We are McGill

On September 20, 2011, Provost Anthony Masi and Vice-Principal Michael di Grappa issued a communiqué concerning classes being held off-campus during the MUNACA strike. This followed an incident a week earlier in which a McGill professor was threatened with suspension for carrying out her academic duties by teaching off-campus so that she and her students would not have to cross the MUNACA picket line. The message from the Provost and the Vice-Principal was clearly intended to justify this threat in the eyes of the McGill community, and to intimidate other faculty members who might be contemplating similar action in support of their MUNACA co-workers.

In presuming to express “McGill’s position” on this issue – as if the senior Administration were identical with the University—the Provost and the Vice-Principal selectively invoked regulations which they interpreted as requiring that academic duties be performed on campus. They also suggested that professors who teach off-campus during the strike are failing in their obligation to students by inconveniencing them and exposing them to unsafe learning conditions.

We reject all of this.

Teaching off-campus during strikes is a practice with a long and noble history at North American universities, one that allows faculty members and students to respect their co-workers, and their own consciences, while still meeting their obligations to each other. The Administration’s aggressive disregard for the integrity of this practice displays the very same lack of respect for the University’s diverse constituents that has characterized its treatment of McGill’s unionized support staff.

We, the undersigned, call for the immediate removal of the threat of suspension against professors who teach their classes elsewhere while the campus is being struck and picketed. Our commitment to our students demands more than providing for their immediate convenience; it requires that we also commit to each other to protect the university as a space free of arbitrary authority and coercion.

We are members of the McGill community who believe in academic freedom, freedom of conscience, decent working conditions and fair compensation for everyone who works at the University. We respect the dignity of our co-workers. We believe in collegial governance. We are McGill.

Nous Sommes McGill

Le 20 septembre 2011, le Vice-principal exécutif Anthony Masi et le Vice-principal (administration et finances) Michael di Grappa ont émis un communiqué concernant les classes qui ont lieu hors-campus pendant la grève de MUNACA. Ce communiqué est intervenu à la suite d’un incident survenu la semaine précédente à la suite duquel une professeure a été menacée de suspension pour avoir exercé ses tâches universitaires en enseignant hors du campus afin qu’elle et ses étudiant(e)s ne se trouvent pas dans l’obligation de franchir le piquet de grève de MUNACA.

Le communiqué du Vice-principal exécutif et du Vice-principal (administration et finances) visait clairement d’une part à justifier cette menace auprès de la communauté de McGill mais aussi d’autre part à intimider d’autres membres du corps enseignant qui seraient tentés de suivre ce type d’action pour soutenir l’action de leurs collègues de MUNACA.

Prétendant exprimer « le point de vue de McGill » – comme si le point de vue des responsables administratifs était celui de l’Université dans son ensemble – le Vice-principal exécutif et le Vice- principal (administration et finances) ont fait appel de manière sélective à des dispositions règlementaires interprétées comme nécessitant que les tâches universitaires aient lieu obligatoirement sur le campus. Ils ont aussi insinué que les professeur(e)s enseignant en dehors du campus pendant la grève manquaient à leurs devoirs envers les étudiant(e)s en leurs créant des désagréments et en les exposant à des conditions d’apprentissage potentiellement dangereuses.

Nous rejetons l’ensemble de ces affirmations.

Enseigner hors-campus lors des grèves est une ancienne et noble tradition des universités nord- américaines. C’est une tradition qui permet au corps professoral et aux étudiant(e)s de montrer leur respect envers les autres travailleurs et travailleuses mais aussi de respecter leur conscience tout en remplissant leurs obligations mutuelles.

De la part de l’administration, le rejet agressif du maintien de cette tradition témoigne du même manque de respect envers les différents groupes qui forment McGill que celui démontré envers le personnel de soutien syndiqué.

Nous, les soussignés appelons au retrait immédiat de la menace de suspension à l’encontre des professeur(e)s assurant leurs cours hors-campus pendant la grève qui touche le campus. Notre engagement envers nos étudiant(e)s va au-delà de répondre à leur simple confort; il requiert aussi notre engagement réciproque afin de défendre l’université comme un espace exempt d’autorité et de coercition arbitraires.

