%- '90 The Chanticleer

Students to vote on new Constitution would you reply?" By SAMMANTHA HALLMARK During the evening gown competi- News Writer tion held in the Houston Cole Audi- torium, thecompetitors walked arun- The Student Government Associa- This year, the way as their resumes were read, tion is in the process of making vast tion panel had to choose between 35 are judged in several changes within its organization. homecoming candidates. categories including friendliness, With the installation of new offi- On September 28, a pane' of four campus activities, honesty, appear- cers last spring, broad changes were alumnijudgesbegmthetaskofbreak- ance and general knowledge," said set to life. The changes are basic, ing thisgroup to a lo' For event director Ra- requiring a lengthy period of time to the third consecutive year, the corn- chel Jones. institute. petition was so close that 11 women There was no base gmde point "It's like the ripple effect," said nominated to move on '0 the average (GPA) requirement, how- Byron Studdard, SGAvice-president, ever, the participants were informed "Changing one area brings about The were judged during that they would be penalized for change in another and still many more both a personal interview and an anything under a 2.0 GPA. changes are generated from that." evening gown run-way event. 75 The purpose of this initial exercise Last year's officers met in May Percent of 'he 100 point scoring 'Ys- was to -ow the field and then al- with this year's newly elected offi- tern was based on personal inter- low to on their fa- cers to assure a smooth transition. The homecoming court views. vorite candidate. Students are urged Then a two day retreat involving for 1990 is (from left to Theperspectivefinalistswereasked to vote today in the T.M.B., in front Sherry1 Byrd, adviser, SGA officers, right, top to bottom) Sh- questions by panel concerning of the S.G.A. office, to .decide the and senators was held September 27 erri Bodine, ~i~~~~~~ their school activities, personal and winner. and 28 to discuss a new constitution. academic interests, as well as open Jones, Terri Morrison, Previous student governments have questions such as, "If President Bush The results of the elections held concentrated all power to the Presi- Terri Phillips, and Tars called youand asked whatpolicy you Tuesday left students with five final- dent. Diffusion of that power and would change immediately, how ists from which to choose. functional reorganization required a new constitution and new by-laws. "It takes a strong leader to delegate all the responsibility the president had, but Stephanie (Matthews) is Virus plaguing Mac users on campus doing a really great job," Studdard said. free virus detection programs called find all viruses, but they can detect A computer virus is a program that The proposed constitution that stu- By MELANIE JONES Gatekeeper and Gatekeeper Aid. the most common ones. There is a infects computers in much the same dents will vote today offers a SGA News Writer The virus is a relatively non- virus detection program for Macin- way as biological viruses infect with widespread authorities. ---- destructive one because it does not tosh computers available through humans. Just like biological viruses, "Mike Goode, theconstitution com- Computer viruses are infecting affect user files or applications soft- Computer Services on campus. computer viruses can be contagious. mittee chairman, came away with a Macintosh computers on campus. ware. WDEF A is spread by sharing Once an infected program is used, it group of fired up people. When the According to Bob Lindsay of diskettes. There are two habits all computer can infect other programs within a constitution was finally presented to Computer Services, there have been users should develop to prevent vi- system. Also like biological viruses, the senators, it was accepted with a a few cases of infection on campus. There are available virus preven- ruses. One is to maintain frequent there are many different types of round of applause. We hope that the The cases involved Macintosh com- tion programs that can be run on a backups of application software and puters and a virus called WDEF A. computer to detect a virus before it data in the hard disk drive. The other See Virus p. 2 See Constitution p. 5 The virus was found by using two can do any real damage. They can't is to avoid sharing software. ,0 - Assessment program set to begin this Spring beginning of an assessment process evaluation of students. pinpointed from information col- By SHANE MCGRIFF that is catching on nation wide. In "We're not really assessing the lected through tests, surveys, cap- -News Writer order to comply with the Southern student. This information will have stonecourses,studentportfolios,and Featureslp. 19 Association ofcollegesand Schools' no adverse effect on any student," a number of other assessment tools. Th~sspring graduating seniors will requirements, JSU and other schools said Smith. "What we're doing is JSU hasspentover$50,000inorder be taking an hour-long test to help around the country are implementing assessing the effectiveness of our toget the program underway accord- determine what kind of student they or have already implemented an as- progiam~" ing to Smith. He said much of the are-and more importantly, what sessment program. Smith said that the JSU assessment money has been spent to educate kind of University they graduated Alan Smith, chairman of JSUs programwilleventuallyprovidedata faculty about the assessment proc- from. assessmentcommittee, said last week that will help the University improve The test, The College Students that the test is designed more as an the quality of its instruction. Areas See Assessment p. 2 Experience Questionnaire, is just the evaluation of the University than an that need to be worked on will k I / 2 Thursday, October 11, 1990 The Chanticleer

Pro file JSU grad brings Fastix home enthusiasm with the expansion of the An Anniston native and 1975 gradu- SAMMANTHA HALLMARK Fastix onto the JSU campus. "We ate of JSU, Stewart served as vice News Writer were setting up and enjoying a very president of the SGA and chairman Meet Robert and Leslie Stewart; good relationship with Troy State of the school's entertainment com- nice, simple names, andeasy to spell, and thinking we would like to talk to mittee. Country singer, Charlie too. However, that's the only part of JSU, but they beat us to the punch Daniels, provided a link between life for this dynamic duo that is easy and called us first," Stewart said. college experience and the profes- or simple. The outlet under construction in. sional world by hiring Stewart after Stewart is founder and president of the student commons between the his appearance in Jacksonville. Ste- Fastix, a computerized ticketing net- Bookstore and the Roost will permit wart worked with Daniels for ten work system based in Birmingham. students, faculty, and local residents years. to purchase tickets to events any- Involved in entertainment since his In 1984, Stewartjoineda New York where in the state-wide Fastix sys- college days at JSU, he now spear- group who managed coliseums and tem and be offered the best seats heads one of the few remsuning inde- arenas. He then moved on to Word available without a trip to the civic pendently-owned ticketing systems Records, achristian recordcompany center or event location. in America. based in Texas. His wife, Leslie serves as vice- With 21 outlets and 68 terminals, president of marketing and is a now everyone, everywhere gets a fair With his experiences building upon member of the board of directors. chance at g&d seats. "We think this each other, he felt that both he and She played a key role in the forma- is a great service to the public and we Birmingham were ready for com- tion of Fastix and its service philoso- also offer a variety of services to our puter ticketing. InDecember of 1986, phies and principles. clients, also," Stewart said. "Not Fastix was born. "Actually, it wasn't Parents of three children under the only does a client not have to worry acarefully planned path, itjust seemed age of ten, this attractive pair has about ticket availability, order tak- to happen in an order that led to this," carved a vital niche in the entertain- ing, processing, and mailing, but we Stewart said. ment business in Alabama. The Bu- also can give an up to the minute Lesley Stewart 1s a 1977 graduate mingham Business Journal named breakdown on how ticket sales are of Stephen F. Ausun Un~v~rs~ty;she them to the Top 40 Under 40 last going by city, by outlet, by day, by earned a masters degree In education July. hour; anyway they need it. This from Vanderb~ltUnlvers~ty In 198 1. "We're very happy to be recog- really helps in keeping an effective Her experlencc ~ncludesseven years nized llke this because we are a serv- promotion schedule. We also in- In event management and t~cketlng ice orlented business and our success clude a calendar of upcoming events related to the enterlalnment Industry. is measured by the quality of that with each ticket order we mail out. service," remarked Stewart. Making it easy and worthwhile to let The JSU branch of Fastix began With quick, easy smiles, Robert Fastix handle any event's ticket sales construction in Septemberandshould and Leslie Stewart expressed their has always been a major focus." be open by the middle of October.

Virus Students celebrate reunification From p. 1 Germany jobs. The older generation, computer viruses, and their effects gram that triggers some unauthor- By SHANE MCGRIFF the generation split by World War 11, vary. Some are simply an inconven- ized, malicious act when some pre- News Writer 'World War I I is is happy to be united with relatives ience; others can cause destruction. defined condition occurs. The Worm and friends. She said the younger There are four main types of de- is a virus that taps into unused net- On this side of the Atlantic Ocean, structive viruses: Trojan Horse, Logic work resources in order to run a very Nele Hempel and a few friends gath- over. I'll try every- generation has mined emotions, having been born well after Ger- Bomb, Worm and Trap Door. The large computer program. The Trap ered in the JSU International House thing not to let Trojan Horse is a program that looks Door is the type of virus seen in the at midnight for a small ceremony. many wasdividedintoEastandWest. this happen Attitudes in the United States, normal but contains some destruc- movie War Games. With the Trap Across the Atlantic in the heart of tive elements and, when run, can Door, a programmer bypasses secu- Europe a nation rejoiced as one for according to Hempel, are sometimes again' outdated when it comes to the topic desrroy data or software within the rity measures usually applied in the first time in more than forty years. system. The Logic Bomb is a pro- computer systems. Hempel's home is Numberg, West of German reunification. "All some Germany. Her country officially - Nela He rnpel people know about is World War 11 reunified with East Germany Oct. 3 and Hitler, they don't know what is Assessment and Hempel wanted to celebrate. "It really going on in Germany," she From p. 1 is something to celebrate whether short period by taking on the East said. University to assess the effects of you like it or not. It is a big event in German burden, but she said her Hempel said the old images of Smith acknowledged that some of world history," she said. family is willing to make the Germany have little relevance to the the faculty are against an its programs, activities, and awessment Dropram, but said there environment on student growth and fice. "We have to do this. It's not like situation today. "World War 11 is --- - " Despite the cold war, and a basic . achievement." resentment of the East German gov- they're (East Germany) a different over. 1'11 try anything not to let this concerns were normal. happen again," she said. "I was born "In all Universities there's some Smith has made a point to get ernment, Hempel is happy Germany country. I think it will be ok." students involved in the process by in 1970, it's not my mistake what trepidation about it. It's a change in is one counuy again. "We're all Hempel said the different age speaking to student groups, clubs, happened, neither is it my parents." the order," Smith said. Germans. We only feel a little differ- groups in Germany seem to have and placing students on key Hempel will stay at JSU until the In a survey Smith conducted last ent from the East Germans because varyingopinionsaboutreunification. assessment subcommittee's. end of the academic Year. She plans winter, 93 percent of the faculty they're considered a different state." She said many working age adults "The key to the success of this to return to Germqy next year to agreed or strongly agreed with the Hempel said, in her opinion, Ger- were worried that the East Germans program is how the students react ,,,* might come over andtake away Wes! continue.-- ha.- education. . *. . ..*.- smtefilent*'111 is-,ess*~tiaj $e+. .by.<-. .fp? -L .many ,will suffer ecm~oicaUyfora- .'kh'it~'SsnitFb'dib'..'. .. ,+ ., a. .* The '~hanticleer ~hursdai'0ctotki 13; 1990 3 Work begins on Wesley building intowhat isnow theJacksonvillecity By MELANIE JONES librarv. Healsodesimed the Jackson- News Writer ville city school buildings. Consrrvction begins in November The Rev. Dale ~lem,-ministerof on the new home for the Wesley JSU's Wesley Foundation, is very Foundation, and the building should excited about the move. He feels the be finished by May 1991. new building and location will give The Wesley Foundation, the United the organization a chance to grow Methodist Campus Ministry, will be both in numbers and in spirit. building on Pelham Road south of Clem said the building will be Jacksonville High School. equipped for 20 boarders and that the The new location will be a big boardersmust beactive in the Wesley change for the foundation. It is cur- program. He feels this will provide a rently hidden behind McDonald's in stronger fellowship. It will also gen- asmall housebetween theFirst United erate rent, which will help fund the An artist's rendering of the new Wesley Foundation Methodist Church and the AlphaTau Omega fraternity house. The new building will provide a The group has hired Shelby Dean, place for new programs, but that an Anniston architect, to design the doesn't mean Wesley won't continue building. Dean is a popular architect its old programs as well. Clem said I We all have to care in the Jacksonvillearea. He designed there are no plans to discontinue the the First United Methodist Church, Sunday celebration each week in and he changed the old post office McCluer Chapel. about clean air!

