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Kyoto 1711I Zumen.Pdf ղ᭱ᐤ㥐࠿ࡽࡢ㊥㞳ࡸ஺㏻ᶵ㛵ࡀࢃ࠿ࡿᅗ㠃 ฼⏝஺㏻㻌 ஌㌴㻌 ୗ㌴㻌 ᮏᏛ䜎䛷䛾㻌 ୺せ㕲㐨㥐㻌 ᕷ䝞䝇⤒㊰㻌 ᶵ㛵➼㻌 䝞䝇೵㻌 䝞䝇೵㻌 ᡤせ᫬㛫㻌 㻶㻾䠋㏆㕲㻌 ♲ᅬ䞉໭኱㊰䝞 ⇃㔝⚄ ᕷ䝞䝇㻌 ி㒔㥐๓㻌 ⣙ 㻟㻡 ศ㻌 ி㒔㥐䛛䜙㻌 䝇䝍䞊䝭䝘䝹㻌⾜㻌 ♫๓㻌 ⇃㔝⚄ ♲ᅬ䞉ⓒ୓㐢㻌⾜㻌 ⣙ 㻞㻡 ศ㻌 ♫๓㻌 㜰ᛴ㻌 ᕷ䝞䝇㻌 ᅄ᮲㻌 Ἑཎ⏫㥐䛛䜙㻌 Ἑཎ⏫㻌 ⇃㔝⚄ 㧗㔝䡡ᒾ಴㻌⾜㻌 ⣙ 㻞㻡 ศ㻌 ♫๓㻌 ᆅୗ㕲ⅲ୸⥺㻌 ⇃㔝⚄ ⅲ୸௒ฟᕝ㥐 ᕷ䝞䝇㻌 ⅲ୸㻌 ⓒ୓㐢䞉♲ᅬ㻌⾜㻌 ⣙ 㻝㻡 ศ㻌 ♫๓㻌 䛛䜙㻌 ௒ฟᕝ㻌 ᆅୗ㕲ⅲ୸⥺㻌 ⅲ୸୸ኴ⏫㥐 ᕷ䝞䝇㻌 ⅲ୸㻌 ᯇ䞄ᓮ䞉ᒾ಴㻌 ⾜㻌 ୸ኴ⏫㻌 ⣙ 㻝㻜 ศ㻌 䛛䜙㻌 ୸ኴ⏫㻌 ி㜰๓㻌 㧗㔝䞉໭኱㊰䝞 ⇃㔝⚄ ⣙ 㻞㻜 ศ㻌 䝇䝍䞊䝭䝘䝹㻌⾜㻌 ♫๓㻌 ᆅୗ㕲ᮾす⥺㻌 ᕷ䝞䝇㻌 ᮾᒣ୕᮲㻌 ⓒ୓㐢䞉༓ᮏ௒ ⇃㔝⚄ ᮾᒣ㥐䛛䜙㻌 ⣙ 㻞㻜 ศ㻌 ฟᕝ㻌 ⾜㻌 ♫๓㻌 ⇃㔝⚄ 㧗㔝䡡ᒾ಴㻌⾜㻌 ⣙ 㻞㻜 ศ㻌 ♫๓㻌 ி㜰㻌 ฟ⏫ᰗ᪉㠃ฟཱྀ ⚄ᐑ୸ኴ⏫㥐 ᚐṌ㻌 䇷㻌 䇷㻌 ⣙ 㻡ศ㻌 䜢ฟ䛶ᮾ䜈㻌 䛛䜙㻌 ƌ×һȱჳƷ ϣ̛যჳ IͩൺɢϤʢ"ᜟϝᇻJ ĝÝāìĞ ᜟᜡᜧɽ ĝʢ " ᜤ᜞ɽ ĝ ቲ ᜟᜤᜦɽ ĝϗɷॾz ᜟᜤᜟɽ ĝ଱ฎɰz ᜤᜦɽ ĝ৘́Þæ ᜤᜦɽ ĝr  ᜢᜦɽ ĝҜ ͖ ᜡᜢɽ 䐣䝬䜼䝹኱Ꮫ䝎䜴䞁䝍䜴䞁䜻䝱䞁䝟䝇ᘓ≀㓄⨨ᅗ A B CD FACULTIES, DEPARTMENTS AND SERVICES Faculties Medicine Bishop Mountain Hall, 134 Health Services, 236 Faculty Offices and departments, 155, 156 Carrefour Sherbrooke, 121 Human Resources, 233 116 Tennis Courts Arts Admissions, Equity & Diversity Office, 212 Douglas Hall, 125 International Student Services, 236 Faculty Offices, 123 Aerospace Medical Research, 155 Gardner Hall, 133 IT Services, 233 1 1 Anthropology, 150 Anatomy and Cell Biology, 154 Citadelle, La, 252 Lost and Found, 197 133 Art History and Communication Studies, 103 Anesthesia, 155 McConnell Hall, 221 Mail Services, 249 N 105 Arts Internship program, 150 Biochemistry, 155 Molson Hall, 116 McCord Museum of Canadian History, 186 134 221 Arts Multimedia Language Facility, 108 Biomedical Engineering, 169 New Residence Hall, 244 McGill Alumni Association, 242 Forbes Field Children and Families Research Centre, 168 Biomedical Ethics, 194 Off-Campus Housing, 251 McGill Association of Continuing Education Middle East Asian Studies, 233 Bronfman Cancer Research Centre, 162 Students (MACES), 143 Field Royal Victoria College, 180 N Economics, 150 Clinical and Health Informatics, 196 Solin Hall (3510 Lionel-Groulx), 146 McGill-Queen’s University Press, 212 English, 103 Communication Sciences and Disorders, 300 University Hall, 198 McGill Reporter, 112 125 Environment,School of, 109 Development and Alumni Relations, 212 Media Relations Office, 112 ? Welcome Centre French Language and Literature, 103 Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupa- Student Associations, Medical Students Society, 147 French Language Centre, 197 tional Health, 148, 174 Mental Health Service, 236 Services, etc. S Security Services (24 hours) Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies, 187 Family Medicine, 254 Administrative Departments, 112, 212, 214, Ombudsperson for Students, 214 Ferrier Building, 1st floor History and Classical Studies, 150 Genome Quebec Innovation Centre, 239 233, 238, 249 Parking Services, 249 106 2 Molson Stadium 2 Interdisciplinary Studies, 123 Goodman Cancer Research Centre, 241 Athletics, 139 Pension Management, 233 Emergency Phone Montreal Neurological International Development Studies, 165 Human Genetics, 111 Birks Heritage Chapel, 124 