2020 – A Feast of Brazilian Literary Delights Celebrating the birth centenary of CLARICE LISPECTOR (1920-1977) and JOÃO CABRAL DE MELO NETO (1920-1999) #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights


16th January 2020, 18.30-21.00

2020- the year of A Feast of Brazilian Literary Delights The year of #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights

Innocencia (1872) by Sylvio Dinarte .[ A. D'e. T.] – Alfredo D'escragnolle Taunay, Viscount of Taunay (1843-1899)

translated as

Innocencia. A story of the prairie regions of Brazil. (1889)

Original cover 1872


Page ©BRAZILIAN BILINGUAL BOOK CLUB –EMBASSY OF BRAZIL IN LONDON All rights reserved - Creator & Convenor -©Nadia Kerecuk http://londres.itamaraty.gov.br/en-us/book_club.xml

14-16 Cockspur Street London SW11Y 5BL


2020 – A Feast of Brazilian Literary Delights Celebrating the birth centenary of CLARICE LISPECTOR (1920-1977) and JOÃO CABRAL DE MELO NETO (1920-1999) #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights

Enjoy an extraordinarily enchanting love story and disregard all clichés: romanticism/realism or any other -isms!

Join in the ways of seeing of a multitalented wayfarer-narrator, who constructs the memory of Brazil with unstinting devotion.

You will unveil a vivid and reliable account of the rural life in the 19th century sertões of Brazil: São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso and Goiás and more.

Explore innermost areas of Brazil and find yourself beguiled by the landscapes of its mind - scientific and cultural!

Accompany Cirino de Campos, the itinerant apothecary turned doctor (aided by the popular Dr. Pedro Chernoviz’ Vade Mecum) in his pursuit of cures for various maladies.

Discover the joys of a hilarious German government-funded naturalist/explorer collecting loads of insects, dispatching them to his homeland and becoming famous on account of a beautiful blue butterfly!

A pearl of novel crafting and delightful super-holiday read!

This is the Brazilian novel, which had the largest number of translations into other languages immediately after its publication in 19th century, beaten only by Os Lusíadas by Camões.

Discover the opera Papillio Innocentia (1915) by the Swiss composer Leonardo Kessler (1882-1924), who settled in Curitiba, with a libretto by the poet Emiliano Pernetta (1866-1921), inspired by the novel, premiered at the Second Opera Festival of Paraná in 2016.

High time for the oeuvre of a most accomplished polygraph – Viscount Alfredo d'Escragnolle-Taunay, a Brazilian patriot, descendant of French nobility, be deservedly read and appreciated.



Innocencia. A story of the prairie regions of Brazil. (1889) by (A. d'E. T. [i.e. Viscount Alfredo d'Escragnolle-Taunay]). Translated from the Portuguese and illustrated by J. W. Wells (1889) ISBN-10: 1290872597 ISBN-13: 978-1290872591 ASIN: B006OICCUI

NB. Various modern reprints available, most without the original illustrations. 2 Free download of the text in English available in various formats:

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14-16 Cockspur Street London SW11Y 5BL


2020 – A Feast of Brazilian Literary Delights Celebrating the birth centenary of CLARICE LISPECTOR (1920-1977) and JOÃO CABRAL DE MELO NETO (1920-1999) #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights



(1872) Innocencia. Edições Melhoramentos Various editions available from various publishing houses. e.g. Free downloads- Various in Portuguese http://www.dominiopublico.gov.br/pesquisa/DetalheObraForm.do?select_action=&c o_obra=2017

Various editions are available in Portuguese e.g. ISBN: 9788538011798


A reprint: 2012 edition

The 1872 novel Innocencia gained immediate public acclaim for the author, who published it under his one of his pen names, Sylvio Dinarte. There were trifle reviews and contemporaries were somewhat sluggish in commenting on it. It is a masterful novel and was reprinted at least some twenty-three times in book format by various publishers during the life time of the author. It was very popular in Brazil at the time. Additionally, it would appear in feuilleton format after its publication in various daily and weekly newspapers. For instance, Cara part of the newspaper A Folha do Norte reprinted it from 9th July to 28th August 1899.


