
••'I* naV# -;•;.' . • i;1. ^^^r-^^ • •'• • '.'.'' . -'.l'.' ;•?>•• ',:"•"• '.•••-: 1 1 .'j.".' p S '' '' . •» .

!•••-, y--':. ••jf';' : Cranford Chronicle January 18,2001 • • ••• • ••' -••• ^Mt'^MMiiMMMS i^^^M^.:--^ • • CHS boys host powerhouse StTatridT's in hoops showdown. Please see Sports, Paqe C-1 ppejithe Autos for Sale 13851| Trucks & UOOJt B 300'98 Ooid I Trailers I405 WW^m.r^u^^i^^^ Classifieds M bf gd. cond, 1 DOD0B RAM '86- Wagon, ^-..""V. -v'^fbr.;:,!.:' S ? Beige 4 add, good condi- '•':^'^^^ MERCURY COUOAR -91- tion, 4 w/d, $2000 obo. SERVICES 97K, Vfl, fully, loaded, 908-753-4104 8«at cond,,Asking $2800. FORD 6180*94- 53K orlg., OBO. 90M8»0286 «ton suajx, Imtd tllp rear, MERCURr SABLE '93- nfe.WwWows.rtopbunper. Fully lo»ded,, Ituslher Int, : auto start, raota, safeM caga. auta; 3.8L wifl., 4 dr., »6rjQfcba9OO437.122S 106Kj digital dash, $4000. | 908-931-9441 Vans & Jeeps 1410 | MmUDtSH 3000 CTTBL-93 ISUZU AMIQO •m- Auto, UT '•" '*m*r, j red, fully loaded, liwther,ac, soft top, exc. cond, 97,500 nil.; $9,000 Call $6900. 908-272-4268 908-241.B730 .. ' PONTIAC TRAMS SPORT MITSUBISHI HIRAQE S : «97- Fully loaded, 65k, 8 dBUI>e'«S.4?.534ftil(Bc, passenger, $10,000.. •m/ftn . aus, auto, PS, VTlofi-273,1763 Ttuirsdayv; January 25,2001 $6000. 908-7714762 il^lPfbop* kiENitwdFifH BRING IN >j DODQE ORAND CARAVAN WHEEL IDEAL THIS AD $* ANY VEHICLE MSSAN 3OOZX Twkl Turbo KW V8,18, loaded, all , FOR AN T "91, mint cond:,' 11.600K, pwr, CC, roof rack, 95 en& & IN CLASSIFIED AND ONLINE RUNS TILL*SELLS/ I ADDITIONAL A/T, lealhjr, Wk. $21flOQBoL trans, gar. kept,: all ^mm IN STOCK! 3rt6104J23^299 :-• '.;•••• '• ' •./•'• ;'••••...••' .•'••';• •'•-.•• •• -4llnes :.•'••••• , '•..••• . service redords, meticu- Wim MAXIMA SE •96< lously maintained, runs & • OVER 150 AVAILABLE • ALL MAKES • FULL SERVICE & WARRANTY Eic. cond, leather, moon- . looks like new, $3000. Mid- roof, Bow audio, ABS, 60K, dlesex area (Cell) 609-91S- $12^00 908-277-1138 •7479- :",::•;:••.•'•••••.• '. 1993 BMW d 1994 BMW •• 3isn. .:•-.-•. CREDIT SPECIALISTS 1 ;-•••-• 318U SE '93- long;V'j|fcrjpesi Manager! d AT, AC, CC, amMm ca»», V5 pj,pt bruie, d. /'THE CHRQNiqLE • 4 oyl, aulo. trans/ plvr t^^'&^^^f6^^00t; I^okkinakos said he was xpeo^; • Chcirgi-OIK • R<-posM.v.simis ^•100^7®'tttsx' ipoll»r,97;7l(,$3900, reocsss, Exc cond, Ming : • Bank rufjlry • 1 st Time Ili»yi-| 808-780^881 . $7600/000 908-722-1089 ing this^ Super Bbwl Sunb^y -^ ml, VIN #SAM72236. stpres., tiirbu^Q^^^^ NAbARetail'T*^ NO CREDIT APP REFUSED! I NADARvlaa'1^0 OLOS CUTLASS '89- 140k, I to manager Ridi CoVey. • 1 always a busy day; he iioted^—to MAT, Reliable Oldie btrl Vehicles 10 long years ?ince th^ Giants County area ^stocked ;for the . seven-hoiir • buffet,v including ecu 1-8OO-387-4934 Goodie. J1100. ....•"•• ^n^i^ thiircli seti ; ^The Jolly! Trolly is: not the'bnly be especially busy because of the mzssso last playwina Super Bbwl^ and., big game, pffermgbeyerages and house wined ajqid draught beer, 908-484-3072 " Wanted } areii j testablislunent doping to G-iants.; The; buzz, Kokkinakos 1998 DODO? •• <, •;••: %99T tMW V.-.-- :: 1997 CHEVROUDT 1997 NISSAN • vlockl••'• bars, r/estaurants, deli-. i ; GRAND. CARAVAN 5E '••-. ;•.-:• ^3i8rt-.:••. .••-••. BLAZER LT ,' PATHFINDER SE , OLDS. CUItASS SUPREME snacks;C!H{i^^; ]i^.. :^^.!:i^,i'fufil- for$3$.Patronscari;enjby*tht!big take advantage of big game hys- G oy|, nillo trans, pwr etr/brtu>,: DONATE YOUR CAR To i : ^aid.iri ahready in.thb air. \ , ;; 4 cyf/ S »pd man Irani, pWr 6 oyl. aulo trans; 4WO. pwr 6 cyl. aulo itrarla,'. 4WO, pwr te 'StV loaded. runtVjbokii v catessens and liquor stores are . dual AIR, lOadad, 33,741 ml. Blr/brka, AIR, 'loadad, W.082 alr/brka, AIR, fully loaded, ! ; Heritage for the Blind, »whilef^tiH^/;Jbyerqi^ • gained oh 'fo^ ''^\:'6d^aB.-'-apd-, teria. The : Oifflce,•located;'on WN»WB552«01, ... .. • Blr*rk»,"AIFI, loadM,.4t,pf>5 greaUDapBric ^ '" ; ; "I'm $we well have a nice rpl, VINi»VA&fl839. •.•.- •• 40,186 ml,.VIM #V2183000, ml,VINSEDAN 1 sedan. BlVe/greeh. metaUlo • ; coiiseciriiiye•;,..-, Sunday 1 a cyl'; auto Irana', pwr slrArkai O cyl,.'BU|b Irarta, pwr alr/brka. 0 cvl, auto trana, pwr Btr/brkB,- -VS. auto trana, pwralr/brioj, 1" tan leather Intel"., auto, AC, : I AIR, fully londod, 48,718 ml; AlFUully loWod, 7-4,720, VlrJ AlH fully Imdedi 60,136 ml AIR, fully loadad, 63,545 ml, 1. SR, CD, cold weather pko, v in^s'^..fi-oni :'.. '|felj.^^;26 yiNfw/49q785. ;. .'.....- I VlN*WBW3322r. -, . . •;. vrrA3isaiB, . • ., •.••.; -.: snow Urea, 50K, exo. cortd., irbugh.;Aprill,^startinij at 7 =.NADAR«fall'3$J«$ NADA Retail'3j»jJ NADA R«»all'4^8^) LJ AU«1^99 ' ; $ $ 'mv, each'-hign't.' •- '.'• •'' "'-i• •' .'•'•;''.: '• VOLVO 850 TURBO WAOON 40,850| 3 The program is open to the 32,900 W-White, 3 aeat, sunroof, "OUR SERVICE MAKES THE DIFFEREN leather aeats. 42K, $16,000 iblic arid is free of charge. Aldelxlice appeals www.autohauscars.com 908-522-3178 [As wi(|h the .first series, «WE BUY CARS7HiaH- EST PRICES PAID goals of the seminars will Crossing efeGisiqji; MARANO & SONS to assist •"• indiyiduials Prpppsed AUTO SALES, INC 0rmford oiji^ials, I . 607-13 South. Ave;, 150 lUgh the grief process W 417 RAHWAY AVE., ELIZABETH • 908-355-0099 South Ava.,Qarwobd jrihg bettjer-xinderstanet- VOLVO 8SQ tH^dr i developed sedan. Blue/green metallic f, of grief itself; to assist b*ii- :fth1hJ»*taA:ha1hwJn»*,Buta,.ACC lividuals with coping and fettfe busing b£ SP, CD, cold weather pko,,. By MICHAEL R.C4JOZZO snow«res,50K,8xc,cond.i icessing of embtioria;. and AsMna $18,999 : ii 908-78»9424: |idp;vg^eyid'g-.; -ijidiyio|Ual.a AUDI>91 80 ^ how to reach out to otfa--. ByWCHAELR-CUOZZO ; CJlANFORD^ Fully^equlpped, good cond. ident Paul Alderdice. has •"' "'"' .125Krnl.$25O0 foT "assifttancei affirniiiig piritual copnection as a appeal of .Superior Court Judge ; : : iSdward BeglwV decision: fte&ar- CHE(inr.BERETrA<8»e rce^of cbnifbrti:: l '. -'.;,-: •-'..•' •• ; Jersey School Bpai;ds.Ass6ciation _| ing : legal; a loan guwanteie -cass., good deal, oarU lie scheduled .facilitators .w;bW.a^hife:.-ftn^ $1,49aBO,73a-246-W3O "and/f); •thV:: • IJmoii ' County. 7" | include Susan: McfJulty, JEducational V - .'Services. ; Crarifdrd: ^Crossing •; deyelope;fe' LS '«9- jmary:..; Schftltz, Patti. Commission is calling on lpial First1 States^ppbytiefc' ;| :#\pf& vary ; low . : :$35dO/obo, Call after lianis ,Dn Virginia WateVs schoojl bpiirds to oppose a busing Bpm: 732-82»-3i5a, Rev.' Valeticia Norman, bill proposed; by State Senator FORD ESCORT LX Joseph KyriUos Jr. :: • Hatch, 2dr, auto., AC, am/fm, members of the First spoiler, 24k. excellent, [•eflbyterian ChurphV. , ; The billi S1S98, could force • tS,7rj06bo. 90SO1B4082 local'schbpl districts to^ contract FORD TAURUS OL-96 For further information, Fully loaded, white ext., please: c6atact the V. church for busing of special-heeds stu-. «K ml., auto., $6900. dents arid if approved: could be on 732W4257 office at (732)27^5440.-'-^ HONDA ACCORD LX'96- Qreeni.spk highway ml., 4dr, .AT, aH. pwr, mint, $10^00. 9O8-3S94012 HYUNDAI EXCEL •94-Gold, Hatchback,.a/c, 4 speaker "Iplnetsss, manual, 83K, dOtf.908-769-6914 WESv 7r * :'72- Kenilworth health board Classic Mercedes glvea- cars, spbke^maii for the SBA,:thi3 mainiv -7710. JcPncerni? of &my echiwl pjBEicials; - ^ MERCURY SABLE LS -97 M51K.I»ath9r, loaded, Exl acrpss'the' state- involvtB safety.;' MamnV/oc, pond, orfg owner, Bbrough Bpard of ]He^lth has $10,200.073-543-2484 Check the released its: nidetiiag::.|$c3lied-- l 300n Twin turbo- new, unknown ,bufi companies to fl,vrhlnt concC, 11.600K, classified iulbdibr the;yew 2001^ .':-•'';;•'•••• .': transport•'.; special-pieeds .„' kids Hr«Hd Niw 2000. Chivroiat Art-,Wther,blk?$21«iaB»l. between districts; ^ould; put a Brand M*w 2001 Chtvroltt 3yr.l«lrrarty610«23«299 section '. "The board is scheduled: td . jial Crpflsing• lawsuit in ETniob' CARGO VAN CKFlMteidfl TOYOTA COROLLA CE V7- meet Feb.' 15i'AIarch 15, April dollar figure: ahead of the safeiy Cbupty'Sijpeiribif. Court :lasfj yeai^ k'l' "' 'I'l' '' '' I '' ***^ ."wv 4dr, auto, a/c, all pwr., Pf the studentsi"TCaple^ said. '.'/•; along with resident; Anthony am/fm eass., 49,M)00rnl, i 19, May r7#iine 21; Sept. 2Q, ; r : •\. tie added'iiat jthelbill could , DiGiovanni but: is .albne m thti: . Vortec 4300 V0, 4 spood auto transmission with ovordnra, power Gloorinn/dlsc exc. cond., Asking $7,900: 0pt; .i8'i;Nov.;,-i3/ait4^iBcf,.;-2O;. Vortsc 5700 MB, A spoed aulo transmisslon-tioavy duly, lull $lzo 8 foot bed,, Vortoc 5700 V8.4 speed auto: transmission with overdrive, ppwsr staarlnn/front' 008.795^672 '•"•i come: under- heavy fire from prirr . appeal, said thid week he wants- '• Iront brakos, AIR AM/FM sloroo. 4 wheol ABS. dual sir bags, high back front buckls, power slGerlng/bmkes, AIR, AM/FM stereo-cassette; front doth bench seat, disc brak69, AIR, AM/FM stereo-cassette, .4 wheel ABS, vinyl bucklss, llxorfglass • fixed gloss nldo & rear doors. STK0Y2631, VIN0YB211O2B, MSRP $21,040. rear doors & rear side doors, locking dlfferentlal-rear-axfe, STKIZ3164, VOLVO 850 QLT -94 - 4 dr. 4ccbrfling: to ...borough offi- till, Cruise control, STK#2473,VIN•• Alderidice-raid'hie. ttunks" itj bin leather Inter.,, auto, AC, First-graders Stephanie Bagn^ SR CD, cold weather pkft,^4 ['ijled for July of.August. .:. : can bHng irate; parents to a :•'.. Woujd; be in township taxpayers' snow tires, BOK, exo. cohd, :: during the Walnirt Avenue SchtMl'a International food FesUval, held Monr^^ ; '. Each bf, the. meetings, school board (more) than/busing ; • be'st'-uitereiits|i|j Cr^p^ j^bved'/ Buy For $ :••• AsUnil$15,999 •' '• : The eye^t, designed to nej^ - Only BuyF6> . •; 908-789-9424 prbblems," said the spokesman fonyard on Crossing construction Only. : :- which are open to the public, 1 • Included dishes (rpm all around the:g^ story on Page B-1.; ; ^16 999 VOLVO 850 TURBO '95- for the SBA,^^ which Represents , •:' ^^ouVa.lb^gU£urairjt!Bei':v; ;';';.;i-..' is scheduled' to. begin at 7, Navy Blue, Unr. Int., fully (Continued on page A-8) i : loaded, 1 owner, 64 K, Exc. '- V '^'(tiohtiiiued:fl&p'agb'i^8)v; :_ v'. cond., $15,000 obo. • . ^p.m. ' and .take place -at pp ; 301.280-1100 ''Bb]eo!u'gb';il'ail,\lbcat'e;d:a^ £i6.7 VW PASSAT.•9^7~alBo; section offers • I 'Bo'ulevaii^'in;K^iwojr^fa,',';' blk., new tires, runs well, rjood cond, well malntnd., all pw«/. sunroif, AC, everything they need alarm w/ remote-start, CD. 131K. $3,90O/obo. 908^ to make an infontieci ; Costume parade, auction 31M.83B ••.;.••.•••• ' ••..• . • slated at Purim Carnival |$5l||g||§|lf;i| Antique & •r«Md New 2001 Chevrolet WanttphrHakea Brand. N*W' 2001 ChakroUt BrtHd Now 1001 Ch«wr«lil Classic Autos 1394 Garwood honors ii i^;;^|fe^;ci^|p|||uard;| move?' ; actiyities and crafts are : i : By MAUREEN FOYE 'W' ' '-i( iiif-::: I: / fjp^ajf'^antiej''^ .j^hict' .he dis-''; ^WjC^ 8B0AM [planniedfor this year's Puntb, : DeVIU* orlg. owner, exc. Check tf)e^classified, ; CHHONICLB,CORBESPONDENT L-id(ilS!^-it^;thi|a:-";: -^^^ci^]w^bi0i»|^ii^^ul -v^pibiiidr '••• u 0lfon w/( hlul cond, fuU power, gar. i Garnivat sponsored by the , • 5W °. ' * <* modMWD." tw.r alf/tMtlnd/alafoMt*! mVliortl 4" rear Aim : x^^^nteif'jvMig to saye^e^hM^^.p'roper- f*' Tf "IW-ff". CD, 9 tpMktr •y«w/«ubwooler, iMklna war dft eiolae, Wa ntldw; kept, black wired leather : !|arMfe=SrS |s= loaihorbdits, alum*hlj.IMHJ awSiiWwmCytouanlry,tamM,orateIraltar.pkq,KM radsfitst : ! Jewish Comitiiunity Center of S . Interior,. $4500 OBO. \:i^'G^^OD;'^T^.p. borougli |ijsgiilishvthe ty.oftAe fanq^.ofJNb^a Slaying 8OB4S34OS3. Central New. Jersey. resldJBnts were , recognized 12.000 ml/yr, .1.5« Iharonllar.-- PaymtnU b»««d on-prlmoiy Itnder approval,.. CHEW BEUIR '56 • rare ''"/ The carnival is scheduled Tuesday night by! the Borough upba';,:sey Ijr :extreme oouttcifreBp][|utipn. tTy^f 2 dr hrdip, body & Int. re- x1 L ; stored, new chrme, orla. 8 Council for their commitment to ^ ^ *• ougbihPribr to'^ LOOM I rtit tun ftbm ijopti to 4^ p.m. - LeABO oyl. erig * AT. asking PorMo. Uafifl . the community. " . .'.- ;,,;;-!;- •;•;:?:;.,;.;•;faini^-i^thefiiiitJarvvop^ 48 Mot, Per Mo. Per Mo, $22,000. Bob 908-647-6240 , March 4 in the JCC, located %: 40 MM. 48Moa. • • Allan Tweedle was hpnored 'fcthe'' burn ''•'•••'• '^"^'" ;•!''"•";''.'"- •-'*'••'•• EL DORADO CONV. '75 - at •.1391; Martine Aye, • in :> 1 : / : Restored, BSK, loto of ex> classified. in a council resolution citing his l^£iBMisdicjal '''- >i •'!'ii- '''''' '' ' tra parts, A/C $5^0 908- Scotch Plains. • bravery, The,Volunteer firemiut , 27M87^ 908^87*554 ;:, Visitors; are invited to was burned Dec. 8 while fighting and rORD 1B42 CP V-8, 350, "*i0p*: ! trainin jcbme in costulne for the cos- a house fire on Second Avenue. OVER ISO USED CARS, TRUCKS S VANS REDUCED NOW/! auto, new. palm |ob, since returned ". tu^ H 98 PLYMOUTH NEON $15,000, Posalbia swap tume parade. : ' , "A firefighterwa s hurt bri the '97 FORD TAURUS '98 CHEVROLET MALIBU '96 SUBARU OUTBACK 98 HONDA CRV for convertible, Call 13 i 1 ^'/A', Chinese: auction with job T-just one of the hazards of «°'«9-c«". Vflls, r/dul Inl wl - AWMTfJ^2;*ff ;r ' P'i''*DSA«i«M<:k5.Airi * dee eyl. auto trans, pwr ttr/brWwfndfclu/mlrfi AIR, 4 di, 4 M aiio lnM «/00, tl kN dnt, law (t 7324188.2142 , «yi«d whii, ihsr ml. nck». coTrj5Sd%inl.»i?1'-.^WW."""* ! AM^»fcMo^a^l«^,rydal.WrntKwhbd(l«. PONTIAC 1988 Star .prizes is also planned, being; a fireman," Aiayor Michael; Chief, 4 dr, A-1 cond. $12,000. Possible swap f- For.more^information, call • >';v K(V ;v.""". '.;••";::;:; :.;,;;;•;;;• :••••:;;•;,-.., GEQRQE'RACf;leLLO/rHE:CWRON|GLE'1 for convertible. Call •Tammy Hampson, at: (908) 732-388-2142 Injured firefighter Allan TWeedle (above) ahtj retired crossing guard ^89-8800,; ext; 218. ' 7 August J. Conrad (left) were honored Tuesday night by Qarwood ' e cyi, «uio m™ «;oo. |i»r r»p >iiAwrtvi.i. ADS. Ain. AU/FM ' altrMKAU dual tiitSM tioan Volj /dl f t t^ TWM dlori, auto Irani , ) service to borough residents. ; , :«SSS5~?S«5": ?£51^|. i5ibaffiBa«sag:. HI, cnilu, bcku, corn, tloy'wMil, 63.037 ml, VINITJ343O77. UK, crula». bckU, com; a** wNarKWO ml, VIN# XJaaSlti Drive 1400 i-.'v/^'Yf^J!.!:^-'"'.-'.^ ^ ^ . ^ _. -«»mi.viN#xx2iiO3o., bcl.i». cow, allo/wWa, Kim/ml, VIN»W8I1»2W. $ DOOMDUMNQO SLTW ; ;: : 14,995 Uatfw a all options; Black '.•'teiew,* Grihcoli ftid^/^Tnby are IntAxt. 62K,i$i7,Hx». call .| :v jrtside:; ':;; fLllly^ryeqtne Onih Put ttiere fpr the town and. the. lies and, cowprkers were in Tom day* 908-272-7510 ; OR rj Of th& BdtoQgh 6f pebjile16i!the ctoiriliiunity,'' •: • •;; : ! attendanbeat the meeiirig. '84 Commentary...... J..A-6 Also honpred Tuesday night In other business Tuesday Now Shop Us On The Web Over J7 wa$ August "©us* Conradi ;Whp night, bffidak said /the bor- HONDA PASSPORT U-99 Community Life.....B-1 retired in December. frbto ;his.' oughY new senior citizen bus is J^^«»a Michael Crincoll longtime post as a school .cross- www.muitichevrolei-com »22,000/obo.90>?7M580 ing guard; He begftn serving as &\ M|arch,The bus is^beiriggiven--to ' '' the borpugh through tjiq Umon 24 Hours A Day! (Wi ip^Sif •;•;•- 'iV.'f;'tji :>•'••'.'•: 1 Obituaries ...... B-2 1 SiMjKi!!:': - WEUBITHERE /fiety^the ": - CMWV MCKW- «-1O J}/.: ':••!'• .• ,•; 'The nead; regularly sclieduled ; Martxi732-780-S130 }ff'pfipar^Bjen't,; ..the/'mayor,; .the. Garwood and crossed theto to meeting of the Borough Council ROUTE 22 W CHBVV STEP VAN '7* Real Estate...... ,...... C-3 U'V]kib'uncil >; r.'aiwi.;:'.tlio ••'' people of and from pchool daily, in the rain is slate4 to begin at8 p,m; Feb., Mint cpnd, 10H box, 40k ; k ml., t220«VobO. 732. . or. flHine, for aver '•••'J.T^ears^; 13.:^Workshop session•'(Jbid iJhBb i4d:tbi't7'iiii n coNnwn-bw, Fire-ibepartment are volun- council's resolution. "' ••:'.-• • Iflr. rtwcue) o»nsrstor . w/elec, outlet, suta, newer Classifieds ..,,,-»,...... C-4 •nu. & trans. Shelve I i-*'"i,:V.r\ Su\Kl,:^<)':) . C;>.:$ 14600 732-356-7710

1 \ •. ",'•'• ' •-.•••••••i; .••••.,,'J' :. ••.. •r

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~A-2 Cranford Chronicle January'25,2001 Cranford Chronicle V£

•••••:••;! Cranford Shawn Chappell, 30, of Elizabeth, was charged Gregory Roco, 27, of Edison, | Police log Saturday with a headlight vio- ' was charged at 11:45 a.m. lation, driving an unregistered Friday with driving while vehicle, having no. proof- of wwtim intoxicated, refusing to submit Plainfield, was charged Jan. 16 insurance and driving.'with.a .'! GRANFORD--^Winners have •place (tie).-"'.• "•'' ••..'•'•.';•.''••',* to a sobriety test, operating a with burglary to motor vehi- suspended license. , ..'.j 1 vehicle with a suspended cles, theft and hindering appre- been announced in the ninth- Grade. 6':'— Bridget/Dobloy, license and failing to keep hension. Qhappell was stopped on the annual American history essay Orange Avenue School, ;/firfct 300 block of North Avenue, •• right. Howell was stopped at South contest sponsored by Crane's place; Christian McGrath tuld according to police reports. : ;Ford-Chapter, Daughters: of the Conor Byrnes, Orange••.••Ayenie Rocp was stopped at the Avenue and Center Street after police received a report of a * * *•; •./-••- .'• American Revolution. , School, second place (tie); Olivia intersection of North Avenue Catherine Severs, 64, of Mode and Alexandria Bachie^, and Centennial Avenue for fail- suspicious male entering vehi- By MAUREEN FOYE *lf the United States Capitol Cranford, was charged at 4:16 JValls Could Talk" was the topic St: Michael's School, third phtce ing to maintain his lane and cles at an auto repair shop on •;CH|lONI(ai! CORRESPONDENT, . South Avenue, police said, p.m. Monday with shoplifting.; : for this yea^s contest. A total of ;(tie);:'\/;/r;;/:^:/:;/:ie).;:\/;/Avr;;/:,^/;/:;,; ; ;(•(.; crossing double yellow lines, *" Officers responded after Howell matched the descrip- ^^Wipb ^ Board of 249 pupils submitted essays Grader$ -rr, |iaura,•; Roberts, according to police reports. Severs was apprehended by about American history . from Hillside 'Ayeaye School, fir|it * * • • tion of a suspect, according to officials are still : police reports. employees at the Pathmark 1800-1900, according to a press place; Patrick OUoWd, .Orange Michael Vica, 41, of Linden, supermarket, according. to iin^ word from the state : Police recovered property release issued this week by the ,Avenu? Sphipol, • seconct. placje; was charged at 1:05 a.m. polic6 reports. She was released Muck financial siBsis- Crane's Foi^d Chapter, Mark. Bagriie^skii ;^Livi]ngston Saturday with driving while taken from the vehicles, police on her own recognizance after i ^ce^eyjtan expect for their said. Howell was transported to The contest was open to all /Averiue School,;thirdplacei .-.•••.:• j intoxicated, possession of a con- Pathmark employees signed a ; pifinding school construction : A copy'of the first-irtace^.win- trolled dangerous substance the Union County Jail in 1 Cranford students in the: fifth, shoplifting complaint against ^rbjt ''•: '^''' '' sixth, seventh and eighth grades, ners'essays have been forwarded ' (believed to be cocaine), posses- Elizabeth and held in lieu of e ; 1 her, police said. M- $* schdpl board jforwarded ,to the DAR state chairman. ;Qyer . sion of narcotics paraphernalia ' $5,000 bail the release said, r :.- \ -'/\->.', ^t;week finalized scheniiEitics The wuiriers* Usted by grade, the year^, the vCraneJs ; Fo|d • and possession of a CDS in a * * * Kenilworth M^''jQfeW'sichpol .bmlduig; to- Chaptei^'has produced Isjeyeral; • motor vehicle, ''': '••'„ Raphael Payne, 30, of and ranking: . •. • • :•• >. Roselle, was -charged Jan. 16 Lerby J. McPhergbn °f j;pnenti\diif d '..•• Grade 8,;^r Alana Buoriaguro,'•wuiriers in; the Di^'s;si^^-^^ Vica was stopped for making 8ftu<}a|ion's [Office ':-i-..^/!.U' ••reports,.': •. • •• • .",': •:.;•/• •'• '•'• • McPherson was stopped at. 4:iA^l/:bo^d:re;fer%dum>tt:iA^l/:b^d";f%d'' : second place (tie);-Robert Argen ;,.: i All student^ ^o submitte Pathmark supermarket on 1