Post-Graduate Students’ Society, 188 Institute and Hospital Islamic Studies, 163 Institute for Health & Social Policy, 173 Bookstore, 185 Printing Services, 249 Royal Victoria Hospital 159 Jewish Studies, 104, (150, relocating August 2014) Language, Mind & the Brain Research Campus and Space Planning, 212 Quebec Public Interest Research Group Languages, Literatures and Cultures Centre, 161 Career Planning Service, 236 (QPIRG), 218 (German, Hispanic, Italian and Russian/Slavic McGill Centre for Biomedical Innovation, 212 Chaplaincy Service, 236 Redpath Museum, 179 Allan Memorial Studies, 233 Meakins-Christie Laboratories Institute CKUT Radio 90.3 FM, 218 Research Services , 112 169 139 (3626 St. Urbain), 183 184 Linguistics, 190 141 Computer Store, 185 Scholarships and Student Aid, 236 McGill Institute for the Study of Canada, 192 Medical Education, 148 Counselling Service, 236 Security Services, 110 Office of Advising and Student Information Medicine, Ethics and Law, 175 Service Point 162 Daycare, McGill Child Care Centre, 145 101 Services, 123 Microbiology and Immunology, 169 (Admissions, Enrolment Services, 144 Daycare, SSMU, 236 Bus Philosophy, 150 Montreal Neurological Institute, 159 ID Centre, Student Accounts Office, 183 218 Dean of Students’ Office, 236 3626 Political Science, 150 Montreal Proteomics Network, 239 Student Exchanges and Study Abroad, 254 Dental Clinic, 236 216 Saint-Urbain Social Work, 198 Nonlinear Dynamics in Physiology Welcome Centre), 108 Cote des Neiges, Development and Alumni Relations, 242, 248 5858 154 Sociology, 150 and Medicine, 155 Social Equity and Diversity Education Pins 244 Disabilities, Office for Students With, 178 Office, 214 3 des New 3 Nursing, 198 240 Residence Continuing Studies, School of Bus 144 239 Environmental Health and Safety, 214 Students’ Society of McGill University 223 Hall Oncology, 162 174 Faculty Offices and departments, 233 Facilities Operations and Development, 212 (SSMU), 172 127 Pathology, 169 155 Prince Arthur 113 148 Lifelong Learning, McGill Community for, 233 Faculty Club, 129 Sustainability, Office of, 212 196 173 Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 155 247 McGill Writing Centre, 178 117 Rutherford Reservoir First Peoples’ House, 230 Thomson House, 188 Osler William Sir Promenade 147 189 3575 Physical and Occupational Therapy, 128 241 First-Year Office, 236 Teaching and Learning Services, 108 du Parc Dentistry Physiology, 155 McTavish Durocher Aylmer Lorne Faculty Offices, 300 Financial Services, 249 Tutorial Service, 236 128 175 University 168 229 Psychiatry, 101 176 Graduate and Post–Doctoral Studies, 112 166 Bone & Periodontal Research, 239 Social Studies of Medicine, 194 137 167 Oral Health and Society, 300 Steinberg Medical Simulation Centre, 247 109 111 Undergraduate Teaching Clinic, 300 161 132 231 149 188 112 124 Schulich School of Music 194 Education Faculty Offices and departments, 120, UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS ALPHABETICAL KEY 156 122 197 Milton Gates 112 Faculty Offices, 168 201, 245 Bus 144 190 Bus 144 198 Docteur Penfield 214 Information Studies, 137 177 C5 ADAMS Building 105 D1 McCONNELL Arena 190 Religious Studies 4 Milton 4 Kinesiology and Physical Education, 139 103 C4 ARTS Building 131 C4 McCONNELL Engineering 103 123 Stanley Drummond Faculty Offices and departments, 124 Montagne la De 131 Youth Gambling and High-Risk 113 A3 BEATTY Hall Building 179 230 150 Behaviors, 127 Science 124 C4 BIRKS Building 221 D1 McCONNELL Hall 236 251 Peel 138 130 Faculty Offices, 123 185 B5 BOOKSTORE 186 C6 McCORD Museum 145 Engineering 172 Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 110 155 B3 McINTYRE Medical Building 187 McTavish Gates 102 B5 BRONFMAN Building 213 163 249 Faculty Offices, 130 151 Biology, 111 236 B4 BROWN Student Services Building 108 C5 McLENNAN Library Building 136 165 118 Architecture, 118 140 Chemistry, 119 135 B5 McTAVISH, 3430 192 181 Bioengineering,130, (877, fall 2014) 110 C5 BURNSIDE Hall 107 Bus 177 114 B5 McTAVISH, 3434 Newman Centre 191 Centre for Advanced Systems and Technologies Computer Science, 131 121 D5 CARREFOUR SHERBROOKE in Communications (SYTACOM), 131 Earth and Planetary Sciences, 177 Residence 104 B5 McTAVISH, 3438 129 252 D5 La CITADELLE Residence 214 B4 McTAVISH, 3610 Chemical Engineering, 229 Environment, School of, 109 143 104 178 170 139 D2 CURRIE Gymnasium 147 B3 MEREDITH Annex 114 Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, 130 Geography, 110 5 135 158 5 108 Electrical and Computer Engineering, 131 Limnology, 111 128 A3 DAVIS House 173 B3 Charles MEREDITH House 185 S 123 C4 DAWSON Hall 148 B3 Lady MEREDITH House 110 Intelligent Machines, Centre for, 131 Mathematics and Statistics, 110 880 119 Physics, 189 122 B4 Chancellor DAY Hall 116 D1 MOLSON Hall Maisonneuve ? 121 McGill Engineering Student Centre (MESC), 177 West, 4920 102 120 245 Psychology, 111 125 D2 DOUGLAS Hall 106 D2 MOLSON Stadium 180 252 McGill Institute for Advanced Materials 201 Pulp and Paper Research Centre, 158 169 D2 DUFF Medical Building 156 A4 de la MONTAGNE, 3605 Roddick Gates (MIAM), 177 Bus 24 Sherbrooke 300 186 Science Office for Undergraduate Student 223 B3 DUGGAN Annex 159 D2 MONTREAL NEUROLOGICAL 877 City Councillors Aylmer Union University Mansfield Victoria Metcalfe McGill College McGill Institute for Aerospace Engineering Peel 233 UQAM Advising, 123 127 B3 DUGGAN House INSTITUTE Solin Hall (MIAE), 177 212 President Residence 163 C4 MORRICE Hall Kennedy, Mechanical Engineering, 130 249 D4 DUROCHER, 3465 146 201 Mining and Materials Engineering, 177, 229 Libraries 168 B3 EDUCATION Building 134 D1 Bishop MOUNTAIN Hall McCord 6 Museum 6 Trottier Institute for Sustainability in Administration and General Information, 129 B5 FACULTY CLUB 103 C4 MOYSE Hall 108, 178 197 C4 FERRIER Building 245 D5 MUSIC, New Building 242 248 Engineering and Design (TISED), 130 Martlet House 