%- '90 The Chanticleer Students to vote on new Constitution would you reply?" By SAMMANTHA HALLMARK During the evening gown competi- News Writer tion held in the Houston Cole Audi- torium, thecompetitors walked arun- The Student Government Associa- This year, the way as their resumes were read, tion is in the process of making vast tion panel had to choose between 35 are judged in several changes within its organization. homecoming candidates. categories including friendliness, With the installation of new offi- On September 28, a pane' of four campus activities, honesty, appear- cers last spring, broad changes were alumnijudgesbegmthetaskofbreak- ance and general knowledge," said set to life. The changes are basic, ing thisgroup to a lo' For event director Ra- requiring a lengthy period of time to the third consecutive year, the corn- chel Jones. institute. petition was so close that 11 women There was no base gmde point "It's like the ripple effect," said nominated to move on '0 the average (GPA) requirement, how- Byron Studdard, SGAvice-president, ever, the participants were informed "Changing one area brings about The were judged during that they would be penalized for change in another and still many more both a personal interview and an anything under a 2.0 GPA. changes are generated from that." evening gown run-way event. 75 The purpose of this initial exercise Last year's officers met in May Percent of 'he 100 point scoring 'Ys- was to -ow the field and then al- with this year's newly elected offi- tern was based on personal inter- low to on their fa- cers to assure a smooth transition. The homecoming court views. vorite candidate. Students are urged Then a two day retreat involving for 1990 is (from left to Theperspectivefinalistswereasked to vote today in the T.M.B., in front Sherry1 Byrd, adviser, SGA officers, right, top to bottom) Sh- questions by panel concerning of the S.G.A. office, to .decide the and senators was held September 27 erri Bodine, ~i~~~~~~ their school activities, personal and winner. and 28 to discuss a new constitution. academic interests, as well as open Jones, Terri Morrison, Previous student governments have questions such as, "If President Bush The results of the elections held concentrated all power to the Presi- Terri Phillips, and Tars called youand asked whatpolicy you Tuesday left students with five final- dent. Diffusion of that power and would change immediately, how ists from which to choose. functional reorganization required a new constitution and new by-laws. "It takes a strong leader to delegate all the responsibility the president had, but Stephanie (Matthews) is Virus plaguing Mac users on campus doing a really great job," Studdard said. free virus detection programs called find all viruses, but they can detect A computer virus is a program that The proposed constitution that stu- By MELANIE JONES Gatekeeper and Gatekeeper Aid. the most common ones. There is a infects computers in much the same dents will vote today offers a SGA News Writer The virus is a relatively non- virus detection program for Macin- way as biological viruses infect with widespread authorities. ---- destructive one because it does not tosh computers available through humans. Just like biological viruses, "Mike Goode, theconstitution com- Computer viruses are infecting affect user files or applications soft- Computer Services on campus. computer viruses can be contagious. mittee chairman, came away with a Macintosh computers on campus. ware. WDEF A is spread by sharing Once an infected program is used, it group of fired up people. When the According to Bob Lindsay of diskettes. There are two habits all computer can infect other programs within a constitution was finally presented to Computer Services, there have been users should develop to prevent vi- system. Also like biological viruses, the senators, it was accepted with a a few cases of infection on campus. There are available virus preven- ruses. One is to maintain frequent there are many different types of round of applause. We hope that the The cases involved Macintosh com- tion programs that can be run on a backups of application software and puters and a virus called WDEF A. computer to detect a virus before it data in the hard disk drive. The other See Virus p. 2 See Constitution p. 5 The virus was found by using two can do any real damage. They can't is to avoid sharing software. ,0 - Assessment program set to begin this Spring beginning of an assessment process evaluation of students. pinpointed from information col- By SHANE MCGRIFF that is catching on nation wide. In "We're not really assessing the lected through tests, surveys, cap- -News Writer order to comply with the Southern student. This information will have stonecourses,studentportfolios,and Featureslp. 