Chinetsu Shintansa Gijutsu K
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mi&emmBMasgAcMf (*© 2) f ^ 7 # 3 H (167H) B 69 #%?&0, mTm@3(=m#ira&^=& ©EriE^lt^BE^© V x^MSMtci: o TMftHHT£> 3o £fc. #^^#(±mBE^©--x^^m01, L#*<3 liEiClilt^U H^ig'lT-fe^o c©/c&. *MT#NE D OOCfia-COE&mm&B&x., m ©E^ SS V X ? ©t,'o* -5 ©M£36£" bfcfftMM ^©#Aw##&cfm^E^B#c^e c t^sat tf ^ o NEDO-P-9503 S m s * H ¥ -M 00 N> tm : DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. 1 * x. ft £ e. grx*;i^- • mm&m 2) j (DUSSS^trlRD %.tibfc%(DT:$>K)$i'to *HS©HS(cSfcoTH, ®WSSSxrL--9->'>^-f >li@Sii*S^ Six*;!^ - • mm&ffim&mmmm, mn\zm%^\^, - • ;?t£*£ii D 3: Lfc, £fc> gaacg&o z.ftt><DU* [cfutii'j; t> $r= ff&8#2 ^ Rmmm%## (?®2) j i. mmi*® .......................................... (i) i. i mbrj ........................................................................................................... (i) 1. 2 (i) 2. •••• Cii) 2. i $esm ....................... Cii) c i) (ii) (2) ........................... (iii) (3) •••• (v) (4) ........... (v) 3. (vi) 3. i on 3. 2 (vi) 3. 3 (vi) 4. M©SS ................................................................................................................. (vii) 4. i mmmmm%©--x ..................................................................................... (vii) 4. 1. 1 ;b^@©itbBSSRS<D--XIJlS ................................................. (vii) • 4. 1. 2 it!lMS£E%©--X©;l: (vii) 4. 2 ###&##©>-X .................................................................................. (ix) 4. 2. 1 H^CDSS®^KS©'>-X|@S .................................................. (ix) 4. 2. 2 '>-XHS ................................................. (ix) 4. 3 (xi) 4. 3. 1 (xi) (1) (xi) (2) M#'£M (xii) (3) s-vmm ......................................... ww 4. 3. 2 (xiu) 4. 4 (xiv) 4. 4. i (xiv) (1) 5M£©*'I' )V*yt ................................................................................. (Xiv) (2) (xiv) (3) (xiv) — i — 4. 4. 2 SB ft 3* 1§MI .................................* .......................................... (xv) 4. 5 £ = (xvii) 4. 5. 1 ................................................................................... (xvii) 4. 5. 2 (xvii) 4. Summery ••••....................................................................................................... (xxiv) 4. 1 Needs on Geothermal Exploration Technology ................................. (xxiv) 4. 2 Seeds on geothermal exploration technology ............ (xxvi) 4. 2. 1 Trennd of seeds on domestic geothermal exeploration technology ............................................................................................. (xxvi) 4 . 2 . 2 Trennd of seeds on overseas geothermal exeploration ' technology .............. (xxvii) ■ 4 . 3 Study of exeploration nethod .............................................................. (xxvii) 4 . 3 . 1 Approach of new exeploration metod ........................................ (xxvii) 4. 3. 2 Detailed examination of the exeploration method ’.............. (xxx) 4. 4 Exepectet effect .......................................................................................... (xxxii) 4. 4. 1 Effect expected from the developemnt of new geothermal exploration method ........... (xxxii) 4. 4. 2 Anticipated generating capacity * ................................. (xxxiii) 4. 5 Suggestions ..................... ..... ...........................................................•••• (xxxv) 4. 5. 1 Conventional geothermal exeploration ..............................................(xxxv) 4. 5. 2 Suggestions of new geothermal exeploration methods •••• (xxxv) n. 1. i i. i ■................................................................. i 1. 2 .................................................... ................................................ 1 2 i. 2. i (%mm^m#A) ................... 1 2 1. 2. 2 2 (mm;mm#B) 4 1. 2. 3 3 (m#m;m#c) 5 1. 2. 4 ±fcM«&MI£©--X0iJ4 (%#N%##D) ...........•••• 7 1. 2. 5 5 (#m;m##E) 12 1. 2. 6 6 (mm^^m#F) 15 1. 3 MSSEScd--X©£ ....................................................................... 15 2. 17 2. 1 S v - XM .................................................. 17 2. 2 v-xM ..................................................................... 