

Adv_,rtisements. Miscellaneous. Items. -1'n& Naw Bttmsn Boan.-Tb.. totl\1 Xr 0 1&41\one'a plan ot H~ Bul• to Ad.Aert.isements. Advertisements. nou1ber or mtmben in the new Rritlth be KocUa.d.-Wha~ Be hopea to ~'~------~~~~ Itollie of COCIIOIODI will be 670, dinrlbat. The O~hoWlde of t.he AtlaDUo. TilE IIUSEST FAnliElL .t.chi•••· A acepllc.'l fl\r roor Aend:t the follo .. in~; 1- od ulollowa: ST. JOHN'S PHQrta which.. Pfi•a ·c4teo­ theh onle111, and wonld lntlouate at tho Tho new parllftmen~ meeta JAnuary 11. llaro thecn•eltea or their profltabl<•neq, for with· mother CIIUntry in oloae and conat~nl Cl\ble lalinJr u to bia Intention• in o~t011 """"' time thlll be h .. racilltia for perfonu­ J n tile latt parliMoent tbe re • ere 800 Lib· TRUSTERS .\ DIHECTOR!!. in the pat~ few yel\tttbey 1•1\ve Rddtd tn communication with all her colonic• 1\nd public opinion and 100 bow far be d•r iug • ork in hit line wltb untqualled de· eral1 247 Conaervalin&. 61 llomo ltulera, ,J a.eph \\' rn. llasendtt.le, Lac}. tlttir fleelu mAny Ill fh•t Of the fAttrlt lind rleJM:ndcnciu. Tho ayttem nnder con•id· JlO. t he rn10 alfceeeded admlrabl1. l:le lwl CIUI• Ia n~ rn o 1111d 14 eeat. were •~cant. 'l'bere •11a1cll anti neatneaa. and "\ pric:ea that Hri•tow Unvill, Jo:eq. lcngnt Ttaaela aOont. The Jo'reueb Sttl\nl• crttlion imoiYea the employmeot ol Cllblu rocrnd an oYerwbtlmlug prepoodonncc of uo~ be comr~tc!d with. Tho..e reqoirin&: aro :185 ~embera who oner aat in Parlia­ '11u:" llon. Jamu llicg. ahir ComPftny~tre followins: the Mmc policy. ~ nlirely uudcr Oritith control. esc~(IL in feeling amODJr people Of AJI rucut before. • partiee ~DU Mantel Plecea, Kouumeuta, Tomba, .t.lhn l:lutton. F.8q. An• the .-oyA(!O froa1 !\ow York to ll!lfre lhore I'.AI•a in which tho preaout lraoiallan­ grantinsr con~-loo.- tel Mr. Parnell. So BOAd.louea, Curba, Beartha azul OctA•iua ~ . (;oo~. FAq .• M.r. will be mnde nest ltllntn~r l>y the Ia~ Df W tic linctllre coucerned. rrrcat oppa.idon wu deweloped to llD Jrfah Come cauae lotole~ble p11ln. Hollowny'a OopJup, ueo r~:o Arthur l'ull~r. ~~q. Ftumera recently-'bnilt for tho rurpcFe. PRrli&nrent whh ll01tblng lilce great power The othor line•, howe ••~> r . nro more con- · -EITorls lo npply the United St11tu lawa <.:oru Cure nlDIOYOI tbc troul>lo. "ill •lo wrll to CAll on him. ·n ory ean ob· Cha r i~• t:. c: ooYin~t t~lmn111 fnr•y ytua \\' ru. Jaonea ·noomJ"'In. ~:.q. both knnwn "' ocun t~~cers . The c:uion nufl lbey aecm ••try n111nrally to be cbOOII· uert tbo 1l.orm or wntlr aeemed likely failiD l! cure for thla comrla•uL" faoud 1n that l'~('<· ri~uc~ in thio colony ia theNiurn in " Lin~ retnina the AlnOSALn,} Joi11l uf our d iuu\le. rumouror war between Enal11nd nod ltu.si". liUic laniden~ fu rthor ucitet. tbt adcnira­ f'nAscrs 11. ~IA coo:.;" t.u, Scc•·rtn•·iu." Sofllo say •• Conenmpllon e11n' t ho cared." f which 1~!1 to tl•u rbnrtcriug of lhta llntl Anr.~o'TS roni 'A ~'Tr.t·n.-/ittrnr1: . N.J, tion or Lhote wbo look apon tbc Graod ·:?IIi Gower Street, St. Joltrl·~ Ayer't Cherry l'ect.oM\1, as (l,'Ov.ed bp fort1 ocher veaeele, wae holled wi1h delij:ht hy Dt~ ·If•. - .S11 children were bi~!cn hero. on OIJ Mao at tbo wluataad w011t far-eeeln~: .\Jiril 11!. -' 'I1oe ensra$femtntA of thit OffiCI' ~re j!nl\r· Thill powder never •·11rie~ . A or ml\~vc l y e11rs' cxpcrieuce. well cure tlliA doi!CAIO when thoFe comp•nir a whute proJit'rty "'"" • ~ken . W ln t~dlly, hy n mnd do~: A dewpl\teh of eta team~n. Mr. Gladatono·• conduct of 1\ntcud IJy " numcrona Ato11 ,..t.. lll •y 1'!0· ruoi1y, ~lrcn~th •nd whnleaomeneat. not alrendy advau~ed beyond tho reach or It will be obl!tlf\'Cd thllt e v i tl ~n cc in I he \t aenL to the French scientist. Dr PM· tbo preaeril csmpaign Ia being watched with torielary in 11tfdition to " l"rolo i n vf~cti ~lore economiCl\1 thRn the or<.linu y kiu1l!. ediC31~tld. t:•on then ite uao 111forda nry ll'lllltr ie dl!cid~ly ftmbij:.~~nul. · \\'ltllc leur, . Mk i n~: him whulh~r ho would tate 10 gre:.t intere", 11 it Ia geuerall1 thought (;"I"'"'; aud tho l'rOHI(llitudo 1\nd li~Mll· nnrl <'1\tmnt l>e eold in compttilion with tho great relief, aud iusorea refrreblu:; aleep. NOlt'rHERN the one compAny is inere11sin;; air.e 11nrl •r-:eacli:. The <:0-tl or if tberu wcu d&ncer the children ehould be and death aLrul!gle. h a his ~e r a mhl· 111el. 1\fO welf.kuown "'"I 1\cknowlr•ll:tl iAhm~ .,t -lto w over 0~•: llcsout.ll • • ' • ' ' • 1 1 1 ~ t:r~• l ~ r 'fl'e~ OCCUJ'i <:itioo at hia m• no ~ cftr\l. Atk your neighbour tho aame t laitns for l.oaa~a lul\·o u: et:cd~d FOl lrTI;} s 111:: incr~cue i11 1he "Arryinjl N>l•~ci ty . T he •crol!l the AtlAntic. to cunntc:t tbe \Vest centiYe Mr. Glad11ooo i1 omplo1iog avery CA t't1AL-£J,OOu,ooo Srg ~ 1 11. 1 . 111~ ' n:ru.nm Ht>aidence nnrl ~·tr::.-rr-th~ ltouac lntdy rnet nl 'lllt'Rtner lokc the Htt nrilf L•&bo ut lo ulh lel11nds 1\nd "" the Uritiah colonies q ueuion.-Timtl. resource or hia fertile mind, full or the ex· l uiUI"Atteca Alo!lllllft I.oa hy f'ire :.nrl OC'elll••c•J l..y ;\lr Edwftrd. ll·•ylo•. I.>Mt().OII\Itl;;ll ; A lt ~ bnon~ OVI'r :l ltl lnul nf " ' North AmeriCII with London ond r.rcat podienu &n![tea~ b1 l11ng llOd cx­ N o aull'erer from 11ny acrofuloua diaCilllc, nricd FlltE I'RJo:~IIU) J S .....