••,"•• •':.;"• •• '••*....*• •* .'• .•••!.. and Eric linger, Orange Avenue South Avenue, according to the intersection of Bpulevard according td; Superintendent; -..'essay-, will recieiye , 'st^&MScate^ School, third place (tie). ; •. '••;••• Anthony Mohan, 20, of police reports. Payne was held and North 7th. Street, police of School^^Villiiun MurpJ&y. frona the .Crape's Ford'CMp^ said. He was released to his ;: • Grade -7.;^ ^Peter Russo, Later this school Vear.ieach of the Rahway, was charged at 11:30 in lieu Of $1,500 bail, police .: CBhstructiqn .costs for-the • -'I •/'. '<^ • 4 • [.' \ ' J i i,f >!• \ **\' (J'v'1' J-TTT '.• .'••.'• j - wife's custody, whoposted $260•• Orange . Avenue School,/. first 1 a.m. Monday with impersonat- said. ' '••*'.' •:•' new facility are estimated at • participa^Lng'SchOols is expected bail, according to police reports. place; Monica, Miller; and Alana ;.ihg\ano&e^:'hkdeirw^''hi|j own ;$15.a million, officials saidvlf, , to hold 'a special(awarite^^cerfemib"-" :••' •'•. ; •••••' ' ••*.•* *•.•••••'•' . ' -•• '/' . Murphy, Orange Avenue School, apprehension, operating a. Juan Pena, 31, of Jersey the • state approves-v the •ny,: at whicri; the.: indiyidual.,wio- • Jess J. Bdtiisa of Blopmfield the Student Council Of Garwood's Lincoln School sponsored Its annual Spelling Bee In December, and second.' place '..(tie); ;:Laui'el: motor vehicle with a suspended City, was charged Friday with a schematics and the,district's Hartman and Matthew Kessler, ners .will receive special, gifis license and reckless driving. headlight violation, driving', was charged: at 4:34 p.ih: Jan. seventh-grader Sal Morelll (seated, center) was declared school chartiRlon. Sal was pushed to the brink 1 lohgTrange: faciliti^plan;; it; 1 : ; : Orange Averiue School,, third from; the chapter^; tbej• pyess 15 ^thdnving with a suspend- by first runner-up and fellow seventh-grader Zachary Sehaefer (seated^ right), while second rurrner-up ; ; During a inotor vehicle stop with a suspended license and can atvafd a-grant ofup to 40 '•::•.;,: • '. ••;' :'.' T : •-'•":.'•..• :: vv.:'• ' ' , . ' T£(CpU|ttE$YpF:THE;GARWOOtJBOARD,OF EDUCATION, ;. release said.•- .•..•;•• •• '••. • •','-. r .' ••{'•' • \ ed license.. : •,'..•.: .:, .'• ;••••: '.:i' ;."'!• •'.,'•':. went to slyfh^grader Kevin Ertimoris (seated, left). The top three spellers earned gift certificates from a on'the Garden State Parkway,'; failing to surrender his; license; : ^perciBnt 'pf the construction ; With the final plans for the first floor (above) and second floor (below) of the two-story school Garwood Mohan'said he had: no identifi- Pena was stopped on the 200 Bousa :. was stopped at local bookstore, courtesy of the 'Student Courtcll/Unguage Arts Literacy Teacher T.Eteric (standing, costs, Garwood officials said. .: officials hope to build on Walnut Avenue In the state's hands, the Borough Board of Education Is awalK cation and said he was someone block of North Avenue for the Galloping Hill Road at the left) served as coordinator and moderator of the bee, while Language Arts Teacher 0. O'Reilly (stand- How much stat$ aid. the dis^ Ing word on how much the state wlir be willing to chip In to cover the proposed $ : ; : ; : : ; : : i ; ii! else, according to police reports. headligitt violation, police said, Garden State Parkway,.police Ing, right) was the Judge. •"••••' •'•'•••"•••:.:•••"••/- .: •'.••••':•. ':•' . .•'•.'••'.. • '••.••:'/ ••;.'••• v- ; .- ;trict receives will deterrnme structlon costs. •. •':•'• '•'•:'-." : •.•';' • .'''.'•• '' .; ; '.•'•'•..''' "••;. ''I*::. ;?•.;•••'':.''.• ' ^'•'•' ::'v .' .:''.• "••'•• ''••>•/ : : V said. She gave officers a fraud- He was held, at Union County and a subsequent investigation , the nuimbers in thehypdtheti- Jaih in Elizabeth in lieu of revealed, that his license was ulent insurance card, which explain the project's details, school would ociupy ai.8-Acre Tlie plans c£li for drop-off was confiscated, according to "0a'l April referendum, officials including meetings between site on \Valhut iStreet, site Of ' zones along ^Valriut Street $5,000 bail, police said. suspended. He was released on ; police-reports. . • said.'•.•':;•;;-';. "•'.•'•''•.] ' /. ": ];• •.';..• :. cpastructiOn engineer Scott the current Lincoln-Franklin arid; Second! Avenue;: Pre- . his otvn recognizance, accord- :; .Officials/ are planning a. at Saturn's largest : Garwood ing to poh'ce reports. She was released after post- , Ayres arid GarwOOd's' senior School.. Jhe:new building kiridergarten and , kirider-. ing $500 bail, police said. series of meetings with com- citizen population. would!;' house, students in garteri students would, hav^t. , GRANFORD' — Amateur through spacei.'.;en route, to \ Tyson A. Howell, 18, of : 1; >inunity\ mennbers to. better. "'" s proposed two-story grades • pre-kindergarten tiieir own.. drop-off zone, on'; Astronomers Inc. is sched- .Saturn.' •. ';''••.•.. ;;•'•" :;' • •:- ..-'. :-':' :•'•' through;eigh!t,: ^8 well ;as ; Third Avenue. The plans also uled to! host a. leotiire by A reception in the UCG's | for #unty specif Bo,ard of Education offices , include 40 parking spaces,: Theodor Kqstiuk on "Probing SperTy Observatory is slated. J ByTWOMASSCOTT first floor to its needs. .Mountainside, with the balance arid the superinteridentV/ with parking areas targeted Saturn's Moon Titan." ; to follow the lecture. . '•'•.. THERECORD-PJIESS " •. • ,.'••"• The final agreement involved of the students cbmihg- froin office. In addition, r. the for tjfie space between the,; : The lecture is open to: t;he .Weather^./;. permitting|j RunneJIs volunteers sponsor jewelry sale five zoning; •board resolutions," around Union Gounty.:.'.-. '. 'i '• Garwood . Public. Library Garwood : First Aid : Squad public and is scheduled ,to otis will .bei'kbiei'toi"^'' BERKELEY HEIGHTS - Available for purchase will WESTPIEIib—For tie Union eacft explaining certain condi- The variajice application ;had .'would relocate. to'; the' n6w building and Hartman Park^. begin at 8:^0 p.in. Feb. 16 in Saturn atad' other planets in. anklets and rings; fun watches; County. Educational Services The Volunteer Guild at be 14-karat gold chains, arid oz rings. tions the UGESC must meet and been under fire by some Cardinal building ..and incorporate abfoss Second', Avenue from the lecture hall at Union the. Solar System thrbugh ; Runnells Specialized Hospital bracelets and anklets, in all Commissibn and : certain each passed by a 4-0 vote. Drive property pwners, ,whb,said the -school's media. ceater, the proposed .school.' Also County College, where the'•;'-• the observatory's .two large'?. Proceeds for the sale will Cardinal Drive business owners, : of Union County is sponsoring a styles and lengths,. from $25; Among, other factors, UCESC granting; the variance to ; the according to the'plans sent included are addttional\pafk- Amateur Astronomers orga- ^telescopes; located :Uride!r the^' help purchase items for the hos- it's a dope deal V ; ;'.. i( v jewe^hy sale, just in time for 14>ksrat gold earrings in more pital's patients and. residents. ; officitils-said they would hot con- county organization . would • to'the state.X' .'•••' • ''•• ' • ' ing areas for the Board of nization.is.based.,. observatory's domes. 7 • . . At its first regularimeeting of uhderminetheir property valuies. Valentine's Day. than 100 different styles, froin For more information, call struct a high^school like struc- Pre-kindergarten' class- Education offices. • r . :Kostiuk is :&•• planetary TheAniateurAstronbmers^i v : the new year Monday night, the ture on the property. Such a Local devblopet John' P. Soyle: rOoniiSi two kindergarten ; - Sale/hours are scheduled for $10; 14-karat gold charms and (908) 771-5847.:' ' ;./ : '. Officials were ekpected to astronomer at the NASA, will . run their regular"'' Westfield IZoniiig: :Bbar4, of . structure was included in the and other business:" owners classrooms and. eight -other 8 a.m. to 4 p,ipa. Feb. 1 in the rings, from $20; sterling silver New jrolunteers are welcome address this week one prob- Goddard Spacefligbt Center mprithljr business meeting- Ap^ustinent finalized an agree- UCEJSC'S original zoning board appeared a,t £he Dec, 12 meeting '..' classrooms would be' located ; hospital's multipurpose room. chains,- earnings, »charms,. at the hospital any time.. , leiri with the; coriBtructiori in Greenbelt, Md. He is before Kostiuk's lecture,,.. mel(it that will permit a usi^ vari-- apjjilicatiop:, officials said. : on the school's first floor, as • -ttf -the zoriirig board, to air tiieir plan '—• where pupils now expected to discufis the beginning at 8 p.m ance;fpr the UCE$C, which iplans ^p^tog,,ar.eas;.fpr the special • grievance, ftnd.-board, nienibejs. would a gymnasium, locker exploration of Saturn's For more information on •\oi>•apet-pte;'a^ =;speic^ial. edidfcAtiott : ! atteriding .-the , Lincolh- ! edubatioh: facility were also ifeh)- th^nibrpkered the agreement ; rbdms and a "catetoriuin," a ..Bc,h:pof'^''•{av<\ stutlents.V.''; .mth' Wanklin School would attend i;4iEirgestf;moori, >y earth^jased >.;#*j,jlejc^e"fHt^i^il c£»ted, accprdjingvto ihe: agree- ^ finalized Monday night.. . combination^ cafeteijia ahd "telescopes; his lecture;.will this Amateur, Astro Pepasiye; l)fevploit)inerit Wsorder ment, while other aesthetic and auditormni with a, .stage, /clauses while the new building ; ah4 autism', at 46-49 Oardinal Bpyie said Monday nigh^r he is. > under icoiisiiruction.,' The also touch upon the Cassini send an e-maiV,<'to .; landscaping concerns were was pleased the kids will-- accordingtoiheplaiuk : • ^ >< i i i r i)rive,-The agreement addresses ' ^6jl/^ /Education^ ; ;was- T.-'pjfpbev'..currently.; * °'"" '^'' ' '* AHUM A Ffenn Jersey AfJwar)ce,; Irftrawspapei the concerns of! Borne .Cardinal addressed; . . .,, „•"•. their school., ' • • •:'. • When completed, the educa? The 32;00p-square-fbot site; | Cape Cod $2,500 1 include: 12' other: classrooms night o. ^eigMiine u^e of mod> iprive bu^mesa. pwrners, who 'felt- tionid facility'.is expected to haw which.served for. 25 years as.the 1 11 100 Off Wm '~~ ^asreSOuriJe^OomV"'-"''"' - - --'- assroomg against send- Published every Thursday by. MJN theprfefiBncepffe a; capacity of "66 preschoPl <3nl-- wojrld headqualrters, of :the . : Any • ; : ^^^to^jchpols-sin Pubfefiing (USps 13&-800) effectpr6perty;yal;ues. •• dren> ages 4r.7,. School officials Connell Company, was purchased 1 Roofing Job 301 Central Ave,, t|ark; NJ Q7066; The UOE.SC 'needs'the -use said the fgc^^^ in December by the UCESC for ; Split Level $2,900 ns, S:• ' Second Glass postagepald at variance to convert the property's handle 33 PDI) children from $2.6 million;: ' •••• ' Price Includes: removal of. two layers'of old shlhgles;.durnpsters;/corriplete clean ' • • ', . : :U^i2B,yr.:8Wn^es;a'nd'a!l-paperandperrti|ts. ••.'•;•:V. •:.'' : Cranfprd, NJ POSTMASTER: •''. '•-,'" A i please send changes to NJN CARLSON BROS. 9O8-272-1266 Pubfehing Pulfiilment office, PO Box. 699, Sbrnerville, NJ M876. Public Library hosts SubscrlptloiYrates by mail/one year within Union County $25, out •"of county $28, out of sstate $30, children's ^ Ecuadoriankitist shows To subscribe call 1 r8po-3or>-9321. : GrAltWOOD—The Qarwood Public Library is hosting special [ done blend traditional style with • rliis paintings ajre*,also ;0ri dis^ SPOKES MEDICINE Story.Timesessiori?ifor children ages 34. ! .ELIZABETH ' •• •••;•:";.• -t^ It pays to look "Landscapes" by.Dario: SchoUs well-defined^ formEi arid figures play at theDanaliibrary On the The first of the eightrweek sessions is scheduled to begin at will be. on display through Feb. as well as a greater interisii^ of Newark cajripus of Rutgers 10:30•a.m. Feb. 5 at the library/located at 223 Walnut St.'in : Presented by WUllam Bell, R.RT. : 28 in tihe Freeholders Gallery at colors, consequently achieving U^biversit5i;;; •>•;.// :-:- :/ Garwpod, •." .' ;' ".' • •.•.' • ; -,- •'.•• '.; .... •.•• ' ".•'./ the "• \ Union . . County' distinct and inarvelous eflfects. ' The gallery is, sponsored by :•.'. '. • '••••:•' ;••'.. -''.'• QTIPS' The session is scheduled to continue each Monday at the Adiriinistration Building. ;'. A: native of QuitOi Ecuador, thB^ofphV%JVeehoIderB^ofphV%JVeehoIdesr '.The fate of women athletes' anterior cru- knee stability. sametime.' .•.••.:'. •''••. .• . •. '• •'•'.• .-'. .:".•.-. •',}••' •.; Spholis' .traditional worjes Scholis began, drawing and and coordiriajted by,.the;^:Uriion ^^MMMM:*M Dry-Cleaning ici?ke jigameht (AC|L) teats is. four to six If you repeatedly suffer injuries to .your Interested persons should visit the library to register or" for 1 py tithes that of men who play the same capture the. encharitmettt and, painting at anNearly.'age. fiewa s County IHvidjori of Culturd} and knees, ask your primary care physician or more information. accepted in 1978 into the Heritage Affairs. . * S^irt Laundry: sports. Why? A biomechanical difference orthopedic surgeon if you can be helpedby trailijuillity of remote South, • makes women more prone tp this knee-h'g- American villages. The artist Escuetti de Belitts Arieti at the Gallery hours are 9 a.m.-5. Wddi Gown physical therapy. We will not only help p.m. Monday through Friday,; .ament damage: > In women, the. thighbone you rehabilitate your knee after the prima- * hish Step bancinq combines, mixed media, acrylics Unibersidad , Central del : angles inward from the hipbone to the ry injury or surgery, but also, we will help.: and intaglios to create arrange- Ecuador', \, . •'-.l-'v •••;;••... .'.;• plus the^periodbefore fiseeholder •Drapery Service. : kitee (the Q angle) more sharply than in you strengthen' the knee, helping you * Thursday's'3:30pm UIWEEHmORAL riients of bright colors and fig- ; He came to the United States meetings on Thursday niglats. * Custom Alteration WELVE WEEKS OF PRIVATE S^R men, making women more knoctrkneed , ures, resulting in 'wonderful con- in 1988 to enroll in the Corcoran AdnSssiOnih fr^e.; . HUK INIVE ,and increasing' stress on the knee, avoid reiniury. For appointment intotma- • don, phone BELL REHABILITATION & * .•>;, •:.:^:.- P.S. Not only do women's leg muscles tend to be weaker titan men's, but they often suffer from Call our Access Center at 908-497-3920 >• Central Vacuum Systems strength imbalance between we quadriceps and hamsttings.. 43 AtdeH Street, Cranford C!H$ Booster Cliib •Sewingg Machines iseis Feb. 14 meeting • Outdoor Povyrer Equipment •JanitorialSupplienlpp s • {'i: CBMFbkbi-The^Cranford • Air & Water Purification Equipment ELEBKATE ifiigh. School Booster Club is Accumed Diagnostic - •'-'•*iX- ••'••• '-• "'• " Feb. DR. IJOMIMCIC r', I.*-]-" ' v' I^he'ineetirig is slated to be Laboratory, Inc. ^eld in the main CHS; cafeteria, OH COMMERCIAL Jlocated on West End;Place, •••:'• 225 Lennox Avenue, Westfield, N.J. J. The Booster: Club supports, ;CHS athletes and sponsors a, Are Pleased To Ariitiounce l^^ (Locdted on corner of Lennox Ave. & Elmer Street. 2 doors rjtom post office.) • Scholarship program open to all 908-2324888 FRENCH QUARTER STYLE! .CHS.CHS-;/seriior;:';:/'rii"";. ' • atyetesatyetes. The Opening Of - Indoor Air Pollution - . IScliblarShip forms are available Patient Service Center For Blood/Specimen Collections in the CHS guidance office, : the EPA says that Indoor Air Now Thru February 27 '* For mpre information, call Pollution is one of America's "Providing Quality Laboratory Service Since 1966" ,(908)27^6589. Jersey Eye #1 environmental health issues. ; Now Accepting All Quest Diagnostics & jaxi ^ •|fext 'Spotlight' chat Lightly seasoned with Cajun spices and cooked with Laser Center The Solution: SmithKline Beecham Lab Participants peppers, onions, tomatoes, andoullle sausage and ha ^^ftu sci-fi writer Chicken 9.99 >'WESTFIELD --Science fic- Fresh Air Inside Newest Laser Vision Also Accepting: Shrimp 11.9 %bri writer Russel Like will Die self-contained air Blue Cross/Blue Shield (Non-HMO, Non-Network), Medicare, Medicaid Chicken & Shrimp Combo 10.99 'explore his genre 2 p.m. Feb. 11 in the "Spotlight: on New Jersey Correction Genter All PPO & Traditional Insurance Plans puriflcatioh system Authors";••: at the Westfield , • "•"••" : At ••;;":' :-;. • : » MemorialiLibrary. •; • , • for YOUR home! Office Hours; • Giant Hurricane Cocktails •'_•',' \ i s '/•'-' ' '••••• L,ikp wijl explain methods, Monday • Friday 8:30 a.m. • 12 p.m. / 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. • Itls food & fun in a festive and techniques for writing eci-fi 150 MORRIS AVENUE Start experiencing the Saturday - 8:30 a^m. - 7 7 am. jbaseAion^hat he did^wneivhe,- difference fresh air can ytake NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED. Big Easy atmosphere. • wrote'W«ci'-fi: novel "After the SPRINGFIELD, NJO7C>81 -BluevTThejiublhbli i is invited to 225 Lennox Ave, Westfield, N.J. Bridcewater Cranford Keyport Montdair Attend the cBscussion. PHONE: 973-2184026 Accuined Diagnostic (732) 469-0066 (908) 272.3888 (732) 763-0281 (973) :783-2929., "• Fot regifltration or more ;infrrmation;icall (908) 789-4090 FAX: 973^2184021 Laboratory, Inc. 908-232-2888 Morristown Ridgewood Summit Westfield ai^'visit the ^library, located at. (973) 285-0220 (201) 652-1070 (908) 522-0550 j(^08) 232-1207 8^0 E, Broad St. in Westfield.; J5«3#^ ££i.v v-i^^^k. 1 A-4 January 25, 2001 January 25,2001 Cranford Chronicle Cranford Chronicle •ril Deadline iiears for BOE cartdidates ini Cranford^ Kenilworth, Oarwood UNION COUNTY - The The Garwood, Board of their community's schools to:; deadline for filing nomination Education .office is located consider; board ; of •••: education-' petitions to run for positions on inside the Washington School at membership;* .said Patti J> The school board looks to mother tJnion County municipal-", Sehidpi administrator: "stay ahead" of the^ 'game by /; itieiB •to attend-the Brearley.; the Cranford, Kenilworth and 500 East St. in:Garwood. Pawling, presidents of ,th& ; Garwood school boards is 4 p.m. Published by the New Jersey: NJSBA. "Serving on your local* putting money ,back, into the Middle/High' School. Officials; School Boards Association, the school .board doesn't require-^**; schools for preventativeiinain- project that.in 2001-2.002, the, Prospective school board can- Candidate Kit includes infor- degree in education.Themo$t£ '•• tenan,ce, Superintendent of number of Brearley Btuderits' didates can obtain nominating mation about the legal qualifi- important attribute a candidate* Schools Dr. Lloyd Leschuk said, from outside the district will i petitions and a School Board cations for school board candi- can bring to office is a sihcere^ By WCHAELR.CUOZZO Such/maintenanceincludesi the .increase frbin 22i to 54. ".-;• ; Candidate Kit at their respec- dacy, campaign procedures and interest ip your community, its; replacement of windows and /The students usually coine; tive board of education's busi- the role of the school board children and their education." * * doors, with further window from large high schools and, ness office. member. The annual school elections KENILWORTH — School replacements and other proper- must fill out an application to The Cranford Board of Information about the New are scheduled for April 17. ^ officials Were expected to hold ty enhancements eyed for the be accepted, Leschuk said,, Education Business office is Jersey School Ethics Act, impor- For more information, calli this week what School Brearley School. adding the program brings an located at 132 Thomas St. in tant dates in the school election the Cranford Board of} Business Administrator . The Kenilworth School average of $500,000 in state Cranford. process and briefing sessions Education at (908) 272-9i00;> Vincent Gonnella called "very District is unique, Gonnella funds to Kenilworth each year.. il preliminary" discussions on the The Kenilworth Board of for school board candidates are the Kenilworth Board of] 1 said, in that 92 percent of its State aid figures for Ne'wi Education office is located also included in the kit. Education at (908)^76-1644; on 2001-2002 Board of Education budget come from local Jersey schools were expected to* inside the Harding School at "I urge citizens who believe the Garwood Board "of{ budget, and its potential effect resources, as opposed to the 72 be released today, and those! 426 Boulevard in Kenilworth. they can make a contribution to Education at (908) 789-03321 3 on borough taxpayers. percent average for most school numbers will have a "largei The Kenilworth school districts. Local resources impact on the next step" of the, ' , ' NICOLE DIMELLA/THE CHRONICLE board was Scheduled to gather include property taxes and budget process, Gonnella said. ! New, Jersey Senator Jon Conine prepares to address members of the Raritan Valley Rail Coalition at a coall- Wednesday night for its first income from investments made As school officials get in-to, UCC offers real estate classes this spring tlqn meeting held Monday Irt Westfield Corzine vowed to be a "worker" and said he would help the coalition budget meeting of the year. by school officials, Gonnella that process, Leschuk thanked* In Its efforts to maintain and improve the state's public transportation systems. ' That meeting ended after press said, the,community for its support, CRANFORD — Union County on the UCCmain campus in "Preparing a URAR (Uniform deadline, but Gonnella said College can help' those whose Cranford. Residential Appraisal Repprt)," Borough schools also receive noting that support steins from this week that board members benefits from the state through what the school system pro- goal is to become a licensed The Real Estate License which is scheduled to begin Feh. would be looking at ways to Realtor. Brokerage program covers "Real 13; "Uniform Standards of various programs, including vides. "I believe that we provide Cranford resident Patriciai Bertsch (left) has been honored by Union County Freeholder Daniel Sullivan implement new courses into the the Inner District Choice a, quality education for our stu* Classes focusing on real Estate" (scheduled to begin Feb. Professional Appraisal Practice," Corzine: NJ. transportation budget. (right) and the rest of the Board of Chosen Freeholders as Union County's Employee of the Month for estate principles are being 12), "Real Estate Ethics" (sched- which is scheduled to begin Program, which allows stu- dents at a reasonable price," December. Bertsch, assistant director of trie TVallside Nature arid ScfenWcenter in the Union County The current school hudget dents in grades seven-10 from the superintendent said. ; offered in the spring, 2001 uled to begin April 9) and "Office March 13; and" a review course Department of.-parks and Recreation's plylslohqf Re«reatlon and Administrative Support, was unani- semester through the college's - stands at approximately $11.9 Management" (scheduled to that is slated to begin March 2*t. million, according to Gonnella, mously chosen for the honbr by all of her coworker?; according to a press release Issued this week by Office of Continuing Education begin April 30). These courses These courses are all slated to should be a 'higher priority' the freeholder board. A veteran of the Kewalo Baslh Marine Mammal Laboratory in Honolulu, Hawaii, and Community Services. be held on the main campus in who said he does not expect "a and the Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary in Massachusetts, Bertsch came to Union County as a natu- are all scheduled to be held on By THOMAS SCOTT "Principles of Real Estate" is Cranford. and try and make these things Somerset County Freeholder tremendous tax impact on the ralist in 1995 and within two years was promoted to assistant director of theTrailslde facility. the main UCC campus in happen." community" when officials fin- Camera club meets Monday, scheduled to begin Feb. 9 on the Cranford. For registration, fees or more THE CHRONICLE and Coalition Chairman Peter Plainfield campus and Feb. 12 "It's also to be a leader with Palmer issued a press release at ish drafting their 2001-2002 Real Estate Appraisal covers information, call (908) 709-7600. WESTFIELD — New Jersey regard to the concept of mass the meeting explaining the coali- budget, The business adminis- looks ahead to photo contest Senator Jon Corzine proclaimed transit in broader terms," he tion's opposition to the Port trator said if the budget this week that it's time to get to added, noting the 15 percent to Authority of New York and New increases, there will be only a CRANFORD — The CranfordrMillburn Camera Club ia Union's Million Mom chapter work on state transportation ini- 85 percent split between mass Jersey's proposed doubling of "minimal" extra burden on the tiatives. transit and highway transporta- PATH fares from $1 to $2 per scheduled to meet 7:30 p.m. Feb. 12 at the Township taxpayers. Community Center, located on Walnut Avenue. (Births Speaking at Monday's meeting tion in New Jersey "is not a direc- ticket. Beside the new classes offi- assists with 'Shopping Benefit' of the Raritan Valley Bail tion I'd like to live with." According to the press release, Club member Ben Venezio is expected to present a pro- Coaltion, Corzine said Jhe recog- cials hope to introduce next gram titled "Nignt Lines." SHORT HILLS — The Union on regular and sale merchandise the coalition also opposes the school year, additional staff is 1 Dan and Ami Bradford of Cranford are parents of a daughr County Chapter of the national nized former Sen. Frank authority's proposed increase for The club is also the host for a New Jersey Federation of throughout the store. Lautenberg as a champion of the "/ think as the most motorists using Hudson River targeted for the district's Camera Clubs competition on photo travel, scheduled to i ter, Megan Catherine, born Dec. 26, 200Q at Muhlenberg Million Mom March organization Restrictions will apply. schools, as are technical Regional Medical Center in Plainfield. is scheduled to participate a spe- coalition and state transporta- densely populated state crossings, from $4 to $7. begin at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 26 at the George Bauer Community Fashion events and entertain- tion efforts, and said he hoped "We believe a toll and PATH upgraded, according to Center in Taylor Park, Millburn. Megan weighed 10 pounds 5 1/2 ounces and was 22 inches at cial event benefiting numerous Gonnella. School officials are birth... • ment throughout the store also "the kind of conversation we'll In the country ...we need fare increase are necessary if Tim White, Joseph Thomas and Joel Morgovsky are judges charities. are planned. have this morning is just the also planning to set aside funds She joins two sisters, Kelly and Madeline, The Union County moms are to make sure that mass required improvements to the for the competition. Admission is $10 for adults beginning ... to the kinds of transportation infrastructure for school renovations, as they • Maternal grandparents are William and Mae Convery of slated to take part March 7 in efforts that will .. allow me to be transit is a higher priority. do each year, he said. Fainwood. The Shopping Benefit," slated to and free for children 12 and r and resulting quality of life of the under. your voice in the United States We need to move against users of the system are to be C The paternal grandmother is Marge Bradford of Cranford. be held at the Bloomingdale's Senate." • • department store in the Mall at All proceeds raised during the some of the basic region- achieved," Palmer said in the sale will benefit the participating Corzine said he pushed hard release. "(However), given the Short Hills. " - for committee assignments with- alism that exists within amount of the (Port Authority's) Honesty, Integrity, auto More than 35 charities are charities. in the U.S. Senate where he Congress." current budget surplus, a more Everyday Lower scheduled to participate in the For tickets in advance or more thought he could be most helpful modest fare and toll increase DOUGLASgroup 1 Prices In Summit HELPING CHILDREN LEARN day-long event. ; information, call Denise — and, heeding Lautenberg's $ Corzine both allows the (authority) to Shoppers can saye 15 percent Drummond at (978) 379-6864. advice, placed a priority on trans- U& Senator make the necessary capital • Classes Saturday -Thursday portation-related assignments. improvements to its system and • 4-8 Students Per Class "It was no mistake that when is fairer to the users of that sys- you sit down "I think as the most densely tem." LICK: • All Teachers State Certified Pax us your news! Eiautenberg to ask for popUlaj^ state in the country p., and to build a relatk_..,., we need 'tq moke sure that mass >•/& Experienced 7o;o e-mal1 Sliter Donna Marie, O.P., Principal at [email protected] assignments, including seats on Issued this week by Wllento, Goldman & Spltzer. federal banking and public works Trans-Hudson Tunnel," and said Buy This AiFCBrTditioner Now...... And You wHflH^pf This Furnace 1 he Enrichment Center The hnnchmeiit Center keeping tabs on that proposal committees — said his job, as far "will be as important a task as I'll as public transportation is con- have." For You For Only $ U00 (retail $2650) County college cerned, is "to try to get the dough Buy Any Deluxe Or Premium Air Conditioning System And sets open house Statement of Condition OFFICERS Fight Cancer With Your Used Car! Receive An 80% Efficient Gas Furnace For $1,500 (retail $2650) December 31, 2000 if DONALD C.SIMS ..' ..".Presldent-iireasurer for paramedics Donate Your Ised Car, Truck or Van Today! 1883 2000 ROBERT BIERWIRTH...... Vice-president GLORIA A. KACZMARCZYK .....,.Secretary ; ASSETS RICHARD JARVAIS. Asst. Vlce-Presldent .. Interested in saving lives Tax Deductible i'-y:. - \:y y;-•••''[ •': Cash on Hand and In Banks $ 6,725,627.83 ROBERTT.CRUISE Asst .Vlce-Presldent for a living? • Guaranteed Lowest Price • l^cebfMind U.S. Qovommont Securities 301,809,528.51 KATHLEEN H. DOYLE Asst. Vlce-Presldent A "Paramedics Open * Support RUlent and Family Services & Research Other Bonds 107,815,696.67 RICHARD SHELDON Asst. Vlce-Presldent ; Ask about bur 5 comprehensive •jFreeWckup ; , '<\ -;. •'•:•'',.. : ;• ..'' •••'' ' Or We Pay The Differertce! Stock CHARLES H. MORGAN Asst. Vlce-Presldent House" is planned to run 8,772,764.02 • Guarantees ;• . ., •,. :'y.i:-y" .,• .:....'.".•• Roal Estate Mortgages Loans, Not 184,159,359.60 JONATHAN!. SCHNEIDER .....Assistant Treasurer fc. from 10 a.nj. to 1 p^.m. Feb. : Collateral Loans 2,197,219.46 THOMAS.CONNELLY. Assistant Treasurer 3 on the main campus of For 117 Years BEVERLY GRONCZEWSKI.. ;..A88lstant Secretary Other Loans 57,300,000.00 DOLORES J. FRESOLONE Assistant Secretary Union County : College, • Energy Sayings • 5 Vfear Paris & Labor Guarantee Furniture and Fixtures . 495,688.52 Your Center of located at 1033 Springfield Slash your uHlityl>ills 25% and allow Just> imagine... You won't have to spend Banking Promises 1,507,648.06 Cqunsel CARL R. FENSTEMAKER Ave. in Cranford. Interest Accrued on Invostmonls 8,438,597.65 efficiency equipment to pay for itself! a dime on service and repair lor 5 years Security, Other Assets 1,323,270.21 MANAGERS Admission to the open house is free. Certified $ 668,636,601.23 Safety and Service H. GAIL CLARKE..... President paramedics will be on hand Clarke Engineering Co. to answer any questions. EDWARD K. CUMMING, JR Retired Also attending will be Union County Savings Bank's Statement • LIABILITIES •"* Edward K. Cummlng and Co., Inc. JOHN K. DONAHUE, M.D : Physician representatives from of Condition reflects steady growth in 2000 with a Due Depositors . $ 517,109,324.73 CARL R. FENSTEMAKER .Attorney Union Hospital; Trinitas Official Checks Outstanding 677,487.34 surplus and reserve position that is among the ROGER PARSONS Vlco-Pres. & Sec'y Hospital in Elizabeth; Mortgagors Escrow Account • 399,765.71 Hyde & Watson Foundation Rahway Hospital; Overlook best in the nation. Today, as we enter the 21st Other Liabilities 4,195,032.80 DONALD C.8IMS President DENTISTRY Surplus and Reserves 136,263,090.65 Hospital in Summit; century, the bank Is considered one of the safest FRANKLIN E. STEVENS, O.D.S ;...Dentlst Muhlenberg Regional NJ speciality permit #5197 * 668,636,601.23 CHARLES S. TRACY. Retired, Exxon Corp. Medical Center in _ Cut your utility b and strongest banks in the United States. f GEORGE WILHELMS, JR...... Retired LENNOX Wllhelms Cortltructlon Co. Plainfield; St. Clares Mary Flanagan, pMD. The officers, managers and staff wish to ; ; Hospital in Morris and '. - ' • at •• : ,;. thank our more than 40,000 depositors whose Sussex counties; Jersey 777 RARITAN ROAD City Medical Center; JFK CLARK, NEW JERSEY trust and confidence have helped sustain this Medical Center in Edison; position o< strength and high regard within the union counT v snvinGs Raritan Bay Medical D* Miry ibddiuthto Kill* banking Industry. Since the bank's founding in Center in Middlesex County; St. Barnabas I 1883, It has been committed to generations of FOUR CONVENIENT OFFICES a Extensive training In comfortino fearful children. • I Pre-Season Professional Cleaning • Medical Center in it Experienced staff that enjoys working with children. Main Office: 320 North Broad St., Elizabeth, NJ 908-354-4600 customers as a neighborhood bank with solid Livingston; and University 4 KId-frlendly environment • gameraom & prizes. ,. I Any Service Call II And Precision Tune-Up I values and policies. It is this heritage which helps 642 Chestnut St., Union, NJ 908-964-6060 61 Broad St., Elizabeth, NJ 908-289-5551 Hospital in Newark, y A Hi-tech office with the warmth andiharm of home,. I reg.$89.fifstiiiTie customers only • 201 Nprth Avenue West, .Cranford, NJ 908-272-1660 Courses, requirements, preserve our 117-year tradition of Safety, Security .it Honored by the American Asaocfatfon of Women I 800-386-4897 I prerequisites, tuition and • DenlJstd, the NJ Society of.Pentlstry for Children, Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation the time, commitment are and Service. '•.:.and the Dental Honor Society. ;\'Wll,)lili^ } 800-386-4897 • expected to be covered dur- • "tm mil coupon, norwup wni OTOT.OIWJOT pnor wrviaMf. vnorcxsirss I/JI/UI ing the open house event. L

