la announced for Crandall's Savoy- next week. Other feature* include "Tb" Hawk," with Earle Williams pictured central role; Marguerite Clark i Valentine Girl"; "The Dark i? fealur,n8 Dorothy Dulton, ami 2^d,MTThe Girl at Home," featuring Jaok Pickford and Vivian Martin. The Savoy Park, connected with Cran- dall s Savoy Theater at 14th and Colum road northwest, has been opened t<» thepla public. It has been fitted up at «* total cost aggregating $5,000. The en¬ Several new plays were presented trance on 14th street is twenty-four under one and the same feet wide and the park is 115 feet Ion*, .lmultaneonsly tne tops and sides being covered for roof at the Belasco last week. In "Dollars the entire distance. A large bandstand and Sense" every character is a hero unto is placed directly under, not before, the hlmaelf. The center of the stage is screen, which is of radium gold cloth* a 8«ating capacity of passed around with a generosity hith¬ 75aa1,600,paricand there are four aisles of seals. erto unknown. True, Mr. Rock, the author, producer and headliner, enjoys . rather more liberal tenancy of the stage center than any one else. It Is his due, both by industry and attain¬ ACTIVITIES OF ments. Mr. Van Buren, whose friends BOY SCOUTS here are so numerous that he has only to set foot on the scene to bring forth a round of is far from slip¬ applause, Two troops had gala nights during ping toward an obscurity that was never his heretofore, and the ladles or the week. A moving picture exhibition the cast are handsomely provided with was given under the auspices of Troop smart gowna as well as smart speeches. 22 Friday evening at Epiphany Parish "Dollars and Sense" is a dramatic mer¬ hall. "The Making of a Boy Scout" was ger. It combines many interests. It the title of the picture. A lewn fete proceeds without regard to conven¬ was also given Friday evening by tional customs as to plot, and finds its Troop 30 at 12th street and Massachu¬ vindication in the liberal applause of setts avenue. a thoroughly entertained audience. A moving picture exhibition is to be * * * given by Troop 4 Tuesday evening. The Aborns sang their way to cus- June 5, at Peck Chapel for the beneflL tomarv approval, and the vaudeville of the camping fund. Troop 21 will has material closely In touch with cur¬ give a show June 21 at Western High rent interest. The stock favorites School. found congenial roles and appreciative Commissioner J. W. Patton of recognition, while the pictures of all Deputy lo¬ the local council has b»en chosen as scales of prices and geographical one of the judges at th#» rally to be held cations claimed no less than their usual ">* the Baltimore Boy Scouts next Sat- extensive consideration. urday. Troop 7S. a new troop, recently reg¬ istered. The troop meets at 19 9th BELASCO street southeast. Harry W. Scott i* scoutmaster. A new comedy which aims "to solve Troop 59 recently re-register*d with the marriage problem" as well as the John .J. Black as the new scoutmaster. much mooted question of woman's en¬ at the Wallach School. mmeet*account of the treasurer show franchisement will be presented by that the Washington Boy Scout JUi.d "Winthrop Ames at the Belasco Theater is free of debt, with a little balance «c tomorrow night. It is called "Saturday the bank, for the first time since its to Monday." is the work of William J. inception. The tuition fee has been y* Hurlbut, and is described as "a farcical duced to 10 cents. comedy which causes merriment with¬ The Boy Scouts will lead the mani. out giving offense." Should the observer of members of the G. A. K. around ih* choose to look beneath its surface graves of the unknown dead at Arlinir-- ton v. and view it it will be found Lonesome and also a national cemetery Memorial da seriously, Chap," Keystone ***is **as been done by the to convey a lesson of practical sig¬ comedy. I 5erfMarine STe nificance to who con¬ Band. The detail of 150 scouts young people to decorate the graves will leave at *. template marriage and to partisans Garden. The band will of the cause as well as to fpp .the morning. suffrage I !1PES»P1PID1P! Rex Beach's story of Alaska, "The I.v,1,1assemble in G. A. R. Hall. those who oppose it. Winthrop Ames I J- C. Bennett- scoutmaster. has chosen Ruth Maycliffe, Courtney Barrier," superbly filmed with an all- At the regular meeting held Fridav Adelaide Cecil ELEANOS2 FAIRBANKS _ Foote, Prince, Yapp, CO star cast, direct from a run at the j evening in the lecture room o£ the Met¬ Constance Binney. Charles Trowbridge, aBOCN CONMG OPEfc* Broadway Theater, New York, will be ropolitan Presbyterian Church. 