2007–2008 Donor Roster

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2007–2008 Donor Roster American Library Association 2007–2008 Donor Roster The American Library Association is a 501(c)(3) charitable and educational organization. ALA advocates funding and policies that support libraries as great democratic institutions, serving people of every age, income level, location, ethnicity, or physical ability, and providing the full range of information resources needed to live, learn, govern, and work. Through the generous support of our members and friends, ALA is able to carry out its work as the leading advocate for the public’s right to a free and open information society. We seek ongoing philanthropic support so that we continue to advocate on behalf of libraries and library users, provide scholarships to students preparing to enter the library profession, promote literacy and community outreach programs, and encourage reading and continuing education in communities across America. Contributions and tax-deductible bequests in any amount are invited. For more information, contact the ALA Development Office at 800.545.2433, or [email protected]. Marilyn Ackerman Jewel Armstrong Player Gary S. Beer Miriam A. Bolotin Heather J. Adair Mary J. Arnold Kathleen Behrendt Nancy M. Bolt Nancy L. Adam Judy Arteaga Penny M. Beile Ruth Bond Martha C. Adamson Joan L. Atkinson Steven J. Bell Lori Bonner Sharon K. Adley Sharilynn A. Aucoin Valerie P. Bell Roberta H. Borman Elizabeth Ahern Sahagian Rita Auerbach Robert J. Belvin Paula Bornstein Rosie L. Albritton Mary Augusta Thomas Betty W. Bender Eileen K. Bosch Linda H. Alexander Rolf S. Augustine Graham M. Benoit Arpita Bose Camila A. Alire Judith M. Auth Phyllis Bentley Laura S. Bottoms Christine M. Allen Xima Avalos William D. Bergfalk Teresa L. Boucher Cynthia L. Allen John Arthur Axam Shirley Berglund Virginia Boucher Melody L. Allen John Louis Ayala Emily A. Bergman Cathleen Bourdon Rose M. Allen Elaine M. Baarson Sherrie S. Bergman Kathlyn A. Bowersox Mary Allen Austin Judith A. Babock Mary Linn Bergstrom Mary Bowling Cummings June Allen Christian Nadine L. Baer Alan Bern Larry Boyer Jesus Alonso-Regalado Janice W. Bain-Kerr Terri Bernsohn Yvonne D. Boyer Shirley P. Alonzo Nancy L. Baker John N. Berry Julie Boyle Thomas J. Alrutz Barbara T. Balbirer Kathleen E. Bethel Diana V. Braddom Gail Alter Sacco Bernadette Baldini Stanton F. Biddle William K. Bradford Jill Althage Janet M. Baldwin Barbara Biebush Ben Brady Cynthia Altick Cunningham Michael Baldwin Carol D. Billings Dianne C. Brady Lucas Alvarez Timothy O. Baldwin Samuel Biondo William B. Brahms Zenaida T. Andaya Jonathan Band Ceres B. Birkhead Mildred Brantley Craig J. Anderson Janis M. Bandelin Norman Birnbaum Linda W. Braun Patricia K. Anderson Stephanie D. Bange Jessie M. Birtha Gary J. Bravy Camille Elizabeth Andrews Karen Barber Lizbeth Bishoff Beckie S. Brazell Charles R. Andrews Roberta S. Barber Robert A. Bjerke Wendy R. Breeden Beatrice E. Angus Diane L. Barlow Virginia Bjorness W. Stephen Breedlove Thomas Ansah Angela J. Barnes Betty J. Blackman Adeane A. Bregman Mary-Margaret Anthoine Ney Cassandra G. Barnett Nann Blaine Hilyard Paula C. Brehm-Heger Carolyn A. Anthony Patricia A. Bartoshesky Peggy J. Blake Elizabeth C. Breting Cynthia Aponte Marcia J. Bates Irene S. Blalock