19 — u — 2. 2. 1 19 ( 1 ) B RGM .............................................................................................................. 19 ( 2 ) XV 6 # ................................................................................................. 21 (3) ENEL .............................................................................................................. 21 ( 4 ) n a g r a ........................................................................................................ 25 2. 2. 2 WG C’95^d .................................................. 28 (1) ................ 28 (2) # # 34 a. 7 5^ f f ............................................................... 35 b. A=m - v 773 .......................- 38 c. 47 3. -............................................ 51 3. 1 ................... •......... 51 . (1) #%###& ........ ........................ 52 (2) ................................. 52 (3) 53 3. 2 7 ............................... 55 3i 2.1 ..................... 55 (1) ........................................... 55 (2) 7?ff+####& .......... ...................... 63 a. 37 - * y-f-f 63 a - 1 . "................................... 63 a - 2. 37 • ii yf-4 >yx-T-?mmM$fr£; ••••• 68 a -3. 76 b. V S Pfljg$S& ....................................................••••• 79 c. x.X/^7 h D1MX 5 y 81 d. ##%ht/57^ 84 e. .................................... 89 3. 2. 2 75 93 3. 3 ........... 96 3. 3. 1 gSMdDi&lf ................................ 96 ci) ............... 96 a. S^TcJtjSSte-^ v 7^ 96 b. v 98 c. «; yy 100 d. HM • h7-7777A 107 c 2) mmwjmMm# ........................................................ 112 a. mm-mm*-? v >? c^y 77'y-x) •••• 112 b. u y? (777^r 7*y-x) •• 115 — Ill — jS\ 34 3. ss.2.1-11 hi&m±gi c i) .............................................. 56 S3. 2. 1-20 6l#7Jc@7"X hM:t;0 ( 1 ) .............................................. 56 S3.2. i-3@ #^07Kmm#m(Dm±E] ...................................................... 57 S3.2.1 -m -y-'f i-V't yjumcoMm tmm . ........................................... 57 53.2.1- 2# j-vj ••••••••.........••• 58 S3.2. i-m .......................................................... 60 S3. 2. 1-40 U-Ji- V-f ?JU8: b&) comg ........................................................................................... 61 S3. 2.1-50 ................................T................ ...................................... 62 S3. 2. 1-60 nTKJ: TOftlfin. ............. 65 53.2.1- 4# :titT'0^jt37y y'/com.m. — ............................. 66 S3. 2.1-5# smMtbUfgMoibE ..................................................... 66 53.2.1- 70 37 u 66 S3. 2. 1-80 V 0M±0........................................................... 67 S3. 2. 1-6# 3 7 - y T4 .......................................... 70 S3. 2.1-90 ......... 71 53.2.1- 100 ......................................... 72 53.2.1- 110 .............................. 73 53.2.1- 120 ......... 74 53.2.1- 130 ^-xm#0 ...................... 75 S3. 2. 1-7 m ...................................................... 76 S3.2. i-8 m - .......................................... 76 53.2.1- 9 m mvt&ffitmm&ffivitm ...................................................... 77 S3. 2. 1-140 7-- V >XB#r©7;n- ................................................ 78 53.2.1- i50 Ko7^>vspcj;6m7K#mm0#m®mm 79 S3.2. i-iom mvt&m&& ....................................................... 80 S3.2. i-i60 @rmm0m^2mj#0#^0 •••?............................................ 81 S3. 2. 1-170 Haney^##?0mm-gL#0E@l: ......................................................................... 83 S3.2. i-nm .....................r............................... 84 53.2.1- 12# (1/2) ............................. 87 53.2.1- 12# (2x2) .......................................... 87 S3. 2.1-13# ............................................••••• 89 53.2.1- 14# mvt&ffitmm&ffioikm ........................... ,.......................... 91 53.2.1- 180 a*MMi£©f?5ft^6DM .............................................. 92 53.2.2- 1 0 ........................................................... 93 i8I .................................... 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