4th ai .] Shirlev Aubert, Charles J. McCarthy B streets southeast, the troop had as and others expert in their art, for the shown at Moore's Theater all this week, beginning: today at 3 p.m. "The Bar¬ Deputy Commissioner J. W. presentation of the work. one of the Patton W. Cilfton Woodward, jr., A brief outline of the story follow?: structed by Joe Woods, "Haughty Marietta." rier" is the story of the love of Necia, Scribe. Suzanne Ercoll and Foxcroft two popular vaudeville producers. douolasTairbanks a white girl, who thinks she is a. half- Gray, Each of tne remaining seven acta is The Aborn Comic Opera Company will breed, for Lieut. Meade Burrell, a blue- young leaders of the ultra smart set, and Includes at the New National Theater STRAND blooded southerner. She is also decide a "tentative" marriage to above the ordinary type present (.OkMS) deeply- upon Delmore, Anpel and company in a time¬ 6=1UMS) OOLUM8IA. loved by Poleon Doret, a French Cana¬ sound the depth of each other's af¬ next week Victor Herbert's comic dian who has idolized her a womafti of ly sketch entitled "A Regular Soldier"; prospector, fection. Suzanne, young Hat a*id Houlton in the latest opera, "Naughty Marietta," in which PAULINE FREDERICK. from childhood. While Necia likes him, very advanced Ideas, proposes to Fox- Pegy her heart knows Burrell. The croft that their ties shall be songs and dance features of Broad¬ Emma Trentini made a pronounced hit. tfABEL JUUENE SCOTT SAVOY only marriage way; Holmes and Holliston in & clever cast will Eulalie ^fttLMS) girl's supposed Indian blood is "the bar¬ binding oh "week ends" and for the The include Young, Concert. GARDEN rier" between them. her A census of the be comedietta. "Loo-king for Betty"; Cook Florence Mackie. Carl Haydn, Charles Garri«on-Grainper " home In the city rlngton. that she discovers how much was privileged to hear a notable con¬ two years, has been engaged as prima han on both sides of the Atlantic song, apparently in a merry mood, but who have gardens. Thev fastidious femininity. Widows" com¬ was well liked in London and in IIwill... . 01d she really cares for him. To revenge "The Bernard Granville. cert afternoon at Poll's Thea¬ donna of "His Little equally reality with a breaking heart. also find out whatB is being grown herself and at the same time excite Royal Pauper." Edison photo¬ yesterday pany. New York. An especially arranged In these gardens. play, with Francine Larrimore as its Next week the B. F. Keith Theater ter, several weeks after the 1916-1 < interpretive bis Jealousy she visits an anemic which accompaniment will be played by an »round the filtration poet and playwright and arranges that star, will head tlie film features, will present as its chief feature Ber¬ musical season was supposed to have Ceorge Nash will produce next season Charles Purcell. Charles Judel® and augmented orchestra. LiJi1.'plant andKiouP,dall the reservoirs with the Foxcroft shall surprise her with him include also the Hearst-Pathe News nard Granville, the "Follies" star, with become history. Mabel Garrison, so¬ a play based upon E. J. Rath's novel, Charles McNaughton have been se Ii exception of the one on 16th street has under rather compromising conditions. pictorial an^J several Paramount prano from the Metropolitan and "Too Much Efficiency." William Har- cured for the leading masculine roles been turned over to the otr, Scouts comedy subjects. a merry coterie of Broadway notables, op^a ! ris will handle the business end of in "The Beautiful Unknown, the new and will be Foxcroft, who has a keen sense of Charles Percy Grainger, Australian compos-er will cultivated, beginning this as well as a tolerant Today's show begins at :t p.'m. and in a .light and musical offering; were the co-artists. the venture. oneretta by Oscar Strauss, which week. The ground is now being put humor philosophy, musical pianist, m York next Filmograms. presents the melodious little a new com- Miss true. presented New early I into condition for the to start refuses to see anything serious in the Aldrich and company in Garrison's voice is clear. star under the- Se girls arrives at comedy. "The Four Husbands." and all |T. and abounds in what vocal Wilton Lackaye is to month. ^ 6 Is produced on escapade. Suzanne finally the other acts last week's edy hit; the Misses Campbell, in south¬ J direction of the Shuberts in a play Montagu Love makes his first screen I YL° 'ood^that the conclusion that a real marriage of bill. the Maryland "velvet." which is found only in > ."8 these grounds be for the benefit ern songs and