Ap human geography chapter 6 study guide

Continue Following the development of the selection criteria, we have compiled a list of potential sites that use information from domestic violence: modern court programmes (National Council for Juveniles and Family Court Judges, 1992) and consultations with knowledgeable people on the ground. The publication provided descriptions of programmes and contact information for model court programmes on domestic violence, which often involve joint efforts with criminal justice authorities or domestic violence services providers. We have also consulted with HHS, an advisory group and several domestic violence experts to complete this list. Based on these resources, we have compiled an initial list of 16 different sites for possible inclusion in the study. We conducted a telephone interview with a key person on each site to assess how well the community's efforts met the different selection criteria. The sites were then grouped according to their strength as candidates, and the final sites were selected in consultation with HHS and members of the federal advisory group. Six sites were selected for in-depth study: Baltimore, Maryland; Kansas City, Missouri; Carlton County and North St. Louis County, Minnesota; San Diego and San Francisco, California. Initially, Duluth, Minnesota, was selected as one of the educational communities. However, since the Duluth model was extensively studied, we decided to include two rural communities in Northern Minnesota (Carlton and North St. Louis counties) whose response to domestic violence was influenced by the Duluth model. All selected sites have established links between criminal justice authorities and community service providers, and there have been coordination efforts at each site for at least five years (in some cases for more than a decade). The selected sites are a number of interesting examples of coordination efforts and contexts of a coordinated response. Baltimore is a large urban area with a significant African-American population. It reflects a model dominated by one of the main providers of domestic violence services, House Ruth, which provides comprehensive services to battered women. There are also several examples of the health response in Baltimore. Kansas City does not have a long tradition of interagency cooperation, but the community has made a number of significant changes to the criminal justice system, especially in the courts. The city does not have a long-standing coordinating committee on domestic violence, but it has strong leadership on the issue within the criminal justice system. Lawyers are now less active in Kansas City, though they have greatly influenced previous changes in the criminal justice system. Two hospitals in programmes had recently been developed on the ground for battered women. Carlton and North St. Louis counties cite examples of coordination in the Communities. North St. Louis County has a service network that has been in place and developed since 1978. Carlton County includes the Foundation du Lak Indian Reservation and has a significant Native American population. San Diego County has a well-developed coordinating council and several examples of interagency cooperation, including a joint program between probation and child protection. The Children's Hospital runs the Domestic Violence Programme, which provides primary prevention and intervention services for battered women and their children. San Francisco has a long history of interagency cooperation on a number of issues, including domestic violence. Advocacy efforts are particularly strong, and there are several coordinating committees in the community with different objectives. The population is very diverse with a large number of immigrants, non-English speaking persons and gays and lesbians. The city has also been chosen through recent health initiatives. Religion is an extensive topic. Actually, it's an understatement. Religion touches on everything around us, from the explanations we seek to create the universe and our purpose within, to the supreme power behind these things, to how we behave, treat each other, and interact with society, to the values, laws, and beliefs that govern us. Whether you are a person of , a skeptic, or something in between, the notions of , and morality effect us all. They produce cultural constructs, power dynamics and historical narratives. They can also produce philosophical innovation, ethical reform and the promotion of social justice. In other words, religion is so diverse and nuanced by the theme that it is almost impossible to encapsulate all the major of the world in just a few words. But we'll try anyway. This is a study of the starter, the entry point for understanding the basics of the world's major religions. We will give you a quick low down on systems, , the scriptures, and the history of the world's major religions. Taken together, these brief and sometimes overlapping stories provide an opportunity to enter the history of mankind. Each of these recordings is a superficial view of the religion in question. (Try to capture everything about in just 250 words!) We also scratch the surface when it comes to the number of actual religions and denominations, both current and ancient. There's a lot of things. It's just an introduction. Use it to get started on essays on , refresh before an exam on religion and world history, or just learn more about the world around you. Below are some of the