Need a hobby? Polluted air can hurt animals, like raccoons and Call 782-5701 and we'll give you rabbits. Team up with your friends and tell one! everyone we all have to care about clean air! I Forest Scrvicc-USDA I The Chanticleer needs writers, photgraphers and enthusiasm!

OPEN 6 A.M. TILL MIDNIGHT DWARDS' 7 DAYS A WEEK DISCOUNT SUPERMARKET 435-6630 E 500 PELHAM ROAD, SOUTH - JACKSONVILLE SENMCITIZENS DISCOUNT EVERY TUESDAY HOMEOWNED None Sold To Dealers Prices Effective Oct. 10 Thru Oct. 16, 1990 I pGJSTAMtV I Quantity Rights Reserved 4 Thursday, October 11, 1990 The Chanticleer. News from all over Protesters storm university for improvements rename a campus sports area the College Press Service week student strlke last spring, is ing drives for this fall. Coors events center. down by three people, to 774 under- the two all-male eating clubs left on Several hundred University of the The school's Board of Regents had grads, college spokeswoman Vickie to the campus. In mid-September, federal Judge agreed to rename the building after Bates announced. all-male club District of Columbia students, de- John Lifland refused to delay a state manding major changes in the way theCoors foundation, largely funded of the Mil1s Just days after a federal judge re- Supreme Court order by integrate by the conservative Coors family their pian to admit men to their school is run, stormed two build- fused to Stop them, 21 Princeton theclub. Thedaisionstemmed from that controls the Coors Beer Com- reverse a long enrollment slide when ings Sept. 26, vowing not to leave ~~i~~~~i~~women formally applied a 1979 lawsuit by a female student pany. The foundation donated $5 alumni promised lo help the school until their demands were met. to become the first female members who wanted to join the all-male million to construct a campus field- with fundraising and student recruit- The students submitted a list of 20 of the 11l-year old ivy club, one of clubs. demands, including the resignation house. of 11 of the 15 members of the Board Claiming they had not been con- of Trustees, an increase in library sulted about the move, student poli- hours, better cafeteria services, capi- ticians approved a resolution to bar tal improvements and an Afrorcen- Coors from sponsoring any student tric curriculum. events. "We chose to do this because of our Judge supports disgust with the Board of Trustees," protest leader Mark Thompson said. testing ban 'This school is in a situation of disar- A federal appeals court said the ray. Our accreditation is in jeopardy NCAA's program for testing ath- and that is a direct result of the board letes at member schools unconstitu- of trustees." tionally infringes on students' pri- vacy rights. Mayor vetoes The program, first challenged in tax plan court by Stanford University ath- As she promised, Mayor Joan Barr letes in 1988, unfairly punished ath- vetoed a city council effort to make letes without necessarily proving they students at Northwestern University, were abusing thedrugs found in their Kendall College and other schools in systems. It also proscribed substances the Chicago suburb pay taxes of $15 that are often found in birth control per quarter on their tuition. The city pills, Coca Cola and herbal tea, the council, in turn, failed to override the 6th District Appellate Court ruled veto. Sept. 25. The tax, which angry council Stanford lawyer Debra Zumwalt members had wanted to help pay for said she hope d the ruling would the water, police and fire services the convince the NCAA to change its city provides to the tax exempt cam- program. puses, would have been the first stu- "Stanford is not against all drug dent tax in the nation. testing," saidzumwalt. "We want to Students object make sure it's legal." Enrollment down to name change The University of Colorado stu- at Mills College dent government voted Sept. 25 to Enrollment at Mills College, dis- oppose the CU regents' decision to suaded from admittedmen by a seven-

' For flairaudio Doclutif ul Hair DIAL 435-4040 FOR APPOINTMENT 101 S PELHAM JACKSONVILLE SQUARE "3 p <.< :: .,.-,.-.- . .. . . ,.... i ' Thursday, October 11, 1990 5

Constitution Police reinstate radar use Fromp.l students are just as happy with it," the power of the SGAinto the hands ing speeding and other traffic viola- that the radar guns are being used Studdard said. of the students. The UPC will oper- By SHANNON COOPER tions will go on the students' driving Another key to the realignment News Editor along that strip of road because of ate as a division of the executive records. Thecampusofficers file their these reports. yas the elimination of the position branch and have seven separate The university police have had ac- reports by way of uniform traffic Until recently, pedestrians were not of business manager. The job had committees. The UPC eased the cess to speed monitoring equipment citations, the same citations city and responding to careless drivers, but no specific requirements and Mike SGA officers' burden of concerts, for the past two years. county police use. since there has been a growing stu- Goode, who held the position for publicity, and special events. David Nichols, director of public The speed limit on campus is 20 dent concern over the problem, the the past two years, was used more Senator Darryl Graham is prepar- safety,said that because of numerous mph. Nichols said that many of the campus police have reinstated the as a secretary than a manager. ing a pamphlet that will further ex- reports by pedestrians of n&-miss . The creation of the University plain and help people net involved complaints received from pedestri use of their radar system. "As we &A . - incidents, the campus police would ans had originated in front of Brewer have a chance, we use the radar to I Program Council further distributed in UPC. I be taking measures to prevent such Hall. The building is located on deter speeding and reduce the likeli- accidents. Highway 23 1, with its primary park- hoodof someonegetting hit,"Nichols Nichols said that citations involv- ing lot across four lanes. Nichols said said.

Greg Gallent Consumer Econornlcs and Housing Cornell Unlvers~ty Prices range from "The first time I saw a Macintosh, I was immediately hooked. It's a work of art. I saw the student pricing and my next move was

"Some other computers are cheaper, but they're a pain to learn, and working in room 180 of on them can be a grueling experience. Self Hall between htyear, a friend bought another 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. kind of computer against my aduce Thursday, Oct. II th and has used it for maybe 15 hours.Vlmat a waste. lLMacintosh,on the other hand, is a logical extension of the mind. It lets puconcentrate on what's in your paper, not on how to get it on paper. You can create professional-looking documents in minutes, and you lose the fear of learning new programs because they all work

"Once you've worked with a Macintosh, there's no

For more computer information, contact or visit Allan Wallace at Computer Services, 782-5201, Low Student prices now available! 6 Thursday, October 11, 1990 The Chanticleer

*Applications for Fulbright Grants are being accepted by the U.S. Student Programs Division, Institute of International Education, 809 United Nations Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10017-3580. Candidates day is spent as a safety lecture. "We must be U.S. Citizens who hold a bachelors degree but do not hold a doctrate, as well as a working knowledge By JAY ENNCS go over all the potential hazards and of German. Applications must be in IIE Headquarters by Oct. 3 1. News Writer their corresponding corrective ac- *Beginningsign language classes will beoffered from 4:30 p.m. to6 p.m,every Monday beginning tions. We have the students read and on Sept. 10 andgoing through Oct.15. Intermediate classes will meet at the same time from Oct. 22 through Chemical exfilosions in mid-Sep- understand these rules, and then sign All ctasses willhe held in 311 Ramona Building. For more information, call 782-5093. tember temporarily closed buildings Dec. 6. Wood a statement for our records which -Campus Outreach will be having a p~yermeetingfrom 7-8 p.m~bmomow,in McClure Chapel. at Hazatd Community College in Kentucky and Purdue University in proves they have attended this most Everyone is invited. important lecture," said Cox. Office of Student Activities reminds students to have valid i.d. for entrance to home football Indiana. games.. Nitrocelluiose, often referred to as Protective apparel such as safety 43udent and Faculty pictures will be made for the 1991 Mimosa in front of the book store, from "flash cottan*, was being dried in glasses must be worn at'all times. 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. today and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on tomorrow. preparation for a demonstration at Failure to follow prdure can re- -Voter Registration will be from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, 4th floor of TMB. Purdue when it exploded, causing sult in expulsion from the lab. the destruction of a fiist-floor lab. *AJobsearch Seminar will be from 3-4 p.m. on Wednesday in Classroom B on the 10th floor of Proper storage of chemicals is a the Houston Cole Library. The workshop is being sponsored by Career Development and Counseling Poor storage of white phosphorous created the opportunity for a fire high priority wirhin the department. Services and the offise of Career Planning an# Placement. Chemicals are coded by their nature -The Sociology Club invites all interested parties to its meeting at 2:30 today in 328 Brewer Hall. which quickly spread through a chemical storage area at Hazard. and special requirements and stored The speaker will be Eric Adcock, a recovered drug addict and currently a drug counselor at The Bridge (drug in an area away from the labs. Only treatment center). His topic is to be "Drug Addiction and Recovery." After his talk he will welcome Damage was estimated at $100,000. According to Barry Cox,chernistry theexact amount ofchemicals needed questions. Anybody who wishes to come is invited. to perform the intended experiments -The JSU Young Democrats Club will hold an organizational meeting at 2 p.m. on Wednesday in department head, JSU has been very fortunate. "I have been on staff since are extracted from these storage ar- 313 Martin Hall . All interested students are invited to attend. With the state general election just ahead in 1975, and we havenot had any major eas. "There is never a tremendous November, the major topic will be state politics. Club sponsors are Dr. Jeny Gilbert, Dr. Jerry L. Smith, and quantity of any dangerous substance Dr. James Allen of the Political Science Department and Richard Green from the Management Development accidents. A few burned fingers is the worst we've seen. in the lab at any one time," added Center. Cox. *TheCircle K Club is an international collegiate service organization sponsored by, and modeled "Basically, safety around chemi- cals is just plain common sense. If The chemistry department is very after, the Kiwanis Clubs. Members perform various campus and community service projects, as well as fund proud of its safety'record and as long raising for local andnationalcharities.TheJSUCircle Kclubmeetsat 5 p.m.every Monday at in 127 Stone youpay attention to what your doing, as the students continue to practice Center. New members are currently being sought and all interested individuals are invited to attend our you can stay safe," said Cox. common sense, it will remain proud weekly meetings. To insure that the students know s, the first for a very long time. The Chanticleer Thursday, October 11, 1990 7 1 +. =A*,. #*A*- "JSU: THE GREATEST HIT' Homecoming 1990

