I HARBOR GRACE, NEWFOUDLAND, :JJATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1886. VOLUJIIE.. XXVI . .. Adv_,rtisements. Miscellaneous. Items. -1'n& Naw Bttmsn Boan.-Tb.. totl\1 Xr 0 1&41\one'a plan ot H~ Bul• to Ad.Aert.isements. Advertisements. nou1ber or mtmben in the new Rritlth be KocUa.d.-Wha~ Be hopea to ~'~-------------~~~~ Itollie of COCIIOIODI will be 670, dinrlbat. The O~hoWlde of t.he AtlaDUo. TilE IIUSEST FAnliElL .t.chi•••· A acepllc.'l fl\r roor Aend:t the follo .. in~; 1- od ulollowa: ST. JOHN'S PH<ENIX Anol now t it~ hooet\L former pow l:.. un- Bor- Uoi.er· To- Londt11t, Dtc. 22 -It It glrt11 oal byltf. i1 ll queation --whether ·tb o ntl11' claa of h II Ill • I•P"" lor I no to"": tiea. ouahl. aitlu. tala. Gladttone'e intimates tba* l.be plu Df at-thipe or utromc •s-<1 ""d enormoua Marble & Freestone Wo1ks Fire Assurance Company. Tltl4 Ia lbot.ov row I" t.b• u t'k•- England...... m~ol 2:l6 6 465 Home RuJe wllleb he •Ill aetaally lnUo­ tlu CllD be fUado 1\8 •cceptAllle to thlro own· 0 0 0 Wain....... .... 19 ll so duee loto l'ullameul will be a nry muth era •• .to the public, for 'he IMJiil upe~ooe Anll lltl~ ltlowor doWll- 89 Sl 1 12 leae formidable scheme t han t.bM 111hillh ALEXA~OElt s~uTn. PIIOI'RIETOR. LCl: DAnn 8TBEE1' It: COABI!SCi CflOllS Scotll\ntl ......... for tlrat con Rnd tnA1~n11nce mAiccs it 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 Jrel1111d ........... 85 16 s lqS tho public bat been II'• to bellne be L'H\DU~ . donbtfnl on which eitfo the Hn•ncial ml\rs;:in woald propo~~e. It J& be true u ma~ deai,.. to Lh11nlc thoat wbo '""'II •Ill Ito found. The m•mutcra of the C nn· · -The Rriliah Gorornru~ul i1 .cnotcmplat. • • fuore•l him lu tbe put with 7 '(otala...... S77 2M 9 670 nJpect; that Mr. Gladatoue an"ap&.IUo~r A S ESTABLI~lJED IN 1782. M<l Line Rffnt. however, o hue Mtiefl~d lug an ~lahor11te tchcmo for pl"cin~t tho put lortb n!J>Qrta which.. Pfi•a ·c4teo­ theh onle111, and wonld lntlouate at tho Tho new parllftmen~ meeta JAnuary 11. llaro thecn•eltea or their profltabl<•neq, for with· mother CIIUntry in oloae and conat~nl Cl\ble lalinJr u to bia Intention• in o~t011 """"' time thlll be h .. racilltia for perfonu­ J n tile latt parliMoent tbe re • ere 800 Lib· TRUSTERS .\ DIHECTOR!!. in the pat~ few yel\tttbey 1•1\ve Rddtd tn communication with all her colonic• 1\nd public opinion and 100 bow far be d•r iug • ork in hit line wltb untqualled de· eral1 247 Conaervalin&. 61 llomo ltulera, ,J a.eph \\' rn. llasendtt.le, Lac}. tlttir fleelu mAny Ill fh•t Of the fAttrlt lind rleJM:ndcnciu. Tho ayttem nnder con•id· JlO. t he rn10 alfceeeded admlrabl1. l:le lwl CIUI• Ia n~ rn o 1111d 14 eeat. were •~cant. 