world's leading spiritual and religious traditions, both past and present: refers either to the lack of faith in the existence of or to the active that there are no deities. This belief system rejects theology as well as the design of organized religion. The use of this term originated in the ancient world and was intended to humiliate those who rejected the accepted religious precepts. It was first used during the Enlightenment in France in the 18th century. The French Revolution was conditioned by the prioritization of the human mind over the abstract power of religion. This led to a period of scepticism, during which atheism became an important cultural, philosophical and political entity. Many who characterize themselves as atheists argue that the lack of evidence or scientific process hinders faith in the . Some of those who call themselves secular humanists have developed an ethical code that exists separately from the of the deity. It is difficult to determine the actual number of practising atheists, given the absence of a unifying religious organization. Polls around the world have given an extremely wide deviation, with the highest rates of atheism generally observed in Europe and East Asia. The idea of , which does not profess to know whether there is a deity or not, is closely related. Instead, agnosticism argues that the limits of human reasoning and understanding make the existence of (s), the origin of the universe, and the possibility of the afterlife all ignorance. Like atheism, this term originated around the fifth century BC and was considered with a special interest in Indian cultures. It gained more popular modern visibility when invented by the English biologist Thomas Henry Huxley, who in 1869 recognized that the inability of people to truly answer questions concerning the divine. For Huxley, as well as the agnostic and athiest thinkers who have followed, theistic or Gnostic religions have no scientific basis, and therefore must be rejected. The Baha'i faith is, in fact, a spiritual ideology that teaches the value of all religions, supporting the importance of universal equality and unity. Bahauli, one of the founders of the Baha'i faith, officially established his ideology in 1863 in Persia (or present-day Iran). As a kind of hybrid of other , Baha'is grew out of a tradition of babism, which itself originated from an Islamic denomination called sheikhism. (Today, Babism exists with several thousand adherents, concentrated mainly in Iran, and separate from the Islamic ideologies that surround it.) Like Babism, Baha'i includes some of the teachings of , but combines them with some Christian principles. The central governing body of the Baha'i faith, a nine-member council called the General Chamber of Justice, operates from Haifa, Israel. Today, Baha'i's faith has anywhere from five to seven million adherents around the world. Buddhism is a religion and a philosophy. Teh and the beliefs surrounding Buddhism can be traced back to the original teachings of Gautama Buddha, a wise thinker who is believed to have lived between the fourth and sixth centuries BC. Buddha lived and taught in the eastern part of ancient India, providing a template for faith based on ideas of moral honesty, freedom from material attachment or desire, achieving peace and lighting through , and a life dedicated to wisdom, kindness, and compassion. Buddha's teachings spread widely across much of Asia in the following centuries. Although its scriptures and traditions inform countless subsequent and ideologies, Buddhism is largely divided into two branches: , whose goal is to achieve freedom from ignorance, material attachment and anger by practicing the Noble Eight-Fold Path, all in pursuit of an elevated state called Nirvana; and , whose purpose is to strive for a Buddha by practicing the principles of self-control, meditation, and expression of Buddha's understanding in your daily life, especially for the benefit of others, all until the end of the bodhisattva, or the ongoing cycle of rebirth through which you can continue to educate others. Today, approximately 7% of the world's practices practice some form of Buddhism, making it the fourth largest religion in the world, with an estimated 500 million adherents in both the Eastern and Western worlds. is a monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of of Nazareth. Christianity teaches that Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah (the savior of humanity predicted in the Torah, the basic biblical doctrine of the Jewish faith). Christian Scripture includes both the Torah (called the Old Testament by Christians) with the history of Jesus, his teachings, and the history of his modern disciples (the New Testament). They form the Bible, the central text of the Christian faith. Christianity began in Jerusalem as a result of , which considered Jesus Christ (meaning anointed one). This idea and its adherents quickly spread through ancient Judea around the first century AD, and then throughout the ancient world. Christians believe that Jesus successfully fulfilled and fulfilled all the requirements of the Old Testament laws, assumed the sins of the world during his crucifixion, died and again about life, so that those who believe in Him forgive their sins, reconcile with God, and give grace to everyday life. Christians claim that heaven with God awaits them after bodily death, while eternal separation from God in hell awaits those who have not received