9 Schedule of Events. Q

October 12 9 Homecoming Howl Parade 7 p.m. QuadLTrustee Circle Pep Rally /Bonfire 230 p.m. IM Field Announcing of Hmcming Queen and Court

October 13 Yard Display Judging 8 a.m. Alumni House Open 9am-1p.m Q Alumni House J Club Smoker 9 a.m. Gamecock Center Computer Mo Services House 10 am - Noon Room 323, Bibb Grave Hall

I Homecoming Parade 10a.m. Q From Hardee's down North I Pelham 9 Float Competition during parade Park on Bibb Graves Lawn I Band Competition following parade ' Coliseum Parking LO^ Alumni Association Gener Membership Meeting 11:15 am. - Noon Theron Montomery Building, Auditorium Picnic on the Quad 1130 a.m. - 1:N p.m. $3.75 Adults, $250 Children 1966-70 Class Reunion Luncheon 11:30 a.m. - 1:N p.m. Library, 11th Floor Activities on the Quad Bookstore Sales, Homecoming Tee Shirt Sales, JSU Arts & Crafts, Cocky and JSU Cheerleaders, Commemorative Photos, Remote Radio Broadcast, Face Painting, Bdmn Rides, Mums for Sale

Pre-Game Activities l:N - 2 p.m ' Paul Snow Stadium Winning High School Band/Former Homecoming Queens/ 1970 Football Tarn Introduced Football Game 2 p.m. Paul Snow Stadium ]wksonville State University vs. University of North Alabama Half -Time Activities Marching Southerners, Alumni and Outstanding Fadty Awards, Crowning of the Homecoming Queen, Reseiitation of Court Alumni Reception National Guard hory Tickets $10, hors d'oeuwes, cash bar South Pelham Road . --- The Chanticleer 8 Thursday, October 11, 1990

Our turn. . .

Thank you Saddam Just when you thought things couldn't get worse, Vendala, the company who owns the snack machines on campus, rased the prlces of cokes and candy bars to Se,cakes to 60" potato chlps and crackers to 45"nd gum to 40e. And, you are probably wondertng why. Cathy Rose, the Department of Communication secretary, asked one of Vendala's workers why the prlces have gone up. He told her that ~t was because of the lncrease m gas prlccs. So, we would l~keto thank Saddam Husseln for yet another ~nlruslon into our Amer~canway of I~fe.If ~tweren't for you, we'd st111 be paylng 99.9"or a gallon of gas, and 50e for a coke. You are a swell guy.

Vote Today students at JSU have the opportunity to exercize a very important right-the right to vote. The new SGA constitution will be voted on today. There must be a majority vote for the document to pass, so it is very important that you make a decision of some kind. Also, this is your opportunity to take part in a tradition-voting for Homecoming Queen. Take the time to go to the polls. Censorship showdown: While it may not be a presidential election, this is our chance to make a difference. Your vote counts, so make sure you have one. Battle between right and wrong "They intended America to be a Piedmont may not be pornography By TIM LOCKETTE city set on a hill, a beacon light of in Hobson City. And yet God's law Columnist Christian virtue shining across the is universal and binding. Funny, Budget blas Hark! What ho! Me thinks I hear oceans of sin and tyranny. I bet you when I use that sort of reasoning, Once agiain, the members of Congress are showing Americans that a Republican approaching! didn't know that, did you?" you say I'm using situational differences between parties take precedence over the will of the people. "Hello, my grouchy Libertarian "No. I didn't know the men ethics." Instead of finding a solution to a big problem, no money, they had to columnist friend! Great news, great personally, unlike you. But "Look, it's OK to yell 'fire' in an piddle around and argue and carry on. news . . ." speaking of oceans and tyranny, empty field but it's not OK to yell Isn't it about time those people who are representing us in "What news, Mr. how many of those men were 'fire' in a crowded theater. That's not slaveholders and representatives of Washington start acting as our representatives? What about the cuts in Fundamentalist, old buddy, old situational ethics. That's common pal?" the slave states?" sense." domestic programs, what about taxing necessities such as gas, what "The Broward County District "Hey, the number of people held "Actually, it's both." about defending us from gas companies bent on robbing us blind? Attorney has succeeded in captive by rock music is far greater "A community has a right to convicting a Florida record store 'that the number of slaves owned by protect itself. How can we raise our owner on obcentiy charges for Americans. Dirty music makes children right-and the children are selling a 2 Live Crew album! people slaves to Satan." the future-if they're constantly America is finally going to snatch "But I don't listen to 2 Live bombarded with sexual and violent The Chanticleer 16children from the arms of Satan! Crew. I suppose somehow they are images from the TV and radio?" "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge truth and falsehood Glory hallelujah! Krishna rama and ~nfringingon my rights anyway." "My TV has a special attachment all that other gibberish!" "As long as that Satanic to take care of that. It's called an in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. " - influence is out there, you are a John F. Kennedy "Wait a minute! The police are 'off button. If you're too weak to sending people to jail for SINGING slave. If you're free, but you don't push that button, you can't expect SONGS and you're rejoicing? What follow God's orders, then you're Uncle Sam to do it for you." Ruth Hughes about the First Amendment?" really a slave. So we're trying to "They don't just hear it on TV. get the government to force Shannon Cooper Editor in Chief Rodney Parks "Well . . . that's a complex Other children sing these songs on Sports Editor subject. You see, with freedom everybody to follow God. That way the school playground. It's News Editor comes responsibility. 'Freedom of we can all be free." sickening!" expression' doesn't mean you can "in other words, freedom is "Well, throw those kids in jail Tonya Morrison Chrrsti McCarty go out and say anything you want." slavery and slavery is freedom." then!" "More or less, yeah." Features Editor Photography Editor I "Oh. Well just what.does it mean "Don't be facetious. I'm talking then?" "So, who's the prophet who will about a serious subject. There are tell us what God wants us to do?" Patsy Long Jason Thompson TJ Hemlinger "You see, our founding fathers also dirty minded grown-ups who were good, bible believing men . . "We don't need a prophet. We go around singing these tunes, Secretary Business Manager Facdty Adviser have God's law. It's all written thinking about heaven knows "You mean except for deist down, it's absolute and binding in what." 'Ihe Chanticleer, the student newspaper of Jacksonville State University, is poduced Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin, al kases whatsoever." "You mean grown ups like enti~elyby students.l'heeditorhasthe fmaldeasiononditorialcantent.Funding is provided the orgiast?" "That's cool. So who decided Ulyses Grant? He once said he only through university appropriations and advertising revenue. Offices are in 180 Self Hall. " . . . who took for granted the what the Bible means in specific knew two tunes-one was 'Yankee Letters to the editor must be typed, double spaced, signed with the writer's affdiation with fact that the people of America cases?" Doodle' and the other wasn't. I'm the University and no longer than 300 words in length. would assume that certain standards "In the case of pornography, the sure that tune wasn't 'Me So Guest Commmries are welcome. contact the editor for details. of decency must be enforced. decision is made by individual Horny,' but I bet it wasn't 'Lily of Ideas on the editorial page are the op~nionsof he editorial staff unless otherwise noted. communities. Each community- The editor reserves heright to edit for content or space. You've got to take into account the the Valley' either. He was talking Send all submissions to Ruth Hughes, The Chant~cleer,Box 3060, JSU. Jacksonville, AL original intent of tJle authors of the hopeful1y under the conviction of about some filthy bar song, pal. 36265. Deadline for all submissions is 2 p.m. Friday. Constitution." God-decides what its standards And he was a member of your "And I suppose you're going to will be." party." tell me what that was." "I see. So what's pornography in - - The Chanticleer Thursday, October 11, 1990 9 A humourous look at computers Bits, bytes, Tupperware and viruses

By R. DALE JOHNSON what I did. It always works. went on to develop LOTUS 1-2 and LOTUS 1-2-3. Lovelace Faculty Columnist Q: An increasing problem today is computer viruses. Many later became disillusioned with computer science and went on people are afraid to network their computers or share software. to make some really good pornographic films. (Editor's note: This is part two of Johnson's humorous look Is there any solution to the virus problem? Q: Was it in the 20th century that the terms "bit" and "byte" into computers. thefirst part ran in last week's Chanticleer.) A: I dare say that most people's computers have a virus and were coined? Could you explain the history behind those Q: Dr. McMurphy, many students are very frightened of they don't even know it. Most people can't recognize the terms? computers. To what do you attribute these fears? symptoms until it's too late and they've lost software or data. A: Well, both those terms refer to the computer's memory. A: In my opinion, this stems from the insidious rumors But it's simple. Put your hand on the screen or on the top of Back during WWII, a computer's memory consisted of that have been going around for years that computers kill the computer itself. If it feels warm at all, your computer has a thousands of electrical relays that opened and closed. One day a people. In fact, over the last 10 years, the government has virus. To cure it, unplug the thing for a week. When you plug scientist was fixing a relay and somebody turned the machine only successfully documented about l,OOO1cases of computers it back in, it'll be good as new. As many people have on inadvertently and the relay closed on his finger. He killing people. Most can't forget that "60 Minutes" report a discovered, unplugging things solves a lot of problems. reportedly screamed "That damned machine just bit me" and the couple of years ago describing a computer controlled x-ray Q: If you don't mind, I'd like to talk just a little about com- word stuck. The word "byte" is just the present tense of bit. machine that fatally irradiated 15 people. After only two days puter history. You're credited with the invention of the modem Q: But byte is misspelled. of searching, the computer was captured and is today on death computer, but what about some of the earliest computers? A: We're computer scientists, not'~n~1ishmajors. That's row in Montana. SUCH A CASE IS A RARITY! MOST A: The first computers were built in Egypt in about 3000 why we invented spell checkers. COMPUTERS ARE BASICALLY DECENT! During the B.C. The only software they had was word processors to print Q: My last questions pertain to the recent controversies in recent San Francisco earthquake, three computers fell off their all those hieroglyphics on papyrus. It simply took a human computer science that most people have read about. Would you stands and crushed some secretaries. It was later ruled an too long to draw all those little pictures. For example, it took care to comment? accident. Yet, many people in San Francisco went back to a human two days just to print up a sign that said "MEN'S A: I assume you are referring to Tipper Gore's campaign. I using typewriters after that. Hysterics! ROOM". The computer only took three minutes. think she's overreacting in trying to get labeling on software Q: But what about all those people who just can't use Q: Was the Egyptian technology lost during the Dark Ages? so that parents can monitor what their children are running. computers? Every timerhey enter a command, the machine A: For the most part. Of course, monks used them to print Parents can monitor their children without governmental locks up, no matter how careful they are? books. Those movies where you see monks laboriously intervention. For example, the other day my youngest daughter A: Well, I admit that there are a few computers out there copying some manuscript by hand are ridiculous. Historians came home with a copy of "'s Word Demon" that simply don't like people. I once had one myself. It laugh at such dribble. It was all done on computer. word processor. I sat her down and told her she could use wouldn't execute any of my commands. Know what I did? I Admittedly, they were crude computers, sort of Fred Flintstone Wordperfect and nothing else. She accepted my judgement. unplugged that sucker for two days. When I plugged it back in versions. Squirrels were used to spin the disk drives. But they Q: Do you have anything to day about the recent hacker ar- and entered a command, it still wouldn't do anything, so I were computers. rests? You know those three boys in New York who put their faked it out by acting like I was going to unplug it again. Q: And then, in England in the late 1800s things changed? disks in backwards and strange Satanic messages came up on (Laughter) Believe me, my hand wasn't even close to that plug A: That's right. Charles Babbage designed the first computer the screen telling them to erase governmental data, bring down before I heard that thing start up. I haven't had any trouble out with a large memory and a stylish cabinet. His programmer AT&T's network and worship the Beastmaster. of it since. (More laughter) If you get a mean computer, don't was a lady named Ada Lovelace. She is credited with writing A: Well, anyone foolish enough to put a disk in backwards send it back to the factory-that's just what it wants. Just do the first spreadsheet package, called LOTUS 1. Her proteges deserves what they get.