'l'bere •11a1cll anti neatneaa. and "\ pric:ea that Hri•tow Unvill, Jo:eq. lcngnt Ttaaela aOont. The Jo'reueb Sttl\nl• crttlion imoiYea the employmeot ol Cllblu rocrnd an oYerwbtlmlug prepoodonncc of uo~ be comr~tc!d with. Tho..e reqoirin&: aro :185 ~embera who oner aat in Parlia­ '11u:" llon. Jamu llicg. ahir ComPftny~tre followins: the Mmc policy. ~ nlirely uudcr Oritith control. esc~(IL in feeling amODJr people Of AJI rucut before. • partiee ~DU Mantel Plecea, Kouumeuta, Tomba, .t.lhn l:lutton. F.8q. An• the .-oyA(!O froa1 !\ow York to ll!lfre lhore I'.AI•a in which tho preaout lraoiallan­ grantinsr con~-loo.- tel Mr. Parnell. So BOAd.louea, Curba, Beartha azul OctA•iua ~ . (;oo~. FAq .• M.r. will be mnde nest ltllntn~r l>y the Ia~ Df W tic linctllre coucerned. rrrcat oppa.idon wu deweloped to llD Jrfah Come cauae lotole~ble p11ln. Hollowny'a OopJup, ueo r~:o Arthur l'ull~r. ~~q. Ftumera recently-'bnilt for tho rurpcFe. PRrli&nrent whh ll01tblng lilce great power The othor line•, howe ••~> r . nro more con- · -EITorls lo npply the United St11tu lawa <.:oru Cure nlDIOYOI tbc troul>lo. "ill •lo wrll to CAll on him. ·n ory ean ob· Cha r i~• t:. c: oo<thart. E.'l· tbat It bu btocome cenalu t.ha& ignomini· ~L Jthodc IIRwkiu•. l';&q. 1covaLive . • Tho White S111r ' J.iae luu not a~ ft i lliLJIOi ys:•my wtlc Jon~: ml\d~ in uin, 001 defeat •waiLed •a1 al&teamto •ho t~ i n Ar118t lc. thorou~rh and chatte work1111111• Muthtr Grnea' Worm Exterminator is ~ir,John J.ut.boclc, llart.. ll.r., F.R.S A<.lded a new •rueIto its Occt for Jeara, ftnd Antt the Morchotul. lonr: Accustomfd \0 the •ould ban dared to propoee the ftrat ;.hop. 111 poi'-"'a lower tlllltt t!.;: ll'w~~t dte-, plelllllD~ \0 lAke; aare •ad elfo<:&Uill ia de· Ch•rlc' Thuonu l.ucu, f.lq. itt ettamera can no lons;:er lie called ewift.. aucceaefnl eYMion o f tlooao 1•••. aro 1\t latt atop toward the ltpanlion ol Ireland from \\~~C~ . Cha ri ~• M•11n•y. 1-:..q 'floe 111mn thing holda trnc of the lnon~n ~Pt"'llod by ~he fact lh&t &bey muat now atroyiag wouna. LhOJ Go•erumout or the United Kingdom. Ch urch Work-Fouta, Alt.an, 't'ablet.a, The lion. Edwin II. l'o•lml\n. Line. The Amtrica,of the 1\ationtt.l Line. eu\looil to one or four lhinl!'l, ~:i~o Dp poJ,. Haring had tbi• fact unmlataksbl1 fore· Brouchitia.-Unlua arreatod, will t~r· ,\:.;. -1\aii<"CiAiily. Hudley lloiJerL Smith, Jo;,q ftlld tbo City of flonrt, or the Ancl•or, Arc ~:orny. leave the country,jto to l!