SEER STARS As Seen RIBBONS . Times Terry Lee, Sport . Arbiter, By Cartoonist) FOR LEAGUE COME ON NOW I XH r- rtfHft YOU AND ixERRX. ... 9 O'CLOCK f BOYS - NQl LOSE TO ACROSS SEA Jl STftULIHG.

n ANSONIA Anglo-America- Circuit Is Launched In England and France Strengthened Visitors De- An overseas professional baseball feat Locals for Second ' Organization to be composed of six Time Within Few , i eluba and to" known as the Anglo-Americ- Days League has been launched, Sensational according to W. A. Parsons, ho was Bruggy Plays I In this city yesterday on. a hunt for Game New Man in Rib- j players. Howard E. Booker of San jTancisco wno nas Deen active in bons' Banks. English sporting circles and on the JkJ1 A SSL FRIEND AHO WWM VT DANCE vs(ITHWVef- - re- lfifesST mgTm&. ' turf for the last eight years, has Jie M! 1 II Arwif,ER Or' 9tX f ,311 i , - POP ceived permission from the British. e athlete. . TvKe we. For the second time in a few days, War Office to start the league in Eng- mimimmmzm m x w rrzo nm&m Ansonia of the State Lea- - - land. , gue, beat the Blue Ribbons, last night .London, Paris and Brighton are at Colonial hall, 27 to 23. cure of places in the league. Three The Ansonia team was strengthened clubs will be located at camps with by the addition of three players, and representation likely for put up a peppery game. Bruggy, and Vichy, recreation centres playing left guard, x scored 15 of tho for American troops. visitors' points. - The league will play a five-mon- th Arthur Powers, a brother of the on 1 clos- Ribbons' season, opening April and - i mm s-g- j vu center, played left guard for on 1. to 6or? fiootri CONTESTS the locals. ing Sept. Owing the rainy A CORME.R at im season, in London in the early fall, it The score and line-u- p: was deemed advisable to close' at this OF HIS MUSIC Rod Blue Ribbons date. Twenty-fiv- e per cent, of the F. Ttl. to Fg. j reconpts will go the Red Cross. White, rf, 3 Booker, who is promoting the Muller, If, 17 league, says both the British and C. Powers, c, 1152 Frenoh. officials strongly indorse the Swenson, rg, 100 project as they all have been won HOPPE Clinton, Ig, 4 21110 over to democratizing features of CHALLENGED, A. Powers, If, 0 0 0 American baseball. Booker has the moving picture privileges at the larg- 9 5 23 est training camps in England, in- - Ansonia eluding the great camp at Salisbury MAKES BIG DEMAND Fg. F. Ttl. ; Plain, and is well acquainted with Wasmer, rf, 4 officials in the London War Of- 2 high THE MAKER OF WORLDS Reinick, If, 12 fice. Billiard Champion Will Not S. Harvey, c, 10 TABERSKI TAKES N. Harvey, rg, 1131 1 3 Play Cochran for Less Bruggy, lg, 7 1 15 Than Tg&T UNCLEf SAM Of $2,500 Wager SERVEP r 11 5 27 ((Talk SportsJ THREE M THE: SPANISH -- MATCHES , Feb. 19 Willie Hoppe, AMERICAN WAR.. Columbia will meet the College of world's balkline billiard monarch, has ZBYSZKO TRAINING the City of New York in swimming been challenged by Welker Cochran, and water polo in the pool in the it was learned for the FOR BIG MATCH to- IN ONE DAY yesterday, Morningside Heights gymnasium championship at 18.2. However, un- night. John D. Kennedy, captain of less Hoppe moderates his conditions New York, Feb. 19. When Joo the varsity football eleven for next for a match there is little chance of Stecher and Wladek Zbyszko meei on has been named leader. CUBS NEED HIM, FRENCH BANTAM season, acting Frank Taberski, the pocket billiard an arrangement in the immediate fu- CHARGES PACT the mat at Madison Square Garden on expert, took three games here yes- ture. WEAVER'S CLAIM Friday, March 1, two wonderful sys- Cincinnati fans are urging Matty to tems of will clash. The season. terday. He beat Bert Marshall at the Having vanquished all opponents at TO DRAFT BOARD wrestling try to pitch this Now that Athens' Pool 100 to 18.2, 18.1 world knows the hold developed by and Eller are lost to parlors 8, HenrJ and 14.1, Hoppe shows a TO HOLD GUT WINNER OVER Tony probably Osborne at James Kelly's, 100 to 26 disposition to give his crown undue the Western farmer lad, crushing the Reds, the Queen City's pitching Harry Weaver, the recruit scis- ' and Al Brothwell at the Seaside club, protection. Although Hoppe got the of the who grasp that is famed as the body staff is in a bad way. 125 to 78. pitcher Chicago Cubs, sors hold. is known match in which he won the title by played an in New Zbyszko widely In the Marshall IN MAJOR important part for his deadly toe hold. of Cubs was op- afternoon, against putting up $500 side