Image Map Pro for WordPress - Interactive Image Map Builder /item/image-map-pro-for-wordpress-interactive-image-map-builder/2826664 nickys

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1. Advanced Drag-and-drop Editor 2. Polygon, Icon, Rectangle and Ellipse Shapes 3. 150 SVG Icons Included 4. Tons of Style and Animation Options 5. Responsive and Optimized for Touchscreen 6. Customizable Mouseover and Click Actions 7. Comprehensive API 8. Free Customer Support for 6 Months

Advanced Drag-and-drop Editor

Image Map Pro comes with a fully featured web app to quickly create, edit and export your image maps. Using the app is super easy and a step-by-step guide is also included!

Try the Editor!

Content Builder – New in Version 3.0

In version 3.0 we are introducing Squares – a content builder that lets you add rich content and media to the of your image map.

13/18 Polygon, Icon, Rectangle and Ellipse Shapes

Image Map Pro is the only plugin, which allows you to draw custom shapes. You can also use pins, custom icons, rectangles and ellipses.

150 SVG Icons Included

That’s right, 150 high-quality SVG icons bundled in the Editor. And if you still can’t find that special icon you need, you can also use your own image!

Tons of Style and Animation Options

With the Editor you can customize properties like opacity, fill, stroke and corner-radius to match the design of your site. You can also have separate styles on mouseover!

Responsive and Optimized for Touchscreen

Image Map Pro is made to properly handle touch events. And if you have a lot of content in your tooltips you can make them fullscreen on mobile devices!

Customizable Mouseover and Click Actions

The shapes can be links! Tooltips can be made to appear on mouseover or click – whatever works best in your case. Or you can turn the tooltips off completely!

Comprehensive API

Image Map Pro comes with an API that you can use to code custom functionality for your image map. For example, you can show a by default, or run javascript when a user clicks on a shape.

Free Customer Support for 6 Months

We are here to help! If you have any issues installing or using our product, please send us a ticket and we will respond as soon as possible!

Submit Ticket

Change Log

3.0.13 – 16.07.2016

Minor fixes in the plugin’s API.

3.0.12 – 07.07.2016

Renamed all classes in squares. to prevent CSS conflicts. Fixed a bug that could sometimes prevent an image map from loading. Various minor bug fixes.

3.0.11 – 05.07.2016

14/18 Fixed a bug related to tooltips that was occuring in version 3.0.10. Other minor bug fixes.

3.0.10 – 04.07.2016

Better error handling and easier debugging when an image map doesn’t load due to bad JSON.

3.0.9 – 03.07.2016

Fixed a bug that would occur on mobile devices when zooming the page with the image map.

3.0.8 – 03.07.2016

Fixed a bug that could prevent users from clicking on links inside tooltips.

3.0.7 – 28.06.2016

Added autoplay, loop and controls options for the Video element in the content builder. Added more functionality to the API, like an event for unhighlighting a shape, closing a tooltip, as well as an action to manually close a tooltip. Updated the documentation with the new API. Added squares.min.css as an optional part of the plugin. You should include it only if you use the content builder (Squares). Added an API-demo folder. It is located in the main .zip of the product. A few issues have been fixed about the migration of image maps created with version 2.x of the product.

3.0.6 – 27.06.2016

Fixed a bug that could cause issues when attempting to load an image map, created with Image Map Pro version 2.0.x. Fixed a bug that could cause issues when attepmting to load an image map without an image URL set.

3.0.5 – 23.06.2016

Minor bug fixes in the front-end portion of the plugin. Minor bug fixes in the content builder.

3.0.4 – 22.06.2016

Bug fixes in the Events API of the front-end portion of the plugin. Minor bug fixes in the content builder in Firefox. Fixed a bug that would prevent shortcodes of old image maps (pre-version 3.0) from rendering on the page. This bug only affected users, who have used the plugin before version 3.0.

3.0.3 – 21.06.2016

Improved the image map loading user experience. The image map data will no longer get corrupted if the saving process is interrupted. 15/18 Saving progress is now shown as %. Improved the front-end user experience, related to tooltips.

3.0.2 – 20.06.2016

Fixed a bug that would prevent saving your very first image map, if you haven’t created an image map by pressing the Create button. Fixed a bug related to migrating old image maps. Fixed a bug that would prevent the content build from launching when in fullscreen mode. Fixed a bug related to importing the title and text from an old image map (made using pre-3.0 version). When copy/pasting shape styles, plain text color will be transferred as well. Fixed a bug that would not display new line characters in the Editor. Fixed a bug that would display new line characters as ”\n” in the front-end. Improved the way the Editor sets its size, it should now ignore any other errors or notifications that might be displaying on the same page.

3.0.1 – 19.06.2016

Fixed the difference in appearance of polygons with strokes in edit and preview mode. UTF8 special characters are now displaying correctly in the front-end. Fixed a bug that could cause the tooltips to be positioned incorrectly. Fixed a bug that would prevent the icon library from showing. Other minor bug fixes.

3.0.0 – 16.06.2016

Introduced version 3.0. New and improved UI. Better mobile optimization. Better event handling. Added an API for easier customization. Added content builder for the tooltips. Added import/export functionality. Added a guided tour with short demo videos.

2.1.13 – 26.04.2016

Added scroll bar to the Load window.

2.1.12 – 30.03.2016

Fixed a bug that could cause errors in the editor if data is corrupted in certain situations.

2.1.11 – 24.03.2016 16/18 The editor now automatically removes square brackets from the “shortcode” input field.

2.1.10 – 26.02.2016

Fixed a bug that would sometimes prevent the user from uploading image from the Media Library.

2.1.9 – 23.02.2016

Improved support for Unicode characters. Improved support for HTML code and other characters in the content of the tooltips.

2.1.8 – 25.01.2016

Added support for Unicode characters.

2.1.7 – 21.01.2016

Fixed a bug that would prevent you from saving a map with a lot of spots on it. Various small bug fixes.

2.1.6 – 19.01.2016

Several minor bug fixes.

2.1.5 – 15.01.2016

Fixed a bug that would cause “empty” shapes to break the editor.

2.1.4 – 12.01.2016

Fixed a CSS conflict in the Editor.

2.1.3 – 12.01.2016

Fixed a bug that would incorrectly calculate the sizes of the tooltips. Fixed a bug that would position the tooltips incorrectly in certain situations.

2.1.2 – 07.01.2016

Fixed a bug that prevented new lines inserted in a tooltip from rendering correctly. Improved support for multiple image maps on the same page.

2.1.1 – 06.01.2016

Fixed an issue where HTML code inserted in a tooltip would not render correctly.

2.1.0 – 05.01.2016

Added an option to only display a tooltip when you click a shape. Improved support for touchscreen devices.

17/18 Improved support for multiple image maps on the same page. Added documentation for deep linking.

2.0.2 – 04.01.2016

Fixed a bug that would prevent the image map from displaying if it’s set to responsive and its parent element is 0. For example, when the image is in a tab.

2.0.1 – 04.01.2016

Fixed a bug that would add backslashes to the content of the tooltips.

2.0 – 01.01.2016

In January 1 we released version 2.0 of the plugin, which is a complete rewrite!
