This Report. the Primary Use of Data Processing in These Districts Is Payroll
DI:) CUNCNT RCSUNE ED 031 087 24 EM 007 234 Crest Cities Research Councd Educational Communications Proiect. Final Report. Appendices; Exhibit A, Data Processing in the Creat Cities, March 1967; Exhibit C, Creativity in Urban Education; Exhibit 0, the Central Cities Conference. Crest Cities Program for School Improvement, Chicago, Ilk Spons Agency-Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, D.C. Bureau of Research. Bureau No-BR -7 -0715 Pub Date Feb 69 Contrac t - OEC -3-7-070715 - 3048(010) Note - 410p. Available from- The Research Council of the Great Cities Program for School Improvement, 4433 West Touhy Ave., Chicago, III. 60646 EDRS Price MF -S1.75 HC-S20.60 Descriptors-Adult Education, Adult Education Programs, Art Education, Audiovisual Instruction, Community Planivng, Compensatory Education, *Data Processing, Health Education, Humanities Instruction, *Instructional Materials, Instructional Media, *Instructional 'Television, Intercultural Programs, Multisensory Learning, Music EducatioN Parent EducatmiN Public School Adult Education, Reading Instruction, *School Community Programs, Teclvvcal Educatice Urban Education Surveys of the data processing systems and the innovations in instruction and resource materials in 16 school districts in the cities of Baltimore,Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit, L.os Angeles, Memphis, Milwaukee, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San Diego, San Francisco, St. Louis, and Washington. D.C., are deta!led in thisreport. The primary use of data processing inthese districtsispayroll processing. The study lists and evaluates the cost and present applicationsof data processing. It recommends a pilot program to promote personnel data systems, pupil data systems, program budgeting with textbook control as a motor sub-system, and kindergarten to twelfth grade curriculum development for computer assisted learning.
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