•...... £~0:1,100 l.ightu i u~: Are clfcct•-<1 hy lhu <.:oonpany j ll nu~- 11 ''' 10 11.111.,:? to -1 pm,; to !I pno. roal 1111 ily . :ud L••r c•ew i~ nece~< uily mur h UtiiAin. !'nch eahl~• Mrl ll\n<.l lines coo. perieooe in &be cnl\011gemen of men and the who will fairly try Aycr's SA,.aparillll, neeJ l.lf~. do ... .•..•..•...... l.'>7,HJu upou e rery tiucrol'loon cl l'ropc rly, on t hu ~ u ••. l."t. lim lft tjl('r 111 ~11 0 11 1\ \'\'~.!11.' 1 \)( f(o\tU liH t') liS •·•·cto•d wit t. them lo be rltrrctly under the •oouldingof publioaeotiment. Victory uader dca1•air ..of R cure. h will pur.:e th~ blood 1 ~ n;at t.ST •...... •...... uo,OO( mOlt farot1lblo tcrtoA. ------hmutr e1 l tons ht~rtl cn. -he Ju,, '"'urierl n" o u•n 3~tmcn l and EO!~ COII Irnl of tbo Rritith the pre.aen' cir.:11m1\lnou would indeed of nil impuritiea. lhPrcl>y dcatroyllllf &be W . a: c; u ~::-; n r.t.r.. tMt•y 1\S til~ lirat clAY p•S>ou-.,c r• ftl n e til!•· ~ r noncn t 'a p01111l s.:n•ice. in the 1:\mo l>o the cruwnin1: achinemant.. Mr. P&rooll c~. g Jrma from which eer<)ful" i ~ dc,·elopc•l, nnd OFFICES: Sc ••Juu s·:(. to ip, ""'' cnnltl 1hia nte be t n.intniu~ rl :111 "''Y nK.I\11 t elc~:r aph linew. I n t ho llritish hill informed hie collei\~:JOI thM l>o will IlEAl> will inlu~o new hfe nod \'tj:Of t nrougbout II !JfHLo Jotr fl·n rfuu,.tflnr•• 1l1e ye•r 11round. the wou hl. of ron roo,•, II(• " ltl tntia now Are. Oo t ~Mhin)l the ehorea oppoao any acbente or Homo Hnle Cor ire­ l .oNOOll-1 :!.loor~:,"ll te Street J &nli Yery prolltahlo iu~-at• nen":: but the uunn of C~&in aqd ourc you. • - F .. nnll of ApplicRtion Insurance C'mpa,ny July7. "ill ntn 11lmo11 umt•ly d ouin11 h111f lho y ~nr. to·d•y on the subject or I riah Howe Ita le, "'"' will ruakc the potM!:& rro 111 J'e.., York mnat cmnph:to eyacem of teles:Mlph com­ eaid ~h a~ bi11 viewa on the quealion h11d un­ l or lo'it'fl "'"' l.i c ' ForFroat Bite& IUld ChAblaiDli.-Rathe to Qn<'cnato wn in "' enty. lonr hou r~ 1 ~1 c dergoue ao chana:e. llo tb ou~:ht t bAL if otlt('r I n lorntHtion eao t.n ol..t11inecl 1\ the partA eiTej:ted freely in Perry J>avia' lime tl'.~u l other Ytl'lldl which coal 111Uch le•• wort.1. honto rule were granted \0 lrell\nd " ritid l'ain-Killer ac!veral llmra a da1. ' '"' otl:ico ul Harbor Grace Stove Depot And t.nrn ""If 111 111 uch co, l, lo lhc lon11 line abould be dmwn betwe..co at riotly l m­ A. 0 . liAYW.\Rn. QU~E~ I~ SU . '" Hl'ILI 1~(: -Allll- run. 1~ ..-ill I"ObAIJly be fonncltlu•t the cno•L L\:>0 ntFOIIll rs 'coTL \ NO.-·!Mdan T>tc. pcri=-1 m&ttora, which tbo lmperllll l'arlia· St.. .l uluo'"· A t""' for :Silti. L I VEHPO ~ .. r ro lilnblo lteame., fnt trana.-.llmntic p'lUCn· 10 .- A uew lan,J reform ono.. omcnl is about Frorr: nnmeroua catel of DyepcpaiA and menlaloae abould tle&l with, llDd meatnYee - AS D- 0laa11 Tin & Hardwnro FBtabllabmeut. l:tr aenic( ~"' hn1111 ti ko tb., lkitrttruir. t ho ·o he oiArl\"tl in ~c.tland. lt1 ori~:ini\IOr i• Corunip~tion. cured by tho trao or. Fellowe' relating to the ordlo.Ary llllmlaalradoa nr l:o:nr ounrl Ssrnp or llypophoaplntCI, arter r. ·allin, "'"' the NurJJ~<~ •dit. "'hich crou in J)r. c:. II. r.1ark. who hM j u o~ been el•cted jua"c:e. internal tradt, ra.ilwaya. pablia QU£1-:N ll\ SU ilA~ CEDt: tr . nJ ·c.s, every ot her koown )remedy b&d beeu uaed ( l v l~t ((UI r>, f .llrur•. Jo~ " .llu~o1 6· Co'1. •bout ~i!: ht dn]'fl. 'lloey burn tonour l.ing r ••r C11itlmeet u • crofter c.,n,lidate· Or. wo~l:a, eduCiltion and the relief ol t.be GENERAL GO GllACEl:II UilCrt ::;TltF.ET, t,/r t•rf,..isu.) in n in, 11A effic• cy in rcatorin.g the fuu~­ -...rro .. I~U thAto :l()() 100° or <:031 1\ d~y . lltod '""' (;hrlc ia" ourcubcr of t h~ IIAir of ll•e C.,oo tnl poor, all or whiob qaeation• 01\nld be J.ON Du:-J. tioua of l>igPttioo and uaeul&tlon is Dl:\01- accoononotflltc Rbnut SOO P.'•aeo::crs. T ho ~ ~ .. ,.or Lo ...lon wbo hAS ... rillen exten­ better dult witb by ll 100111 JZO•ern• ~in or t he lars:er 1\lld Rwtll .. r ltoala in C.1· •i•·rly on tl•e oi~;ll!! Rnd wron.:a of the croft r.:~ t. ment. Mr. Childera aald bP wu aeuerall1 Asa~ra~ceCoDlplDJ T-.rr.~TT-FIHST Al'KllAJ, REronT ~.KENNEDY I•Rcity Anti •reed iJ at too grul\t a cost.­ e... lie woe nominr~ t td ,.,thout aolicllA· diap~d to meet Ia a generou apinL &he rhc R e por t ~ &nJ ,\ ccunnlM l c.r ch,· tlonnkfnl (~r~ f~•·ora N'Ct'i,•!'\1 from .x;,,,iji.: . J"'trirn, . lion. 1111'1, beyond"" elrction •d!lrtaJO, he lou If we conld apeak in tones oJ thunder wo r equ~at or Jrel•nd !or local MU·&:Oftnl• F IH.E AND Ll~,J1j. yl'a r l Ri l:I.Jifi'.lll'tltt•cl to thP. ' hnrchnhll't ll the people o f thiR 0-"7 n RIIU 'outt.ort.J<, given n., peraoMl11t:~ n1i on to tile c:An•n•. would me our •oicu to ftdYilb all peoplo mont. lie thought J'•rllameo• mhtb& re· oI nall¥fouelt berty ~~ch faction ventured 10 pnt up a Cllndi­ dirb therill pncuouonill, con~:eati on , aod all 20d the llr\~t obterfllOOO Of CODtrl\011 1111 d pr!llliJ ~I . 11howyd, in the Oivi,l£orrl nmJ \'llriety of li LA I) 111-"FI CE : Paraona who never ~ro ~ Church n~ t 1\nd lung diseuo it. nluo thllt t he right. or properl1 ahould be All Uunu11 1\t tho ' "tel to~retlrnr of I~ JtC'r J03 C .!.