Ross Reports -Television Index
ROSS REPORTS -TELEVISION INDEX JANUARY 7-13, 1957 VOLUME NUMBER 2 PROGRAMS ADVERTISERS TALENT 551 Fifth Avenue New York 17 MUrray Hill 2-5910 EDITOR: Jerry Leichter PUBLISHED BY TELEVISION INDEX, INC. WEEKLY REPORT THIS WEEK -- NETWORK DEBUTS & HIGRT.TGHTS Thursday(Jan 10) POOL- 12:30-1pm EST; SPECIAL - President Eisenhower's State of the Union Message - LIVE fromWRC-TV(Wash), to the NBC net, via pool arrangements to the ABC net. § Public service. § Prod- NBC News(Wash) for the pool. § President Eisenhower's State of the Union message to Congress will be simulcast live from the Chamber of the House of Representatives. Saturday(Jan 12) ABC- 7-7:30pm EST; DEBUT - This Is Galen Drake - LIVE fromWABC-TV(NY), 18 sta- tions live and delayed. § Sponsor- Skippy Peanut Division (Peanut Butter), The Beet Foods, Inc., thru Guild, Bascom & Bonfigli,Inc(San Fran). § Pkgr- William Morris Agency(NY); Prod & Dir- Don Appel. § Storyteller Galen Drake is host of this variety show, spinning yarns, discussing timely events, occasionally interviewing guests, and also acting as m.c. for variety portions of the program which will feature singers backed by an orchestra. THIS WEEK -- REGULAR NETWORK SPECIALS NBC- Producers' Showcase (Every 4th Mon,8-9:30pmEST) Jan 7; "Call to Freedom," an NBC 'Project 20' filmed documentary of Austria's struggle for freedom thruthe years, keyed to reopening of the Vienna State Operain 1955; Pod- Henry Salomon; Writers- Salomon, Richard Hanser, Philip Reisman, Jr; Asst Prod- Donald Hyatt; Edited By- Isaac Kleinerman; FILM from WRCA-TV(NY). NBC TV Opera Theatre (6 during season, Sat orSun); Sun, Jan 13, 1:30-4pm EST; "War and Peace," American premiere of Serge Prokofiev's opera; English version by Joseph Machlis; LIVE (COLOR) from WRCA-TV(NY).
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