1'.'" '•'•', •*:' .*•' •'•' >^^v-%;e!^

Cranford Chronicle January 25, 200j Cranford Chronicle

Letters to the editor to

tokw in .!:,••; •••: CRANFORI) - Habbi Joshua of technology in Jewish h'fejpar- 'America.,' •;•. •:•.•/••'."•;'..; : :'':"'?'•• '; Heller is scheduled to teach:a ticuiarly the. impact of the . Heller will,teach adults: and To The Chroriicle: ' ::^y.. : 'y y. •".'.' class bn the use of computers in ' Internet pri Jewish educatiori teen-agers how. to. evaluate "the Union County police chiefs and I have agreed to the Jewish home at Temple r and commujuty building. He has , \As we. embark upon: this new century, law Vestablish the High Tech Task Force.-The princi- Jewish content on the World enforcement continues to face sigriificant chal- Beth-El Mekor Chayim; ;: ; . just becbme^he director of dis- •Wide Web. Call the synagogue, pal goal pf the task force will be to ciqordinate •, The class is schediijed tp run tance learning and educational pffice at (908) 276-9231 for.infor- lenges, iiot; the least of which is the investiga- the efforts of Union County law enforcement to Go Big Blue! tion and prosecution pf individuals re-sponsible from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Feb. 4 technology at the Jewish mation on' reserving a place in protect oiif citizens against "online, outlaws" at the temple, located at 338 Theological Seminary of this^ session. •'.'•. . :• ••.•'•: After one of the most bitterly fought political seasons in fprcommittmg crimes throught the use' of com- . whb engage in a'variety of criminal activity rWamut Aye. in Cranford. history, and before New Jersey prepares for its own politi- puters; Today,, the same electronic marketplace iricludirig illegal sales pf guns and controlled .This will be the second sessiori : that offers members of tihe public unprecedent- dangerous' substances, promotion of gambling, cal dramas this year, there is something all.state residents : of the new Lifelong Institute for " can agree upon — the Giants will win Super Bowl XXXV. ed access to a global market also presents the ^Internet fraud, cyberstalkirig, pornography arid . Family .Education programming Garwood challenge for law enforcement to ensure that child sexual exploitation. In this venture; the The Giants are New Jersey's football team, just as the of the Religious School of Temple UiisMarketplace^ is^safe and secure. •. : task force wiU apply time-tested investigative: Beth-El IVlekpr, Chayim; The Feb. 3 b donation Devils are the state's hockey team and the Nets — though In order to;. meet this challengevlaw enfowe- techriiques to the realmof cyberspace in> order. 'LIFEprpgra^ is funded by the we may not like to admit it — are the state's basketball ment must recognize that computers are uti- to better detect, artest arid prosecute those Jewish Federation of, Central GARWOO)pi. — The5 borough at the Knights' Council 'Ha]l, team. While the Jets iare owned by a Somerset County res- lized in ayariety of roles to facilitate crime arid ; involved in the illegitimate.utilization Of cbmr New Jersey in cooperation with 1 chapter of the '• Khig'hts of located at 37.South Ave., across ident, the team has yet to capture the hearts of state fans. that, each; of these roled raises novel inVestiga- puters; The task, force will also participate: in the synagogue's Adult Education Columbus have, soheduled a spe- from the Pathmaric supermarket," ^And while both the Jets and the Giants claim residency in tive and prpsei;utorial,:issues thus••majdng.it of the education of our citizens toprevent of miri^. comriu'ttee' and thef Annual Ben cial blood drive-collection. in Garwopd. For;more informtir New York, simple geography disagrees: Giants Stadium particular concern to- law enforcement adininis- imize the risk of^their'.victimization., ' •'; Galen Memorial Sliahbatpiid ; :. V;: The blobd drive is slated to tipii bn making a donation, call and the restof the Meadowlands are located in the Garden .tratbrs-tliat'those engaged iri the detection and' .The'.'• commitmerit\ by•';UniPn County law,; ••': Heller.is an expert on issyes run from l6.a;mv tq 2 p.m; Feb. 3.• C908) ^89^09 after 4 p.mv 4; State. New Yorkcan have the Statue of Liberty; the Giants appreheiisipri of computer criminala receive • eriforcement tp this effort is in recpgnitipn that, are oum appropriate graining.'Alsd; computer crime ren- computer, crime is pervasive, transcends tradi-i . Arid: there is no doubt they will win Sunday night, at ';. ftfpu're .looking live at eidusive ders cpnyentibnal law enforcement boundEkries tibrial jurisdictional, bpuridaries arid, unless - least according to sports history. New Jersey-New York imageaprpvided by the Fuji blimp, Virtually meaningless,^emphasis must be effectiyely' deterred,' will adversely irnpact the ' high, . above tradition-steeped teams have a fantastic record of defeating teams from : placed, .as well; on effective cpordiriatipri oif • quality pf life of a}l piir citizenshSuch a com- SatCbin-pbt-Net Stadium! Hello effort.. Abse-nt^ such.meariingliui coordination; mitmerit is law enfortementy duty AriytWng; Baltimore, especially when it counts most Remember the again,.'everybody, and-welcome to •'. wonderful year of 1969, when" the Jets beat the Golts in the law enforcement .agencies are likely to coiiduct less would be uriacceptable* ; ^: \ Orlando, home of Disneyworl4, reduridant investigatipris or. disrupt undercover- Super Bowl and the Mets beat the Orioles in the World : / THOH/IASW MANAHAN where tonight, the Kings will fece options ofotheragencies. •; / • \"•;...':..,.;'•'• Series? Ask today's Orioles how much they enjoy facing ; Union Goiinty Prosecutor the.MpnaVchs in the SSth-annual. s the Yankees in the American League playoffs. !. : Sears' Chairipionfiliip Bowl!-' ' :' •:.',•: • ''if' * •'$* foe&e^^ reasbris, among others; that the '••:••• ;yy\: •;:/•:' C-^.'r;:.:^;--:^,'•::,• Elizabeth'; Like. New Jer.sey4t$el5thfe .Giants have, received little •TTiis, is.the Frito-Lay lYegame respect throughout .this NFL season. The team attracted Spectacular, and •Tm'-'.'-Mary' only cursory attention outside this region; football ana- Henderson; joined in the booth as lysts commented on the team's "soft" schedule; even the always by Johnny Wilson. Our can IScfiools: > New York, media downplayed the team's success. But wardrobes/are provided by Josi.M. through hard work, dedication and some very convincing Banks clothiers. : SCOTCH PLAINS — The St. Association arid the IJ.Sfor: Feb 11 at, 1 p.m. in. the: butt-kjckings, the Giants have earned their way to the . ."Tonight's contest is brpught to Bartholomew. •,• Interparochial Catholic.Conference. Now inits school's cafeteria^ For informa- you byAhheuser-Busch, brewers of To the Chronicle: ':.,, \ 'y}'-/-i\. '••'{:•:' < .'••', adolescents of Cranford who are picked on for Scnpbl has scheduled a number 10th year, the marketing effort tion on Catholic Schools Week Super Bowl, and now.respect —- if not for New Jersey, at •Many:of us. Cranford learning, disabilities and personality-disorders ! least for the team—r is.but one win aw;ay. Budweiser beer• — tvaaasssuutip? of : :eyents .for' this' year's was launched to help create .or related programs, call (908) Mentos,, the fresh-maker! And picked on for -beittg nferds; in grammar school > canlook forward to bright ifutures andrealize Celebrate Catholic Schools awareness of the value of a 322-4265. •• :.:^:^:-:,y •' v,-'.. Las Vegas odds-makers have made Baltimore the McDpnald%— they love to see' you and high ;school find tliat God has blessed us their potential when they grow lip. Eyen^though week, scheduled to run from Catholic education -and to The: St. Bartholomew favorite in Sunday's game. That's shortsighted at best; the : •smile'! •:"•.•'.':•/'.' • ;;'•'.;" '!--' ;. •' >• ••'..'.• during our adult years.-rm living proof that a couple cruel and ignorant kids have picked on. Sunday through Feb. 2. increase enrollment. ; . Ihterparpchial School is located Ravens may have ^an' excellent defense, but the Giants ••• "Johnriyi there's excitement in God can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. As ^y eccentritities as recently as a few years ago, This theme is particularly Registration for the 200(K at 2.032 Westfield Ave. ib Scptcji have niore overall talent and team spirit. And they will the air• here at SatCom-DoiPNe't a child and adolescent,':.! was socially isolated, adulthood has helped-ine come a long way, with poignant for St. Barthoioriiew.a 2001 school year is scheduled ; Plains..^ ;'•'•-. .'. • ;./; ••'. .•-.'••'. ..•••'••''.'..: have all bfNew Jersey rooting for them. Stadium! How do you see tonights studious^and rejected by inost, peers, but :my successes. like earning a B;A. in sociology frbm middle-states accredited school, With that combination in their corner, they can't lose. contestunfoldihgr. .'. . .; social skills have improved tremendously dur- Kean University, becoming.:a member^ ofMensa, aS -it will celebrate its: 50th aririiyersary in April. .. • . Registration iset• Letters to the editor > "Marv, like a Jeep Grand : irig my, adult years. Although I've suffered froiri working at.the Crarifdrd Public Libwiry ^md : Cherokee cbnqueririg a snowy 'a.' slight learning disability in algebra; arid" a beittg founder and presiderit of the Cranford Events will begin; at the noon CLARK -The St .__ acquisitibri of knowledge and mountain, these two^^ teams have schizotypai personality disorder, I; thank God Miniature Sch^auzer Club. When life hands us Mass on Sunday, with an open SchobI will conduct registration critical thinking skills; :•'•'•• cleared many hurdles to teaith thjs, that my problems are, not worse. There are peo- lenionsi.<3od can help iis make lemonade. house visit 'pf. St. Bartholomew's for 2001^2001 arid celebrate' St. Agnes is best known asa school facilities. iriimediately point. They flvercarfle adversity the ple who are less lucky than me, like the meri- MARTHA McLOUGHLIN Catholic Schools Week from small, family-oriented school waySunlight dish detergent bver- .vafterward. • ••';•••".' ';." \.' •'•":' '••''• Sunday to Feb. 2, ; :-. with a warm arid loving envi- tajiy retarded and the psychotic. Children and .• . •. "•• : '•'••••."• . • ^" • :. : .•^'-•••-•'•• .. .••Cranford The Chronicle is here foryo u coihes kitchen greake! ,/Like i& . All are. welcome to celebrate ^ The opening, school Mass will ronment. Maxitnum class size : . To The ChroMicl©: ';. .•:•' • ". •.•'.-, :.'. . . said: "It is not JBlack people struggling against Duraceil battery, they: kept goin^ With faculty;:staff, parents and be said at 10 a.m. Sunday, fol- in kindergarten-third grade is The followirig.infbrniation should help you get your Thank you ibr your fine article and editorial White people. It ;s: justice struggling against and going,-and 4iow tfiey^rei both, 'students.':- :"..•.. ,••• ' '• '•; .'. '• •'... .. lowed by fellowship in the gym. 25 and grades four-eight is 27. ideas and cpmiattnity news into the Chronicle:. regarding Dr. Martin Luther King Jr; and his; ityustice": •: ' "'' •'•: : : :"• )•'•'\-y'•'•t':"/: jiist one win'away'ftqmithe i^tie!": On Monday, individual class An open house will be held from The kindergarten provides a. . Call Editor Gregory: Zeller at (908) 575-6686 with outstanding contributioni to the; fight for civil Let's begirt in Cranford.':'•> •'.';.':" ' ^ ^ThMiks,'••.Johjr^y; Nice.siut, by; activities will be conducted by 9:30. a.m. to 11 a.m. 'tuesday. full-day program. The school story suggestions, questions or comments. For sports,. rights and the; achievement of ouV: American Pr. DEBORAH .GANNON WOLFE : the ;way Left vgp; live .to Marcia ypluriteer parents and guests. Registration- for new students building is a pne-atpry struc- call Daniel Mjufphy at (908) 575-6691. creeil,""Withjustice;and liberty forall.", . ."•• President, New Jersey Convention Tuesday is: set aside to. cele- ;• wiu take place from 9 a.m. to 11 ture located on a wooded ~K&te, whp'si ia the Monarchs' lockeir brate Faith in Academics, Which a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. acreage. . \ Our address: They Chronicle, P.O. Box 699, I'particularly appreciate";youremphasis 'upon ., .'!•:••: •,••, of Progressive Baptists 'To'The'Ghronicle:'; ;. '.' '.• •;. '•;':' • '•; .•••' • room, lylarcia; what's the moodlike : kids w;ho participated did a fantastic job of get- includes an open bouse; yisit. to Thursday and frpm 9 a.m. to Jl Somerville, NJ 08876. Our fax. number is (908) 575- the tteedto.be cohscipus'pf piir goal eyepy day — . " ''.:: -,'".• •' ••• • • ••'.•"' • '-'••• •'• .'• •.•Monroe.: ,, I would like to take this ppporturiity to say a ting people t6 sponsor them in this endeavor.; 'tbV'dw'ittfr^i'9';;'^dwsrpoittSi/._fr^in.9.;a.m;;^oo 6683. Our e-mail address is uhion@n^npublishingxom, riot ibr "a 4&y". Let's truly open the American The writer is. also associate minister of the- . wen,. Marv, to a man, the- big "thank; you"- itp ,the^^^ Cranford, students1 iri: ,,;: Thariksi- to, all;6t'•• tjtietni over, $3,000: w&s MOTarchi-i are cohfidtot ,.. thejyr /J&'iajijpu, tojgee;;s!tudentpprr: ;;, ..The St. AgnesSchool,; dream to. .all Americans! Remember what he ^First Baptist Church in Crdnford, '•' ':'•'.•. ."•' ' ' tlrpige Avenue School's ^H Pet Club; as well Raised:'to help all of bur JibmeleaS animaJs and formances; The students ;WiII itp be:a; 'iistenuig, worshippings, .•';.-' -./.. ,' •.;:;;.Deadlines •• •..••. '.'••''•; '•;•••• ;••.•..';• just jcompleted a; pra-game buffet assoirie of:.tiie students from: Mrs. BaldaSarire's ensure that we: can cbhtiriije' doing the work provided by ^the : Outback : participate lin 'various: athletic \ iUiM^l6m^mtyieiy:Umgi.M^ogylc6m^y^ The deadHne for subniittinig ariiqles and press class who;participated ori Nov. .28 in a bpwl-gri- that^^ we fc -eventsi pri^pmtDay Schledurei: :proclainiing the word of God by • Steakhouse '• and. coach. Whit ' : "Sad"- they should all be -vety proud of them^ fpr Wednesday^ >'•• ••• :>:':; ;''•; -; ,v.'" .word and deed, to be a commu^ releases to The Chronicle is 5 p.fifi; Friday. The' deadline McBiMis has'handed otiti Xeroxed thon; ^at^afiheldat^ ; 1 [ : for submitting letters to the-editor is 10;a,ni. Mondayi All prciceeds^ wiBre donated/to,-Angel PAWiS, a• selves! ..'. '• • ' .^•.•V'/•• •"•*"'•• '•••'. y -::-'y' ::;:'• "••"',•.:• y- ' '•• On Thursday, St. Bart's has nity offering, guidance arid. - copies of tibe.gameplan.Right now, / ROBIN ZUKOWSKI planned many individual class direction to the young, •so that ; most of the players aye just calmly nonprofit; all-Voiunteer, animal welfare organic • ' .•' Letter li 11 :'•'...'.•'•".•.' •••••.••••;••. ;•••...',:. Vice President, activities ;agyWell. as. musical they may grow to be active liv- . To TheChjrtmfcle: : •.••••'.. . ;-'.'.'- '//' ' listening to th0}r Sony Walkmans zatipn^ basedviri.* the TJiiio County area. Mrs. • Exemplary Private School in. 70 C.E.J for. centuries that commemoration'was .• ,:•.•::."•...•.. . :••.- -;:.:•,-.• , • Angel PAWS 'performarice in the a'uditpriuih ing'; examples, of^ the Lord's : ; Letters should be no longer than 200 words and may Thoinas Scott's article, "Back from the brink" the only occasion on which Jews were allowed or playing with their, Kfinteiidos, Baldasarrfi; a volunteer with pur organizatipri, teachings to\ each' otherj the NGrades.9-11';V::; --.'' coordipafed the entire project, and a}l of tihfe '. '.••'••'. . .-. v' ..•.•••:••••••;•;> :.•.'• • . ••• •' •.•'••./;..•.•• Llntfen for all students. • : V: •;••,, :'•:.•. be edited for content, brevity, good taste and libel. • (Cranford Chronicle, Jan. 18), is rife with errors. into Jerusalem- Since Israel dislodged the bidmg their time mitU kic^f| I had "All are invited tp attend the parish, and the: wider communi- f rGiris/Cpllegefrep' '••.•; •: a chance to speak a few moments Letters should be typewritten and include the Writer's Somp of the most glaring: . Jordanian occupiers in 1967, Jews and others •First Friday Liturgy, with femi- ,ty;:;; •••"•.- ::''v-'; \ y''C.- V: daytime telephone number for verification, if neces- .Mr, Scott refers to Israelis' "centuriesrpld have been free to pray at the wall. There is ripago with, star runner Tony Fleet, ly members at 8i30 a.m, on - Str Agries prpvides a spiritual ••. sary- ..' " '• . '• . ..." ' • •'•'.' ..•; .' strugglo with the State of Palestine."; Yet there wailing, as anyone visiting Israel's open society and he hadthis to say." ,, ; •'/'•• Friday. This week, will conclude education and ail environment Were ho Israelis until 1948. There is not now, and •can see. -..',) y . . :• .; •'.'..,•,• ••-.:.''.' ; •. ; , •.:• .••..'•'• Tm confident.,. withthes^neW .with ani appreciation luncheon. Send letters to the above address or fax number. ; GJIS girls inafte Soccer : that enables children, to forriiu-, Staffed by Sisters of Mercy '••:. \ never has been] a "State of Palestine." Jordan, the Mr. Scott quotes a recent visitor .t.o Israel to Nike Turfdog-Snipers, I believe IH for .the'.'faculty given .by: St; late nabral decisipris acpprdjrig Announcements Arab country created in 1947 in nearly three- the effect that a possible War "might last six to break some records out there today. Bart's Home School Association: to.the message of Jesus Christ. They're so light, but they provide Wedding, .engagement, anniversary and birth quarters of Palestine, is atp^ace with Israel.The seven years." This i$ misleading. My 14^year*old . .St. Bart's is part of a natio'ri-. It also provides a strong acade- such firm traction and stable ankle To'The Chronicle; • • • ' . •. -.' •'':-•'••.' '•'•': .'••...•• sidelines" these are the elements of a great al marketing effort, a joint pro- mic fpuhdatiori for intellectuai announcements are printed without charge in The conflict between.the Jewish arid Arab communi- daughter Deena and I were with the Central New ties, in the remainder of Palestine — Israel, the Jersey group and heard an Israeli Defense Forces support..'. with these new Turfdog- (The following is qthir&party letter to the team, It also takes a^ team with: character to gram, of the National Catholic ' growth and; encourages the, Entrance Testing Chronicle. Send your news and photo to the above Snipers, I dont see how wecari lose. Cranford J^i^A ScAoo/^ir/issoccier.^ttm.-) . :'; win and win igraciously, You haye^done it all. v address. / West Bank and: Gaza Strip •<— dates only from the officer say the ID? is prepared for the current p l rise of Arab nationalism after World War I, low-level conflict — not a "real" war — to contin- Well Just Do It!" : : . CpngratulationS; fpr a successful year. Ypur , The Cyariford Soccer Cliib '.wishes to con-. If you would like help organizing your announce- "Well, Tony; Fleet is certainly team has made ;thistowB very proud. Winning gratulate you for what you have accomplished ST. BERNARD OF fl.AIRVAUX Grades9i 10 '•&• 11 Mr. .Scott's reference to the "Wailing Wall" is ue for at least six years; Sadly, that is nothing : EARLY ("HILIJHOOD LEARNING CENTER ment, call Tina McAleer at (908) 575-6703 to request ay comfortable with his team's, is a team effort; it: takes dedication and perse- for ^ourselves and for our town and we Wish 1 1 archaic. The Western Wall is a retaining .wall remarkable, as Arab countries have been at war iiiH SuniiH'i Avenue , Pl.iinlield U7UU1 form. We accept color or black-and-white photographs. : with Israel for more than £>0 years. • chances — and his new sneakers! verance alorig with sweat arid tears. All of you you continued success in the future. • ' ! build to contain the artificially elevated Temple :v.,': .•.•••,.• •.•:•• • •"..'. :"'•-"., '•;:•• JOE.CAIAFA: Please do not send irreplaceable photographs. If you Back to you, Marv!" • have shown this spirit, the playeVs, coaches, .:.' •• i Mount. "Wailing* refers to the annual commemo- JEFFREY A. HELLER would like your photo returned, send along a stamped, 1 Thank you, Marcia Kate, live and your Bupporters..Wheth .'• x on tiie • Art, music, creative movejnent and dance. ' photographer that appeared in The Chronicle, call the Last May I moved my company from a modern The waterwheel was the original source of the "Well, Marv, the Kings are not • Learning opportunities for discovery and wonder. 164^ Highway 2 photo department at (908) 575-6708 for a reprint office in the Cranford Business Park to a 264- mill's rotary power dating back to 1737. In 1893. • Creative play with others. • Multi-cultural environment. exactly slouches; Remember, thig is Now yi)u cim be the one behind the iron mask R<)sariaiis' • BEFORE & AFTER CARE AVAIUBtlE - - : . at TerrillRoad request form. year-old, building whose hearing and the air con- the wheel was replaced with the cast iron tur- a team that went 8-0 at Taeq Bell ELIZABETH —The Won County Amateur Softball tMpires "•..•'"•:'.-.CATHGilC SCHOOL WEEK , Watchuag, New Jersey ' ditioning leave much to be desired Regardless, it bine that is stiH intact today. Although the tur- Park,this, season; When Microsoft 1 was the best business decision'I have ever, made. bine was considered more efficient in its day, the Association is'hojding a training course for those who want to annual dinner ••••- •'.'•• January 28«February 3, 2001 . took, over the team's ownership, become registered umpires. • ;.•• ....'•• .,',.:;•' PLEASE CALL TO VISIT OUR OPEN HOUSE ON The building, one of Crarifbrd's most recogniz- New England charm of a functioning waterwheel they spared no expense in bringing THUttSDAY, FEBRUARV1, OR GALL (908)757-0108 , Men and women 18 and older are welcome to attend classes KENiLWORTH - St, : able, is the Wiliiams-Droescher Mill, a national is part of the original appearance of <3ie mill and in topflight players — old pros like ANYTIME TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT TO VISIT. historic site, a magical place to work and a labor deserves our consideration. Butch \Williams, a three-time that are scheduled to run from Feb. 26 ta March 26. The classes Theresa's Rosary Altar Society of love. In our efforts to be as historically accurate as Toyota Extra Effort Most Valuable are slated' to be held at the: LW County; Admmistratipn has scheduled its annual: fish-. As I arrive for work each day I find myself •possible, we need to enlist the help of the citi- Player, and rookie sensations like Building in Elizabeth. . . . '.,,..,»»•,«'.. and"Chips dinner. ' transported to a Vermont-like setting. Whether zens of Cranford in locating: images of the mill, Willie Rivers, who came ofage with The course is presented in conjunction with the Union County The; event is scheduled to run from 4:30 p.na. to'•$ p.my E X P EH I EN A Penn Jersey Advance, Inc. newspaper I'm strolling the surrounding wooded landscape, prior to 1893. While we have gathered a great two ptot return-touchdowns in last year's Tyson Fried Chicken Mega Feb. 28 in Mcyeigh Hall, locat- NJN Publishing ©2001 or decide to don a pair of waders and clear debris deal of data about the mill's role in the SpiritQ at (908) 527-4904, . from the waterfall, the mill tends to keep me Revolutionary War and Civil War, we continued Bowl. The players have spent hours ed across the street from the from the office. Most days I meet with my wife, to seek photographs, postcards and drawings and hours in front of their Zenith church on Washington Avenue. Martin K. Till Michael Deak that might helps us in reconstructing an accu- VCRs, studying game tapes, ai*d; Brearley School fTO schedules ^icky Iray Ift .Diners must be seated for din- Deborah, and feed the hungry ducks waiting for ner no later than 6:30 p.m. CEO their lunch. If it's a truly special day, my chil- rate portrait of one of New Jersey's oldest com- remember — these Kings have KENILWORTH — The DaVid Brearley Middle/High School Executive Editor mercial buildings. been staying a.t the Holiday tnn, so Parent-Teacher Organization has set the date for its ..annual Takerout meals will be avail- Since 1872, St. Peter's Prep has been cultivating intellectual Mary E. Hall dren, Jack and Morgan, may stop by with they're certain to be wejkested." ' CFO Gregory Zeller Newman, the Wonder Dog. He always makes a My studies indicate that an undershot water- . /. curiosity, integrity, responsibility, and social and Editor splash at the office and in the river. I sometimes wheel, which I assume was between 8-12 feet in "All true, Johnny. Hey, is that an TricklTr&rili!theschool's biggest yearly fund-raiser, is slatv Advanced ticket purchase is spiritual consciousness in generations of young men. • Pete Leddy Allan Conover Armani tie?" ed to be'held March 2 inside the^high school cafeteria located at required. No tickets will be sold Presidenl & Publisher feel guilty reveling in this 18th centuryworld, in height, powered the mill. Other information Sports Editor appears to indicate that the wheel may have "Why, yes it is, Marv." 401 Monroe Ave, in Kenilworth. Doors Will.open at 6:30 p.m. -. at the door. stark contrast to the corporate climate that^ I "It's just lovely. There's lots more Our college prep curriculum is rooted in over 400 years of Jesuit Rosemarie Maio Eileen Bickel had learned to endure. Such.guilt could be less- been contained in a wooden enclosure, thus mak- Tickefio the Tricky Tray event are $7 apiece.and will pnly be Tickets are scheduled to go to come on the Frito-Lay Pregarne on sale Feb. 3. '. VR ol Advertising Advertising Director ened if I could share this building with the peo- ing it difficult to ascertain its exact dimensions. 80 educational tradition, while also preparing students for, the Spectacular ... you won't believe CoffeefSiind cake are inchided iri the admission pnce.^ Tictets will be available for ple of Cranford. .:••.'.' If you have any knowledge of the mill's histo- what King's coach Guy Fiddleman TirlrnfB ran be obtained by visiting PennyLane at 17 North rigors of the information age. John Tsimboukis Over the past few months my family and I ry or of the images previously described, please purchase , in the church Production Manager has to say in our Verizon Coach's I 20thft fn KenLSor byLlling (908) 298-1743 or (908) 276- vestibule after.,.••• Saturday •' have embarked on a mission of historic preser- feel free to contact me at (908) 276-8866. In addi- Conversation, and We!U have the On January 28, come see why students from over 85, New Jersey tion, if any person or group would like a tour of evening masses and all Sunday vation. Friends and neighbors have been instru- Philip Morris starting lineups! All G825. ••• ••' •;. . ;--..'•'.... '• • .;.•'. ;••;• .••-.,.• ; .•;.• '.. •. : the mill, please do not hesitate to call, Showing masses. , . ,•" communities have selected St. Peter's Prep. .';'. \ mental in this regard, and I would like to thank that, plus the Gateway Country- Adult tickets are $10 apiece them for their support. Betweea us we have dis- off this old building is like teaching history and People Rule Poll ... who do you Service League hosts yearly 'Bag Day' sale I just can't get enough of it. think will win tonight? Who will and children's tickets, are $7 cussed a number, of iditjas aimed at enhancing WESTFIELD - The Westfield Service League's Thrift.. Shop ..apiece.- :.- . .'.• • •'.•,,.",' •.' .. • .•'.'• Published every Thursday by NJN Publishing (USPS 136-800)301 Central Ave GEORGE McDONOUGH get the Gatorade bath? Who Will the mill as well as the township. Of these pro- has scheduled its arinualend.of-wint.er Jag Day. . The Rosarians are scheduled Clark, NJ 07066 Second Class postage paid at Cranlord, NJ POSTMASTER'' posals, the most intriguing is the possibility of Owner, PC Ed. Inc. take home Wendy's Player of the please sond changes lo NJN Publishing Fulfillment office, PO Box 699 The shop is located at 114 Elmer St>: iri Westfield. . to host their monthly meeting reinstalling the mill's wooden waterwheel and Cranford Game honors? And who will win Somerville, NJ 08876. Subscription rates by mall, one year within Union County the coveted .Lucent Technologies I On "Bag^Day," scheduled for Feb. | customers^may pwchase a beginning at 8:16 p.rii, Feb. 5, $25, out of county $28, out of state $30.To subscribe call 1-800-300-9321 grocerySfed paper bag for $3 and fill it to the brim with Thrift W JERSEY^S JESUIT:; HIGH'SCHOOL Trophy? > 1 following 7:30 p.m. mass. Shop merchandise* including clothing, accessories, books, toys and , For more information on the Circulation: 1-800-300-9321 "All that and more, all leading hSffi items. There is no limit on the number of bags which 144 Grand St; • Jersey .City •••NJ •,07302 up ,to the 35th-annual Sears fish-and-chips dinner, call the 201..434.4400' www.stpeterspriep.or^g News 908-575-6686 Championship Bowl! ^wedstomt shojp are donated^ ljcateddiarities. St. Theresa's rectory at (908) More letters, :; : v l Advertising 732-396-4404 "But first, please stay tuned for For mpre information, please call (908) 233-2630. 2724444; • ••'••.•.- - ":'; these messages." . ,

fry i •+>•.'•

X lilhV^^^M-a- ^^ .••'•'.. /J I" u . > ";

January 25,2001 Cranfford Chronicle vv ary25,2001 Cranfoiff Chrontele •Mi i ''•/ :'il"i.lX ^y^^W^^ : r

»?•£•••• "*«>:T!''-V•''<:y'-•'••;•.'••.'•• ••^'" •••••' Prime UCESC Superintendent:Ed - discouraging to cooDerative agree- the extra time needed to work out; Chronicle and could not be reached Bbley said he did not see the need Hartnett sent a letter to county Is in the state, ments between district*!. : a cheaper alternative with another for comment.: ; to adopt a formal resolution. to .the language education service conmiissions, It could take individual districts Both the, Cranford and "KB not'a ni^'or w>ncern,t'R)ley i; bill"ensures that the asking them to.ask local districts up to two months tosor t through The UCESC wants to encourage Westfield school boards have decid- said, adding the bill would.not cbst of pupil, transportatibn will be 'to adopt resolutions opposing ' bids, he said, noting his concern • shared services between districts ed to oppose S1598, but only the affect Westfield "in any significant^ tba lowest possible." But Yaple S1598. According to Harnettj when thatdistricts will hot have the time v :r because it is "more efficient and Cranford Board of Education has way* . :.:: •y:'/-y'"\--y' -. 'y\ •". : said the SBA believes otherwise. two districts need to bus students to work a deal out with other dis- awt effective,"! Hartnett noted. adopted a formal resolution. Both Cranford school officials, nowev-, ' y'., yi-'-i'-V'/'-' •/•'•!• •• '- *Tffie bill aims to increase competi- to a school, they have operated tricts — and will instead go with a "Private contractors don't want school districts have about 60 out- er, adoptfed an antirSl508 resolu-} : tion,and lower costs, but the oppo- "informally" working out me pro- particular contractor simply' to •I,....,'..;•. , •.' • '•>-.•• 1 cooperatives," Hartnett added, sug- of-district special-needs place- tion at th^ir meeting on [Monday.; site could occur/ he said. cedures among tfrendselves and' sidestep the extra time and effort. gesting KyriUos was ^tening to ments: ...•..-•'..- •;) ..\.'i ;••.;'.• ;• / ••-•'' •'.School Bu^mess Mministratorj . oThe SBA fears the bill could ere-" small shared-services efforts. The Private contractors -can cost : ,the contractors.'' . : ' Despite .the Outcry from state Robert MJarfagno said. •Granford(, ate? a bus company monopoly, with new bill, Hartnett said, would Kyrflloai did not return calls officials saw''a %eed tosuppor t the] require the district actually provid- and county! officials; Westfield oBjte large company undercutting placed this week by thie Crd^brd Superintendent of Schools WiUiam UCESC in oppositicm to this bill," i smaller ones, the spokesman said. It^would "essentially drive (the with the other districts, as well as smaller coinpanies) out of busi- with private companies. II ness," Yaple said. : In essence, Hartnett said, the *?When that (bus) company is' bill is "creating another level of Bw; .., '•..,. ... ; : iip > : : /Thieclub held it$ monthly birthday paiiy Jan. 16 tK, chjbose) hesaid, , ; Hariiiettjaidhe^awthebilias for thatspot,",Alderdice said, not- called'. Beglin's niling ifyinrifijm^jg?' ; thelow'g'tei^te^ has spent oh building plans, attor-: - ing that other township sites, and ^^duTBcufy-Sibf > :the, ^to^n ";: - pending arbitration case between ney fees and environmental test-: 113 in ^attendance. Honored were Thelma Davenport,:: including v Industrial•> .Park on becpusfeheTWHHPH ifam ViilinmjyttvttetiWBliipa^ji nn ; tK» t/romoViiriviii/i+>i«i/lotrQin^i^ developer*. i ing; according to Commissioner,' ^e^'i';Du£FK:..'.Eri>iei Hanimerj Art Iloda^p, Curtis RraJzer,;; Stan Orzech, Ada ScHultz and Josephine Tqrrejiti. The; Phil Morin. Morin said arbitration: v ECHRONICLE •,. P-l^^oW:''Nci^-iUiii^;'A^iaft';:' <£)nJ would "resplye(themataer);som&ri ; Union Recreation JDepartmen't proyided, a';' haTmbnica^' nev^Mdloanpiarantees. •./ •••. Mea what^quicker,".while Jorn said he! niedley for^ntertaininerit. Icecreani cakes \^ere donated? y•'••:-liihisdecision, Beglindeclared hive • and otiaerlownsMp Committee' b^T^^I)h"h^^^;g t of^,K^fa\:y; ,;^ ; •VijBEmeltinig;! p<>t i J, ;; :. the-loan guai^t^e: and,develop-. .'.Wedr members were hoping; the matter' Senior Citize^'Clubevents: ;• ':•';'''':J:'- ^: ":-; \ y\ merit agreement Valid; but: the, thie a ^SfliufafcJapffi^ Hot roast beef)liincliatVlftbeef)liincliat y hallZ •veiand space for children (ages 13-17) parkjug deck leased agreement n' celebrated tradi?".';' tibn table veraiiiB^.tHecbiirts^.. ; ':1;": '" ••'••••.••.,•.••'.'" "-'•;•'• •••-, •••: •'•-.'•'.•• •"••-..'; in^ fen^worth, noon; tte^stratibh is reiq^ed. :' )':•;•.. : r .:v v i . (Continued from page Ar. •^•^-•^ 'makiids Wofyaunb'iMV'J : lfyiday, Feb. ^>-. Bingo at Senior •(ditize^-dgfeori^jrisd^Cf^ dr&ught[brew, Biidweiser and JJL : i: j Lite, he.said, are "- - -- - ''{'ijWedndsdayijday, Feb. Feb 7 7 '-^ '^ Monthl Monthly yib ibeinbersh^ineja^^ate ; : ; i : Formate infotnidiidn .,.....-..-,. --,-3s.i ;r .' ;. . Granfprd_said he wU-be at the;^ ^ / ;V pfp^tt^Wcus^^^ |i^adonaiii'':;. ;/v'dislie%? ;' :M -Senior'Citizens.Center, 1:3.5 p.m;': •: -'•...:• .'^; CAUwilliirovidle; Signmg up at Uilhe doodoor will get G^<^ R^t on Sunday, drinking v,.: Garfieldfy Mike added; is tife trig game. Sbarro got creative in' • Feb. 13-14 ~r Atlantic City ovennght trip. CaD Trudy at - Montily boarding paj-ments •you into the'" .' Joll" ">rTrolly Trolly anand ThThee **** Bu^w^r --.he called it; the ideal: plare to watd\tbe Super preparing the piat^; everyt^^ erAssociation. ;•:;:•'•'• to foster parent*. '. . Office, but advance..~dj ^reservationi_:-iJ__^s . beer, ofTtomra^^^^ # Nutrition lunches are at iioon Mpnday,.\^toesday and *' Subsldiied homing provided are reqtured to ^ mto e ^Slopp"QUr.™,y Joe:T««':ir..i^.r.' Jurevidus^is«:.jn«-^:. «„On; ifquallfieA ; tow parente to mate and bring : Eridayat thei Senibr;Citfc^^ 1-800-354-3096 ext. 311 partyat the Garwood Rest, Where •people come here,'* he saii ,••••.'•, Me GarneldB: and ite; local themenu^- - ; :, .'^''V : : ; . Medical car* provided ; :. • Garfield's,, located on competitors may^^ provide fetive . Mr. j's-w come; registration is required. • ' . ,''-'••''/ -., for children. . will entitle football ifcis;t !'a . M. jsui featuring ife noMal .^,._^_...,, otm^fTVecome ...... ,, or visit us at Super Bowl atmbflpheresj some selection^'o- - p _Sunday r-=, including. ; Also at the Senior Citizens,CeJater,mahjonggfe Foster burial training . j^d^rehtba(Sl^inids,.b:^ r-.:v;^V<••]• -^:,;' ••'•:: •?•;:;,i::/•.•'.:.' '^:ft;:-:V';.^''^.:,• ft ']: ;M i rn ;••• '., ^ICQLE blMELL^THE tJHPONlCLE available. Community Access people preferto watch the big g^jne three- and six-footers, cold cut plat : : Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The crafts groujp nieets.: - "ecian all get together," prind- Swnd-grado Complete Mental Health ,,•"•• U n I i nt lied few souvenirs'.— .for $ in the' comfort of their own living era aaad cold;bufiecold;bufiet plat-; 10; a;in.: Tuesday and Friday A line dancing dasp is 1 p.nii. alAngelb Paternoster said. : nera (armve, left to right) Michael Helmstetter and M Wednesday;';:^ .-••..•• •'••''^••-,'.'; •. v.:; ';':l":-.':- '•••...'." •••• -vv:, ,. .,./'.:' «ervic«< forchildren . SOW. (Srand Street, Elizabeth, M Q7202 pick their team of < ^_ rooms. Two delis in the area, ters;vOwnerO J Johh nT Tagart t sid his :; : CAtisteffoti call 24 hours. : sixJbbt subs, Hershey*$ on iSouth Averitte in iiThewalJsofthesdioorsg^- w|)«nCraniort receive a free 12-ounce inug. for; ahpp's sloppy joes are a mos u- The vafa to shopping cen^ X7A j.j-iT^ "J&i- "wner«oDertjueatepams.JSoughlk!tob^D^te y WestfielWestfieldd anandd MrMr.. JJss oonn Wahiu Wahiutt lalarr ItemTQ'i^\C^.cbnr^;^bsf ch« e : SL ea^toudidownteach touchdowii they^: score,. C^Other : 10 dif^ Cranford, are b^S, Sm^vShS -—^ere plastered^ Fridayj check thie schedulei.at'the Setnpr CitizenstJe^ter. *i; r^esexp^Sundayat&el^t .able to. Supei^ sitig.«»friend's catch th0 game will; n soipe-! f^ditbittal^?jin^^ L 1 A ;( ^ - •—L—-^—•*•._•• i •-..•••• ••.,-. ..-••, .•.. •:.;;-,,-i ...••I-.. . •'.;•.••':.-.'.•'- ' •• . '.'>-!,'.', - .• , •>.:,.'.'• / ••'/..... ' .. • • j_v .• •..;.•1 ; *^t .1 thing , to wash down,all -mat fo^wL; ; aptor4i269 ... t fo^L 1 'fc wore "iPblisii : lunchrttoe; ;; : S^ JMt^riat's.: oil ;.NbM:-',A^eiaiuS': iriv'- abiecloths sparting flags, inter- T • i^vf .GteirWoM'fc - Lincoln Avenue School in Craoford: Ha^ brders;^-istore toploye^'isaid they; of the fingeliAdultCare Cente^ .expect the bulk of those orders to; Gon^tinity-Sewces; A. coffe come ih;today. The tiquor store is: .th^'hie^thrg;^8itors,ar0':Wek^ •'--M] '^-i 'tt'p'p* ; i v l '£fe^T^l64i^'' : lies Were ;r6presented at an '••.'.'••Boyiirj'ng'.'-"•'••:••'. '-• •••••-••.'•••.•••:.'•' .- "•••'••••••:•...•••'.'.•• Xhci - - ' pro-:': •• Neyv::, members can join at aiiy time; they must hold a| imm nationalAA^naembership. : V : •;:..'•'•••••.." .'; 'v-.:-^' i'efal etudeni ;] .'^&^ap^ter..cbUec^s''&p'd fbr:Cr£o^drd Family Carejlap mm »gj^jaf(v:the.:\;et!b ••**•:. robes for the Crmford-'Hall^']^ursing.;JI6Me;'.ey.egla8S'es for i naeixm cmtg- get together. the^ needy; canceled.stamps and^^ caird fronts for St. Jiide in! y : I/A ; 'Bb^dCiiN^C^,^; ;; .' ' '; . \ ' "''' \ THE HOUSEHOLD ,' .>i v;rt«>st,! :;;#^ :busmess. Trips sponsored:by the AARP chapter: WAREHOUSE I,"1') y."» "•'•,); •'•' add^d flavor to So Aic/cli... For S<^W| r«" ' 1 i ''•• '•' , Walnut cehW theme Wednesday; Feb. 28'—Atlantic City. Cost is $13.The busr ; by • Sfckfo* s