Page ©BRAZILIAN BILINGUAL BOOK CLUB –EMBASSY OF BRAZIL IN LONDON All rights reserved - Creator & Convenor -©Nadia Kerecuk http://londres.itamaraty.gov.br/en-us/book_club.xml

14-16 Cockspur Street London SW11Y 5BL


2020 – A Feast of Brazilian Literary Delights Celebrating the birth centenary of CLARICE LISPECTOR (1920-1977) and JOÃO CABRAL DE MELO NETO (1920-1999) #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights

It is always fascinating when an author leaves an account of how the idea or inspiration for a novel emerged. In Alfredo d'Escragnolle Taunay’s memoirs Reminiscências , published posthumously in 1908, or in his Memórias (various volumes and published posthumously), we can ‘hear’ the author telling us what inspired him to write the novel.

The author, a remarkable polymath, had accrued significant knowledge of the topography and geography of Brazil through his travels on military service duty, his studies and other roles he took on during his life time. A. d'Escragnolle Taunay’s became deeply acquainted with Brazil. He was a very keen and punctilious observer of life and customs recording ethnographical details of inhabitants of Brazil noting down all kinds of features including the use of varieties of language he encountered, which he subsequently incorporated it into his writings. His fiction is deeply seated in his rich experience of a wayfarer, who is both knowledgeable and open to amassing much learning from the places he visits. His works have remained an invaluable source for historiographers, ethnographers, lexicographers and historians of ideas. Innocencia conceals a reference to his own private life.

In his Reminiscências, the author tells us that when he was on an military expedition in Mato Grosso (currently Mato Grosso do Sul) as an assistant engineer in the town of Camapuã located close to the slightly more populated town of Santana do Paranaíba. He was a lodger at the farm of Mr José Pereira from Minas Gerais. One of his characters in Innocencia was inspired by him.

Paranaíba was a town at the forefront of the colonisation of the territory of Brazil

4 particularly through the efforts of the Garcia Leal family, an important family from the southwest of the state of Minas Gerais, the southwest of the state of Bahia, the west

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14-16 Cockspur Street London SW11Y 5BL


2020 – A Feast of Brazilian Literary Delights Celebrating the birth centenary of CLARICE LISPECTOR (1920-1977) and JOÃO CABRAL DE MELO NETO (1920-1999) #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights

of the state of São Paulo, the southeast of the state of Goiás and the east of Mato Grosso (do Sul). Paranaíba was to become an important town for the Paraguay War, where the author served during the war.

In the same account, he tells us how he proceeded to the River Sucuriú (an affluent of Rio Pardo) the following day, where he saw a spritely deaf dwarf, who gesticulated vigorously and served as inspiration for his character Tico in the novel. Further on, the author tells us that he stopped at the house of João Garcia discovering that it was a house with leprosy sufferers and, again, he used it in his novel. It supplied the raw matter for his novel.

No dia 30 de junho estávamos no vasto rancho do Sr. José Pereira, bom mineiro que nos acolheu otimamente e era o primeiro morador que encontrávamos à saída do sertão bruto de Camapuã e à entrada do de Santana do Paranaíba, um pouco mais habitado. Acordando indisposto, bem tarde, saí do pouso, chegando, nesse dia 1 de julho, à margem do Rio Sucuriú, afluente volumoso do Pardo que leva as águas ao Paraná. Aí vi o anãozinho mudo, mas um tanto gracioso, sobretudo ágil nos movimentos, que me serviu de tipo ao Tico do meu romance “Inocência”. Passou-nos numa canoa com muito jeito, buscando conversar e tornar-se amável por meio de frenética e engraçada gesticulação. Dei-lhe uma molhadurazinha e pôs-se a pular como um cabrito satisfeito da vida, fazendo-nos muitos acenos de agradecimentos e adeuses com o chapéu de palha furado, que não esqueci de indicar naquele livro”. [Reminiscências]

One finds a plethora of details about the sources for the inspiration of Innocencia in the aforementioned volumes. One salient account refers to his autobiographical sentimental memory. There is some congruence between the characters in Iracema (1865) by José de Alencar (1829-77) and Innocencia. Both Iracema and Innocencia are indigenous beauties with long black shiny hair and evince unstinting love. The author reminisces about an episode from his life when he became deeply in love with an indigenous girl, Antonia, who was a lover of a lieutenant. The vocabulary of the Guaná language (or Chané) featured in the novel reflects his experience of becoming smitten by Antonia. It was also the time he surveyed the idyllic views from a hammock there while he recovered from a spell of malaria. Curiously, he states that ‘ Thinking back sometimes and, as ever with true nostalgia (saudades ) for those times, it seems to me that that naïve indigenous girl was, amongst all women, the one I loved most (NK).’ (Chapter XL).