~N~~ :H'ltl·.a:r, l..oJ'ooY, EC tending Ser-vico. nina a~:ainet l)r. . and wllilo he did il prictlt.u. muclt prot.ected u unde~ tho United StAtes oent. wu dt'CI11reJ, £14,035 Loin~ cur not obtAin n mnj11rity o.-er all, ho did obtain conatitution from iofriogcmeaL ~ the iodl· Capital: .£1,000,000 Stg ricJ to rwnnl. S T 0 V -E S Sunday 11l eu on board ftn Englith ship nu aonple rluM\Iily OYer thG nut bl(!ht!lll CeriA in pftrtlee hllfc been l or yoarw Oood­ \'(du•l atatt'a. !o' lRR 8RANCH, hM b~n ducrlbeft IIU infinite Uumher Of """dldate. III Ajor C larence Sinclair. Now in~t tho country wltb immtnst p:~cka ol horae tha\ l,o Is elected Jlr. Clark prop08u to de· l naaranco.t tft'octed on almo1t all ldndr Th11t the Premium• fer l S i R, alter of ~II dcscriptionK with all t~o 1ut.cJt timu. Md yet Mr. ~Ia conlriYtl to ~:In aad ' cattle powdcra wllich art! utterl1 wort l! • W ooden of t.he Sea. imtJrovcrm:r.•.e-oomJII is in! tl>e aul>ject" touch nf no•elty in hit lAIC •t • ole bimeelf enerl!eticall1 to the CllDte oC !cat. Don · ~ bo ole eel nd b:f then. Shen · of rroper11 iu Newfouudlaml at Jowett •leolncLintt . Rn-inKnrl\ncea, amounled t.c• tho oroft ert . llo Ia alread1at work organ• . poatible ratel. ne ..apaper letter. There is nothing tnPre dan'• powders 1\re tho oolylood now known J11o een ooeor,iea tbrco-flhha of the a-:r. £~56,2H, ooing an iuc~ue oi £11,3!lt COOKYNO irin11" I Ji~hland party to aecure reforme for AUf'ins 65.16 por f' fiANKUN or &hOM who nel'er go to church 1111tore are, perature ie ~he aame, yarying only • trillo A~,. ; fi.r .Vr"'.f<•uJia•n tin011 witb t he Paroellities, anJ will bo ll cent.. on the Premhtml ol the Yen. HA LT, be aay•. drawn to be11r part in thoeimplicit1 llolJJHcGis PiU.·-Sieeplc::antll, !l'~n · from t.he leo of tho pole to tbo baruiog Jo~ . II. TIIOll PSO:-J. uluable a11.1iliary in tbe ftgbt for Home S.W-.f~ntfur 1/ar/xJr Gran and SHIP'S, aud p~~th pa nf tblt maritune ftct of re•ereoce. lency,v.idit1, nanaell, ~ad al~ dyapepllc lD· eon of the tqnator. A ruile down, tho IN THE LTFE DEPAltTliKN'f. llule. The 11\b)e dMlred with the onion jaclt, t he diCiltlon• may be apHdtl1 tohe•ed b:r theae W&ter bU a preallre Of OYer a \00 to the Ansr lt. That Now Policies had been iMneONOVAN, HARDWARE. JI?OD~ oattide the aalooa doo:'l, th'e pun­ It will ne•tr enpplAnt French u the lan­ ~:i•&, DolinTille , Ont., wdtea ; "I Clln wlt.h the entire aea fourteen feet thlclc, it taken tleneral A¥ent for Ntld hill ,.arlo« tn and fro. tbe lndt.o at Jtn.ajle or aociel,, diploma.ty llDd tht Jaw contldence recommend Northrop & Ly. np into the clooda. 1'be • lnda bollr their 8 UIJ·AOII!IT!l • bar• the wiodowa, io uow-wbite Jl"f~ ta aod oouru. on11o'e Vtsretnble Oieoo..ery and Dyapeptie burdan to the land, and the water oomta A . T. DHYSilAl.E GUARDIAN ~...... t wbau dreall\ily •ork in~e · tbem, . C•tra ror Dr•reptlt, lmpurelllood. l'implea down in nin apoo tbe l\1lda, to tlow ll~~rbclr Cirace, the beat or4 the tireleaa tere~. J.loe., tUM' -Tbe late Mr. Vanderbilt. bJ hie will, on tile FI\Ce, Lllllionaouaad Cunttip~~llo n­ baelc: ll\ Jut ~roqb ri• era. Tbe deptb of FIRE & J.lli,E It. O'SD E£HAN & Co., or tht~ a•Hpi~ Mlf. tbe nule ol cor­ made " auruber ol btoquMII lo rell~lone, auchteal(!tl hulug come uoder "'1 ptreolllll the - p.-.enll an latereatiaJC probletn. St. l'itne eduCiltiQnala'nd bellevolent laatlta&lona. 'J'o dllflt. And cbain11 -.nil tlio ehlp·a bell obMrYlltloa." ~ 11\be AUantk wert lowered ~ ftet, t.be Assura.nce Comp'ny Doe.'.!?. atrllclnlf tlie W'lchtt. wn:llali oleoueule to the Vanderbilt nnlnraic1 of Teune~~ee diatuoe from lhoN to abort wonhl be the lihte floathts: ellur'eh •bleb dre(ltln ~be l'lOO,t;OO; to the followint 1100 000 each balf lliJireat, or 1600 mllea. Ir lotrel"td •• OJ! I~O(DON. 111 ~eat bed : 'l be Dom~Ml&le and t'orelgn ConAtUT~(llion Ia a dlaerae cootnctt'd by a ~o;o. oo Reward t tolemn eleo& Wlten the ·~'" • oice little more t ~n &hret111ilee. lllJliM80 feet, 1 lfiiOd • &Jlallfon•ry &ciety of•be.ProtuiAol.Epfteo. p-egleeted cold-how n~ t!len that we ie 11eard PftPi'c forth peael and weUar.­ e~ould at on" aet tbe bel& eure lo~r Conaba tbere wo•ld oo a road ol dry Lud frotn 1UTABL18UD 1821. · pel Cb•Jrthttlt.. Lu~t'll ijottpital. the Yoonsr of lhll Qaeeo, aad of tbU Jloriooe Britleb Colda, lo~~ryogltla, aad all dlaeea, of \he Newloandlaod to fnlaad. 'J'hlt Ia the empJ,._ Of •hiQb 11!e.llf'e , bt~ 4' lOOT Mtn'll C/Jn•tl•n Aa~latlou, ~·"' y.,rk1 plalo oo •.llioh the lf"'l& AtJantie oablee f Jh:.Jo Throat and Lun~r~ -one or tho moat ~pa· AnleaniD VA"'At...... Jtt,OOO,OGO .. \nlf ltolated tfaflllleat. No wild theor;ia) the Protettaol }o;pi100p.l Btllfli~n ~~tl1 n l weN laid. 'l11t Alttllte~ le oornpu· I l.lrn alae M um or Jar medicine for tb- compl•inta In Nor­ ToTAL IJh'III1'U luna hu 1~\ pro~ 10 ~·~~~~~ ~~ a thlP,: rortt, fotetr~poU\n atirely aballow. A ttry~ 11p ot IGO fttt u•- 'An ~nd &he MonrUo ~hctrbh a\ N4! Drop. throp end L1tafon'e lWDIIIIiou or Cod Llnr WAIIDI OP •••• , .,••••••••• tl ••• 1,750,08( '' 'l.'he!J 'Ale 'l~b~ _!»>lD Ia ' plf"'! oa ~oafd ()llllld Bypophoephitee or l.ime and &da. wonld lea•• 111-cl~t -. a~ Alri\7:\ ~e f ollowln~ 160,000 OIICb; the Ota ~ wonlll be .W. lilllJ. '1._ ~ ~lJrp)UanF.AP~Or Nci,OOO •• 1 t.be t'rtml"tip1 111•.