
Holiday Hazards

The holiday season can be a fun and exciting time for you and your family - but it can be a dangerous time for your pets! Outlined here are some common household hazards to avoid in order to help your pet have a safe and happy holiday.


Household Plants: , Holly, Lilies, Pine & are all potentially dangerous to your pets if eaten. Don't take chances-- avoid buying them or keep them out of pet reach!

Christmas Tree Water: The water may contain dangerous fertilizers and bacteria, even if you haven't added anything to it! Also, do not add aspirin to your tree water!

Tinsel, Confetti & Wrapping Paper: If you wouldn't swallow them, neither should your pets! All of these can block your pet's intestines. If they live through it, the whole mess will cost you a LOT of money and heartache. Don't let it happen.

Ornaments & Snow Globes: Pieces and hooks can damage you pet's stomach and intestines. Snow globes often contain TOXIC antifreeze, so clean them up immediately if broken.

Lit Candles & Extension Cords: Keep these out of your pet's rech to avoid burn injuries and electric shock.

Human Foods

Fatty Foods: That may be tasty, but it can cause stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea in your pets. Avoid giving them foods like and bacon as well. Make an announcement to houseguests so they don't mess things up for you.

Caffeine: After-dinner coffee and cookies is for people only.

Raisins & Grapes: These cause kidney failure in pets, and can also be a choking hazard.

Bones: Bones are a health and choking risk. Stick to milkbones and pet-labled treats. Rawhides really aren't the best choice, as they get soggy and choke dogs.

Chocolate: Enjoy your dessert, but keep it away from your pets. Be cautious when baking with chocolate, too. It is often richer in cocoa in eating chocolate, and could be accidentally dropped on the floor during baking.

Alcohol: Can make your pets sick, even in small amounts. It's NOT funny to give the dog a sip of beer.

Other things to avoid: Onions, avocado, milk, sweets, tobacco products, bread dough, nuts, moldy foods & human meds.