VOL. XXV. NO. 201. PERTH AMBOY, N. J. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22,1904 NIGHT EDITION ALL COAL BIDS ALIKE; JOURNEYMEN CHERUB HAS VARIATIONS STEVEN’S BODY FOUND BARBERS ARE ARRIVED AT AT POLICE IN SOUND. TO ADVERTISE ACAIN. TO ORGANIZE. CITY. COURT TODAY. DRIFTING School Board Given No Choice by Local Coal Deal- Local Authorities Went Out in a Powerboat, But an Will Protest Agaist Half Holiday Sails Through Late St. Clair, I Inusual Similarity in the Cases Per Ton for of the Works Went Out in ers-AII Wanted $6.25 Any During the Week Being Lake Huron and Down Before the Recorder-All Employe Asphalt Lake Amount-Believe a Better Figured Can be Had. Taken Off. Michigan. Nations There. a and Secured it First. WILL HOLD MEETING. THROUCH 8TRAICHTS SOON DISPOSES OF. % OTHER SUHOOL MATTERS AT WORK ON WERE WEDDED IN A BATHING SUIT. Stat ly Little Craft Rifes the Billows of I lecorder Heard the Now that the Boss Barbers Have G ft; n Pickcrsgill UifTtrcut It Is Believed the was Held Fast In Buy Site at Paterson Street and Madison Body flic Ini. n! Sins in a Matn'r Stories and Passed tin m a I in Together their Employes Have Decided Wort'y Patiently the Mud When it First Went Down — Avenue for School No. 7—Tract was IN 8T. MARY’S. M a Siml ar SIDEWALKS. to do Likewise—At of Her Owner— Hie Tut She Hails Manner— One Hearing was ad- the Present Time Who Secured It a / Purchased from Word B. Snyder-Con- Fellow Thought Re- from Until Lan- Journeymen 6et a Holiday -Parly Experts to Liave Chicago journed Tonight—Several tract Awarded for Addition to tchool Burke Took ward Had Been Offered and Refused to Street Commissioner Put Men at Every Two Weeks. Today. guages Used in One Case. loseph Margaret No. 4. Recognize Police. Egan for His Bride This Work This Morning Getting On Iionrii Yaolit Oliernh. Now that tlio Boss Barbers Associa- A varied program, interestin'-, of Robert B. At tho mooting of tho Juno lit. n The body Stevens, adjourned tion 1ms boon formed and thry have Oliicaeo, musing and instructive, made nptliis in Morning. old as told of Education, held last night, Thing Shape. liditor , twenty-threo yenrs who, Board decided to close tlio in this HvnniiigN-nvs: lcming's performance in ltceorder shops city in drowned tho bids for tho coal from six Wu tiro oily of Djtroit;, Juno J the News, was while supply all (lay Snmlavs after 10th p.issod 'iokersuiU’s vandevillo theatre, .Inly at local doalors worn thrown out, ns they 3, about JO n. in. Wo rhouulit I l Mail swimming Boynton Bunch, Snnday I bo journeymen barbe rs have decided an international aspect as will has boon recovered. It was were all tho $Hull avenue, tlio city. They will be kept at work in ander Sugniuo’s from avenue, from Mrs. Mary Snyder, for it. It looked much like portions v ho could not catch at least a of power-boat, day in every two weeks. It is under- part or his bride. The was until all tiio walks designated by the mnrringe per- Van Pelt's float. Thero were five in $1,-100. Tlio sitfo of the lot is 150x170 if (Jontrnl Park, New York. r 10 testimony. G. ,1. Plechiinr stood tlmt ns soon ns tlio now schedule Lawyer 'ormod nt SI o'clock by the temporary sonic time ago, pastor, the among thorn Detec- foot. inspector, To tho right of Belle Isle is Walker- r resented Perils who was party, being goes iuto effect they are to lose the ap Shapiro, lev. B. T. O assisted conic within tlio municipal Oonuoll, by tive .T. A. Ilnff and n News reporter. When school No. 7 is built it will require- 'ille, Canada, where there is an im ,• with Mrs. Tillman Imlf clay weekly, hut will have nil day liargerl calling lev. 8. A. Mitchell. for ments. Tiio expense of the repairs nenso that looked When at a point n considerable dis- ho on a modification of tho plans Most of the whiskey distillny \ ile naraas. .7. E. Strieker was coon sol to I Sunday. journeymen The bride, bountifully dressed in a this side of the it will ho charged up ho property- argu to the world with tnnoe Guggenheim No. ti Tho hoard dooidoil that have enough supply f or Mrs. Tillman. The case took claim that they should all day of white trimmed tkluiiF n mail uni I n lin'd in n a mu I I owners, added on to theamouut town puro silk, would not bo neeisa.iry to employ an being vhiskey. The owner of it had a large an nt the cud of which Sunday and the half dny weekly. icarly hour, with white and white of their taxes. lace, carrying rowing scow were aeon making a line aiohiloot to draw now plans while