all students to take to

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are a high quality performing group. FO, 10 Thursday, . October. 11, 1990 The Chanticleer



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SUNNY KING 6TH & QUINTARD , ., .+= ,I A i f,r 8 .,.,i.. t- .- 9, s.$\>,b- $ , . * 3 i b . t The Chanticleer 7ihursday, October 11, 1990 11

JSU sco res big rload win

By RODNEY PARKS first quarter as the Gamecocks took hitting Henry Ray with a 16-yard the opening drive 53 yards in 11 pass that gave the Gamecocks a 17- Sports Editor plays to open the scoring when 7 lead with 14:50 left in the game. David Gulledge scored from one Delta State played hard until the When the JSU football team yard out. With Slade Stinnett's ex- end of the game as the Statesman entered the contest at Delta State tra point, JSU held a 7-0 lead. hit field goals of 42 and 28 yards to Saturday, a road victory was a must The second time the Gamecocks close within four points of the to keep any hope of a third straight offense received the ball, they drove Gamecocks. NCAA playoff appearance alive. 77 yards in 10 plays and built a 10- Delta would control the ball After back-to-back Gulf South 0 lead when Stinnett capped of the twice in the final minutes of the Conference losses, the Gamecocks drive with a 45-yard field goal. game with a chance to score a win- fell out of the Top 20 poll but re- The two teams traded punts until ning touchdown. ceived the road win needed as JSU mldway through the second quarter The JSU defense wouldn't let this edged Delta State 17-13. when Delta State's offense drove 72 game slip away as the Gamecocks "We had everything happen to us yards in nine plays and scored when that could happen that will cost you stopped the Statesman on downs quarterback Kenny Taylor ran across with just over three minutes left a ball game," said Coach Bill the goal line from 10 yards out to but three dead ball fouls called on Burgess. "Our team just found a close JSU's lead to 10-7 with 5:17 JSU would give the Gamecocks a way to win. left in the half. first and 55 yards to go. "We have all the respect in the The Gamecocks would drive in- JSU was unable to pick up a first world for the Delta State and it's side Delta State's 15-yard line twice down and this gave Delta one more program. We knew Delta State was more before the half but were un- chance to win the game. This final going to play us hard for four quar- able to score on either drive and had drive by the Statesmen was stopped ters and we knew they had a fine to settle for the three-point halftime when JSU's Rodney Summerour re- football team. Were very proud of lead. covered a Delta fumble with 1:02 our football team bkcause we did Neither team could put any of- left in the game. enough to lose the season today but fense together in the third quarter JSU was able to hold the ball and we found a way to handle it and win until JSU started a 10 play, 62-yard end its losing streak. Burgess felt the game," said Burgess. drive that last until the fourth quar- Terrence Bowens leads JSU's rushing attack this season JSU looked very strong in the ter. This drive ended with Gulledge See FOOTBALL, p. 16 Two teams battle for Gulf South Conference lead conference play. advantage of three Pacers turnovers Tennessee State Saturday. 19.5 points per game. The Blazers By TODD BROOKS North Alabama 49, in the first half to build a 28-0 lead. Valdosta State 46, continue to show improvement Sports Writer UT-Martin 0 With the win North Alabama has Livingston 7 each week as the offense has aver- Craig Bryant tossed two a 2-1 GSC record and stand at 4-1 Valdosta State put together it's aged 34 points per game in their Week six of the regular season touchdown passes to DeJuan overall. This week the Lions will best offensive and defensive effort last two outings. and week four of Gulf South Singleton and reserve quarterback travel to JSU in an important GSC of the season as they trounced the Valdosta State now stands at 4-0 Conference play is in the history Dan Gaddis scored on runs of seven game. With the loss UT-Martin Livingston Tigers 46-7. in the GSC, 4-1 overall and will books and Mississippi College and and three yards as North Alabama falls to 2-4 overall on the season Valdosta was next to last in scor- Valdosta State still stand alone as rolled over UT-Martin. and 0-4 in conference play. The ing offense in the conference com- See GSC, p. 12 the only two undefeated teams in The Lions were able to take Pacers will play at Middle ing into the game averaging only


4- 1-0/2- 1-0 JSU vs. North Alabama JSU leads series Last meeting Oct. 13,2:00 p.m. JSU 12, UNA 3 18- 17- 1 Jacksonville, A L.

Team GSC Overall THURSDA Y TUESDAY Valdosta St. 4-0-0 4-1 -0 Pep Rally 8 p m Volleyball JSU vs North Alabama Mississippi College 4-0-0 4-1 -0 Tenns JSU at Georg~aSt 7.00 p m North Alabama 2-1-0 4-1-0 OTHER EVENTS JSU 2-2-0 3-2-0 FRlDA Y THURSDA Y Troy State 2-2-0 2-3-0 Volleyball ' JSU at UNA Inv Vote for Homecom~ngQueen Livingston 1-2-0 3-3-0 9 am-4 pm. SATURDAY Delta State 1-2-0 2-3-0 Football JSU vs North Alabama West Georgia 0-3-0 1-5-0 2 00 p.m SATURDA Y UT-Martin 0-4-0 2-4-0 Homecom~ngParade Volleyball JSU at UNA Inv 1030 am JSU claims win over Troy State Golf team scores victory in tournament action Division I and I1 teams competed in 64. "I was very pleased with our By JAY ENNIS the 36 hole tournament. "The first day, we had as good a teams consistency," said Hobbs. Sports Writer 'The first day Each team consisted of five play- round as we could have hoped for," "Troy has four returning players and ers. The lowest four scores are to- said Hobbs. they are used to pressure play, but If Coach James Hobbs had anv we had as good taled for the team total. An individ- they couldn't catch us on this par- The JSU score was completed by questions concerning the depth 0; a round as we ual score of 72 is par for the 18 ticular weekend. The fact that talent of his JSU Golf team, he got hole course, thus a team total of Mike Lindsey's 68, Stephen (Groat) and (Jordan) had the highest some answers at the Tri-State could- - have 288 strokes constitutes an even par, Saunder's 69, Jeff Jordan's 74 and scores on day one and then two of Classic as the Gamecocks claimed ho~edf Or. ' -- team round. avid Groat's 78. the top three on the second day first place in the two-day event with On the opening day of competi- Jordan and Groat got back on shows that we have the desired team a final score of 565, thirteen strokes ~amesHobbs tion, Troy State turned in an im- track on day two with rounds of 71 play necessary to compete for a in front of second place Troy State. pressive 282 team total which was and 73 respectively. Wigington Gulf South Conference title and The tournament's individual IIamentS this year Wigington has a good for f'ust place at that time. continued his fine season with an perhaps a national title. winner was JSU Gamecock and All- 69.75 average. However, an hour and a half later even round of 72, while Saunders American candidate Gary The event was hosted by U.T.- the Gamecocks completed their and Lindsey each turned in a 74. "It is still very early in the sea- Wigington. Wigington led the na- Martin and was played at the round. The squad finished with a 13 The second day total of 290 was son, but we're showing signs of tion last year with a 72.57 average Pickwick Park and Golf Club in under par 275, led by Gary once again good enough to lead the just how good we can be," Hobbs score per 18 holes. After two tour- Pickwick Dam, Tn. Twenty-four Wigingtons' individual round of field and win the Tri-State Classic. said. GSC Mississippi College used a Desp~tebeing the number two With the loss West Georgia fell College remained undefeated in Continued from p. 11 powerful offense to hand Troy State scoring offense in the GSC the to 1-5 overall and 0-3 in the GSC. GSC play at 4-0, the Choctaws travel to West Georgia this wcek. it's second conference loss of the West Georgia Braves are still strug- This week the Braves will return to have a 4-1 overall record and will Livingston falls to 1-2 in confer- conference play as they host season. play Livingston this week in ence play, 3-3 overall and will play gling for the wins as they dropped their fifth straight game. Valdosta State. 'The Choctaws have the best rush- Meridian Miss. host to Mississippi College ing offense in the GSC led by Fred The loss dropped Troy State to 2- Saturday. West Georgia played well against the number 12 ranked team in McAfee who rushed for 128 in the 3 overall and 2-2 in conference Wofford 27, Mississippi College 36, play. Troy State will host Delta Division 11, but once again didn't game. West Georgia 25 Troy State 16 State this Saturday. have the defense to win the game. With the win M~ssissippi

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By TODD BROOKS Sports Writer 'We had good The JSU baseball team hosted a Parent's Day tournament on pitching, good September 28-29 along with an defense, and we Alumni game on the final day of the tournament. hit the ball well.' The Gamecocks won three games to finish the tournament 3-0. The --Coach Abbott other teams participating were Southern Union, Wallace, and Hansville. from both baseball and football in Coaches of two of those teams 1949, and Chuck Miller, the played at JSU. Jabo Jordon played winningest basketball coach in on the 1979 World Series team and Alabama history. now coaches at Southern Union. JSU Coach Rudy Abbott was Randy Buckman played on the 1977 pleased with the Gamecocks per- World Series team and coached the formance in the tournament. National High School "We had good pitching, good de- Championship team at Tate High fense and we hit the ball well, and School in Pensacola, Florida in so we pIayed real well," said Coach Abbott and members of the 1990 JSU baseball team present Dr. McGee with the national 1987. Abbott. championship trophy. There were no standout players in they're doing, give them a chance to would play well at all." the shakedown with your ballclub Over one hundred former players the tournament according to Abbott progress," said Abbott. "Not one returned for the Alumni game. and get to the Spring, you can be because many different people person had a tremendous tourna- Abbott said players are on a roller more consistent," Abbott said. Players included Bill Jones, JSU played. ment as I recall, but everybody coaster in the fall. They do good Head Basketball Coach, John "What you try to do in the fall is played pretty dam good. Which sur- one week and not so good the next. There was no first, second or Meadows, a JSU Hall of Famer give everybody a look, see how prised me, because I didn't think we "Hopefully when you get through third place in the the tournament. JACKSONVILLE

"Uptown On The Square" Extends fl hearty W~lcorneTo Friends flnd fllumni On This Homecoming Weekend 14 Thursday, October 11, 1990. The Chanticleer Maniscalco controls Gamecocks' running attack