2Lb. ^ I I , Cake for Super Colossal ,, Nahiral CalHWnia . Roasted, Salted Pistachiosj FA SOAP ^jj $ ^yg . ^f;7 ^y j':fe;lb(aili^^^^ Ib. ba< : : ; The Cranfbrdl Senior Citizens llhursday Club will meet h |:;.^mb^d^di hfe^s^d:hfe^^s^d,:tmcl:^he^tmcl:^he^: ,bb^ ;^^ 1 ^)m;rJar4v 55 at tte EI«*A«r» $14.99 :':.;i&iffie^;,;^end-'l^"dyjiQig''J^)di 'stiidents';-tidt' . i ; 1 Avenue. Bill Schrbii-from ihe liberty: Hall museum in* Kelsen Dart ^{^i^nelij^]t^.v:he::: ^e;-tirjie ':";fa^n<»d^h-se|r>ed a^tne.Fesfi-I;'' 1 9 v EUzabeth is/£he'rspeiaker. Bmg donations fo^ CraWord ^;^s.lyuttieht>:'!/ ']bp';. ;;;MaIcovi'sii?s •^.yd,^tiie; :(^ensjwvi.'^ay JhaYe'':.. Danish 'PLASTIC ; : : ;1 PERT said it : .father,, yh 16 te. PLATES 9 identj'Bill JbrieS, treasiiirer; Ann Donnelly, secretary; Joyce*: COOKIES R«d or Blue e^ihej'iiBit^st^p'^n: MUinic'la 'firsi-grade .'(plaas; botti;•; MAXI ^T , saidtheytH^'e^o^dillie'TOaV Ve^ezia^, , financialfil secretary;y; ;Fflbi p Mazzeo, truaiteetr, 3, ; Your Choice v toer. PADS Cofmioner\ g; jthejnI'to!, .:%oni and djieese nipst of all; : years; Clelmm ZavilaZaila , trusteetustee, 2 yeairS; and HermsirHer i Occi,t, ; ; 24 of. *»«* tr^ytrustee^lyear.'.'''.. ' '• ••;•"• •':';.. .•. -; .;' •;,;•'-;'':."".----.;..»---i3'-"; - •;•*> •:.'-"-V .. ^ •|0^||;^^ ^ TrTripi s sponsoredd bby;; toto ' ,;, I •|.--';-,F'V.^i-H^U^^"^-v:y^'i^^: :••"•'>:..•: •• -:.•:.-'•,.:..:•/:•.: • ::••• yy -y/... yy^..y, •-y.yy yy^y.yyrU^^ -••• •: v- v' '^'-..;" :'••'• ."••,'-:,^.:r ' ftie$day,Jdn.3O --Atlantic City (Showboat). Call (908): 27'fr8&mv'>;':'r •""••">'•'': ^••^•\:vf^r^y ViHrroz ' May il-18 — Mackiriac Island, Mich. Call (908) 272-v Kellogg's TORTILLA Bnvos I Crest or Colgate '5375;:- ••:::".:••.;•••;-,•'••••-••".,•.-."••:-•:': •'••:.''.' ': -=;'.V.'• .\i£ Oct. 4-10 ;^~ Nashville and Gatlinburg, Tenn, Call CORN FLAKES CHIPS CRACKERS! TOOTHPASTE ' GIUHT 1 12 K. •' As oiir world" beepmes•'more and more sets annual ' Members celebrating birthdays are Gharlbtte Bluhm^,; FROSTED FLAKES "computerized", Many of us wonder; and worry Dot Johhsbn; Lee Karczewski, Kay Grimes, Bertoifc 1O.S«./3O0g. about the.loss of the."human toiich'Vajid the wi^ on "Cranford 100 Memorial is'• raising money for:- Gaffney,: Bertha Krak, Fabip Mazzeo, Pat Martinez^ warmth of die; persons! one onbur relationships Years Ago." Crane-Phillips W House Museum, 124 N l^i the National Skin Cancer T7\ \ '. in;society. In all wilks of. iife there is iiolhlng : : t Aye;. C^d 244 p;n>ii Call ..'. March2^v •'/ ...... more irnporiant than'th'tcariiig tM sharing of : ; LIMITS •276,0082.; •:.<^'/V,:v ' K.; The. nail„ fprinerlyvkiiiown as ;; , • The : .(jranford iFupid • fpr ideasbfijtwieeiihurhaiis! \": .,;",.•• ..-• '. ,•', ! WILSON CABARET '•'.—- .•.•'.:;:OX^iN .. ^••She;:.iC'pl6nial.:'..; the. Briyesi^aid's Ball,'is seated iyEdwcatipnd^ v King's ,; • The" selling and/or piiirchasltjg of ahpme is arias witli'New Jersey^ State Faruaje^'s P^tpier, m:; Worfcj" +"1'^''^»u''"^ TheAWes'twbM''& ,.., SPORT SOCKS a perfect ejiampl^Realestate is so rn'iich'more i ; ; Tuesday Club Partfry : :! Opeyii; 'faingers.'' ';fiiti' .'lliHcha©rs^;'' t(»ldf ''.by.\;!^A)lriBfiiie'l-;>Grlfiiaier... ^ ' All 1ST Quality Brown J* than'a"pen and paper" or "cjiclc on dq(,c6m the ; fruition in' 'iS97 Its missida W to : ••••• Officers ,of the Cranford Senior GJitizens Tuesday Cljlbt UJiM fl(« ifaw 9-11» M«M fit«tla « 10-13 SchoolSchool;;. lOp-10"\'Mdea0 Alden:•::•'•:: St.,^^St.,^; ;(gra^pj^!)v]^er^Coi(Cra^oJ^i/WBUer^Cory HousHouse SARDINES moment" J?eing,a family-oriented Realtor for •;Cranibrd,'7:30Cranford, 7:30vp:tti. p!m.! Costt $12. 'Museum, 614 Mountain1 Ave., . John -F. 6'Hara Memorial and foster^adenSic; excellence", pro- for 2Q01 are Eleanor Sheriri0r, president; Edna Burns, vice" /M «>// * 4-3/4 or. Your Choice seventeen' yeaft,, the aspect of the business I ^Tickets:CailOP8)|7fi-1249or :\Vesgeld^ 24 p.mi Midts $2;; for; mote mhpVM;iori and enhtwee V president; M|ke ^^^t^ GLOVES have, so come \p adorejs the.carjng rejalioh- i i N : ; EducWioria|Exce^^^^ '.', (908).279f7555i'..'i'..;' '.'•'•,•.'. :C":'''-.'"' students- 60^^ cen'ts: .'tiiid^r ;6' ships andbonds! formed beiween,rny«lf,'iipi«e- :,: ;Mr.^^^^ fcunUy^ fo generating addir owners, buyers, ctcVThaf is the essence and the thie1 John'i.iO^Hara,Memorial, in,' tipnftl" Vr^s'(i^)i^8;v':'tbjp()ugh com-:" heart of Ihe real estate profession, and lha| is (he 1999 after he"died:pf skiri cancer:V;>"^i|i^t^r:'-fifr^^''-:\^'i''-^o':'si^ooisJ reasoij I love waking up each and."every day to in 1998; The goal of the ^ara ^futnds raises faoney through I Briefs practice ,it. Just to namca few of my favorite Memorial is to create more com- donatio^ DAVTON HUDSON moments..:,' JAN. 27 ^-•"ixjr, warenessslabc-ut the Edu^atic^Tfennifl Toui^ Kids Kloset sale .;'"•' KIDS KLOSET |— rum- i * UMtrt • nor ATRISIWSUH rua • sharing a cup of coffee and lunch with a cancer. The fund Las1[ yew, 160 people attend*. i mage sale sponsored by P!TA,of ENfVESlSNCr?—-^^ meeting o)iirb«i»i»*fl'okt;jiw,t,)«i«n,i council n^e^gft^ Gmiaan Really, Inc.;at.908.353^11 and m> 3 l CaU (908) ; THE HOUSEHOLD Kenilworth, 8:30 p.m. Call ^^ ^V The m^ttog.ifl i^ated ro fc tca^SldpiWMt^at'^8r i^ ;j;:;;;;.; ^;y \; ! fc. WAREHOUSE remeniber.doii't clicked to us, CALL US -we CHERRVHIU JERSEY CITV PATERSOH LINDEN NEWARK • (908)497.0995. - : :^ ;^^^^k^>: : : frorMarv Griffin at (908) ThThe ecounci council lwa wakk in to updat updatee member memberss oonn reachin reachmfig 'clu clubb goal steals sai andd LODI Yonlon at 7:30,pM ^^0MW'^il'0^t HkJaiHlU \, !*—dmipitm**^^*****:- Computers' in the Jewish : It is scHeduled to be held at 272-3U6. making decorations for the state federation's annual, conventional} 31 CONVENIENT ';' Ol' IMI'IAV ''' ' Home." Temple Beth-El Mekor '•' ' ' " '•'•*•• '"•• "••••'•••V' V•'irtSft•Wii'i-' ' '• May. Tte Fine Arts Department will meet 1 p.m. today at the homejof WutbJry : Cora Folt? to hear Marge Cooke describe the collections in "Southwn. i&im mmm MWIIM nrnm^ mmtmwm. TRI-SWTE UZMAN REALTY INC. •' OUPII/Mi • Chayim, 388 Walnut Ave., Mmeums."'rhe Home Xife/Socid Services Department met Moni&y WE RESERVE IHE RIOHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SOME IlLUSTRATIOM* MAYBE fOR DISlBM MRKIlH 6HLV 610-Stt-WW S».»»H UUrtJ Cramord, 9-10:30 a.ni.^eb. 4. at the Community Center with Mary Seymour teaching how to ma A IOCATIONS! I Registration: Call (90$) 27^- : : : ••braWe4 plia<^mat8;;" v:: •;'• ;••:•••••X"•'"•'..-^•'>•'•• '/}y f<-: • • ;•:,,' ':j -\; 9231 -'•;:-'.; ub. 0 ill vs.- •'."'>.••, •'.•';"• '': '•'-, '••' : Hamme'rfat (90jB)2724867 for more inrorjrxtatuin. ' ','•"•',' •':'• '''• .'.'

•^y:t J *,,< V V »o I ^

B-2 Cranford Chronicle January 25,2001 Thomas Lardieri [Obituaries Helen Weeks Horan i 1 rimetime! -IGAEWOQP '-• Thomas D. Ann Biddulph of Elizabeth; CRANFORD — Helen Weeks North Bergen and Terry Kaspersj§ Lardieri, 81, died Jan. 22 at his brothers Daniel r and put words to music composed Admission is by written reser- : She was born in Clifton and ': Maryanna Cejka of Elmwobd tenant on her discharge in 1946. Porter of Thousand Oaks, Calif, Rosary Society hosts by Mark Baron for this new Ver- in Beaufort, S.C. organizations. She also,was-a vation only. To reserve a seat or lived in Cranford before moving ;. Park; and two grandchildren. '••.' She met her husband, Carter and Thomas Everett Porter of sion of the old-style Tiorror for" more information, e-mail to Scotch Plains iri, I960. ..; She was born in Elizabeth member of the First jOpieito Cabaret'event A funeral Mass was celebrated :Eyei«tt Porter,- fouf days Before Fairfax, Va.; three sisters, tale/monster movie. [email protected] or Presbyterian Church. .'She once was a; process inspect Wednesday at Immaculate Heart Christinas 1945 while she was sta- MargaretWattsofWestehester.Ill., and lived in Cranford and Vero CRANFORD-^ The Altar Producer/director Jeff Jackson write Friends of Plays in the tor With the former Hyatt of Mary Roman Catholic Church,; tioned in Aix-en-Provence. The Dorothy Thiennann of Norridge, Beach, Fla,, before moving to Surviving are a daughter Rosary1 Society of St. Michael's has provided additional material Park, P.O. Box 2281,' Edison, NJ Bearing : Division of General Scotch Plains, following services Porters were engaged two weeks HI, and Carroll Steinhouse of Beaufort. Barbara B. Hunt of Beaufort, J Roman Catholic Church is for the show. 08818. Motors Corp.: She retired in 1975 at the-Walter J. Johnson Funeral later apd married in July 1946. Downers Grove, HI-; a brother, She had been an American and two grandchildren. , ru : sponsoring a charity "Opera "Frankenstein" will come to Include your name, address, • after 25 years at. the Hyatt Home in Clark. : : . . In civilian life Mrs. Porter was a James F. Colling of Arlington Red Cross volunteer during Arrangements are by tfie Cabaret" with singers of the . life through narration, music and date of show and number of peo- Bearing plant iri Clark. • ; Burial was in Holy Redeemer registered nurse with Muhlenberg Heights, 111.; and 11 grandchildren. World War II and chairwoman Anderson Funeral Home in .artist's sketches in a serious ple attending. All seats are free.. '•; Predeceased by heir.husband, Cemetery, South PJainfield. .Hospital in Plainfield until 1956 A funeral Mass will be celebrat- of the Red Cross blood bank in Beaufort. New Jersey State Opera. retelling'of the gothifc classic. For . more information, call and the Visiting Itfurse Association ed 9:30 a.m. today at St Michael's T^he performance is sched- Their creation will come into (732) 548*8833. from 1956-72, She was a private Church on Alden Street. uled to begin at 7r30 p.m. Grreeit : duty; nurse from 1972-93 and Burial with full military honors Friday at St. Michael's School, worked for Dr. Watkins F. John Paul Paszkowski will take place 8:45 a.m. tomorrow located on Alden Street in j GRAMFORD — Marie Green, sionary at the First.; Baptist from:J.976-82. in the Four Mile-Post Chapel at 90, died Jan. 20 at her. home in • KENILWORTH — Paul J. Alan and Robert; sister Diahe Cranford. Going 'Barefoot' at Church on High Street. Mrs. Porter graduated in 1943 Arlington National Cemetery, Roselle. . ; ' ••'-.,' V.-.: \;--\J.-. '• Predeceased by: her husband, from St. Anne's School of Nursing' Arlington, Va. Paszkowski, 49, died Jan. 15 at Penn-Westbrook; two nieces and Kj Featured will be arias from ' She lived in Rahway, Newark, James A., and by her son, Gerald, at Loyola University in Chicago, Arrangements are by the Gray Union Hospital. a nephew. ''•.' "Madama Butterfly," "La and her native Cranford before she is survived: by son James A., HI. She received a bachelor's Memorial Funeral Home. He was born in Newark and Services were held Jan. 18 vSt Boheme," "The Merry Widow," the CDC playhouse moving to Roselle in 1957. Ill; sisters Sarah Pierce and degree from Jersey City State Memorial' donations may be lived in Kenilworth for most of the Mastapeter Funeral Home; .'•L'a Traviata" and "Faust," plus She had been a longtime co- Dorothy Douglas; brothers Alfred College (now New Jersey City sent to Catholic Community his life. Roselle Park* followed by a funeijr dtmgs from the Cranford as the deliveryman. owner of Green Cleaners in E. Brown Sr- and Douglas Brown; University) in 1967. Services, 505 South Ave., Cranford, He had been a truck driver al Mass at St. Theresa's Romaja Broddway/movie musical Neil Simon comedy "Barefoot in the Park" is Roselle.; ' - ...'.'• •. • ';./ seven grandchildren; 17 greatr She served as president of the NJ 07016 or Alzheimer's with the Kreilkamp Trucking Co. Catholic Church. Burial was 3B ^Carousel." directed by Bob Pells of Cranford. She also was a saleswoman at ; grandchildren; siic great-great-; Cranford High School PTA in 1970 Association, Greater New Jersey Graceland Memorial Park. coming in February of Union. ' Admission of $12 includes Key stage personnel are Ken Grant's in Roselle and Bradlees iii grandchildren; three great-great- and the Orange Avenue School Chapter, 400 Morris Ave., Suite He was a member of Knights Memorial donations may be. PTA from 1971-73. She also was a refreshments at intermission. Leonowicz of Cranford, stage Clark prior to her retirement. greatrgrandchildren; and many 251, Denville, NJ 07834-1365. of Columbus Council 4186. sent to David Bi*earley AtbJeh^ manager; Marc Chandler of nieces ajtd nephews. CRANFORD — The Cranford ! She was\ a member of the Surviving are his wife, Rita Booster Club, 401 Monroe Ave,, Matrons are invited to bring Dramatic Club will continue its Cranford, set design; Terry National, Council of!: Senior Services were held Wednesday Lorenc Paszkowski; brothers Kenilworth, NJ 07033. j their own wine, cheese and 2000-O1 season with thfe 1960s Schultz of Cranford, set construc- Citizens, National Council of at the First Baptist Church. George S. Wheeler hors d'oeuvres. For tickets or Neil Simon comedy "Barefoot in tion; Kitty Leonowicz of Negro Women, Roselle" Senior Burial was in Graceland Memorial CRANFORD — George Slocum Representatives Association, the more information, call (908) the Park." Cranford, set painting; Marilyn Citizens Club and Roselle Park, Kenilworth. 276-1249, (908) 272-5634 or Court and Kate Slavin Forker, set Democratic Club. : Wheelei; 74, died Jan. 21 at Association of Independent Edith Hanselman Show times are scheduled for Arrangements were by the G.G. (908) 276-7555. 8 p.m. Feb. 9,10> 16,17,23 and 24 decoration; Liz Howard of i She was a deaconess and mis^ Woody Funeral Home in Roselle. Somerset Medical Center in Manufacturers Representatives Somerville. and the Millington Baptist Church CRANFORD - Edith' M. also was a member of the in the playhouse, located at 78 Cranford and Arlene Wachstein,, He was born in Elizabeth and in Basking Ridge. In addition, he Klein Hanselman, 92, died Jan. Cranford Senior Citizens Winans Ave. in Cranford. props; Ed Wittel of Westfield, lived in Cranford and South was an affiliate member of the 15 at Muhlenberg Regional Monday Club. ' * Area performers tune up Starring in this community sound; and John Duryee of Clara Gaffiiey Cranford, lighting. Plainfield before moving to American Society of Plumbing Medical Center in Plainfield. for Youth Symphony duet production are Carolee Ashwell- Engineers. Predeceased in 1966 by her " •;• CRANFORD — Clara E, She also was a member of the Martinsville in 1967. She was born to Montreal, husband, Raymond,, > and in Pross as Mrs. Banks, Amy Also backstage are Mary <"BRIDGEWATER-The • Watson of Fanwood as Corie Witham Gaftney, 82, died Jan. 19 Cranford Ceramic Club, the ; A longtime manufacturers rep- He and his wife, Helen Johnson Quebec, Canada, and lived in 1995 by her granddaughter McGhee of Cranford, makeup; Dick Fox's Golden Boys — featuring (left to right) Bobby Rydell, Frankle Avalon and Fabian — are resentative, he was a halfback on Youth Orchestra and Choir of Banks, Alan Niebuhr as Paul H iat Union Hospital. Cranford Arts and Crafts Club, Luthman Wheeler, celebrated their Kathleen Collins, she is sur» Peg Ruff and Mary Crane of scheduled to take the stage at the Atlantic City Hilton from Feb. 16 to 16.The legendary singers will per- 1 the Granford High School football 50th wedding anniversary June Scranton, Pa., and Newark j;ne New Jersey Youth Bwtter, Stan Kaplan of Westfield Cranford, costumes. She was born in Teaneck and the Cranford Walking Club, the before moving to Cranford in vived by" son Raymond J. and form many of their Individual favorites and will team up for tributes to superstars Elvis Presley, Bobby team before leaving for World War 24. Symphony are scheduled to as the telephone repairman, Joe Admission is $15. lived in Cranford since 1943. Cranford Senior Citizens 1953. daughter Ann Firth, both tyf Darin, Rick Nelson and Bill Haley. For more information or tickets, visit www.hlltonac.com or ••;. She worked for the Boyle- Thursday Club and AARP II duty in his senior year. Also surviving are sons John of come together for a joint per- Nierle of Westfield as Victor For reservations or more infor- She retired in 1971 after 25 Cranford; four grandchildren www.tlcketmaster.com on the World Wide Web. Midway Co; in Cranford for 15 Chapter 4269. He served in the'U.S. Merchant Martirisville- and Bruce of u Velasco and Art Kusiv of mation, call (908) 276-7611. years as a salestlerk at the for- and 10 great-grandchildren. '' formance. years, retiring in 1983 as an exec- Surviving, are her 'husband,. Marine during the war and in the Bridge-water; daughter Janet Anne The concert is scheduled to U.S. Army from 1945-48. Legg of Glen Gardner; Bister mer Bamberger's department A funeral Mass was celebrat- A t utive secretary.. .' "'•..• Bernard; daughter Barbara store in Newark. " 1 bi?gin at 3 p.m Feb. 4 at the y She. once was a den mother Demarest of Baton Rouge, La.; He'-., attended the New Virginia B&rraco of Freehold; and ed Friday at St. Michael ' Brunswick campus of Rutgers three grandchildren. She was a member of the Church. Burial was in' s¥ Gqjden oldies jwith Boy Scout Troop 206, the son Richard of Cranford; sisters ghurch.' . ,, •, House jfirst handicapped scout troop in Elvira Clarkspn of Teaneck and University. A memorial service will be 11 Samaritan Ministry and Altar Gertrude Cemetery, Colonia; : a.m. today at the Millington A< Youth Orchestra members the country. - • •.: . . '•'•••' . Charlotte . Kamencik of From 1951-70, he worked in Rosary Society at St. Michael's with arrangements by the AvaloA, Rydell, Fabian team up for classic Hilton show u. accounting and sale's for Triangle Baptist Church, Routes 512 and Roman Catholic Church. She Dooley Funeral Home. '*' include Carl Baron, Christina sets trip through time :',t: She.was.a former-Girl Scout Manhattan, ' Mont.; brother 627, Basking Ridge. include Avalon's "Venus," "Dede Dinah" and . Jeader with.Girl Scout Troop 32 Warren Withain of .Sayreville; Conduit and Cable Co. McCabe, Jason Tammam and ATLANTIC CITY — Dick Fox's Golden Boys : He; retired in 1995" after 23 Arrangements are by the Kelly Yang, all, of Wtestfield; CRANFORD - If you have horses' and carriage^, but there — featuring music legends Frankie Avalon, "Bobby Socks to Stockings"; Rydell's "Volare,". jjnd ,'& former Sunday school and two grandchildrien.! Higgins Home for Funerals, in years as a partner in Wheeler & Alex Rowen, of Cranford; and ever looked at faded old family were many problems caused by Fabian and Bobby Rydell — are scheduled to "Wild One" and "Kissin' Time"; and Fabian's j teacher at Trinity Episcopal Services were held Monday at Watchung. George Rammelkamp photographs and wondered what the huge changes that were "Turn Me Loose" and "Tiger." ' ? Church. Williams Sales, Martinsville-based Bruce Smith Jr., of Fanwood. rock 'n' roll with audiences at the Atlantic City the Dooley Funeral Home/ manufacturers representatives of Memorial donations may be life was like for your great- going on at the time." Hilton from Feb. 16 to 18. The three stars also team up for tributes to CRANFORD — George 'She Choir includes Aileen which he president. sent to Millington Baptist Church, Thomas, Harold and OharleSJ grandparents, the Crane- Hundreds of passenger trains The 1950s and 19.60s teen idols have been the legendary material of Elvis Presley, Bobby He was a member of the New 520 King George Road, Basking Rammelkamp, 74, died Jan. 15 sisters Loretta DeAcetiej Hayes of Cranford. Phillips House Museum in and freight trains rolled through performing together as The Golden Boys since Darin, Rick Nelson and Bill Haley. Jay Woglom Jersey Manufacturers Ridge, NJ 07920. at Muhlenberg Regional Medical Gertrude Schatz, Helen McNally 'J Both ensembles and the Cranford has stark reality com- Cranford every day with all the 1985, packing venues across the country with Show times in the Atlantic City Hilton the- Center in Plainfield. and Caroline Pellegrino; and tw^q !. CRANFORD — Jay Wogiom, teer for the past 12 years with fihurch's choir sing the Mass in ing. noise and pollution that came what has been tabbed "one of the most exciting ater are scheduled for 9 pern. Feb. 16 and 8 £2, died Jan. 18 at his home. Healing the Children. -.-...' John Sopko He lived in his native grandchildren. , T'> G by Franz Schuhert. The Robert Fridlington' tellg of with them. Hobos found their acts in show business," according to a press p.m. Feb. 17 and 18. {•'. He was born in Brooklyn, N.Y., Predeceased in 1995 by his Brooklyn, N.Y., and in Fanwood - A funeral Mass was celebrate youth Symphony's Choir is "Cranford 100 Years Ago" in a way into the township on the release issued this week by the Atlantic City Admission is $45 and $40. ,£nd lived for many years in father, John T, he is survived by . before moving to Cranford in ed Friday at Immaculate Hearjji accompanied by a string lecture program scheduled to train. There also was a "crime Hilton Casino Resort. \ For tickets or more information, visit CRANFORD — John Sopko, four grandchildren and nine 2000. , of Mary Roman CatholicJ Cranford. his wife, Annette N. Zahradnik 87, died Jan. 18 at Lock Haven great-grandchildren. eksemble on "7-Part Song" by run from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. wave," by 1900 standards. The Golden Boys have combined to sell www.hiltonac.com or www.Ticketmaster.com ~ ? He graduated in 1977 from St. Wogiom; his mother, Dbrbthy E. Hospital in Lock Haven, Pa. His wife, Helen Kulha Sopko, He had been a truck driver for Church, Scotch Plains, following Guatav Hoist. Sunday. The historian is a long- At the same time, Cranford more than 50 million records and have on the World Wide Web; stop by any 35 years with Jones Motor in services at the Memorial' time trustee of the Cranford TicketMaster outlet; or callTicketmaster at Joseph's School of Anesthesia in, Sullivan Wogiom; sons Michael He was bom in Carteret and died in 1994. A son, John R., died ' In addition, a string quartet was a desirable place to live for appeared in more than 40 motion pictures. and Patrick; sister Anne KUnt; • Jersey City. Funeral Home in Fanwood,' Historical Society, which oper- people who wanted to escape (800) 736-1420. Lancaster, Pa. He received a lived in Cranford, Whiting and in 1999. Two other brothers, cjf Youth Symphony alumni Some of the hits scheduled to be performed degree in business from Seton brothers Frank and Thorn; and Holland Township before moving Michael and Walter, and another After retiring as a truck dri- Burial was in the Brig. Getf!' ates the Crane-Phillips House city life in Elizabeth, Newark, : iHall University in 1969. many nieces and nephews. to Lock Haven in 1997. sister, Olga Palito, also are ver, he was a security guard at William C. Doyle Veteran^ apcompanies the Youth Museum. He also is a professor even New York City. A nurse anesthetist, he had Private arrangements wer0 by He served in the U.S. Army deceased. 'the Jennings Hall seniorcitizen Memorial Cemetery, Arnytown.^ 1 Orchestra for "Fantasia on a emeritus of history at Kean The Fridlington lecture cul- been on the staff of University the Dooley Funeral Home. .during World War II. Graveside services were held residence in Brooklyn. ' Memorial donations may be] Scheme by Thomas Tallis," by University. minates a Crane-Phillips House (908) 276-0082. Hospital in Newark since 1983 Memorial donations may be A baseball fan and gardener, Wednesday at the Brig. Gen. Surviving are his wife, sent to Fanwood Rescue Squad^J Ralph Vaughan Williams. "Life back then was not Museum exhibit on."Cranford at The Crane-Phillips House Your horoscope, Jan. 29-Feb. 4 and most recently was its chief sent to Jay Wogiom Adoption he retired in 1975 after 30 years William C. Doyle Veterans Rosemarie; daughter Rosemarie 218 Forest Road, Fanwood, NJ.| Alumni musicians are Michael always the way we like to the Turn of the Century," which Museum is located at 124 N. lanesthetist; .. Fund, c/o Norm Albert, Goodman as a.bus driver with the former Memorial Cemetery in Arnytown. remember it/'Tridlington said. features clothing, photos and Clarke of Fanwood; bfothers 07023. Avagliano, Alison Johnson Union Ave., north of Centennial By WANDA PERRY job, but someone has to do it. • •! A baseball and hockey coach & Albert, 23 North Ave. East, Transport of New Jersey line. Arrangements were by the Hall, Cynthia Longley and "When we think of ... 1900, we other artifacts from the period. Plaza off North Avenue East, in W.E. Johnson Funeral Home in COPLEY NEWS SERVICE SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov.- \a Cranford.he also was a volun- Cranford, NJ 07016. He was a member of American Elizabeth Schulz. think of beautiful houses and For more information, call Cranford. Legion Post 502 in Whiting. Holland Township. 21): Dramatic best describes w Surviving are a daughter, Memorial donations may be Mary Rica Rego Longley is a coach with the ARIES (March 21 - April your mood this week. Make a Marilyn Shindell of Easton, Pa.; sent to Alzheimer's Association, Murray Hill-based Youth 19): A behind-the-scenes winning presentation and brother Steve of North Plainfield; Greater New Jersey Chapter, 400 KENILWORTH - Mary Rica daughter Margie Mosco; three \ Symphony. meeting promises a big sur- rejoice as a creative project* sisters Ann Faso of Pisca'taway Morris Ave., Suite 251, Denville, Rego, 90, died Jan. 18 at grandchildren and four great- '' Admission to the Feb. 4 prise. Give a friend or associ- gets funded and starts to takel ate, your unconditional; sup- shape. ;••. / : ;•;•„••••;•••• • ': •/' \ and Sophie Puchel and Helen NJ 07834-1365, or to the Overlook Hospital in Summit. grandchildren. ;in show is free. For more informa- A unique approach to artichokes Rutsch, both of North Plainfield; American Heart Association. She was born in Italy and , Services were held Monday port when an earth-shattering , SAGITTARIUS: (Nov. 22 - : jfi'on and directions,, call (908) secret is revealed. Dec. 21):; Dra$tic changes are :; lived in kenilworth since 1914. at the Mastapeter Funeral : : •^i5544 :: f ••;•: i) ; TAURUS (April: 20 - May probable OJJ the, home front; ; She was a seamstress with • Home, Roselle Park,, followed ; Cqrciofi conpentie ov: ;. > 20): There's power in num- Be aware of ahd avoid aggres-' How the Atlantic Romper Co. of by a funeral Mass at;. Sjj, ^y bers^ Take; advantage; of an sive behavior from family Roseile Park prior to her 1973 Theresa's Roman Cathbho (Artichokes with penrie pasta) opportunity' to work with a members vrlao don't; .agree ; retirement. •Church^;,. • V ; ' ;•; .-• •: '.•• V '.*^'i. ; : the 'lostliistory' of oxen large club or, group toward a with your plans. ' ..••'..' ^ v • to the Granford Chronicle Predeceased by her husband, Burial was in St. Gertrude 2smail jars artichoke hearts (in oil) common goal or important v CAPRICORN (Dec; 22 V j Ferdinand, she is survived by Cemetery, Colonia. WESL .Most :i8tli • • Ipound ground beef purpose. . / . Jan, 19)i; You can get a; lot ; The Cranford Chronicle prints obituaries and memorial ser- century farmers in what was 2 lajrge^ans crushed tomatoes"..'. : GEMINI .(May 21 ;•• June aeqomplished if you will take ,; vice notices free of charge. \ • called East jerseyusedoien to •'•'• the time to get organized. ; The deadline for submitting an obituary is noon Tuesday. " v . ioniorivchopiped ' .".. 21): This is a great time to EVANGEL BAPTIST Joseph ML Haley work the fields rather than": : 2 garlic cloves^ minced step up to a challenge and dis^ Research a new idea before; - HOLY CROSS Submissions received after this deadline will appear in the b:prses or mules. by Susan Mauriello ybu'decide to write it in stone/ following week's edition. 1 teaspdon basil play your leadership skills. XIJTHERANCHURCH CHURCH FANWOOD - Joseph M. Corps and the Hopatcong Shore ?'.'Christine Glazer of ••;• Put all your ducks "in a row The Chronicle reserves the right to edit obituaries for content :. ; 1/2 teaspoon oreganO; pepper flakes. AQUARIUS (Jan, 20 -Feb. • • 639 Mountain Ave., Springfield 10:30 AM SUNDAY WORSHIP Haley, 71, died Dec. 19 at Property Owners Association. > and plan for an easy victory. . 242 SHUNPIKE ROAD, SPRINGFIELD and length. ' t Cr^nfoifd has rediscovered this 1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional) Add the chopped beef 18): Socializing puts a bjg 973-3794525 Please ask funeral directors to forward the information to us Warren Hospital in Lopatcong. He was a member of thf} lop history for. "Oxen; The and brown over medium CANCER (June 22 --July ^dent jn your budget. Look to| 973-379-4351 A native of Milford,,Conn., he 22): Moderation is your key 'your, sayings as a temporary , Sunday School & Worship via fax at (908) 575-6683 or e-mail at [email protected]. Veterans of the Battle of the Colqnial Farmer's Partner in , This, week's recipe, carciofi, iwww^pringficldonlinc.com/evangekp lived in Fanwood and Hopatcbng : Try it, you might like it! .heat, making syre to break word this week. Be careful not solution while finding other. -; Serviccs-lOam at For more information^ call Editor Gregory Zeller at (908).575- Bulge and William J^ Hocking Wort;" a presentation ached-" , con penne (artichokes ^vith If you have any questions, Jonathon Dayton 6686. before moving to Belvidere. Post 91, American Legion, in up the clumps of meat. Add to over-extend or overwhelm ways to supplement your i uied to run frdrn 2 p^m. to 4 p'erine pasta), is rather please contact me via fax at the crushed tomatoes and yourself mentally with the recreational funds., '••'•' ?• High School CELEBRATE JESUS He was awarded five battle Wharton, ','"•' Piih, Sunday at the MilierrCory unique, since the artichokes (908)272-2974. Adult & Music Ministries stars for his service with the Surviving are his wife of 53 salt to taste.. ; intake of too much trivial PISCES .(Feb. 19 - March ;; DIAMOND HILL UMC Ijfouse Museum in Westfield, are not fresh, but are jarred In the • meantime, buon information. Youth & Children's Programs Fourth Armored Division in the years, Jeanne DeNike' HaleM Stir all the ingredients 20): put your best foot forward invites you to join us in ^azer will tell how;oxen,were ill marinated oil. To capture appetitol Enjoy! LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22): Christian Nursery School & Third U;S, Army of Gen. George daughter . Sharon Griffin Of together and simmer, ' this week and avoid an emo- Kindergarten Worship on Sunday ;it 1 jbred, trained and used on the. the essence of the artichoke, Address issues concerning tionally draining situation . Compare S. Patton during World Wai II. Wharton; sons Michael of., uncovered* for approxi- W>H www.hqlycrossnj.org 830 am - Singing & • "ftirm,- with visual aids ihclud- you must use the actual mari- Dirain the artichokes joint funds. Don't hesitate to that could hold you back, A ' He had been a pipefitter at Palmyra, Joseph "Bud &f nade from the jar. — the fla- mately 45 minutes. Communion Service and place them in a bowl, change a monetary institution timely raise is well-deserved; Consider the beauty, service, care and the Picatinny Arsenal in idg harnesses, yokes and relat- vor of the marinade definitely Add the artichokes and Hopatcong, Lawrence 6f ed implements. but save the jriarinadel j or fund if it doesn't meet or THIS WEEK'S BIRTH-, 11:00 am - Traditional Service Rockaway Township from 19(53- Brookside and Jason of Boontoit; adds to the flavor of the com- the remaining marinade satisfy your shared expecta- Trinity Pentecostal maintenance at Hillside Cemetery. AH plots, 83 and owned a machine shop in >.u Dbcents in period dress con- Cut the artichokes in DAYS: Expectlots of develop- 10*5 Diamond Hill Road sister Helen Rudden of Glen pleted flauce. oil, then sitomer for an tions. ..••'•••••• ; ; mental . tensidn surrounding ; Holiness Fellowship Fanwood before then. ducted guided tours of the half lengthwise and set Berkeley Heights graves, cremorial graves and bronze cremorial Allen, Va.; and three grandclnV If you prefer not to use the them aside. additional .20 minutes, VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): personal and domestic issues, Wednesdays, 7i30|>m He was a life member of the dren. 31 18th centufy farmstead with pepper flakes while cooking, Experience an intense or pow- during the coming year. Watch- ; Midweek Service niches are in fully developed areas and include In a large pot, sdute^the.' stirring occasionally. Fanwood Fire Department, the A memorial service will be & ; the last tour scheduled to since some diners at your erful relationship moment as you'r temper a^d make sure a1 Cranford VFW Post 33$, South Ave. East 908-464-1807 onion in thr.ee tablespoons , Serve with :perine pasta, perpetual care. Located on Woodland Avenue Fanwood Rescue Squad, the p.m. Saturday at.the Whartojs bAgin at 3 p;m. , table might not like the hot a key issue with a partner or disagreement with doesn't get , Sun. 10:00 am Nursing Home Ministry [of the marinade oil. Stir The rigaie (lined) pasta is Fourth Armored Division •^ Admission is $2 for adults, spice, the spice can be added ! mate comes to light. Speak out of hand. Nip it in, the bud,; Sun. 11:00 am Sunday School firehouse, 10 Robert St. in. preferable, since the lines in Scotch Plains, a non-profit, non-sectarian Association and Veterans of Wharton. :', . ; \- '< 60 cents for students and free •: to individual servings as pre- the onion pieces over lo\v from your heart.; and confess ttr'ejcplain your; Sun. 6:30 pm Worship TO ADVERTISE YOUR PLACE Foreign Wars Post 28133 in t heat until they ate wilted.'• in the pasta hold the sauce Sal. 7i30 pin Pentecostal Prayer organization. 908.756.1729 Arrangements are. by .t$fj' fdi-children under 6; Fdr more ferred. But whett you a,dd the LIBRA (Sept. 23 - Oct; 23); side of the'stbry. YOu'Jl find •' Kenvil. . , Add the garlic during the .much, better. hard work does pay off; put, •! (call for location Information) OF WORSHIP ON THIS PAGE Bermingham Funeral Home uv ffifi'ill(98)232 flakes during the cooking Maintain an optimistic atti- ; . Crusty; bread is great to your nose toi the grindstone ;; , Pastor Frank Sforza In a'aaltion, he was a life Wharton. .•'••'•'•"••'•• ?i process, the flavor is last two minutes; or soy tude in the work, place and GALL CHRIS Cemetery member and. captain of Vj ::: stnobther'— not as hot to the then s"tir in the basiL, clean up your dish! accept a difficult assignment and channel your energies! j (908)27^244 Memorial donations may be :vw Hopatcong Fire Company No. 3. 1 •..TheMiller-Cory House palate;^ •• •••'', ;••' .'!''•• ••: ', • oregano and optionalf red i . Ecco, tutto.e pronto! without question. It's a dirty cpnatructively. .••••••..•••'••,.•• •...'','. [email protected] • '-, 1-800-981-5640 'Established"1886 sent to New Jersey State, He also was a past president Firemen's Home, 666 Lathrbft Museum is, located at 614 \www.hillsidecemeteiy;c6!m' ,. • of the Hopatcong Ambulance Ave., Boonton, NJ 07005. " Mountain Ave. in *'WestKi^i