team yacht lyiiig at his wharves, ; lianiro was 95 out. The assault A mass mootiug is to bo hold short- 'naia wnllrmt nn tint nliiirrtli niu!n Notices were sent out, hut a large fast nbont tlie body, which was they had those of No. (i, which cost mid for, no doubt, by tho money of Max was dis- ly and a union lormuil. hargo against Shapiro caning an tlio arm. The liuiuiu’i *11 uio jHVunmj iiuimuo groom’s clothed in a gray They wore by J. lie people who drink his rnm. Wo nissed. one-piece bathing $18,000. prepared A in conversa- a sister of not hie 1 anil will now journeyman bather, iridesmaid was the bride, *nlt. K, Jenson. thorn, they vero soon into the famous Lvko St. the tion with a Nows Next Italians had their inning. A repoter, said, Miss Cntliorino Egan. She wore a in offered tlio Imvu to pay the piper. great change Jlair wlio can describe this : The party the power-boat Tlio board also ordered signed “Wo have this to the Central and, Inry Russ charged Mary Mnugeuelli for the hotter is when the put up trass of hlno silk and carried carna- to take charge of the body and tow contract with Fred Oliiistenson, at expected xiautiful sheet of water? Calm and , vitli disorderly of Labor Union and have decided conduct, consisting ions. The host man wns William street commissioner the they it to this oity. The man in tlie row- Madison build tile addition completes (listening iu the morning sun. The ; Tlic that wo are in the right and they will tiplying improper epithets. of this Mamiiou, city. boat, one Bernard Haoke, an employe to school No. -1 and the work on tlint repais. un across it, some twenty miles, and ( was dismissed. back ns Imrge Aftor the had boon np. ceremony per- at the Barber wns thrown a soon. Mr. Chris- ho sail through 'he St. Clair canal Then came the Emerald Isle. Mrs. plant, building will start formed Mr. and Mrs. Rtirku, with line. Ho lot go of it, and wonld not tenson's bid was tlio lowest of four mil Hats was like a dream of tnnie Mrs. fairy Reddy charged Mary drove to the bride'b A REGULAR ROUND-UP. nany friends, tlie body np. He was ot tlie M offered at the last mooting of tlie and and will never be forgotten. 1 V’elsli with the same sort ot conduct give ionic, wlioro a breakfast For wedding opinion that he could collect a reward, board. It was $8.(if>S. offerWard many miles we were tip , s in the cnsc. This was preceding wns served. will reside in this Four hoboes, who were suspected of They lie wns told that there wus no reward tho river St. Clair. The low banks i Iso with a winning. dismissed, ns Mr. Burke is at tlio stealing some articles from a Lehigh lity employed or other of hiB being re al'^tho stream mo covered with hotels Then tlio mimic kind nt u witli opportunity case, ilant of the Barber Valley freight ear at. Plainfield, were md Asphalt Company. oompensod for ins time and trouble, cottages and tho grass and tho i ho same result, came on, with two this morning brought to the local THE bat he was anmornblo. He said that CELEBRATED FOR BODY. trees nre so fresh and green. Many | iaiiish resideuls ns lirincipnls, they loci:up by Ollioer James McDermott. docks lie was goiug to take the body io tlie private with steam and gaso- l leing a trolley conductor, complniu- GAVE LUNCHEON IN They were at first sentonco to fifteen line company’s dock. The party from ibis yacht moored to thorn and row ,nl, nnd a serving-maid, defendant. days in jail, but as there was no city turned their way homewards, and Thof Lodge, Danish Brotherhood and suil boats beyond counting a Mrs. Henrietta Burke charged ANNIVERSARY. proof against them, they were latter HONOR OF PRINCIPAL. Hneko wns seen being carried towards paridiso for a yacht crank libo my- iVnllor Hey with nu offense similar with a few minutes in a discharged, to self. Wo looked at the Stnten Island shore by strong J Anxious Find Remains the beautiful 0 the above. This was diposed of in ! which (o get out of town. The names reachers of School No. 6 Present adverBO tide and wind. He finally iglitr in we passed bv until our eves 1 like manner. were: the Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Skidmore and addresses which they gave were landed nt the Barber dock nnd of tired of looking at tho sights Tliorvnhi Christiansen was tin oil $5 John Yeppe Yepsen. Mr. with Pair of Gold until notion oonld William Mooto, Newark; Wood, of tho rivor. Reagle body made seoure, I or intoxication and disorderly oon- Janies New the office. Observed Their Wooden