Music Engraving and Typesetting
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Peter Trubinov Music Engraving and Typesetting Portfolio Helsinki 2013 Alexander Knaifel Alice in Wonderland . Opera. Fragment of the score 2 Compozitor Publishing House St. Petersburg, Russia Sergei Slonimski Der Meister und Margarita. Choral music Opera. German edition, Valery Gavrilin instrumental parts. 2000. Complete edition, vol. I. Igor Tsvetkov Chimes , choir symphony. Concerto of Strolling 2001. Musicians . For two Alexander Grechaninov trumpets, French horn, Liturgia Domestica for choir trombone and tuba. Score and piano/organ. 2000. and parts. 2000. Dmitry Smirnov Laudamus te. Prayers . 2002. Piano reductions Nikolai Efimov Anatoly Lyadov Remember the Evening… Kikimora . Symphonic poem 2007. arranged for 2 piano Yury Falik by Igor Manasherov. 1999. Miraculous Images. 2005. César Cui A Feast in Time of Plague . Opera. Piano vocal score. Orchestra scores 1999. Sergei Rakhmaninov Valery Gavrilin The Covetous Knight . Opera. Complete edition, Piano vocal score. 1999. vol. III. Skomorokhs (Buffons) for soloists, choir Instrumental music and orchestra. Gennady Vavilov Full score. 2003. 20th Century . Sonata No. 15 Complete edition, for piano. 1999. vol. IV. War letters. Ilya Gringolts Land (The Earth) for soloists, choir Preludes and Waltzes and orchestra. for violin and piano. 2000. Full score. 2005. Sonata Bachiana for solo violin . 2000. Alexander Knaifel Sergei Slonimsky Alice in Wonderland . Intermezzo in Brahms Opera. Full score. 2001. Memory for piano. 2001. Gustav Mahler Russian folk songs Symphony No. 10 / bearb. arranged for piano. Edited F. Bouwman. Sample by Natalia Prokhorova. of parallel edition. 2001. 2008. 3 National Sviridov Foundation St. Petersburg — Moscow, Russia Music Georgy Sviridov. by Georgy Sviridov Complete edition Anthem of Russia . 2000. Vol. III. Kursk Songs Kutuzov’s Tomb for bass solo, for soloists, choir and bass choir and orchestra orchestra. Full score. 2003. completed by Gennady Vol. X. Romances and songs Belov. 1999. for voice and piano. 2002. (Performed 5.06.1999 Vol. XI. Romances and songs . by Mariinsky theatre for voice and piano. 2007. orchestra conducted by Valery Gergiev). Vol. XII a. Songs on Lyrics by English Poets . 2012. Othello . 2000. Vol. XIII. Romances and songs Symphony for Strings . 2000. for voice and piano. 2004. Vol. XVIII. Choruses . 2003. Vol. XX. Choruses . 2004. Vol. XXI. Prayers for choir. 2001. Vol. XXVI а. String Quartet No. 2. String Quintet . 2008. Georgy Sviridov Kursk Songs . Fragment of the score 4 Universal Edition Vienna, Austria Johann Sebastian Bach, Alban Berg Victoria Borisova-Ollas Eberhard Kloke Kanon an das Frankfurter Angelus for orchestra. Full Passionsskizze für Soli, zwei Operahaus bearbeitet score and parts. 2008. Gesangsquartette und zwei für 9 Streichen (oder Djurgården Tales for two Instrumentalgruppen Streichorchester) arr. pianos. 2012. (ver. 1). Score and parts. by Alfred Schnittke. 2007. 2010. Golden Dances of Pharaohs Der Wein arranged for clarinet and orchestra. Passionsskizze für Soli, zwei by Eberhard Kloke. Score, parts. 2010. Gesangsquartette Full score and parts. 2007. und zwei Orchester (ver. 2). Golden Dances of Pharaohs Drei Bruchstucke Score and parts. 2010. for clarinet solo. 2011. aus der Oper Lulu . Nikolai Badinski Arr. by Eberhard Kloke. Hamlet for trombone and Konzert № 3 für Violine Full score— 2007. orchestra. Score and parts. und Orchester. Full score, 2009, 2011. Lulu Fantasy for piano piano reduction and parts. by Marvin Wolfthal. 2007. Psalm 42 for orchestra, mixed 2011, 2012. choir and soloists. An Leukon for singing Ludwig van Beethoven, Score, parts, organ vocal and orchestra. Score, parts, Barry Cooper score, choir score. 2009. piano vocal score in two Symphony No. 10 . scales. 2009. Träumerei for orchestra. Full score, parts. 2012. Score, parts. 2010. Das stille Königreich for singing and orchestra. Wunderbare Leiden for two Score, parts, piano vocal pianos and orchestra. score in two scales. 2009. Score, parts. 2010. Die Sorglichen for singing and orchestra. Score, parts, piano vocal score in two scales. 2009. Schliesse mir die Augen beide for singing and orchestra. Score, parts, piano vocal score in two scales. 2009. 5 Walter Braunfels Szenen aus dem Leben der Heiligen Johanna . Opera. Choral score. 2008. Alberto Colla Le rovine de Palmira for orchestra. 2000. Morton Feldman Neither , Opera in one act for soprano and orchestra. Full score and parts. 2006. Christobald Halffter Brecht-Lieder für Singstimme und Orchester. Full score and parts. 2006. Leoš Janáček 1.X.1905. Sonate für Klavier arranged for orchestra by Theo Verbey. Score and parts. 2008. Füchslein , opera. Piano-vocal score of children edition. 2008. Mša Glagolskaja. Erstfassung. Piano vocal score and choir score. 