••)•:. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^fff^^f^^^W^^I^W^:

January 25,2001 .B-4 PrimeTim©l2 Cranford Chronicle

New releases who seems like a sordid. Cesar Ronaero, and Taylor Hackford's NEW BEGINNING .- . JUST THE TWO OF US ROiMANTICMALE '*/ direction finds a tough, exciting rhythm in the big action climax,'2 WOMEN ' Divorced white professional 21 yr' old, - single black and 6'3" male, 190 Iba,'black hair,, : ; : : :: "Traffic" — Michael Douglas seems harried, suited and very Films in Focus SEEKING MEN .female, 3ff yrs old, Mother of Italian.male. 6'1", 192 lbs,brown eyes, triedliim built, houi-s;RatedR, 21/2 dax?i;'^'-;..:'-"- /:[.:. '.V'; ,-- \":^/';- ' ^''^]:- ' : white as Bob Wakefield, an Ohio judge who is appointed to become *What Women Wattt" — Pliease, let it not be this brutally vapjid Call 1-9WM54-2259 .one, 5'6", blonde with: blue. attractive, good personality Enjoys swimming, dancing; ; the nation's new "drug czar." Among the things he must learn comedy. Mel Gibson -flogs his comical ^gifts* as A macho-pig, but $1.99 per mln. • ' . . eyes, compassionate, attrac- ' and great sense' of humor, going out, .movies, long walks, Maria Sokoloff, David Herman, Hal Sparks, Rated PG-13, 2 1/2 1 Enjoy EMS, playing ball, motor on the beach, .poetiy,;and.,: ';, quickly is the secret addiction of his daughter Caroline (Erika preeningly adorable ad tnan in Chicago, who find$ ms feminine ' . EX ASIAN MODEL tive,; non-smoker,.great per- stars. . . ' .•.'..•'. ',:. •"•'. ' •/ . •• •. '..•'.. •; '••'.'- • sonajity, good sense of .cycles and |us,t having fun, more. Seeking a.female, with... ; ChristenBeny. The key plotline is the shift from law work to drug side — he becomes, a stud from both Mars ind Venus. Helen Hunt 32 yr old, 5'5", ex model, very .Looidng.fbr a single female 18. slrnllarinterests. BOX37459,•','• "The Emperor's New Groove" — A sprightly Disney enter- humdr, • Seeks . attractive, .'; thuggery, a twilight zone for the rising hard case Javier (Benicio ^sjerjo'er, affectionate; caring, to 25, who Is.attractive, hon: is his blunted competition at the agency, awed by hisinsights.T||e .good sense of humor. Looking cieari ait, tall, caring, affefe '•• Hel Toro). There is an overlapping San Diego story, about a La Jolla tainment, with vivid cartooning and no overburden of songs. This est, fun loving and willing to TP THE POINT concept gizmo is that he can read women's minds, and^vhat .that forward to meetlnga down to tlonate, male,;, 35 to 45,. to Single male, .41; looking to 15th century yarn in Old Peru has about as much to do with the : experience life to the fullest. ! ytipster and drug dealer (Steven Bauer), his out-of-it but rapidly seeniB to establish is that women are Vhiiiey hypocrites who rarely earth, financially secure, col- share everything life has to. '•; adaptable trophy wife (Catherine Zeta-Jones),. a cheap lawyer real Inca Empire as it does with the asphalt business in Detroit, Hudson county BOX 29227 . riteet someone who Is sincere but the adventures of the haughty dude emperor (voice: David say what they think and feel. Bette Midler, Lauren Holly, Delta legs educated and family orl-. offer. Let's talk. Hudson and down to earth for good; • (Dennis Quaid), a lizard-hearted hustler (Miguel Ferrer) and a enlad male, Who's also loving, County;BOXi9233 / ' ' ARE VdU OUTTHERE? Spade), a big peasant (John Goodman) and a wonderfully drawn Burke, Marisa Tomei, Ashley Johnson, Valerie Perrine and % dar- times and. casual dating;. BOX I pair of amusingly go-for-it DEA cops (Luis Guzman, Don CheadleO. and caring. Enjoys swimming,. Single white male, 43, 'sff, 376(45 ':, - ;:'--::-\-\Xj. usurper (Eartha Kitt) are considerable fun. 80ininutes. Rated G. 3 ling doing an Audrey Hepburn (circa "Fuhny Face") knockoff aire tennis mUslo, rrioyles,, travel-:'. BOMANTIC AT HEART T50 lbs, attractive, healthy, .! . A friend, said that "Traffic" is, in essence and effect, saying that the WldoWed.,fernale;;67 yr bid,- SECURE??? '• stars. \. ;'••'•• :. .'-. '• •• , •"" ; •• ••.•-'•';•'•' , . ,••. -.. • ,'•:" •• among the females who should be embarrassed to be seen in th!is . ling, cooking and dining out. : honest, affectlonaio, s.lncore, ; drug war is a dead loss, that wide drug use is inevitable and maybe 5'7"; 'Slim," easy' going, Single white male, 34 ,non- shameless star smooch for Gibson, whose.cuteness-is just about 'BOX23232:••.•;'; •::;•)••• ••.;•;' enjoys iaughlng,llfe, and al| It 8mbker. non-drinker. Ukes the^ . ;. even acceptable. That sounds cynical until you've seen the film. !"the Family Man" — In "The Family Man;" Nicolas Cage plays brunette hair, blue eyes; likes a double role similar to Rachel Griffith's in the Australian film"M e insufferable. Sadly, it was largely written by women and directed HEART OF GOLD •. pffers^Seeks; sincere^ roman- ; outdoors year around bhanas8 , • Cast: Benicio Del Toro, Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones, 1 ; books;, rriuslcV convsrsatlon tic; attractive female who pi the .season's, fall,-. walks;'..' by one, Nancy Meyers, Rated P0rl3,1 stai . "'•'• , ;; ; Divorced, white female, .59 yr -Myself I," and like Griffith he is far better than the material. As ..and new experiences. -. enjoys dining, good conversa-. •movies, boating, flshlrig,. ; Don Cheadle, Miguel Ferrer, Stephen Bauer, Erika Christenseii, • old, attractive; 5','short hair, Jack CampbeU, Cage-is a master of Wall Street "arbitrage," domi--; . RATINGS: 4 stars, excellent; 3 stars, worthy; 2 stars, mixed;! 1 Looking for an active, Intelll- Won, quiet times for dating and Luis Guzman, Jacob Vargas, Tomas Milian, Amy Irving. Running medium build, with a heart of • camplnfj,. htihilng',, concerts' - star, poor; 0 stars) forget it. ' ^, . . •)" genl, good natured man, ,65 hating, his staff and competition with ruthless charm and confi- gold. Looking for the same In a possible long term relation- .art d dinner, Seeking a single • time; 2 hours 27 minutes. Rated R. 2 1/2 stars. ship. BeYgeri County. BOX dence. Thirteen years earlier, he gave up the loye of his life, Kate Capsules compiledfrommovie reviews written by David Elliott, rjiale; 5'10", :J non-smoker,. to 75, frprri; Union or Essex jyhlte fernale, 25. jo .40, honj.. '•. 29277 '• ••'[;•:' '..•.. ,.. - ' i Recent releases (Tea Leoni), after she.''proposed he passonia big business career for film cntic for The; $an Diego UniofcTribune, and other staff writ- social drinking okay.". (looking Cdunty,';Ali•calls'; answered. Smoklsr..,non-drinker, Same ; • ers. .' (or friendship, leading to a'.Bpi( 37020.. • ;•'.••• '•'.'. '•••'•• .HAPpyNEWVEAR - Interests, and must be secure her vague dream of total tqgetherne$Si Kow, after an impromptu obout i , "All the Pretty Horses" — Matt Damon's entirely in the sadr ; ;Thls5'ir40something.single^ herself.:B6>(38063,'' ',..,• 'good deed at a convenience store, Jack awakens" on Christmas to LTR, who likes flea.markets, '•'•••:/;•: lETSli/IEEt -'.•'';•- • die as John Grady Cole, a young Texan who sees the old family find himself still Jack Campbell, but living with Kate and their fining out,, and rrioyles etc.. Single white, professional white Italian'-'male, hopeless MARRIAGE MINDED • ; ranch sold out from under him in'.-1949. .Displaced yet keen for life, : -BOX42630:.;,V. ' /; female, 27, .'enjoys, nature •romantic,' - spiritually aware. 3$ yr bid, slngls>ihlle.-male,' .': two small kids in a Kew Jersey suburban house. He'd bewildered. : |. Cole heads off to Mexico with hisranch pal Lacey Rawlins(Henry INCURABLE ROMANTIC . hlWrigij; traveling, '.th'patet> emptlohallystablB, Hal Hoping. ;5'9", 175 lb's, non:8mbkeyfrom Manfully struggling to adjust, he describes his TITLES; 51 yr old, single white female, to-hobk .up .with a similar Westfleld. Enjoys antiques, the ; Thoinas), on horseback..The time could almost be 1879, ahd that is ., mUs|c. and .more. Seeking a l! wake up covered by dog saliva. After dropping 6|f,the kids, I spend '' attractive, honest and sincere:;• att/flctive', spontaneous,'does- ••.ouldoo.ns,'.'dlnlrifl, movles1 run-.. : 2 8 7 ~ 10 12 13 . single male, non- smoker with| Call I "^W^-^SP^fr-^C^C^y fo res, *..'.;^hat'the.yflurig.fli"ieiJi'want.'U-'pp,en spaces for riding* huge ranches . eight hours selling tiresi^taii," The movie odes the high, swank I'.'": LooWrtg for aslnglegenllemari, ' n't care.what.other pebplB'. nIngandiiulettlmss.'S.eekina %••' .••'Slmllai' Interests. .BOX 11.946.',; | for working, some women to fancy and tequila to drinki The men life, but condemns it as lonely and empty, while patronizing the 1 to share good and bad times ($1.99 per min. 18 years or older) Touch-Tone and Rotary Phones '•• think type woman (o ring.ln: an attractive1 single or divorced. • find a 27,000-acre tanCh that has been in the Rocha family for .170 14 V; ; : together, for friendship first: : . HOPELESS ROMANTIC ''! 2001 find maybe keep'-gri ring-- 'white female,; 28 -tb' 4Q,; wltH ' struggling middle class as a backwater paradise 6f family values. : v:. . let's;'grow o|d togetheV as a, •;: years.;, Riiben Blades plays the patron with hard-eyed power.. And. Cast: Nicolas -Cage, Tea Xjeoni, DOtt Cheridle, Josef Sommer, 1r BSay^t Respond to Ads using your Visa/Mastercard, Call Ing for 2002, 2003, 2004....'... similar'Interests',-for Ipng.'temv. 17 couple and enjoys/•'what -.life'.' . Hudson Qouhly. BOX 292B0 relationship. BO)< 38557.' ;.-. ;< i ': » •'• . fit. .60.. LaW; Enforcement Ipro-I .; \Cple finds trbiableI'via the master's daughter Alejahdra,. acted by '';A$akenzie yega/HiEU^Ei'^resneil. Running time:. 1^4 minutes. 2 •;..'•. ' has to ijffer. BOX 39$82 .':.;';•'•'• t . fasslonal,-Interests (ire; hlk-l ($1.99 per min) •:' YOU LOOK JUSTf FINE' '•'<••. • VVHITE KNlCiHT?;'; • 1. -.I' Penelope Cruz with 'Heir flair for sultry but sulbtle responses; The •'stars.'1''. ;•••••'.••• „ '-. ;•'), •:!•. '. .••. '••'•'< •"'•'•'• -:-/;..'-,: •• '.' ' ' '•••;','.;[-••/ 20 1 ' Ing,;'dining,', dancing, .nj.oyles, I ; •'S3- wfilte; male, fl/nei"rriincl aric|•'• WNI?.nrale,45,nevorrparri^d/ -. ..; fomance is secret and dangerous, and the Americanos are tailed by :•'::: : h i Sinfll?' whiteJarntJe,:- red hair, •,theai(e, quiet tlmfe and mofo.' ' 'body- nice ipqklrig'prbfeslbn-• no"dhiidren."5V;'2O0lt>s, hlr ever- 1 .'.13769 •"'. •'.-' •:'•.••• :-.-':.^ '.v ; panloh. BOX i 1.755.' ;'. ' Nelson, and Pete (John Turturro),.a rustic dofk who seems to be STRermanWouk's •'"•flle.. white '•male, Who likes . family: orientated; ahd enjoys ,39338 ••';'•''.'• ..'.-•. ". '•'' • share a special polite relallon- . ish hair, • blue male, S'ft",' .155- 9.Partner of Crofts . • 26 Field's "All—..and. . lasting love and.-happiness. r • Scott). The two can't quite remember what they did the night : •.working :out,'. the beach and New-: YP .k-.pity.- Sohp,'the desperately lashing one IQ point to another. The escapees ramble i Pulitzer novel, wllh .•; HeavenToo" '• ,80X^9259 -r ;•./••; v V. ship. I'm a white selt-employed eyes. Seeking a trim, .--': lbs, -college edudatetl,;. ! before. Next, they realize Jesse's car is missingv And then things •moiuBOX37387.. ,: •'."'. yillage,.'dinln'gi'movle3;th.eater^ from one yawpy, Odyssean lark to another, chased by redneck cops . ...rThe"', :•.'•.•. '•'•'. ;-'.27 Encoiirag«... ••••' • business mari. Let's have Personable fenidlB.who.likes alloyed, athletic, fit, loves' UNPRETENtlbUS WIDOW . and the. beach. Must be. non- [• get weird. The pair's girlfriends, (Jennifer Garner and Maria 16Adrr). Byrd's fox .' 62 Kind of. mill .. 28 Sappho's Muse - /• WINTER'S HOSTESS lunch. BOX 13757 to dress -up Ibr. line dining'. walking, 'movies, shows,an§ who like to burn prdperty, and lured by sexy sirens into a swampy : Union County area Afrq smoker,-BOX 29267 '•-.'• , '!" Qbkoldff). scold the dudes for destroying the girls' house; cult niem- terrier' • 64 Musical frnale. 29 Slhdalr Lewis':: •SSyrold femaie,.blonde hair.. En|oy8 sports," travel, and more, looking for'-a. Hispanic erotic paradise. "G Brother, Where Art Thou?* is like A. J. Liebling's . ^American 'widow; rnld- 50's, COMMUNITY^THERAPIST , 17TraBlo king • 65 Sloth's home . Pulitzer novel ' blue, eyes,' -petite. Enjoys , CENTRALyERSEY ' .NYC. BOX 36451 : • lemale, 4p to55,who'S petite^ ; beys kidnap the dudes, looking for a missing device that could thirt/me'dlumbuild; Loyal.kind,' 1 "Earl of. Louisiana" revised by Mad magazine after a crash course cross-country skiing; hiking,' -.Kind, bold, Jersey .City or • who knows what she wants Ire i destroy the universe; and a transsexual stripper pursues the 18 Encore! .; 66 "Midnight Cowboy' 30 Son|a Henle's honest, -sensitive,'•.Independ- Divorced while female,. 5T, : ..Hpboken woman,- sought tor PERFECT CHEMISTRY o relationship; to'.treat with, in chain-gang movies, plus "Paper Mboii;* Cast: George Clooney, 19 Butchery request . .'rble '•••;'•• •••••.':.•• • : birthplace . , ent,' unpretentious,, social camping,. poetry reading's, 125Jbs.,stlralght blonde hair, .:.!' dudes, looking for a missing suitcase full of money. It's mainly a ; vory-slgnlllcanl1 romance, with Divorced, Italian American, 1 1 John Turturro, Tim Blake Nelson, Charles Durning, Holly ttuhter, 20 Alice Waller's , .67 He was: L , . 31 Bulck model . drlnkar, no baggngo. EnjoyB travollng and museum's. II you grodn eyes, mid 50's. Enjoys irespect and tUgnlty.-'' BOX'. ', launch of nonsense,: an excuB'e for the sweetly moronic. Jesse and ' Puillzar hovel,': aro-lniorogtod, glvo mo a call. this single white male, SB', S'8", - 57", deep brown oyes.strppg, 39094.'. : '•••• ••>..•. •• •-.. "-.^ John Gooditnan, Chris Thbmas.ffingf Running time: lhojir 33 niih- ; 6B Dodge.CHy.marshal 32Hebee ' choss, cards, Walks,, dlnlrtg In thq outdoors, hiking, country ' lh;' .' 69 Jacob's.aon . V ' 35 Sailors ', . ' BOX 39254 , : • •••: ... music, travel and. cooking lilm, Ifiterestocl In progressive* healthy, slim; financially- '/Chester to ham it up like a Tiger Beat version of Cheech and •'utesJ Rated R; 2; 1./2'stars., •-v' ''••"'' ••''•-'•':'•••"'•'.. '•' ••.'••'•..••. '•"'••."•'".'".•:'"- . arid but, dancing, theater and | ghong. Biit "Diide" has such a goofy, good-natured, subtly satiric 23Corpoirate VIP '70 Marginal'mark 36Qoheby • : rnuqh rnorerSsekS widowed or. : Sesks-healthy, single male,_54 politics,-', jpgglpg, . rh.usio, secure, own small business,. MEN "Proof of X/ife"^— A rather, bloated, involving, not quite, con- 24 "Dovyn and Out In r tp;64,' Wlthillnliar interests'for ''», toergy that it's hard to take sniping at it seriously. It rocks. Dude. '7.1 Means'Juslifler . 39 Venetian strip - • dlybrced rVtaW,'*« • to-,70, rac;e 'SingleVwIdowed.'fdrriBle, |n Her' irnptoyernent of self arid olh-. young 40,- rbm?ntlo,.:.Ipyes;; i • Beverly JHIIIs". star 41 Ropafrrobbrt hbtlrnpbrtanf.:lBOX 30755 . ; 'friendship.and• possible rela- StEK/NG MEN vincing, throwback to the old foreign intrigue movies that starred Go's, attractive, slim, proles-. '•.ers. An/reiiglon, serlous.only, ,'caflbbi9_aHl;j^am.;gjme..|fp)'tV; ! ©aat: Ashtori Kuteher, Seann William Scott, Jennifer Garner, •25 Chip In a chip DOWN 44 —Set :;tlonshlp,.aox30759™-:,.i - Csli 1-900-454-2259 Bogart.and Mitchum. Russell Crowe subs for them nicely as an '- slonal/" enjoysi-outdporsr'blfe:-; '.Hudson ''t^i^7^X,w^''T\}^iewt_'lU&09om:my.yiie^, .;p. Darwin's ship 46 Shearer/a'skirt' ; 1 : $1.99 per mfn. expert in^ ransom negotiation and- hostage rescue, helping a des- 3{'-yr old fertiale, S'2V long Ing,: hiking arid 'long walks. .EYE CATCHER &MORE ''WOMAN OP uv DREAMS ..Seeking wpmanwllh sparkle 30 Fruirfarm,: 1 Soft'mlneral 49 Kind of testing in a perate ALmerican (Meg Ryan; liberated from cutes)|whose engineer blonde halr,:.b!ue!.eyea, ,p.hyslr • .Lopklpg.for'a.single or widow, .pivbrced white mother of phe, WhlSmale^hld^. s£,-190 ' ^ T'^" °!, *^ ^MAkETOEWNERINq^ 33 Briilns great . 2 Chocolate cobklo 61 Couch '•• carin to 8hare cally fit, pellte, college educat-'' malo wllh similar Interest for a 5'5"j slim • to -medium built,' Join WebFriends, (lie lbs, outgoing; 'likeable, nice. ^ -* * ?°? Single male,5i, 5'^,,15Slbs^ husband (David: Morse) is held in a "classic" Latin Americfari coun- 34 Singers Jarnoa and 3 Brunch, e.g. 53 Siesta sound 3 6 wllh. black hair and dark b.ro'wrf '.'ed, likes, tennis, rollenblad(ng,: possible; long term relation- attractive;, brown- hair and looking, with a fanlasllbper. , P <° • ';••'• ,::,.•;. try by rebel extortionists. There is too much'tnood milkiing and plot 1'.,:'.Jprte8' .•"'•" 4 Lamour's attire 54 Bloycle part . ; 'ayes; looking lor a very dls» biking,' the' beacri,' arid more. ship. BOX 40886 , ,.: ::'... eyes,', fair cornpleVlon, college (iptfesf online iirigleis" • sonalltyond a sense of humor. . : STILL SEARCHING dawdling, but all the actors do rather well, including k big thug. 37 Downy duck 5 Plenary 55 Pearl Mosque site . Looking for a.sfngle white pro-. . creet friendship, and niofa* educated, employed .'In."the. . Enjoysmovtes, sports, music, 4«'yr6ld;'rnaii, .i8'12V:ieo',li)9,'' 38'Sptills'."•;• • p i' '. fessionattiiaie, 30 to 39, who's . '[•.. LOVE CAN'T WAIt :' lifestyle cpmmunily.. ,(' - B0X10421 ;.'.' .•,..-: ;':.' ', •'»" pharmaceutical •-. Industry.. dining out, good converea- brown hair, blua eyes, college 4Q.Qolf score : 7 Joe of the diamond handmaiden ./college educated, fit andLooking for older Oriental man 1 Looking ;fbr a singisiWhite ; tlons, outdoors and just quiet ROMANTIC FRIENDSHIP * 42Puddlngthickener 8 Trickle 58 Like some.lea .; knows what. Ije. wants out of Is,'this mid/soi,: widowed, ; educated, enjoys boating, fine fsmale, financially, stable, tall, ? • Free.Acts ."..;.,;,' : : 43Purplece' •• • 9 Hush Italian lady,'blonde hair, artist,. : : times. Seeking an,open, moti- dining, ."adlnfl,;^ 59 Kashan's country . lite;BOX36604 ,:'.: •• ;'.;'• . slender with a positive out look - 45 Ktest. ." . • . 10 Super ending 60 Dweeb .. ' . -.'. ' attractive, Intelligent, talented, : vated/, single farriala, for conversations and friends. ' :RING MY BELLI, : ' In life. BOX 35301 .., :/'/ ;; :. •FreePholos '-.-• ; • 47 Ont.'s neighbor 11 Booth Tarklngton's 61 Mopes'opposltes gorgeous figure, -excellent: lor.qar- .tyMngjorMenti vyho.ls a sin* Pulltier- novel Slnglo black female; B6 yr old. .. IP YOU'RE READV.... 48 Pacing 63 Wind direction ' qilal.lty background, se(f . -" ' ••;• Qle white rnale;-Interested. InJ- brown half;and ''eyes. Enjoys ' 27 yr.'old,' white: professional .employed,-with a lot to offer,. .; . • 'HEART OF GOLD..- long term relatiortshlp with;.IMj dancing, rtiovies', AC, and'din-. female, 5'4", brown hair" and ninnn nnmn nncran ing out. Seeking a.single.black Enjoys' ballroom dancing, - Slngle-maie,, 74,- S'6"; enjoys 48.yr.old,"Slngle,Jewish busl- :rightperson, 40,to50.d nnnn nnnn ntmna eyes, enjoys cooking, reading,, nnrin nnnn nnnnra male-, 55 to 65, that has similar . palpUng portraits.-. Looking'.for dining out, .movies," theater! • ness prolesslonali 5'6", brown " Passalc CoUntyii uniinriinnniii'jH rjiia animals, outdoors,: meeting Interests. I Would really like' to. non-smoker, .accomplished • Broadway pipy and good con- , hair, blue-eyes, slim build, non- B0X.29229 "I:-. .•... v'^: •••".J' nonnn nnnn new people and volunteering. ITALIAN BISTRO ntinnr.in nnnn'.:na develop a long term relation- person. BOX 13108 .•,.."• smoker. Enjoys dining, music. a an HIKOHI'I nnaun Seeking a single' male with •versatlon. Seeking a single ROMANCE FRIENDSHIP.', nnnn nnnnn nnna ship. BOX 37661 •• : •• '••',; WTHEHUNi .;'. persiDn-whojl make if click. . .femaie, 50 tp 60, with, similar dancing, movies, the; Jersey Single whlte maliB,-3S,'-'5^0? ncitiiiu ciLinurj DDH . similar Interests, for friendship : .Appetizer • Salad • Filet Mignon and Chicken Picatta duet Dessert Hnnnnnn nnnana HONEST & SECURE - Are you looking for single; •flrst'and' possible relationship; ".Interests. B6X38269 : . : ' shore, reading, computers and .170 ibs,'Interesting, long lentj, nnnn nnnron white femaie,-who's Intelligent, ; CREAM IN YOUR COFFEE friendship, someone with slmM nnn niirmrnrinHnnn Single while female, classy, BOX35362- •<;•':'•,' ;':-•.- good conversation. Seeking a nniiiHii natan aann attractive- professional, 59, attractive; and; fun loving, If 'http://njn.webfriends.com Divorced white Italian male, fernale, who's attractive, Intelll-. lar, .characteristics,. louelyjj Doors open: 8:00pm, Show starts at 8:30pm, Fine Dining &. Casual Atmosphere nniinn nrana nnnn WEST SEEKS EAST annuu UUIJH GDHU 5'2", n'On-drlnker, npri-smoker, •yoiJ- are .a slhgfe.wHite' male, \ 62,'6:3", 198 JBs, black hair. gent, tit, has no children, with a decant, honest, sincere! oonw Location; V Affaire, 1099 Ri;. 22 East, at Reasonable Prices! Single .white female, 60's, EhJoysV dancing, theater, the non- smoker,- between the : greert eyes, Seeking a female,. great.'sense .bf humor. BOX passionate? looking for'Wfiifaj' down to earth, enjoys" qufet male, 38 to 48, looking,for tha Mountainside, NJ (easy to reach from anywhere) Jersey shore. In-search of a •• ages 66 and '64,;'-'*rio Ilices. 55 to 60, who Is affectionate,. -37039 -: .; : \:\'*;y- "' Fresh Seafood Daily &Uore! slngja white professional mala,.. .'limes, working, the,outdoors,' right and quality person for]' .dancing, New York. and : . caring.and likes, good'conver- 1 museums and more.'Seeking • Daily Luncheon Specials Silo 0S, rion-smokei;honest, Atlantid: City and live. In the. GIVEMEACALLI mutual feeling to share a Ufa; : aslngle Asian male, with slml- sation. 'Race unimportant. To Benefit St Joseph Church, North Plainfield emotionally and financially Union County area, give me a 55 yr old, 5'S", '165: lbs. .-single' with, very kind and straight! • Specialty Salads Everyday Jnlon County Arts Center mm . lar Interests, for possible rela- BOX37445..;'."-. acting, appearance, arid mas-i' secure; BOX'37739 ' :; call. BOX 13253 white male .financially secure, - $55.00 per person tionship, BQX.37310 ' •;;:;••- cullno. Passalc County.BOX^ ANGEL FROM UP ABOVE PLEASURES OF LIFE . professional, who enjoys work- Reservations Recommended \. FREE9PiniT. 28236' : •.•.'.'••".'"• :"." ..'i Single white professional, WHAT MAKES l( HAPPY? p BLONDE AND BEAUTIFUL SEEKING WOMAN : Divorced while male, 81,8'4"i ing out, Is seeking a petite, sin,:! To Order by Phone (908) 756-1448 or (908) 756-3383 Cheer on Ramona bi thb mtukil esapade »thb exdt- 47 yr old, attractive single, Open 7 Days a Week • Serving Lunch Mon. thru Fri. la'male, mid 40's,; warm,' sin- 61 yr old, single vvldow, 5'6", Single'.white 'male, 48; 5'8",: Slhgle attnactlve comedian, 27 Looking for a good woman,- 30 230 lbs, happy, secure, -prafe'sr gle Asian female, 40 to 55, that GIVEMEACALt.. .-\ able 3rd grader takes on life's dally challenge!. while fomala,. Is seeking a spir- to 40, for. romanllo times, good cere, and horieat,' non-smoker, ' auburn hair, blue eyes, warm, 190 ..'.ibs,-. v'brdwn'' .hair,' yrn 'bid, brown half and blue sional, looking for a tall, thin, wants to.be treated the right Gay white rnale, HIV pdislUyeA Visa, MasterCard, and American Express Welcome itual relationship wllh,a.sensi- time?,and kids don't matter. Visit us at: www.echoqua.com . social . ' . drinker,. cheerful arid down to earth, green/browri .eyes, enjoys wayV BOX 37043 ;.".- 40, asymptomatic;'5'1p", taS. tive: and'caring,, single 'or eyes, looking for an attractive, Someone with a good heart, single female, 43 to; 50, who FEBRUARY 4 AT 3PM • amotlonally/linancraHy ., seeking -widower white male, ,: sports; mov|es,.talks',:the,out-. blonde white female, 18 to 22, onjoysthe simple pleasures of ; ; Ibs, haiei eyes, blonde. Seeks: 2$ Route 22 West, Echo Plaza, Springfield • (973) 379-5704 divorced Hispanic Or black 1 who doesn't piay 'games. "•'• ; ".LET'SMEET.' •'.' secured. Lopklng lor a male, In early 60's, wltri similar Inter- doors, quipt'times and. more. life, lor a possible relationship. friendship, arid romance with, ALL SEATS: $9 male, 47 lo 58, with a good for. fun arid laughter. BOX .HudsonCounty.BpX.29231. : 40 yr.old male, 5'9",. 185 lbs; with slmjlar Interests, and qual- /estsand qualitlss. BOX39429. Seeking a single female,' wllh ;'• BOX. 13083;: ^ •'';-• : one who has.a Sense of humorj . sense pf humor. I on|oy good ;i3ais; , .•'•:•'. '••• '•;•'•'•'. ..'.' '.FJHSTTI'ME AD •••'•.; • HbOUMU! IUM KHStDLB W HAJ DV FUNtW HUiU TIIB MBW ' Itles for a monogamous rela- similar Interests,' for friendship! ttjuwv mn council OH TUB UTI/DW. OC WATI. A PAXT* tlohshlR.BOX 13785. . • conversatlohs, • movies,, music-:, "and a possible relationship. Youthful, 45 yr.old,'attractive, LET'S GET TOGETHER build, good NEW JERSEY'S OLDEST HE*. AOENCVOr TW NATOHAL ENDO*UEHTOIF THfl A*|» MEN THRILLSEeKER , and explore. BOX2&252 -,^1 and dining put. BOX 13535.. ' ,BOX-13830\ ;• V :"'•;•":•'. 'Single Italian while male';-Is . Good looking,'fcollege.'student* good personality and sense of COMMUNITY THEATER - Single male,- drug-free, 'sense < seeking an attractive, single ' Q0OD TIMES AWAITS i>3 '. ROMANCE WANTED SEEKING WOMEN 6', auburn hair, 'blue, eyes, hurnor. Enjoys bballrtg,'fishing, Seekirta'a.tall, fit,' Single or bf humor, enjoys taking walks, female,to 'develop along term v ; Ml Call 1-900-454-22S9 -goate'e,playsin & band, nice,, dinin""g '6ut ' ', • -travelling' ' , working ' .Sjnfllti, 37,; white, Milan' m divorced,- spiritually sensitive, Athletlc.-sllrn.slrigle white pro- Single while rnaiei 6'i",.ehjoya relationship, BOX 13568.: . the beach, movies and trying . hopeless romantic. Enjoys- out and more. Looking for 5'8", I65lbs',wlth brown ha)5-: The Cranford Dramatic Club humorous, caring male, 50 to fesslontir lomalo, 36, dirty .-:' ii.99 per mlrtV postry and: more-,, seeking a' 1 now things., Looking ; for a- - MARRIAGE ORIENTED .sports,ftiuslo,.- quiet nlghls at female, who's easy going, eyes' anp! clean.' shaV 60, for a possible long term. blond hair, Irish ealhollo, 5'5", single female, wllh - similar LET'S GET TOGETHERl! •female,-25 to 40, wllh similar 44,5'10", 170 lbs; blonde/blue, Seeking a single: white . ralatlpriahlp, Enjoys cortvema-, outgoing, ,'attractive, non- Interests. BOX 10424 ^ ' home, walks on the beach and attractive and Interesting. BOX Proudly Presents... Single : white > professional ..Interests';'BOX 13822 ,'.',;-. '•'. trim, ... athletic build, Hispanic male, 21 to 40, lion,, quiet .-evenings, music smoker.LlkeB to Workout, run, mare. Looking for that special 37066 .... ;•; ,',.:, '-. ;;. male, 61, S'S"; fit,- humorous, Irish/QeVman;.,-.- handsome, good limes. BOX 389^6 l 1 :and .bike.-Seeks, single while LOOKiNGFOPlYOU '..' single female. BOX 13260 >'t)ln|nj(.otit,Mn»alor..5 e", 47 yr. warm, caring, seeking, single v PJCKMYBRANCH i financially - established, soil CATCHOFTHEpAVt 1 professional male, .non-amok- • 37 yr old, while male,,5'IIV old, single attractive' black 'white female, 35 to 48, warm, Single male, certified tree sur- spoken gentleman, with tradi- SEEKS CHRISTIAN ' .38 yr old'African American WOMEN ' female, '165 iba, with no chll- er,. ealhollo; fit, athletic, 33 to 200 lbs, attractive and.flt wllh a . allracllve, fit, down to earth, for geon, 6', 210, lbs, business , tional Mid Western values, 43 yr old single black Christian male, 5'8",. brown skin, non- , dreivBpX 1M07 ;V ;: , '39,.for friendship, and possible. ' good sense of humor, enjoys- SEEKING WOMEN friendship, good times, possi- Enjoys- country d.rlvesyand male, 6'2', down to earth, smoker, medium build, no chll: ' V GIVE ME A CALL long term relationship. BOX the outdoors. Looking lor black: owner, enjoys the .city, moun- bly more; BOX 36016 , quaint towns. Seeks'warm,, loves Christian music, and dreri seeking-single African -.': PLACEVOOH A[>.MTHIS Single white female, acllvo, 20228';' "•,"'•'• , • •' '••'.';' or Hispanic female, smoking, tains, the outdoors, the beach- earing, woman, 34 to .42, with walks In the park, Seeking. American . female,- :.• , ;. CAreooRYi--! attractive, seeking single white I'M WAITING! . children, age and looks are not. es and more. Looking for a attractive figure, family-orient- - < You can find the typa ol p«r«on, .'4 BALLROOM DANCING? male, medium build, on the go, Single white male, tall, atlrac- Important, Just a good person- female with similar Interests to ed. Children welcome, BOX somqone, who loves the Lord, , weight/height proportionate, arid relationship ypuire looking for,; by placing your FREE ad today. ,1 Glamorous, SO's, , (eniale,. allty. BOX 37711- V • ' never married, and has no with good outlook on life, posl-: tit, 38 to 52, to spend quality tlvo, 38, high school grad, who show me, the city. BOX 37S44 29250,, •'• -.' • • Calitollfree l-ea8-6504t64,84 times with, who'enjoys'..walks- smart, artist,''.Intelligent! .self- onjoys dining -.put,- dancing, ' children'. Race and age. BOX live, who likes jazz, theater, PARTY WITH US on the beach, .'tra'yol,. dining empioyod. Ertjoys dancing and swimming, and quiet romantic : J3438 ' ' ;.'• .•'• ..;' . .,.', football, basketball and more, out, quiet romnhllo evenings, palnllng; Seeking, someone to oyonlngs. Soaking single seeking someone special. '; Th» Publisher asjumuj'no lia- NO HEAD GAMES bility .for the content of, or dance with. BOX 36890 Relieve the fun and We've just unveiled our elegant new dining room dancing a plus, If you are a white female, 25 to 45, non-. Respond to Aits ivilh your Single white malei 32 yrs old, B6X37185 •'"• -.-•• . replies to,- any adveitlsertwnt'oi- spaolal .someone, looking'to smoker, wilh similar Interests. voice greeting. Such liability ATTENTION JOHNI seeking n down to earth, fun rdita sxcluslvoly wllh .the be appreciated by that special NO GAMES PLEASE comic vitality of this look back You're 39 and a pharmaceuli- BOX 13249 ' ..•'. healthy female, who likes to go odvertlaor at rospondant TM Now we're unveiling someone, please call. BOX \ 'jstt -Mastercard! 40 yr old, slnglo male, with advertiser' - and.. retpondsnt oal oxecutlvo, trlalhlpto, you SOUND GOOD TO YOU? : places and do things, for a agree to Indsronlfy and hold atthewlldtiO's •34622 -. -' , ". •.' ; dirty blond hair ami green, responded .to ;my' ad . possible marriage. Smokers Ihla publication ana Advanced * TWO NEW Slnglo, tall, very handsome, Cult eyes. .Enjoys dining out, the Telecom Services, Its employ- QIV^MEACALU "Romance Wanted", niallbox financially 'secure, black male,, and drinkers. okay, must be movies and tho shore. Looking ees and aoento.nirmleu Irom #29228, your message got cut all coals, exponsaa, liahlllUaa 40 yr old female, mother of 43, enjoys all kinds of sports, drug tree, BOX 13625 . . ;'for a single or divorced white and tfamaaas resulting Irom or BEAUTIFUL ohe, Irish/American, 5T, 130 off before I could get your tele- travolllna,'outdoors, dancing camod by this publlaillon or 1~888~785-G700 CLASSICAL MUSIC... female, with similar Interests tW^ February; 10,17 4k 28 phono number, could you and more. Searching for a sin- recoidlng placed by tht advar- lbs, 'attractive; looking.for a and who's' not Into gomes. (tser or any reply to iam«. The please, call again and. leave &»& •SI.')*) l>i'f niiinili- ...Lover. Sinflip while gonlle< Sat., February 10 • 1:00 pm fe^ t8Q0 BANQUET ROOMS mala with a good Sense of glo fomalo, very attractive, tall, BOX37191 advertisers and respbndenta man, Eurppoan, U.S. Citizen, •Qiea that they are uleael 18 humoMor dating. BOX 37624. your number. BOX 29264 , shapdly, Intelligent, 21 to S3, seeking a lady for possible yeart aid. Advertiser' voice V - V • 'V Accommodations for up to 100 people caring, and understanding for THINKING LONG TERM {jieetlnoe Will bera|eoted I f Ihey Continental flirlines flrena . long term relationship. I am contain, last namoa;. phone friendship and more. BOX :28 yr Old, 6'6", 150 lbs, modest end educated, my: numbsra, any addrotael, «v Box Office: (908) 276-7611 37815 '.'• '';,'; ,-. ••'•" ;.'• Hispanic male wllh black hair null addresses or (xplldt wktli Same great chefs... Same superb food.., For More great ontortalnment Is classi- and dark brown eyes, enjoys all«n()uaoa.You»hould'«ere«n , Tickets $13 * $17, • $23 I (JIVE ME A CALL! your reaporusea carelully. Flrat to reserve your tickets! cal music because It; bring .us movies, reading,- the outdoors rrtoallrtalTsHould behaldlna NOW in a setting you and yoiir guests won't forget! Single white male, 25, 5*11", 2«1~93S-3M0 6«ups(2S*): 201-4W-4370 to a higher level. The lady I and much more. Seeking a public place. The me ol cord- - blonde hair, blue eyes, seek- law orcellutar phonei la dla- Visa and MasterCard accepted* seek need not like It, however, single;female, of any race;.to comaged. CUtlome' Se.rvlca la ing a single white female, 18. hwp://njn,webfrien(is.c;pm she should be understanding. develop a long term relation- available by dialing toTfree,:1- CddtlnetitaJ • Free Lighted On-site Parking to 26, for possible relationship, ,BS83S»U4g, Mon-Fd, 9:00- Airlines .BOX15636 > . '.•-•• ship. BOX 37307 , - -. . ftM^EST.- •'' • •• ' BOX 39026 . -.'•..•':' ' ', Copyright ATS Amna M*:f:Viai:w•MMMI IHHUII-.K ITALIAN RESTAURANT, LOUNGjE 6 aTERING CDC THEATRE**** Reserve now! You'll lo\e itl > ' ,••1^ h''V'w' ^

