Something' up to Major League Standards Value of Power Punch
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i, j Tex Rickard May Many Uoungsters Are Measuring Fighters Must Learn "Start Something' Up To Major League Standards Value of Power Punch . By ' in Wrestling N PAUL BREWSTER, , the English boxers are too "ladylike Game BY DE SNYDKR. Interna tional News Service Special for the American and French I In bruiser". Big league scouts Rathcrod some ONE OF SEASON'S BEST FINDS Correspondent , The trouble lies, this paper urges, in choice bits of 'ivory from the bushel J 'XI i i. Fept 16- - III. time that the English system of scoring on Noted Eager last foil and sprinp our young boxers developed an appro polnt ami not on the damage don" Promoter to Put Game on Par With Other elation of the power of S punch unless there is a knockout. As soon I base-ba- ll ' And these recruits make the ' 1 Clean Sports; Would Do Away With Frame-up- s Which For many years It has been a gos as this Is changed there will be a ncu mare fto pel in British boxing circles that it Is gem ration of Englishmen In tpe I Have Ruled in Mat Matches in U. S. If the major leagues did not hae cleverness which winx. In a measure' squared i Ircle who will fight and not that is true, but there remains the he artery of youth on which to i fact that ne punch that IS hard Thi. statement la substantiated by they would soon be on crutches. enough and delivered m the right a number of international bouts held By H C. HAMILTON. F. Caddock was flopped In New York This Ivory" material is .in Interest- place will by lis effectiveness morel during the past year In which En- ' look In the. to j News Cor- - b) StSChtr Shortly afterward, but ing thing to ovei fall than counterbalance all the scientific glish scrappers have been walloped Internationa Service Staff per respondent. Gene Melady. of Omaha, manager of sei what cent of them had the scoring of points which might have Into H jfl the Iowa farmer, contends Caddoek ,u ood accomplished by MAKES - been the receiver of. ABIBi NEW YORK Sept 16 Tex Rlck- turned out lo be real Jti-'- was out of condition and that the Some have that ''Ig hit In ths preceding rounds." Joe Beckett says that he was t, H IHLajfl ard started out a short time ago ' match which "as held In New York, gold, some are mediocre, and otlvrs Thus writes "Corinthian," a welli fei ling Georges Carp entier out when H become R wrestling U well as n box- - was not conduct' d according lo rules are perhaps but a flash In the pin. known English .porting writer In the' thi Frenchman hit him Maybe bo, L govern In- seventy Noungsters. who cams JrM Ing promoter. He hadn't Riven up supposed to the sport but tbout Pally Chronicle bii HeorgcM didn't ir to score ;i J all bope. yet, but his first experience stead to custom which prevails In late last fall or early this sprinp have The sentiment is being echoed point. He Just hit HI say he did JH with the triumvirate which claims to New York matches Caddock. h ISid, .proved their caliber. by other sporting writers in London Johnny Basham, the British welter- - I juggle the heavyweight championship defended his title within a reasonable BOB HITS 'KM newspapers. Even the good old con weight champion, Is .1 clever leather F, ' - of the world bptween them brought length of time and only succumbed to Among thes? some of tliem stand servatlve. straight luced papcrt; which pusher, but he did not stand a t han' g it about some surprises for Whlcb Tea the dread a Issors after he had cx-- j out from the rest are read by commuters In first class with Kid Lewis with his experience In wasn't prepared huusted himself trjing to stave off dc- -' I To the New York Tankeea goes the railroad compartments on their way the American ring Lewis probably i While waiting for the New York feat Therefore. Mcladv claims. Cad- ,honor of prodin Ing the season s best to London have taken this subject loet On points In the majority 0? IJV State Basing Commission to get itself dock still is worlds Champion and find of either leajjue. perhaps- He Is Their style in dealing with boxing rounds, but he damaged Johnny ha appointed and get down to the busi wants to meet all comers He didn't the lanky Bob Mcusel, the liome-iu- n Is somewhat heavy, but It suit'- - tin badly that his seconds had to throw ness for which It was Intended Tex Include riestlna in his statement but Litter of the Pacific Coast league last mentality of the upper crust of Eng- the towel In to save thlr man from found time heavy on his hands anil In-- nik'ht be Induoed to take on that 'year lish society who take the manly art being cut to ribbons. Basham hj P Lewls-- ; th of Madison .Square Garden gentleman along with the Meusel has a battlnK eye like Babe of se Quite seriously. The plenty of stamina also, but he hasn't keeping tixht up with the parade of Zbysiko-Steche- r layout. 