



Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Congratulations to the Kollel! Keep up the good work!

Alan and Deborah Ross

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In appreciation of learning with Rabbi Aaron Sikowitz

Larry Rothenberg

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Best wishes to the Beachwood-University Heights Kollel

Mazel Tov to the Honorees on this well deserved honor!

May you go from strength to strength

Michael Duchan

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai With much hakoras hatov to Rabbi Katz for giving me the opportunity to be involved in such a choshuve makom Torah for close to three years. I had an insider’s view of the unbelievable and far-reaching impact Rabbi Katz and the Kollel has had and I heard it expressed passionately from many community members. Personally, I was very excited about the new building as it was being erected and today I look back and feel that there is no building more integral and important to our community than the Kollel. It is a kiyum of what the writes in Bereishis on the possuk of ”ועץ החיים בתוך הגן.” Hashem specifically placed the the Eitz Hachaim - the Torah which is Eitz Chaim - in the middle of Gan Eden so all should benefit from it equally. It is the lifeline of our neighborhood.

יהי רצון שתזכה להמשיך בעבודתך הקדושה להרביץ תורה מתוך בריאות והרחבת הדעת

In honor of both honorees Rabbi and Mrs. Dovi Zilber & Dr. and Mrs. Dani Schwartz True machzikei and lomdei Torah

Moishe and Shevy Schottenstein

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Rabbi Katz Rabbi Faivel Katz Rabbi Nadoff and all the members of the Kollel.

Mazel Tov to the Honorees.

Jeffrey, Lesley, Elisheva, Mordechai and Deena Schwersenski

לא ימוש ספר התורה הזה מפיך והגית בו יומם ולילה (יהושע א’ חי)

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai The Kollel - so incredibly amazing that we are simply speechless

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai To the greatest Chavrusa, Rabbi Y. V. Katz

From, Your Youngest Chavrusa Yehuda

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Hatzlacha to the Roshei HaKollel and members of the Kollel

Mair and Chavie Cohen

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Best wishes to the Beachwood-University Heights Kollel

Randy and Julie Diamond

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Dov Zilber Dr. and Mrs. Dani Schwartz

Chanina and Tammy Reischer

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Congratulations to the Honorees for the well deserved recognition. May you merit continued harbotzas Torah.

Thank you to Harav Yaakov Katz and the chavrei Kollel for making our community a makom Torah.

Elliot and Alice Dickman and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Rabbi Levi

Thank you for all your tireless work on behalf of the community and Klal Yisroel.

Your nightly Gemara shiur has been a wonderful inspiration for the entire Chaburah.

Thank you.

Bryan and Kim Farkas

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Dov Zilber and the other lomdei and tomchei torah.

Baruch & Rivky Fertel and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In appreciation of Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai and the central role it plays in our community

Daniel and Alex Fleksher

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Rabbi Katz and Rabbi Levi and his chaburah.

Thank you Rabbi Levi for starting this chaburah. We not only appreciate your guidance, but also the gentle and affectionate way you deliver it.

Boruch and Becca Freiman and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of our friends who have become like family, and our family who have become like friends:

Dani and Arielle

Mazel tov on this well-deserved honor. is לימוד התורה Your dedication to exemplary as you carry on the legacies of your respective families. May your children, in turn, carry the light .in all of their endeavors תורה of

Rabbi Matthew and Dr. Elyssa Faigen Rabbi Ben and Mrs. Estie Fried Mr. Noam and Mrs. Tovah Magence Rabbi Rick and Dr. Louisa Schindelheim Rabbi Ari and Mrs. Katie Spiegler Mr. Ami and Dr. Frankie Zukowsky

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of all of those who have made this Kollel possible

Howard and Suri Goldman

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Wishing the Kollel in their הצלחה continued learning and in their הרבצת תורה

Chaim and Esther Goodman

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Rabbi Y.V. Katz Rabbi Faivel Katz and Rabbi Wainbrand and the entire Kollel.

Thank you for everything you do for the entire community.

Mazel Tov to the honorees on the well deserved honor!

Danny and Aliza Gottesman and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai לחברי היקר הרב קטץ שליט’’א

Thank you for providing me with a wonderful learning situation for the last 34 years.

A special thank you to Rabbi Faivel Katz for the tremendous amount that he adds to the Kollel.

בידידות יוחנן

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Rabbi Katz

Thank you for all you do for our community.

Donny and Daniella Gross

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Wishing continued hatzlocho to the Kollel

Mrs. Sharona Grunspan

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai לרפואה שלמה חיה דבורה בת שאסע

יוסף סיני היידה

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of the Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Katz and all of the avreichim of the Kollel.

Michael and Susan Hyman Ari and Tali Hyman Rabbi David and Shira Teller

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel tov to the Honorees!

With great appreciation to the Kollel for its vital hashpah on our family and community.

Matt & Beth Kaliff

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Wishing the Kollel, Roshei haKollel and the Chevrai haKollel continued HATZLOCHA!

In honor of Dovi and Devorah Zilber Continued bracha in all your Avodas haKodesh.

Tzippy and Binyomin Kiss

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai It is with great hakaras hatov to Hashem that my fundraising endeavors and assistance to the Beachwood-University Heights Kollel has not changed even though I now reside in Oak Park, Michigan.

I am only 3 hours away, yet just on the other side of the phone or email. It is a brocha that I can continue my work for this holy Kollel and keep my ties to Cleveland.

The Kollel and Rabbi Y.V. Katz should continue to grow from strength to strength b’ezras Hashem.

Mrs. Barbara (Adler) Kleid

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Ari and Dani Schwartz

Mazel Tov on this well-deserved recognition of your dedication to Torah and service to the community.

Adina and Jeffrey Soclof Moshe, Etan, Avi and Tova

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel Tov to our cousins Dovi and Devorah Zilber on this well deserved honor.

May you be zoche to continue setting the example of .in our family עבודת קדש

Asi & Tamara Klein

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In memory of Eliezer ben Aryah-Leib, 2nd Yartzeit 10th of Iyar.

Yitzchok and Sara Kletter

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai to הכרת הטוב With much Rabbi Yaakov Zev Katz, Rabbi Faivel Katz, and the Roshei Chaburah for their continued efforts in allowing us to shteig in our beautiful with the walls ,בית המדרש from תורה reverberating with morning until night.

.מחיל אל חיל to go זוכה You should be

Rabbi and Mrs. Isaac Lever

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai With great admiration and appreciation of the ראשי כולל חברי הכלל and the Kollel for providing our neighborhood with an oasis of עבדת השי’’ת and תורה

In loving memory of החבר ר’ רפאל בן החבר ר’ יהודה הליו ר’ יהודה בן הה’’ג ר’ מרדכי מנחם

Binyomin and Chani Levi and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel Tov to our dear brother and sister in law Dovi and Devorah Zilber on this well deserved honor

As family, we see first hand your dedication to Torah and Chesed May you be Zoche to continued Bracha, Hatzlacha and Nachas from your beautiful mishpacha.

From your sisters, Aliza and Family Avrumie & Adina and Family Avrohom Chaim & Nechama and Family Shmuly & Chani and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai With much admiration and respect, we wish to take this opportunity to pay tribute to our dear brother and sister in law, Dovi and Devorah continue to bentch you הקב’’ה May in all that you do הצלחה with much .כלל ישראל on behalf of

With love, Shmulie and Yocheved

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai ברגשי הכרת הטוב לראשי הכולל הרב יעקב זאב שליט”א ולבנו הרב שרגא פייבל שליט”א שעושים לילותיהם כימים בעד אלו שהוגים בתורה יומם ולילה יה”ר שיזכו לעוד הרבה הצלחה ברוחניות ובגשמיות עד יום אשר הוא לא יום ולא לילה

פינחס בער ומשפחתו

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel tov to Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai and all the Honorees

David and Katie Gamzeh

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai and Rabbi and Mrs. Dov Zilber, our dear friends.

May they grow from strength to strength.

Isa and Andy Lefkowitz

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai and all of our children and grandchildren who utilize the Kollel to advance their Torah development.

Marilyn and Ivan Soclof

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai and the Roshei haKollel Rabbi Katz and Rabbi Faivel Katz

In honor of our son, the journal chairman, Aaron Lichtenstein, who is בן תורה Aaron has grown into a עוסק בצרכי ציבור יומם ולילה.