forgiveness for their sins and have not recognized Jesus as the Lord. Christianity is the largest religion in the world, with approximately 2.4 billion adherents, or 33% of the total population. Christianity has countless reform movements that have spawned countless sects and branches of denominations. Too many forms of practice exist to be named in one place, but the three largest branches of faith are Catholicism, Eastern and . Collectively, Christianity is the largest religion in the world, with approximately 2.4 billion adherents, or 33% of the total population. Its influence on the shape of world history and modern world culture is incalculable. was the dominant form of philosophy and religious orientation in ancient China, which arose from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius, who lived 551-479 BC Confucius regarded himself as a conduit for theological ideas arising from the imperial dynasties that came before him. With an emphasis on family and social harmony, Confucianism was a distinctly humanist and even secularist religious ideology. Confucianism had a profound impact on the development of Eastern legal customs and the emergence of the scholar class (and with it the meritocratic way of governing). Confucianism will participate in the historical push and pull with the philosophy of Buddhism and , experiencing the ebb and flow of influence, with high points during Han (206 BC to 220 AD), Tang (618-907 AD) and songs (960-1296 AD) dynasties. As Buddhism became the dominant spiritual force in China, Confucianism declined in practice. And with the advent of communism and Maoism in the 20th century, the basic practice of Confucianism was largely at the end. Nevertheless, it remains a fundamental ideology and a force underlying the Asian and Chinese attitudes towards scientific, legal and professional pursuits. Indeed, the strong work ethic advocated by Confucianism is seen as the main catalyst for the recovery of Asian economies in the late 20th century. Today, there are various independent Confucian congregations, but it was not until 2015 that the leaders of congregations in China came together to form the Holy Confucian Church. belongs to the Arab ethno-religious group, which originated and still largely lives in the area of the Druze mountain in southern Syria. Despite the small population of adherents, the Druze nevertheless play an important role in the development of their region (known in the historical acronym as the Levant). The Druze consider themselves direct descendants of Jethro Midian, who is distinguished in Hebrew Scripture as the mother-in-law of Moses. The Druze consider Jethro a hidden prophet through whom God spoke to the discovered prophet Moses. Thus, the Druze are considered to be a Judaism-related marriage. Like their laws, druze are monotheistic, professing faith in only one God. Druze ideologies are something of a hybrid, though, drawing on the cultural teachings of Islam, but also incorporating the wisdom of Greek philosophers such as Plato, and the concept similar to those in the Hindu canon. Jethro's status as a hidden prophet is an important conceptual dimension of Druze culture. Indeed, its modern scriptures and community remain somewhat insular. The close-knit communities entrenched in present-day Syria, Lebanon and Israel have long been persecuted, especially by Islamic feoctist states. This may be one of the reasons why the Druze, actively participating in the politics and affairs of their host peoples, protect their customs and practices from the eyes of outsiders. Today, there are 800,000 to one million Druze in the Middle East, almost all of which are concentrated in the Middle East. probably refers not to one religious orientation, but to inter-religious phenomena, in which different groups in different regions have evolved to a similar set of beliefs and ideas. Adapted from modern historical discourse, Gnosticism concerns the diversity of religious systems and beliefs in the ancient world that emerged from the Judeo-Christian tradition. These belief systems believe that comes from a single God are responsible for creating a material world, and that, as such, all men bear the divine spark of God. Gnosticism is dualistic and draws sharp differences between the higher spiritual world and the lower material world, with the receipt or receipt of special, hidden knowledge (gnosis) allowing transcendence from one sphere to another. The emergence of the first century AD - closely with the advent of Christianity - Gnosticism is perhaps best understood as an intermediate set of ideas shared by parts of the world as Christianity gradually eclipsed Judaism in size and scope. is regarded by some as the oldest religion in the world, probably starting with what is known in the Indian subcontinent as the Vedic Age. During this period, 1500-600 BC, civilization moved from tribal and pastoral life to settled and agricultural life. Social classes, state education and monarchies came out of this. The main texts, retelling this period of history, are called Vedas and largely inform the so-called Hindu synthesis. Hindu synthesis was a period of time, approximately 500 BC to 300 AD, in which the commandments of Hinduism were strengthened from several interconnected strands of Indian spiritual and cultural tradition arising from a wide range of philosophies to share a unifying set of concepts. Critical among these concepts is the theme of the four purusarts, or the purposes