Nous sommes des membres de la communauté de McGill qui croient à la liberté universitaire, à la liberté de conscience, à des conditions de travail décentes et à une juste rétribution pour tous ceux et toutes celles qui travaillent à l’université. Nous respectons la dignité de ceux et celles qui travaillent avec nous. Nous croyons en une gouvernance collégiale. Nous sommes McGill. (Traduction: Thierry Battut)

McGill Community Signatories (248 Signatures) 1. David Hensley, Associate Professor, English, McGill University 2. Bruce Reed, Professor, Research Chair and Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Department of Computer Science 3. Anthony Paré, Professor, Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University 4. Alison Laywine, Associate Professor, Philosophy, McGill University 5. Michelle Hartman, Associate Professor, Institute of Islamic Studies, McGill University 6. Abby Lippman, Professor Emerita, Epidemiology, Biostatistics, & Occupational Health 7. Adrienne Hurley, Assistant Professor, East Asian Studies, McGill University 8. Alanna Thain, Assistant Professor, English, McGill University 9. Darin Barney, Associate Professor, Art History & Communication Studies, McGill University 10. Calvin Normore, Macdonald Professor of Moral Philosophy, Philosophy, McGill University 11. Kristin Norget, Associate Professor, Anthropology, McGill University 12. Sam Noumoff, (Retired), Political Science, McGill University 13. Aziz Choudry, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University 14. Alia Al-Saji, Associate Professor, Philosophy, McGill University 15. Victor Fan, Associate Professor, East Asian Studies, McGill University 16. Amelia Jones, Professor, Art History & Communication Studies, McGill University 17. Derek Nystrom, Associate Professor, English, McGill University 18. William Clare Roberts, Assistant Professor, Political Science, McGill University 19. Narendra Subramanian, Associate Professor, Political Science, McGill University 20. Stephen Menn, Associate Professor, Philosophy, McGill University 21. Steven Jordan, Chair, Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University 22. Becky Lentz, Assistant Professor, Art History & Communication Studies, McGill University 23. Thomas Lamarre, James McGill Professor, East Asian Studies, McGill University 24. Tamara Sandor, MA2 English, McGill University 25. Mela Sarkar, Associate Professor, Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University 26. Desmond Manderson, Professor, Law, McGill University 27. Felix Johnston, U1 English Literature, McGill University 28. Seu Na Park, U3 Arts, McGill University 29. Stephen Peters, PhD 2 Educational Studies, McGill University 30. Abigail Mooney, MA1 English, McGill University 31. Evan Fox-Decent, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, McGill University 32. Dirk Schlimm, Assistant Professor, Philosophy, McGill University 33. Emann Allebban, PhD candidate, Philosophy, McGill University 34. Rafico Ruiz, PhD 5, Communication Studies, McGill University 35. Thierry Battut, MA2, Department of Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University 36. Paulina Mickiewicz, PhD 6, Communication Studies, McGill University 37. Ian Gold, Canada Research Chair in Philosophy and Psychiatry, McGill University 38. Gregory M. Mikkelson, Associate Professor, Philosophy, McGill University 39. Klara du Plessis, MA2, English Literature McGill University 40. Hussam Eldin Ahmed, PhD 2, History 41. Margaret Allen, Library Assistant, McLennan Library 42. Amy Alt, Technician, Medical Simulation Centre 43. Alexander Anderson, PhD 4, Philosophy 44. Kirsten Anker, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law 45. Lucy Armstrong, B.A. '10 English 46. Fariduddin Attar, MA, Islamic Studies 47. Nicholas Barber, PhD 3, Anthropology 48. Ingrid Bejerman, PhD student, AHCS 49. Caroline Bem, PhD4, Art History and Communication Studies 50. Adelle Blackett, Associate Professor and William Dawson Scholar, Faculty of Law 51. Alexandra Blair, U3 Arts, Environmental Studies Major 52. Lara Bober, PhD student, Faculty of Education (DISE) 53. Dana Broadbent, PhD Candidate, Art History 54. Jenny Burman, Associate Professor, AHCS 55. Fred Burrill, Bachelor of Arts, McGill '10 56. David Chabot, PhD4, Philosophy 57. Marie-Andrée Champoux, U2, Joint-Honours Philosophy/French Lit 58. Miriam Clouthier, 1L, Faculty of Law, and BA ‘09 59. Maureen Coote, Graduate Administrative Coordinator, AHCS 60. Cassandra Cotton, PhD3, Dept. of Sociology 61. Melanie Coughlin PhD3, Department of Philosophy 62. Jonathan Cushing, PhD2, English 63. Peter Davoust, U2, Dept. of Computer Science 64. Emery Dalys Fine, U1, English Major 65. Patrick DeDauw, BA Honours, Dept. of English 66. Marc Ducusin, PhD student, English 67. Trent Eady, U1, Philosophy major 68. Heather Empy, MA ‘03 69. Anna Ezekiel, PhD 7, Philosophy 70. Samantha (Sami) Fink, U3, Anthropology major 71. Megan Fitzgibbons, Liaison Librarian, Education Library & Curriculum Resources Centre 72. Luis Fontes, PhD 