'lluth He has the power in his arms general opinion gleaned from the Lon- the kayo wallop In his make-up- . other expense, so he decided he would Of. course, Caddock Isn t champion land shoulders to bounce the pelli off don newspapers Is that the English Charles Ledoux, the French ban-tan- . a iJB try some wrestlinjc Forthwith he of the world. He agreed to meet the wall. He is younfr enough to lm--j are waking up to the fact that In de-- I weight champion, made short H CajMp penned a telegrorn to Joe Stecher, and Stecher in a one-fa- ll finish match. prove. This year he has hit over .350. veioptng their scientific and clever work of Jimmy Hlglns, the British H V asked him how he would like lo meet Stecher won the fall, which made him His confidence Is 100 per cent. Mob's si rappers they have overlooked the hamp, yet Joe Lynch bent the Prench- - i. Marin Flestlnn, who isn't a membei wlnnei of the match, and, as Cad- not a finished fielder by any means fa t that an English pug has to pack In HJ of the wrestling syndicate, In Madi-so- n dock was worlds champion Stech- yet. In fact, he haa Just gotten bade a haymaker to gi t away with any of Arthur Wyns, the Belgian feather- - H Square Garden er Immediately became his successor. i n the gome after a month's disciplin- the titles which are held bv Ameri- wflghl champion, made such a mess H Jk Caddock defeated Stecher when the Mike Honeyman. The guarantee was first class and ing on ihe bench for Indifferent field- cans. ' of the British champ, there were Inducements that would latter was world s champion In a ing. He ouirht to be cured now. Freddy Welsh is an example of this that they had to stop the contest to ,,1 make even the ordinary wrestler pon- - match at Omaha. Stecher won one PRISOR is STAR. school of British boxers It Is to be save the use of a putty knife and WjuM , der for a while before lie refused to fall and Caddoek won another Cad-l- In the N'ationnl league the bright- remembered that Freddy could step blotter in removing the Englishman ' acoept, but Btccher wanted nothing U claimed another fall, but the ref- est shining young star belongs to the backward around the ring about twice from the ring. Wyns never bother l to do with It. Whether h, liked th eree refused to allow it and during Giants. ) risen seemed to be the plac- as fast as the average fighter couM about boxing, but went after his man PJ irm match with Plestlna has little to do the hubbub both wrestlers retired to ing soul that started the New York step forward. In good old one-roun- d style that w,is H jjjstJm with the question. He simply wired their dressing rooms. Caddoek club up from the bottom until the wise A certain London newspaper consid- surprising, coming as it were from 1 H Insfl back to Rickard that he wouldn't con- - emerged, prepared to accept the ref- ones are now picking them to cop the ered quite "low brow' declare that bruiser from Belgium. WjM elder the match and didn't rani to eree's decision and to take on Stecher bunting be bothered In the future bv SUggCB- - In the finish of the match Stecher. And Prison didn't cost New York a tJH 1 LJTB liv e telegrams. That ended the Rlck- - however, declined to come out aaain penny- They wouldn t sell him now for WOMEN TO SETTLE iH ard wrestling venture for the tlnv and forfeited the match tocclher With i u o When he was away for six Tennis Stars Named jKM being, but the Intrepid promoter ntill the championship. Stecher later plead- weeks the Giants floundered His re- NET TITLE TODAY condition, which has an idea he will break Into thai ed thnt he was out of appearance In the lineup at third act-- d I game as well us he did boxing. Is precisely the plea that Is being hypodermic. into like a For Foreign Games PHILADELPHIA, Sept.