David W. Bretthauer Jose A. Aponte Karen L. Bays Ruth Blanchard Julie Brewer Myra Appel Billy C. Beal Julia C. Blixrud Kristina Brewer Masumi Arakaki Lisa M. Beamer Paul M. Blobaum Carol A. Brey-Casiano Steven R. Arakawa Kathleen A. Beasley Marylaine Block Judith S. Briden Alyce J. Archuleta Barbara E. Beck Wendy B. Bloom Alicemae Bridgman Kacie Armstrong Edwin P. Beckerman Carolyn M. Blowers Mary L. Brink Wendy Armstrong W. Bede Mitchell Jane L. Blumenthal Nancy E. Brochu 2007–2008 American LIbrary Association Donor Roster www.ala.org/giveALA Naomi C. Broering Marilyn Carbonell Anne Christie Nina Corneiro Sophie R. Brookover Judy Card Terrilyn L. Chun Sarah Cornish Debraski Valerie Bross Patricia Ann Carleton Linnae Ann Marie Cintron Julie A. Corsaro Ann G. Brouse Dudley B. Carlson Peter J. Cirona Cornelia M. Corson Lisa M. Browar George Carlson Kathleen A. Cizek John F. Cory Ansley G. Brown Robert P. Carlson David F. Clapp Kathryn Courtland Millis Cecelia Brown Dana Carney Carolyn L. Clark Anita M. Couto Charlotte B. Brown Mary M. Carr Cynthia D. Clark Christina M. Cowles David Carl Brown Chrystal Carr Jeter David S. Clark Helen Cox David Scott Brown Jane Ellen Carstens Holly Clark Carroll Nancy Crabbe Emilyn Laura Brown Anne L. Carter Jane Claud Nora L. Craven Eva R. Brown Earnestine L. Carter Rudolph Clay Linda S. Cravens Lorene B. Brown Nancy Carol Carter Michele V. Cloonan Miriam I. Crawford Nancy E. Brown Deborah Y. Carton Mary Ellen Close Julie Crawford Tozer Maryellen Brubaker Mary M. Case Anna R. Cocks Mary P. Crehore Barbara D. Bryan James B. Casey Sherman L. Cohn Marlys F. Cresap Davis Midori M. Buchanan Merle M. Casey Ann C. Cole Nancy C. Cridland Francis J. Buckley Michaele S. Casey Barbara W Cole Therese E. Critchlow Nancy L. Bujold Lainie R. Castle-Cimfel Nancy C. Cole Jamal Cromity Jane M. Bullock Brian Cazanave Brooke Coleman Alice W. Cullen Martin E. Bunker Rosanne Cerny Patricia Collins William D. Cunningham Leslie B. Burger Faye A. Chadwell Brad Comerford Vanessa Czopek Marianne Burke Alena F. Chadwick Barbara Conaty Audrey Irene Daigneault Kimberly Burke Sweetman Cynthia L. Chaklosh Catherine J. Conduitte Melinda Dale Greenblatt Mary Elizabeth Burkey Elizabeth Chambers Diedre Conkling Glenn R. Dallman Claudia Burnett Sumler Holly E. Chambers John J. Connolly James A. Damico Mary Frances Burns Yvonne Chambers Robert J. Conrad Wilfred Danielson Ty R. Burns Constance J. Champlin Judith H. Constantinides Anita H. Danigelis Nicolas H. Buron Homer R. Chance George J. Conwell Maxine Dark Zoe A. Butler Margaret A. Chang John F. Coogan Bryan Darling Susan Bynteson Carol Chapman Andrew N. Cook Robert Allen Daugherty Theresa S. Byrd Marguerite L. Cheman Eleanor I. Cook Lila Daum Fredenburg Christine M. Cahill Diane R. Chen Barbara D. Cooper Denise Marie Davis Naomi R. Caldwell Lai Chen Jason D. Cooper Joseph D. Davis Eileen K. Call Nell J. Chenault Karen L. Cooper Mary Ellen K. Davis Mary Callaghan Zunt Marc A. Chery Barbara Cooper Fendrick Nancy A. Davis Gayle Camarda Cynthia Ann Chidrey Lauren Corbett Trisha L. Davis Douglas G. Campbell Janet M. Chin Terri C. Corbin-Hutchinson Jennifer Davitt Priscilla L. Caplan Elizabeth Chisato Uyeki Katherine Ann Corby Trevor A. Dawes 2007–2008 American LIbrary Association Donor Roster www.ala.org/giveALA Emma Jalbuna De La Cruz Leah