By TODD BROOKS quarterback and fullback positions Sports Writer all six years he has been at JSU. "I think we have one of the best Have you ever wondered who the Division I1 programs in the nation, person is that is responsible for and it's always good to work with JSU's high-powered offense? somebody who's on the top," It's Coach Charlie Maniscalco, Maniscalco said. "When we play the offensive coordinator at JSU. home games we have good crowds. Coach "Man," as his players call It's a lot of excitement, and coach- him, is from Birmingham and ing at a place like the caliber at attended JSU from 1969-73, play- JSU is exciting." ing baseball for Coach Rudy The whole time he was at Oxford Abbott. and now here at JSU, the He came back to JSU with Coach Gamecocks have used the wishbone Bill Burgess, after the two had offense. Maniscalco feels it is a coached at Oxford High School. strong offense to use. "I enjoyed coaching under him "I think first of all it's an offense (Burgess), and I thought if I would ever get the chance to coach in col- where you don't have the spotlight lege football this would be it," on one person," said Maniscalco. Maniscalco said. "It's a team-oriented offense. I think Maniscalco has proved himself as that it rolls over into the rest of the a strong offensive coach. At JSU, things you do on or off the field. his offense has been near the top of "I think it helps you defensively, the GSC each year. because when we go against the de- With a background in baseball, fense we run the football a lot, even what made him decide to go into in the spring. So overall I think it coaching football? makes you a more mentally tough "I hoped I would have been good football team than a passing type enough to play pro baseball, but I offense," said Maniscalco. wasn't, so I knew the next best Maniscalco credits the success of Coach Charlie Maniscalco thing was to be in coaching," said the offense not to himself but to Maniscalco. "I knew from the first his assistant coaches. day I walked on a college campus "The offensive coordinator gets 'Coaches (Roland) Houston and (Mickey) Vickers our running stead of just one person. You've gc that's what I wanted to do." the credit when we do well, and re- :Joe) Billingsley coach our offen- backs. Coach Beck coaches our to surround yourself with goo Maniscalco has been the offen- ally the credit should be the entire jive line. Coach (David) Sykes fullbacks. All these guys, if we do people, and when we do good that sive coordinatar pdhas coached the offensive staff," said Maniscalco. coaches our wide receivers. Coach something good, need the credit, in- where the credit should go." Gulledge has experience needed to run wishbone offense

Championship experience was By JAY ENNIS "Unbelievable." Sports Writer "I mean the pressure was unreal, yet it was so much fun," Gulledge In a football game against said. "It's very difficult to describe, U.T.Martin in 1987, a true but I'm proud to know that I've ex- freshmen by the name of David pqrienced that feeling. Not many Gulledge got the opportunity to players get that chance." start at quarterback. He has owned The wishbone offense is very that position at JSU ever since, demanding on the quarterback. He with tremendous results. must be a quick thinker, a strong Now a senior, the 6'1", 193 Ib. runner and a precision passer. From Gulledge has compiled an impres- the stats, one could assume that sive list of accomplishments. Gulledge is the right man for the Coming into this season, he has job. gained 1,811 rushing yards, has "The wishbone is a great of- thrown for 2,150 yards, ran for 35 fense," said Gulledge. "It's based on ball control, and this year we have touchdowns and was named 1989 David Gulledge Gulf South Conference Offensive the experience on the offensive line, Player of the Year. American High School Athlete. the running backs and receivers to "Perhaps the best judge of a quar- Gulledge is a top candidate for the realize it's full potential." terback is if his team wins or not," 1990 Harlon Hill Trophy, which is Off the field, this recreation ma- said JSU Coach Bill Burgess. awarded Division 11's top football jor enjoys hunting, fishing, golf, "With David at the helm we have player. pick-up games of basketball and won 24 games and lost only five. "You know, I'd trade that, and all just "getting away." That's impressive at any level of the other potential records and When the year is over he would play." awards for another shot at that na- love an opportunity to play in the Winning and being honored for it tional title," Gulledge said of the professional ranks. If not, he is nothing new to Gulledge. As an trophy. wishes to pursue a career in coach- athlete at Pel1 City High School, Despite all the personal attention ing. he was named to the All-State team given him, everyone around him is "I don't think I'd ever be happy in football, the All-County teams keenly aware of his honest dedica- going to an office every morning," in basketball and baseball, as well tion to team play. said Gulledge. "I'd be much happier Gulledge is in his third year as a starter for JSU as being recognized as an All- Gulledge said the National coaching, or better yet, playing." The Chanticleer Thursday, October 11, 1990 15

Former tennis player now coach at JSU Gamecock coach leads JSU fall, spring sports

into coaching. but the thought of going to a big- court. It's improved the last five By TODD BROOKS "I can't recall anytime in my life ger school has crossed his mind. years, but I think we should be Sports Writer that I wasn't competing either as a "JSU is one of the best schools stricter as coaches, and referees. in Division 11," said Bailey. "I'm player or a coach," Bailey said. "I was in Florida this year watch- not saying if the University of ing the 18 Nationals and (the play- If you have ever been to a JSU "Athletics reflects to me what life Alabama called me and said 'Hey, I ers) were throwing rackets swearing tennis match, you have probably is about. You work hard, you see need a tennis coach' I wouldn't and kicking the balls around. I seen Coach Steve Bailey cheering the results, you compete. think about it, because coaching in think that court etiquette should be his players on to victory. "I like to competc. There's been the SEC has always been a thrill of better. Tennis was originally a gen- Victories are something both the only one year since I've been work- mine, but who knows, maybe I tleman's game, a lawn game, and JSU men's and women's teams have ing that I didn't coach and I missed wouldn't like it. now it's turned into 'If I can't beat gotten use to. Last spring both you, I'm going to beat you with it real bad. I guess it was the com- "I really have no aspirations of teams captured the Gulf South peting part that I missed. This other my racket' so I wish it would get a Conference championships. going anywhere else, but like I said job was just a 9 to 5 type job, I if a big major Division I school in little more stricter on the rules and Bailey, who hails from Gadsden, was bored to death and I guess that's - etiquette," he said. received his degrees from JSU in Steve Bailey the SEC or something ...then I the reason I like coaching. I like to wouldn't mind thinking about it. Besides tennis, Bailey enjoys rac- Physical Education. see the young kids set a goal and quetball, golf, sailing and badmit- "I like the people I work for, they But right now I haven't thought Bailey participated in all sports accomplish that goal or at least try ton. Bailey feels that all sports have support you, they let you do your about it. I've got a real good job, when he was growing up. After to. We work together for it," said a lot in common. job," said Bailey. "It's more of a I've been here ten years so it's kind high school, he went to a junior Bailey. "There is not a whole lot of dif- family-type atmosphere than a work of home, I feel comfortable here," college for two years and planned to ference in all of them," said Bailey. atmosphere. I think that is what I said Bailey. come to JSU for a year and then For Bailey, coaching is a full- "Show me a good athlete in tennis, like about it more than anything. transfer to the University of time job. Coaching both men's and One problem Bailey sees in col- he'll probably be pretty good in Alabama. Bailey enjoyed the women's' teams is tough because What other schools I've been lege tennis is that sportsmanship is badmitton, golf or whatever. program and the people so much he they require different strategy and to ...coaches are maybe pressured or not what it should be. "I love all sports, in fact I've decided to stay at JSU. different plays. they (the coaches bosses) just know "I think they ought to be stricter coached golf, tennis, basketball and After being at JSU as both a stu- you at work so to speak, and here, with the people's attitude on the baseball at one time, and I coached Bailey's love for athletics was a dent and coach Bailey feels the peo- they are really your friends." court," Bailey said. "There's a lot of them all the same as far as the men- key reason why he decided to go ple at JSU make a difference. Bailey truly enjoys being at JSU, bad sportsmanship on the tennis tal aspect goes," Bailey said. Cheerleaders lead JSU spirit into the 1990s

Female team captain Stephanie By JAY ENNIS Sparks said, "We practice between Sports Writer seven and 10 hours per week, de- pending on the difficulty of our Who puts the 'P' in pep, the 'S' scheduled routines. In addition to in spirit and the noise into the huge the GPA requirements, the women crowds at Snow Stadium? It's the must also adhere to a strict weight cheerleaders, and in case you haven't control policy, for obvious rea- noticed, they're in top form. sons." Cheerleading at JSU is more than The squad cheers for both men's' just a fun activity, it is a football and basketball, which scholarship sport. A sport that is makes for a long season and a lot of perhaps most closely related to travel. gymnastics. Much like the other sports on The male members are power- campus, the cheerleaders compete in fully built, with excellent balance national championships. The squad and upper-body strength. The fe- qualifies to represent Division I1 by male members are very strong and submitting a video tape containing flexible. They also must possess live performances. All home games the intestinal fortitude necessary to between now and Christmas will be perform their difficult routines. taped to send in to the selection Each member must also possess committee. the energy and personality to catch The top five teams from each di- the attention of 15,000 fans on a vision are selected to attend the na- Saturday afternoon. tional championships in the "We work hard, but we have a lot Spring. The JSU team has not been of fun. That's what it's all about," invited for the last two consecutive said male team captain Craig Davis. years, after placing second for three A try-out camp for new members straight years before that. will begin October 15, and it is "The team just kind of fell apart open to anyone who wishes to try. last year, we were selected eighth in However, first semester freshmen Division 11, which isn't bad but it are not eligible because each mem- didn't get us into the nationals," ber must have an established GPA said S~arks."But this year, we're of over 2.0. If you want to tryout, shooting for No. 1 all the way. Craig Davis and Stephanie Sparks just contact one of the team mem- We're organized, fired up and ready bers for details. to go." All home games at VBCC in Huntsville -- NCAA Division I Hockey played in South All home games played on Friahy and Saturday nights at 7 p.m. NOVEMBER JANUARY UA-H schedule it was reported that By RODNEY PARKS many JSU students attended the 2-3 Windsor University (Canada) 4-5 University of Connecticut Sports Editor games. 16- 17 University of Alaska (Fairbanks) 1 1-12 Merrimack (MASS) College This season, tickets for the 30 Kent State University 25-26 U.S. Air Force Academy Last year, the The Chanticleer matches will be sold on the JSU asked the question, what was the campus at the new Fastix outlet. DECEMBER FEBRUARY one of the four major pro sports in UA-H has some outstanding 1 Kent ~iateUniversity 1-2 Mankato State University America that was not played in the home matches this season with 7-8 TBA 15-16 U.of Alaska - Anchorage south? teams such as the University of The many people who answered Connecticut and Kent State. hockey were wrong. UA-Huntsville All games will be played at the presently has the only hockey team Von Braun Civic Center on Friday in the south. and Saturday nights beginning at Last year, The Chanticleer ran the 7:00 p.m.