His devotion to the Kollel and the city of Cleveland is to be commended and emulated. His thoughts and actions are focused on the Kollel.

Nothing is too small or too large for him to tackle if it’s associated with the Kollel. Aaron’s caring and dedication is shared by his outstanding wife, Chani. give Aaron and Chani health and ה‘ May from their children. We are so נחת proud of both of you.

Yitzchok and Toba Lichtenstein

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of the Kollel Daf Yomi Shiur and Rabbi Sender Stoll as well as Rabbi Azriel Levin and the entire Kollel.

Martin and Marla Lipman Josh and Sora Mendelson Leah, Chaya, Tova and Moshe Avramy and Yocheved Lipman Kaylee and Talya Rabbi Aharon and Sarah Lipman Yehudis, Hadassah Leah, Bracha and Miriam

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Rabbi & Mrs. Y.V. Katz and all the yungeleit and the wives of Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai for everything you have done for our community and for Klal Yisroel.

Dr. Louis & Chanie Malcmacher Rabbi Dovid & Dasi Malcmacher Rabbi Shlomo & Avigail Malcmacher Rabbi Avrumi & Shana Meystel Rabbi Shmuel & Basya Malcmacher

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel Tov, Rabbi Katz on another successful year for the Kollel.

And a special thank you to Rabbi Binyomin Levi for leading our Gemarah shiur.

And finally, thank you to my Aishes Chayil, Shana, for her unending support in my learning.

Yisroel Mendenhall

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai ”ברוך שהחינו וקימנו והגיענו לזמן הזה“ אל כב’ האי גברא רבא יוקירא, ברא כרעא דאבוה, ה”ה הרב ר’ יעקב זאב קטץ שליט”א ,מאד שמח לבי על ההזדמנות, שהאלקים אינה לידי, להודות לכ”ת, ולהוקירו בשער בת רבים, על מסירותו הנפלאה להכולל, להעמידו על תילו, ולהיות לו לאחיעזר לכל אברך ואברך שיוכל לעלות במעלות התורה, מתוך מנוחת הנפש, והרחבת הדעת ישלם ד’ פעלו, ותהי משכורתו שלימה

כה יתן ד’ וכה יוסיף, שיוכל להמשיך בעבוה”ק, להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה, מתוך בריות גופא ונהורא מעליא, בראותו יחד עם נו”ב העומדת לימינו, רוב נחת ואושר מכל צאצאיו, עד יבואו ימים, ומלאה הארץ דעה את ד’ כמים לים מכסים, אכי”ר ובנו הרב שרגא פייבל שליט”א אשר דורך בדרך אבותיו למסור לילות כימים בעבור ,הכולל בכלל, - ועל כל אברך ואברך בפרט, להעלות רמות התורה ולהאדירה. - יה”ר שיזכה שהחוט המשלוש לא במהרה ינתק. והרב יוסף ווינבראנד שליט”א על אשר צירף עמם להעלות רמות התורה ,ולומדיה יה”ר שיזכה להמשיך עבודתומתוך מנוחת .הנפש והרחבת הדעת

יהודה אלטוסקי ומשפחתו

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Rabbi Yankel Velvel Katz and Rabbi Moshe Garfunkel

Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Merkin Passaic, New Jersey

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In appreciation of Rabbi Katz and Rabbi Sikowitz

Daniel and Deborah Moskowitz and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Rabbi Y.V. Katz and Rabbi Faivel Katz

Love, Anonymous!

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of our dear nephew and niece Dovi and Devorah Zilber

Your dedication and commitment to your family, Kollel and community is truly inspirational to all of us.

A special thank you to this year’s journal chairman, Aaron Lichtenstein, We are so proud that you are our son in law. Your sterling qualities and wonderful characteristics are an asset to the community of Cleveland.

Jay and Sara Pernikoff

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai The experience of attending the Kollel’s 6:40 daily minyan is an opportunity to enhance one’s Tefilla, with everyone who desires to take part in all aspects of the Davening. People who work, learn, and volunteer throughout their day have mad a commitment to come and help the Minyan flow with Kavana at an acceptable pace. It is a credit to the Kollel to add another one of it’s many ”benefits” to the community that enhances the concept of Avodas Hashem.

Special Hakaros Hatov to Rabbi Mordechai Nadoff who has taken the ”lead” to facilitate the daily routine of the running of the Minayn. Along with Yonaton Spolter who coordinates the Laining and the many Gabbaim who keep it running, the SMALL Bais Medrash and the regular attendees have created a LARGE, inviting, comfortable, and inspiring Makom Tefilla for all who wish to attend.

F. Ferger

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of the Kollel

Adam and Frumi Pollack

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of our dear children, Dovi and Devorah Zilber whose entire lives revolve around chessed. We are extremely proud of their accomplishments and we hope that we will continue to see much from them and their נחת beautiful family.

Chaim and Nechama Rieder

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Congratulations and best wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Dov Zilber on this well deserved honor.

Keep up the great work and much continued .in all that you do הצלחה

Laurel Residential LLC

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Our very best wishes to the second best oral surgeon in Cleveland and his wife on this most deserving honor.

We are honored and privileged to have such wonderful friends who are role models and leaders of this community.

Dani & Ari, we are thrilled to be able to share this special night with you.

Mazel Tov!

Michael and Cara Shapiro

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Lichvod the Roshei Kollel shlita

Mishpachas Yehuda Rom

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Dov Zilber

Mazel Tov on a well deserved honor.

Yasher Koach for all your efforts on behalf of my family.

Michoel and Avigayil Rom and Shua

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of all that the כולל does for the community.

Gavi & Shira Septon

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of the Kollel.

In memory of Rabbi Yitzchok Scheinerman zt’l who I was privileged to learn with and from.

In honor of Rabbi Shimon Frankel and Rabbi Y.V. Katz

Cantor Aaron Shifman

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In appreciation of all that the Kollel does for our community.

Alizza and Ronnie Shulman

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Best wished to Rabbi Yankel Velvel Katz and the entire Kollel.

Keep up the good work!

Adina and Jeffrey Soclof Moshe, Etan, Avi and Tova

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai We are so grateful for everything the Kollel has done for us.

Thank you. Avraham and Tova Weiner

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Rabbi Katz... Your vision makes a difference every day! Mazel Tov!

Joan and Chuck Whitehill

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Driving up or down S. Green Road one cannot help but notice the many spiritual and educational buildings that line up just across from E. Carrol and Laurelhurst avenues. Yet, one does happen to stand alone across from the others. The Kollel is attended by people who live throughout the community and beyond, people who frequent all of the other wonderful and special Shuls and schools that are across the street. It stands alone in the countless number of hours that are solely dedicated to learning. Beginners, not so beginnners, advanced learning, all for one purpose…Deveikus Hashem- the process of forming, strengthening, fine tuning, laughing, crying, “arguing” to find exactly what the Gemara means, searching through the plethora of Seforim, learning for an hour regarding the meaning of one Pasuk in the Torah, and together finding the path that brings us all together no matter what our Hashkafa happens to be. The building is special because of the people that fill it, at just about every hour of the day and night. The building is fully “equipped” to help each child, adult, and family, to find Balance in life…which is the epitome of Torah. Balance is always in flux. Learning Torah is one of the pathways that help teach us how to “get there.” This is the essence of this BUILDING! Hakaras Hatov to Rabbi Y.Z Katz, Rabbi F. Katz and to all of the Kollel Rabbeim who keep the path clear and well “lit.” Special Hakaras Hatov to my new Chavrusa, Rabbi Moshe Jeremias, who is learning how to manage my philosophical inquiries.

Karen and Stan Fireman

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In appreciation to Rabbi Y.V. Katz for allowing Ilana to help behind the scenes of this incredible staple of the Cleveland Jewish community from the comforts of Cherry Hill, NJ.

Mazel tov to the honorees Rabbi and Mrs. Dovi Zilber Dr. and Mrs. Dani Schwartz

Yoni and Ilana Yares and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of the Kollel, its building and its influence on the community

The Saperstein, Stone and Weiss Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel Tov to the Honorees! Dani & Ari Schwartz and Dovi & Devorah Zilber Such a deserving honor to such deserving honorees!

With much recognition and appreciation to the Kollel my chavrusa, Rabbi Beer, and Rabbi Katz for all that you do for the community.