sentiment; voices. Her is charming. called "The Inner Man," by Abraham Manager Brylawski of the appearance as a star in "The Brand of ^fll th« of means martial fidelity for all seven Singers; "The Corner Store" company personality It will be in New Theater, who has been making Satan," June 18. It is a of the and she realizes that Rockwell and The oft-heard aria from Verdi b La Schomer. presented long Brady picture. S^t^dSSS,"* days week, at the Gayety, under Fred Ardath; Traviata'' fine to'iei" York in August. a specialty of patriotic co-operation true love is the wealth and prize of Wrestling Wood, James and Betty Morgan, Lil- gave display with the forces ot the In The unique headgear in Mrs. Vernon Manager Harry O. Jarboe announces recitals and talents. The apparent ease with which government Troop 3.CorndoVrrr. human existence. lian's Dogs, the pipe organ she William P. Carleton retired from the various fields, is now bo°niinB the sa.e Castle's latest picture strongly resem- .Mrs. Rafter and Scout Putskl were two big wrestling bouts at the Gayety news reached and held the high to for a bles a generous quarter of a the Hearst-Pathe pictorial. and conquered the many and varied Poll Players last night prepare of liberty bonds In his program, per healthy visitors at a meeting of the troop Theater tomorrow night. The main New York engagement for the coming formance and upon the pumpkin pie. I S. The a running passages without New projections urday. May latter save 1^- NEW NATIONAL event will bring Joe Turner, local fa¬ "The Warrens of Virginia." single note aroused unusual and season. He will go to England screen. I son in Red Cross work. The follow- for a vacation. "Barbafy Sheep," by Robert Hitchens, were Oscar Straus' opera, "The vorite and holder of the week the Poll will pre¬ earned enthusiasm. The echo first Is the story in which Elsie I in* girls made tenderfoot scouts: delightful middleweight Next Players "Kom echo Elizabeth Risdon, the young English Ferguson Rosalie Beck, Margaret Brem. Caro¬ Chocolate Soldier," will be presented title, and Orshl, the Japanese wrestler, sent "The Warrens of Virginia," Kjyra." Norwegian song. The Shuberts are about to arrange will be seen on the screen first. It is a line Under and also merits special mention Her oth of "Love o' Mike"! story of Algeria. Geraldine McGrath." by the Aborn Comic Opera Company two falls out °f three William C. de Mille. It was originaffy were for a performance I Irene Schmidt, Acting Scribe. numbers " Song, Hayan a of amateurs and society girls thla week at the New National Thea¬ in aK»"llh nLatc^decl A. Moorrn, Captain. of the from Vien¬ which estab¬ "Queen Night. Monday." Lives," Wooers gave a talk on Kone importations th® style, while the Broadway engagement, "Crying of Water." Camptieli-Tipton. is a stir in 1 '?Irr loyalty with "The Merry V. id- dftHtii/f as to the as one of the American "Ragtime" Reilly creating and thrift at a meeting of the na, beginning style of the third lished it great " Dreams." Huerter; with a sailor's monologue. is to offer in New Douglas Fairbanks' next picture, will troop ©w." has surpassed "The Chocolate Sol¬ the referee. The Its locale is the valley of the " ®La!& Keith vaudeville Oliver Morosco he Friday evening. May 18. in the Pet- ? by plays. "Peace both by Siemonn, and Vo<,,?"uI <11 Manager Harry Jordan of Philadelphia York next season H Comedy caHed "Tl "Wild and Woolly," a story oX the worth M. E. Church. dier" In captivating: the American pub¬ second match will be between Pinky Rappahannock, giving opportunity for PHmavera" Strauss, the last named is to stir up breezy west. It will be released June First .lid was lic. With a melodious and va- Gardner and Grant It is in four discovered him. His aim Pursuit of Pamela. with Eleanor also practiced.".Adelaide Sou'hwick richly Robby the beautiful scenery. acts, thoroughly Italian in to join the navy. in the role. It is hv 17. It was first called "A Regular Guy." rled score, replete with musical gems. middleweight of the south The firsl and the story a south-, the style;Mr hi patriotic impulses Painter leading I Scribe. Its continued is not revolvesjaround standing composer. George Chester B. Fernald. author of The Cat vogue surprising. be 8taged promlitly at "III ern family, each memWer of which is nionn's work as accompanist. ver> ex Stone has They are going to picture the ball¬ It* libretto, originated by Bernauer and concerned with the movement Armand Kalisz and Amelia and the Cherub." The piece already room of the ill-fated Lusitanla when Troop T-Fonret-Me-Vot.Cnpt. Pylea. Stanis¬ XkWi" vitally acting in some numbers, was in ever} j for two of the heen done in London. Martin was admitted as a Jacobson and Americanized by . of the plot. Three of its acts take have been engaged she was torpedoed in Mary Pickford'® "Dorothy laus Stange, Is full of the clever lyrics, the active of the important roles of the new musical "The Little American." member of the troop at a meeting Fri¬ place during period "percy'Grainger's beautiful concert of the mu¬ the songs rendered by the picture, afternoon. 