Continued from p. 11 to face North Alabama. JSU leads the series with North Alabama 18- Make O'Charley's Fit In Your Schedule! big plays played a key to his team's 17-1. Last season JSU defeated the victory. Lions 12-3. North Alabama has not FJA. O'CHARLEY'S FALL SCHEDULE "We had a lot of people make defeated JSU slnce 1985 whcn ~hc 6 PvMs Closing THURSDAY 3 P.M. Closing some blg plays for us today ~n Lions scored a 23-10 victory - I - I 1 I which we had to have to win this The longest Gamecock win streak game," Burgess said. "This was a is four on two different occasions, MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL CONSUME typical JSU, Delta State war and from 1964-67 and 1979-83. JSU's TACKLE SOME LOWNECKS SOME CULTURE today we were just lucky enough to largest margin of victory was a 60- have more points than they did." 7 win in 1971. *MILLER, GENUINE DRAFT $1 .IMPORTED BEER $1.95 With the win Burgess has a 39- North Alabama's largest margin 19-3 record a JSU. The Gamecocks of victory was a 38-10 win in eLITE LONGNECKS $1 .CHICKEN WINGS 1ot now lead the series over Delta State 1968. The highest scoring game in 19-8. the series was a 55-23 JSU win in The Gamecocks will return home 1970. @HAMBURGERS50t START YOUR WEEKEND @OYSTERS50e RIGHT WITH O'CHARLE Y'S EACH QUARTER WE'LL HAVE

...... : DRAWINGS FOR PRIZES! .DRAFT BEER 9gt ...... : I ... ..: ...... OCTOBER 17,1990 ...... 3 P.M. - Closing I SATURDAY ...... (Sr TUESDAY ...... 10:OO A.M. - 3:00 P.M. . .: CARRIBEAN CRUISE .... CULLEGE FOOTBALL ...... : Y'S 4TH FLOOR TMB K AT O'CHARLE VIA- -- - *LONG ISLAND TEAS $3.50 O'CHARLE Y'S *ALL-U-CAN-EAT PEEL R & EAT SHRIMP $6.95 .DRAFT BEER 9gt ;:%:::;\,:;!;;3Pr'MI t...:?C= . . ;::: IT'S A MEXICAN FIESTA PRIME TIME AT O'CHARLEY'S AT O'CHARLEY'S SUNDAY & MONDAY ONLY .MARGARITAS $1.00 010 02. PRIME RIB B .MINI NACHOS $1 .00 DINNER $7.95 I j 20% Discount j I (1 $ 9geDRAFT BEER ALWAYS AT O'CHARLEY'S (EXCEPT SUNDAY) I I I On Homecoming I Corsages Fall Line-up Has Something For You. I @arle@* L------With This Coupon Stop By And Enjoy One Of Our Delicious Daily Specials. 2 1 1 N. Pelham Road Jacksonville, Alabama 831 -8305 I #4 RECREATION DRIVE OXFORD, ALABAMA -- SGA CONGRATULATES The Five Finalists For Miss Homecoming ...... f 3 I I €3 Sherri Bodine I I I I I I €3 J. Michelle Jones I I €3 Terri Morrison I I I I I I €3 Terri Phillips I I I I I I 0 Tara Turner I L------J * Students, be sure to vote in the runoff election today-4th floor TMB. I Also on the ballot will be the new SGA CONSTITUTION. NATIONAL COLLEGIATE ALCOHOL AWARENESS WEEK OCTOBER 14 - 20 rKmtw NAI ION?I Alcohol Awareness COLLEGIATE AWAKEYES> Week 1990 WEEK I Monday, October 15: Tuesdav, October 16: "Let's Talk Responsibility" "Free by Choice" Denis Farr, an Alabama Alcoholic Berverage Two inmates from one of the state prisons Control Agent will talk about what will be on hand to talk with students about constitutes responsible drinking. He will their experiences and how alcohol and also discuss applicable laws and what substance abuse affected their lives. I happens when these laws are violated. 1 8:00 p.m. - TMB Auditorium 8:00 p.m. - TMB Auditorium ' $ .%> C s .,' r* 'Ltzl. bbr>lll - - ,, 18 Thursday, October 11, 1990 The Chanticleer


Valdosta State at West Georgia 12:30 p.m. Mississippi College at Livingston 1:30 p.m. Delta State at Troy State 7:00 p.m. JSU 1990 JSU 1990 UT-Martin at MTSU 1:00 p.m. FOOTBALL I 1 North Alabama at JSU 2:00 p.m.

OCTOBER JSU FALL1990 GOLFSCHEDULE EPTEMBER 4 UT-Martin W 7-1 DATE TOURNAMENT SITE SEPTEMBER 19 at B'ham South -- Sept. 10-11 Charles Coody 4th Place Is 18 Lningston' 24 at Berry -- 8 at Ala. A & M W 27-7 W. Texas Inv. 15 West Ga.* W 44-9 21 -22 at MUW Inv. 26 UAH -- 25 UAH Oct. 1-2 Tri-State Classic 1st Place 22 at Val. State* L 17-18 26 at Huntington Oct. 7-9 Stetson Univ. Stetson University 29 Miss. Coil.* L 7-17 28-29 at Rollins Inv. NOVEMBER Nov. 2-4 Ala. Intercollegiate Aubum Universdy 2-4 Samford Tourn. -- Nov. 12-13 FI. Citrus Bowl Inv. Rollins College - CTOBER OCTOBER 2 . at Troy State* L 2-3 I" 5-6 at UT-M Inv. 3rd 6 at Delta State* W17-13 9 West Ga.* W3-2 GSC GSC 13 UNA (HC)* 2:00 12-13 at UNA Inv. TBA WOMEN'SFALL 20 at UT-Martin* 1:00 16 UNA* 7:OO SCORINGOFFENSE SCORINGDEFENSE 7:OO TENNIS 27 at Wofford 6:OO 18 at Samford 23 at Livingston* 6:OO Team S PTS && Team P PTS && at Miss. Coll.' 8:OO SCHEDULE 24 Huntingdon 7:OO 26-27 at Pre-GSC TBA OCTOBER UNA 5 136 27.2 UNA 5 57 11.4 29 at UAH 7:OO 4 UT-Martin Miss. Coll. 5 125 25.0 JSU 5 64 12.8 3 Troy State* 7:00 -- 30 at UNA' 7:OO 11 at Georgia St. Val. State 5 124 24.8 Miss. Coll. 5 64 12.8 10 at Livingston' 1 :00 -- 19 at B'ham South -- UT-Martin 6 143 23.8 Detta State 5 72 14.4 NOVEMBER West Ga. 6 142 23.7 Val State 5 75 15.0 2-3 at W. Ga. Inv. 24 at Berry -- * Gulf South 6 Troy State' 26 UAH -- JSU 5 112 22.4 Troy State 5 87 17.4 Conference Game 8 at W. Ga. Livingston 6 129 21.5 UT-Martin 6 158 26.3 16-17 at GSC Tourn. NOVEMBER Troy State 5 105 21.0 Livingston 6 166 27.6 Delta State 5 72 14.4 West Ga. 6 173 28.8 I Gulf South Conference ~atchl 2-4 Samford Tourn. -- JSU 1990 MEN'SFALL WOMEN'SFALL STANDINGS FOOTBALL BASKETBALL BASKETBALL FLAG FOOTBALL STANDINGS ATTENDANCE SCHEDULE SCHEDULE FRATERNITY DIVISION INDEPENDENT NOVEMBER NOVEMBER 1. Pi Kappa Phi 9-0 SEPTEMBER J DIVISION 19 Lincoln Mem. Home 19 Berry Home 2. AT0 6-2 at Ala. A & M 11,500 1. First and Last 30-1 Tom Roberson Home 27 Alabama Away 2. S. Daredevils KWAlpha 6-2 West Ga.* 15,000 3. BCM 4. Kappa Sigma 5-3 at Val. State* 5,213 5. Sigma Nu 3-5 Miss. Coil.* 15,000 DECEMBER DECEMBER 4 Athens State Home 1 Kennesaw Away U DIVISION 6. Delta Chi 2-6 8 Troy State* Home 4 Talladega Home 1. Run & Shoot 7. Sgrna Phi Epsilon 2-6 OCTOBER 10 Val. State* Home 10 Val. State* Home 2. Death Warrant 8. Alpha Phi Alpha 0-7 at Delta State* 1,750 12 Troy State* Home 3. Pannell Wiklcats UNA (W)* ---- CO-REC SOFTBALL at UT-Martin* --- JANUARY 15 Kennesaw Home S DIVISION 1. Sgma Phi Epsilon 4-0 at Wofford ---- 2 Berry Home 1. Risky Business 2. Alpha Xi Delta 3-2 4-5 Rollins Tour. Away JANURARY 2. Speed Demons 3. The Alphas 2-3 NOVEMBER 7 Livingston' Away 4-5 Berry Tour. Away 3. Hurricanes Sigma Nu 2-3 Troy State* ---- 4. BCM 1-4 Liiiwston* ---- Gulf South Conference game Gulf South Conference game

she! pamonia"Clothing Racing Bikes Mountain Bikes BMX-Freestyle Childrens .I, s -Your chance to hear classic rock and win free pizza. 12 p.m. M-F Afternoon Rock-n-Roll 5 p.m. M-F Losr Lmm TAPES- A Beatks histoh lesson! 8 p.m. Wednesdays ALL REQUESTSHOW - Rock with The Morrisons, 6-10 p.m. Thursdays IN CONCERT- Great Concerts, 8 p.m. Fridays SUPERSTARCONCERT SERIES - Even greater concerts, 8 p.m. Saturdays LAZERWORKS - CD spotlight Listen to 92-J for your chance to win good food, tapes, and other cool things! 1 The Chanticleer Thursday, October 11, 1990 19

Rick Richards and Rick Price take breather from 'Satellites'