Josh and Daniella Botnick and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai ונהיה אנחנו וצאצאינו וצאצאי עמך בית ישראל כלנו יודעי שמך ולומדי תורתך לשמה

To our dear children Dani and Arielle May you go from strength to strength

With love and pride Mom and Abba

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel tov to the Honorees Rabbi Dovi and Devorah Zilber and Dr. Dani and Arielle Schwartz.

Deserving honors for deserving couples!

Rabbi Yitz Frank

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai I am fortunate to have the greatest Chavrusa in Cleveland, Gavriel Kaganoff, and I am grateful for the opportunity to say thank you for the last 10 months of learning we have had together.

Your friendship, guidance, and Torah has transformed and enriched my life, and I feel extremely fortunate to have you as my friend in learning and in life. IY’H we should learn together for many more years to come.

Michael Shapiro and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai

Rav Yaakov Velvel Katz Rav Feivel Katz Hanhalah & Chavrei HaKollel

שתזכו להמשיך להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה בקדושתה וטהרתה מאחלים

Kollel Choshen Mishpot

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai To our friends Dovi and Devorah Zilber

On your honor, We can attest to the unique way in which you encourage, support and embrace the people around you.

The way you are mechanech each of your children with dignity and unending devotion. The way you continuously fill any void with a deep commitment to each individual and the Klal.

We are honored to be counted amongst your friends.

יהי רצון שתזכו לראות בנים ובני בנים עוסקים בתורה ובמצוות

Yaakov Uri and Chana Perman

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai With appreciation to Rabbi Lebovits and Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai.

From, Joel and Sharon Peerless

In honor of my chavrusa, Rabbi Moshe Jeremias

We wish you and the Kollel continued success.

May you go from strength to strength.

Marcelo and Michele Weiss and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai With gratitude to Hashem fo all that the Kollel brings to us and to my chavrusas, Rabbi Sender Stoll Rabbi Aaron Sikowitz

Robert Altshuler

Mazel Tov on 23 years of Harbotzas Torah

Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Dowek

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In appreciation for everything the Kollel has done for us and the community.

Pinchas and Raizel Klahr

Honoring Rabbi Yaakov Katz Rabbi Alexander Charlop Rabbi Binyomin Levi in recognition of their contributions to Torah study in Cleveland

David and Tamara Wilkof

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In Honor of Benji and Becky Goldzweig, Aliza, Daniel and Mordy

Wishing the Kollel Hatzlacha in its future endeavors.

Lisa and Jonathan Klein Baltimore, Maryland

With gratitude to Rabbi Lever for all that he teaches me, and to Rabbi Katz for finding me years ago and not taking “no” for an answer.

Danny, Ruth, Aharon, Elisheva, Avi and Ariella Jacob

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai With much recognition and appreciation for all that you do for the Klal.

Fondly, Eli and Esther Graiser

לכבוד ראשי הכולל וראשי החבורה שליט”א

We appreciate what you do on behalf of the כולל. יישר כחכם

שמואל יעקב כ”ץ ומשפחתו

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel tov Ari and Dani

Yasher Koach Rabbi Katz

In memory of my uncle R’ Yakov Shimon Pollack

Kenny and Ilana Pollack

To Rabbi Katz and all of the of the Kollel, especially Rabbi Moshe Jeremias and Rabbi Shaya Shtern for advancing Torah study and Yiddishkeit in the community.

Bryan, Julie and Jonah Rubenstein

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai We appreciate the powerful, favorable impact the Kollel has on the community.

Debra and Ed Small

Best wishes to the Beachwood-University Heights Kollel

May you go from strength to strength

Yuriy & Jessica Zelikovich

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Thank you to Rabbi Katz and the entire Kollel for all the wonderful work you do for our community. תזכו למצוות

Dr. Yoel and Naomi Schwartz

Thank you Rabbi and Mrs. Katz for all you have done for our family and our community

Mark and Dana Bander Tzvi and Leah Bander Danny Bander Ari and Ariana Klarfeld and Family Boruch and Becca Freiman and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Thank you to Rabbi Katz and the Kollel for all your hard work on behalf of our community.

Yossi and Channa Ireland and Family

In honor of Rabbi Katz for learning with me and all that he does for the community.

Rabbi Yonah Jacobs and my chaverim in the shiur, Yoram Kahn and Ariel Solowitch.

Kostia Feldman, my chavrusa.

Menashe and Shulamis Weiser

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of my dear family - the Feigers and Goldmans, plus Rabbi Y. V. Katz

Larry and Norma Zukerman

In honor of my weekly chavrusa, Rabbi Faivel Katz

Sidney Borison

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Best wishes to the Beachwood-Univeristy Heights Kollel

May you go from strength to strength

A Friendly Admirer

In honor of the שליט’’א Rosh Kollel שליט’’א and Rav Faivel

יה’’ר שתזכו להרחבת הגבולות בהרבצת התורה

Zvi and Ahuva Belsky

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel Tov Dani and Ari on this well-deserved honor.

Your commitment to Limud HaTorah and Chesed is extraordinary and sets a high standard for all of us to emulate.

May you continue to go from strength to strength.

With love and pride: Yosef and Becky, Ari and Chavi, Yakir, Lior, Dana, Shirlee, Ami, Nava, and Dovi

Thank you Rabbi Y.V. Katz and all the avreichim - present and past - for making our community a vibrant makom Torah.

May you all be blessed to go machayil l’choyil!

Mishpachas Efros

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Rabbi Katz and all of the honorees and the Kollel.

Thank you for all that you do for the community.

Shmuel Feuer and Yehuda Menchel Severn Management

In appreciation to the Kollel for providing a makom Torah for the community

Josh and Aliza Finegold

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of my chavrusa Yossi Nissenbaum.

Thank you for all the time learning Torah and being a shining example of proper hashkafa and Yiras Shamayim.

May Hashem grant you and your entire family with an abundance of brachos and continued excellence in Torah learning and fulfilling mitzvos.

Eli and Chaya Toron

Hatzlocho and best wishes to Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai

Yoel and Ahuva Goldman

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Thank you to the Kollel for everything the members do for the community.

Moshe Edelstein

Mazel Tov on 23 years of Harbotzas Torah

Robert and Laurie Kimmel West Bloomfield, Michigan

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Rabbi Katz, Rabbi Faivel Katz, and the Honorees.

In appreciation, Dovid and Bassy Gutman

Mazel Tov!

Hy and Heddy Holz

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel Tov to the Honorees, and Yasher Koach to Rabbi Katz and the Kollel for creating a makom Torah.

Deena and Rafi Israeli

Best wishes to the Beachwood-University Heights Kollel

May you go from strength to strength

Josh Jaspen

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai to הכרת הטוב With much Rabbi Yaakov Z. Katz for all your dedicated work. throughout the community is truly הרבצת תורה Your .מחיל אל חיל remarkable. May you continue to

,to my chavrusa ישר כח A special Reb Yonah Jacobs, for taking time out of his busy schedule to learn with our chaburah.

Mazel Tov to all the Honorees!

Yoram and Shira Kahn

In tribute to Dov and Devorah Zilber for an honor very well deserved.

May you continue to be gebentched - ההצלח with much בכל אשר תפנו

Jake and A. Rochel Koval

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel tov on 23 years of Harbotzas Torah

Michael and Robin Lauer Silver Spring, MD

In appreciation to the Kollel and to Rabbi Katz for all they do for the community.

Stuart and Chaya Mintz

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of our dear friends Dani and Ari Schwartz on this well-deserved honor. Your sacrifice and dedication to Torah learning and middos tovos is inspiring.

In appreciation of the Kollel for providing a makom Torah for the community (and a place for Dani and Moshe to learn in the morning).

Moshe and Adina Ornstein

Wishing success to the Kollel

Alex Politsmakher

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Dani and Ari Schwartz and their commitment to Torah learning and to making the Beachwood community a true Makom Torah.

Dan Schindelheim

For the 23rd Anniversary Dinner of an institution committed to perpetuating the light of Torah and for choosing such auspicious honorees Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Schwartz

Thank you for the important work you do.

David and Tamar Shafran

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In Blessed Memory of Dov (Bernard) Ben Yirmiyohu and Chana (Victoria) Bat Shmuel Schmelzer z’’l

By Les and Cindy Keller Eva Aviv and Grandchildren

Best wishes to the Beachwood-University Heights Kollel

May you go from strength to strength

Joel and Esther David

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Dovi Zilber on this well deserved honor!