bet, and never Haven's of the Eastern JOE LYNCH Phil Douglas the he ran off 54, Osborne in the winning The scissors furnishes more s' on the other against was compelled to post a larger amount lieagiio last year, feels body erated for appendicitis 42 Broth-wel- l, pennant to his home evening and later against he now insists that Cochran shall that lie is needed to the Cubs fascination the spectators, for to . in Tennessee, and 46. pitch boa coil ?tech-e- r Jyiif is he will be wager five times the original $500, (New York, Feb. 19. When the ma to a National and obtain this constrictor the report that not League pennant , Feb. 19 A good left is forced to work from behind his ready for work till July. Still, the which would mean a sidebet of $2,500 jor league club owners were here last therefore he should not be asked war. jab proved to be a better asset than opponent. For this reason when be Mitchell outfit has a formidable array FRATERNITY WINS for a boy who is just beginning to week put their heads to go to and as show form he has cham- they together A few ago, so the story a right hand swing in the seething engages in a bout it is always replete with Alexander, Tyler Vaughn IN SUING FRAZEE indicating and notes on days with action. On a neucleus. pionship class. compared the holdouts goes, Weaver was haled before the clash between Benny Valgar, claimant the other han.l This among their players. They were so board home to Zbyszko always bears in on his op- New 19 proclamation by the Czar of draft in his town, the bantam title of France, and because baseball's so Tork, Feb. Supreme Court world at the stubborn of Pa. He ponent to wear him down, and when Maybe it's Justice Finch issued an the billiard reached this city surprised attitude Warren, immediately Joe Lynch, the latest K. O. sensa- risrht to on much like oranges that so re order yester from the and it was the over asked to be exempted because the the moment arrives nut many H. yesterday West, players the general cuts in main at the,01ym-pi- a ! devote of day directing Harry Frazee, theat- con- Cubs had a chance to tion, the battle the hold that forces acknowledgment tired players the rest tUeir rical and of accompanied by the additional which were made in all salaries that splendid of or lives to oranges, or producer president the dition that the would re- win the pennant and needed every last night. A capacity gathering defeat serious injury. growing maybe Boston American League Baseball champion one cluib owner believes that there is JSbysiko active - they enjoy having a catch with the fuse to play in New York, for the rea- man available. Weaver's plea fell witnessed the downfall of the con- yesterday began club, to appear this morning to show some among the on training for the match. orange when the crop son that a match in San Francisco understanding play- deafening ears, however, and queror of , gab- pickers cause why he should not be declared ers to Bean Brummel of Savin Valgar i ripe. in of court to would draw more money. refrain from signing until they the former bing his way to a win in every one of contempt for failure to are Rock submitted to a ex- Feb. 2 at pro- Hoppe is in a position dictate, paid the salaries they received physical the six rounds. JOHN D. SAVES - appear supplementary He is now But then, there are a lot of ex- called in connection a for the balkline emblems are his per- last saason. amination and passed. The result was another one of those ceedings with nervously the call to FUELLESS ONES players who go to chicken farming, of $2,347, obtained sonal property and he need not play a Last year the players had an agree- awaiting surprises to which the Quaker City judgment against one active service. j Here's where our theory falls down. him by the Baseball Fra- match with any unless he chooses. ment not to sign 'because of the im- fans have grown accustomed. Lynch Players' The be knock- ternity, Inc. only way in which he could pending baseball strike, and they eliminated Williams with his Tarrytown, N. Y., Feb. 19 A hun- l'Eggs int like baseballs, are they? The judgment was obtained by the forced to play for the championship iouna tnat this threat to the club out punch and along came "Valgar, dred or more families living in, the Brunswick-Balke-Collend- er some more. Yes. they are! When they're foul! fraternity in behalf of Kurt W. Hage- - would be for the owners resulted in greater demand for ECHOS FROM THE PAST jabbed, jabbed and jabbed vicinity of the Pocantico Hills