By Theresa Maskew Georgia Satellites reunion after country area." Features Writer their first album was released. Their second relcasc, "Battleship Price, along with drummer Mauro Chains," didn't do as well as the Magellan, were new members to band had predicted. The 'sophomore Rick Richards and Rick Price of the group. The band soon-after curse' that is forever drifting around the Georgia Satellites made their caught attention from some record the halls of the music industry Alabama debut as The Ricardos at labels and never let it slip out of struck the Satellites hard, "We Brothers on September 27. their hands, " and I started didn't like the song at first. A friend The Ricardos sizzled the crowed the band seven or eight years ago of ours, Terry Anderson, of The for Drivinl-n-Cryin' with a hot style pl.aying bars in . We went Woods, wrote the song. It's kind of of acoustic music ranging from through several different band weird because I thought it had a lot original tunes to their own members, then we got an indepen- of potential to do well, but it came renditions of classics from the likes dent record label and made an al- too soon on the heels of our first of the Rolling Stones. bum. It got a lot of good reviews in song. Plus, it was a different Explaining the departure from the the British Press. We had broken up singer, so that kind of separated it The Ricardos: From left, Rick Price and Rick Richards Georgia Satellites, Richards said, at the time, but subsequently we from the first one," Richards says. says, "I didn't feel out of place play- "Right now we're taking a hiatus. got back together. Rick Price and "We thought it would do well in playmg for colleges. We did a lot of ing with the bands. We toured with We've been on the road for five Magellan joined the band from the Britain because it's a rallying type college shows before our first al- years-nonstop. rick and I are doing of song, you know, 'let's get bum came out. A lot of college sta- Skynard in the summer, and also on previous incarnation of the News Year's Eve in San Francisco. this acoustic thing to get out of the Satellites," Richard explains. drunk.' The words are easy, and ev- tions have been really good to us. I It's basically the same type of audi- house. We've been off the road for Georgia Satellites first release, erybody can sing along with it." think it's a great audience, you can't ence that digs the Satellites." three weeks and we've got to get "Keep Your Hands to Yoorself," But, they soon realized that the al- beat it," Richards continues. back on." They have not left the bum wasn't going anywhere and de- The Georgia Satellites have had If You were lucky enough to wit- crossed over, unexpectedly, to coun- ness The Ricardos at Brothers, you Satellites for good, however, and try. It wasn't officially considered a cided to try something else. the opportunity to play with gener- insist that they are working on new Georgia Satellites enjoy playing ations of bands that were around be- had the pleasure of being part of the "country song" until a country leg- type of audience that they love to material, "Right now, we're writing end remade the song. "We didn't re- to a college audience. Their first fore most of them were born. play for. At the current time, a songs for our next album." He alize until Hank Williams, Jr. redid shows were at college campuses in Alabama's own Lynard Skynard was didn't mention when it would be re- the song that it had crossed over to the South and college radio stations one of them, along with Mother's record release hasn't been discussed, leased. country," Richards said, "He did it, were supportive of their music from Finest and the Atlanta Rhythm but the date will be set in the near Richards and Price met after the so it made it sort of official in the the beginning, "We cut our teeth Section. On this subject, Richards future. .> +. 7-t_ *%t> I+ ,*~,. .. ,..".<. % ., The Chanticleer 20 Thursday, October 11, 1990 'Working Girl' takes on 'Batman' in 'Heights'

By Craig Howard Features Writer And, it's my assumption that I'm just

For those of yoy who believe going to have to live with the fact that that Michael Keaton should stick to Melanie Griffith will always sound like a comedy roles such as those in "Mr. Mom" and "Beetlejuice," stop what fourth grader sucking a helium balloon. you're doing and go see "Pacific Heights." You will observe a psycho that even Norman Bates the missing rent, but does very alone with the maniac. Fed up with would have trouble dealing with. noisy things late at night and sits Carter and worried about Drake, Keaton doesn't even have to say in the dark watching Patty when- Patty decides to turn things around, anything, you get chills when he ever he feels the urge. Drake sets going after Carter soon after he is just sits in the dark twirling a razor out to evict Carter, and the real bat- finally evicted. Eventually, she blade, cold and emotionless, with tle begins. beats him at his own game. All three actors give fine perfor- just an icy stare on his malleable What ensues is psychological and mances, and the movie itself is a face. economical warfare as Drake fights very intense piece of work.There "Pacific Heights" begins when helplessly to get Carter out of his are, however, a few problems with Drake (Matthew Modine) and Patty building. There are physical, emo- the script. It is never exactly clear (Melanie Griffith) invest in a house tional, and mental battles between what Hayes does, and what explana- with three apartments. They move Carter and Drake, while Patty wor- tion is given is loose-ended at best. into the first one and rent out the ries whether or not her and Drake's There are other parts of the movie second to a chinese couple who relationship can withstand the pres- that just weigh it down, like Hayes' make perfect tenants. Everything sure. From the first blow, however, goes fine until Carter Hayes , played by Beverly the couple learns that since Drake D'Angelo. And, it's my assumption (Keaton) rumbles into their lives allowed Carter to sign the lease, with his Porsche and fat wallet. that I'm just going to have to live even though he hasn't paid a dime with the fact that Melanie Griffith After promising Drake that he'd in rent, he is covered under "tenant send him the first six months' rent will always sound like a fourth rights." In fact, Carter himself dials grader sucking a helium balloon. in advance and convincing him into 9 11 before he decides to cause trou- foregoing the usual credit check, All-in-all, though, the movie is a ble so that, conveniently, the police good one. The main reason to see it Carter moves into the apartment, are always a witness to Drake's changes the locks, and begins his is for the unusual angle that it takes "aggressive behavior." on landlords and tenants, showing Melanie Griffith and Matthew Modine are the perfect couple, scheme. Of course, Carter's rent us the very different view of owner- until Michael Keaton moves into their lives. never shows. He refuses to answer After months go by, Drake ends the door to speak to Drake about up in the hospital and Patty is left occupant.

Beatles have rights, too! Group claims UA gave them 'non-theatrical rights' . . The Chanticleer Thursday, October 11, 1990 21 Boomers bring it home

whose entire family was in a band By Tonya Morrison rooted in Birmingham, performed ~eatures Editor for the first time at the tender age of eight, and, "hasn't stopped since." Playing a respectable mix of By far the quietest member of the contemporary country and down- group, Frank Hardy, bass guitar and and-dirty rock 'n' roll, The vocals, resides in Anniston Beach Boomers, formally known as with his family. His parents were Southbound, have made quite a also in the music business, and name for themselves on the local even did a radio show in the 50's. club scene. They confine their He's also had his experiences w~th playing to the Alabama Show other bands, but says that this 1s- Palace these days, but once they all where he plans to stay for awhtle. belonged to separate and very The Boomers even have a resident different bands. married couple in the group, Two of the first members to join Michael and Vickie Gorman. The Boomers were Steve ~ichaelplays guitar, harmonica, Boullemet, drums and vocals, and and keyboards for the band, and Alan Wilson, lead guitar and Vickie shares lead vocals and vocals. They actually formed the keyboards with him. The couple band, which had branched from two have been married for 14 years, and previous bands--Night Owl and have no complaints about working Southbound. The other members of with each other in the music these went their separate ways, but business. As Michael puts it, "If Alan and Steve were determined to there's a guy staring at her [Vickie], keep their music career going then my theory is, 'look, as long as strong. Both had grown up you don't touch.' It's not a problem surrounded by music, and both at all, we're past that jealousy bit." knew that the music business was They've had plenty of experience their calling. "I never had a doubt in dealing with the "little things that my mind that this was what I go on," having been in bands wanted to do," says Steve, whose together, namely the enormously grandmother was a teacher. "I popular Tin Pan Alley, for ten wanted to direct films and things ,,.=n*a JW*. like that, but I just ended up having ~h,Boomers perform as the to choose. I think I made the right - The Rowan house that was next to the library is being moved to Ohatchee choice, though." Alan Wilson, See BOOMERS, p. 26 Celebrate Homecoming I In A Fresh Way - I

We bake our Honey Wheat and Itallan bread rn every store, so you know they're fresh And since you get to watch your f~xrn'sbemg a$ded you know they're fresh, too Subway Where you cansee the freshness - Game Day Special I I I FREE I- 1 ! 16 oz. Drink With Purchase of Any Sandwich With This Coupon ! I I South Quintard College Center I I Anniston Jacksonville I I I I 238-8222 %'%6@! 4354367 1 1 1 Hours: Monday-Saturday 10 am. - 2 a.m. Sunday 1la.m. - 12 Midnight I I 22 Thursday, October dl, 1990 The Chanticleer

AZ end: Dyvonia Hubbard, soclat week. Also, congratulations to I Caldwell. Brian Riley, Larry JSU. Bringing up third place for the We are looking forward to chairwoman, did a wonderful job Proper, our new IFC treasurer Broadwell, Will Luhus, Kevin planning it. arc women's division was Samantha Homecoming festivities and and brother of the month. Cote, Blake Turner and Frankie We have had a blast with Holland of Jacksonville with a time Porking with the Delta Zeus this Homecoming week. We are looking Watch for us on Founders Day l, Parkrndn. of 23:09. .&eekend. We hope everyone will We sen3 out out regards to our forward to the Howl Parade and the coming up on November 1. Other participants receiving tro- have fun. Welcome to our new pledges ' trb~sin the Middle East, and to phies werer Steven Pritchett, Frank Also, we would like to welcome Homecoming Queen announcement Keith Creel who Was redkntly acti- 4 tonight. Thanks to Terri Morrison whom we picked up in wildcat Bowie, Jason Lihkien, Forrest e Delta Chis to our block. They rush, our total numbcr stands at 31. vated- all Alumni who for representing us in the ! Martin, Alkn Borstorff, Alfonzo ad their ribbon-cutting ceremony Question of the ~~dd2 are back for 'Homecoming. Good Edwards, Mike Montgomery, Brian fn September 29. All of us are Homecoming Court. Please help Sprinkle building up his muscles luck [O the eamccocks in the Up- Johnson, Shirley Ray, Debbie support our Balloon Affair fund- SPooking forward to having a close win Homecoming Quccn? - coming Homecoming game. , A EeGrande, Brandy Atkinson, Julie &ssociation with them. raiser for the American Lung AT0 Busby, Paula niblett; and Bonnie ~WUCOME! Association. We are seHing one Tidwell. dollar chances for a $50 dollar din- AOn Congratulations to Sam Mclean Our pledges are doing a great job for being brother of the Itlonth and pdare almost half-way through the ner at The Victoria. The winner Congratulations to Christy Igo SAM -$emester. Keep up the good and ded- will be announced at the and Pam Johnson for bcing named$ fo Lindsey Hayes for being named (Society for the Advancement of $cated work. Homecoming game. Good luck to sisters of the week, and to pledge the the Gamecocks in their game Fau]kenbprg and Christy ong gratulations to Teni phil1ips Management) : The football team is doing great. for being selected for the top ten at SAM is a business-oriented orga- :We need everyone's support as we against UNA! Harris, pledges of the week. nization. We are extending an invi-