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14-16 Cockspur Street London SW11Y 5BL


2020 – A Feast of Brazilian Literary Delights Celebrating the birth centenary of CLARICE LISPECTOR (1920-1977) and JOÃO CABRAL DE MELO NETO (1920-1999) #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights

The first edition of the novel opens with a quotation from Waverly (1814) by Sir Walter Scott, ‘It is from the great book of Nature, the same through a thousand editions, whether of black-letter, or wire-wove and hot-pressed, that I have venturously essayed to read a chapter to the public.’

This is followed by a dedication of the novel to the author’s childhood friend José Antônio de Azevedo Castro (1839-1911) written in dated 8th July 1872. Azevedo Castro was the ‘president’ of the province (now state) of Rio Grande do Sul (1875 -76), but, more importantly, a counsellor of the Brazilian Treasury in London in 1885. He was a lawyer and author. In his dedication, addressing his friend as ‘Castro’, the author states that his book was merely a simple unpretentious rural narrative without any claim to grandiosity.

Azevedo Castro left a very important diplomatic book on consular convention

6 agreed by the Empire of Brazil with various nations: (1885)O livro das convenções consulares: contendo todas as que regulam no Brazil a materia de successões de

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14-16 Cockspur Street London SW11Y 5BL


2020 – A Feast of Brazilian Literary Delights Celebrating the birth centenary of CLARICE LISPECTOR (1920-1977) and JOÃO CABRAL DE MELO NETO (1920-1999) #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights

estrangeiros acompanhadas da respectiva legislação, dos decretos de 8 de novembro de 1851 e 16 de junho de 1859 annotados de decisões do governo published by B.L. Garnier in Rio de Janeiro. The book is available as free download at the Senate of Brazil site. There are thirty chapers in Innocencia plus an epilogue, each of which contains an inspirational quotation. A reader soon realises that the author has provided an intertextual thematic hint or link to the section of the narrative which follows. The breadth and the depth of the author’s set of quotes is quite remarkable and demonstrate how universal ideas and traditions came to circulate in Brazil in 19th century. Equally, it shows how he linked up world literature to the content of his narrative.

chapter author Name of work 1 Goethe Faust (second part) J.J. Rosseau O encanto da Solidão (The Reveries of a Solitary Walker) 2 Cervantes Don Quixote 3 Ovid A arte de Amar (Ars Amatoria ) Alexander Pope Molière O médico à força (Le Médecin malgré lui ) 4 Walter Scott Ivanhoe 5 Menander Euripedes Medea Menander 6 Enoch O livro da amizade (On Friendship) George Sand Os mestres gaiteiros (The Master Pipers) Walter Scott Perevil do Pico (Peveril of the Peak ) 7 Hoffmann O reflexo perdido (The lost reflexion ) 8 Xavier de Maistre Viagem ao redor do meu quarto (Voyage autour de ma chamber) 9 Hoffmann A porta entaipada (The jammed door) Ovid Elegia (Amores ) 10 Walter Scott Waverly 11 Plautus Miles Gloriosus 12 Cervantes Don Quixote chapter CXXIX 13 Prince of Ligne 14 Shakespeare King Lear, Act I 15 Menander Os Primos (The Cousins ) 16 Molière O médico à força (Le Médecin malgré lui ) 17 Xavier de Maistre O leproso de Aosta (The Leper of the City of Aosta) 18 Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet, Act II B. de Saint-Pierre Paulo e Virgínia (Paul et Virginie) 19 Walter Scott Perevil do Pico (Peveril of the Peak ) Molière O Amor Médico (L'Amour médecin /Dr. Cupid) 20 Cervantes Don Quixote, chapter XLIX 21 B. de Saint-Pierre Harmonia da natureza (Botanical Harmony Delineated ) 22 Catullus Epigrama XLVI (Epigramma) 23 Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet Act II Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet Act IV 24 La Vergne 25 Mme Du Deffand Carlota Smith 7 26 Horace Ode XXVI (The Odes)

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14-16 Cockspur Street London SW11Y 5BL


2020 – A Feast of Brazilian Literary Delights Celebrating the birth centenary of CLARICE LISPECTOR (1920-1977) and JOÃO CABRAL DE MELO NETO (1920-1999) #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights

27 Walter Scott Os Dois Desposados (The Betrothed, The Tales of the Crusaders) 28 Klopstock A Messiada (Der Messias ) 29 An ancient English comedy quoted by Walter Scott 30 Shakespeare Henry V, Act I Saint John Apocalypse (The Book of Revelation) Epilogue Horace

The translation in English appeared relatively early in 1889 as Innocencia: A Story of the Prairie Regions of Brazil, James W. Wells F.R.G.S., published in London by Chapman and Hall. The translator also illustrated the book.

