Junior, Lewis D.Toc.Pdf
The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project LEWIS D. JUNIOR Interviewed by: Charles Stuart Kennedy Initial interview date: May 21, 1991 Copyright 1998 A ST TABLE OF CONTENTS Background Born in Kansas aised in Mid-West and Texas U.S. Air Force, World War II University of Kentucky Joined the Foreign Service in 1,5. /agos, Nigeria 1,51-1,51 2ice Consul 0igeria in transition Palermo, Italy 1,51-1,54 efugee elief Act 2isas The Mafia Scott Mc/eod Hamburg, 6ermany 1,54-1,5, Administrative work Hungarian refugees Bonn, 6ermany 1,5,-1,4. Staff aide to Ambassador Bruce Dealing with the ussians Adenauer Eleanor Dulles 0ATO Affairs 1,4.-1,41 9Infrastructure: problems Defense Department shenanigans De 6aulle pulls out of NATO 1 Addis Abba, Ethiopia 1,41-1,47 Organization of African Unity Soviet influence Ambassador Korry Haile Selassie African problems Political/Military Bureau 1,47-1,4, Operations Dealing with the Pentagon Military aid and sales programs Personnel 1,4,-1,71 Personnel policies Computers Senior Seminar /ubumbashi, Zaire 1,72-1,74 Consular Officer Belgium influence and dominance Sheba invasions Corruption American missionaries ome, Italy 1,74-1,77 Political Officer Ambassador 2olpe ItalyAs Foreign Ministry Africa BureauB Central Africa 1,77-1,7, Director Mobutu Angola Andrew Coung and his U0 Staff 9Secret Mission: to Angola /iberals in African Bureau Zaire MobutuAs visit to U.S. Personnel 1,8.-1,82 Senior officer placement Problems in placement Time-in-class problems otterdam, The Netherlands 1,82-1,84 2 Consul 6eneral Closing of Consulate 6eneral Ambassador Paul Bremer INTERVIEW E0ote: This transcript was not edited by Mr.
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