An Overview of the Thüringen State Parliament THÜRINGER LANDTAG
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb The special committees Other committees The State Parliament building - Architecture Deliberations and resolutions of the plenum are prepared Investigating committees Commissions The Parliamentary Group Building (Fraktionsgebäude), the in the special committees of the State Parliament. The oldest building of the Thuringian State Parliament, was objects of deliberation (for example draft bills, proposals, The most effective „weapon“ of parliamentary scrutiny is The protection of the constitutionally enshrined privacy erected between 1936 and 1939 as the agency building for Thüringer Landtag major interpellations) are usually assigned to the special the right of the State Parliament to set up an Investigating of correspondence, post and telecommunications is in- the Prussian government district of Erfurt. The state secret Jürgen-Fuchs-Str. 1 committees by the plenary session of the State Parliament. Committee. Its task is to investigate issues whose disclosu- cumbent on the commission pursuant to Article 10 of police of Nazi-Germany (“Gestapo”) moved into the two 99096 Erfurt Committees may also choose on their own to deal with re are in the public interest. The required collection of evi- the German Federal Constitution, which consists of three lower floors of the South Wing; the remaining floors were matters that have not been assigned to them, as long as dence is usually conducted in public session. members of the State Parliament, independent in their ad- reserved for the District-Government and other authorities. PR: the topics fall within the scope of their responsibility. ministration and subject to no instructions. After 1952, the building was the seat of the Council of the Phone +49 361 37 72187/72165/72185 An Investigating Committee must be implemented at the It is informed by the Interior Minister on the measures or- East German Administrative District of Erfurt. Fax +49 361 37 71208 The committees reflect in their composition the relative request of one fifth of the members of the State Parlia- dered by him, through which the privacy of corresponden- E-Mai: [email protected] strengths of the parliamentary groups. Committee seats ment. This generally ensures that also minority opposition ce, post, or telecommunications is limited, and decides (in From 1950 to 1951 the administrative high-rise building was are allocated according to the D‘Hondt method. parliamentary groups or another minority of members can principle already before the implementation of these mea- erected, the first high-rise in the whole of Erfurt. After the Visitor service: force the creation of an Investigating Committee (Artic- sures) on their admissibility and necessity. dissolution of the States in the years 1952 until the end of Phone +49 361 37 72008 In the sixth electoral term, the State Parliament has eleven le 64 of the State Constitution). The commission is also informed as to whether the rele- the GDR, the Council of the East German Administrative E-Mail: [email protected] special committees (Article 62 of the State Constitution), vant citizens are notified about the restrictive measures District of Erfurt was housed here. From 1990 to 1995, including the Committee on Petitions. The special after their suspension. If the commission considers such in- the building complex was shared by the State Parliament committees can establish subcommittees within their The Committee on Petitions formation essential, the Minister of the Interior must make and parts of the State Government. The refurbishment THÜRINGER respective area of responsibility in order to deal with sure this occurs immediately. of the listed building, in which the President of the State specific issues. According to the Constitution, every citizen has the right Parliament also has his office, was completed in 1999. LANDTAG to appeal to the Members of Parliament as representatives The State Parliament exercises its right to check the activi- To prepare resolutions on substantial and important of the people in writing or verbally with submissions ties of the intelligence services by setting up a Parliamen- The ‘Functional Building’ has been used by the Thuringian A71 Ri. Sangerhausen B4 Ri. Nordhausen issues, the State Parliament may establish official Inquiry (petitions). This right entitles the citizen not only to have tary Control Commission, consisting of five Members of state parliament since August 2002. Architecturally, the Commissions (“Enquete-Kommissionen”) (Article 63 of the their submission accepted by the representatives, but also transparent, equally simple and appealing Functional B7 Ri. Gotha H Hbf B7 Ri. Weimar Parliament, at the beginning of the legislative period. State Constitution). The purpose of these committees is to objectively examined and at least to be informed in writing Building responds to the existing buildings of the ensemble Schillerstraße Weimarische Str. draw up the necessary material for clarifying complicated and their history. Committees and parliamentary groups of how the matter will be handled. This commission is briefed comprehensively about the ge- subject areas, to evaluate the results of the studies and have their conference rooms here. The foyer and corridors An Overview of the neral task of protecting the constitution and about activi- present their recommendations to the State Parliament. offer space for exhibitions. The Committee on Petitions can help when decisions by ties of particular importance by the Minister of the Interior These inquiry commissions may also include people who authorities and other bodies, which are subject to the at least four times a year. Its duties and authorities are sti- THÜRINGER LANDTAG Thüringen Arnstädter Str. are not members of the State Parliament; as a result, Practicality, simple elegance and transparency characterise Clara-Zetkin-Str. supervision of the Free State of Thuringia are involved. pulated in detail in the Thuringian Law on Protection of the H Beethovenpark the inquiry commissions do not belong to the special the new Plenary Hall of the Thuringian State Parliament. Jürgen-Fuchs-Str. Constitution. committees of the State Parliament. Nonetheless, they still Presidium, lectern, the seats of parliamentary members Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Str. Linie 1 State Parliament P act on behalf of the State Parliament. and the Government benches are arranged in a circle: This is where the Members of Parliament discuss with one Werner-Seelenbinder-Str. H P+R another and strive to find the best solutions for Thuringia. Thüringenhalle A4 Abf. Erfurt-West A4 Abf. Erfurt-Ost Ri. Frankfurt Ri. Dresden Citizens of Thuringia have the opportunity on their own initiative to place an issue on the agenda of the Thuringi- an State Parliament. They can also present a bill for delibe- ration and submit it to all voters for decision if it is rejected by the Plenum. The procedures to do so are called citizen proposal, referendum and plebiscite. President of the Thuringian State Parliament Birgit Diezel Welcome! The Thuringian State Parliament The office of the President of the The Council of Elders How a law is passed The special committees - overview State Parliament Number of members Petition State Parliament State The State Parliament of Thuringia is the heart of The State Parliament is the supreme organ of the de- President of the State Parliament - Executive Committee The Council of Elders occupies a special position among the for a or at least 10 Parliament Budget and financial committee democracy in the Free State of Thuringia. As the centre mocratic decision-making process (Article 48 of the State of the State Parliament - Deputies committees. The State Parliament decides on the size of referendum representatives Chairman: Volker Emde (CDU) 13 of democratic decision-making, the State Parliament Constitution), elected by the people. It elects the Minister the Council of Elders at the beginning of each legislative exercises legislative power, elects the Prime Minister President, deliberates and passes laws and oversees the The State Parliament is represented externally by the Pre- session. In its first meeting it took the decision that for the Internal and municipal committee (“Ministerpräsident”), monitors the actions of the State- activities of the State Government. The public plenary ses- sident of the State Parliament (“Präsident des Landtags”). sixth electoral term the Council of Elders would be made Bill Chairman: Steffen Dittes (DIE LINKE) 13 Government and discusses important issues for the future sions and extensive coverage in the press, radio and televi- The President is responsible for safeguarding the dignity up of the standard number of ten members and in additi- of our country. Every five years, the citizens vote to decide sion give the citizens the opportunity to inform themselves and rights of the State Parliament. In the house of the State on of the three members of the Executive Committee. Four State Parliament Committee for economics and science on its composition and thus at the same time on the about the different political opinions. Parliament, the President has jurisdiction and exercises po- members were allotted to the parliamentary group of the Printed Materials Chairman: Gerold Wucherpfennig (CDU) 13 political development of Thuringia. lice power. CDU, three to the parliamentary group of DIE LINKE, one to The 6th Thuringian State Parliament consists of 91 parlia- The President or one of his deputies presides over