"B-6/Cranford Chronicle prime time/ January 25, 20$., January 25, 2001 Cranford Chronicle Winter fun continues at J. Renaissance Kingdom Union sets 13tH season auditions . SOMERSET — Ttie New Jersey Renaiissance Kingdom has ; D major, by Wolfgang Ainadeu* RAHWAY — The Union County Arts Center pherElie Lazar,, artistic direc- announced auditiqni3 foi? its 13th season' of shows. • Thursday, May 3: Admission is $15. . Basking Ridge group tor of the Jpffrey Ensemble Mozart; and the "Holber* \ \ Auditions are scheduled for 6:30 jj'.-in.'. to Id p.rn. Friday is continuing its winter and spring schedule: * "Snoopy: The Musical," 3 and 7 p.m. Sunday, * Chuck Mangione (70's jazz star), 8 p.m. joins dance ensemble Dancers. Sampson also will Suite," by Edvard. Grieg.; Guesf and noon to 5 p.m. Saturday at the Hampton Inn in May 6. Admission, is; $18. conductpr for these .works is Somerset. Callbacks are scheduled for noori: to: 6 p.m.. Saturday. Admission is $28-$20. * The Manhattan Transfer (vocal group), 8 conduct the concerto. * The Amazing Kreskin, 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 2. p.m. Friday, May 12. Admission is $40-$28. for Momstowiv show "It's a dramatic new take on Leon Hyman, music director Admission is $18. In addition, tjie Onion County Arts Center is the relationship : between arid conductor of the Ne\j Experiehc'ed and novice actors and actresses, 16 and older, ' * Westfield Symphony Orchestra, 8 p.m. . dancers and the" musicians," Philharmonic of New Jersey. ! are eribouraged to audition. Anyone who wants to begin or ' the sole New Jersey location for the Library of MORRISTOWN. -^. ^Music : ! Saturday, Feb. 3. The program includes Congress Film Preservation Tour. Titles sched- Meets Daiice" is the theme of said Lazar, a former choreogra- •'.'••; Admission isf ;$36-$14",fofr continue a volunteer theater career is especially welcome, -i. ;. "Creation of the World" by Milhaud, the uled: . : . ' ' ;•' "' :• •'-.' • •'.-••: • '• '': •••• the Colpnial Symphony concert pher and principal, dance^ with . adults, $5 for high school anejL Shows are slated to run frbm Memorial Day weekend "L'Arlesienne Suites" by Bizet and a piano con- •:* "Big Business" (192.9, silent), and "Dr. scheduled to begin 8:30 p.m.the. New' =. Jersey Ballet college students,, and free for through the Sunday before Independence Day.. ^ certo by McGurty. Admission is $40-$25. Strangelove" (1963), 7;30 p.m. Thursday; Feb, 22. Feb.; 10 at':. the Gommtinity Cpinpahy. "The dancers take students ,in 'kindergarter[ Needed are comicactbrs for the Fairy Tale Troupe and the * "Ramona Quimby" (stage play for families), * "What's Opera, Doc?" (1957, animated) and Theatre. .•.'; :;^ 'X'..X-.-;'' ./ the role ..normally : taken by through grade. 8. A,lecture bv Bard s ciOinpany; combat fighters, for the Enchanted Forest; • 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 4. Admission is $9. "Yankee Doodle Dandy".(1942), 8 p:m; Friday, The Concerto for Dancers /instrument soloists." ;, . . ; Martin Bppkspah: 7:30 p.m.;.jjref men-at-arms and squires for the opening ceremonies. and • • 1 * The Lettermen (60's pop vocal group), 8 p.m. Feb. 23. • • ' •,•• ••• ;'.'. :• '•••;.•-.' .-:••...:. ••. and String Orchestra, by David .•.; Costumes ..are designed by cedes the performance. " • j grand finale; actors ito perform Shakespeare scenes;:improvi- Saturday, Feb. 10. Admission is$24-$17; • *' "What's Opera;, Doc?" (1957, animated), \ Rational actors to J)lay wenches,. peasants, juggiers: and • 7 Paul Moftae, associate director For tickets or more informaf * "Unforgettable: The Nat 'King Cole Story," 3 "Gertie the Dinosaur" (1914, animated^ silent). Sampson, features four dancers ^courtiers; singersffor'.the'Aiadrigal and Revelers groups; and ;' as soloists on stage..with;.the; of the New Jerfley Ballet. tiori, call (973): 539-80Q8, ; j : ; : ; : ::!.'• ••! p.m. Sunday, Feb. 11. Admission is $18. •'.•••. and "Duck Soup" (1933), 3: pinl Saturday^Feb, dancers;':•'•; ;••;'.. ./•:.'• ••'•• •,'•••••.•.'• ' '. ••'- ••'"....;"•••'.'" .•'.'• ,'' ,' - Basking Ridge-based sympho* . Also on the prograin are the['••••.:The Colonial iSymphpay i * "Baba Yaga and Other- Folktales" 3 p.m. . U.:.'-:'-y-.-r •-:••:•- ;•/. ••• -•••••••>; ;:..;••:• =•-.•;•,:•:. ;•" Actors will be asked to; read cold from provided scripts. •;; Sunday, March 4. Admission is $9 for adults and ; ••.•'* "Qri the Waterfront" (i954),7 p.m. Saturday, ny. .Sampson is ;the orchestra's .•••' Concerto ,in D. major by; Karl ''-now in its 50th season and I"" Madrigal and itevelers singers will be, taught a brief 6ong^ ; : composer in residence and' Stamitz with Veronica Salas, sprits all its' concerts at, free for children under 12J : " • , ;•.'•:. Feb. 24. -••;••. •••••;•• •"•• •• • ••:,: :'/•>•.••./::••;< Dancers will,be taught'a brief routine. Fighting candidates *' Benny Goodman Tribute Orchestra, 1 p.m. * "The Great Train Robbery" (1903,: silent) ; Worked closely witli fchoreogrd- yibla sblo;. the Divertimento in Community theatre. .• willhe tested for niov^ment and agility. ;.•";.. . .> •'...;'; ',;. Thursday, April 5. Admission is $15. and "RagingTMll" (1980), 9 p.m. Saturday, Feb:.- ^or.the Shakespearb^ parts, candidates shbilld prepare a ' • *. Maureen HcGpverh: (singer) and John 24.. '•''••'•:'•: : ..•/• -•.••••^•V;:v-:-/-;v^/..':; 1 ;i 1 ; brief set about eight tb 10 lines long. . •:•.[•':., ' Pizzarelli (guitarist), 8 p.m. Saturday, April 7.\ * "The,Great Train Robbeify! (1903, silent) For" more; information, visit \i!;ww;njkmgdo;m.com on ithe ! Admission is $36-$26< . , .. ... [• ... "..'•'.' and "Safety Last" (1923; silent), 3 p.m. Sunday, ••• '.World Wji.de.Web pr..calW732)•^6»W;97,;:ex|i>'3i.:' •.'•;:/[••••••'•y'.f ''H , * "the Adventures .of. Pbter Rabbit" (stage ,Jeb.2,5; :; ••••.--.• '-".^ ' :'.'\;:.;.^'"-v>'?,- ••'.• 1 ; 1 ; . : Vbliinteers also! are^ante'd.tb hejhi'injn ithfe grimes, work :• •'play'Tpr-.'fa^OiiBB)^:!' ^.!]!!./.^^^^^'.^!!!"!^.'-. ;• • "Jammin the Blues'';(a944>;and: •*$&«'•'• refreshment stands aiidiiandle parking.They rieed not conie' ; Admissipnis $9. • .'••••. ..'.;'. ' '.''•;•/ '. '•. • .'.. Treasure of the Sierra Madire" (1958), .7 p.m.' : to auditions but can leave a message at the Renaissance ? •• * Blood, Sweat and Tears (60's rock: group), 8 Sunday, Feb. 25. v • ' ,; •;. ' '..••:• IQrigdomphone number.^ ;; \\•.;"•• "•••'> . '•',•;.-'.;! p!m. Saturday, April 21. Admission $32-$22. For more information, visit www.ucac',org.on. ; : Frbm. Union County take the Garden State Parkway to; * • Sammy Kaye Tribute Orchestra, 1 p.m.,the World Wide Web or call(732). 499-8226. •..'(.;,,. BRUNSWICK — Africa;.-... " ;.::-'". •'• ••"•'••. •• ]'-.•.;'".: •••; arts at,. Rutgers, arid ; ;Exit"1.29y then Interstate 287 to Exit''.10.^o north oriEastoh M^ Gross School, of the Arbs-t . * Prints by Bushi people fronv Chrissopouiis, novelist and pbei located' ori; the Ney Brunswick, the Kalahari desert. Eileen Fofci, from Greece^ . , •. Avenue to the first stop light and turn; left to the hoteL campus of Rutgers; University, is' a master printer at the Rutgers ; * Imagesbased on drawing! .presenting "Global .Imprint: Center, worked with the Bush by Jacqueline Olipsham,which' Prints from New Jeftsey to South people.at the Artist Proof Studio : she drew whilei 'hearing, jaza Africa arid Points Between." . in Johannesburg. music. The. music plays in-; thd Odets' '^wafce and Sing' riiris •The exhibition opened Jail. 8 ,*.: Prints by South African gallery that features her bbbk. | and may be seen through Felx 2 artigts who are based. at the Fellows who are participating at the -Civic Square Galleries in Artist Proof Studio. ' .; in "Global Imprint" are Mari; In celebration of the holiday season, young students from the Wesley Hall Nureery School appeared recently at a meeting of the Noontlmers through 3Fe|>i"uary in Eh'zabeth downtown New Brunswick. : . * Latin Anlerican^reiated Lupb, Maria! Mihares, Cecil; group at the first United Methodist Church to perform a full hSpertoire of holiday favorites.TheNoontlmers are a Seniors Fellowship group The . Rutgers^ Cento for prints. Peppn Osoriq's work is Cpttingham, Wei Jane Chi: that^eots once;.p«r month.-to? lunch ?nd a short program. Alison Power, the nursery school's music teacher, |ed the children In song- • . •••n ELIZABETH — The Elizabeth Playhouse is failure. Her father, Jacob, an old revolutionary, Innovative Print and Paper tied to Puerto Rican identity and Clipshamj . ; Bastidas • and presenting "Awake and Sing" by Clifford fills his days with flaming spefech.es and total ; . sponsors the show every year to popular .culture. Lazaro Rodriguez. Odets, a play that opened in 1935 during the inaction; ••.. , .'••.;• showcase works by artists who Saavedra has three, prints about The Civic; Square Galleries Depression. , . , Although an atheist Jacob. frequently hold New Jersey ; Print and what 'ideologies:' dominate in. his are located at 33 Livingston . . Performances are scheduled to run through exhorts the younger members of the family. Paper Fellowships. This annual home Of Cuba; K[ugO Bastidas, . AVe., near the State theatre and Feb. 18 at the playhouse^ located at 1100 E. with biblical quotations: "Awakg and sing, ye event '-also features exhibits by an Ecuadorian -natibnal, uses George Street Playhouse, in '*' The Natiorial'Football League, ^Jersey St., east of Routes 1^9, in. Elizabeth. that dwell in dust," so life will not be "printed printmakers and artists from images derived from newspaper New Brunswick. •'•;,..•''..' . . <~, • "The E^TRADE Super Bowj. rg! Show times are 7:30. p.m. Fridays and . on dollar bills." . across the United ^States.. - photographs;that appear to be Gallery hpurs are 10 a.m. 1 CBS Sports and; MTVX ^usi^ XXXV Halftime Show" wiU . be ^Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays. ., Agonizing caution and fear make even posi- '• non-political-'until you look more ^eleviBion,:have announced that executive., produced by Dave Among the selections, for p.m; Monday t.hrbugti. ~ " .two of music's, biggest artists; '&••• "Awake and Sing" had its premiere through , tive decisions disastrous. T^oe arid Herinie, 1 closely. Gloria Rodriguez com- and by appointment Satwday Bipwl XX&ty ^^M Sirtilnick arid Salli Frattini, Alex ^the Group Theater, whose 'members would'. lovers, only come together.at the point where "Global Imprint' : ... ,#erqsinith arid; NSYNCjSvill per- Coletti and Patrick Byrnes Will h.e •••..•'* "Hourglass/, created, by bines images of street people •ahd;:Sunday^:.;:; :'--\;-,S •'!•:••• •••i-ii-: form during the ''E^TRAPE : prpducirig for MTV; Dennis J !*;become well-known acting instructors overihe, they do maximum harm to the most other peo- with religious • and decoratiye ! - ih addition; NSYNC garnered .rase two of the.biggest attractions ;*2Qth century — Stella Adler, Morris .pie. .Young Ralph, suddenly freed to do what he women frorii a .number of r For more iriformatipri, vis^; Super ..Bowl; XXXV Halftime 'Viewer's : Choice,1! ."Besi; Pop in the music world," said Sean • iDespie wUl produce 'fpr Select SCarhoVsky, Luther Adler, Sanford Meisner.'; .'•': : wishes in life, can only allow himself, to become . nations who were artists in resi- • •detail. ,! :'i••;',•;, ..' .." ';:'•":'•'.• mgsa.rutgers;edu. on the Wprljd •lS]b€»(r,*''-'-•;••'. :-iv. ;.•"-•.-.;;• /•• •--_.".;..' v >b : : time music- eitrdvaganza will Video Music Awards! ••••:• viding nearly; 1& hours of Super E*TRApS5.is.a global leader iri ^•poverty, that a boarder is taken in. Bessie ithe fbt; adults a^d$6 for seniors an«i students. All -( •bring tpgother vital rock legends. • "the Halftime Show is anBowl programming, appealing to . online.personal^^ financial services,: ^mother,'holds the family together in her -iron' I'j^e'atson Fridays: are $5^ : ; ;:: : • ' ' ' '' : Aerosmith with pop sensations important part of the Super Bo\^ ilt "T!her^i will be,flpmethulg for memories and daydreams to face his life of (908)355-0077; ;. . ' ; v. . ".•'.'. IJiinterdoii ^igh S*lttJQl sho^v iff 6yery0eattl ^aWfeP! premium customer service and. a' ^•Vi:M]^!}.'.-::i/l:i^]:\^j;::':'.- \;|^;H^Jio'/>:^')x?:V':. ,• • \i bwhed by lac. , ; :: "We >re pleased tbbiring MTV; Tpffler, president of MTV ;and Sweden,, arid; the U.K. through j ; v We've helped build 2,000 families through • ^^i^liik^ is the th^me for annual Piano aolos are by ,Rosetta : ••BALL* ROLLER BEARINGS entertainment cert is scheduled to take the t • The, Super Bowl, the OTUs and the OTLtogethe r to show-' brfulded World.WiirjleWeb sites: i •; international and domestic adoption. [ai|^^^HKn ... stage at 2^p.ni. and again at 4. Bacon and June drutzinacher^ championship| game, is annually. :•• *yy'••^•c '• •• • «\ABELts. SHEAVES;; • .•••;/•••>•• doling People Gcincert p.m. Satui'day; in, case if Bacon is on the miisic facuU : , •SPROCKETS' ROLLERCHAIN : FREE Information Meeting ^ ^^^^fe the natipri's highest-rated TV pro- : inclement weather, the. show is ty at •William. PatersoD gram and the mbstrwatched; sin-.. v i :••••.• CppPLIN^S • MOTORS • REDUCERS : •• ' Thursday, February 1st in Iselin, NJ ^^HHPBI^K ;'.'• slated to be moved to Sunday. University in Wayne; her'•• coife gle-day sporting event, ;; ;' ANN.ONDALE — A lion,';&, H0URS: Mo,,-ThURS. 9AU • 9FJ. Kenilworth, NJ South Plainfield, NJ Lakewood, NJ i Please call for directions (856) 665-5655 JIH||BH| • •'...- Actors '.in • the ^Players cert" resume includes perfor- •i It #ill air on CBS; and is LOWEST! (9057540:• swan and kangaroos are wait- : ;>M 'Siifi. 10AM • t ;: (908) ?4t-&20P ,; (906) 755-3000 (732) 370r231d ing 'to go on stage at North Theatre Company portray the mances in . Taiivan and expected to attract an estimated F&ST9A1 ;. (J)AbopticnsTromTbe Heart® J9HH! PRICE S» PLEASE CALL ONE OF OUR CONVENIENT LOCATIONS NEAR iOUl . ^[uriterdon High School; '" lion, the swan,.the kangaroos, Lithuanian . •. V. 130 million viewers in; the United Not responsible for typographlqai errors. • : '"'• i ' !*{ • ii*r* ^r'*^ ivii www.adoptiohsfromlhehcurl.nrg . ^^*^BBP^!vi^ .elephants,' turtles, roosters^ Grutztoacher is a. physician Staties and at least 7$6 million GUARANTEED U '•• These creatures are among ; Bring In «nyomp#o('« Sale items cash & carry bnly. Sale prices "The Carnival of Animals" by hens; fish arid a bird. The the-, on the staff of'the Hunierdofi yiewers'•worldwide. . ad«cou|»innd«w»lll effectivo:;.i:^IA)i;iy30/01.; Prices do not : Camille; Saiht-Saens, the ceri- ater troiipe is based at North Medical Center; she has pe^ "' Known, as America's pretiier rtbdlWri* Include sates tax. Beer prices represent formed with "Lambertvilfe r^ck'ii roll bandK Aerosmith is a wib)iKt to ABC il 24-12 oz.bo»tlesilnless otherwise noted. %>00Q Musical Fireworks" and at tM unique force in today's -mupic. Flemington United Methodia| j^and members Steven tyler, Joe. 870 St. George Ave., Rahway, CVS Shopping Center • 732-381-6776 • FAX 732-381-8008 AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING Church. W. Perry, Tom; Hamilton, Brad 2370 Plainfield Avenue, South Plainfield • 908-756-2165 • FAX 908-756-0850 Also on the symphony pro^ Whitford and Joey Kramer have Call For Your FREE Comfort Analysis gram are "Also Sprac^' sold over .100 million albums DEWARS or BACARDI FIUM ® around the world and earned an J.W.RED LIght»Gold Financing Available • Zarathustra" by Richai;^ array of accolades including All Credit Cards Accepted Skauss, made famous in "200}5 Grammy Awards and MTV, Video A Space Odyssey"; "The Empinj Music Awards. In. 1998, the Strikes Back" theme, by; John SAVE ON NEW MODELS, DISPLAYS Fras-AIr Gontf acting?IncJArrowhead Conditioning band's smash single ^1 Don't Want; Williams; and "Rosin-Eatin'g To Miss Aj Thing" becaiae the • .76LCUTTY V. •• 1.7a BACARDI ' •• CLOSEOUTS,ANbMORE! CALL NOW 1 -800-339-i 153 For FREE Estimate VbdktiBb,-.. ; Uirloif Select .,.• 24 Hbur Service Zombies.from Outer Space." :•'<. group's first-ever #1 'Billboard 1.75LSEAGRAMS 36" 1.76LBLACK* WHITE. '1.76LTANOUERAV 1.76LMAUHURUM Conductor Lawrence Kursaif pop hit and landed Aerosmith an 7 CROWN.... Scotch.;...; ..,...... ,..„ Steillno Vodka 8p*>,.« ,23*^ Coconut:....;. HuntBrdon County •Somerset County 1.76L FLEIS 1;76LWHITEHOH8E 1.7SL SKVY' . •:.' ' 1.761; CASTILLO RUM PREFERRED eolch; Vodka BC...;...... Sll Union County • Middlesex County teaches instrumental music at Academy AvVard nomination, 1.76L FLEISCH '1.76L8VE0KA : 1.7SLBEEFI ATER ' A"M9 Woodglen School in Lebanon ... Aerosmith is .scheduled to- Vodka BO» ...... ;.....•.....:.... Qln ;...... ;..,„ „ mil vodka BO* ...... ;.... I.75LSEAGRAMS QIN 4 AW Township and performs with" release;toir new, atudib album 1.76L LEEDS i.76L,QORDONS ' . J ,75LINVERH£)USE •;.•.,. Vodka B0* ReOuUr-LlmaTwtet IHr under the Columbia label, in the Vodka 80' •;..; .;... 1.76LWOLFSCHMIDT 1.7SL GORDONS 4 Jg\ the Mainstreet Brass. " : 75PFINLANDIA W spring of 2001. : ••'.'::':' Vodka 80" •Cnwbany.. 13 .Vodka 80* ;„.;;.,.,.,....;..... Admission is $6 per ticket; '•'• IL SMIRNOFF OnOI Advance tickets are avail-, ... In less than .three years, Vodka 80* .;„....-.;.;...... •It* Guaritto able at Hunterdon Musical ^SYNC — which mdudeis, Lance Bass, J.C. Chasez, Joey Fatone; - JANUARY FUR SALE Instruments in Raritaf\ Township and at the Clintpij, Chris Kirkpatrick and Justin '. Now Thru JANUARY 31ST timberlake•'— has gained glpbal Book Shop. . 1' stardom. *Wp Strings Attached" • For reservations or morja Every the band's sophomore album, information, call (908) 788J broke records by. selling. 2.4 mil- 2001 Style 2826 or (908) 782-8981. ;,"j libri, copies in its first week; The Concert for Young NSYNCfe self-titled 1998; album People is sponsored bjr( sold more than; 10 million copies WORLD OF WINE 760 AVIA. Cnbamel» . 0%99 E'^v-Sb 7«(J.ROaET. 760EMMET8'. ' WOOOBROOC 4M Hunterdon Musical Arts. ,,„ and yielded four number-one sin- ExlmDiy...... ;.. Irish Cfflam. , 50-70 gles. '.':-'"'.-..;.':.".'' •: •';•:''•. ;•'•'•' •' 760BOSCA 7BO Cabomol • Chard. • Marlot....: Funding is provided in par$ 7SQALI2E PASSION 750 BtACK TOWER A99 INCOWIE TAX PREPARATION market by the New Jersey State Spumanlfl.. Gold'Rod...,,.... 8«w. Bktnfl..... LtebWu/iillCh •„.,.'. :.1 Q value 760 COOKS' ,t.76LtG;|.F. MudaNda t.6LCANEI : ,'..:.;'•-••; Federal, NJ & NY ' Off Council on the Bml'Diy... mwOthorFlavora..,. WWW'Roso...... ,..:... duality Service, Reasonable Rates TAX PREPARATION AND CONSULTING Arts/Department of Stat§ 760NANDO , 7S0QOL0SCHLAGER 1.6LCITBA MoMapulelano- . INptVIDUAlSt BUSINESS ' ,' Sig Apple Circus Attl spumanta • Fmoollno..u,' Trablana'iCtuiid.'Mariot. • JAMES KIRTLAND, CPAOH through a grant administered 760KDR8EL ; 760 MOUtW CADET ' Day, Evening & Weekend Appointments Sheared Beaver by the Hunterdon County, Bnil»Dcy • B(ul Floso .... • ; Berkeley Heights lJrtCtHI.NwVorki a ' 7E0FHANUELICO 7S0CASAUPOSTOLLE returns to area 750 MOET & CHANDON ^400 j, • Meiloi • : Leather • Shearling Cultural and . Heritage Whk«Star, < «» .. Haielnul Llquour.... Cabomal • Silivtjjnon Blano.. i«d2Hand«r«sauy. Blano.../ L QOiB-771-5607 New Ptovldoitt oflto) rcltinn ut otttitrtil bvt 750 PIPER HEIDSIECK 1.7JSL HIRAM WALKER 1,BL CONCHA Y TOflO : Commission, ExKaDiyNV,,,; 760 FOREST GLEN ' • BRIDGEWATER •; - The BlackbonyBmndy,., CobTMarloectmrd. Btond,.,,. Kd Morrison, CFE, CPA, CfSA, M, DABFA 7S01OUISJADOT . Precious furs for Somerset Hills YMCA will once 7S0LICOR43 •. V • Baau)olalaViUg«f Joseph Alamo former Profesof of Tautlon at a N(| CoKqtf again present New York's Big Mncon-BlanoVllaoaa Vttv Co WOVE GROUNDSW1MMING precious little... Apple Circus on March JO at the 1.BL LANCERS Accountant/Financial Consultant Most Comprrhepslvti Computer Sotimrt \litt A SAVEON NEW MODELS; DtSPLAYSrftDlSOONTWUED MODELS!'- ROM'WnHB,.....,...., Al] olhtf coomaUug, foetnik, tnd floju»d»J lerrktl . Since.1946 Somerset Ballpark. i. 750 MARQUES OECACERES -»89 .Artnmhlps 4 Corp.R6tums DeShields BWa ...',,...:..,..;,...... - f Up to 80% OFF ; Call now fof »o NewiProvld^Oflkc Appolntmtiii i! The performance is scheAiled 1;6LRIUNIT6 tb begin at 4:30 p.m. All prp^eds For 1st T1m« Clients " ^300-1000 OFF Furs by 760BiJVSOP 1.5LCAVIT •''•' i . OM< from the opening-.night perfor- B' Phot Grigkj • Mortol :, Q ^ F^($O8)SSO329 j

liuy Direct (mm the Mimufticlim& Sim:... mahce will benefit the Somerset 1.76L CHRISTIAN BROS. i:6t8OUABal*illno«' , ••••* 732-8850530 Hills'"•';''.'YMCA's-: Financial B«ndy ,..„.„„..„... ,;,,,, VWpoleiW • 8o»v« • Markil • AM uarino 760HEN6SW Cti(d,«Bang. • Plnol Grit|io.,9 - Aflsistarice and- Community Cognao...„„..„....,...... , 760 UABOUES DE RISCAL 4 /|99 OHM TAX ftACCOUNTIN G SERVICES TOPLACI Service programs including great 760C0UFWOI8IERVSOP .Red • V. 507 RAHWAY AVB, EUZABfiTH, NJ .._ REMOVAL G PRUNING iLHARVEYS .. fJM mmoNic TAX HUNG, VSAH ROUND mvict ',.. tfth e larfi'sl'iliiriufacliitei & sy ppliw lilspis, pool lablcs & swimminjj poohqiipmnii in ihc world. lamily programs such as summer coonu..., „„;..,...... „. £600.08008018 BRI8TOL CREAM 1 vArvprrtcBimitvitws owner mmrr Kv' 8WMPCWNDIN(J CtHUd«nnay,..;...,.i..;i,. 760 GEORGES DUBQEUF HOURS: GREEN'' >«;:! «iamp, Rainbows and Saturdays 1.6LH. MONDAVI , PooiyFulM*...,....,. MHR EMERGENCY SERVICE 760RUFFINO . ••'•: MON-FRI ' ttioriniir tebffiMalS in Motion; For more information y DlK«l»T»n....;.,,.;.i CALLCHRI9 • •10-9 . GREEN BROOK 190 ROUTE 22 • (732) 968-8700 ^ Call for Special tibbut the Big AppW Circus^ call 4L Q & D VEOMOUTH 760SANTAMARGHERITA 4 AM 908-289^082 SWMI • Diy .;..!„...... maoii HNHOU.HD AGENT TO PRACHCU HtFORB 111B IRS EAST BRUNSWICK • 339 Route 18 • (732) 3904441 WI nUt R«t«s ijhe Somerset Hills YMCA at NnolGrtto...... '.,.... .It '-, CBT Jf OFF YdVKTAXmiW. fSB wM Mi ad 1^00-981-3640 (908)766-7898.