-f&ll 111111~ "lnowo •II r' Mr J . F. ~llh, Onaple&, UnneTllle. wlllee: joiciecJ eral'nleblr,..l• 8t111fiiary. ta.e t'ew York etr.oatl 11 ._. t~ ...,, ..W..~~e- ' owt'io LM ~ worllf, ba' tile llnthnrity " It fll•• poeral aatWao&l90 lllld Mlla Bible a..t eo- PrtJ• &tic: tioaletf, ooqata fM ila ~ _... ,or Capt..toADittreo• If ~u&td io IIOthinr. lpleadldl7." WIIM .,. ,_,.IIIICI diel tela• for elhllh ; tile S.O..e for leoortlllee. Ule l'~ou.un• b baa IIH• foand 111.._1, 10 •tt CIOI'JWt •• lite ucler a ~· bQt abeolote Epleoo'pal ( !b,tareh .M*Io1W1 Soole&J. IM eoncSI..,. ol llat Al.laalle. A mo A111eriou Ne••aa of llllif! I ll COIIIO mptlft'a ltfll'It, • hea, bJ I be U OJ' ALL DEBOJUPTJON8 kttoft ~111M u7bodf elM yl\at 1e &lie lloe. A !tole • boftcl tlm»a~tll tl~t' .,. Iordi ~and ..... ~· Ne~aral Jlta&etJ. . Tilt •atqate of theM llmely 11M of 81ekle'e A-.tt-ConaDIIIptl,. ..alnker, ahroal4! wlliclla. a rod. of iron Ia UIWCERIIB.-Cof-. '*F" lb&cba ,.•-••1 !lynap the p.lin 11110 be •llllye

I • ' I lN.ll toDcbu lhe e•nh, the allosr unhoolt:a ~erioaa and early att.enLion of our mer- I01*' ta ~lllllpioido at leaa' of~· ..rty apring of 1888 ,m ,,~ ,a" ,equlllly ADd tbot~thn~ aUtlea olf. 'lne lard Ia tha chant., n£ onr fi~ermon, o£ our lllgiala to wblab ho had been formerly oppoaed. good. yea a better reeult than· ditl the ..n.t nf '""' ho~ hnlda lt!me t~f lhe 110d, or wro.. Aa the writer abo~e referred to; Tl1e working or lobe F,!ieral ayak>m of aprin1 ol ten yeara •go. Tlul', we know,, whataur m11y be on the bo'lom, aod a clrop (tge ~tanbarb 11aye, bno it in our power to !Mira. O&nada, howuver, by ,., bicb tbe lieu&en.. ebuta o•~r the ~up.to h.ea1 tbe w•\\r froiD -A!CD­ we will pe tho bOAr&.f'elL wiab of over1 one waahlua tltll aaod out. \Vbea lbe around C0NC8P1/0N LJA Y AD VERTISIJll. 11yze &be Fl'C!Qoh Bank 6ahery by atop· IUlt-govemora ol tbe provina. are ap· amo~a~ ue. le reachfd a ehoct ill frh aa I( An eleatfio pmg the 111pf1l1 of baltl \Ve are glad pointed uy tbe Dominion GovernlJleot ,...,.~.,..-...,..--- current had puaed. tllrouah tbe Uoe.-/H· SA.'I'UIUlA \', JA~UARY !i , 1886 .. •o know thl\t tbia matter ia now ensag· or L.l1e day, haa been a eevore teet, ami Wll. 1\re ~-;;y -1.9 o~r"o that oar COD·

drJ.e:"dL•t. -- . ----~--- , ing touch atloention in oertain quat t.enJ 1 haa ~one to pro'fo that it ia polllblo to temporary the Bl'lhfllx 04r01lld4 hu •• A ST&OHO argu~e.ont m fuo~ of the r.ud 1t Ia to be boped that it •11! be carry on our ayatom of parliamentary been once .gam shamefully imJ!<)SOd ~BE au.tur Ql1DTIQN. Bank F'Uibacy ia the ltrgo attantion that tA&ken pp in real earuet~ during the nale without iA~rf"renco frowagovem· '!POD by \t.e N owfoundl•nd corrl'll~n t -.:, II • iA no• ~g deroted to~~ by our on~r-1 Oll~ly daya ol tllo comhlg eeaion ori.bo or Who bad 0~ ~been a W&/ID ~ritaan:' den\o aa will be tce~ ~y the fclllowing T>fc. t -!t Ia undtratood that 'uA~•. pruung n"als the, Ftenob, who real~, Legialaturo, and d~lt •ith in a n1anoer Tllouah a Proripoial,o.,emment ol 0110 t.elQilram l~tely pubhahed ill tbo oolumo.a tbu lullowmg pointa ' nl!\l'<'lt nt what baa as •o do not., tho '.m· i becoming ita large Importance. compldxio!' oflco linda ltaotr (lit ' ~n AR:t~ed urwu1 h• tho COlOwer wh1cb ,the 0011atitnt10n 'C t•mmu.on, ...,hi eli ia to 'Uo 'll~poluwd to ar­ Ia great e xclwllleu~ lo Harbor Gr.ce m ' rau. c llc6rute' k1rtua,of ~IICI'. tho re•pcCIIYa 188-1 tho \ e&~cls unl(ugcrl the Bank IRnd's unnual mttsng' to the Amencon• uudoul:todly gho wm o f dismissing Crowds aro occupying tho alroeta anci aruues ~ II '~ once reuro w1thm the 6al1ery n •unboted 290, with an aggro. Cottgrcas. &ys tho Adwrti•er . i11 a udYitiera, though uo Eogltah J.iouton r1nts aro antiCipa"'d Major Fawc..lt anci (lltiO tonnll8o of 27,000, ~tnu tho catch • Tbo propoaed Com million to aottlo tho· •nt.Oovornor wo>uld huo done 110 where a large deu.obmont of tbo conal4butory Coree bounrtarh·l',.llotted to eacb Govcrn•uc:ot by ::..IJ&"xande r PUSOiii-SOgi to ~-to U.. ' the 'Colcrni.. •on, aud, qo Jurtherl m•ltt11ry a,mouutco to 900,000 qlla of fish F11bery Q.ueatloo ia attracung attaohoo m 1ho m1nor1ty had tho IIIJ'I>Or~ ,of. the bayo ~one ou a apuc1al train to tho IICIDO ot tbo alfrny. Hooonrablo Lej:lllature aud tile f!.':'blic to '• mo•elne9t.t ahAll tl.lte place UU\Il \he Cou. {tl 188r> tho Oeot hnd u1orouaod tQ 323 Newlouodlaad, wbo10 govoromeot w1ll H ontlll.. Mr. LeteiiJOr found a LUIDI8tcl' f\ln hla f\e&m-lnacb froao lhe IOwo of 11•~• of iho Powen called to mcH aL '\11en· I OS&Oia, tho tounl\go bfOing 30,000, and aeud a ropreJM!ntahvo to &ttend tbe aeaaiooa who ll!=<:i!Pt.cd tho I'Oiponallllhty, appeal. Now, who the ccrrespondont is that Ha.rbor Oraoe to tbo ~oDth'Side and the ha in J•mllll)' ihAII agTCild u pon tho ha~e tho catcb 1,000,000 qtl'l. This year 40 of lho CJIIllmlaalon, 11 ono 11 agrctd, upon, , ed t,o tho people aud wu lillll.allted. Sir fu rmsh~'8 such atroeely untruthfal atal.c· lh•erbeacl, to,:&na from. tp eu1t tbo tra.'fell· tftlltrre r..rauoca of the U&lw States to one IOOro ve1111uls Will bo11ddod to the nnm-• t(o)flooh lc"&ftedr thcdlobtertcahii!Bofltfb atCColony, J ohn hfl\co.lonalc), a t tho (hol.llt10n o{ the menta t,o tbo Cl•ronk/4 we know not, ioc pubhc, fur "• tao~ble aum, wbicb a anotht r !'od to J;;urnpo. It •• llllq Allllfla 1.. d , , II t e I\war ma o y u " 1 IU omJDII• . d 1 p nor caro not. We only feel 110rry ~hnt would !pi\ irorth.