Tool and Die Makers, Turret and Engine Lathe Operators, Sheet Metal
DO CU M E N T R ES U ME ED 025 582 VT 000 415 A Survey of Demand in Selected MetalworkingOccupations for Major Areas of Idaho. Idaho State Dept. of Employment, Boise. Pub Date Oct 66 Note- 34p. EDRS Price MF-$0.25 HC-$1.80 Descriptors-*Educational Needs, Employer Attitudes, *EmploymentOpportunities, *Employment Projections, Employment Statistics, Labor Supply, Metal WorkingOccupations, Occupational Information,*Occupational Surveys, Questionnaires, Skilled Occupations, Trade andIndustrial Education Identifiers- Idaho To determine the state and area impactof occupational shortages inthe metal working,skills in Idaho and to provide abasis for planningeffective vocational education programs, the IdahoDepartment of Employmentconducted a sample survey of 68 employers in the metal workingoccupations. The occupations wereselected from a national list of hard-to-findmetal workers and ihcludedmachinists, welders, tool and die makers, turret and enginelathe operators, sheetmetal workers, structural steel workers, andboilermakers. The study,conducted inApril1966, .encompasses the ninemost populous counties inIdaho including 55 percentof the (1) The lack of qualified metalworkers has population. Some weneral conclusions were: of the not caused curtailmentof operation, (2) More welderswill be needed than any other survey occupations, (3)The demand for qualifiedmachinists should remain at a high level and (4) Seasonality inthe total employment ofworkers was implied bythe survey for the occupationsof welders, structural steelworkers, sheet metal workers, machinists, and. boilermakers.Statistical data is presented intable form and the interview questionnaire is included inthe appendix. (DM) 4 Ow. 111111111111111 11111111higill U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGLNIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL Of FICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY.
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