of human life: Dharma (ethics and responsibilities), Arta (prosperity and work), Kama (desires and passions) and Moksha (liberation and salvation). Other important concepts include karma, which affirms the universal link between action, intention and consequences; samsara, the Hindu concept of rebirth; And range of yoga practice practices body, mind and elements. Although no figure or group is credited with its founding, Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world today. More than a billion of its adherents make up more than 15% of the world's population. Although no figure or group is credited with its founding, Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world today. More than a billion of its adherents make up more than 15% of the world's population. Islam is a monotheistic religion that, like Christianity and Judaism, has its roots in the Garden of Eden, Adam and the Prophet Abraham. Islam teaches that Allah is the only God and that Muhammad is his messenger. Islam that God spoke to Muhammad through the archangel Gabriel for some time around 600 AD, delivering the revelations that form the Koran. This basic text of the Islamic faith is believed by adherents to contain the exact words of God and therefore provides a complete and non-negotiable plan for how to live. The Koran and the Islamic Code, known as Sharia, inform all aspects of life, from ethics and worship to family matters and business relations. Islam believes that good behavior and commitment will lead to an afterlife in paradise, while disregarding Muhammad's teachings will lead to a curse. The Islamic faith quickly spread throughout the Middle East, especially around the three holy places of faith: Mecca, where the awakened Muhammad made his first pilgrimage; Medina, the center of the early Islamic faith under the leadership of Muhammad; and Jerusalem, the spiritual capital of the ancient world. In the centuries that followed, Islam would simultaneously lead to countless wars of succession and a growing sense of spiritual unity in the Arab world. This dichotomy between internal conflict and cultural unity remains a presence in the Islamic faith today. This dichotomy also give way to division between the two dominant sects of Islam, Sunnis and Shiites. Today, Islam is the dominant faith for large swaths of geography, especially in the Middle East, Southeast Asia and North Africa. Islam, home to more than 1.6 billion adherents, is the second largest religion in the world and the main spiritual identity for more than 24% of the world's population. is an ancient Indian religion, which, according to its adherents, can be traced through a sequence of 24 wise teachers. The first of these teachers is believed to have been Rishabkhanata, who lived millions of years ago. The basic principles of Jainism are ahiṃs of zamarc; (non-violence), anekzamacre;antavsamacracre;yes (polyhedence), aparigach (non-alignment) and asceticism (abstinence from pleasure). These and other concepts are laid out in Acaranga Sutra, the oldest of the jainist scriptures. As one of the earliest religious traditions that emerged from the spiritually fertile Indian subcontinent, both share and disagree with the peculiarities of Hindu and Buddhist traditions that also emerged there. Like Hinduism and Buddhism, Jainism teaches doctrines of karma, rebirth and monastic (as opposed to thematic) spiritual practice. The Jainistas believe that the is an ever-changing thing, connected to the body only for life, which differs from the Hindu or Buddhist notion of the soul as part of an infinite and permanent universe. This emphasis on bodily also extends to the Jainist caste system, which, unlike Hinduism, requires adherents to avoid social liberation in favour of spiritual liberation. Today, most of the four to five million Jains in the world live in India. Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world, one of the first ethno-religious groups, hunting from idolatry or to the recognition of a single deity. Judaism is said to have begun with the figure of Abraham, a man living in the country of Kanan - a geographical space probably covering parts of Phoenicia, Philiste and Israel. In Tanah, the body of the Jewish Scripture, which includes a founding text called The Torah, and later additional texts called Midrash and the Talmud, it is said that God spoke to Abraham and commanded him to recognize the singularity and of God. Abraham agreed, becoming the father not only of Judaism, but also of the various monotheistic (or Abrahamic) religions that followed him. Thus, Abraham is regarded not only as the first prophet of Judaism, but also of the Christian and Islamic denominations that emerged from the Jewish tradition. The Jewish faith is based on a covenant between Abraham and God, in which the former renounced idolatry and accepted the second as the only divine authority. In return, God promised to make Abraham's offspring the chosen people. This chosen people will become the children of Israel, and eventually the Jewish faith. To seal the covenant, Abraham became the first recipient of circumcision. This circumcision is still performed on every newborn Jewish man as a symbol of this covenant. With approximately 14.3 million adherents, practicing Judaism make up about 0.2% of the world's population. Historians note that although Abraham almost certainly lived more than 3,000 years ago, the literary freedoms taken from the scriptures cannot pinpoint exactly when he