Ducato Rudolph Josephine R. Fang Kara Fox Kathleen De La Pena McCook James E. Duggan Yali Fang Rosalie Fox Erica Dean Glenn Mary Beth Dunhouse Marian D. Farley Elaine A. Franco Elise DeGuiseppi Kathleen K. Dunn Susan D. Farr Eileen M. Franke Louise F. Deis Melanie J. Dunn Sallie J. Farrell Judith H. Frazer Charlotte K. Demchock Christian Yves Dupont Margaret A. Fashing Connie M. Freeman Adele S. Dendy Elizabeth A. Dupuis Judith Faust Patricia E. Freeman Mary D. Denecour Ann Dutton Ewbank M.S. Federowski Lynn E. Fremd Lisa C. Dennis Stuart Dybeck Linda Abby Fein Kendall French Wiggin Ginna Denues Cynthia L. Eagan Mary J. Fellows Tamra Fried Gerson Marie-Helene J. Dere Joseph M. Eagan Kimber L. Fender Arthur L. Friedman Carol Ann Desch Kathy Ann East Mary Sue Ferrell Catherine R. Friedman Candace E. Desiley Kathleen East Walker Riva Feshbach Carolyn Fruchtenicht June L. DeWeese David L. Easterbrook Janice Feye-Stukas Elizabeth E. Fuller Estelle L. Diamond Kristin A. Ecklund Keith Michael Fiels Elizabeth Funk Ronni S. Diamondstein Leslie Edmonds Holt Kathleen Finegan Deborah D. Funkhouser Joan B. Dible Anne Edwards M. Finkelstein Myles Furubayashi Shirley Dichek Bea Edwards Lance C. Finney Phyllis Fyfe Lisa A.R. Dick Emily W. Edwards Carole D. Fiore Barbara C. Gabaldon Linda R. Dickerson Nanette D. Eichell Maureen F. Fiorello Margaret Gabel Luren E. Dickinson Abigail L. Elder Tracey A. Firestone Suzette M. Gacek Bonita D. Dillard Charles Elftmann Twila M. Firmature Jean F. Gadd Eileen Dillon Bellusci Ron Elkin Joan B. Fiscella Dale W. Gaddis Kyle D. Dodson Margaret W. Ellingson Hans J. Fischer Donell J. Gaertner Edmond J. Doherty Cherelynn A. Elliott Janet L. Fischer Leroy J. Gaertner Carol A. Dolin Marcus Philip Elmore Jimmi A. Fischer Rushing Sandra L. Gallup Keith Doms Linda J. Elsner Alice Fisher Donald B. Gardner Angela S. Donner Genevieve Engel Judy K. Fitzgerald Thomas P. Gardner William H. Dorf Janet England Michael J. Fitzgerald Angela M. Garis Richard M. Dougherty Randall Enos Shirley A. Fitzgibbons Martin L. Garnar Gail M. Dow Barbara M. Eschner Beth Fitzsimmons Frances S. Garrison Loisann Dowd White Nancy L. Eskridge Janice L. Flug William A. Garrison David R. Dowell Isabel R. Espinal Donna Foelsch Lupita Guadalupe Garza-Grande Robert P. Doyle Nance A. Espinosa Marilee Foglesong Laura N. Gasaway Paula Dragutsky Donna D. Estevez Heather S. Folmar Charles B. Gee Deanna Draper Judith A. Eulberg Nancy R. Forbes Paul F. Gehl Sylvia L. Dresser Anita K. Evans Marlene G. Forney Julia M. Gelfand Sheila A. Driemeyer Willard R. Everett Charles Forrest Jennifer L. Gelman Charlotte Droll Eric M. Fairfield John F. Fossett Barbara A. Genco 2007–2008 American LIbrary Association Donor Roster www.ala.org/giveALA Maria E. Gentle Elizabeth Gourley Babette L. Hansen Sue A. Hoadley Sean P.S. George Laura E. Gowdy Roland C. Hansen Gerald G. Hodges Darleen Gerace Daly Anna H. Grace Voanne M. Hansen Philip Hoehn Lillian N. Gerhardt Tom Gracy Yasuhiro Harada Irene M. Hoffman Joan Getaz Jenifer L. Grady Kristine Harley Anne J. Hofmann Louella G. Geverdt Jane Graham George Amy Harmon Elizabeth Hofsas Mary W. Ghikas Jaynie M. Grant Gregory A. Harper Patricia M. Hogan Maninder Ghuman Ruth H. Grant Helen Harper Shepherd Holcombe Carolyn P. Giambra David L.
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