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Podujevo/Podujevë Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe MISSION IN KOSOVO Democratisation Municipal Profile: Podujevo/Podujevë 17 April 2000 Leposavic Leposaviq Kosovska Mitrovica Mitrovice Zubin Potok Zvecan Zubin Potok Zvecan PODUJEVO PODUJEVE Vucitrn Istok Vushtrri Istog Srbica Skenderaj Obilic Pristina Pec Obiliq Prishtine Peje Kosovo Polje Klina Glogovac Kosovska Fushe Kosove Kline Gllogoc Novo Brdo Kamenica Novo Berde Kamenica Decani Lipljan Decan Lipjan Stimlje Orahovac Gnjilane Rahovec Shtime Suva Reka Urosevac Gjilani Djakovica Suhareke Ferizaj Gjakove Vitina Viti Strpce Kacanik Shterpce Prizren Kacaniku Prizren Gora Dragashi Map of Kosovo, produced by the HCIC GIS Unit March 2000. Boundaries or place names do not imply official recognition by UNMIK or the OSCE. Table of Contents 1. Introduction ...........................................................................................................3 Table 1.1: Ethnic Composition, Including IDPs.......................................................3 2. Civil Administration................................................................................................3 Table 2.1: UN-Appointed Municipal Council .........................................................3 Table 2.2: UN-Appointed Administrative Board ....................................................4 3. Political Parties.......................................................................................................5 Table 3.1: Political Parties .....................................................................................5 4. Local and International NGOs ................................................................................5 Table 4.1: Local NGOs based in Podujevo..............................................................6 5. Other Civilian International Presence ......................................................................6 Table 5.1: The Four Pillars .....................................................................................6 6. Religion, Places of Worship, and Cultural Institutions.............................................6 7. Media.....................................................................................................................6 Table 7.1: List of Major Newspapers, TV/Radio Stations, etc.................................7 8. Judicial System.......................................................................................................7 Table 8.1: Judges of Municipal Court .....................................................................7 Table 8.2: Judges of Minor Offences Court.............................................................7 9. Police, Civil Protection, and Military Presence........................................................7 Table 9.1: Police, Civil Protection, and Military Presence........................................8 10. Economics............................................................................................................8 10.1 Major Employers in the Region.......................................................................8 11. Infrastructure........................................................................................................8 12. Social Services, Health, and Education .................................................................9 Appendix: Map of the Municipality This document may be multiplied and freely circulated but should not be quoted without stating the source. 2 1. Introduction Podujevo/Podujevë municipality is in the north-east corner of Kosovo, north of Pristina with a size of 633 km2. The Lap/Llap hills west of the town of Podujevo/Podujevë were a Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK) stronghold. The total number of villages within the municipality is 78, including the town of Podujevo/Podujevë. In early March 1999 the Mayor of Podujevo estimated the number of Kosovo Serbs in the municipality to be around 1,650, of whom half were in Podujevo town. According to the Mother Theresa Society, a local NGO, at that time there were already 33,000 IDPs in the municipality (the current figure is estimated at around 1,000). The current population of the municipality, which is about 99% Kosovo Albanian, amounts to approximately 117,000 persons including the approximately 35,000 inhabitants of Podujevo town. There are only two elderly Kosovo Serbs living in Podujevo town, whereas approximately 40 Kosovo Serbs live in a small enclave under KFOR protection. Podujevo hosts a Roma-Ashkaelia minority, which is located in Podujevo town and its surrounding areas. According to local Ashkaelia representatives, there has been no discrimination directed towards them and the minority considers itself as an integral part of the existing Kosovo Albanian