Terry Lee, Sport. Arbiter, As Seen
THE TIMES: FEBEUABY. 19, ,1918 SEER STARS As Seen RIBBONS . Times Terry Lee, Sport . Arbiter, By Cartoonist) FOR LEAGUE COME ON NOW I XH r- rtfHft YOU AND ixERRX. ... 9 O'CLOCK f BOYS - NQl LOSE TO ACROSS SEA Jl STftULIHG. n ANSONIA Anglo-America- Circuit Is Launched In England and France Strengthened Visitors De- An overseas professional baseball feat Locals for Second ' Organization to be composed of six Time Within Few , i eluba and to" known as the Anglo-Americ- Days League has been launched, Sensational according to W. A. Parsons, ho was Bruggy Plays I In this city yesterday on. a hunt for Game New Man in Rib- j players. Howard E. Booker of San jTancisco wno nas Deen active in bons' Banks. English sporting circles and on the JkJ1 A SSL FRIEND AHO WWM VT DANCE vs(ITHWVef- - re- lfifesST mgTm&. ' turf for the last eight years, has Jie M! 1 II Arwif,ER Or' 9tX f ,311 i , - POP ceived permission from the British. e athlete. TvKe we. For the second time in a few days, War Office to start the league in Eng- mimimmmzm m x w rrzo nm&m Ansonia of the Connecticut State Lea- - - land. , gue, beat the Blue Ribbons, last night .London, Paris and Brighton are at Colonial hall, 27 to 23. cure of places in the league. Three The Ansonia team was strengthened clubs will be located at camps with by the addition of three players, and representation likely for put up a peppery game. Bruggy, and Vichy, recreation centres playing left guard, x scored 15 of tho for American troops.
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