-4olll. 11 ~eroJJy oppollnJt tho, li~t ol.,ao, 11nd ...,r, an .uc og~:regn&.o tounogo WI 10 Bion 000 toilhoo dolla,. waa turn'llONry abould have boon so . -=-- . •bope cr cont with-' freedom of the ba1t fi shot~ea to AworiCAD! without CAuse, uul- the phrase "be· llhamcfully hoaxed by be1ng made -We obaorvo tbat Mr. JaO)ot Scntland. 1 L1on ""'" ho &>~~~i woed h11r ~·au tbu :00Cup1ed in two ycar.s I I Anothor atn~ing luct Jo tho evont of a aew frcaty, thll~ Colony, causu h 1B uaefult1CIIl wu gone," \IOIIUJJ· thfl ruudmm ot coovoytng to tLo oleotnalau, of l:;t. P1orro, 'i1A& •ppho«< to ·ma Deoewber 8th. , -wuaoh tho wr~t.lFheL 'fbe chum will be tcll•nt.-Ooveroor ltob111nllf', tn refu&n~ mako 1'1 fortqpo for the 111Yeotor On{. than mea •n (ireaL 13ni4IO? A L leaat, Lhero Wllt.cr next alluuos to a m11tter which, at BOt up that tho \aluo or thiS prft-ilego baa to dtrosolvo pslliament 0 11 tbo ao.lv1oo of ~tliiJ..UCh to tho Cl.rontc:tJ wu of .. tr1U111g thwg certa1n, tt could not passably b o wu th1a wery 1\wful

    ecretary 1n Lbc C:tlll­ bnng her 1u sullic1cnt for hor m111otenauce Church w11l bo 1nalucterl Into tho Grove cXC IDJ~ t fro n1 tho L1eloi"Y ImPost 1' ln eecunog tho rau6cat1ou or auy tr "i' aro aa car~fully ~mwed with n to self 1 l ' "II w11l bo wno enou~:h onter upon tNltotl Sua~lru, k1lhoJ1 and "oood10g many 1upport u their aous aru "" a t lint our liMb meets With n p oor nogotlllthln• lor tho prci tecuon And dO· man ta w ..,J~ tlte liabiuu IJODJIIO ol Now 1 l.r cuut1un w our est.t•t> noJ contempo rar) o cloclt To IICCOIIIIU O•!Aw tlto•o who Jl'llltO Unt1ah sold1er1, anlo, and 19' be1ng d1sposcd of 1\t a I Uln- OOIII'1II!Otnent of tho fiahoncs when the fo u11dlt~uJ 1n the hour o>f thcu oxtreUio of tho Ohromcle.. 'flna 111 not tho brllt to bo vruent to witoe'l3 tbe ceremony, Archbl$bop 0 13noo Ntlcd lor Rome on ously low pncc-u pr1ce wluch e ' unt llahermeu aak for snob protection And eu 0~100 ou winch ho hllll \;cen cruelly 'bu~cs w11t lcMethe end nt 6 :JO a nrrett w1ll atao bo on hanti to convor them bomo soon be foi);Ottel\ by them ln I11B letter llt.UIII 1Da1•ta on Turkey [ulllihog her Al!l\111 n ov Mr Nci60U, or Wlothoa Will l>a.. d Keooody. JUn ,cltleet aon of tho oole mcro1nl mtortlllts of the colony f 1\nylhiUI( of tho. k1ud Uu tho coutru,r thuy pondcnt." Wo would lld\180 our f11end tO I thO Cxhtor of the llbQV0 Jl ft{l0r1 .Mr, plddi(CI of rcloru1 10 Arm~uu\. rrot\Ch the lnriuch on -.,nuon, nnd ~ .. Mr. brateJ Scotuab vocahat. ' I he snd t vent luok \Vo rolcrrcd t o t ins s nhJt•ot a few b:we entered thetr \lgoroua proteat lltZRmat H oyles says . ' ' ' fur thu futuro to take tlto s t.ut.emenL8 'l 'bo /vru••w• ~alta at DOOII to-d:Ly f ..r S t Laintr wtll llrltlrn• tbe people Rnd unous laco 11~ P1c1ormantzburg, !'outh Afracn woekd ngo \\'o hod ho J•cd tlmt our the .cntcr1ng upon any elloh .'!"~OIInll ouL Jobn'a. StR,-~I~y I plu.d w1tb all who ahi\LI tel egrt~ph otl w l111u nwnt Orl\nso rows, otbor cle~rt;ymco 'llill take pnrl t:1 the cer­ r. Keooedy wu born nl Perth 111 I 10, H Congrllls UOCI not deetre to pay anotber JAN. 5--l'bo llAlltan Coofereoco at Coo· contCtttpor.ulca, SCCIII(t Its J,.rge un port five aod 11 half oulltonl or dollllra for tbo read t hea~ hnea 111 b•b~lr of tbo poor &ncl n ots, etc., w1th the 'r~ l~t ? I! liOn The V1Ce3 1\11 do h1s finn 11ppNLrnnc" u 1\ ' ocalt• l etAntiaople baa boon nbllodoacd, Ru.uia r r t he ICIIU prOdUCID8 10duatry It will rt fuae to Labrador? A mibht;,r of tho Churcb of too long tl.-gnu:ed ''ath uccl)uni.Ji of oo­ - On Monday an-t l'ue•dAy next A meet­ England. JDIUlft tcrlnl(--&ccortltusc ' to t bc pondenco tbrct1(!h AnllrAha, N e w :lcnlaod nnt an­ ~ rcmo\tll of the hen• y t.'IX thnL lake Any llctlnn loolr.ang to tbo appomtmeot CU ITUD~ca ll.llegc.l to hnre btkcn pl~t ce 111 1'110 Unt!Ah met with a oordral reoeption '"ll of lbO tllertcol AAOCIIIIOD of Conoop­ gTllCD g.von unto ruo-the Uoepol o~r tbo ftdl\. llo wrote 1\ ~t11ph1o account or thnL IM< lttllll) ~h IIIJU ty to tit:~ colony's or Gnutbcr flabcry CorotuiUIOU II thL, hlttntl.:..OOOqrrenCI!IIt ttltmy ot w h1ch b on B~y will bo hclJ at S1.. l'llul11 ltetJtory. Grace or God to them In thei r OWil homes from Burmrae laud Cb1oeau Alorcbaote at JOUrney, under tho 111tlu of • Kenncdys Col­ tr>ldc Lt·l usl:rot~t tlt ~bo Leg11il nturo \Vhether or n ot tho Congress w1llt.ako h~td no cxtst.cnco snvo 10 tho thMordered Upper Uurrn"b ~:vcu1ng pl'll)or w1ll IJe u id ID S l J>aul's c.nial '1 rnYtla ' whtcb e•'lucetl oon~ a tlerahle lor well u l~h forty )'t&ra, l ~e,ll khow what "1ll tlo H.