Samothrace.:Supplementary Investigations, 1968-1977
SAMOTHRACE.:SUPPLEMENTARY INVESTIGATIONS, 1968-1977 (PLATES 1-16) N successive summer campaigns, the Institute of Fine Arts of New York Uni- versity has continued investigations for the American School of Classical Studies in the Sanctuary of the Great Gods in Samothrace (P1. 1).' Along with preparation for final publication of earlier results, supplementary excavation was carried out in five areas of the Sanctuary: the Propylon of Ptolemy II (Fig. 1: 26), the Eastern Hill (24-25), the periphery of the great Hellenistic Stoa (11) and the slopes east of it (7-10), the northern terrace of the Western Hill (1-4), and the Anaktoron and Rotunda of Arsinoe II (20-23), together with the hillside directly above them (28).2 ' Abbreviations: Guide Karl Lehinann, Santothrace. A Guide to the Excavations and the Museumt,Locust Valley, N. Y. 1955. Guide2 Idem, 2nd ed., Locust Valley, N. Y. 1960. Guide' Idemn,3rd ed., revised and enlarged, Locust Valley, N. Y. 1966. Guide4 Idem, 4th ed., revised and enlarged, Locust Valley, N. Y. 1975. S, I A. Conze, A. Hauser, G. Niemann, Archaologische Untersuchungen auf Samo- thrake, Vienna 1875. S, II A. Conze, A. Hauser, 0. Benndorf, Neue archZiologische Untersuchungen auf Samothrake, Vienna 1880. Samothrace, 2, I P. M. Fraser, Samothrace, 2, I, The Inscriptions on Stone, New York 1960. Samothrace, 2, II K. Lehmann, Sanothrace, 2, II, The Inscriptions on Ceramics and Minor Objects, New York 1960. Samothrace, 3 P. W. Lehmann, Samothrace, 3, The Hieron, Princeton 1969. Samothrace, 4, II K. Lehmann and D. Spittle, Samothrace, 4, II, The Altar Court, New York 1964.
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