Dovi embodies the mishna in Avos: שמאי אומר: עשה תורתך קבע, אומר מעט ועשה הרבה, והיו מקבל את כל האדם בסבר פנים יפות.

הצלחה רבה ברוחניות ובגשמיות!

Bentzion and Dassy Siegfried

Mazal Tov to the Zilbers on this well-deserved honor.

May Hashem give you strength to continue in your tremendous Avodas HaKodesh and may you continue to see much Nachas from all your children.

Mordechai and Dena Silverberg

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In recognition and with appreciation to Rabbi Katz, Rabbi Wainbrand, and all the Avreichim of the Kollel.

We are honored to be part of such a makom Torah. Wishing the Kollel much hatzlocha in the future!

Yitzchak and Fayge Weiser

Hakaros Hatov to the Beachwood-University Heights Kollel for the enormous contribution to our community.

Drs. William and Barbara Wieder

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel Tov to Dani and Ari Schwartz and Dov and Devorah Zilber!

May you continue to do incredible things for our community!

With much Hakaras Hatov, Tamar & Elliot Smith

In appreciation to Rabbi Katz and the Kollel For all that they do for the community ברכה and הצלחה We wish you continued

Rabbi & Mrs. Aaron Muller

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Best wishes to Rabbi Yankel V. Katz and the Kollel for doing a marvelous job for the community.

Herbert and Retha Schabes

In honor of Rabbi Yankel Velvel Katz and Rabbi Faivel Katz for their concern for the Limud haTorah of each and every one of us and their special attention of our children and their efforts to assure that they will grow to become true Bnai Torah and Talmidei Chachomim

Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Kutner Yechiel, Eliyahu, Binyamin and Chana

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai With gratitude to Rabbi Katz and the entire Kollel

Ethan, Audrey, Ari and Isaac Weiss

Mazel Tov to all the Honorees.

From, Naftali and Nachuma Leah Lidsky


Lee Goldberg Ivan D. Goldberg Frankie and David Geduld Noah, Orly, Koby, and Sophie Geduld

Dedicated in loving memory of our parents and in-laws Reb Lazar and Sarah Schachter and Sarah Light.

Their lives of Torah, Middos, Gemilos Chassadim, and Hachnassas Orchim were inspirations to their children, grandchildren, and so many others.

May their Neshamos have perpetual aliyot.

Mendy and Marilyn Schachter

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai to הכרת הטוב With much Rabbi Katz הנהלת הכולל אברכים and all the

Shimshon and Sara Faigy Sendler

and the הנהלת הכולל Wishing the much continued חברי הכולל מרביץ תורה to be ברכה והצלחה להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה, ולהרמת קרן התורה

Shlomo Menachem and Chaya Lieba Aron and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Dovi and Devorah Zilber

Yehudah and Miriam Esther Altusky

In honor of Rabbi Katz and Rabbi Altusky

Thank you for your time and efforts and for creating a warm atmosphere for learning.

Hilary, Yank, Yitz, Akiva, Gavriel and Ezra Gecovich

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Thank you to Rabbi Y.V. Katz and Rabbi F. Katz for all you do on behalf of the community.

Mazel tov to the Zilbers on a well-deserved honor.

Nachum and Rena Sokol

In memory of our dear son Dovid Ben Chaim z’’l

We will forever remember you

Charles and Debbie Zuchowski

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of the Kollel

Thank you for everything.

Tzvi and Penina Weiss

לכבוד הראשי כולל שליט’’א בברכת הצלחה וכל טוב סלה

יוסף ניסנביום ומשפחתו

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai With tremendous gratitude to In support of the Rabbi Katz Kollel for your efforts. and everything it does. May you continue to go from strength to strength.

tephanie dam The Isaacs Family S & A Wieder and Family

Best wishes to Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Yaakov Z. Katz, Rabbi Yosef Wainbrand Best wishes to the and Rabbi Faivel Katz Kollel and all the for continued success. Chavrei HaKollel for continued Hatzlacha in your Avodas haKodesh. Dr. & Mrs. Michael Covitch Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Yitzchok Berger

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of In appreciation of Rabbi Yankel Velvel Katz Rabbi Sender Stoll my chavrusa Rabbi and Mrs. Yonah Carlebach Mike Swirski

In honor of our son-in-law David Lever and our grandsons May the Naftali, Dovid, Meir, Kollel Yitzchok, Ariel have continued success and Yehuda. in all of its endeavors.

We are so proud of all of you for continuing Elchonan & Sue your Torah studies. Polster

Shirley and Leo Katz

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel Tov to eachwood ollel In appreciation to the B K Kollel! for all their Torah work

Yasher Koach Shmuel Abraham

Yosef and Esther Balakirsky

ברכה והצלחה Your Kollel has In honor of transformed the Mr. and Mrs. community into a Dovi Zilber מקום תורה beautiful on this well second to none! deserved honor. תורה A vital asset to true Yiddishkeit.

Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Abramowitz Yitzchok Blech Brooklyn, NY

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai To Rabbi Katz and members of the Kollel. for another year May Hashem grant ישר כוחכם of harbotzas Torah Kollel Yad Chaim in our community. Mordechai continued success May you go from strength to strength. Larry and Loretta Dancziger Rabbi and Mrs. Naphtali Burnstein and Family

ברוב הכרת הטוב to In honor of Rabbi Y.V. Katz Rabbi Katz Rabbi Faivel Katz and the tremendous Rabbi Yosef Wainbrand zchus that all the Rabbonei HaKollel Kollel Yad Chaim and their families for all Mordechai your Harbotzas HaTorah brings to our in the community community. שתלכו מחיל אל חיל Raphael and Deena Rabbi and Mrs. Davidovich Yehuda Cahan and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Dr. and Mrs. Dani Thank you for all you do Schwartz for the community. and continue to give ה‘ in honor of May to do your כח Kollel Yad Chaim you Mordechai amazing work.

r and rs D . M . Ezra & Adina kiva iamond A D Forouzan

Thank you to abbi atz R K Best wishes to the and the entire YCM Kollel Kollel for the in your new Torah home. tremendous

contributions you

make to Torah life Mr. Neil Frieder in Cleveland!

Rivki and Michael Ebner

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel tov to Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Schwartz upon this well Mazel Tov to deserved honor. Rabbi Dovi and Mrs.

Devorah Zilber May you continue to uplift on this well the tzibur with deserved honor! your beautiful niggunim.

Moish and Hindy Kenneth Gershenfeld Goldfinger and Family

In honor of All our best wishes Rabbi Katz for the good work and the Chavrei HaKollel. done by the Kollel. May the Kollel continue in their Thank you! and Rabbi Nadoff עבודת הקודש הרבצת תורה

David and Susan Kalman Goldberg Goldstein

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai To Dovi and Devora, We are so very proud of you. May you continue to lead lives of chesed In honor of the עד מאה ועשרים 7:30 minyan! With love, Aunt Chatchie Kalman, Sara, Yaffa, Anonymous Shoshana and Dassy Greenberg Aryeh and Michal Greenberg

Yasher Koach to שליט’’א Thank you for all the Rabbi Y.V. Katz Kollel Rosh HaKollel שליט’’א has done for us. Rabbi Faivel Katz שליט’’א Rabbi Y. Wainbrand We wish you and all the Chevrei HaKollel continued Hatzlacha. for their harbotzas Torah and kiddush shem Shomayim

Yaakov Zev, Menachem Rabbi and Mrs. and Aryeh Greenfeld Binyomin Grunwald

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Yasher Koach to abbi and rs atz Mazel tov to R M . K May you keep inspiring Dovi and Devorah on this well the community. deserved honor

r and rs D . M . oshe arris Joseph Halpert M H

Mazel tov to Dani and Ari Schwartz Thank you to on receiving this Rabbi Katz prestigious award from Rabbi Charlop such a nice place of Torah and the Beachwood University May you be zoche to Heights Kollel pass on this special for your generous mesorah to your time and effort. wonderful children.

Avi and Francoise Rob & Karyn Hartstone Jacobs

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Thank you and continued Rabbi Katz Hatzlocha to and the Kollel. Rabbi Katz Rabbi Nadoff Congratulations to and the entire Mr. and Mrs. Beachwood Dovi Zilber University Heights on this well Kollel deserved honor.

Anshel and Yona Mary & Gershon Helman Ireland

Mazel tov on 23 years Thank you of Harbotzas Torah Rabbi Katz and best wishes.