Philadelphia; Cronin, There was a bo taken hy coroner's | The body of who current iu tho river of Inot. He was arrested bv, and all Cuff Buttons. and Stevenson, Diistol. Yeppe Yepsen, It is the tlint the York, George iliout three miles per us general opinion was drowned while in near hour ugainst if I lie summonses in the other oases swimming became stuck in tho mnd at Last md it was about b in. when we body Wedding Nignt. tlio now Raritan river has not, p. core served by, Detective Hull'. The teaohers of senool No. (! gave a bridge, the wlioro Stevens wns drowned, reach oil Port Huron and took on placo yet been recovered, although tlio two Another gentlcmau, oue Robert luncheon in honor of the principal, TO HOLD A~SOCIAL. not being until early,, today. tons of coal before for tho dislodged Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Skidmore, of search has been np lying up Pliricn, will bo arraigned at? o’clock Charles II. Reagle and Mrs. Rengle kept constantly who came to this from Wo woro Stovons, oity 223 Madison avenue, onlortniuntl ever since ho went down. light. greatly disturbed i oniglit. at noon today. Only the teacliors of a fow months was an 15 the Society the a Brooklyn ago, about friends last night in cele- tl July Young People’s Thor Danish liroMierhond luring night by largo steamer that schorl and Mr. and Mrs. Reagle fifty Lodge, at the Vaseline Success, of Our Saviour's Danish iu 10 tho dock near ur employe Ohesobrongh bration of their wooden wedding. No. -Hi, 1ms taken nil inti rest in the mining and were present. A table was spread in DANCE AT BOYNTON S Works, llis olotbes were identified Lutheran will hold a social and a lot Tlio house was decorated witli flags church, matter and this it was an- lisuhargiug loading of the teacher’s reception room. After morning the with whom he in tho school room, State street. The We all turn id out iu dis- Monday by peopls and flowers. The evening was passed noniiced tlmt the would give Freight. the luncheon, Mr. Renglo was pre- ledge nt 11*0 Market street. coinmitloo lias been ap- liuhbillo to our boat hut the Catholic Club Making Arrangements hoarded, witli a number of selections ou the following $"25 to the who recovers tlio protect sented with a pair ot gold link entf person Thu was to Miss Mnrv no body brought Flynn's At 12 o'clock refresh- pointed: Emma Koyoh, itoamer did us harm. buttons. Mr. Reagle severs his con- gruinuphono. body. for the Affair. establishment, this oity. Cora Soda John- .luuu 13—Wo were out undertaking ments wore sorvod. Knuilson, Anderson, Monday, nect iou with the local school Friday. Emil Hucko, the finder of tho body, who Mr. anil Mrs. Skidmore received son, Charles Kilter, Johnson SEVERAL GOOD CATCHES. again at b :10 a. in. and ran out into Next full lie will teach at Kosello. The Catholic Club will hold a dunce tho from this by John Smith. luiko Huron north. Thu hike heat out, party city numerous presents of wood. {and heading it It)'nton Reach one night next WILL GIVE A FESTIVAL. hut a minute or two, did not get his One or two ditches of wcakfish have was like a minor and all of us en- POSTPONED. compensation. WANTEOMEDICAL AID OUTING been math- since the first catch of eleven joyed the sail to Ilurbur Beach some expected liitteo will lie apiilintoil to complete on Sunday, and the biting ought to sixty miles from Huron City, where The girls in the congregation of St. YOUNG LIFE ENDED. Notices have been sunt out announcing soon in earnest. urangcimmlp. begin nu jki.ii min iiu I'lcimnnuu iium Catholic church me Sohoonors A. If on ton, Ilart, Sonll Mary's Itoinnii that the third annual engineered Al outing, a festival Amboy for Rockland, ami W. K. it W. a cabriage there ns a refuge from storms for tlio BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES. making preparations to hold by the cit y officials, to Went /cl ’s College, reposition. Theodore Seguine Passed Away at City- ltuto vessels, and the only whore in St. Mary’s Hull, Center street. L Tnck, Amboy for Belfast, stopped Point Grove, has been postpon from place we could tie at until we Imil This Morning. at Vfnovard Haven yesterday for next to Jrd. Thu np night The Hospital Sunday Sunday, July George Oeliner, will open a carriage re regular weekly iirnver nervine CUT TO PIECES. ail both w ill leave the steam- passed the dreaded Saginaw and medical for seamen; pro steamer Chapman un-Mimy m m m u mum mil; m ,\rw Bay will liu lielit ul H o'clouk. tonight It