lived. But its influence will loom large in the ancient world, with the rabbinical moral codes of Judaism and its model of ethical as significantly informing the wording of law and religion in Western civilization. With approximately 14.3 million adherents, practicing Judaism make up about 0.2% of the world's population. Rastafarianism is a that follows in the Abrahamic tradition of monotheism, referring to a particular deity as Rastafarian considers the Christian Bible his main Holy Scriptures, but offers an interpretation closely related to their own political and geographical realities. Rastafarianism, concentrated around the beginning of the 20th century in , became an ethnocultural reaction to British occupation and oppression. This oppression would play an important role in the Afrocentric interpretation of the Bible advocated by Rastafarians. In the early 1930s, the Rastafarian movement maintained that believers lived in the African diaspora, scattered from their homeland by colonization and slavery. To free themselves from oppression in Western society (or Babylon), many Rastafarians consider it necessary to resettle adherents to African homelands. A figure of central significance in the Rastafarian faith, Haile Selassie rose to the rank of Emperor of Ethiopia in 1930. This was considered a germ moment in the emergence of the modern religious tradition. Selassie was regarded by as the Second Coming, a direct descendant of Christ, and the Messiah predicted in the Book of Revelation. Selassie was seen as the man who would lead the people of Africa, and those who live in the diaspora, to freedom and liberation. His visit to Jamaica in 1966 would be a turning point in the dissemination of Rastafari's ideas and, as a result, the political movement for liberation in Jamaica. This visit led to the final appeal of Rastafari's most famous supporter, singer Bob Marley. Marley will promote the popular appearance of faith, as well as her practice of community gathering, musical expression, preservation of the natural world, and the use of cannabis as a spiritual ordinance. Today, there are 700,000 to one million adherents of Rastafarianism, most of them in Jamaica. Shintoist is a religious tradition native of Japan. Originally an unofficial collection of beliefs and mythologies, was less a religion than a distinctly Japanese form of cultural observance. The first recorded use of the term Shintoist can be traced back to the sixth century AD and is essentially a connective tissue between ancient Japanese customs and modern Japanese life. The main focus of Shinto is the native belief in the cami (spirits) and interaction with them through public shrines. These shrines are an important artifact - and a conduit for - Shinto observation. More than 80,000 Shinto shrines dot Japan. Traditional Japanese styles of clothing, dance and ritual are also rooted in Shinto customs. Approximately 3-4% of Japan's population considers itself to be part of a Shinto or congregation. In contrast, in a 2008 poll, about 26% of Japanese citizens reported visiting Shinto shrines. Shintoist is unique among religions. As a reflection of Japanese identity, Shintoist observance is not necessarily limited to those who consider themselves religious Approximately 3-4% 3-4% the population identifies as part of a Shinto sect or congregation. In contrast, in a 2008 poll, about 26% of Japanese citizens reported visiting Shinto shrines. is a monotheistic faith that arises and continues to be concentrated in the Punjabi region, which crosses Northern India and East Pakistan. The Sikh religion was the focus of attention in the late 15th century and draws its principles of faith, meditation, social justice and human equality from the Holy Scriptures called Guru Grant Sahib. The first spiritual leader of Sikhism, Guru Nanak, lived from 1469 to 1539 and taught that a good, spiritual life must be intertwined with a secular life well lived. He called for activism, creativity, loyalty, self-control and purity. More important than metaphysical, Guru Nanak argued, is a life in which one accepts God's will. Guru Nanaka replaced the subsequent line of nine gurus who served as spiritual leaders. The tenth in this line of successors, Guru Gobind Singh, named the scriptures as his successor. It was the end of human power in the Sikh faith and the emergence of the scriptures as the only spiritual guide. Today, more than 28 million Sikh adherents are mostly concentrated in India, making it the seventh largest religion in the world. It is considered one of the oldest religions in the world, and some of its earliest ideas - messianism, posthumous judgment, and the duality of heaven and hell - are thought to have informed the evolution of Judaism as well as Gnosticism, Christianity and Islam. Its founder, the soroaster, was an innovative religious thinker and teacher who is believed to have lived between 700 BC and 500 BC in Persia (modern Iran). His main text, Avesta, combines Gathas (the compositions of zoroaster) with the Clear (the biblical basis of ). The influence of zoroaster loomed large in his time and place. In fact, zoroastrianism was soon adopted as the official of the Persian Empire and remained so for almost a thousand years. The ideas of zoroaster finally came out of power after the Muslim conquest of Persia in the seventh century AD. This was followed by centuries of persecution and suppression by Muslim conquerors, while almost completely destroyed teachings and practices in the Arabic-speaking world. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, this practice was somewhat new, and some Iranians and the Iraqi Kurdish population adopted zoroastrianism as a way of resisting theocratic governance. Today, there are about 190,000 zoroastrians in the United States, mostly concentrated in Iran, Iraq and India. Countless religious traditions inform the people of the African continent, each of whom has its own practices and beliefs based on region and ethnicity. Because Africa diverse people and their religions are still deeply linked to geography and tribal lands, the history of the continent is a tapestry of different spiritual traditions. Many of them share common threads, including faith in spirits, respect for the dead, and the importance of the intersection between humanity and nature. It is also common: many of these religions rely on oral history and tradition rather than the scriptures. Although Christianity and Islam are today the dominant religious traditions in Africa, it is estimated that the number of adherents of traditional African religions is 100 million. The following list - borrowed from Wikipedia - identifies some of the most famous or best known of these religions: Bushongo Mythology (Congo) Lugbara Mythology (Congo) Baluba Mythology (Congo) Mbuti Mythology (Congo) Akamba Mythology (Kenya) Lonzi mythology (zambia) Tumbuka mythology (Malawi) zulu mythology (South Africa) Tanzania, Uebian) Kalenjin Religion (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania) Dini Ya Msambwa (Bungoma, Trans Nzoya , Kenya) San religion (South Africa) Traditional healers of South Africa Manjonjo healers Chitungwiza of zimbabwe Akan religion (, ) Dahom religion (Benin, Togo) Eph mythology (Nigeria, Cameroon) Religion Edo (Benin Kingdom, Nigeria) Hausa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Niger, Nigeria, Togo) (Igbo people, Nigeria) Serer religion (Senegal) , Gambia, Mauritania) (Nigeria, Benin, Togo) West African Vodong (Ghana, Benin, Togo, Nigeria) Dogon religion (Mali) Here, individuals, families and entire groups were displaced from the communities or tribes they called home on the African continent. This resulted in the spread of countless religious groups in the Caribbean, Latin America and the southern United States in the 16th and 18th centuries. Each had its own linguistic, spiritual and ritual customs, which tended to be rooted in their respective stories and their new geographical surroundings. Often, like the traditional African religions from which they originated, these groups shared common themes relating to the veneration of spirits, the , and similar mythologies of creation. Although too extensive to name, the following list - borrowed from Wikipedia - identifies the most notable African diaspora religions: Batuk Candomble mythology of Haitian mythology by Kumin Makumba Mami Obia Oyotunji Ifa Lukumi Hudu Kwimba Santeria (Lukumi) Indigenous Native American Religions cover a wide and diverse set of customs, beliefs and practices arrival of European colonists. The variety of customs and beliefs represented here is as diverse as the main population centers, tribes and small nomadic groups that have inhabited America for millennia. Etiology vary greatly, representing a range of monotheistic, polytheistic and animist beliefs. It is also a very version of the oral history, principles and internal hierarchical structures of these different indigenous groups. Some religions sprang up around established kingdoms and settlements - especially in monarchical societies before Latin America - while others sprang up around tribes that moved within and between regions. Some common themes include a belief in spirits and a sense of connection with nature. Although many individuals and families, descendants of these tribes, practice some of the customs of their ancestors, indigenous religious practices have suffered the same wider fate as indigenous American peoples. The arrival of the Europeans signaled the beginning of a cultural, spiritual and actual genocide that destroyed tribes through violence, disease and . Some religions will disappear completely. Other religions continue to be practised by a shrinking population, many of whom live on reservations. Wikipedia identifies several major Native American religions: Earth Lodge religion Indian Shaker religon Longhouse religion Mexicayoti Peyot religion Waashat religion Is by no means a complete list. This is, in its intention, a brief look at the major . Frankly, this topic defies brevity. Every religion or tradition represented here, and countless things not represented here, offer worlds on their own, abounding with scriptures, stories, leaders, events, codes of ethics, richly drawn mythologies and unwavering adherents. You can spend your whole life studying each of these traditions. Of course, many people do! But we hope this is a useful place to start. And if we missed anything, let us know. Hey, even if you invented your own religion, tell us about it in the comments section. Lord knows someone had to come up with an idea for each of these religions in the first place. Of course, no matter what you believe or believe, we wish you the best of luck in the exams. We believe in you! Check out more snack study and home tips in the Study Lounge! Last updated: February 25, 2019 2019 chapter 6 religion ap human geography study guide answers

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