6, Philosophy 73. Zoe Forest-Cooter, U3, Classics major 74. Maria Forti, B.A. ‘09 75. Karl Fousek, PhD, AHCS 76. Carol Fraser, U3, German and East Asian Studies 77. Grover Furr, B.A., ‘65 78. Brendan Gaffney, B.A. Honours, East Asian Studies 79. Jason Grand, MA English 80. Mark Grant, Arts Technician, Network and Desktop Services, IT Customer Services (ICS) 81. Amber Gross, U2, Faculty of Arts 82. Maeve Haldane, former editor of the McGill Reporter 83. John-Erik Hansson, U3, Political Science (honours)Asia Harvey, G2, Art History 84. David Howden, Theatre Technician, Moyse Hall 85. Sandra Hyde, Associate Professor, Anthropology 86. Kathryn Kalemkerian, PhD candidate, Institute of Islamic Studies 87. Hadi Karsoho, PhD student, Dept. of Sociology 88. Eliana Kaufman, U3, Middle East Studies major 89. Sophia Kehler, U4 Environment and African Studies 90. Steve Eldon Kerr, U3, English 91. Gretchen King, PhD2, AHCS 92. David Kingsland, Library 93. Gayatri Kumar, McGill (no other identification) 94. Matthias Lalisse, Bachelors and Masters Alumnus, English 95. Nathaniel Laywine, PhD 2, AHCS 96. Roxane Le Corre, U3, English major 97. Grace Lei, U2, Physics and Education major 98. Debbie Lunny, McGill Alum ‘86 99. Galen Macdonald, U3, Geography 100. Jamie MacLean, B.A. student, U3 English Literature and Political Science 101. Jane McAslan, Senior Access Services Clerk, Humanities and Social Sciences Library 102. Elise McClay, BA student, class of 2012 103. Hannah McElgunn, MA Candidate, Communication Studies 104. Amy Monroe, U3, Middle East Studies and Neuroscience 105. Evan Montpellier, BA ‘06 106. Sheehan Moore, U2, Honours Anthropology 107. Kristin Moriah, MA 2007, English Literature 108. Maryanne Mutch, MA2, Political Science 109. Ann Nagribianko, McGill University Bookstore, Customer Service Clerk 110. Holly Nazar, Development Studies '07 111. Norman Nadeau, Libraries Technician, Network and Desktop Services (ICS) 112. Matthew Nobel-Olson, MA ’08, AHCS 113. Jonathan Noel, MSc (1st year) Mathematics 114. Brodie Noga, MA, Dept. of Anthropology 115. Chloe O’Connor, U3, Middle East Studies and Linguistics 116. Ieva Paberzyte, PhD student, Anthropology 117. Emir Parrotta, B.A. in English Literature from McGill, 2010 118. Jacob Parry, B.A. student, Political Science and History 119. Megan Paslawski, English BA '05, MA '09 120. Joël Pedneault, Vice-Pres. (External), Students’ Society of McGill Univ., History student. 121. Jennifer Pineo-Dunn, McGill student (no other ID) 122. Lilian Radovac, PhD student, AHCS 123. Shama Rangwala, BA, MA English 124. Robin Reid-Fraser, U2 Environment. 125. Stephen Reimer, U0, Freshman Arts Program 126. Matthew Rettino, U2, English major 127. Fiona Ritchie, Assistant Professor, English 128. Samuel Rose, U3, Political Science 129. Jarrett Rudy, Associate Professor, Dept. of History and Classical Studies 130. Kimberly Seida, PhD student, Sociology 131. Brianne Selman, Administrative Coordinator, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and McGill Alum. 132. Amber Lee Silva, Ph.D. Candidate, Dept of Anthropology 133. Diego Shima, PhD student, East Asian Studies 134. Nadav Slovin, U2, Philosophy Major 135. Kimberley Smith, U2 Economics 136. Cayley Sorochan, PhD4, Communication Studies 137. Nathan Spannaus, PhD student, Institute of Islamic Studies 138. Rose Marie Stano, former Admin. Officer (retired July 2011), Dept. of Anthropology 139. Noemi Stern, U2, Cognitive Science Major 140. Bracha Stettin, U0, Faculty of Arts 141. Adam Stikuts, B.A. ‘10 142. Paul Sutton, MA ‘09, AHCS 143. Derek Tyrrell, U3, Honours Political Science 144. Vanessa Vescio, Secretary, Educational Services, Faculty of Medicine 145. Letha Victor, MA 2011, Department of Anthropology 146. Lonnie Weatherby, Reference/Liaison Librarian, Humanities & Social Sciences Library 147. Shiloh Whitney, PhD Candidate, Department of Philosophy 148. John Wolforth. Professor Emeritus, Dept. of Integrated Studies, Faculty of Education 149. Devon Wong, MA2, English 150. Sun Chee Wong, Graduate Office, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 151. Sarah Woolf, B.A. Honours, ‘11 152. Jessica Young, MA1, AHCS 153. Simon Young, Professor, Department of Psychiatry 154. Colleen Sheppard, Professor and Director, Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, Faculty of Law 155. Jonathan Sterne, Associate Professor, Art History and Communication Studies 156. Ada Sonnenfeld, U3 Arts, International Development Studies 157. Larry Lessard, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering 158. Aharon Blank, PhD student, Sociology 159. Diane Miller, Senior fund administrator-Foundations (Assoc.), Financial Services 160. Alan Hui-Bon-Hoa, MA student, AHCS 161. Dima Ayoub, PhD candidate, Institute of Islamic Studies 162. Alex Briggs, U3 student, Mechanical Engineering 163. Gregory Brass, PhD student, Anthropology 164. Evelyn Stanley, BA student, McGill University 165. Dylan Mulvin, PhD student, Communication Studies 166. Amy Barnes, PhD5, Philosophy, McGill University 