18. The have bright lines and Ingenious situations civil war, the fourth some years after last February is still fresh in the ml" farce, "A Full Honeymoon." Among day May girls that make up the ideal comic opera the conclusion of the strife. Although sical version of "Sadie, Love." which Maryland Singers are Old1 Ibsen's "A Doll House." filmed by the been working In the garden back of travesties Ber¬ Excursions. of those who heard it in July. Home" "Listen to the MockingKentuckyBird. Memorial Continental Hall on Satur¬ book. The story George not a war drama. It was selected as fore was and M"fj, more will have its first performance Bluebird company, with Dorothy Phil¬ nard Shaw's more serious "Arms expected, posslbl) m" "Old Black Joe" and "De Gospel Train. as Nora will be shown in days and after schooL".Kmily Horning. play, appropriate entertainment for the Con- was received in the brilliant achle\e- includes the lips Helmer, and the Man." in which the authors Glen Echo Park. federate veterans' reunion week. the after¬ Janet Dunbar has been engaged by The personnel June. I Scribe. for comic de¬ ments of pianist yesterday a brief Morehart. Springs!ead and Neth- found rich opportunities Concerts by Sol Minster's Band this noon A delightful Chopin group was Oliver Morosco to play engage¬ Oliver. velopment. ment as leading woman of the stock ercut and Charles Frink. "A Daughter of th#» Gods." the Keller- Troop 16.Mrs. Wilcox. Captain. as the afternoon and with A Real PriDceaa..Not often do local his first offering, among them the A man "Plans for a strawberry festival wer» The Messrs. Aborn announce tonight, selected time company at Los Angeles, succeeding picture, was shown in London for both as see a real in a Klat Valse." with its opposite been the head who will be seen the first time 21 at the discussed at a recent meeting of the cast John R Phillips, popular programs, will be the special free fea¬ theatergoers princ-ess movement for and left hands. A Bertha Mann, who has Charles F. McCarthy, May London a tenor and as a comedian, in the role right for the past six here in "Saturday to Monday." w 11 be Opera House. troop. Two new members were ad¬ ture at Glen Echo Park today. modern stage production. The Win- of this organization are of Bumerli. Helena Morrill as Nadina. months. remembered by old-timers for his inim¬ mitted. They Ruth Moody and Mildred Rogers as Aurella, Carrie Rey¬ Wednesday comes the big celebration throp Ames new comedy "Saturday to ^sTrofes- itable characterizations in Robert Warwick's picture "A Modern Mary Bardlet.".Julia May Sommers, as sl?P.Por'mo t Othello." is to be called "The Shadow Scribe. nolds as Mascha, George Shields of Memorial day, and plans have been Monday," this week, however, boasts of Adalaide Prince, who will lend her the late Edward Harrigan. His Maasakaroff. Carl Haydn as Alexis and name ^on^wa^rea^y VtSS"'S Ames* pmnhatic success was in one of tiarri of Night." "Shorty" Smith, the "props" made to entertain record one who under the *tage of and talent to Winthrop . James McKlhern as Casslmir. crowds. beauty best called "The Last of the of the company, won $25 for selecting Troop 17 Sunflower. Mlsa (unla*. With its Ruth conceals her royal title new production, will be recalled for her ean's plays, speedy gravity railway, rac¬ MaycllfTe in Aupustine Daly's Hpgans" in which he had a role that the name. Captain. carrousel of the Princess d'Avellar. the artist in every way being equal to admirable work time at the meeting ing derby, and other amuse- Braganca the almost of the stock company in the halcyon days of: the famous author-actor shaped espe¬ I»_was when the late impossible demands Miss cially for him. Crandall's feature pictures next week held Tuesday spent in rehearsing B. F. KEITH'S devices: the giant midway with Several years ago, old German composer. Two of Mr. that fine stock organization. include CaTlyle Black we 11 and June I the play to he given by the troop for At the B. F. Keith Theater this week its dozens of fun providers that include Clyde Fitch produced "Girls" in New