~ Joty in ~ respect, ond tl10 odv1co •O gratu1tourly offered by tho I ~RS IIlllti O I\ of "tho corrc8110na!eut." l'cnrlcrgtUillllllcea atrong garriaoo at IJha­ Churcb Oil MondAy eY.ruaos; &I h11 ll-pM ~ power of oh.crntlvu nud rc.' l hw rary ment dbaolutu deat•tutlou and prolobgcd' eo ITer­ IOY<'Il , tbo Rn c . Shf'.llnJ or filly Hob­ onrly gt' o the lmJXlrtllnt 11\tbJoot remRIDII aeen. mo, Do.COita Infest Hurm~b p1fla!IID~t aod w llo alao tra•elleo ath its Adl~rtuer to oo ani: &UCb a IIOrUI, &lid OtO.lfriug at IUOh 1\ crta bo1nKiho prencher. Holy C'oll'muuloo set IOU8 CODSIUOI1\ti9n aoaaoa, oc&wrily iu01ct11 upou tho poor W& pubha[, With pl~~\IIQ tho sul•JOIIl burmng numerous v11111geL Africa and lud1a 1n 11Si9ftnd 1 8~. and pub­ 'l1•ore 18 "deficit 1n tho lodta renono r.f w1ll bo cclob:atod on 'fueaday auOIIIIDS a~ habed accouota of Meb or t bowe tours on r~oplo exposed ta. 1~ It tolls, alaa! ot tbe cd m6mortol w H1s Exoollenoy lho Ad· 8 o'clack. Tnc rnmourc•l appointment of Sir ontlro ln&ll of tbe ~nmmer"• caroiu~ of t"'o mllhou po•1ulls, CI\U&cd by ?reparlog returnllljl to ~tlaod , W11h the excopuoo Tho T ek{Jram quotes o. Snnlanucr' llliDIStl";~lOt' frnm our old friend J,.mcs J lor wilt wllh Huaa~&lllld llurmllb expedi­ On Tueadar ~nniog a r.tluionary Meet­ roso S hcn to tho IWJXlrtant po1itton w~olo ramthct, men aocl' won:on aad ' tba Oil\ brief rntcnal "at homo" l.rs remnm111g (Spam) correspondent ns SU) 1ng ·­ JlogofliQQ ~cP I)'ts he ro S 1 • ccomplts1Hn8 tbo oloject mteoal~~ent thau th19,- Yilt.,....lllat hl\ rd wmtcr bolore them or •o•er•l inonths' pra cla1ma be luasr of Bnnnah nn DIAWATfiA I SDIAS rGLICT. dt:au:r, RDU by weekly stcamP.I"'I, They devolop;ueQ~. 'l'bore 111 0' ory necJ for A great 1oow etorm in Euglaad impede• lt IS a quesli()D WI'IIOh admit& or a groat ·~M\1100. IJappily, 1 thank tho Lord, thoro G1"e tbe ln d~an to the anny, undersell N orway curo, und tho qnl\hty Jt. ra1hl'ly traul, deraoglllfl t4loltr&(lb nrYICO !:tva tbo red man 111 tho aold1or, IR much h.lot.-d 1il tho 1nterior nod Mnd' deal o'f doubt wbo~ber, m tbo oriuoal con 1s a bn11bt •1rtunat.e Llbrador catch br1ng abon~ • cbaogo for tho better retired from aotiveeeniQQ. Tolator becomoe Ill • number or tbo parent'! or t be cilllrlren teado'r of 'Hor ' Majesty's Oppoelllon lD tho aorrowa of the eufforcra by eendiog at wore preeeut. Al~r addre111ea had been J'1e eonatracuon, roller •ltauo~r~ ' w1ll moot wub further bad roaulta. Tbo Sell-rehanoe and ecoooruy muat be ltD Prcalcleat, aod H;oraaltolf l!Jmiater of Jater- Jlo .. to wear a new fall boooet , 81%6 of tins f1sh, and tho cure in very I ho Logialaturo of ~~~ country fta gov· ooco eteamera ladeo wttb proYIIioua l(nd pro.aad on our couotrymi!D. Looking at r delivered by tboCbalnnsn and o1ber mem­ 10 ben of tbe Uoarrl, tl!o ntw l'nuc:tp4, Jlow to doo the l!ll'lti!Oas aealalt1o , many CILSell, could n ot be wor110. It 1s ernor, ita commander 10 cbiof. olo'\bior for tboir oao, and roturalor, to tbo capab1llt1ea of our 1011, ia it ao~ a dia- Noblo~ao Maolacbaroff baa beoo cooriot· IMias • , bnog them to their bomeL Now, air, it 11 Ltafleld, took cb11~e of the 110holar1 'feU Wm that, II bo'd a dutle be d~tnr,erooa to a tore aucb cargoos in S1.ain, pee to ut to 1mpon thn11111 nde of tons or od of olblllam and aeoteoced to bo haog~d 88 0 n tb O qnoetI on Of Slr .o mb~ I welt lr.oowo that a~ ono time t bo Weat or wbo wero ueatly attired. Siuco that t11no I He moat ba'fo. caao and mow after (laying three d oll ani " quintal for bay aod other fann produell wblch cao be at Ode-. ~[liD aplltuda;for the olijce, under other cu• Eurlaod waa lbe cbaer place where moo and tba loll nnmbor (.48 wbtcb It tho hm1~d •r.,n bun that tbe daily papera ' raieecl on tbo leland ? W o bne w1ld 11\ndt Germany wal'UI Eranoe to eappretll Car­ cumataucea than tho r.dnnttedly very yoatb• were annually enlfllred to proceed to He IDUI~read tbathomayltnow more- duty and fre1ght. French Bank 6sh, and 1dlo band• lor a porlloo of the year- Hot re• olutionllta, makiog Fraaoe the baae nomber) ban secured ae,,ta, aud tbe achuol pecuhar onosnowaurro9'nding'tbe p11bhc N11wfooodland to 11d 1odenloping tho !lab­ tb011gb only aucb a 1bon limo lu UI,Jteocu Mort 'bunt hia Wlfo'a dt>ar tuotbor I largo and modmm, put up II\ boua!oa why uot utiluo tbom? 1 propoae that tbo of opera\iooa agalnU Spain. jliYCI prorullu Of boCOIDtDg all tb'aL C3U bo More abont polmor, and 10 forth, and covered, cnn bo bnd m fordflaull: and IIOQial hfo of tbta colony, allmtolh· ln~e bUIIooaa of tho colony, aod tbat largo Go•ornmeo~ give a bounty or IIX dollan Frayclnct baatollttred I be •!d of Clomeo­ llca•red. Tbua tho ln4illl, tbna the red milD, n. t ;lO to 22 francs, (ahilltnga currency ) gunt, honest men, we conoetve, would be uumbera ear~comfortablo malotao­ (86) por acre to any one wbo w1ll clear oeau to - IDIQiaUJ. Uaille (.o~,. J ournuL ., • 1 b bl • ~ tb 'Tb meaoa. 1 belte"o t oro are oo& a few tbo oext 6•e 7eara, limiting t bo qnantlly to ed I row tbo Me1bod1At ACAtloruy M A super­ • ~,. t ,., W11 are 110rry tq bave to !Wmit tho 011• o ~ o n men m o CO~ntry . ore liiDOOi your oaJDoroua readera wbo ..111 be 20011 aorca In each electoral dl4tr1Ct. 'J'bla JAN. Two lOIQl re.olut.lool callicg OQ IOr h:achur 1 aud e'OU tho abort limO Of bor infcnor cure of the Labtao.lor tia"!!. 1Iow a- -'PRIP'41UT10lf roa TUit CuR's COI!Ot{A­ cnn 1'>0 no do.