167. Ellie Marshall, BA student, Cultural Studies 168. Andrée Lévesque, Professor Emeritus, History, McGill University 169. Angela Lapenna, Undergraduate Coordinator, Department of East Asian Studies 170. Jessica Barnes, PhD student, Philosophy 171. Julie Gao, BA student, International Development and African Studies 172. Ann Jack, Undergraduate Secretary, School of Computer Science 173. Asia Harvey, MA student, Art History 174. Bariza Umar, PhD candidate, Institute of Islamic Studies 175. Francesca Buxton, BA student, Women’s Studies and History 176. Berkeley Kaite, Associate Professor, English 177. Dale Creighton, Technician, Voice Technologies, Network and Communication Services 178. Benjamin Carlisle, MA in Bioethics student, Department of Philosophy 179. Carmelo Milo, Laboratory Manager, McGill University 180. Cheryl Thompson, PhD student, AHCS 181. Gayatri Kumar, BA ’11, English and Middle East Studies 182. Joanne McAlpine, Customer Service, Printing Services (Ancillary Services) 183. Christian Martone, MA student, McGill University 184. Fatima Seedat, PhD candidate, Institute of Islamic Studies 185. Jennifer Clarke, Senior Administrative Coordinator, Faculty of Medicine 186. Maiya Jordan, PhD student, Philosophy 187. Megan Galeucia, BA student, Anthropology, Institute for Health & Social Policy fellow 188. Cole Powers, U2 Arts Student, McGill University 189. Gabriella Djerrahian, PhD student, Anthropology 190. David Brackett, Associate Professor, Dept. of Music Research, 191. David Groves, BA Anthropology ’09. Student in Faculty of Law 192. Defne Karaosmanoglu, PhD 06, Communication Studies 193. Giulia El-Dardiry, PhD candidate, Anthropology 194. Hilary Ison, BA student, Women’s Studies 195. Hubert De Souza, Lending and Access, Humanities and Social Sciences Library 196. Maria Mastromonaco, Program Coordinator, Executive Institute, Desautels Faculty of Management 197. Jane Hu, BA student, English Literature 198. Jennifer Glassco, BA ’07, International Development Studies 199. Jessica Dolan, PhD candidate, Anthropology 200. Liette Chin, Sr. Admin. & Student Affairs Coordinator, School of Computer Science 201. Jessica Rozon, BA student, Faculty of Arts 202. Michael Hallett, John Frothingham Professor of Logic and Metaphysics, Philosophy 203. Michal Rozworski, PhD candidate, Philosophy 204. Setrag Manoukian, Assistant Professor, Institute of Islamic Studies and Anthropology 205. Melanie Element, Service Representative, Enrolment Services 206. Jodie Beck, PhD student, East Asian Studies 207. Joseph Sannicandro, MA student, Communication Studies 208. Kaitlyn Pinder, PhD student, English 209. Mahmoud Nachabe, M.D., Associate Member, Division of Urology, McGill University 210. Kate Ranachan, MA ’08, Communication Studies 211. Ram Sabaratnam, BA student, Philosophy 212. Maya Gunnarsson, BA student, Art History 213. Nick Davis, B. Mus. ’09, M. Mus. ’11 214. Shannon Walsh, PhD ’10, Faculty of Education, McGill University 215. Yasmine Nachabe, PhD candidate, AHCS 216. Vera Roy, Legal translator, McGill Alum ’05 and ’09 217. Vanessa Fernando, BA, History and Gender Studies 218. Tyler Lawson, BA student, U2 Arts 219. Trevor Clarke, BA student, U3 History 220. Kelly McKinney, Postdoctoral Fellow, Psychiatry and Social Studies in Medicine 221. Timothy Beeler, Undergraduate student, Schulich School of Music 222. Tanya Nock, Student in Anatomy and Cell Biology 223. Sylvie Simonds, PhD candidate, AHCS 224. Paul Peters, Professor, Languages, Literatures and Cultures – German Studies 225. Lerona Lewis, PhD student, Department of Integrated Studies in Education and AGSEM President 226. Lena C. Palacios, PhD student, Department of Integrated Studies in Education and AHCS 227. Logan Smith, Photographer, The McGill Tribune 228. Morgan Charles, PhD candidate, AHCS 229. Lucy Toppetta, Senior Administrative Coordinator, Career Planning Service 230. Matthew Milne, BA student, Political Science and English 231. Patricia Burgher, Porter (retired), McGill University 232. Meghan Butters, Undergraduate student 233. Myriam Zaidi, Undergraduate student and outgoing SSMU VP External 234. Neal Thomas, PhD student, AHCS 235. Sophia Griscom, BA student, Psychology and Linguistics double major 236. Moira Johnson, Undergraduate student 237. Simon Hebert, Greenhouse Technician, Department of Plant Science 238. Shaina Agbayani, Undergraduate student and contributor to The McGill Daily 239. Sam Faustmann, BA ’09, MA ’10, currently PhD student, Sociology 240. Sébastien Bluteau, MA student, Anthropology 241. Rosa Aiello, BA ’10 242. Pria Patroni, U3, English Literature and Religious Studies 243. Richard Hink, PhD ‘10, AHCS 244. Nicolas Chatel-Launay, Undergraduate student in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Macdonald Campus, and VP Finance, MCSS 245. Richard Cooper, Course Lecturer, English Academic Writing 246. Nicholas Cameron, Undergraduate Student and contributor to The McGill Daily 247. Marco Pappalardo, PhD candidate, Anthropology 248. Nicole Muldrew, BA student, Hispanic Studies