OrainKer's own compositions, Elvidge in "The Crimson Dove," "Her I the benefit of the summer camping the s sensation, the a £,he''" the hill will be headed by Gus Ed¬ year "joyilgeer" York, lie chose Mls» Maycliffe for the herds Hey!" and "Colonial Song," and Life or His" and "Her Greatest Love," fund. The troop received two new long line of minor attractions and'the hfs arrangement of "Reel No. 4." of featuring Theda Bara. I tenderfoot scouts. They are Alberta wards' "The Bandbox Revue" and new dance pavilion, Glen Echo offers a heroine. She achieved an emphatic hit four Irish dances, by Stanford, corn- Downing and Lillian Bart.".Zenairta Claude and company. On variety of entertainment for a day o? and became the protego of Mr. Pitch, Dieted his portion of the prograirr Valeska Suratt will unroll a wardrobe Scribe. Qillingwater evening s for of Bailey, Decoration day only the two regular outing patrons all ages who wrote two or three parts especially They demonstrated jthe fame he of fifty-odd gowns in "The Slave," her in add.tion the free admission carfies achieve as a composer were it not""8^pos¬ Features latest Fox film, and four at least are of Troop 23.Pansy.Capt. Barker. will be given. motion for her. Miss MaycllfTe retired from performances picture bill and other sibly overshadowed by his ability as a Pkotoplay the startling type. One hat, a black "A demonstration of bandaging was Claude Gilllngwater is assisted by ?,.*free ^features every night. the stage to become the spouse of -the 1 creation, is adorned with live lilies. given by several members of the troop Jolle Herne, a daughter of the late At night, thousands of electric lichts I'rince Braganca d'Avellar, a scion of The concert wan oke of the most en¬ Loew's Columbia. [ at a meeting Friday afternoon. May IS in a make every part of the as and the head and front of jar.s.'.."'. who is said to talk on James A. Herne, play by Reginald grounds light royal blood joyable and the program possibly more with side of life ill the very shadow of ca- Violet Palmer, at the Wallach School. Emma Bra- Barlow, that is said to be gripping, as day, and these glimmering through one of the oldest and noblest families varied and than any other "A Romance of the Redwoods," the slightest provocation and has en¬ gunier was elected patrol leader of tl.a the trees make interesting is lamity make her one of the most de with a "punch" developing In the <11- Glen Echo look like in Spain. presented during the past season. Mary Plckford as the pictured star, lightful and wistfully of listed in the Home Defense League "to I fifth patrol. Verna Smith was chosen fairyland. The new dance pavilion is For the past few years, Miss May- for Loew's appealing run down spies," wants to be filmed in I corporal.".Emma Bragunler, Scribe. "Cuddles" Kd- an attractive feature for set the film feature announced characters. but not m^3eorgie" Price and th* (fencing cliflfe, or the Princess Braganca d'Avel¬ entire be¬ trousers, overalls. wmrds are the conspicuous attractions * orchcatra furnishes the lar, as you will, has resided with her Columbia Theater the week, Troop 25..Mrs. Clarence R. in "The Bandbox Revue," with music by music"" husband not far from Madrid. She re¬ In the ginning this afternoon. The scenario Strand. Carlyle Blackwell is seen as two half- 1 Young. Captain. and service from Spotlight. brothers in "The Price of Pride," to be of the are Mr Edwards, lyrics by Jean Havez ra/ the heart turned to her native land last year for the was written by Cecil Douglas Fairbanks will be pictured "Members troop working marches arranged by James Gorman. ,A.thro',ehof the city makes the° to Glen Echo and the to resume her photoplay released probably in .luly. They are so I hard on the play and entertainment trjpv. longing start Strand Theater Featured in the cast is Vincent O Don- a pleasant one. work became Irresistible. As soon aa Blanche Bates has just finished a B. De Mille and Jennie Macpherson. at Moore's from today alike that one Is convicted of a realistic to he given in celebration of the an¬ nell. called "the kid McCormack. The Mr. Winthrop Ames heard of her resolu¬ tour In "East Lynne. The production was filmed under De until Wednesday, inclusive, in "In train hold-up committted by the other. niversary of the troop early in June. is described as a new. he A hike was taken to Sligo Saturday production Chevy Chase Lake. tion, immediately engaged her for Mille's direction. Miss Pick- Again.Out Again." Mr. Fairbanks has was not bombed of twelve numbers. the new Hurlbut in which The Dolly Sisters will not use "'His personal Kitty Gordon really afternoon.".Whitt and Van Vleck youthful fantasy." Chase lake comedy, she a New England the role of a man whose ideas for Beloved Adven¬ K popular inclusion will be "Ragtime Chevy opened its season will appear as Susanne Ercoll. the Bridal Night" next season. ford is cast as prim young while posing "The Scribes. Reilly. loaned to Keith vaudeville by Saturday night. Many dancers pa¬ heroine. who journeys to the west, where of preparedness cause his sweetheart turess," as reported. She was simply to "The Bird of Paradise," will be girl, man. as such. And at that 20.Pink Wild Rose. the United States Navy Department tronised the big pavilion or listened to pre¬ she meets and tames a "hold-up" to cast him aside for another who is press-agented Troop them¬ sented two companies next season. a of cir¬ say she really was scared. "The meeting was held show how the "Jackies" entertain the music of the The \*tt Leading; Man..Robert W. by 'She is forced by combination less Tile to they regular troop selves when not on duty. orchestra, which will cumstances to adopt the bandit as an warlike. promptly proceeds Thursday. May 17. Several of the girls are the Sharrocks in Be¬ be features during15 week-day evenings Frazer. who has Just closed an engage¬ B F Keith's Theater will put on its share his cabin. When the drown his sorrows in drink and awakes Evelyn Greeley was "literally drag- semaphore signaling. Plar.s Other acts this summer. uncle and the movies" when was practiced Stand' ; Walter Brou ment in of Julia Arthur in summer costume inside and next to hang her "bad a gee! into she for working In the garden at Memorial hind the Grand support qut vigilantes undertake to find himself in county jail. The to material for a er "The Jolly Jester"; Beaumonte and will be Introduced to¬ week. man" for robbing the overland stage simply trying get Continental Hall were discussed.". "Seremonda." from her rag doll, Jailer's prettv daughter makes his sen¬ boarding school essay. Her contract Horne. Scribe. Arnold, in their new musical comedy. Marshall Hall. she tears the clothes tence seem like a Margaret a woman's recruit- morrow night as the new leading man r»*n Waldrop i* to star in "Friend the execution and of thirty days Joy¬ was gven her as a star "weeper." *^rhe Segeanteene." The summer season at Marshall Hall invades the scene of ous vacation, for he falls in love ins satire; Louis Hart, Carlisle and of the Poll Players. lie has youth, Martha." under the direction of Edgar acting convinces the lynchers madly will be Inaugurated bv clever with her. After his release he tries In The burning of Troyon's. a Paris Rotner Adeline Francis, the pipe organ Wednesday, Deco¬ looks, a fine voice and ample ex¬ MacGregor. are about to murder a father. to to 2,800,000 Tons of Cuba Sugar. good tliey as the bandit many wavs gain admission the hotel, to conceal a murder; an auto recitals and the Hearst-Pathe news pie- ration day. The steamer Charles Mac- Elliott Dexter is pictured see the cellence in various lines of dramatic Eugene Walter's new play. "The As¬ the of ar. jail to girl, but fails, even chase through the streets of Paris and NEW YORK. May 26.This year's aiester will leave the 7th street wharf In his favor. and Tull.v Marshall in role thouuh lie commits minor of¬ in the Cuban sugar crop will be and 8:15 P.m. today the program work sassin," is to be produced soon in westerner. many a fight in the air, aeroplanes, put approximately t0At*3 in at 10 a.m., 2:30 and 6:30 p.m., for round During the ten years he has "trod poughkeepsie. eccentric fenses DesparateJy he finally imper¬ punch in Herbert Brenon's picture 2.S00.00II tons, according to an official will present Julia Arthur "Liberty a issued the Cuban 'The Bride Shop" and all the trips to the resort. Schroeder's Mili¬ the boards" he has had the benefit of sonates bombthrowing criminal, and melodrama "The Lone Wolf." statement by govern¬ Aflame." valuable experience with the Henry Mary Anderson has been playing for comes very close to being entangled ment in Havana and made publlci here otker attractions shown last week. tary Orchestra will provide music for In CrandalTs. the federal authorities. of Movie the news bureau Com¬ Savage attractions, with Charles Froh- wir benefits London and has aroused each of which with But. by Balboa's "Dictionary Slang" by republics the opening day festivities. The "diD- man and with David Belasco, not to much enthusiasm. Two photoplays, pic¬ a strange turn of events, he, captures thus defines comedy: "A picture play pared with last year's record