Yehoshua Hershberg Monsey, NY Sam and Lynn Harris

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel Tov In honor of to the honorees Max Belkin Dani and Ari Schwartz and in memory of r ayton est D . L K Bivracha,

Rabbi Avery and Mrs. Barbara Kest Aliza Joel

In honor of Mazel tov to the Rabbi Mordechai Nadoff Honorees

David and Esther Keller Eliyohu Knopf Montreal

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of In honor of the Dani, my friend, Kollel and Rabbi Beer, my chavrusa Rabbi Yitzchock Levin Michael and Devorah Kurin

Tremendous appreciation to In Honor of Rabbi Katz Rabbi Yakov Zev Katz and the Kollel for being core pillars in our Torah and community. Rabbi Shlomo Menachem Aron May Hashem bring great divine assistance in strengthening Torah and tefila to the entire With gratitude, Cleveland community. Mordechai & Vicki Appreciatively, Lichtenstein Yaakov Zalman and Basya Labinsky

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai We wish you much Mazel Tov! Hatzlacha in the future of May you go from this incredible strength to strength Kollel.

Tal Lidsky Aharon and Sarah Lipman

In honor of Rabbi Yankel Velvel Katz In honor of who has done so abbi and rs R M . much to raise ov ilber D Z the level of Torah learning and living in the Green Road area. Aryeh Liebhard

Rhoda Lipton Surfside, Florida

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Yashar Koach to Mazel Tov to the Rabbi Azriel Levine! Kollel Thank you for taking the time to learn with me weekly for the past 3 years! Marcie and Dale Rubin


L’chovod In honor of Rabbi & Rebbetzin Y.V. Katz Rabbi Katz Rabbi & Rebbetzin Charlop, and the Chavrei HaKollel past and Kollel Yungerleit present, and their families. אשריכם שזכיתם להיות שמשים למקום Rabbi and Mrs. Tzvi Rokowsky Yakov Meir and Freyda Sanders

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Our best wishes for much Rabbi Katz success in your Avodas and the entire Kollel. HaKodesh Thanks for all you do. lex and etty A B chnittlinger S Harvey and Ahuva Schabes

It is a pleasure to salute the work of Mazel Tov! Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai From, Gary Schnur Yitzchok Schick and Nancy Gluck

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of the Thank you for continuing Kollel to bring Torah to May you continue in your our community success he erels amily T S F Lynn Schoenfeld and Joel Fisher

In appreciation of Kol HaKavod Rabbi Y. V. Katz, Continued success!!! Rabbi Faivel Katz,

Rabbi Wainbrand, Many thanks to Rabbi Bauman, abbi atz R K and all of the yungeleit for all his caring. in the Kollel.

Thank you for all that you he eftel amily T S F do for the community and our family.

Aaron and Chana Sikowitz and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of our In honor of wonderful neighbors abbi and rs Rabbi Katz R M . ovi ilber and the Kollel D Z A well deserved honor. Best wishes and may you go from strength In honor of ollel ad haim to strength. K Y C Mordechai

r and rs aron Warren and Zahava M . M . A onnenschein Sklar S

In honor of the Mazel tov to the Kollel Beachwood-University Heights Kollel Thank you, Rabbi Katz, for learning with me. Steve and Amy Small

Igor Spira

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of We wish you much r ani and rs rielle Hatzlacha D . D M . A in all your endeavors Schwartz

Karen and Leonard Barbie and Ira Taub Steiger

Wishing continued hatzlocho to the Mazel tov on Kollel 23 years of Harbotzas Torah

Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Torgow Aharon Stein Detroit, MI

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Dan and Rivky Weiss would like to thank Best wishes to the the Kollel Kollel for everything they do for the Jewish community in Cleveland.

arla and ee M L Wishing you continued Weisberg hatzlacha!

Wishing success to the Thank you to Kollel Rabbi Katz for all that you do for the community and beyond Rabbi and Mrs. Dov Zilber

Michael and Rorie Dr. and Mrs. Weisberg Dani Schwartz

Elchonon Weiss

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of our children Shmuel Yaakov Thank you for providing the and Rivky opportunity for me to learn. and our grandson Avrohom Harold Males

Dov and Naomi Katz Baltimore, MD

Thank you Wishing continued abbi atz hatzlocho to the R K for all you do for Kollel this community.

Marc and Holly Stephen Margles Millstein

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In memory of Blanka and Mendel In honor of the Nathan Kollel

Howard and Erika Malachi Muskal Nathan

מזל טוב In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. to Rabbi Y.V. Katz Dovi Zilber and the Beachwood An honor well deserved! niversity eights U H In honor of Kollel on 23 years of in the הרבצת תורה Kollel Yad Chaim community! Mordechai and its dedicated to זוכה Roshei Kollel. May you be continued ברכה והצלחה! Thank you very much for all that you do for our community. Shlomie and Leah

ewman eshy eiman N H N Oak Park, MI

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Wishing much Dov Zilber hatzlocho to the Kollel

haim ordechai eiss C M W Levi Winkler

Thanks to the Kol Hakavod Kollel, ani and ri D A abbi atz and R K and Dov and Devorah. Rabbi Noach Scheinbaum

Ari and Naomi Wiesen Dan Karns and Family

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai אמר רבי יוסי בן קסמא: ”...איני דר אלא במקום תורה“ אבות, פרק ו משנה י In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Dov Thank you abbi atz Zilber R K and and all the Kollel rabbis for making Cleveland into r and rs ani D . M . D a makom of Torah. Schwartz

Shimi and Abby Aloni Jacob and Tamar Pizem Blum’s Party Goods

לכבוד חתני האהוב והיקר הרב ר’ שרגא פייבל קטץ שליט’’א ולכבוד אביו Congratulations הרה’’ג ר’ יעקב זאב קטץ שליט’’א תמשיכו בעבודתכם Dreben/Chiel Family הקדושה

יחיאל ולאה דרילמן

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazal Tov Dani and Ari, Mazel Tov to the may you continue to have Honorees success in all you do!

Ken Levine Jon and Dahna Baskin

To Dov & Devorah Zilber - Best wishes to the נחת Enjoying our from afar! Kollel

Love, Uncle Shimmy The Menchels & Tanta Debbie

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Thank you Rav Pinny Beer shlita Best wishes to the for being a great Kollel chavrusa and teacher.

From, Julian and Ilka Gordon Ari Feiger and Aryeh Graber

In honor of our Dani and Ari – dear children we have great Yitzchok and Esty appreciation for ever שיחיו‘ everything you do for L our community. May you continue to be Keep up the great work. a great source of nachas and inspiration to our families and to the Stephanie & Adam Cleveland community. Wieder and Family Aharon and Miriam Levine

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel Tov to Dovi and Devorah In honor of on their well Dovi & Devorah Zilber deserved honor

Yaakov & Gittel Fischer Shmuel and Monica Goldstein

In honor of Rabbi Faivel Katz Mazel Tov to for all you do for me and Rabbi and Mrs. Zilber my family! on this well deserved honor, and in Congratulations to appreciation for all Rabbi and Mrs. Dovi that you do for the Zilber community. and Hatzlacha! Dr. and Mrs. Dani Schwartz Meir and Miriam Margulies Tzvi and Devorah Turner

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai With our best wishes In honor of the Beachwood-University Heights Kollel Rabbi and Mrs. for its superb Torah learning and Mordechai Dov Fine efforts in the community. Scranton, PA

Abramov Family

In honor of In honor of the Kollel. Kollel Yad Chaim May it go from strength to Mordechai strength A true inspiration!