~b t ~ll that po~,t. ~u~--::- t~~ond to llelp Ia ,tblt their umo or uraoot moaoa for ao•eotaeo dlalflcl4 84,000 acroa Precldeo& Cine and to ooantiato wub the aorv1eee. glfot t bo •lloard IVIlry riluon to often J. tu~attont1 on been direoted to thta no!f Ntrr SPKI!CO-Yltllna, Dt; 29.-'fbo need th011ApooraufJ6rora +n1dont1a a coon­ •t a coat of 52()<&,000 to tbo colon!. & 110 GoweroOJoot of Grea~ nni41D lor a Hecipro· believe that they h•w e ..eouroo tho r~ght Tagb14lt baa a St. Pet.erabn"'J detpatcb aay1og mattCI' 1 Bow often baa tbo prea urged Tbat tbero ia ;a uilferenoe ot opinion try w1lli' wb1cb '&heJDieiY• eo4 lbotr own tbie awouol by loan 1 ~ four per cooL Inter- cal Commercial Treaty w1th tho Uoltcd yo un~t lady as principAl of tb ~1 r J11gh that tbo llnaeiao of Central Aaia on our liaborDleD tlle' impe rative 'ne.!d obttunlng on the subject 1ll O'ftden~ from cdootry, tho ·wcit of Engl\oa, &aY'o bNo ao b 10 h 1 Ia 0 f •DJ60 Statoa pnd C&aada baye been introdocod ooboot.-r.om. ~ronraora ee' por110oum, w mcaoe It .., Into Con<>na. It bavo been referred to hlfo beeo ordered to mako ' proparatiooa tba~· oxitt.o4 ot tho greatest' care berng tho fact that 'the' mem!Mira of ' tlio Gov ~ lodg'atld o}oael7. aaaociated. NowloaodUod per aonuru. Woulc\ oo~ lhe country bo .. ---,- for the coroDJttloo or tho Our-wblcb leu bestowed upon tho ~andhng' or lbolr efnnltlnt pAf'Y me~ at f3t, John'• Oil lut ia Uul old'--'bf Ed~ab s:giGOIOf~" loyalty beoolitad more tban th11 awouat of ln~reat, tho commutee.c.f lortigo all'alre. of ita pecfP.t3 to Enslana';e Tllfolte anti Coo­ -11. "V IIOLr.SALE ,P0\50!'1!10 ocourred Ill aonouoo.J will tate{place in tho apring of fish 1 Tho n eed Lhere wd for careful Monday ·enning, anJ w'o uniJC!fttand and .,0uld 00~ tbe cropa cultlnled ou An lodlen NIDg 10 lbo Nortbwect ia etitntloo I! I& a11r~ no~ that <11 all otbera, s:t.OOO acrea ot land m provo &he elream- fured. 'l be Goyoromon~ are talt1ag pro· 'l'exaa on tho !!8th uti:.. reJUidng io tbo 1886. Tho eieo& ia to bo celebrated wl t\i waahing and prOJIOr .<ing ana tU71Dg drew up a prot.eat to the Oolonial Ollico 1 tleltth or f->nr peraona Nwe ol tbo IICI18po- "yel ltaelf U~dr~ ~y •9l-J!1•1 are a sfaoQ~ of tho people? We wonld oot bo cautlona J 111'-' pomp throughout tbo jlta.un Do- Wboo will our liehonnen learn 'wladom 1 agamet tbe appointmf'nt.. The reuoo.a cd are aulfer111g from oooYUISI<\OI and r.I'Q IUIDJOD Ia l;eatral Ada, ' " ' nry uacomBlalbiulr paoj)la ID llmi' of trou­ looltlok 1o '.II? adlo1010g proriocoa lor bay, Ia tbo New French Cabinet, D efro.tclnet I ; • not ~xpec te t l to ltve. Jarnn l'nnner (color- The hard bJnlq of adYafiiO timet are or on •hioh the prot.elt w~ baaed we h&VCI ble and diaaltu-tllek hd~Dltahty fo'ltn.oi· potatoea, turolpa, &o., l!fo I aod olbor farm I• Prealdeo• o£ lhe Council and minlater or t.en neceMI\ry to teach 1\ people l01110ns. n ot beard, en Ia pronrblll-od tbelt Chnatii'Q •Y~· Nl b Jd be d foreign alf11ra. ed) nnd [auuly or C\RU~ chll.Uen wora tirat Wb71r0 limping andrwblnlog ,abon~ 1C)Dr J;!r.,:rn9e, u~ .,, wou • ucatiDg a 1'bo PrioCOII& of Wa.Jec l•eerioualy ill. atr1ckeo. , l be laUlcr IUid oh1ldroo aru con;., when • ~ eeut'bottle or tfollbwey'• whtch have to bo learned sooner or later Sir Ambroee left for Britain on Thul'· pat.b7 11 eo real aod trDf that lbliy "ill al peabbCI'J •utqo~t ooraolne, a largn por- tiOJI{I agd tho tn t are uol ellpect~ to hve Cora Cure ..1 11 remove thew ? • And when thoy are· d early bought it. ha tlay in tbll A llan lltcaUllbip Pentrtinn. aoy time abare tboir laa~' ot b'road with ~ loo or our 7U.~y wauta of ebeep, horoed JAN. 9.-Fudoull anowetonn in Soo~ ooe WbO II hiiD@f}' 19d (109r. All belp IJIIOt The motbor w,~e tho o4ly 0119 that t'IIC(aP.41d. in 101\ny instances hard to bbr.~ A A11 the appointment hu n ot yet been cattle, horacil: pl$f, JIOUI~, butter, .to., l ~tnd ; numeroue tra1oa blocked. .An un 'lbe [am II)' of Ta710r c~n~•itug orflvo.PC!r, Uee the life, pi~~.-·---· aud df«tual worm to m~ ..m be t.bao1Cful17 achowlodjted. b7 &o., •oul~" 1le prodti\)Od •7rom our own kno'Wn et.eamer baa fouaderod 1D tho year hko the prt!11Cnt, when tho prioo of cfticla.lly announced we refrain from fur· tboeo for Wbotn it ia intended -YODII IODII, ulltllr 'flloner'• wore ·attacked a\. ~uo kill..,., Mother Gra'faa' Worm E.xlctiDIO· bomute¥~a. · Loaa orodl\ wouJatbci t.elteo Britis h Oh~nnol ume lime w11b Lhe -.a11b ayanptll(lla. A · ~be lllaplo proiuet 111 so low, ia well litt.ed ther cnmmont Cor t.he pr1110nt. Tbn Mon­ faltbfully. W. J, HOYL&i. 1 ator ·; ootbaug rqnalt tl. • 1 by !,he flih~rmon, aa Liley cout4 d~., a part S b ,...,~ ffi • p · child b&S d1od end t l1e red are ln a b.1d to make people atop and ponafcr, &nd to treal TI'Jt11UI baa tbo followingm :oefor· Higbweok, ' .Mib04, 19tb Notem- of their toQcl'from 'fbOir t•rllla. 'OWtfY&ted no•atorm u atop..