The remarkable fact is that the author of the translation, a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and a Corresponding Member of the Geographical Society of Rio de Janeiro, read the book and then decided to translate it on account of its merit back in the 19th century. It was the third Brazilian novel ever translated in English at the time.

James William Wells (1840-1912) is the author of the 1886 Exploring and Travelling Three Thousand Miles through Brazil from Rio de Janeiro to Maranhão. With an appendix containing statistics and observations on climate, railways, central sugar factories, mining, commerce, and finance ... Illustrated with numerous reproductions of the author's sketches, and original maps and sections published by Sampson Low & Co. in London. The first edition had two colour maps and numerous black and white illustrations, published in two volumes. The author describes his travels through the states of Rio de Janeiro, Bahia and Maranhão. The author spent some twenty years in

Brazil living in coastal towns and cities from Rio to Maranhão. He is the author of other 8 publications, for example:

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14-16 Cockspur Street London SW11Y 5BL


2020 – A Feast of Brazilian Literary Delights Celebrating the birth centenary of CLARICE LISPECTOR (1920-1977) and JOÃO CABRAL DE MELO NETO (1920-1999) #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights

 Notes of a Visit Made to the Delta of the River Tocantins, Brazil Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of Geography Vol. 8, No. 8 (Aug., 1886), pp. 513-517  (1879) Brazil; the Amazons and the Coast ... Illustrated from sketches by J. Wells Champneys and others published by C. Scribner's Sons in New York  (1888) The Voice of Urbano: a romance of adventure on the Amazons published W. H. Allen & Co. in London. NB. A translation of his 1886 book - Explorando e viajando treŝ mil milhas atraveś do Brasil do Rio de Janeiro ao Maranhaõ translated by Myriam Avila was published in Portuguese by the Joaõ Pinheiro Foundation http://www.fjp.mg.gov.br/

In his ‘Translator’s Preface’, J.W. Wells tells us that the novel is interesting ‘for it indicates the spread of international community of thought and ideas so characteristic of the times in which we live’ and how he decided to translate the novel whilst reading it, …as I read on, I found my attention attracted not only by the interest of the story, but also by the life-like picture it conveyed to me of the characters of the people and the scenery of the backwoods of Brazil. Here, thought I, in the compass of this short narrative, any reader can obtain a better idea of the rural life and scenery of inland Brazil than he could gain by studying a whole library of books of travels in that country.(…).

J. W. Wells sent a copy of his translation to Mr Henry W. Bates (1827-1892), Secretary of the Royal Geographical Society at the time, and the explorer-naturalist who became most famous for his expedition to the rainforests of the Amazon with Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913) starting in 1848. Henry Bates was one of a group of outstanding naturalist-explorers, who described mimicry and butterflies in the Amazon, following from Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), who coined the phrase ‘survival of the fittest’ and evolution, and supporters of the theory of evolution by natural selection including Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817-1911), Fritz Müller (Johann Friedrich Theodor Müller1821-1897), Richard Spruce (1817-1893),

Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895) and Charles Darwin (1809-1882).


Page ©BRAZILIAN BILINGUAL BOOK CLUB –EMBASSY OF BRAZIL IN LONDON All rights reserved - Creator & Convenor -©Nadia Kerecuk http://londres.itamaraty.gov.br/en-us/book_club.xml

14-16 Cockspur Street London SW11Y 5BL


2020 – A Feast of Brazilian Literary Delights Celebrating the birth centenary of CLARICE LISPECTOR (1920-1977) and JOÃO CABRAL DE MELO NETO (1920-1999) #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights

Mr Bates, ‘an eminent authority’ corroborated J. W. Wells’s appraisal of the novel and authorised the translator to publish his reply in the foreword to the novel. Mr Bates stated that he had been reading quite a few novels that winter and was not impressed by them, but that ‘there is novelty and charm in the scenes and characters of Innocencia which woke me up again’. Underneath the translator’s name, we find ‘Olinda, Beckenham, Kent’, a very good clue where he started and finished the translation. Viscount A. d'Escragnolle Taunay authorized the publication of the translation.

There have been various reprints of the translations and there are various free downloads available including the original with the illustrations. The translations must have circulated widely and certainly highly regarded. A possible evidence was found by one of our book club members: a former Canning House copy which was presented by the British Council to The Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Council Library in 1945.