+ the Homecoming Pagaent. Good head into the playoffs. Come cheer We are looking forward to the re- We are tation toLall business majors and ception for Lee Thomas this looking "IWard lo Our luck in the final race for queen. as lo a victory! mixer with Delta Chi. Go Gamecocks! Go Taus! anyone with an interest in business Pi Kappa Phi would also like to evening. Way to go Christy Foster, study to attend our meetings every 1 Congratulations to Nicole wish the JSU team good luck with cookie of the weck. Thursday at 4:00 p.m. in room 250 Killough, sister of the week, and HPER 5k Run -Homecoming. Go Cocks! luck everybalylhis Parents Day started out with a of the Menill building. Tina Jones, pledge sister of the week with the Homecoming festivi- week. .:..- bang as the gun went off at the We had our first meeting on AX &LC*. thursday, September 25, and se- K A Congratulations to our very own second annualparents Day 5k Run . We would like to thank all the at Pete Mathews Coliseum. The lected our new officers for 1990. We would like to thank Zeta Tau Tara Turner, who was chosen as They are: Donna Messer, president; sororities for their participatiuon in one of the top ten in the run was an event sponsored by the Delta Chi's housewarming. We are Alpha for their help this wcck with Health, Physical Education and Holly Savas, vice-president and the Homccoming activities. It has Homecoming Pagaent. We are all program coordinator; Jana Parish, very appreciative of your support. very proud of you. Recreation Club of JSU, and We would like to say we had a bcen a great wcck so far and we are McDonalds of Jacksonville.There treasurer; Jennifer Amidon, secre- tary; Michelle Horton, public rela- blast with the Alpha Zi Deltas. looking forward to our band party were about 45 participants, ranging tions chairwoman; Cheri Watford, Thanks for such a great mixer. Saturday night. Good luck to the K s in age jfrom 15 to 56. The top 12 And to our pledges: You have Gamecocks! Congratulations to Sheri Bodine places in the men's and women's newsletter chairwoman; and Mark made it through the second pan and We would also like to welcome for being a finalist in the division received trophies donated Upton, fundraising chairman. we congratulate you $it p'br hard our new faculty advisor,. Joe Hotnecoming Pagaent. Good luck, by McDonalds. Serviq+;ag%Pnk him for hisus rime -work ah&p&icipation in D& Chi .andremcmbcr,- -- w&e all Wind y?u. Winner over-ail was Ricky @M BctifitTesWe arbeej piolid. KEep ad*eit.- .> li- bir footbafi 'learn is looking Austion of Piedmont, with a time We are uroud of our Phi Mu's up the good work! forward to a strong season close. Is of 16:35. Second place went to that got ii the top ten of the On a final note: Delta Chi will C@E this morale due Phillip Miller of JSU with a time Homecoming Pagaent. They are: turn 100 years-old on Octobcr 13, - To the air, we wou]d%kc to bb~hcrbums? of 16:59. Third place finisher for Kelly Rice, Stephanie Sparks and get ready to celebrate. This is the straighten orrt the rumor eat we Our fall PIC the men's division with a time of Shem Bodine. year for Delta Chi at JSU!!! have changcd our name to Sigma Pi Bowen? *]Ian Owen, David 1755 was Neal Mulkey of JSU. Phi of the week is Stephanie Epsilon, we arc Sigma Phi Epsilon JOd~Hanc~, Wade Pa~ne, In the women's division, Linda Barr. Miss social of the week is

and always will be. : + Patrick Martin, Randy Hearn of jacksonville captured first Tanzi Webb. Pat on the back award AZ A CongratuIatlons to Rutt, who Hollingsworth, Jon Ligon, John place with a time of 19:54. Tying for second place with a time of We all had a grcat time at our narrowly defeated longtime pl~dge AbbOttv I1I> Marc See ORGANIZATIONS, p. 23 Secret Set-Up Party this past weck- Patrick Bicderman for pledg&of the Richards, Sidcnstricker, 22:04 were Dana and Jana Bright of

You've made McDonald's more than just a 11:OO A.M. - 5:00 P.M. eat. And that's why, at McDonald's we say.. .

Pelham Road Jacksonville The Chanticleer Thursday, October 11, 1990 23 English lecture series will . . . .. ,% 24. ~hursday,October 1 1;-.1990' Pen pals meet for first time

occasions," Wright said. "In each politics. I didn't know if she By RUTH HUGHES case I had something not too pleas- smoked or if she drank. Those Editor in Chief ant happen which prevented the things are not important." trips. So, she decided, since we Liquourish said the two must When Wright's seventh were about to turn 50, that she grade teacher suggested that her would come instead. Well, I was students start writing pen pals, she mistaken about when she be the two lives are ironic never imagined she 50. 1 thought she was sir months of each oLher. help begin a relationship that has older, but six months lasted for nearly 40 years. younger. I though she would be Liquourish was denied to oppor- a JSU professor of coming next year! She wrote back tunity to further hcr education and Education,drew the of Jacqui and said she's still 49 but, what the instead married and has three chil- Licquourishyfrom 'orby, heck, she had dccidcd to come any- dren. She works in a small bakery and the two, who were 13 at the way,!3 and spends Lhe better part of her day lime,started writing and have been After learning that Liquourish helping the people in Corby. best friends ever since. was definitely coming to thc Unitcd Wright was encouraged by her Over the years, the pair had never States, Wright had a difficult timc parents to further her education, and 'poken Over the phone Or choosing things to do that she now holds a Ph.D.; but, she never or audio tapes. met for thought Liquourish would enjoy. the first time on October 7 at- Liquourish said she would have Liquourish said she wishes she Hartsfield International Airport in been happy to just sit in had the opportunities that Wright Atlanta. back yard. Wright, who said she is known ,,I thought she,d have to go to had, but Wright said her "first love would have been to have a husband for talking long and hard, found it work,nLiquourish said. I said and to raise children." hard to put her emotions into words sit in a chair in the backyard,l I Liquourish came to visit Wright as she greeted Liquourish for the mind. I-ve come to ~~~~i~~ alone, leaving her husband for the first time. to see America. I came to see Elsie first time in 32 years. "Jaqui!, Jaqui! I can't talk," and just be a part of the family." "This is the first time I've Wright told Liquourish as they em- For 36 years, the two have been braced. like family. Wright said they prob- flown," Liquourish told Wright at the airport. "And the first time I've "That's OK," Liquourish said. ably got along so well because both left my husband in 32 years-and had two brothers and no sisters. it's for another woman!" Elsie Wright (left) and Jacq

Plans include going shopping in Wright estimates that the two Boaz and Birmingham and a trip to have exchanged about 10 six page Disney ,Vorld. in Florida. One of letters each year for 36 years. That ~right'b%ormer students who adds up to about 2,160 pages of works for Disney has arranged for correspondence. Liquourjsh to ride in the lead car in Even with the frequent contact the Magic Kingdom parade. over the years, Liquourish said there Liquourish decided to come to the were still some things she didn't United States to visit Wright after know about Wright before she came three unsuccessful attempts for to the United States.


Show your JSU spirit with banners, balloons, streamers, and other speciality itesms.

#3College Center Jacksonville, AL 36265 205-435-2230 The Chanticleer Thursday, Octaher 11,4990' 25 * b



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a * 614 Pelham Road 435-2095 Jacksonville 26 Thursday, October 11, 1990 The Chanticleer Love and death: Survey says ... boat!" fear of the future of America. It system would be available in svch a sparsely populated locale. This has, however, replaced my By "Survey says..." The topmost proves just how media dependent previously recurring nightmare of John Henry bar flipped over and revealed that of our culture has become, even in the being stranded on a desen island Columnist one hundred people surveyed, 58 face of technological ignorance. The question that I am loahe, yet had said that they would rather have I feel, to ask is this: H~~ with ten doctors, none of whom If you were stranded on a desert their television set than their boat. First of all, assuming that the set can a society who's idea of survival have any %pirin. island and could have any one thing Among the answers which were would even work (we could, for the is a non-functional television set sake of argument, allow the exis- possibly survive? Incidenwlly,a non-related survey from home, what would it be? less popular than television were a in Playboy magazine asked: If you This question was asked to one radio, the Bible or books, the re- tence of a solar- powered set), a talking box in the middle of the Yes, it is a frightening thought. were reclining comfortably in your hundred Americans and frigerator, and the dearly beloved Own home and could have one subsequently became a category on spouse. ocean would surely not not be ca- So frightening that I have, since viewing this particular episode of thing from a descrt island, what Family Feud. I was watching this Much to my chagrin, not one pable of receiving a single televi- sion transmission without the aid Family Feud on my poorly-func- it be? Only 22 Percent said particular episode, and I yelled to person surveyed would want to have would WInt a television Set -- myself, because there was nobody a boat. Stranded! On a desert IS- of a satellite dish or at least two- tioning television set (which can hundred foot high rabbit ears. And receive only two stations, even in the rest were split between Ginger else around to yell to, the most log- land! In the middle of the ocean! and Mary Ann. ical, and I thought, the most obvi- And the average American (or if with the latter, it would probably my own living room), been plagued receive only WTBS, and one would with nightmares of being stranded ous, answer to the question. you believe in statistics, every Remember, life 1s only what You be relinquished to watch and cringe on a desert island with one hundred "A boat!" American) would prefer not to have make it -- so take as many origami A lady buzzed In. "A television a ride home. at colorized versions of people, five of their spouses, seven "Casablanca" and "The Philadelphia refrigerators, 13 Bibles, 17 radios, classes as You can, and use plenty set," she said proudly. This statistic is of great concern of garlic. "No!" I screamed. "No, no! A to me. It illustrates my greatest Story." And obviously no cable and 58 non-functioning television Boomers Instructs many classes

From p. 19

house band for The Alabama Show with definate professionalism that Scarbrough stays busy has stemmed from their stints with Palace every Thursday through Saturday night with a buffet served past bands. Wednesday and Thursday. Even They are definately worth a spin, MONICA BROOKINS though they've only been together and promise something for Features Writer No matter what your musical as a band for a little over two everyone in their set (from the B- months, they perform their varied 52's to George Jones). Go check song list (90 songs at last count) them out. The instructor of voice. Darnell interests are, you are sure to find Scarbrough, is keeplng herself busy ln the music department. she something you like going on in the Instructs many of the classes on campus concerned with volce. Some or those classes include music department at any given time. Encore, Show Choir, and a variety STUDENTS. of choral groups. Each instructor in EARN UP TO WEEK. the music department has his or her -- just sit around with nothing to do, specialty class. There are oboe, ever-popular Marching Southerners Earn ur, to $1000 in one more than likely the music depart- $10/HR.I I t I flute, trumpet, trombone and piano strutted their stuff at halftime dur- week'for your campus ing Saturday's game against ment has something for you to en- classes, just to name a few. Often, Market credit cards on organization. these classes have special features, Mississippi College. joy. I I I campus. Flexible hours. such as a voice seminar and guest No matter what your musical in- Plus a chance at pianist from the past week. terests are, you are sure to find Only 10 positions available. $5000 more! something you like going on in the For last weekend, everyone in the llgnsGchoose hwn - al subjects 1 music department at any given order Catalog Today wtth V~M~MC0; COD I l I music department got involved. The This program works! faculty had a brass ensemble, the time. So next week, when you're 800-351-0222 No investment needed. done with your homework and tired In Catlf 121314778228 Encore ensemble performed in the Or rush $2 00 to Research Asalstance 1-800-950-8472 of the usual campus activities, don't 1 Call 1-800-932-0528 Roundhouse, and, of course,'the H322 Idaho Ave X206-SN Los Angeles. CA 90025 5 Custom research also ava~lable-all levels ".":.:: 11 I



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Thursday, October 11, 1990 The Chanticleer I I I I I I I I I I I 1

Come see for yourself. . . \ THURSDAY - OCTOBER 18TH and join the fun! 4 -lttsinto the 90's Join the Celebrations starting at 10 a.m. with ribbon cutting and more with the Gadsden Mall. ceremony. Discover the great indoors! Come celebrate with us the all new remodeled Gadsden Mall. Come join the fun the month of October. On the 18th we'll present the new mall and celebrate with "An Evening of Jazz" beginning at 7 p.m. The 20th brings a "Sweet 16 Party" and day long events. We'll show you the best "Chevy Show" around on the 26-27 and "The Power Team", the worlds greatest exhibition of power and strength will be here on '-he 27th.

\ "IT'S A WHOLE NEW WORLD" If you catch yourself saying "There's nothing to do", you haven't seen the newly renovated Gadsden Mall. Restaurants, shopping, entertainment and much more. . . Visit the Mall - - - LET THE GOOD TIME PEGIN!