Ovadia and Ruchel Shmuel & Esther Armstrong Abramowitz

Thank you to my chevrusah’s: Wishing success to the Rabbi Feivel Katz, Kollel Rabbi Beer and Rabbi Nisenbaum for your Torah guidance and Miriam Barkin Friendship

Mr. Daniel Clements

In honor of In honor of Dani and Arielle Schwartz Rabbi and Mrs. Katz Mazel Tov! for all that you do for the Kollel and the Cleveland community. Eric Cooper and Aviva Klein Rabbi and Mrs. Chaim Ellis

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of In honor of our cousins abbi ov and Rabbi Dov and R D evorah ilber Devorah Zilber. D Z Mazel Tov. Mazel Tov!

irdie and enny Aunt Mollie Fisch B L

In memory of Bracha V’hatzlacha! HaRav Elya Galupkin z’’l

From Hersh Leib and Sima Gefen The Galupkin Family

In honor of our friends With gratitude for Ari and Dani Schwartz your good work

Love, Teri and Dan German Giela and Ben Gellis

My neighbors, the Zilbers, Continued growth in Torah and are an exceptional couple. service to God They do coutnless mitzvahs quietly not seeking honor or fame. Dr. Leonard and Marilyn orwitz Barbara Gulko H Cincinnati, OH

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of all the wonderful In honor of learning at my chavrusa abbi eir eibovits Kollel Yad Chaim R M L Mordechai

teve aplan Gary and Lara Isakov S K

Congratulations to the L’ilui Nishmas Schwartz Family HaRav Avrohom on this Well Deserved Award! Chaim Levin zt”l

From Mrs. Esther Levin he ifschutz and Chicago T L Shachter Family

Mazel Tov to the Keep up the good work Honorees Rabbi Katz

Jeff Muller Robin and David Pearl

Thank you to Mazel tov Rabbi Y. Katz Dani and Ari and Rabbi F. Katz on a well deserved honor. for all that you do for the community. Moshe and Penina Popper Sincerely, Eli & Bati Perl

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel Tov In honor of to my children Rabbi and Mrs. Dov Zilber Dani & Arielle Schwartz May they continue to have הצלחה and ברכה on this well deserved honor in all that they do. Sami Schindelheim Avrohom and Chaya Devorah Thav

Mazel Tov to Rabbi Katz Bracha v’hatzlacha! and the entire Kollel!

Thank you for the The Schwabs opportunity to learn!

The Setnik Family

May the Kollel go from In honor of strength to strength Rabbi Sender Stoll and the Daf Yomi Chabura Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Shulman

Totty and Mommy

Mazel tov to all the In honor of abbi and rs atz Honorees R M . Y. V. K for all the Torah you have succeeded in bringing to our city Josh and Elizabeth Sunshine Sruly and Chaya

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Wishing success to the הצלחה רבה Kollel

Mr. and Mrs. H. Weiss Oak Park, MI Avrohom Winer

Hatzlocho and best Mazel Tov to the Honorees wishes to Kollel Yad Chaim ordechai M Rabbi and Mrs. Sholom Shapiro

Robert Zak

In honor of Wishing success to the Dr. and Mrs. Kollel Daniel Schwartz

inyomin bed Micah and Becky Epstein B A

Wishing success to the In honor of abbi atz Kollel R K and his #1 son Rabbi Faivel Katz

ovid ernstein D B Avrohom Cohen DryCast Holdings

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of our son, who was לכבוד אחי ,an avreich of the Kollel יוסף דוב הכהן ליעבערבאן Rabbi Yitzchok and Estie יה”ר שתזכה להמשיך ללמוד וללמד Friedland מתוך שמחת הנפש והרחוות הדעת

Rabbi Binyomin and Suri אחיך ,שלמה Friedland

Thank you Wishing continued Rabbi Katz hatzlocho to the and the Kollel Beachwood Kollel!

FireCoding Group LLC Menachem Levitansky [email protected]

In honor of .Rabbi and Mrs לע’’נ שיינדל Yankel Velvel Katz בת אברהם דב

Abba and Sarah Spero

Mazel Tov on Hatzlocho and best wishes to 23 years Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai of Harbotzas Torah

Aharon Parnes Isaac Flaks

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Thanks to In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Katz Rabbi Yossi Nisenbaum for their dedication to the Alei v’hatzlach u’rechav Cleveland Community. al devar emes.

Rabbi and Mrs. Ephraim The Kibel Family Nisenbaum

Mazel Tov to the Mazel tov on Honorees 23 years and to the of Harbotzas Torah Kollel Yaakov M. Hirschman Lisa Adler Toronto

Thanks to the Bracha V’Hatzlacha! Kollel

Howard and Gity Gluck Yonah Schlesinger

With Appreciation to all of In honor of the Rebbeim at the my chavrusa eachwood niversity B U Rabbi Meyer Lebovits Heights Kollel תודה רבה

ndrew yer Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey & A B Melanie Muller

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BUSINESS SPONSORS

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai SUPPORTER

Wishing the Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai another year of great success!

PINERIDGE FAMILY DENTAL 440-347-9880 Dr. Alan B. Schlesinger 5900 Som Center Road Willoughby, OH

New Patients Welcome!



The Cataract Eye Center of Cleveland

(Downtown, Euclid, Independence)

Ophthalmology & Ophthalmic Surgery “sees” the value of the yungeleit and Kollel to our community

Kol Tuv

Sam Salamon M.D., F.R.C.S.C., F.A.C.S. (216) 574-8900


We join the Kollel in recognizing Dov and Devorah Zilber and Dani and Arielle Schwartz for your involvement and commitment to Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai.

May you and your families be blessed with bracha, hatzlacha and much nachas.

Yasher Koach to Rabbi Y.V. Katz and Rabbi Faivel Katz for all you do for our community.

We extend our gratitude and wish much hatzlacha to the Rabbis and Talmidim of the Kollel - Your wisdom and loyalty is inspiring Tami and Yaron Goldberg Anny and Jeff Zuckerman

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BUILDERCHAI OF TORAH

In loving memory of Alex Daskal z’’l

Eliav and Caroline Sharvit Legacy Health Services 12380 Plaza Drive Parma, 44130

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BUILDERCHAI OF TORAH

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BUILDERCHAI OF TORAH

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BUILDERCHAI OF TORAH

לעיליו נשמת צביה בת ר’ מרדכי צבי

Baruch Chaim & Leeby Manies

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BUILDERGOLD OF TORAH

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BUILDERGOLD OF TORAH


THE THE SOURCE INC INSURANCE Solutions with choices We 6SHFLDOL]H,Q: • Group (PSOR\HU6SRQVRUHGBenefits • Individuals & Families without Group Coverage • 0DUNHWSODFH+HDOWK 3lans • MedLcare Supplements & 0HGLFDUHAdvantage Plans

Ronald Fleeter ".FEJDBM.VUVBM3PZBM1SFGFSSFE"HFOU 7KH%HQHILW6RXUFH,QF 25700 Science Park Drive • Suite 130 Beachwood, Ohio Phone: (216) 595-5300 X101 Fax (216) 595-9658 [email protected] •


Group Employer Marketplace Sponsored Benefits Health Plans

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THE BENEFIT SOURCE inc [email protected] Insurance Solutions with Choices

25700 Science Park Drive P(216) 595-5300 Suite 130 • Beachwood F(216) 595-9658

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BUILDERGOLD OF TORAH

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Serving the Health Care Industry and 2019 will be our 100th Year

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Rosen & Co. Auctions/Appraisals 216-990-1831

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Hakaras Hatov to Rabbi Katz and Rabbi Nadoff for all they do to enhance learning in the community!

Reuven and Georgia Gancz

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Vorys is proud to support Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai.

Bryan J. Farkas Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease llp 200 Public Square | Suite 1400 | Cleveland, Ohio 44114 216.479.6156 | [email protected] |

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In honor of Rabbi Katz Rabbi Lever Menashe Weiser

The Feldmans

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai 21ST CENTURY TECHNOLOGY THINK DIFFERENTLY Supporting businesses with all of their technology and markerting needs!



WWW.YARESCONSULTING.COM [email protected] 856-843-4115

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Building a brighter future.

We are proud to support Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai. Like you, Ulmer & Berne is committed to the communities in which we live and work.

Our business begins with you.®


Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai In appreication to Rabbi Katz and Rabbi Faivel Katz.

Krainess Law Firm, LLC. For all your legal needs. 216.326.HELP (4357). Legal help in Ohio and coming soon for Israel.

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Menorah Park recognizes the important work of the Beachwood Kollel led by Rabbi Yaakov Zev Katz and Rabbi Feivel Katz and all of its members and this year’s honorees.

We honor this shared commitment to the community and Torah study.

Menorah Park • 27100 Cedar Rd., Beachwood, OH 44122 • 216-831-6500 ™

Mazal Tov to And a special Yashar Koach to שליט”א R’ Yankel Velvel Katz for another year of providing a makom Torah in our community

Rubin and Eileen Guttman

Rubin Guttman, Attorney at Law Rubin Guttman & Associates, L.P.A. 55 Public Square, Suite 1860, Cleveland, OH 44113 (216) 696-4006 Personal Injury • Medical Malpractice Business Litigation • Trucking Accidents • Wrongful Death

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Rabbi Yaakov Katz Dr. Dani & Mrs. Arielle Schwartz �olRabbi Dov &Hakavod Mrs. Devorah Zilber For all that you have done to strengthen our Jewish Community

Mandel Jewish Community Mindy Davidson Michael G. Hyman Center Board Chair President & CEO

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai We appreciate all the learning the Kollel has brought to the community.