A recent reprint without illustrations

In his translation in English, J. W. Wells did not include the epigraphs, which are relevant preambles to the chapters. One can appreciate the difficulty to locate the original excerpts quoted by the author, at times without page or chapter.

Translations in other languages appeared early: Italian (1893), Danish (1894), French (1896), Swedish (1896), Japanese (1897), German (1901), Spanish (1906), Croat (1925) and Flemish (1912).

The novel was adapted for the theatre and there have been three film adaptations: a silent film by Eusebio Vittorio G. B. Capellaro (1877 –1943) in 1915, by Luiz de Barros (1893-1982) and Fernando de Barros(1915-2000) in 1949 and by Walter Lima Jr. (1938-) in1983.


Page ©BRAZILIAN BILINGUAL BOOK CLUB –EMBASSY OF BRAZIL IN LONDON All rights reserved - Creator & Convenor -©Nadia Kerecuk http://londres.itamaraty.gov.br/en-us/book_club.xml

14-16 Cockspur Street London SW11Y 5BL


2020 – A Feast of Brazilian Literary Delights Celebrating the birth centenary of CLARICE LISPECTOR (1920-1977) and JOÃO CABRAL DE MELO NETO (1920-1999) #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights

There is also an adaptation for the opera Papillio Innocentia (1915). It was adapted by the Swiss-Brazilian composer Leonardo Kessler (1882-1924), who had settled in Curitiba, using a 1913 libretto Papilio Innocentia by the Paraná poet Emiliano Pernetta (1866-1921), inspired by the novel. It was premiered at the Second Opera Festival of Paraná in 2016.

The musician Leonardo Kessler (1882-1924) was born in Schiers, Switzerland, studied in Strasbourg and and served as a theatre director in Riga. He arrived with the German Operetta Papke in Curitiba in 1911 and settled in Brazil. In 1912, he founded the First Symphony Orchestra in Curitiba and also directed the Art Centre of the Academy of Letters of Paraná. He composed Marcha Triunfal, Ode Sinfônica, a Cantata and scores and orchestration for the opera Siderea by Augusto Stresser (1872-1918). He suffered a tragic death in in Blumenau in 1924.


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14-16 Cockspur Street London SW11Y 5BL


2020 – A Feast of Brazilian Literary Delights Celebrating the birth centenary of CLARICE LISPECTOR (1920-1977) and JOÃO CABRAL DE MELO NETO (1920-1999) #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights


Oil portrait d'Alfredo d'Escragnolle Taunay Luiz Augusto Moreaux, 1878

SYLVIO DINARTE (A. D'E. T.) nom de plume of ALFREDO D'ESCRAGNOLLE TAUNAY, VISCOUNT OF TAUNAY, an extraordinary polymath: military engineer, army officer, historian, novelist, biographer, ethnographer, author, musician, professor and politician. He was born and died in Rio de Janeiro.

Viscount of Taunay used various pen names. Sylvio Dinarte was used in his fictional works and Innocencia was the second novel signed as Sylvio Dinarte (in current orthography Sílvio Dinarte). Other pen names he used were: Anapurus, André Vidal, Carmotaigne, Eugênio de Melo, Flávio Elísio, Heitor Malheiros, Múcio Escoevola, Sebastião Corte Real.

Alfredo d'Escragnolle Taunay was born into nobility of French extraction. His father was Félix Émile Taunay, the Baron of Taunay (1795-1881), and his mother Gabriela Hermínia de Robert d’Escragnolle of a French noble family. His grandfather, Nicolas-Antoine Taunay (1755-1830), emigrated to Brazil after the fall of as a member of French Arts Mission funded by King John VI of Portugal with a view to creating a royal academy of arts in Brazil. He was a distinguished painter and taught at

the Imperial School of Fine Arts.

12 The French Arts Mission was organized by Joachim Lebreton (1760-1819), originally a professor of Rhetoric, and had some distinguished members such as the

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14-16 Cockspur Street London SW11Y 5BL


2020 – A Feast of Brazilian Literary Delights Celebrating the birth centenary of CLARICE LISPECTOR (1920-1977) and JOÃO CABRAL DE MELO NETO (1920-1999) #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights

painter Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848), his grandfather’s brother the sculptor Auguste Marie Taunay (1768-1824), the engraver Charles-Simon Pradier (1786-1847) and the architect Auguste-Henri-Victor Grandjean de Montigny (1776-1850). They arrived in Rio de Janeiro in 1816.