1555 Peel Urban Planning, 118 Archives, 108 133 D1 GARDNER Hall 244 D3 NEW Residence Hall 1430 Peel (Les Cours Duchow Music Library, 245 231 B4 GELBER Law Library 247 D3 du PARC, 3575 Mont-Royal) Law Education Curriculum Resources Centre, 168 132 A4 HOSMER Annex 248 B6 PEEL, 1555 A B C D Faculty Offices and departments, 122 Gelber Law Library, 231 149 A4 HOSMER House (Les Cours Mont-Royal) 2014-07-04 Air and Space Law, 175 Humanities and Social Sciences Library, 108, 178 167 B4 HUGESSEN House 143 B5 PEEL, 3437 Crépeau Centre for Private and Islamic Studies Library, 163 112 C4 JAMES Administration Building 191 B5 PEEL, 3459 Crépeau Centre for Private and Comparative 192 B5 PEEL, 3463 166 B3 PEEL, 3674 158 C5 PULP AND PAPER 183 D3 SAINT-URBAIN, 3626 154 C3 STRATHCONA Anatomy & 172 B4 UNIVERSITY CENTRE Law, 175 Life Sciences Library, 170 (within Schulich Library) 112 C4 JAMES Annex Osler Library
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    SAHIR RAI BHATNAGAR Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research Email: [email protected] H483, Clinical Epidemiology, Montreal,´ QC, H3T 1E2 Website: EDUCATION 2013–2018 Ph.D. (Biostatistics) (expected) McGill University, Montreal QC, Canada Advisors: Dr. Celia Greenwood and Dr. Yi Yang Committee Member: Dr. Mathieu Blanchette PhD thesis title: Penalized Regression Methods for Detecting High-Dimensional Inter- actions with an Environment Variable Queen Elizabeth Scholar 2012–2013 Master of Science (Biostatistics) Queen’s University, Kingston ON, Canada Advisors: Dr. Paul Peng and Dr. Devon Lin Committee Members: Dr. Dongsheng Tu and Dr. Wenyu Jiang MSc project title: Absolute risk estimation in a case cohort study of prostate cancer 2011 Associate of the Society of Actuaries 2005–2008 Bachelor of Science (Actuarial Mathematics) Concordia University, Montreal QC, Canada RESEARCH INTERESTS Dimension reduction for predictive models, high-dimensional statistical inference, penalized regres- sion, interaction selection, actuarial statistics, statistical genetics PUBLICATIONS PUBLISHED ARTICLES 1. Bhatnagar SR, Yang Y, Khundrakpam B, Evans A, Blanchette M, Bouchard L, Greenwood CMT (2017). An analytic approach for interpretable predictive models in high dimensional data, in the presence of interactions with exposures. Genetic Epidemiology. DOI 10.1101/102475. Accepted (2017/11). 2. Klein Oros K, Oualkacha K, Lafond M, Bhatnagar SR, Tonin PN, Greenwood CMT (2016). Gene co- expression analyses differentiate networks associated with diverse cancers harbouring TP53 missense or null mutations. Frontiers in Genetics, section Statistical Genetics and Methodology. Aug 3;7:137. DOI 10.3389/fgene.2016.00137 Sahir Bhatnagar 2 3. Sun J., Bhatnagar SR, Oualkacha K, Ciampi A, Greenwood CMT (2016) Joint analysis of multiple blood pressure phenotypes in GAW19 data by using a multivariate rare-variant association test.
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