crop, this the-dip. the dancing pavilion, the chil¬ speak of his work as a leading man tures a star of first rank, are to be the real miscreant and out of gratitude supposed to be funny. Most of them year is said to show a decrease of only POLI'S Tfthn and Lee him to wed his is as an dren s playground, the merry-go-round in stock. He has also appeared before Craig Schubert will shown at Crandall's the current week. the jailer permits aren't." "A goofer" defined un¬ 5 per cent. Tomorrow night Poll's Theater will the skee-hall alleys, the shooting gal- the camera In support of Clara Kimball produce a play by Justine Lewie, called daughter. His supporting company in- desirable person, not necessarily a vam¬ '"'e» all the other and other screen stars. "The Love Gambler." 'Maternity," featuring Alice Erady, will eludes Arline. a former \\ ash- man. Robert W. amusement de- Young Pretty, pire. have a new leading vices a*a?.fill be in operation. In the estimation of those who have be shown tod^y, tomorrow and Tuesday, Ingtonian; Frank Lalor. Helen Greene. Nathaniel Tuttle Dies. Frazler. to play opposite to Florence seen him he will prove a valuable James Thatcher, general manager of Methods," with William Walter Walker, Homer Hunt and Attractions at Moore's Garden Theater NEW YORK. 26..Nathaniel Tut¬ accession to the Poll forces. the S Z Poll interests, was a visitor to "American next week will include William S. Hart, May Rlttenhouse. Great Falls Park. the week. in the central role, tle, who was for forty years associated poll's Theater past Farnum pictured °H?rB. Warner, also will be featured in "The Desert Man," a story of the with the management of the New York .The House of Glass" has beeii select¬ summer a of James Oliver Cur- of a bad man a The season of 1917 will he Back to the Soil..Jack Arnold of the will be shown the remainder of the in photoplay | redemption by young girl, Tribune, having been for manv veais ed as the It is by Max Marcin, a William Gillette will continue to use wood's story of the Canadian wools. and William Desmond in an Irish com¬ play. at Great Falls a * and treasurer, died at inaugurated Park team of Beaumont and Arnold, at Keith's his comedy. "A Successful week. "Maternity" presents young a of the ad its secretary has newcomer among playwrights. Calamity, an ot "The Danger Trail, story edy entitled "Paddy O'Hara," and Wil¬ was sixtv- of the is in¬ Wednesday. Decoration day. The list is a born and by Clare Kummer, next season. wife obsessed by unnatural fear a en¬ "Hands Ttangor. Pa. Mr. Tuttle. who The basic principle play this week, Washingtonlan. while ventures of railroad construction fred Lucas in Up." had been an Invalid for nocence falsely accused." of attractions Includes free motherhood, the husband longs gineer. who saves a camp by nine years old. dancing educated here and for a few years was for a child to brighten his home. For beleaguered several years. Margaret Case, a stenographer, meets and band concerts with other amuse- Lewis Stone, who was appearing in braving the dangers of the snow cov¬ In chapter VII of "The Railroad a ami after an employe of the District government. has a a time the wife's fear threatens to ruin trail. wlU James Burke, chauffeur, two ments of season. "The Brat." given up profitable ered forest Accompaniments Raiders" Helen Holmes is knocked un¬ inks' acquaintance promises to be his last The "Tent Citv" In reality he Is Harold Godwin, whose contract to enlist for the war. the young couple's happiness. A spec¬ be the orchestra. and the "Summer tacular fire a played by conscious in a fight, dragged across the Named He gives her a diamond engage¬ Chautauqua" will be provides realistic touch A. J. Brewer for Amoy. wife. for v's'tor8 this week. Fast family has been well known here in the to the "American Methods" is railroad yards, propped up against the ment ring, but cautions her not to wear Charles Dillingham has secured the picture. front of a car with her head AMOY. China. May 2«..Andrew J. to be thC newspaper world for thirty-five years American to "General Post, a an adaptation of George Ohnet's novel, Crandall's Savoy. baggage student it. They are married in Chicago, at ,fr°m rights between the coupler, while an on-com- Brewer of Louisville. Ky.. in¬ and then go to California. Margaret 3StChCaa..1erwCe eeta W"' be*in Jack Arnold started his career as an war drama by Harold Terry, now be¬ "The Ironmaster." It deals with the Pauline Frederick, in "Sleeping at the American legation In afTairs of a young American who ing train is rushing madly on a bee line terpreter