As his grandfather returned to France, Alfredo’s father Félix Émile Taunay replaced him at the Imperial Academy and became its Principle in 1834. He was an artist and taught drawing. In 1835, he was appointed as a Greek, drawing and literature tutor to young Emperor Pedro II and they would become friends. Equally, because of his conception of the role of arts/humanities he instigated the creation of the learned society ‘Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro’, The Brazilian Historical and Geographical Institute, created in 1838.

Having been brought up in a highly cultured environment, from a very early age Alfredo would develop a great passion for literature, drawing and music. He studied at the famous Colégio Pedro II created in 1837, graduating in letters in 1858. He then studied Physics and Mathematics at the pre-eminent Escola Militar (now Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras). An Ensign in 1862, and artillery officer (lieutenant), with a degree in Math, he would enroll in the second year of Military Engineering degree. In 1865, he received a mobilization order in the context of the Paraguayan War.

The Paraguay War was the largest international armed conflict in South America fought from December 1864 to March 1870 between Paraguay and the Triple Alliance of Argentina, the Empire of Brazil, and Uruguay.

Alfredo was attached to the Mato Grosso Expedition as an assistant to the Engineers’ Commission tasked with bringing news of the Mato Grosso expeditionary core, which had been suffering great losses. He derived much inspiration for most of his writings from his experiences of the Paraguayan War. He wrote the memoir Cenas de Viagem in 1868. In 1869, the Count of Eu (Luís Filipe Maria Fernando Gastão, Conde d'Eu, Louis Philippe Marie Ferdinand Gaston 1842-1922), commander-in-chief of the Brazilian armed forces at Paraguay, invited the lieutenant Taunay to serve as secretary to his Staff and was given the responsibility of editing the Diário do Exército (Army Daily), the content of which was later published in book format under the same name in 1870. After the war he was promoted to the rank of captain, completed his military engineering degree and began to lecture on geology and mineralogy at the Military Academy.


Page ©BRAZILIAN BILINGUAL BOOK CLUB –EMBASSY OF BRAZIL IN LONDON All rights reserved - Creator & Convenor -©Nadia Kerecuk http://londres.itamaraty.gov.br/en-us/book_club.xml

14-16 Cockspur Street London SW11Y 5BL


2020 – A Feast of Brazilian Literary Delights Celebrating the birth centenary of CLARICE LISPECTOR (1920-1977) and JOÃO CABRAL DE MELO NETO (1920-1999) #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights

A historic photo reproduced in numerous places shows Lieutenant Taunay between the Count of Eu , with his hand on the waist (centre-right) and the future Viscount of Rio Branco (1819-1880) on his right, wearing a top hat, among Brazilian soldiers during the Paraguayan War, the photo dates back to c. 1870.

In 1871, he published his first novel Mocidade de Trajano signing as Sílvio Dinarte, which he would use in most of his fictional writing. He also wrote the famous historic account of the Paraguay war La Retraite de Laguna (The Retreat of Laguna) in French, published in 1872, which he translated to Portuguese two years later. It gives an account of a disastrous but heroic episode of the war in which he participated. This work has become a canonical source for studies of the Paraguay War with a positive portrayal of military achievements in Brazil. Its publication drew much attention to the talents of the young writer.

At the suggestion of Viscount of Rio Branco, he ran for the post of deputy representing the state of Goiás, and was elected to the national Chamber of Deputies in 1875. He was also promoted to the rank of Major in 1875.

He served as the governor - ‘president’ of the province of Santa Catarina from 1876 to 1877. This was an imperial appointment as from 28th February 1821 the captaincies became provinces remaining as such throughout the imperial period and their ‘presidents’ were appointed directly by the Emperor to govern the provinces.

He never returned to the services of the Army of Brazil and resigned from it in 1885 dedicating himself politics, arts, writing and music. He was a member of the Conservative Party and when the party lost its power in 1878, he left for Europe for a long trip returning in 1880. On his return to Brazil, he would advocate various national policies such as civil marriage, immigration, education, abolition of slavery, automatic

14 naturalisation of foreigners. He served as a deputy representing Santa Catarina from 1881 to 1884 and, in 1886, as a senator.