Tibor and Irene Rosenberg



“A staff of experienced professionals providing excellent customer service”

2551 SOM Center Rd. in Willoughby Hills LEXUS 800-525-7594 •

STORE HOURS: Monday thru Thursday 9-9 • Friday & Saturday 9-6 • 12-4 Last Sunday of the month

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Mazel Tov to the Kollel on this 23rd anniversary dinner.

Sheraton Furniture. 3806 Erie St. Willoughby, OH 44094 440.946.5559 contact: Larry Weisman [email protected]

Michael B. Pasternak Attorney at Law

Phone (216) 360-8500 Park Center II, Suite 411 Fax (216) 360-8501 3681 S. Green Road Cell (216) 403-0848 Beachwood, Ohio 44122 [email protected]

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai

200 Public Square | Suite 2800 | Cleveland, OH 44114 | e: [email protected] | p: 216.274.2450 | f: 216.274.4160


Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai hWishing the INVEST IN ISRAEL BONDS Kollel and all its members much learning for the zechus of the community.

•Adult mental health services •Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for treatment of depression •Acupuncture for mental health, substance use disorders and pain • Suboxone for opiate dependence • Nutritional coaching • Personalized fitness assessment and plans • Group fitness classes: TRX, Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Development Corporation for Israel Running, DJ Hula Hoop, and Boxing Fitness. Please check website for days and times. Commerce Park Building Four Same day appointments available 23240 Chagrin Blvd, Suite 810 Closed on Shabbat and Holidays. Beachwood, OH 44122 Now accepting Medicaid [email protected] 216.454.0180 3435 Lee Rd in Shaker Heights | 216-752-9090| [email protected] Live Well. Feel Good. Strive Daily. This is not an offering, which can be made only by prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before investing to fully evaluate the risks associated with investing in Israel bonds. Issues subject to availability. Member FINRA


(216) 371-2200

Pinny Adler, Moshe Adler

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Bring the Schechina To your Home

Rabbi Yosef Heinemann Certified Shalom Bayis Coach


Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai MARS ELECTRIC COMPANY

Mark and Fran Doris


Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Best wishes and Hatzlocha to the Rosh Kollel and the members of the VINCE’S Beachwood-University Heights Kollel BARBER SHOP

FACTORY STEEL & METAL SUPPLY CO. 14415 Cedar Road, 14020 Oakland Ave. South Euclid, Ohio 44121 (216) 382-0855 Detroit, Michigan 313-883-6300

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BLUE LAKE MARKETING Small business marketing. Big results.

Dovid Rotshtein 216.906.3962

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Ads•Posters•Newsletters•Postcards•Packages•Logos Business Cards•Letterheads•Envelopes•Invitations•Brochures Book Covers•Book Design•Menus•CD Case Covers•More!

check out our portfolio online

Elisheva Halle

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BUILDERBUSINESS OF INDEX TORAH

Accessories Head Shoulders Toes & Bows / Kidichic / Shayna Kessler ... 216.785.BOWS 4446 Groveland Rd / University Heights

Heights Hats / Rabbi Moshe Berger ...... 216.371.9697 3485 Berkeley Rd / Cleveland Heights

The Mimi Boutique ...... 216.378.9306

Rozita’s Fashion Boutique ...... 216.465.4005 2243 Warrensville Center Rd / University Heights

Simcha’s Spectacular ...... 216.932.3130 839 S Taylor Rd / Cleveland Heights

The Mimi Boutique ...... 216.378.9306

Tip Tap Toe ...... 216.432.8155 4446 Groveland Rd. / University Heights [email protected]

Accounting Services BDO / Ken Levine ...... 440.248.8787 32125 Solon Rd / Cleveland

Jack Schubert ...... 216.371.2255 3567 Severn Rd / Cleveland Heights

Mordechai Zimberg CPA ...... 216.333.4927

Peases & Associates / Kuno Bell ...... 216.348.9600

Alterations Alteration Station / Esti Zimberg ...... 216.320.2925


Automotive Al Paul Auto Wash ...... 216.932.9070 2128 Warrensville Center Rd / South Euclid

Artisan Bodyworks / Martin Benade ...... 216.431.1112 3507 Carnegie Ave / Cleveland

Bedford Nissan ...... 440.439.5785 18115 Rockside Rd / Bedford [email protected]

Classic Lexus / Matt Dietz ...... 800.525.7594 2551 SOM Center Rd / Willoughby Hills

FANTastic Auto Sales / David Fant ...... 866.NO.LEMON

K & S Key Duplication / Ely Skorski ...... 216.323.5294

Masterworks Automotive / Boruch Taub ...... 216.321.3134 1789 S Taylor Rd / Cleveland Heights

Business Services 121Ecommerce / Ben Chafetz ...... 216.586.6656 2940 Noble Rd / Cleveland Heights

AdatoSystems / Leon Adato ...... 216.587.2389 [email protected]

Blue Lake Marketing / Dovid Rotshtein ...... 216.906.3962

Computers Made Simple / Binyomin Greenberger . 216.321.1139

DFCreativegroup / Devorah Juravel ...... 216.319.3003 [email protected]


E.L. Writers / Shevy Schottenstein ...... 216.906.6841 [email protected]

Economy PR / Hugh Taylor ...... 310.383.7041

Eveready Printing / Scott Wolfson ...... 216.587.2389 20700 Miles Parkway / Cleveland

FireCoding Group LLC / Yehoshua Raher ... [email protected]

Porath Print Source / Gerry Engelhart ...... 216.626.0060 21000 Miles Pkwy

Yares Consulting ...... 856.843.4115 [email protected]

Younique Grafix / Elisheva Halle ...... 614.572.8971 [email protected]

Cleaning Services Coit ...... 1.800.FOR.COIT

Fairmount Cleaners / Steve Grace ...... 216.371.1241 2163 S Taylor Rd / Cleveland Heights

Green and Clean ...... 216.312.6371

Tip Top Cleaners / Nisson Heifetz ...... 330.333.2572

Cosmetics Makeup by Design / Aviva Kutoff ...... 216.798.2611


Makeup by Baila Hiller ...... 732.245.2267

The Cosmetic Corner / Yehudis Dick ...... 216.401.7765

Educational Intervention/Therapy A+ Solutions / Hadassa Meyers ...... 216.896.0111 [email protected]

Advanced Therapy Solutions / Aliza Feldman ...... 216.223.8761 [email protected]

Building Blocks Therapy ...... 216.282.1234

Certified Shalom Bayis Coach / Rabbi Yosef Heinemann ...... 216.233.7654 [email protected]

Clinical Social Worker / Chaim Ellis ...... 216.650.5889

Financial Services Israel Bonds ...... 216.454.0180 23240 Chagrin Blvd, Suite 810 / Beachwood [email protected]

Wells Fargo Advisors / Jordan Lefko ...... 216.574.7246 950 Main Ave, Suite 300 / Cleveland [email protected]

Fitness Curves ...... 216.932.0900

KISS Swim ......


Mandel JCC ...... 216.831.0700 26001 S Woodland Rd / Beachwood

Ultimate Workout & Recovery ......

Food, Catering, & Restaurants Arova Shawarma & Falafel ...... 216.465.1009 14483 Cedar Rd / South Euclid

The Bagel Shoppe ...... 216.382.5138 1982 Warrensville Center Rd / South Euclid

Bar Sushi ...... 216.920.2224 2169 S Green Rd / Cleveland

Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream ...... 216.397.5700 20650 North Park Blvd / University Heights

Boris ...... 216.382.5330 14406 Cedar Rd / Cleveland

Chef Dave’s Catering ...... 216.370.7367 2463 S Green Rd [email protected]

Chocolate Emporium ...... 216.554.7763 4226 Mayfield Rd / Cleveland

Dave’s Markets / Bart Saltzman ...... 216.361.5130 [email protected]

Davis Catering ...... 216.321.7945 1805 S Taylor Rd / Cleveland Heights

Fishstix ...... 216.777.FISH (3474) 14480 Cedar Rd / Beachwood

Freshko ...... 216.382.5138


Grand Judaica Grand Coffee ...... 216.321.7200 1873 S Taylor Rd / Cleveland Heights Issi’s ...... 216.291.9600 14431 Cedar Rd / South Euclid

Jade Chinese Kitchen ...... 216.938.6982 14421 Cedar Rd / South Euclid

Kantina ...... 216.321.1079 11303 Euclid Ave / Cleveland

Kinneret ...... 216.321.1404 1869 S Taylor Rd / Cleveland Heights

Love Plus Flour / Isabelle Adato ......