estate i (Ooch! Thro him out!) man, a pitcher of the Boston Red Sox Co., donor of the trophies, their services than usual. At the He stuck so many south paw hooks of John D. Rockefeller were furnish- team, who was released in 1912 to establish a tournament and put a close of last seasqjj when it was in- into the unprotected face of the rangy ed with a plentiful supply of coal Barney lreyftiss of Pittsburgh Breach of contract was alleged. new emblem into competition. As evitable that war conditidons would Just nine years ago today, Feb. 19, Lynch that Joe's nasal was weeping during the recent cold weather. At rather than Jeopardize the deal which there are not enough players of note force the club owners to reduce sal- 1909, Abe Attell and Jem Driscoll continually for the last four rqunds. thes uggestion of the local fuel ad- ent Mama-ra- to , agreed to COLUMBIA CREW to warrant a tournament there is no aries, it is stated that the players of boxed 10 rounds to a draw at New ministrator Mr. Rockefeller prevent- remit tne fine ana give Mamaux a prospect of such a move being made. more than one club bandeict together Valgar will meet Tommy Shea of ed the coal famine from causing suf- York. This bout deserves to be re- bout at check for the amount deducted from MAY MEET YALE It is not on record that a cham- and decided to fight the reduction by New Haven in the main the fering in and around Ossining, where his salary. pion has demanded a side bet of more taking their own sweet time about membered as one of the fastest, Commercial A. C. Boston, on the his own trucks delivered coal to New York, Feb. 19 In addition to than $500 for a match for the title, signing this spring. cleanest and most sensational glove afternoon of Washington's Birthday. another 100 families. Eddie Ainsmith and Ed innova- That is are so un Gnarrity rowingPrinceton and in and the' action of Hoppe is an why there many affairs in ring history. The little will do the for the Senators Childs be with signed players in the SYNAGOGUE CEREMONY. catching the race for the Cup, which tion that will not popular the major leagues. Hebrew and the clever Welshman PRINCETON PLANS now that John Henry has been allow- will probably be held on Carnegie other players. Usually at this stage of the season ed to go to the Boston Braves. Lake, Princeton, early in May, the Co- Since Hoppe made the trophies his most of the veteran players are in were well matched in height, speed, SPRING BASEBALL Members of Ahawath Achim Con- lumbia varsity crew may meet Yale personal property he has been en- line, but it is significant that the only experience and ringcraft, and the fans gregation held an interesting cere- The latest holdouts of the Cardinals and in dual accord- players signed in the two who at the old National Harvard regattas, gaged in touring the country almost major gathered Princeton, N. J., Feb. 19 As a mony at their synagogue in Cherry are Cruise and Long, the two out' ing to reports at Morningside Heights and is to have leagues now are those on a few clubs Sporting club to see the rookus got a street last evening when the Torah, have refused to constantly, reported whose result of the conference of Dean fielders, who accept yesterday. cleared from $50,000 to $60,000 a year unusually good work last year run for their money such as the spec- of burned in a recent fire in the build- In them Briggs of Harvard, Prof. Corwin the cut salary made by President Tjie race for the Childs Cup is virtu in exhibition work. protected from the general cut tators seldom get at a New York of ing was recopied, and the Scrolls of - in Yale and Dean McClenahan Prince- Branch Rickey. As Jack Smith re ally certain, and- it is understood that This has made him in- pay. boxing show. Both boys had every- Law were replaced by Rabbi William fused to his contract a few weeks fact quite The club owners at ton last Friday at New Haven, the sign if the Poughkeepsie and New London different to match play or the defence their meetings thing and they used it, which is too sense of which confidence was favor- Wittenstein. Mny of the prominent ago the entire Cardinal outfield is are not continued, which here discussed the salary question at the case in Jews of the city were present. now regattas of his title. The prospects of Coch some infrequently able to intercollegiate athletics thi? in a state of rebellion. seems probable, arrangements will be ran or other balk liner a length, and they pointed out bouts between Driscoll are conducted on any