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14-16 Cockspur Street London SW11Y 5BL


2020 – A Feast of Brazilian Literary Delights Celebrating the birth centenary of CLARICE LISPECTOR (1920-1977) and JOÃO CABRAL DE MELO NETO (1920-1999) #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights

From 1885 to 1886, he was the governor of the province of Paraná. One of Taunay's most famous deeds as governor of Paraná was the inauguration of the famous ‘Passeio Público’ in the capital Curitiba in 1886, the first park in the capital city of Paraná. The gates replicate Le Cimetière Asnières (Gazeta do Povo - Coluna Nostalgia (jorn. Cid Destefani), Domínio público). The records show that he has had an influence on all areas of activity of the province including the creation of key educational institutions.

Passeio Público in Curitiba 1930 photo Recent photo with a jacarandá in full bloom

Another intellectual legacy left by the Viscount of Taunay is in music. He was a musician and composer with various works under the pen names Flávio Elísio and Sílvio Dinarte. The role of music in the cultural development of man and nation were key concepts for him.

His role in the history of music and history of ideas in music has been neglected. He was instrumental in the international recognition of Brazilian classical composers particularly Father José Maurício Nunes Garcia (1767 –1830), the Master of Music of the Royal Chapel, and Antonio Carlos Gomes (1836-1896), who premiered Il Guarany, an adaptation of the novel O Guarany: Romance Brasileiro (1857) by José de Alencar (129-1877) at the La Scala in Milan. The author ranked the composers as national treasures.

The Taunay family had long been interested in music. His father knew of the works by José Maurício Nunes Garcia. In his Memórias, he tells us about meeting Bento das Mercês (?1804/5-1887), the archivist of the Royal Chapel, and about the first time he heard José Maurício Nunes Garcia’s mass. In 1880, Alfredo began to write a series of articles on the life and works of the composer publishing them in the Revista Musical e de Belas Artes (1879-1880) published in Rio de Janeiro by Arthur Napoleão & Miguéz publishing house. He also campaigned for his works to be surveyed and the first catalogue of José Maurício Nunes Garcia’s works ensued. .

In 1897, the first edition of Requiem (1816) was published followed by Missa em si bemol the following year with a biographical sketch by Taunay. Taunay also insisted that Missa de Santa Cecília (1826), the last work of the composer to be performed at the inauguration of the new church Our Lady of Candelária conducted by Alberto Nepomuceno (1864-1920). Taunay through his initiative guaranteed the purchase of the largest manuscript collection of the works of José Maurício Nunes

Garcia by the republican government for the library of the Brazilian Music Institute.

15 Equally supportive of another classical composer, Carlos Gomes and he wrote the libretto for the opera Lo Schiavo. In 1880, at the invitation of the ‘Sociedade

Page ©BRAZILIAN BILINGUAL BOOK CLUB –EMBASSY OF BRAZIL IN LONDON All rights reserved - Creator & Convenor -©Nadia Kerecuk http://londres.itamaraty.gov.br/en-us/book_club.xml

14-16 Cockspur Street London SW11Y 5BL


2020 – A Feast of Brazilian Literary Delights Celebrating the birth centenary of CLARICE LISPECTOR (1920-1977) and JOÃO CABRAL DE MELO NETO (1920-1999) #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights

Congresso Militar’, he made an address ‘Homenagem a Carlos Gomes (Homage to Carlos Gomes)’ published by G. Leuzinger & Filhos. Taunay’s correspondence with Carlos Gomes was published in the Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro journal (1910).

The Viscount wrote numerous articles and made parliamentary speeches about José Maurício Nunes Garcia and Carlos Gomes, which were collected and published by his son, Affonso d’Escragnole Taunay in two books: Dois artistas máximos - José Maurício e Carlos Gomes and Uma grande glória brasileira - José Maurício Nunes Garcia, published in São Paulo in 1930.

Viscount Taunay was a patron of chair 17 of the Brazilian Academy of Music. There is a 2007 CD recording of piano music by Alfredo D’Escragnolle Taunay, resulting from the research carried out by pianist/researcher Sylvia Maltese at the Taunay’s family residence and complemented by her research in libraries in Rio de Janeiro e de São Paulo. The pieces contained in it are 1. Doux Souvenirs 2. Révélation 3. Tours Hereux 4. Sours Les Palmiers 5. Bonheur De Vivre 6. Canção Da Marabá 7. Poeta E Os Pássaros 8. Regards En Arriere 9. L'entraînante 10. Secrets D'amour 11. La Coquette 12. Tendres Regrets 13. Mélodie Dramatique 14. Festa Na Aldeia. A sample is available at Visconde de Taunay - O Poeta e os Pássaros - Sylvia Maltese https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRBkPbrERYY

Viscount Taunay was also a founder member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters and patron of chair 13. On 6 September 1889, he was awarded the title of Viscount. He was a loyal monarchist and with the proclamation of the Republic of Brazil continued writing various articles extolling the virtues of the banished Emperor, which the Republican regime destroyed. He was awarded various other honours: Officer of the ‘Ordem da Rosa’, Knight of the ‘Ordem de São Bento’, ‘Ordem de Aviz’ and ‘Ordem de Cristo’.