Ohio Kosher / Tamara & Gary Witkes ...... 508.317.7656 [email protected]

Sababa ...... 216.381.7222 14417 Cedar Rd / South Euclid

Subway at the J ...... 216.765.1925 26001 S Woodland Rd / Beachwood

Sushi2Go / A. Y. Nakdimen ...... 718.772.4026

Tibor’s ...... 216.381.7615 2185 S Green Rd / University Heights

Unger’s ...... 216.321.7176 1831 S Taylor Rd / Cleveland Heights

Funeral Services Berkowitz Kumin Bookatz ...... 216.932.7900


Gemach & Chesed Chaverim ...... 216.455.0202

The Chesed Center ...... 216.932.3115 [email protected]

The Cleveland Gemach / Bina Drazin ...... 216.321.9393

Hair Care & Wigs Adam’s Barbershop ...... 216.321.8100 2245 Warrensville Center Rd / University Heights

Fariba Diamond ...... 216.932.0082

Mika’s Wig Boutique ...... 216.382.2954 2199 S Green Rd / University Heights

Vince’s Barbershop ...... 216.382.0855 14415 Cedar Rd / South Euclid

Health Beachwood Plastic Surgery and Medical Spa ...... 216.514.8899 3618 Park E Dr / Beachwood Dr. Steven Goldman /

Beltone Hearing / Joyce Fried ...... 440.946.0260

Cataract Eye Center / Sam Salamon ...... 216.574.8900

Cleveland Clinic ...... 216.444.CARE

Esra Home Health Care / Shifra Rennert ...... 216.322.9889


3662 Severn Rd / Cleveland Heights

Orthopedist / Dr. Mark Berkowitz ...... 216.621.4060 2322 E 22 St, Suite 201 / Cleveland

Pediatric Cardiologist / Dr. Ira Taub ...... 216.896.0351

Pediatric Partners of Cleveland / Dr. Daniel C. Worthington ... 216.514.0100 23250 Chagrin Blvd, #130 / Beachwood

Pineridge Family Dental / Dr. Alan Schlesinger ...... 440.347.9880 5900 SOM Center Rd / Willoughby

Strive Mental Health and Wellness ...... 216.752.9090 3435 Lee Rd / Shaker Heights

University Hospitals ...... 216.844.8447

University Suburban Health Center ...... 216.382.9492 1611 S Green Rd / South Euclid

University Suburban Pediatrics / Dr. Rachel Garber ..... 216.297.2700 1611 S Green Rd, Suite 034 / South Euclid

Home Goods Biancheria Linen Shoppe / Shevy Jacobs ...... 917.600.7705

BlossumBleu / Dina Halpern ...... 216.402.9235

Home Repair & Improvement Awesome Tech Appliance Repair / Menachem Zimberg ...... 216.906.0251

Bonim Builders / Elozar Mann ...... 216.374.5505


Cedar Center Hardware ...... 216.291.1111 1970 Warrensville Center Rd / South Euclid

Dave’s Electric / Dave & Sam Neuman ...... 216.371.1580

Elie’s Plumbing / Elie Elbaz ...... 216.371.5256

Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning ...... 216.403.9760 Shimon Schlesinger

High Rock Pest Control / Moshe Rokowsky ...... 216.202.4398

Master My Space / Adina Forouzan ...... 440.847.8224 [email protected]

Phil Brown Heating and Air Conditioning ...... 216.371.2200 Pinny Adler / Moshe Adler

SEMA Builders / Sender Traube ...... 216.640.7575 [email protected]

Superior Home Remodeling ...... 216.513.0449

Wolf Appliance Repair ...... 216.932.6003

Home Supplies Bloom Brothers Supply / Bob Bloom ...... 440.729.7336 941 Mayfield Rd / Chesterland [email protected]

Sheraton Furniture / Larry Weisman ...... 440.946.5559 3806 Erie St / Willoughby

Insurance Cunix Insurance / David Cunix ...... 216.292.8700


6690 Beta Dr, Suite 212 / Mayfield Village

Health Markets Insurance Agency / Ben Siegfried ... 216.835.1255 [email protected]

Kozuch Insurance Services / Roger Kozuch ...... 216.397.5890 [email protected]

The Benefit Source, Inc. / Ron Fleeter ...... 216.595.5300 ext. 101 25700 Science Park Dr, Ste 130 / Beachwood

Jewelry Nicholas Jewelers ...... 216.381.3075 2161 S Green Rd / University Heights

Judaica Frank’s Hebrew Bookstore ...... 216.291.9857 14425 Cedar Rd / South Euclid

Grand Judaica ...... 216.321.7200 1873 S Taylor Rd / Cleveland Heights

Lawn Care Blossom Earthworks & Design / Shui Cohen ...... 216.633.1669

Legal Services Benesch Law / Harry Brown ...... 216.363.4606

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai BUILDERBUSINESS OF INDEX TORAH [email protected]

Benesch Law / Alan Schabes ...... 216.363.4589 [email protected]

Beth Baker ...... 216.702.2456 [email protected]

Hahn Law / Aaron Evenchik ...... 216.274.2450 [email protected]

Krainess Law Firm / Jonathan Krainess ...... 216.320.HELP 23366 Commerce Park, Suite 101-A / Beachwood [email protected]

Michael B. Pasternak ...... 216.360.8500 Park Center II, Suite 411, 3681 S. Green Rd / Beachwood [email protected]

Gutt Law / Rubin Guttman ...... 216.696.4006 55 Public Square, Suite 1860 / Cleveland

Schwartz Law Firm / Fred Schwartz ...... 216.397.0111 [email protected]

Ulmer / Dan Gottesman ...... 216.583.7166 [email protected]

Vorys / Bryan Farkas ...... 216.479.6156 200 Public Square, Suite 1400 / Cleveland

Music A Y Productions / A.Y. Nakdimen ...... 216.456.6222 [email protected]

Cle Zemer ...... 216.318.7390

One Mann Band / Shmuel Yaakov Mann ...... 440.669.2041

Shir Chodosh / Yosef A Greenberger ...... 877.NOT.LOUD


Office Supplies Discount Tape ‘N Roll ...... 216.906.3097 [email protected]

Party Balloon Creations / Devorah Turner ...... 216.932.0605 3613 Shannon Rd / Cleveland Heights

Blum’s Party Goods ...... 216.381.PAPER 14437 Cedar Rd / South Euclid

Property Management Premier REI / Jeff Zuckerman and Yaron Goldberg ...... (866) 944-4480

Realtor Berkshire Hathaway Home Services / David Pearl ...... 440.893.9190 24555 Chagrin Blvd / Moreland Hills [email protected]

Berkshire Hathaway Home Services / Sharon Friedman ...... 216.338.3233 [email protected]

Century 21 / Yitzchok Horowitz ...... 216.556.2210

Century 21 / Georgia Gancz ...... 216.299.0044 [email protected]

Howard Hanna / Liza (Ruti) Wolf ...... 216.721.1210


Keller Williams - The Socher Team / Coby Socher ...... 216.258.9951 [email protected]

Keller Williams - The Socher Team / Shoshana Socher . 216.255.7377 [email protected]

Keller Williams / Gavi Septon ...... 216.262.4700 [email protected]

Senior Care Legacy Health Services ...... 216.898.8399 12380 Plaza Drive / Parma

Menorah Park ...... 216.831.6500 27100 Cedar Rd / Beachwood

Montefiore ...... 216.910.2650 One David N. Myers Parkway / Beachwood

Sporting Goods Play It Again Sports / Matt Weisberg ...... 440.461.8474 455 Mayfield Rd / Lyndhurst

Travel Chani Katz ...... 216.360.9153

Coconut Travel / Elazar Saks ...... 216.965.4216 [email protected]

JAX Airport Limo ...... 440.318.5453

Kollel Yad Chaim Mordechai