19 Association ofcollegesand Schools' no adverse effect on any student," a number of other assessment tools. Th~sspring graduating seniors will requirements, JSU and other schools said Smith. "What we're doing is JSU hasspentover$50,000inorder be taking an hour-long test to help around the country are implementing assessing the effectiveness of our toget the program underway accord- determine what kind of student they or have already implemented an as- progiam~" ing to Smith. He said much of the are-and more importantly, what sessment program. Smith said that the JSU assessment money has been spent to educate kind of University they graduated Alan Smith, chairman of JSUs programwilleventuallyprovidedata faculty about the assessment proc- from. assessmentcommittee, said last week that will help the University improve The test, The College Students that the test is designed more as an the quality of its instruction. Areas See Assessment p. 2 Experience Questionnaire, is just the evaluation of the University than an that need to be worked on will k I / 2 Thursday, October 11, 1990 The Chanticleer Pro file JSU grad brings Fastix home enthusiasm with the expansion of the An Anniston native and 1975 gradu- SAMMANTHA HALLMARK Fastix onto the JSU campus. "We ate of JSU, Stewart served as vice News Writer were setting up and enjoying a very president of the SGA and chairman Meet Robert and Leslie Stewart; good relationship with Troy State of the school's entertainment com- nice, simple names, andeasy to spell, and thinking we would like to talk to mittee. Country singer, Charlie too. However, that's the only part of JSU, but they beat us to the punch Daniels, provided a link between life for this dynamic duo that is easy and called us first," Stewart said. college experience and the profes- or simple. The outlet under construction in. sional world by hiring Stewart after Stewart is founder and president of the student commons between the his appearance in Jacksonville. Ste- Fastix, a computerized ticketing net- Bookstore and the Roost will permit wart worked with Daniels for ten work system based in Birmingham. students, faculty, and local residents years. to purchase tickets to events any- Involved in entertainment since his In 1984, Stewartjoineda New York where in the state-wide Fastix sys- college days at JSU, he now spear- group who managed coliseums and tem and be offered the best seats heads one of the few remsuning inde- arenas. He then moved on to Word available without a trip to the civic pendently-owned ticketing systems Records, achristian recordcompany center or event location. in America. based in Texas. His wife, Leslie serves as vice- With 21 outlets and 68 terminals, president of marketing and is a now everyone, everywhere gets a fair With his experiences building upon member of the board of directors. chance at g&d seats. "We think this each other, he felt that both he and She played a key role in the forma- is a great service to the public and we Birmingham were ready for com- tion of Fastix and its service philoso- also offer a variety of services to our puter ticketing. InDecember of 1986, phies and principles. clients, also," Stewart said. "Not Fastix was born. "Actually, it wasn't Parents of three children under the only does a client not have to worry acarefully planned path, itjust seemed age of ten, this attractive pair has about ticket availability, order tak- to happen in an order that led to this," carved a vital niche in the entertain- ing, processing, and mailing, but we Stewart said. ment business in Alabama. The Bu- also can give an up to the minute Lesley Stewart 1s a 1977 graduate mingham Business Journal named breakdown on how ticket sales are of Stephen F. Ausun Un~v~rs~ty;she them to the Top 40 Under 40 last going by city, by outlet, by day, by earned a masters degree In education July. hour; anyway they need it. This from Vanderb~ltUnlvers~ty In 198 1. "We're very happy to be recog- really helps in keeping an effective Her experlencc ~ncludesseven years nized llke this because we are a serv- promotion schedule. We also in- In event management and t~cketlng ice orlented business and our success clude a calendar of upcoming events related to the enterlalnment Industry. is measured by the quality of that with each ticket order we mail out. service," remarked Stewart. Making it easy and worthwhile to let The JSU branch of Fastix began With quick, easy smiles, Robert Fastix handle any event's ticket sales construction in Septemberandshould and Leslie Stewart expressed their has always been a major focus." be open by the middle of October. Virus Students celebrate reunification From p. 1 Germany jobs. The older generation, computer viruses, and their effects gram that triggers some unauthor- By SHANE MCGRIFF the generation split by World War 11, vary.
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