Non-McGill community signatories (36 signatures) 1. Diana Allan, Harvard Society of Fellows 2. Brian Cushing, parent of current McGill student 3. Enongo Lumumba-Kasongo, Graduate Student, Science & Technology Studies, Cornell University 4. John J. Hartman, Clinical Associate Professor, University of South Florida, Tampa 5. Julia Hartman, RN BSN, Tampa Bay Psychoanalytic Society 6. Robert Myers, Professor, American University of Beirut 7. Aly Taan 8. Amanda Hartman 9. Andrew Yale, Graduate Student, English, University of Chicago 10. Charles Cunningham, English, Eastern Michigan University 11. Cynthia Wilson, LICSW, East Greenwich, RI 12. Jens Hanssen, Assistant Professor, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean History, University of Toronto 13. Hiba Jurdi 14. Serena Olsaretti, Faculty of Philosophy,Cambridge University 15. Wael Hallaq, Avalon Foundation Professor in the Humanities, Columbia University (and former McGill Professor, Institute of Islamic Studies) 16. Karen Whyte, University of Cincinnati 17. Michael McKeon 18. Zach Schwartz-Weinstein, Graduate student of American Studies, NYU 19. Narita Keisuke, Artist, Tokyo 20. TJ Boisseau, University of Akron, Ohio 21. Kirubhalini Giruparajah, MA candidate, History, Queen’s University 22. Lara Masri, Postdoctoral Clinical Psychology Fellow, University of South Carolina 23. Leah Schwebel, PhD candidate, English, University of Conneticut 24. Martín Perna, Musician and educator, Austin, Texas 25. Michel Moushabeck 26. Michaelle Browers, Associate Professor of Political Science, Wake Forest University, North Carolina 27. Stephen Sheehi, Associate Professor and Arabic Program Director, University of South Carolina 28. Sofian Merabet, Assistant Professor, Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin 29. Samah Selim, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University 30. Roger Haughey, 31. Robert Sonin, Free Education 32. Peter Gran, History, Temple University, Philadelphia 33. Paul Sedra, Associate Professor of History, Simon Fraser University 34. Nicolas Zacchi, Research Assistant at NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Centre, UK 35. Omar Nashabe, Columnist, Al-Akhbar daily paper, Lebanon 36. Omnia El Shakry, Associate Professor, History, UC Davis