2009. Mša Glagolskaja . Fassung letzter Hand. Piano vocal score and choir score. 2009. Johann Kalliwoda Divertissement for oboe solo and orchestra. Full score, piano reduction, instrumental parts. 2007. Alberto Colla Le rovine de Palmira . Fragment of the score 6 Gustav Mahler Frank Martin Jay Schwartz Sieben frühe Lieder for voice Fox Trot for orchestra. Music for Saxophone and Piano . and orchestra arranged Full score, parts. 2001. Full score, parts. 2012. Joseph Marx by Eberhard Kloke. Music for Voices and Orchestra . Full score and parts. 2013. Berghymne für gemischten Parts. 2008. Chor und Orchester. Das Lied von der Erde for soli Zwielicht . Music for Three Full score and parts. 2006. and chamber ensemble Trombones, Voices and arr. by Glen Cortese. Ein Neujahrshymnus Organ. Parts. 2012. Score and parts. 2010. für gemischten Chor Johannes Maria Staud und Orchester. Das Lied von der Erde for soli Über trügerische Stadtpläne and chamber orchestra Full score and parts. 2006. und die Versuchungen der arr. by Glen Cortese. David Sawer Winternächte (Dichotomie II) . Score and parts. 2010. From Morning to Midnight Parts. 2009. Klavierquartett für suite for orchestra. Fred Sturm Streichorchestra arr. by Full score and parts. 2005. Forever Spring for Narrator Alexander Asteriades. 2000. Rumpelstiltskin Suite and Orchestra. Symphony No. 1 for orchestra. Full score and parts. 2006. arr. by Klaus Simon. Full score, parts. 2012. Karol Szymanowski, Full score and parts. 2009. Arnold Schönberg, Sakari Oramo Symphony No. 4 Scott Dunn Pieśni księżniczki z baśni . arr. by Klaus Simon. Vier Brettl-Lieder für Gesang Full score, piano vocal Full score and parts. 2007. und Kammerorchester. score, parts. 2012. Symphony No. 10 Full score, parts. 2012. Pieces for flute by modern arr. by Rudolf Barshai. composers. 2007. Full score and parts. 2001. Christobald Halffter Brecht-Lieder . Fragment of the score 7 Others Maury Laws Mily Balakirev Grande fantaisie sur airs Christmas music . Set of songs nationales Russe for choir, soloists and for Piano and Orchestra. Alex Levine Orchestra. Full score and Full score. 2007. Liturgy for choir.—London: parts.— NY: Thompson Edition Peters, 2013. Music Group, 2006. Modest Mussorgsky ’Twas The Night Before Songs and Dances of Death . Christmas for Narrator and 2011. Orchestra. Full score and Tableaux d’une exposition parts.— NY: Thompson arranged for chamber Music Group, 2007. orchestra by Gleb Skvortsov. Raphaël Cendo Gennady Belov Full score and parts. 2012. In Vivo for string quartet.— Ten Poems by Pushkin Paris: Editions Billaudot, Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov for voice and piano.— 2008, 2010. Scheherazade arranged St. Petersburg— by Gleb Skvortsov Bertrand Dubedout Magnitogorsk: TAN for chamber orchestra. Vrishti for piano.— Agency, 1999. Full score and parts. 2010. Paris: Billaudot, 2010. Peter Ryazanov Heinz-Juhani Hofmann Chastushki suite for chamber Ahti Karjalainen — elämä, ensemble. Full score. 1999. Kekkonen ja teot . Opera. Instrumental parts.— TPO Composer Helsinki, 2012. Selima and Gassan . Opera. (Performed 31.05.2012 Piano vocal score. 2011. by Kokkola Opera Vladimir Agopov conducted by Dalia Ergo for violin and piano.— Stasevska). Helsinki, 2009. Clarinetto sonate .— Helsinki, 2012. Franz Liszt, Vladimir Rylov Dante-symphony . Choir score. 2011. Kurt Weill Zaubernacht . Piano vocal score.— European American Music Corporation, 2009. 8 Books Layouting, Music Samples in Books П. И. Чайковский. Наследие. Ручьевская Е. А., Сухова Л., Курочкин Л. Г., Сб. статей. В 2-х вып. Горячих В. В. Бурдина Н. В. [Peter Chaikovsky. Heritage Пушкин в русской опере . Настройка фортепиано . Vol. 1-2. Musicology [Yekaterina Ruchievskaya, [Leonid Kurochkin, articles].— St. Petersburg: Liia Sukhova, Vladimir Natalia Burdina. Tuning Conservatory, 2000. Goriachikh . the piano ]— CPH, 1999. Pushkin in Russian opera ]— Бровко В. Губная гармошка: Корыхалова Н. П. St. Petersburg: как играть? что играть? Музыкально- [Valery Brovko . Harmonica: Conservatory, 1999. исполнительские термины . how to play? what to play? ]— «Музыкальное приношение» [Natalia Korykhalova . CPH, 1999. к 75-летию Е. А. Ручьевской . Music Performing [Music Tribute Terminology ]— CPH, 2000. Процюк Д. Б. [Daniil Protsuk] to 75 anniversary of Yekaterina Шиндер Л. Н. Штрихи Исполнительское искусство Ruchievskaya]— струнной группы органиста St. Petersburg: «Kanon», 1998. симфонического оркестра . [Performing art of organ [Lev Shinder. Articulation player ].— CPH, 1997. Классика и XX век . [Classics and 20th Century . in String Group of Symphonic Техника и культура игры Musicology articles]— Orchestra ]— CPH, 2000. на органе [Technique St. Petersburg: and Culture of the Organ Conservatory, 1999. Playing ].— CPH, 2006. 9 Лебедев С., Поспелова Р. Дмитриевский В.