- tra c ln ana put to themsel ves tho que~llona-Wiio once to ~bo eabjeot:- ber, 1~ · l&nd wonlc! b\ a IDOIJII of lDpport 1o Emperor hu conferred the decoralton wa7. Tbo matter waa teportod to tho A lad7 wnlet na 81ft .,oaiJ not be with­ load' autbofitiee aa eo"o'aa &be deaths oocum:d · out Minard'• LAnimenl 1f it coat •tu a p ot­ m' to blahlo t Where hllll th~ f ..ul~ 1 (FroM lilt MolffmU bw.r WriAtll). good or bad 6aben&; fb~ youth o"i' dill age. of tbe ·Black Eaglo on Cudtnal J•cob- &nd an 411topi• 'I'AI hfld oo U.o deail bodiu OllaM A CoBIUIIIPOIU~IJIIT writ.el ue to the of· &tno mlgbt objao\ to ne7 ooe eol:fnt.log Loi, papalaec~ry. tit•. for In of dlphtherlll cttou abd Where hoa the remedy 1' Qan onr liah I 'sra 4MR1W,S'F. SEic.A. I It wa. fouud · th11t the cause of death w~ 111thm•. ••hen lho patient ., ~lmo 'dead be made' mor6 valUaiJie u 'nn arQ;Io or "t i f"Dt that tho-'proepeet. ot a good -tmg laad belog eo!)"¢' ~ · \IJca ' ~IJ koi!DlT· ~ toliua11\ Ul ravaaing tho W eatern ar&en\o Md tho poiao'.\ waa • ac~d to: a well, , for wau~ or breatb •ad a remedy · 'luii'C! exPort' How can \bia'be' accompl111h0d 1 Sir Ambroee Shea h11 been appointed vo11ge durin~t !.be eoauing apriJ!g are ' replJ, Ia .. pi-bctucl!Ye labor we wanl fer St.alu' ; fbe -wnrat' for years. Cold, 30 ue ..d b7l the lwb farriilide- S'M>11:i6a tel(. ed to •~ io1tandy I~ caa·~ be beat ao­ 000 1 Tho a nlt•eta to all tboa'O pdrtmont. quer· RO'iernor of New(oundt.. nd, bei~g tbo IJI~ndld i and he nrge. •trongly Lbe Ule people, and ally' .,bo will Inyea& and 40 ·below IIOC'O, • Trw. vel etopr.ed, upon a uegro, J-os Vllley, l wbo.>bad"'­ COIIII,P.UIY 2~ Ctlllt.a. I .. • • d •.-t... :l?t:w oC da'l • ~ oapital fu cultlntlog our llllda li. au~ljo ... .. i:f(ia not f•r to -.k 1 It. 1f i11 1ugge;~L 1t;- firat nauve and'' Uoltllbho aov11rnor ~noo a .,...,..._J proaunng 1 1 1DtOI:'· b.oeraotor. . . r· ~ tntina IIDO•od up• lbraatened to lt1ll 1'arner' boe.&uiMl be had •vofdooed' h1m and. all olaill)f(l, u~ed u eel to our nwnt.era,. ~_-- 6abermon •nd •h• o" '"'J•""""" ..,Ar '~bo~v " ". ' mt.t.iOil wil.b ""l*t to &be 'Wind~. ioe, If tbe tneral dlatricta or the colony 'fie Tbe n~w Jrench Oabinet rocei'fos 'h o otb~: : • t" :0 ' ' •1 r Tbo prinoap e ot a~poi'}tinJ' r~~~'ideot 'tc., from Bou • Oo"e and T ..illm- with eaob oth•r • to~o~tLufal" &o;;elop· anpporfl:if'the Radicala,i.nolad!Dg .Rocho- Ori idjltnC!OO~tUa..• qa~uai&J'( ~~~ 111 ..aa chief JIIOIIUJV at \!14 'faaenlr ao41' gate. ll t~t were done, when t.be 10011&, hit wba&lb-' Oltl oNda.' • < • '4-• ---- of.,. QOlony to tbo' ,Overnorabt~ of ii bee foJE' waa uillhng a \be obaoqule, at thp 'fr&Vo There is JOlt one oLl1er ma~ter beet1 admltW UJ Lb.'-'-'*'' of ewfot~nd· -ling yeaeJa le&Te Cor thefiabe,Y they PI~, Sir ~erio , tlri' '!!!tllbiect Tbe :eri.ooeet ofWal• baa reoO'fared wbeo arreeted. 1 ' 1 1 • 1 to winch we w1ah to refer ldr s mo- land. Tbe go•erno·r ia alq, t.. 'be 'Jaa' would hue a Car better idea wile~ to 101U' hearty aoppori ad po.. eticd aealoe Greooe ~Iabuda bor- reeeT•• ahd 18 menl ' Tha~ ia \ be dllec'ription of tho tb•t bjnde tbe oolaolei' tb• eru. Ji...a (Ot' iban they ha'fe, laokiD" &hal U, IC Ia DOC a&MIIct.ci' ~hh itlllHd fOOd IIDQ~- -... r p~' ~·•ona. • - .J oN. ' ' I to .. I•• ..__ ... _.,.... ~- ~ r-'l - "r- ..w -S01r04T Baa Su.o~"'O· -'•o• ~w..... l 'faluablo in£01'1Da~on. Tbe au.,-Uon ,... - ,.._.._...... ,...r o paoi>Or· ' • "'" • "" ' .,. .., er.r~· wbleh' t11e l!'I"On'clt at'o ' now em· plte. The e'h'Oiee o~ local party polC . .-...~ 1 d -- ism 11 rro•ior lo oar lb :aDd o''-.ar- le&ter iaanoq by tbo arobbiMopa and labop- P.IO,Ing iJ\ Lbe 'B.tn'IC fishery. A.a "Pre· Liaian in place oil!. ~91abl1 11nhiaallecf '! a ~~"""" 0110, an we lope k will be ,...w by Lbuharp l'~lfe of~.. , I!Kl'tf Daow...;::=-.sun.G.-n.tn* 0 or Lbe C•thoUo • obVQ)I,aUbe pi-of tile O.uti~n,'" tbe wnwor' {roD;J .,.hom we repr~~M~Dli&Li'fe of mpa.P~l&l ' 'rophy 1'0' ao~ opnn. Lrf '' wfll trm badlri.,~ 1111 ,.,4J*lllle. 1 &be ...... ,...blae Ia &alii Ylclloi&J Pletl&l)' Council laac J'MI' coo&aloed thll qo~ .... y,., 008. or u.~ cl&n~rl &ha' drt' ~t liAk to ~0 ~~ ~~&; ~ ~ 0111' oorroapoDdent ioeliD• to ~.,. 1 ~aa... &be boDOt' to~ •:-'f. ~L~~ ·~ r ~liOea looP o"ook par&a•pb: ) ~ •• .. ,. . .. • .... . I ..u ... . eoem •w tbre~~t.o ' c.'be lofOIJMtri~ ! Of• tlr. ' a • • , t~~a•1Jie ,..mt.er and 1prio1 of l880 will fou IIICIR obadiM. ~-.. · 1_..,~ Jrbill IOJDtboJ- _..._ TbeYell. -1 of'JIII'C6olbirtbt r.cfr.d .. . ]... P~~looi 'u !.he' reoelt'' inotle.eo in' \he ' ne• dopanure fA ill!' ljO}I~ of orc-ly'' neemble 'Uaole ol 18'7~ . JAilq J. BOGE~QN. plaJiol i~oo\-.J, ·~· iflf til•" tbU." dar wblob ~ ao prollfto ot-ml n~~alra w• F'reocb baftJt; liahe\"f, wllftlh1t.i principally tile ltnrerill Qo.omment ia appoidtb1i :'1riJ) be liJi.ld aDd ftlriable, 0: wi&b, .,_. be'l'•'-a tb• .... Aiic1 ieciiil Danloaah lfl oolllldet. h OUI' cia&)' to utli!Jv,\Jiit1\ 111 : I' bwfng c.J t.bd •ubetitlltloo of atnta!)ht a''oolbrtt.t to t.b'e10vetDOI'Ibip of hill on ....,. o( tro.l, " wi&b iMkal~ ~· Tbe W oaw'OfJnUU&"-D fir Boffalo...... pOe~i,Ha aMMd J'luk .Lc&Wfclt', ~ ~lal ~a..~ nil'il • •p...- !WiiUJachoonora fcw"Qai1riirlold( ~rb j'to"la~ ;nu ,_._. dleou..S '~d ' ~·-ftia IW4 ....,...ly•OcQrue •ow, ptrfonHd', laWirrt- dwlle'w ._.,.toly hi itt'lat-~ d '-• W 'Ill'. )lobo Lawlor, Of eelll111 titer or otaor Uqao.. • ttnda1, r. 1ta \o of IDOW"" ~108 of &h• cliNOtora bf~e Cremaklry f ' ~.~ _ J;)utaloalla, lblad 01' of f~qeqdlllt plaoal wta- 11Ju _,. 11 aoJ · brf#* r.,._.y'. 'etnpl~, ' The n..,tU. lriU bfi ~ Tbe ~n~ af'b,. = ·r},I'UIIWI' !' ,.._; -•L. _,_,_ ., 'wl-.t.• from '1· &he frl_.