Taunay married Cristina Teixeira Leite (1854-1936), daughter of Francisco José Teixeira Leite, Baron of Vassouras, and granddaughter of First Baron of Itambé, and grandniece of Custódio Ferreira Leite, Baron of Aiuruoca. Alfredo and Cristina had son, Afonso d'Escragnolle Taunay (1876–1958).


Page ©BRAZILIAN BILINGUAL BOOK CLUB –EMBASSY OF BRAZIL IN LONDON All rights reserved - Creator & Convenor -©Nadia Kerecuk http://londres.itamaraty.gov.br/en-us/book_club.xml

14-16 Cockspur Street London SW11Y 5BL


2020 – A Feast of Brazilian Literary Delights Celebrating the birth centenary of CLARICE LISPECTOR (1920-1977) and JOÃO CABRAL DE MELO NETO (1920-1999) #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights

A selection of main works:

1870 Campanha do Paraguay. Commando em chefe de S.A. o Sr. conde d'Eu. Diario do exercito by Taunay, Alfredo d'Escragnolle Taunay, Visconde de, 1843-1899; Eu, Gastaõ de Orleans,́ conde d', 1842-1922 Rio de Janeiro, Typographia Nacional. 1870 - Mocidade de Trajano (novel) 1871 La retraite de Laguna Rio de Janeiro: Typographie nationale 1872 Innocencia (novel) 1873 Lágrimas do coração (novel) 1874 Historias brazileiras (short stories) 1874 Da mão à boca se perde a sopa (play) 1875 Ouro sobre azul (novel) 1878 Narrativas militares (short stories) 1879 La retraite de Laguna: épisode de la guerre du Paraguay published by E. Plon 1880 Por um triz coronel (play) 1882 Céus e terras do Brasil (memoirs) 1886 Amélia Smith (play) 1894 O encilhamento (novel on the economic crisis) 1909 - O guía de Matto Grosso: episodio da guerra do Paraguay conforme o interessante livro do escriptor brasileiro d'Escragnolle Taunay : "A retirada de Laguna." by Noronha, Eduardo de, 1859-1948; Taunay, Alfredo d'Escragnolle Taunay, Visconde de, 1843-1899. Retirada de Laguna|Coimbra : França Amado


1908 Reminiscências 1911 Trechos de minha vida 1921Viagens de outrora 1923 Visões do sertão, descrições 1923 Dias de guerra e do sertão 1924 Homens e coisas do Império

Other sources:

 Brazilian Academy of Letters http://www.academia.org.br/academicos/visconde-de-taunay

 Brazilian Academy of Music http://www.abmusica.org.br/academico.php?n=alfredo-drescragnolle-taunay&id=113

 Museu Paranaense

17 http://www.museuparanaense.pr.gov.br/arquivos/File/personagens_da_historia_do_parana. pdf

Page ©BRAZILIAN BILINGUAL BOOK CLUB –EMBASSY OF BRAZIL IN LONDON All rights reserved - Creator & Convenor -©Nadia Kerecuk http://londres.itamaraty.gov.br/en-us/book_club.xml

14-16 Cockspur Street London SW11Y 5BL


2020 – A Feast of Brazilian Literary Delights Celebrating the birth centenary of CLARICE LISPECTOR (1920-1977) and JOÃO CABRAL DE MELO NETO (1920-1999) #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights

 O livro das convenções consulares… : http://www2.senado.leg.br/bdsf/item/id/518625

2020: #aFeastofBrazilianLiteraryDelights


Attendance is free, but booking is essential: [email protected] ©Nadia Kerecuk Creator and Convenor of the © Brazilian Bilingual Book Club at the Embassy of Brazil in London


Page ©BRAZILIAN BILINGUAL BOOK CLUB –EMBASSY OF BRAZIL IN LONDON All rights reserved - Creator & Convenor -©Nadia Kerecuk http://londres.itamaraty.gov.br/en-us/book_club.xml

14-16 Cockspur Street London SW11Y 5BL
