June 22, 1971, NIH Record, Vol. XXIII, No. 13
^ y? U. S. DEPARTMENT OF June 22, 1971 NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH HEALTH. EDUCATION, AND WELFARE VolRecord. XXIII, No. 13 Dr. G. Brooks Is Named Institute of Medicine, 3d Annual NIH Honor Awards Ceremony Newest NAS Division, NEI Associate Director; Lists Shannon, Berliner To Be Held on Monday, June 28, at CC Extramural Programs Dr. James A. Shannon, former Forty-two employees will receive awards from Dr. Robert Q. NIH Director, and Dr. Robert W. Marston, Director of NIH, at the Third Annual NIH Honor Awards Berliner, NIH Deputy Director for Ceremony to be held next Monday, June 28, at 2:15 p.m. in the CC Jack Science, were among the 110 lead Masur Auditorium. ers in economics, law, education, 'NIH Record' Wins Award Richard L. Seggel, Associate Di medicine, and other health-related rector for Administration, will sciences, named initially to the In In Publications Contest serve as Master of Ceremonies, and stitute of Medicine, newest compo The NIH Record has been the White House Orchestra of the nent of the National Academy of honored by the Washington U.S. Marine Band will perform. Sciences. Chapter of the Society of DHEW Superior Service Honor Other NIH scientists so honored Technical Writers & Publishers Awards will be presented to 22 include: for "achievement in the field of Civil Service employees whose serv Dr. Donald S. Predrickson, di technical communications." ices and/or achievements deserve rector of Intramural Research, Na As winner of the "Award of special recognition of a high order. tional Heart and Lung Institute; Excellence" in the House Or In recognition of a single, par Dr.
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