&OI or fh:bl, ahndowed, Mr. Gladttooo now battena to minale ru con~nmtJoion. An. 1\lr~ o~ t ne•!r Th(' Sull•criher h ;>Yin~t t~lmn111 fnr•y ytua \\' ru. Jaonea ·noomJ"'In. ~:.q. both knnwn "' ocun t~~cers . The c:uion nufl lbey aecm ••try n111nrally to be cbOOII· uert tbo 1l.orm or wntlr aeemed likely failiD l! cure for thla comrla•uL" faoud 1n that l'~('<· ri~uc~ in thio colony ia theNiurn in " Lin~ retnina the Aln<l-n. 11nti the tlrizonn.l i u~: t.h e lui, The Uuitfd tito~s rnny·aoon tO bnrat upon him, and bietruat1 coafidlln\1 11 0~. niHJ-!0 1'0 11 : Allnn·a Lung Llalsalll. which can be had of J'<l<tli••n '" r•rn•·ido ~11\l e riKI 1\n•i \\' ork"'"'" bu~ wn' 1!11\d 10 u ll tl•e OrtgOn tn the Cttn· hn•·~ 1\ "'"' nn 114 h11nde that will aol•o ite ar~ cauai o~r It to be known \bat he baa not ,J\I IIS J . JILUullflt.Lll. t"jq. any Druggist, price one dollar per bo~~ l e. R' "l' IJ,.,.t Mllcult\l~J to euJur" tho tn•• rillet ard Line Comp•ny; " "'' it ia a~~id th11L tho tnrplna problem for ooe year. t he rub deeij{IJI attributed to bim. Thia \\'1t.l.l.\ll C. ~1.\ CI>OSALn,} Joi11l uf our d iuu\le. rumouror war between Enal11nd nod ltu.si". liUic laniden~ fu rthor ucitet. tbt adcnira­ f'nAscrs 11. ~IA coo:.;" t.u, Scc•·rtn•·iu." Sofllo say •• Conenmpllon e11n' t ho cared." f which 1~!1 to tl•u rbnrtcriug of lhta llntl Anr.~o'TS roni 'A ~'Tr.t·n.-/ittrnr1: . N.J, tion or Lhote wbo look apon tbc Graod ·:?IIi Gower Street, St. Joltrl·~ Ayer't Cherry l'ect.oM\1, as (l,'Ov.ed bp fort1 ocher veaeele, wae holled wi1h delij:ht hy Dt~ ·If•. - .S11 children were bi~!cn hero. on OIJ Mao at tbo wluataad w011t far-eeeln~: .\Jiril 11!. -' 'I1oe ensra$femtntA of thit OffiCI' ~re j!nl\r· Thill powder never •·11rie~ . A or ml\~vc l y e11rs' cxpcrieuce. well cure tlliA doi!CAIO when thoFe comp•nir a whute proJit'rty "'"" • ~ken . W ln t~dlly, hy n mnd do~: A dewpl\teh of eta team~n. Mr. Gladatono·• conduct of 1\ntcud IJy " numcrona Ato11 ,..t.. lll •y 1'!0· ruoi1y, ~lrcn~th •nd whnleaomeneat. not alrendy advau~ed beyond tho reach or It will be obl!tlf\'Cd thllt e v i tl ~n cc in I he \t aenL to the French scientist. Dr PM· tbo preaeril csmpaign Ia being watched with torielary in 11tfdition to " l"rolo i n vf~cti ~lore economiCl\1 thRn the or<.linu y kiu1l!. ediC31~tld. t:•on then ite uao 111forda nry ll'lllltr ie dl!cid~ly ftmbij:.~~nul. · \\'ltllc leur, . Mk i n~: him whulh~r ho would tate 10 gre:.t intere", 11 it Ia geuerall1 thought (;"I"'"'; aud tho l'rOHI(llitudo 1\nd li~Mll· nnrl <'1\tmnt l>e eold in compttilion with tho great relief, aud iusorea refrreblu:; aleep. NOlt'rHERN the one compAny is inere11sin;; air.e 11nrl •r-:e<l eh•r~:e ol Lhc P"tien~ T ho doc:or replied it ia b1 him lllu ity with which cbims hnvo 11 twAys hceu mnllilurle of low ICPI. abort I'Cil!ht. nlnou lh~ l ugaroded u •ltnoa~ a the Olherll liN hol•linsr l>acli:. The <:0-tl or if tberu wcu d&ncer the children ehould be and death aLrul!gle.
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