is simply butchery the way the prices boat flock at a. m. lay up for the night. the after- Thocdoro n pupil in Prof. oeedo I. I'.niri e.vii k avenue next In .1. .1. Deveny’s Spent Grout preparations urn lining Hindu • re cut in tine rnsrch- ndise at Louis Br egs’ Segoino, noon cleaning and lo. 1. who lilfieksnillli simp, In ahold tell flays. up visiting thu for tlio ion of “Mrs. Wiggs Great Salvage Sale, 91 Smith Street. Wulkor’s class in school Classified ads. on page 6. Advertising is the life of trade. little settlement of Harbor The cut ul the s e will ho last Beaolt in the Onlibiigc Patch1’ s11or11y. This greatest was taken to tlio city hospital F.J. 057 STATE made tuniortow. Mr. II. C. LARKINS, Stroot, closu by and bought some little Thursday. with ap- ii ■wii-wianm— tilings was in Tottenville anil was the Friday morning suffering n—mi given M lull III VI ■ .. will ilo **l plumbing, steam, hot water and turned in so os to be at that institution this early ready hit of tlio soasaii. The Tottenville Inis nl' ami 'las marked them pendicitis, died and Iiig litigants hot air boating on monthly pny for an start in the after f> o’clock. eaily morning. people wilt assist hero. all in large plain li tiles, and inlends tn morning, shortly monts. $10 per month. in one Tuesday, Juno 14—Wo wero under nidi them all day. Lot Nn. I;9i0 Ho was a very popular pupil and the OUR ui' lino woisted and STORE at a. men's pints, way 7:20 in. Thoro was a little pails children of the school have boon asked eassimeis in ne l patterns ami all sizes roll on the lake that soon calmed to contribute for the of bny- hat sold and aro worth $2.00 and $3.00, purpose down and after we Ocean shortly passed the all go at $1.48 a pair. Lot No. 2; 300 ing ik floral tribute. 2 House, are lighthouse of Point an Barque, sthc en- ™pjre Cor. STATH and SMITH Sts. all wool hoys' suits that worth $] Ocean N. J. ali will at DSc a suit. Lot Crovo, trance to Saginaw Bay, a thick Tho first "lam restaurant in tin to$'.!.r,0. go quite only men's line suits that «»r served at. all No. 3; 2.70 sails of A pleasant family hotel at popular fog shut the land from city. M«*hIh lm i;Iion WHY?” completely sold liir and a suh. will gn lion s. 1 to variable lain I able boil'll, $10.00 $12.00 OPEN I lates: send for Booklet. our view. There was for us 10C water and take the EVENINGS nothing at $1.08 while Iasi. Lot Ne. Drink 4.50 iu*i wuh. they 4; impure K. M. 1*11 KN I IS, Prop, to do hut to mnko ns ns dozen suits of men's very lino underwear, risk of when can have 1 •1 straight pos- disease, you w hich sold at $1.00 a suit, all will go at sible u course for Thundor Bay Island the 17u a piece. All oilier suits are going at light house soino seventy miles away. Lobsters Lobsters DURING same great cut, Don’t wait; be here to Pure Water SELLING OUT SALE. The lake was ealm’and at 1:80 p. m. Alive or Cooked. morrow whan Die sale starts, Loui? Crystal Spring St. to home fresh t he fog cleared off and the sun shone IJriegs' (treat Salvage Sale, 01 Smith delivered your every P. II G. I)ELAI'E A little Neck CO., Mgre. from the bright and we saw the lighthouse we Rockaway day spring by Nygreen 0009 0 22 It ...Photographic Studio... were beaded for about two miles on Mullin’s Hill our port bow. it best to CAKIUEKS wanted at Newt Maple Dairy r.O. Itntldlmr. Perth Amboy, N..I. Thinking Evening Restaurant 46 Smith St 0 23 1' at Parisen’s take the advantage of the lake being Worrell's Office. for 5c a day. Orders left To!, U00 1.2 atten- in sucli a peaceful mood, we kept on oill, Pharmacy will have prompt HOTEL CENTRAL our way until 2 a. in., when we Of interest to every consumer of tion. Lots. $350 each. Two J. S. SPIIZH1I, Prop. reached Mackinaw City, nocut 180 Building blocks west of State one WEINBERG, Finest Bar in the miles without stopping uud tied up to St., City Mason & Smith Pinos’ Furnished rooms, ell improvements a dock Wo had not reached Hie deck block north of The by Washington. at re the day or week. Choice line ot imported nod who may desire to purchase Coal domes tie beforo the wind came out from the in the Civil Engineers 102 Smith Perth Wines, Liquors and Cigars. best bargains city. iluocd cost. St., N. J. west and made us shiver in of and Amboy, COR. STATE AND SMITH STS. spite WARD B. SNYDER, Owner, C. M. PETERSON & CO. City Surveyors Cash Coal 85 Smith Street 102 Smith Strret, Perth N. J Tel. 102 W. Perth Amboy N. J. (Continued on page %.) 21 Smith Street. Company. Amboy,