population of Podujevo municipality. Table 1.1: Ethnic Composition, Including IDPs Population K-Albanians K-Serbs Ashkaelia Total Number % Number % Number % Number % 1991 census 89,290 98,1 1,152 1.3 223 0.2 91,011 100 March 1999 App. App. App. App. 120,000 98 1,650 1 1200 1 122,000 100 Current App. App. App. population 116,000 99 40 ~0 1000 1 117,000 100 Source: 1991 census data; Kosovo/Kosova: As Seen As Told. OSCE Human Rights Report, 1999. Volume 1, p. 299.; UNMIK 2. Civil Administration The UN Administrator appointed members of the Municipal Council on 18 December 1999. The Council members (listed below) consist of representatives of the political parties as well as representatives of so-called professional groups. The Municipal Council aims to reflect the current political make-up of Podujevo municipality: the Party of Democratic Progress in Kosovo (PPDK) and the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) have two representatives each, whereas the other parties have one representative. The role of the professional interest groups, such as the Mother Theresa Society, the Lawyer’s Association and the Women’s Forum, is to advise the political representatives by participating actively in the work of the Council. Table 2.1: UN-Appointed Municipal Council Name Function Party-affiliation/ representation Siegfried Brenke UN Municipal Administrator None Sylejman Gashi Local Municipal Representative PPDK Agim M. Kikaj LDK Representative LDK Skender Rr. Gashi LDK Representative LDK Fatmir Humolli LKÇK Representative LKÇK Ali Podvorica PNDSH Representative PNDSH Naim Fetahu PPDK Representative PPDK Naim Kadriu PPDK Representative PPDK 3 Ali Lahu PPK Representative PPK Shaban Krasniqi PSDK Representative PSDK Nazmi Halimi * PSHDK Representative PSHDK Jusuf Ejupi UNIKOMB Representative UNIKOMB Agim Hyseini Minority Group Representative Hashkali Community Qasim Musa Local NGO Representative (Humanitarian) Mother Theresa Aziz Podvorica Representative of Professional Group Lawyer’s Association Jusuf Azemi Representative of Professional Group Trade Unions Lumnje Kajtazi Representative of Women Women’s Group Ilaz Maliqi Representative of Youth None * Mr. Halimi resigned on 2 March. New PSHDK representative to be appointed. The Municipal Council in March 2000 agreed with the idea of forming a civil administration structure of seven departments, under which there are several directorates. After long discussions among the political parties, the UN Administrator, and the OSCE, the Municipal Council on 6 April 2000 endorsed the UN Administrator’s proposal for department heads. One week later, and after consultations with the new department heads, the UN Administrator also appointed the directors of the directorates. The Municipal Administrative Board (the UN Administrator plus the directors of departments and directorates) was thus formed. Table 2.2: UN-Appointed Administrative Board Name Function Party-affiliation Siegfried Brenke UN Municipal Administrator None S. Gashi President PPDK A. Veliu Vice-President LDK I. Begolli Secretary UNIKOMB H. Shala Director, General Administration Department PSHDK Haif Mehmeti Director, Personnel, Serv. Directorate PSHDK Tahir Sahiti Director, Legal Affairs Directorate PPDK Selim Haziri Director, KPC-Liason Off. Directorate - E. Visoka Director, Fiscal and Economic Affairs Department LDK Mehmet Gashi Director, Budget, Finance Directorate LDK Fadi Hodolli Director, Public Enterprises Directorate LDK Isak Mehmeti Director, Industrial Econ. Directorate LDK Dr. M. Avdiu Director, Social Affairs, Housing and Health Department PPDK Hatixhe Jakubi Director, Social Policy Directorate - Ramadan Salihi Director, Housing Directorate - Dr. Thaci Director, Health Directorate LDK S. Bulliqi Director, Education, Culture, and Sports Department LDK Bajram Blaku Director, Education Directorate PPDK Neschmi Balaj Director, Culture Directorate LDK Shahin Sfihta Director, Youth Directorate PPDK I. Hyseni Director, Reconstruction and Urban Development Department PPDK Daut Retkoceri Director, Urban Development Directorate LKCK Sefqet Maloku Director, Cadastre Directorate LDK Ismet Namani Director, Transport Directorate PPDK B. Ajeti Director, Regional Development, Agriculture, and Environ. Depart. PPDK Ismet Fejzullahu Director, Village Development Directorate PPDK Isak Racovica Director, Agriculture Directorate - Rasim Fejza Director, Environment Directorate LDK A. Ahmeti Director, Public Relations and Democratisation Department LDK Bajram Berami Director, Public Relations Directorate PPDK Ejup Babatinca Director, Democratisation Directorate LDK Haxhere Murati Director, Statistics Directorate PPDK 4 3. Political Parties Nine political parties are currently active in the Podujevo area. These include PPDK, LDK, LKÇK, PSDK (two branches),
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