getting that the ball do not seem to and spring provided they made for races between Columbia and match with are by .no means players has had few equals in cleverness, a and scale, a GREB BEATS MOHR, The Yankees unloaded two more Hoppe realize that this country is war feather- simple inexpensive both Yale and Harvard. rosy. Robert Benjamin, Hoppe's at in his career fought the best of all baseball men was held Cincinnati, Feb. 19 Harry Greb, onto the minor leagues yes-- f and that conditions are not what and of Great meeting pitchers manager, sent this word from the they weights lightweights today to discover the interest mani- the Pittsburgh middleweight, out- are Dan and would be in normal times. The is out-box- terday. They Tipple HARVARD STANDS West: pub- Britain, France and America. Jem fested the students "in varsity base- fought and Bob Mohr, the ! Clif two who came lic attitude toward baseball Welsh by Markle, youngsters, does not have to players said to have enlisted in a regi ball this and to draw up plans "Milwaukee cave man," easily earn- to the club heralded as world beaters PAT ON "INFORMAL" "Hoppe play any who are holding out for more money, ment in the war. No news has spring body for nothing; but it is possible early for the season. ing Referee Bauman's decision at a few seasons ago. Tipple cost the will be much the same, a prominent been received of him for over two ten-rou- that he may arrange a match to start W. A. Buell, manager of the nine, the end of their bout here , Tanks a .cold $8,000. Markle showed New Haven, Conn., Feb. 19. An ex- baseball man pointed out yesterday, years. Which may mean that he ha to off his fifth tour next season. Be em- who has just returned college from last night. great promise for a while and showed planation of the new stand on sports as their attitude toward striking his life for his country, or is A. laid sides the proceeds from his in given a Y. M. C. unit abroad, th unusual ability in beating the Boston taken by Harvard, Yale and Prince- ployes other occupations. The sym- so busy fighting that he hasn't time of the athletic association be- LONDON BANKS MERGE Red. Sox several times. last trips Hoppe has been offered $30,000 which is usually with them will himself. plans Tipple ton as the result of the conference concern cer- pathy to say anything about fore the men. In spite of the short London, Feb. 19 A fusion has season was Baltimore Markle Pnof. by a moving picture for ibe missing this year. with and among Dean Le Baron Brlggs, consid- notice given, over fifty men reported been between the London j was sent to tain appearances, which he is There is an among arranged Toronto, but refused to Corwin and Dean McClennanahan understanding LEWIS K. O.'S DUFFY thirty-on- e and nineteen Lon- ering. . the club owners no effort wiH be varsity City and Midland bank and the play. Manager Huggins has shipped here last Saturday, is made by Dean that freshman candidates. don Stock bank under the title to "The only title matches which he made to with the players Joint them both the St. Paul club of the Briggs in a statement in the Yale compromise 19. Ted wel- of the London Joint City and Mid- ; feels he should be to who are out - Toledo, Feb. Lewis, American Association. News today. He declares that sport expected play holding by prearrange- was bank. The combined banks have are those with legitimate rivals. He ment. The reduction decided terweight champion of the world, last The State Department officially land at the three colleges will be continued salary out of advised that John Reed is not to be and liabilities of 280,000,000 Our soldiers on an informal 'basis, with excep- thinks that all contenders should an- upon by the various clubs was not night knocked Jimmy Duffy deposits taken prisoner by the the consul-gener- al at 60,000,000 Germans allowed to tion of schedules. adds the nually be determined by a tournament earriea out until after due delibera- Lockport, N. Y., in the first round of appointed Russian pounds, exceeding by are write home He that 15 York Bolshevik! tnose of other English term of all the 'hopes,' the winner to have a tion, and.- - it was one of the most im- what was to have been a" round New by the pounds any provided they praise their captors "informal" has been I bank. kind care. chance at the world honors." of several features. bout. highly for their portant iii m - -- , r , I A - 1 1 J I 5 i .. , CD'rrr wi'V sjE vju2. ecxxet j

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