" •' ,•' :•. '

•'. "' ..'. '•''.,' •• '•' • January 25, 2001 Cranford Chronicle C-t< B-8 Cranford Chronicle January 25,200t OK, you're in love ... So you're months, maybe even weeks away from the big day. Your True or False ' ...... • . 15. When we talk about money, my spouse interrupts me partner popped the question and gave you a ring, but have you 5. I feel my future spouse knows what nty retirement often or dismisses my points of view. /" •"':';'. "^:':*- popped the really big question? You know, the question that involves dreams.are. •:.-. ".•:. V ' - ••••:' '• •• • ,• .'•;• ••"•'".••.'.••'' •.""• ~. '••-.' .' Trueor False '•;;-,' y. •:.-'.:• •..;..'•. :/y •:'•'•'.;•''•'''"'' •'•'••. -V- the "M" word? ^ • . .True;or 'False;• ".:.:'••. \. ^ •:."•" ;\' • ': ;'',':" •• ''. '•'•'.'. •••;•••• ''''•''.'. It's difficult for many people to talk about money. Especially peo- 6. 1 know how much debt and sayings (including invest- . 16.1 feel my future spouse is a cheapskate. ~1 ple in love. But it's an absolute must. It's common knowledge that ments) my spouse is bringing into our marriage. '.'• True orFalse y. y::-..*\. '.••':'.••'•:'.•':•' ••' '.-', •.••;.'•.:: -^C .- ' 17.Wehavea financial plan. . '•".•..'•:••'.:•:• .:,-•'•"'. . ..,• '•••' !'•'•;• unresolved money issues are a leading factor in the break up of many •'• True orFalse •) :-'::>.;X,"^ .':.' ']• '••..'{;. :•." ' •':..•' ••'! '.'•."'; '• •"•'. marriages. . •;' Trueor. .False.; '.'•'•' ;.''•'•• ':•.''. .•)' ''.•••••, •• •.•: .••• '••/•• :• :;':~'>' [ -.•;'.. ';". ;.v.' 7. Between us, we have more than five credit cards. Scoring: Give yourself one point if ybu answered true to ques^ Randy Schuldt',*' a ' vice president with • True or False '• . •,':: •:':-/.:([ ' •. '•.., •' •','••-,.'•"-. ••-• .'..':' Cougars IHateFinancialPlanning.com, a new Web site devoted to the more 8.1 know how much my future spouse makes and what per- tions 1-6,8, lO, 13 and 15-17, and 1 point if you answered false to 7*, Celtics are a colossal : : !i than 75 percent of Americans who hate financial planning, says the •;^li;i2.and.l4. ;' -: .•,•<•..:•"•:'' ••, y:.y ••r^y^^----^^'v- .'- centage He/she is contributing to their 401 (k) plan at work. (0 to 6 points) The'-proverbial marriage referee is throwing reel key to talking about money in a relationship is to start early. Schuldt True or False: ' •••..;/'•/' •:; .••.•:••,•••.'•• •'• : "'••• ... ..:"'•, '••./••;;'. '•' .• says it's paramount to understand each partner's savings and spends 9.1 feel my spouse avoids sitting down and talking about flags leftandright. Make surei:youffuture spouse <^es<^isitiui2 and conquer compare scores. If you see a significant difference inyout Scores, or if ing habits. . . : money, with me.' .•'^vi^V-V'V-s!?'"' • •''..'• '•'•'.. .•>•'..'• • '..' '•• '." ''••i- • ' ybu both answered; the same, but had low scores, that means you To help couples better understand where they stand, TruebrJfcJse^^ r challenge for Cougars needhelp-bigtune. Runi don't walk, to a marriage counselor or fipan- IHateFinancialPIanning.com has developed a 10-minute quiz-sort of 10. We have the same financial dreams. a financial calculator-that both partners can take and use to facili- cial planner to discuss these issues and see if youi can work toward a By DAfia MURPHY better understoding of each other's perspectives on money. • '•'".'•'• i ence you are ready for anything." learn from tonight's experience Devils, tate a discussion about money. The IHateFinancialPlanriing.com 11. I feel like my future spouse treats his/her money as if JHE CHRONICLE It's only a matter of whether in all facets of the game. Financial Compatibility Calculator: (7 to 12 points) You iand your future spouse have a few things io . it's his/her own* .''• v'-jw. .•" ''•'•••. ••••. .••••-'•"• ' '•••..•:.:.'. '.'.•,•'.";,'..'.•• • work butj but for the mbst part> you understand where each is cpnv. the Cougars will be ready for a "We'll be able to handle differ- 1. We talk about money regularly. ' .True'or False'.-''•.•••••••••••. '•:; \ :':;. •;•'.'.' ' '•.'..:.•; .'•'•'• p;1"1' .•'.''•••••>.•' •••' ' ing from. Take the resultsfof this quii, Head out to your favorite; cof- „ Nobody gave David a chance frontline that better resembles ent situations better down the True or False 12.1 never talked about money with my parents. fee shop and sit down to talk about those areas where you don't see against Goliath and few gave the New York City skyline than road after playing a team like : :: : : : again 2. We have decided who will handle the .bills after we ••' Trueor False 'V ./"..••• ':/ -; -"-. -.'. .,/,' •• •):-^. ••'-•' ; '.;':, ••;'.:':'• ••••; Lithuania a shot against Dream anything Cranford has faced this this," said Johnstone. v : ; l : : : • eye'-to-eyev : •;•".•• ..-,..'• ^ •!:'••;•' ':;•'•'•."•,'••''••••• • ' ' .-... •-•.'v ' "-'- '''.' ^l • marry.. • ;. . . . ;.'.•• • \ "..'•' • ' •• .-. • 13. Xiknow how my future spouse would feel if I wanted to !Team III in the latest Olympics, season. With 6 foot 9 Villanova The other challenge facing : .;.. (ISIto 17 points) It was love at first sight, right? You're probably The Cranford High girls bas^ .True or False . , '. '.• . . • '• quit n>y job'.and start a business. •••;•' v '•''•./.. ''•'-' '•"''•'.'•', • X '': /••••;,. "\. the kind of; couple that whenIsoineoiie is speaking to you, yow both but one rock hit its mark and bpund senior Marcus Austin Cranford will be handling its ketball had. three players score a True or False •'.' ::-".- "••..•.'•:. ,'••',;.. •,:'-v.,-';•••.••.. '.;.V •;.'.-'•.•, .•"•"•': ,:'•' ".••'.';••• v Another fell just short, proving manning one block, 6-11 sopho- 3.1 feel my future spouse manages his/her own mone: y: well. answerat the same time with the same a)oswe.r.WeUi this shows thai current situation. After defeat- dozen points Tuesday and need- TrueorFalse ; . : . • . 14.1 would feel comfortable living off one salary if either 1 1 the underdog always has a shot. more Grant Billmeier on the ing Westfield 66-50Tuesday, the / :: } you're on the right track. Keeptalking, and triore importiailtly, keep ed every bit of it to down 4.1 would feel comfortable if my future sppuse made a pur- my sppuse or I wanted to quit his/her job. 'V.' '••'•;••' :'•. \ \.'-'0'- - up the financial planning. Your -sense ofresponsibmty shows that (The Cranford High boys basket- other and 6-6 swingman Jamie Cougars locked up a state tour- Westfield for the fourth straight chase of $250 without telling nie. True or false >ou know that financial planning is important, . • ; ,:. | ball team will be in a similar Sowers playing inside and out,, nament berth and are now bat- time, defeating the Blue Devils predicament 7 p.m. tonight when 'rebounding and controlling the tling for seeding and trying to 49-47. it plays host to state and nation- paint will be a challenge for the right the ship, which veered off al power St. Patrick's of Cougars. St. Pafs also features - Sharon Majors, Gillian .course after Cranford defeated Murray and Lauren O'Donnell . Elizabeth. 5-J1 sophomore guard Mike Linden Jan. 6< Since the dramat> Nardi (who is already being each had 12 points for the Pew, if anybody, will give the ic victory over the Tigers, Cougars, who rallied from a six j QoUgarS a'chance to win tonight, recruited by Seton Hall) and 5- Cranfoi'd has lost four of seven 11 Terrell Prince- All five will point deficit to pull even after I but that doesn't mean Cranford and will need to get back to form three periods. " |*vyi back down. The Cougars eventually play on the Division 1 quickly. Cranford (49) JJflay powerhouses almost every level. "We gave a couple of gamed Clark 2-0 5-9, Strauss o 0-0 0, Majors 3-0- jjlight and certainly Wont be u 6-12, Murray 6-0-0-12, O'Donnell 3-2 (Ma, \ don't Want to put too much away — East Side and Irvington Pemouhe OOO-O, Mitchell 0-0 0-0, Montalvo lantimidated, even by the mighty into this game," said Johnstons. — and in our conference every 2-OO-4,Totals 16-2-11-49 ONE CALL PUTS YOU •(Celtics, currently ranked-sev^J^t's just one game. We need td game is a challenge and I think Westfield (47) the grind c8Ught up to us," said Cuslmano 4-0-3-11, Matthews 1-1-2-/, Iphth in the nation by USA Today, overcome their size and their Manahah 3-2-5-17, McMahon S-0 0-ioT • Suburbani J»; iThe obvious reason to play quickness. They put a lot of pres- Johnstone. "Hie paBt couple of Inlantlrio -0O-1-1-, Hutchfnsdn 0-0-0 0. |}&em is to make ourselves better sure on the ball. You go into games we weren't re^ady to play Passahantl O-O-1-1 Totals: 13-3-12-47 . [doyn the road," said Cranford every game thinking you have a and if you aren't ready to play Cranford 12 91414-49 you're going to lose." Wesllleld 13 14 812-47 , jjETead Coach Tom Johnstone. "It's chance to win. I think we have a Cranfoi'd 41, Kearny 3&^ ] : Ife -good opportunity for our kids chance if we play well and things The loss of Keith Stanley for The Cougars trailed by eight • \ ^ ^r^y;W^ I J»Zsee just where they are. There fall into place, We've got to come two games also hurt Cranford. with four minutes left in the ADD TIONS • CONSTRUCTION |tOot as much pressure on us to out and play hard, if we don't The Cougars aren't as deep as fourth quarter, but roared back" AMS HOME IMPROVEMENT AAACEILEX PAINTING lay this game as some of the play hard we wont have a past season, and losing a starter, and took the lead on key hoopla PAPIC CONSTRUCTION ; L1VIT0L PAINTING & RESTORATIONS otner games. But we'll go out chance." and a leader for two games and Renovations •;:Addtflons • Vinyl •,'.• ; INT/EXT/WAtLPAPER from Lauren O'Donnell an MiYINS "N&T CL&W PROFESSlOSALVi/ORK" I Fully Springfield Kearny (38) FREEEST. • • FULLY MURED I ' Will Bed Ariy MM Estimate Montanez '6-0-3-15, Mondoz 2-0-0*'4, Toll Free 1-888-280-9510 908-232-7308 by DANIEL MURPHY ties lie. With the Giants appear- I'd rather root for* him than some- now." this year. Alarcon 3 0-0-6, Corvonll 2-0-2-6, UWtor 1-0 1- 908-241-3718 or 908-241-3057 908477-8310 • 90*464*475 3, Aptao 2-0 O-4 Totals: 16-0-6-38. : j ** ^08-259-0013 ** THE ClIHONICLE ing in their first Super Bowl in 10 body I don't know. He deserves it." While the town may be divided "I hope Tony can bring home :-V- ;:£7-&yffi^ years, you would expect to see But there are also Giants fans over which team it roots for, the the ring," said Brearley High Cranlord 12 8 813-41 ADDITIONS & REMODELING CLEANING KENILWORTH — It's always ^flage and sjgtts supporting the from Kenilworth who are, staying pride the town takes in Siragusa's baseball coach Joe Capizzano. Koawy 101015 3-30 VP WOODWORKING INC. FERDINANDI PAINTING JOSEPH F.PETRONE nice to see the hometown boy. do Big Blue hanging from houses with their 'team. *They, would, all "He's worked hard to get to where (Continued onpageC-2) GENERAL CONTRACTOR INTERIOR-EXTERIOR Iwell, but just how well does thia(< £nd store i mints along the like to see Siragusa do/well, just he is arid deserves it." "SPECIALIZING IN EUROPEAN. DESIGN" ROOFING SPECIALIST POWERWASHING town want its boy to do? . . Boulevard. Instead, purple and hot too well,, - - bigh<0j], e w •KITCHENS• BATHflOOMS*DORMERS ' WINDOWS • SASEMENTS > TILE HOME IMPROVEMENTS AILTYPES "1 think at this point you've got > play football a» University of • DECKS • BSMfS • PORCHES • PAINTING • GRANITE HOME IMPROVEMENTS REASONABLE RATES • FULLY INS. i' With local hero and Brearley white signs reading "Go Ravens" 1 15% OFF WITH THIS AD ; OWNER OPEHATED/SENIOR DISCOUNT JHigh graduate Tony Siragusa and "Go Goose" have popped up in to stick with your team,* said Pittsburgh, wjiere he teamed • MARBLE • CORIAN 'RENOVATIONS PAINTING • DECORATING "SWING UNION COUN1V FOB OVER 70 YEARS' Tree Est.«Fully Insured FREE ESTIMATES | FREE ESTIMATE • AVAIL 24 HOURS 908-964-73S9 FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED ^appearing in his first Super Bowl windows in support of big ol' Joseph'Woqds, a Giant fan. "It's ><' with Giant'defimshr© tackle Keith ATHLETES OF THE WEEK Weekly i Bi-Weekly J INTERjOFI * EXTERIOR •; J90&468-6788'732470-67881 l« 908-862-4570 after 11 seasons in the National number 98. At-Buffos Bar on nice that a part-of Kenilworth is Hamilton and defensive coordina- sponsore 908-289-0991 KITCHENS* BATHROOMS sFobtball League, it would seem Monroe Ave. signs in support of in the Super Bowl and I want to tor Jdhn 'Fox. Siragusa went m ? foolish to beJLieve anybody in his the Giants bang on the wall right see him do good, but if you've undrafted out of college, but DISPOSAL SERVICES CORIAN • FORMICA TOPS ALL ITEMS REMOVED i hometown of Kenilworth would next to signs supporting the rooted for your team thte far, caught on with the Indianapolis CUSTOM MOLDINGS • ALL REPAIRS INTERIOR PAINTING Ravens and Siragusa. youVe got to root for them in the REMOVAL o/FURNITURE,' ! COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION be hoping he wouldn't win his Colts, where he played from 1990 DECK POWERWASHING & GREAT PROMOTIONS "I'd like to see Baltimore win," Super Bowl." through the '96-'97 season, and APPLIANCES, OLD TOYS TILE • SHEETROCK -.'•• : Hrt t NFL championship — except SERVICES INC. WATERPROOFING FREE 19" COLOR TV for the fact the Goose's Baltimore said the owner of BufiVs, long- Tony Siragusa is good guy and played in the 1996 AFC champi- AND OTIIER.l'NW.WrED HOUSEHOLD ITEMS 10-25 YAfcD CONTAINERS DEPENDABLESINCE1927, SAME DAY SERVICE'lN MOST CASES DRIVEWAY SEALING • ODD JOBS WITH ANYROOFING OR SIDING JOB 'Ravens are taking on the home- time Giant fan and friend of I wish him the best. I want to see onship game against the Dave Peist hfelped the Cranford COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • RESIDENTIAL OVER 1700 SQ FT. Siragusa's Bill Gargiles. him do well tmd do his job," said Pittsburgh Stealers. In the spring CALL PETE town team, the New York Giants. $25 SPECIAL ! DUMPSTER RENTAL CLEAN-UP SERVICES •' 973-377-7708 • 973-884-4110 (eve) CALL FOR DETAILS ! With Kenilworth a small "Whoever wins I wont be disap- M Wood, "But I've got to go with of '97 he signed with, the wrestling team to an 8-3 record with two' r ! DEMOLITION m 3RD GENERATION OF QUALITY pointed. Tony's a great guy, he's (908) 769-8524' 908-686-5229 Fax: 908-964*4418 973-682-0432 (beeper) . 908-317-6846 908-301-1880 Jprbvince of Giant Country, the my team. IVe always stuck with Baltimore Ravens and was ihatch clinching victories against Scotch i HOME BUILDERS * [town is split as to where it's loyal- done a lot for people around here. the Giants and I can't change named to the All-Madden team Plains and Somerville^this past Friday. AIR CONDITIONING INSTALLATION PAINT NG ROOFING-SIDING He is now 10-5 on the season. All CARPENTRY I. REPAIR OF: ADDfnONS* ALTERATIONS- ADD-A-LEVEL MARINO'S PAINTING STEVEN G. CLARK RENOVATIONS'BASEMENTS'DECKS ON TIME BUILDERS AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING KREDER ELEGRIC vv ANdOFCbURSEOUR.••'; BtptWVtparatloti&C INSTALLATION & SERVICE Residential • Commercial • Industrial ALL YOUR RESIDENTIAL Cougars to battle county's elite • mmtum'itmm-wiit CARRIER • TEMPSTAR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE OWNER OPERATED STOP QUALITY CUSTOM BUILT HOMES, ROOFING NEEDS . licMl24 " INTERIOR/EXTERIOR ByDAMELMWPHY ning the title. Cranford took on any bonus points* ed'kid, but we believe Our couofcy AIR CLEANERS • HUMIDIFIERS • BOILERS • FURNACES FREE EST, FULLY INS. & LIC, FREE ESTIMATE NOT A SUBCONTRACTOR WE DO THE WORK GUTTERS • SIDING & Westfield yesterday, with the win- Three vital matches for the champ and state, qualifier should iO VRS OT. QVAimWDRKATA CHEAT PH1CF.! 11732-469-7187 908-334-8447 (Mobile) | RUSONABLE (THE CHHONICLE "~~~~" '" 908-273-4693 REPLACEMENT WINDOWS ner gaining the inside track to the Cougars will be Pat Daly at 112, be able to come through and win Sharon Majors is averaging 14 points m 908464-8980 ! With the Union County conference crown — a title the Bob Verhoeven at 145 and Steve an important match for us," said SPECIALIZING IN ADDITIONS, and 10 rebounds per game for the 7-6 HOME REPAIR Tournament looming on the hori- Cougars haven't won since 1985. Carbone at 215. DiGioacchino. If he can't win, it ELECTRIC HANDYMAN could be an early night. We have a Cranford girls basketball team, and Interior Remodeling A EASTERN PesrCotmiot.-' BASEMENTS, KITCHENS, zon, the Cranford High wrestling The Cougars and Panthers Daly will be meeting a tough CARPENTRY BY PAUL Kitchens • .Baths' team will find out quickly how it match up pretty evenly, and opponent in Roselle Park's Nick good shot at 215, and they are made the winning free throw against J. ALLCAIER TAYLOR HOME REPAIRS I Basements •Attics Family Owned and Operated S BATHROOMS, CUSTOM DECKS »iif cystm mmliMm Rtgidder • M M It Um •-.Doors'Windows We are a LOCAL Concern 8 stacks up and how close the team Cranfoi'd Head Coach Dominic Zangari but is the favorite and probably favored at heavyweight. Kearny Saturday. •• Csm(iJe(! Dttifltt i Lwirti AnlUhJe > Bttaateriyta ELECTRICIAN BYART ALL YOUR HOME NEEDS is'to winning its first title in DiGioacchino expects the match will need to grab the early victory They will have a lot of momen- (FROM TAYLOR HARDWARE) 'RESIDENTIAL'COMMERCIAL tum heading into the last seven "We do It all-Large or small" 1 \WLLYINS. FREE ESI years. to turn on who can score more if the Cougars will have a chance • Reasonable Prices • Fully Inst/retl "WERETURN ALL0ALW PHASES OP [CARPENTER ANT SPECIALISTS I The Cougars will take on the pins and major decisions and later in the match. If the meet matches, but weVe go a real good 908-789-9279 5 • Emer8,i»Hairs • Pools • FANS ! 908-322-3727 HOME REPAIR RPACHES'BEETldS'MICE'BEES LICENSE NaO3354 top two teams in the county in a come down to the heavyweight pans out like DiGioacchino stopper at 145," continued I- Lighting • HeaUnsft Air Conditioning THE HOI.If! REPAIR MASTERS 888-415-0305 No Job to Small (008)277-1571 or (908) 464-5544 Japan of four day, beginning with bout. expects, Verhoeven will play a piv- DiGioacchino. "(Verhoeven) cer^ 908-464-2287 uf^3 903-755-2059 908-232-1501 " ••'•:•'.•;'• ••:,:'• :'•--•:'•':•••- i^:& 'tomorrow nights meeting with "I think what you are going to otal roll in turning the momen- tainly has the ability to turn the Presented in conjunction with Cranford High School PLUMBING & HEATING ELECTRIC ...... HANDYMAN Roselle Park. > see is two entirely different tum back in favor of the Cougars momentum hack in out- favor." and the Cranford Chronicle. SHAPE-UP \ 732-340-1220 A&R ELECTRIC, INC. PUNCHLIST PROFESSIONALS SCOTTE. HUEYS SHEAHAN , Roselle Park and Rahway have matches," he said. "Roselle Park for the last half qf the meet. Cranford \& counting on Oil Tank PLUMBING & HEATING should dominate the first seven Carbone's match with Chris Lott Verhoeven, Mike Carbone, Greg CaltaForywFieeEsliraale Residential • Commercial BUILDING* REMODELING been dominant powers in Union BATHROOM CO> , NOJOBTOO BIG OR SMALL ICounty in recent years, and weight classes and I hope we can will be important for the Cougars, Donofrio, Billy Bennett and Dave FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS TANK Services New. Ceramic Tile Floor & Walls {SPECIALTY IN BAWROOMMMODELIk ROOFING'SIDING tomorrow nights dual meet will dominate the last seven. The since Roselle Park will be favored Peist to win the match for PROMPT FRIENDLY SERVICE FREE EST. REMOVED "-FILLED »INSTALLED 1 ' ucwset . • ••.• match will be decided on getting to win at heavyweight. Cranford. But an upset or two Vanity & Medicine Cabinets I Mi APPROVED • ji YRS EXPERIENCE« UNION, NJ 908-276-6593 provide a strong, indicator as to New Bathroom Fixtures . FULLY INSURED, BONDED * FREE COBRA WDOE VENT' .v \ how close the Cougars are to win- bonus points, and not giving up "Daly is going against a talent- early on in favor of Cranford could 908-903-9030 I 908-851 •O057www.prota.nkserv[ces,com take a lot of pressure off the final New Windows & Doors 908*654649 HOURLY APPTSIN2 3 0A)S All Electrical Work seven wrestlers, mmsi "If we could steal one or two in NJLIC/I8I62 HANDYMAN All Debris Removed ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR the first seven it could be an early Upon Completion Tel: 973-921-1916' fi NICK GRASSO night," said DiGioacchino. "But if FR V GAS &0|L BRED BOILERS> Fully Insured • 30 Years « DESIGN TILE CONTRACTOR? they steal one or two in the second •N" • •'INTEWOR/EXTERIdR • :" yWATEflHEAtERS . , : Experience CONCEPT mm <6 news EXPERIENCE v seven it could be an early night as ••: FULUPRIMER^ HEPAVACUlJM SANDING /SUMP & SEWERAGE PUMPS • cus NORTHERN & SOUTHERN NJ Plumbing LC# 10908 well." WE DO IT ALL" ^ tiECk MAINTENANCE V POWERWASHING V SMALL OR LARGE REPAIRS Deal Direct...NoSalesmen FREE ESTIMATE? MARBLE)) While the gym will be packed ITALIAN CUISINE : FHEEESTlMA'tES •FULLYINSURED VWE RETURN ALLiCALLS':^ BEAUTIFUL AFFORDABLE l-'lccincal C'oiuraciiir License»11.107 Fully Ins. FREE! and the pressure will be high, one :w, BATHROOMS S II1IS l-llectriciil Insptcior 1/dH'JS Owner Opcruled CALL 9O8-789-O554 908-598-1853 SALMALLEO 908-876-1687S IM- thing is for sure, this will be fun 103 Miln Street, for the Cougars, After beating up HOME IMPROVEMENT. PAINTING REFINISHING on overmatched opponents for Cranford There is no substitute (or experience WOODSTACK most of January, a sport which A. PLAIA & SON FENCE HOME IMPROVEMENT, IHC. CARRIAGE HOUSE THEE SERVICE usually emphasizes individual (908) 272-2500 Custom Wood • Chain Link Stockade KITCHENS • BATHROOMS • DOORS Interior & Exterior Painting Professionals REFINISHING CO. accomplishments will see the WINDOWS • BASEMENTS • TILE Custom G6|ors,» Poweruiashlng Year Round Installations • Free Estimates Detkltestowtion, \. spotlight shine 6n the team glory. RENOVATIONS $ MAINTENANCE .. SENIORCITIZEN DISCOUNTS NEW & REPAIRS FREE EST.'FULLY INSURED Free EitiittatM . Fully UuutA 1908-277-3815 "This is what it is all about," 908^10-0183 FURNITURE RESTORATION INSURED • FREE! ESTIMATES said DiGioacchino. This is why HARDWOOD FLOORS we do this sport. It's fun going into 908-654-5222 732>382-3922 STROTIiD/RBPINISIiliDANI) INSmLHD