believes Burke has fallen heir to a Wedne8daymorrflng entertainer when he was seven years old, ing played in London. goes Fires." a Paramount picture, will be to hit the spot. Peking for the last tvio years, has been fortune, and when he gives her a to France to take charge of his herit¬ American vice consul at l:ir*e constructing a puppet theater, which pre¬ age, an iron foundry. Jewel Carmen is shown at Crandall's Savoy today and appointed liO.OOu prarl nacklace she suspects William Harris has concluded con¬ a Amoy. He arrived here today. amiss. While are sented one of Shakespeare's tragedies. w. J. pictured in the central feminine role. tomorrow. Fires" deals with Lucille Satterthwaite, beauty of the nothing they packing tracts with Watt and Company "Sleeping North Carolina mountains, who was one a trunk Detective Carroll and his as¬ Coming Attractions This was followed by other juvenile per¬ for the dramatic rights of Roy Nor¬ the primitive tiger-woman instinct dis¬ of the successfuls in the enter, accuse Burke "The "beauty and to sistant. Crowley, of formances, and after considerable ama¬ ton's novel, Boomers. Leader. by a mother when attacked brains contest." will be seen in an im¬ Saxony Workers Strike. burglarizing the home of a wealthy teur success, "Jack Arnold" took the- played Max Today and for the entire week. Mar¬ through her child. Her husband, a man portant role in the third of the Mae COPENHAGEN. May 26. via London. New Yorker, and Margaret of being a "Eve's Daughter." stage as a profession as a buck dancer Ftgman appeared Marsh Goldwyn pictures. .The textile workers of Crlmnitzac- confederate of Burke, who does not between motion pictures at a local the- recently in his own play. The Substi¬ guerite Clark, pictured In '"The Valen¬ of means, neglects her for his secre¬ The attraction at the Belasco Thea¬ " the hau. Saxony, have voted a strike for a deity it. ater. tute under management of Harry tine Girl," will he the feature photo¬ tary, and In order that may marry Tbe four acts abound in dramatic in¬ ter next week will be "Eve's Daugh¬ Since then he has toured L Cor" a son of John Cort. they Ruth Roland, who has been a movie 75 per cent increase in wages on »).. every statA play at the Leader. Marian Morgan's they plan to force the wife to ask star for five and on and of the increased coiit of liv¬ cident and afford exceptional opportu¬ ter." a new play produced by William In the United States, has written several divorce. She refuses, and the husbandfor_a years stage grounds nities for the Poli Players. short comedies and John Craig recently in personality Is so different from the screen work for fourteen years, is de¬ ing. The strike affects 3,000 employes, A. Brady. The author Is Alicia Ram¬ musical acted In them Ttoston a farce called takes the child. Driven to desperation clared to be twenty-three," which is of its His partner In the present sketch is his Kitty.produc^Kitty. other little girls Miss Clark has played to the when "only but there danger spreading sey. known to readers of magazine fic¬ Kitty" by William M. Blatt. Florence ' she attempts kidnap child, means "years," not the well known throughout the textile district of Sai- partner for life, as he married Miss Beau¬ has the upon the screen that her admirers will her husband Interferes and she shoots "skiddoo." about tion and to followers of the mont a few years ago while were Martlp leading part. ony, where complaints wage COSMOS English they find In this characterization a new him. The picture comes to a startling have been loud and general for several theater because of her successful pro¬ both playing star parts in a musical Neilson finale with a courtroom scene. Thomas "The World a film "The Six Merry Mermaids," a spec¬ Their first venture "Kitty, Darlin'." with Alice Clark. Apart," play by months. ductions in new comedy. together was in the leading role, will be Marguerite Meighan and John Salnpolls are pic¬ George Middleton, featuring Wallace offering of classic and London. This play in a bit of musical produced tacular dancing deals with English life, and Mr. Brady comedy written and early next season. It Is a musical It has. been Marian's dream all her tured in the cast. Tuesday and Reid and Myrtle Stedman, will be feats presented a sextet of composed by "Jack Arnold." of "Sweet life to meet her father, whom she has Wednesday "The Easiest Way. a film shown at Loew's Columbia Theater next wajir by . so confident of its quality that he In addition to their version Kitty Bellalrs. Emmanuel L. Masqueray Pies. pretty girls will head the Cosmos t0 taI