.•,•.'••• M a championship caliber match •Additions • Kitchens : IMPROVEMENT wijsb; uncertainty of who iq going aln in ti REPLACEMENT WINDOWS f •Renovations ' R ,* 9 HOME IMPROVEMENT to'be the* winner,. Right nofr we •••»••' " Decks CUSTOM MADE are all about the team,, not indi- •Dormers .Bath WOOD FLOORS I jy RENOVATIONS CO. IFv. Yullanc Sen, Inc. •FULLY WELDED Over 30 years of Top Quality Work at _ ALLYOUr VINYL REPLACEMENT RENOVATION DESIGN INC. viduals. It's about what you as an DECORAVOHS Affordable Prices by George Inc. ^ HOME IMPROVEMENT NEEDS WINDOWS INSTALLED individual can do to help the MAKE YOUR OLD FLOORS WOKUKENEW • GENERAL CARPENTRY'KITCHENS < Jnipflfar/Eiilerior • WllpapW:' Forniicii Tops • ; Jipl6BIM^; vR^F team. Everything is about the MELO CONTRACTORS, Inc. INSTALLED* REPAIRED' REFINISHED BATHROOMS' CERAMIC TILE • PERQO FLOORS :": - 'AliRepalrt'Tile•Shectrock* FCI PROFESSIONAL 908-245-5280 .... : REPLACEMENT.WIN """ RS WINDOWS/DObfl'S • -REMO BASEMEMfiVRE«JRS| team. When we get to the districts OAO iilllii INSTALLERS GEOROE RACCIELLO/THE CHRONICLE fin EillnUlM • Fiilly kuurod • Financing Avallsblo k'md 80Q"831"8853««iw»w \ FULLY- - FREE b7 908-689-2996 and regionals well focus on indi- IW WWW.>l£LOCONTRACTOns.COU {.INS, The Cougars will be hoping Brandon Small can pull of an upset tomorrow night at 140 pounds when they vidual accomplishments. But Jake on Hostile Park In a showdown of the top teams In the county. right now it is all about the team." fc*»M ; '»'(: i'ilr^/iVfj^'^'i^/'VM'SM/'' ''• ' ' ' ':';'•"•(;!:>:"'•'! • r'!•••';'«» it C-2 Cranford Chronicle January 25, 20Q1J ': January 25, 2001 Cranford Chronfele SPORTSCENE DARTMOUTH TOPS CORNELL Harlin helps Cougars Melissa Klelman had a game high 14] points as Dartmouth Used a balanced attack! i (Continued from page C-l) while Linden won the event with Somerville to defeat Cornell 32-19 ;, Creinford got back oh the winning Cranford past Dartmouth's Jenny Fitzgerald and Nicole Irvington 44, Cranford 28— 51. Elizabeth was second with 32 track,' grabbing a 14 point half- Thursday 32-29, Schomp each chipped in six points and] Irvington gained an early lead points. Cranford time lead to easily defeat Kearny Moreldth La Rose added four points and held off a late Cranford rally Khristelle Manuyag took sec- Saturday 76-62. ICEHOCKBY Rounding out tha scoring was Casey Perez ond in the 60 yard dash in 7.6 sec- High School With her first basket of tho season, made pos j .-J» down the Cougars 44-28 JKasim Rajahn led Granford Tied at 2-2 heading into the slblo by an electrifying posseslon save/pass! onds, Terri Van Horn was fifth in Roundup with 22 points while Mike Snyder third, the Cougars were unable to by Fitzgerald. Amy Fitzgerald, Natalie' y : REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS Gillian Murray scored nine the 440 (l;06.9), Mallory Harlin scored 19. Keith Stanley knorfced stay with Ramapo in the final La'uclus, Teale Alnutt and Mary Kate Miller was third in the 880 (2:34.9) and down five three pointers for his 15 period, falling 5-2 Friday. /sparked the defensive surge.; , . .;. •' points to lead Cranford. • Denny Follnuez led Cornell with 11. points' Cranford (28) second in the mile (5:36.1), and points and Hanif Davis added 15 Ryan Ahern and Jeff Wietry Cranford (9-6). Snyder now-only and Mary Kale Sullivan, played great defense, to Michael M. & Janet Magliacamo for ; l . Francine ?uina^ for $629,000. / ; 11 Midvale Drive from Johii & Clark 0-O-3-3, Majors 3-0-0-6, Murray 3-0-3- Catherine Connolly was third in of his own. ; ' • • • scored for the Cougars (2-10-2). Other standouts were Marls Cocculli with four. neecte 84 points to break Norm v:: 17 Cayuga Road fr^ta Henry A. $210,000;: ; •; v;-""':-v.'-. -:•••.;•;;•' .112 Summit Court from Chi-Shiuri Antoinette Cbviello to Keith Mishkind 9, Pemoulio 2-1-1-8, Monlalvo 1-0-0-2,0'Donnel the two-mile (12;45,2). c«nford(76) points and Lacey Pebsl and Edah Muslmeca. Carletbn Road from Peter J. 0-0-0-0. Totals: 9:1-7-28. Hobble's school career-points Cranford 4, Johnson 1— Brown 0-1-0-3, Snyder 7-0-5-19, Rajahn 8- with two points each. '.;( ••• \- . ^Danyus et.al. to IVederick R. Wacker .: 39 N, Sixth Aye. from Robert J. &} : firedlau et.al. to Susan Kresge , for'•• '••ft:-.. Jane F Huang to 'Jean-Paul et.al. for $409,000. :;• ,; • :^;: ^ Irvington 12 9 716-44 Junior goalie Chris Stoppero had v record of 1,248. 1-3-22, Stanley 0-5-0-15,. Davis 6-0-3-15,: HI et.al. for $225,Q00; •.". ', ^ : : r: : " Cranford 4 8 9 7-28 Zuravriskyr 1-0:0-2; Richardson 0-0-0-0, COALITION TO HOUSfe THE HOMEr Mary Fuss to Barbara Sims . for '•$499,000.•:•;;':' r, • '*: -i:X '[ ' ^ --'•• ?; Miirchetti for $250,000. . . : 254 Mountain Ave. fromEdmbnd B. BOYS BASKETBALL Cranford (66) his shutout bid Spoiled in the : ;: : ; ; Brown 1-1-0-5, Snyder 6-2-3-23, Rajahn 2' Drechsel O-0-O-0. Totals: 22-7r11-76. •..• • •• '•'.'.• ; LESS ;..•:.••: ••;••.; .;.•••.-. 8 Oneida Place from Raymond W. & $180,000..; ''V:--.:;.v''.;'.:.; :/.:::',':,•:. BERKELEY HEIGHTS ;/ Cranford defeated. Westfield for third period, but stopped 14 shots For the.sevehth year In a; rowi some otthe 936 CarletonRdad from Phillip J.& Cuce;to Kyle Gpntifor $312^000^;."•.*• 0-8-10. Stanley 3-1-1-10, ..Davis 6.-0-J-13, Cranford 22 21 13 20-76 vNorma H. Diiide to AntHbny D.' & 266 Bouleyftrd from Janice. GIRLS TRACK the second . time, this season ZuravnskyO-2-1-7, Baker OO-0-0, Richardson 0- Keamy 1514 924-62 to held carry Cranford past rival • Northeast's best high school basketball team Sailly R. JRpbert^ ;to : Michael ^> & .; 32 Greenbriar Drive frqnl Howard 37 Murray .Hill;Square from^ Nancy Cranford finished third at the Tuesday, 66-60, behind, 21 points 0-0-0, Habdr Q-0-0-0, DeSlmona 0-0-0-0, Johnson 4-1 Jan. 17. .; ' wll battle for ranking and Improved conditions •'.'Jrenhifer 1 Gofffor $224|000v • . : Spychalski to Margaret Steinbacb? •Pandora Tboiiipspn^ for $295iP0p. • : , S .& Virginia Zipf to John P. & Bernice H.Bumsted to Williain jj B,umstedfor- for local horneless people during the annual : Union County girls, track and field from Mike Snyder. Drechsel 0-0O-0. TotalB: 18-6^12-66. KurtSigmund scored twice i|-- :r8-20& Riverside Dri^e from Scott & et,al. for. $260,600v •• •:;:';';, .-..'. rlj.1,6 Cplumbue Ave/ from-Richard TbdarO fbr; $359,900. ': $300,000/5 •'•" ":f'"': : ' Crartford 12 181719^66 •. "Elizabeth Coalition to House the' Homeless " -Francine T; Puma to Michael Flynn for -championships at the Dunn Hanif Davis chipped in with 13 Wesrfield,.'7 .1512.16-:60 Five consecutive victories in and Chris DeUascera and Ryan Baskolball Classic" on Friday: and Saturday at • 650 Sunamit Avei^ from Richard- ;&' &$' Cathleen Wagner tb Mark W; &j 76 Hilltbp. Ave. from Noreen A. 1 Salem "Center in Elizabeth Jan. 17. poiilts and Keith Stanley and, Cranford 76, Kearny 62— the middle weights, including Ahern each had a goal and an the Dunn Center In Elizabeth. Each'.ydar ;:,• Alicia JiGregorio'to James Tpppleyvski' t'Caifi^rofor:$33p,000;^p ; , '/ i V.Lewis,;; to . Michael D. Lewis' for more than 4;500.faris attend the events. ,,.. : : : Sakineh-K The Cougars totaled 29 points, Kasim Rajahn each had 10 for After dropping two straight, three . straight pins, , lifted 'assist; .••-. '•:, ' • •' ''• ••;i .'•••. •' .107 fiesler AAye; from Lucy I. Sluzis :et.al. for $262,00Qi "'; '.,• ,.^.',Vv' .M^'V' ''':'':^3^Y;EdM^o^dvAve.:;^;Ed^^d"'A f f^m/'Eiisa;; This year, ihe high schbpl glrls^ doubje-' : ; Lisa DiBurch for $22l,60pv<: header will take place Friday.night, followed' ->toi Eric Scott for $230,000;'..' >: • .-'•',-. ;•" 48P ^shington. Ve? : from FFroinm to Louise" M. Happ ekal for ;'.'.-.;. 5 Holly Mews frbnx Heritage Manor ; J 109 Sherwood, Driye from J by the boys trlplehedderSaturday rilghti , - "*" 31 Bloomingdale.Avei frbm Jessie P. Geral4ine:Marty to Tqmmasp.&' Maria • .•$389,900,•'$389900,•'''•'•' 1f";-: •''"••" ;" •:-\7>--K-•:;•'•• Homes \tp Qerald A. • & Jennifer Friday's ddubl.eheader starts at 6:45. p.m. v L. Bajorek tb-James.A.; arid leajures four of the top teams jnliew. •Inno.centi,. to Qf&ne Builders Inc. for Pugliesfe for^ $200,0000 , ^ ;:• x:: - • 'j'fi Brockmaivfor $849,000.; ; V : ; ; ':'••. 617 Washington Aye. from ArVarreh . •' Jersey!), St.- John Vlanpey will .take'.on- -'Faulkner;/•(Eltial.^.tcr:FrcsdelrickVA. ;i& v'V.16y-'Hq^ •:••' 209 Sputhgate7 Drive:^dm . Elizabeth at in the firstgamearid RedBank. , '-IS, 06yMga Road .from David p. & :''E'.- !& Viola Eck tp^ John;•& pjna:;D; Sudan R. Kinchfor $446,000; • ' Manor Homes L.L.C; .to Alfred ,& Despite 20 points from Greg Sporer b-2:1-7, J. Vjtale 2:0-0-4, Pinto 2-0-0-4, • . Hayesa-O^O.-e.BonrJ .1-0/-0-2,rVlassaro3-2- ; St. Mary (21); Catholic, Jast'year's Totirnamerrt'.-of. y : M. & Sonal M. Shah to Oliver. J, & Tv Polloqi; to Matthew Goldfeder Gomes^ for $212,000.. > , : ^ •'•.••••'' '• GraceDeSeta for $794,300; !; : . '.^, Losplrvoso 5-0'irit,' Byars 0-0-0-0. Totals: 14> -. p-1'2,' Emmariuel .-grO^Mj AiexaMre 0-1-0-3,' • • M, Lopez 0-2-0/6, J, Lopez -6-1-'1-14, Carter Gharnp.lbns'wlnner, will lake.oh Mehdharn at. 1731^;Florida'.-St."-.;from /Vincent C! Kizelevich, the Brearley High ; Jean M. Armas for $544'Oppf; ;';•••'[:, : i; ' 8:18. Admission Is $7'fpr ad.ul.tsand $3 for' 227 N. 12th St^ from Julia A/Soos toR w-48..'. .; .'"- - •, • :• :• ..• ••.... Ogunnfllke 4-OrO-8, fcapbte0-2-0 f | Ward 4'1- 0-0-1-1, Longprla O-O-O-O. Ford b-0-0-0; Totals: .Sha)rjio^^v.Mpmspn foy $'291(p60;, -• •:^• Judith^..Weinert •td'. 8i«ipneii'"tj'»•!••'&'-. V" :'••'• NewarkCentral ($7) Elizabeth Fridjay night for. lie 1 ;; [hi^^V^WI ;,; ;.v; : •.' Klzglevfch l-eTO-^O/WasHuia' WW-Dj-A .-. dhdtime this season... >r ' • Rosalie Catholic takes. on St.. Mary-'of : ,••&'• H.ai^s;'.Jr.;.,&.'/Jean;.'Mi.'.Haririfl-'to 138 1ST, •ISlth.St.'; frflm;GlrolamoS ^i:,!:8^'-^Krioll^0tid;AFTerrabe.:'^ ^AgneigM/Burkatibif $35.5,Qp,0... ' .. .Martinez t*0-0r2, BlaokWMMO.yan Valeir : p secbnd time this season, 100-48. .''•:Vlgtf • e 3T&*3-9I Sp.orerir2,-br8,.Hpag.0-p*0|J. ••••'• : ;';;. ' Brearleeey ((dayy •••; , Brearley split S-jpair of meets '. : i Elizabeth; :•;.•; •'.".'•• ••''•"/•••.. •.':::.• \ \ Stiucci: 6t.al. to Ana '•M^Noguer's-'for.'- - .. •irv./j>.-;^».v«WTH1-*,.,j-r .^',.ii,i;.M ;•'.; -•. i1i(H)2(.Woile 3-1-Or'g,Ware'1-0.0-2, Hardy 5-1- . Vlatale 1 -O-ff-2,'D'Andreib-0-OrO,. pinto:d-O-D-; \ Kathleen O'Neill for $15,9,966. - otepiibn' & Frances Ei Stefiuk to Gary"v•• ^46iRalph placefromTreyor EX & L Greg Kizelevich:led the Bears' .." K. Sues • 8-0-3-1B; Kaulfers 5-0-M2;-, Saturday, narrowly falling, to .: ..••vF.6r tickdl Information call•808:687^8963:' ; , '0;i3,-Wo6len.5 1'2r15, Brown 1.-0-0-2, Green '0,- Bydts b-1-0J3i' Zellnsky O-(W)-0, L'rjsplnoso .Vj. 14 .Forest Ayei frofii. darolyn'A, tonnnh; •• •'•• •'•''•••• ••••. •••*•>'• •••••..:'•"-•••.•;••'••• * ocxJp&u• jtJf J?.ox tor.tp,ooo,uu.Uo •, "., . Pascalie Beagri^ toBbiig M,&MalC. : Ill AflhwciodVAv6.v.fromvFtederick '... with20 pointy and "Alfred 'Vitale Friedman 6-0-1 ^1, Larrib 3-0-0-6,.Jeans 5-OrO-' Ridge 41-32 and defeating New or 908-d64-B103 oT'conlact the participating' < 1-b-O-2. Totals: 23-3-2-57. , . ' 3*0-6, TotalS:v»-g-3-48. : '...'• ... ,: '10, Sllwowskl 3-0-0-6, T. Sues 5-0-0-10,- Kovacs schools. If not sold out,;tlckdls will be,avall- ..Keller et.al. to John M, & ArliileKeler 2(j; Mohawk Trail from. Amede/b 'Jfc.. G.' & Barbara 'Singer/;tb M[8ii'ga'reti • 304 N. 19th St./from Rica properties Changfbr: $536^000; :.".=:••' : . : Broarley (48) -had nine. : SL'ttary'sii 39 2229-100. 4-0-&-8, Elshiekh 3-0-0-6, .Glasco -4-0-Q-B, Providence 42-Sl, and defeated ' able at.the'gate the.day of the garrie, ,, : Sfnf.!ti«n hhn • ; •••'-...-: -,. •Chowvfor:$314,p06,^;v,r;;;'; ''^V/ . •"'••'• '•. KlzelevlcK. 4-4-0r20, A. Vljale 1-0-0-2, L;L,C; vto'; '•• Kathi < F. Fiamingo •. for June Gaglioti to Brian Crigler et.ali . 246 River B^nd Road from Michael ;. St.Mary's(100) • . Brearley 10. 16.14 8-48 , :• , :• • Ellison 1-0-0-2. Totals: 41-0-6-88. •• Middlesex 45-21 Thursday. • 1 • 229;Hillside Aye, from kennieth & '$459,060; : ^ • ' , w; ;: .,•-,. '•; -•. ibr $336,000,. -: "•:;';"'-^^vV-':-'W,' •: Pallante to L, BryanV & Tamara P. 41 Blackburn Place from Rosah'e B. ; 7"Kathleeh Peist ito David P. & Anne i .; f; >/ ;SC6TCHPMBN(S;:; ;,;; ) 419; ptisr4prjve; from EJclvirard 7. & . Zaccardi for $310,000. : ^ Y • Payne' to Thomas :P; & Corinne'M.... j PoUpck^fqr $279,000, : '' ': : : EHenvMi Glark''to J^e'!GagUoti for f;S8 Webster Drive.froin Robert P;•&.. Taylor for $626,066. '\ ; ;:••] y•:•¥:'• s v 31 Burnham Court from Theodore : : : : I ; ' , 7 Dorset Lape from Robert M,-& : ':'. : ,-'.'fi3 MendelAveifromMarshallL,& :-$367j606;\'-';v -:•;-,••• ' ^:' .;X '•V^:;;;.v'; •••, Kimbei?ly Donolbue to Lauren E. Roe J NCmcETO ABSENT DEFENDANTS Including designs and specifications of material used. . . • ORDINANCE NO. 2O01-4 . •; •. . Family;.:.; .•.„...... '.'.....:;...... ;..,$800,0O now available.ld finance said purposes. Tho sum of•' "Section 1; Tho Township d Cranford,' In thp Codnty of ,-• F. Ciamillo to Alan &• Jpyce'Genaer for ; 1 Lindii H. Flanagaiii to Derei; J, &,; . (LSJ STATE OF NEW JERSEY TO: .''•'• .14. .Establish' and furnish, as roqulrod, all'linos and AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE VIII, SECTION . Additional Child CarbProyldor. ,...... ;...$200.0d $18,O00'ls horoby.appropriated from.such moneys lo the Lfnioh, State.of.Now Jersoy (Ihe TovWshlpl.ig'.hpreby-' ^^-"^""""'^-n to. Thomas J, Donahue 1 i : 757 SummitAye. fiptu Michael ft; •fpr$363;5pp.: •• ' ' • 7.. •Y'-.V-'V.-Y:. SHIRLEY-A. LUNDY orados lor all public wnyo, sowore, dltchos and olhor pub- $230,600; v. •'."'.I- -.-••.••••'.•'••• ::-:^; >;::-;v '- ;• 219-63 OF CHAPTER 219 "REVISED ORDINANCES OF (ol'Corporallon: or Buslnoss . • ; .'. payment of tho cost of said purposps. / • ':,.. - authorized to (A) undertake various Improvements to the Saiali N. Lau for $422,666;V;S;v-' V : ; YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to ic facilities.; .••••'•• THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY Individual (5 or more) per individual for lull . Secllon 7. To llnancp said purposes,'bonds ol said Orange Avenue Pool consisting of the Installation of a 517 GicUia.Place from; Charles ,& TMita: fc..::Elliott to Barbara E. 7. Alien^Terrace froln. James G., & '%erye ' upin • SHAPIRO S KREISMAN, PlalnllH's 15. Maintain surveys, maps, plans, rjpocilicolions, opor- |19881", BY AMENDING SCHEDULE Kill ANDINCLUD- C. • o r.-.--p o . • r a ,t I' o • n Township of anaggregale prlriclpaTamount not oxcood- now water line and Iho improvomont of Iho pool filtralion • 14, Eaton Court from' Mitchell'£>% . 'Altorhiys. whosa address ls.408 Llpplncotl Drive, Suite J. a|lng records and lilos porlolnlng to all Borough roads, INQ CERTAIN PORtlONS OF ROADWAYS AS INDI- membership...;...... '.....: j..,..-:..; ...$330.00 ^',1119 Orange Avel from Edward J. &• McDevitt for $349,900; ;•; Julia A; Jebaijy to Patrick J. & MAiakcL. 1 Ing $357,000 ate. hereby authorized to be Issued pur- system and (B). undertake various Improvemenls to Ihe : Karen Conpver to Tan V Nguyen & My Marllon, N.J. 08053, an answer to Iho complaint (and buildings, structures, lands, public facilities, bridges, sew- CATED IN SECTION.! BELOW AND DESIGNATING, - (d) Limited Corporation or Buslnoss SuantlolhoLoca! Bond Law.Sald bonds Ehall boar Inlor- -Co'ntehnlal-Avflnue-PoolHrtcludlnpfreplacBnielirSf.ihe^ iQatherinp^Cbffey-to^orge&Shirly^ y Margaret Cbyington .'tp, James -j& v amendment to complaint, If any) filed In a civil action, In ers and storm drains, drain facilities and to olhorwlso pre- : SAMEAS-^PAHKING-PROHIBITEDAT-ALL-TIMES"—-^-Individual (5T^rnora)(afDsage"S)rw6oTO0^AiM7^' ost at a rale per annum as may be hereafter dplormlned pool flllroliQh system, In, by and for tho Swim PoAl Utility Arjjirtng^pr^ll^ N, Murphy for ^$396,000. • . . . .._»#* JlEET.MORTGiAeEJCORR Is Plaintiff and serve and maintain all books, records; maps, papers and" Be II ordained by the Township Committee' of. Ihe. - 9:00 A.M',; '1 i:30 A.M. -* 1:30 P,M.! and 4:30'P.M. - 6:00 wiihlrt the limitations prescribed, by law. All mailers with' ol tho Township. Said Improyements. shall 'Include 'all. •[Springatefor $355,000;•'••'• ; , to William A. & Gay: Jennifoj*Gbnnellafor.$23i2,0pP;^'[•& •'••'. . DANIEL M. LUNDY ara Defendants, pending In tho. other matters pertaining 10 his olllco. Township of Cranford, New Jersey: • • : .1817^ Quimby Lafle from, Agnes J. .: / •; 32 Angela Way from Russell Pi & ; Superior Court Df New Jeresy, Chancery Division, UNION' •P.M:, Monday through Friday. ;...... : _;..$200.0O' respect to said.bonds not dolorminod by this ordinance work,, materials and.appurtPnancos necessary and sulk 16.' Maintain public records ol all work porformod under, Soction .1. That scheaille.XIII of Section 219-63 Artldo 4. (No change.) ,.••'•. shall bo determined by resolutions to be noroallor adopt- ablo thordlor." '. . • •' '. ..'•'. ... 12 Park; DriVe, fr,om 'Joseph A. & : A. Scpttibr $535,000. , , V. : ; . 42 Londonderry Way from Stanley •; 'ai>d bearing Docket No. F-SfO55rO0 within thirty-flue (35) • VIIIL Chariter 219, Revised OWIrances of the Township McCallum. to Steven J. Giacpma for Janet (J. Deal, tp Helerie A. Pernisay his supervision'and all.Work porformod under Borough - 5. Guosl of Mombors . . • ed.- " • ••' . •.':-• • "••• , . •'. .:•: Soction 2. This ordinance shall take effect twenty days. / ' days after Die date of this publication, exclusive of such of Cntnlord, New Jersey (1988)", .be and the same is' ...Jessica Marino to Rosa M.Tavares for : : i; 4261 Wells St from Phillip & ijeidi; N. & Lpretta M. Grebb to .Jesus Reyes contract . •' . , • ••• '•' • . (a) Summer Pool . • '' . ,' Section 8. To finance said purposes, bond anticipation .after tho llrst publication Ihoraof alter; final passage.'. $211,0pQ. / ,. • '-\-:. ' •• ••'• ;for $250^000^:; ':•<''.:•. -•/"; v-v. ••;•.;':-.: date. If you fall to do so, judgment by default may to ran- 17. Prepare and submit Iho nocossary data and recom- hereby amondedby adding certalnportlons'^if roadways : ; ; .dared against you for the relief demanded In the com- as Indicated below,, and designating same as "Parting • . (l)Dally.Gupsts: ..' ' . notes of said Township of an aggregate principal amount. " : •' '..'•••• ' Approved: ' "•••.'•. '• • $360,000. r •:•..•'•.-:•:••• :•••,'• ,•.;•'•;, • G. Bales to Margaret A. Malpney et.al; • 106 .CedJar Green Lane from e't..alVfor $520,000.'; .'., >; {^'••;-^- '••$ •'•' mendations required lor Iho' annual budget of the Woekoays? $5.00 porenlry per persbn not exceeding $357,000 ore noroby aulhorlzod to. be . . •• .'•••' GeorgeJ.'Jorn,Chairman- 12; Tisbury Court from Barbara A. plaint (and amendment to complaint, If any). You shall file ProhibitedalVM/WitM".:'.. , '•'•.• : : ! ; /your answer and proof of service In duplicate willi tho Borougji. '. . '•'. Weekends - $7.00 per enlry per person • ' Issued pursuant to the Local Bond Law In onlicipalloil of; Attest: . . '.•'• • ••."' • 11 VaiBureh Ave. from Pablo ,E & ;fpr\$375;pp.o.:;••',:':•'.:-:; - fi', -\-':-<- ••.•,'-;.;. > Stephen P. & Lisa Cunningham to 50 Lpridonderry Waiy ifrbm 1 - 1B. Prepare estimates for copllal oxpondlluro- and ScheduleXIII •;.-. • . Holidays - (Momorlal Day, Independence Day, Labor the Issuance of said bonds. In the ovent that bonds are' Rosallo Holloribrochl, RMC .' Finn to Rosemary C. Walsh for Clerk of the Superior Court, Hughes Justice Complex, 24 ; ; : Mortal Street, Trenton, New J«rsey 08625,; fn accprdanco Improvement programs. ... Nama of Street SUfl Locatloa . . !. . Day) $9.00 per entry per person • ' . . Issued pursuant lo this ordinance, thd aggregate amount Municipal Clork • ' .••'.. Estela At Navarretei to George & 849 Winyah Aye. from Joseph P. &' Meiling^Chinfor$461,219.; v- : , & Susan Viracbla to: J of notes hereby authorized to bo Issued shall bo reducod ; $24OJPPO.: : ' • '•';••' .•••'" V •--•'" with tha Rules.of Civil Practice and Procedure.' 10. To supervise tho preparation and payment pi all pub- Walnut Avenue: Weet .From the sputhsmmost (II) 'WepklyHou.se Guest Pass.- $30.00 for 7 ontrlos $43.8fi " '•'• ;•' • CC3B1T1/gfl/01 , Maria; Harris tot, $269,000. V Jahe W. Stoner to John Ni & Anna; E. Linda Flanagan for f This action has been Instituted for the purpose of (1) lic vouchers pertaining to. his olllco, Including all .public; • "' • driveway of the JJbrary(o a during a 7-day period ... ' • , by an amount equal.to Ihe principal amount of tho bonds 1 J: 529 VVarren St.- from BrendanM- & 41 iFerndaie Drive from Joseph & works contracts, and certify to tho receipt of all equip- .. eo Issuod. II the aggregate nmounl ol outstanding bonds : ; .foreclosinga morlgaae dated November IS; 1989, mado • . •'• ' •, • Point .168 feet nbrth thereof (III) Infant guest under 2 years frbo . - , ."' •••. SHERIFFS'SALE ..' ' ;;^\4^•Wiadsworth; •Terrat Doylefor$645t00p.'^'. ' • ;; • Lisa CapasBo to. Margaret A. Chilton ;• > 105 Rotary;! by DANIEL M. LUNDY, SINGLE, as Mortgat)or(e) to ment, materials and services. Section 2. All other ordinances or portions thereof In con- (b) Winter Poo]..:.' and notes Issuod pursuant to this ordinance shall al any . . •.• SHERIFFS NUMBER CHV55653 '.•' Maureen McNamara to Gwen Klimas time exceed tho sum first me'nllonod In this sedlpri, the. ; : 1 EASTERN AMERICAN MQRfTQAGE CO. recorded on 20. Investigate matters rolorrqd to his ollontlon by tho flict or Inconsistent herewith are'hereby repealed. • (I) Dally Guosls • $5.00 per onlry por person Sunday DIVISION: CHANCERY - ..'. ..''•.-' COUNTY: UNION .^Stephen M. & Laufa M. Brennfift to : 5^0 Wychw'ood Road from Jaiftet S. :&; Gat bL|£.:,Giani^iP Roger'C;;&-'v;v ^ • •', moneys raised by tha Issuance ol said bonds shall, to no) ; for:$355,6pO. . ; ^ • ; November 29, 1989; In Book 7483 of Mortgages for Mayor and Council and report his findings lo (hem. > through Saturday '. • ' '. • • DOCKET NO. F3059OO V' ' • ",.; >'. for $237,p66; ;\ •:':'-"'^' ',:-' 1 .;|JUNION County, Page 0327, and (2) to recover posses: 21. Prepare-roqupsls for quotations and obtain quota- after final passage as roqulred by lawi: ' ' (II) Woekly House Quest Pass - $30.00 for 7 ontrlos less than, the amount of.'such excessl, be applied to t|io .'. CeliaJ.Reda et.al. for $309,060. Taylor ^to Jeffrey & Judith^^ Koeppel Elena APMatthe^ foi $l;402i0p0;^i payment of such notes thon outstanding. ' PLAINTIFF:'^ '...... '•. . .2305Westfield Ave. from Fawn M. 33 Mercer. Road from Thomas '&•&: .' slon of Ihe concerned premises commonly known as: 524 tions as directed, by the Mayor and Council for projects ' . NOTICE OF PENDING ORDINANCE' durinaa15^day period' " ••' .. CHASE MANHATTAN MORTGAGE CORPORATION ' ! ; > ° BERNARD AVENUE, LINDEN, N.J. 07038. not requiring bidding' pursuant to Ihe' Local Public for $566,600, • : . ' ' ••:••• -AC.'. '.•• ' ." '' •'•Courtney A,: Muoio to Thomas J. 132; Beechwbpd Road from JarJttb Tho foregoing Ordinance was Introduced and passed, on . . (Ill) Infant gussl' undor 2 years frao. . • • Soclion 9. Each bond, anticipation note. Issued pursuant '".:•'•. • •'. . ' VS. ' • . : • • '.• Spaiigler to Joseph Parchinski, for II you are unable to obtain an attorney, you may commu- Contracts Law. - • .' •• •••' • first reading; a! a mooting of the Township Cdmrrilttee of' 8.(Nocharigo.F • • ' '• . . tolhls^fdinanco shall be dalod on or about tho'doto of Its DEFENDANT: V ; .$229,960. •;••>;; '.. :-':;:-;-';:.-':-> r ••'•• 870J'Brid'ford Ave.^^ froim Dean R;> & 'Charbonneau et.al; for. $546,666. Behrmari et.al. to David. A. i& Diatie nicate with the New Jersey Stale Bar Association by call- 22. Function os Ihe olllco ol lha Boroubh responsible tor. Iho Township of- Cranford, NJ.'bn Tliesdjy, January 16," 7.-(No change.)...-'.. • . • , '• Issuanco.and shal| bo payablo hot rrioro;than one.year ROBERT J.CHARKOWSKY, ETAL • ' . •' ,;Jng j(201) 249-5000. You may also contact tha lawyer suporvlslon of all onnlnoonng matters, Including,' bul not 2001, and will be considered for final passage after pub- 8.(Nochange.)' ..' • ' ', ' '•:.:• fram IIS dale, shall bear Interest ot a rale per annum ns WRIT.OF EXECUTION DATE:NOVEMBER.13, 2001 • 190 Cqnell Ave: frpBn Andrew A; & : 2 Wheatly Court from Sandra J. C; Seirratelli to: Anthony Tvife Lisa 158 Springndge Drive from George RB.:Arkowitzfor $736,600, ••,. - :>; : limited to, the operation ol Iho municipal sanitary sewer lic hoarlng al Iho. Municipal Building, Cranford, N."J. onSECTION III. All ordinances or parts of ordinances Incon- may bo hereafter determined within Iho limitations pro- SALEDATE: '.' ••' •.'• .' ". • • • .','•• ' • referral:service ol.the County of Venue by calling 908- and storm sewor sysloms. Such Supervision shall luosday, February 13,2001 at 8:30 p.m. (prevailing time). sistent herewith are hereby repealed to the oxtehl of such scribed by law and. may be renewed from llrrie to lime-, .WEDNESDAYTHE21STDAYpFFEBRUARYA.D,2Q01 . Ohioe Li Stprr to John C. Gassidy for Thomas to Burton D. Cbh6n for Aaievinbfbr$1,025,600;' '- .v;'J ': & Eieni Filippatos to Robert P. 6 Blair Place frPm: Edward D.;v$5 j 353-4715. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may com- Include, but not bo limitod to, completion ol all necessary '. • .. APPROVED: ' . ! Inconsistency.'The provisions of Ordinance No. 95-14 pursuant to arid within limitations proscribed by Ihe Local Al| that certain ;land and premises', situated In the . ; 1 ; : ; municate with the Legal Services Office of Ihe County ol fomis, applications and approvals, and supervision of all • Bond Low. Each ol said bond, anticipation,notas shall be $190,000,: .';...;:'V ' •;••:. 462'Channing Ave. from Robert.G'.' Donbhue et.ai. for $4.78,000. :" Virginia Harper to Bridget P. Marj^n • •• . ' 'GeorgoJ.Jdrn'.... ••: ... which are Inconsistent with the provisions of this ordi- .Township ol Cranford, County of Union and Stale ol New ;;$,/;V$265ooov:.;/;:;V'"\:\ - v;,v' ;'^' '';; Venue by calling 908554-4340. V emergency work In connocllonVdth same; - .'•'. ' • ' . •'"' . . Township Committee •' nance ore specifically ropoalod: : ' '•••• •- • '•: • signed by Ihe. Mayor and by a financial olflcor and shall Jersey, bolhrj more particularly described ns follows: : 345 Cook Ave. from Marcos V. &. O'Shea et.al. to, Andrew J. & Aiidra J. 8 SunsetTjarie frdm John, J. & Ann: for $392,500, • ''.' •'••'/_,^; ; ., You. SHIRLEY A. LUNDY, are made a party defendant to 23. Prepare, and submit applications lor all permits In ATTEST: .'•• , •:'.."• : . ,. ' SECTION IV. II any portion of this ordlnahce shall be be under.the.seaf of said Township.and attostsd by the Premises commonly known as 21 Carpenter Place, V 188 S. Martine Ave. from Schroeder' . Xtnls foredosure.actlon because you may have an Interest connection with Ihs Garwood Brook Project and the. determined to be Invalid, such dolermlnailon shall hot .Township Clerk or Deputy Township Clerk. Sald:offlcem RosalloHollenbrochl •' • ' , . .'" Cranford,NJ07016 ••; . '.. .'•• ..••' . •• .'• Ireiie A. Perello to Janet Manfredonia Olsotrfor $385l0PO, ' , M. :Nallin to Daniel W, & Kathy M, 25 Dorchester Road from James M. , In.ths subject property by reason of alien, encumbrance, maihtonance-thoroof. ' ... . •'. . Municipal Clerk ' " affect Ihe Validity of Iho remaining portions of said ordi- are boreby authorized to execule:sald notes In such form BEING KNOWN as Lot 8, Block 335, on Ihe ollldal Tax ^Cherry to Hassan Diwane for : ,p60. "> 743 Clarence St. from K, Steven & Geary for. $615,000.' \ determine' any. matters with respect to said notes not' Map of II10 Township ol Cranford '',.-' •• '••."••.'•.• ; & Karen K. Simon to Taylor & Lindsey ty being foreclosed and for any right, title, claim or intor- maps, zoning maps, and such othor surveys and olhor SECTION V. This ordlnahce shall take eHecTupbn final, Dimensions: 105 tt.x 104.11 ft. x,68.'60.ft. x 37.64ft. X'. ^!jgi3ipop ^:"V^S ' : ' est you may have In, to or against said moiigaged engineering/data as Is required by law or dlrectpd by Iho . TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD • passago and publication In •- • ...'. determined by.thls ordinance and also .the power to sell . 122 Midway Aye. from Mark; & : 2662 Crest Lane from Robert -A. Vicki p, Burgesd to Brian 'Di- & Tan>ara Wright for $1,227,000; '' ;^ ypremlsas. ; . Mayor and Council. "••' .. ' .' said notes,- Is hereby delegated to Ihe Director of Finance .5i.«oit.x37.6oft. ••....•••.;••••••.•.."• ::••• • •' CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY /'• ; . "•• NOTICE OF PENbING ORDINANCE ' Nearest Cross Street: WosHield Avenue Nancy Fertakos to Christopher Kubli to Robert A. & Vivian E.F. Kubli L. Gre^itt for $618,PP0.: ' " . u. ; ' PRQVIDENGE • Pated:Janualry25,.2o01 • '. • . 25. Perform such olhor dutlos as may bo assigned tho : ORDINANCE NO. 2001^3:.,. . who. Is hereby authorized to sell said notes either: at one;, 1 4 Duhiider Drive from Eugene^St The (orogolng ordinance .was' Introduced .and passed on time or Irom llmo to time In the. manner provided by law. '••. .'•,:.•. "JUDGMENTAMOUNT' . ' • • 1 •-•;<• • .DONALD F.PHELAN municipal onnlnoor by tho previsions ol the Revised ORDINANCETO AMEND OBDINANCE NO. 90-1, ENTI- ' first readlnq.at a meeting ol the Township Committee ol ONErHllNDRED TWENTY THOUSAND-FIVE-HUN- PiDbnatp for $185,000,. v •for$3i3i300. •..'.'.• :• 413 Cumbered St. from Kurt Jl. & 35. Maple St. from Josephine . ' ' . • • Cle.rkolthe Superior Statutes ol.thorStUq ol Now Jorsoy, the Reviled . Section 10. It Is hereby determined and declared Wat the . Joann Rpnkar to Robert & Virginia : TLED, "AN ORDINANCE7TO'PeQULAT6 THEAJSE AND the Township of Cranlord.'NJ. on Tuosday,: January 16, •DflED SIXTY.QNE&01/100 ' .. '.. .' •,•.'*' average period ol usefulness of .said, purposos, accordlhg : ij 175 North Ave..from Wilson & Daisy 2701 Far View Drive from Harold D. ^6Bd^rd^ Kennedy,'to Randall.P, Corey et.al. for. • ' Court of Ndw Jorsey Ordinances ol the Borough, ot Qarwoad, or olhor oppllca- OPERATION OF. SWIMMING AND FIELD HOUSE 2001, and will be considered lor linal passage attar pub-' ,..••• ... :.•...•." ($120,501.61 )'• ;•'.-•..; hi :, to their- reasonable',llvos;'taklng\ Into consldorollon'tho: J McKeelbr^0,O00. •• • . ....•' rX27 1T IRSIOI bio law. .;.•'•• . -.. • • . •.•'• FACILItlES LOCATED. WITHIN AND OWNED BY THE '• llo hearing at the 'Muhldbal Building, Cranlold,', Nil.- on ATTORNEYi', . •."'.:•;: ••. •:.''; •! ,v: .,M>' . rospoctlvo amounts of bonds or notes autnorlzod for. said M. Owens to Andrew.A.•••'& Chloe L, & Carol B.Hafs to Holly J. Wong etal. 6,- '';'••-'•'•',>'••• ••'.'•••.•.'• ..IK-W •.'; 2-35.4 LICENSE REQUIRED : , TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD. TO PROVIDE RULES OF' Tuo8day: Fobruary 13,2001 at 8:30 p.m, (prevailing time). FEDERMAN AND PHELAN, P.C. . '•'' '''.' ; ;l :( : p'urposos.ls a porlod of 17.66 years computed Irom Iho jviTuu(''Wi>/i-l , •' •','••• vi •. •'•••''iA( 'U'''-''' '' i 1 ; 14. Fairview Aye. from I NOTICE OF ADOPTION The Borough Englnoor shall, prior.lo his nppolntrhohl, PROCEDURE; TO PROVIDE PENALTIES FOR VIOU- '.'•••• APPROVED: ' ; SUITE 506 SENTRY OFFICE PLAZA • •.' . 1 1 11 1 1 : '•• .!( .' ORDINANCE tiO. 01-01. hold a dogroo In ciyH'oholnoorlng from a rocoqnlzod TION THEREOF, AND 'TQ REPEAL ORDINANCES GoorgoJ.Jorn ,.•.:• ' ••:.. dale of said bonds, ,..-. ..'• ::•••'•••' ,'; 216HADDONAVENUE . ' .; - •' .: : ito^iYs^/^' '":' '^;!:": :'"' ^ " »• 'ifftwi;';wa'kwopd. :• ';Drive .• --.;-frdm; y^ AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A RESTRICTED school or coliggorjf prtglnooring and bo liconcod In tho .NUMBER,80-1,flO-11,80:i5;81-3,.81-12,82-13, 82-40, Township .Commltteo Soclion 11,: II Is hereby determlhodund stated that the . .WESTMONTNJOBIOfl.,:':. :,''-. •• '•'•- ..'. .,•: 428 '-•'-Squthi-Aye^ :frbm:J6seph&: yy^ !&vr:'Sapuarip:to iee ^ameii'b:^ ; : ;• ^JbjriltripHer ;ffiv;Ca^ri'S." Small to Jphii ;for $550,000,. :•;';/ //:: PARKING ZONE PURSUANTTOfJ.J.S.A. 39:4-197.6 IN Stale of. New Jorsey as'a professional onnlnoor.- -• - 83-8, 84^; 84-16, 85-4, 8M/.8M, 88-5 AND 8g-i,"TO ATJEST: Supplemental Debt Statement* required by ;lhe Local SHERIFF:RALPH'FROELICH ' • . •••••. JennifeJc Gre j^a. Marino to Brendan M, ; fPONT OF 321 WILLOW AVENUE IN THE BOROUGH 2-35.5 COMPENSATION • .. .AMEND THE TYPES'OF,MEMBERSHIPS AND THE Rosallo Hellonbrocht Bond Law has boon duly made and NlrJd In tho olllce of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT. THOUSAND ONE- ;'.H..'v-;^lv. Miciieie": L. . Askounis for :.'• , .70 Glenside Aye. from CEridtpph>r "OFOAflWpOD.: The Borough Englnoer shall rocolvo as compensation or POOLMEMBERSHIPPEES.'' . ' • i •: '•••'• 'Municipal Clerk theT6Wnshlp Clerk of Bald Township, and lhal such stale- HUNDREDTWO462/100 ' •'••.' •' •'• .- ". "Gottesmailifor$1188,000^ !••• . •.••'• Mdureeh McNamara for $365,000. ]tyo;tJ^^;erf^ : : ! ,(••: •-:,. ' •••;„ 'STATEHtNT - ... .••'•• • .'. , . salary the amount sot forth for tho position of Borough BE IT ORDAINED, by theTowhshlp Committee of tho, itMB? ' ' CC341T1B5/01 . ment so filed shows that the' gross debt of said Township, TOTAL JUDGMENT AMOUNT; ,($128,102.62) : > *0;:':./.:-:':.; Hi- Skoletsky ib) ' : : ; ' • • '.•'.•'•.•. ' '• • ' •' !• -..' ••: ATTEST: Improvements by. developers pursuant to the Municipal 2. Typflsol Membership, Ing ol a meeting of tho Township Committee, of the LocalBohdLaw: .•.•'•..'.•....""•'• ; jWirpnby;fbr:$425ip0p. • , / -:';,-v,'".•,'. ,/•/ to JenhifeifJLewis" for $214,000. . . .' . Christina. Artemma Land Use Law Shall be performed by contract pursuant to (a) Individual rnembarshlp Is available \q one person 14 Township bl Cranford,' In. the bounty, ol Union, State of . Section 12. Any .funds, received from tho County of bAfr 12! Jeniia Court from Hidden Acres Munldpol Cterk the Local Public Contracts Law provided, howevor, that years or older. ••• • • New Jersoy, hold on the 16lh day ol January, 2001, and Union, ihe Stated New/Jersey or any of tholr anonclos ••- PUBLIC NQTICE . . V i' ;33 Pkssaic' St; from.John M. Nigro: ;. 37 Middle Ave.' from Btarbaya or any lunds received from the.United-Stales of America ,Barbara DJ Bell to Anthony. J, & P. |nci to Satyanarayana &; Suja Vithalti ; 415 Lenox Ave. from Philip "R.. & i>fl IT i/ps/m the Borough Engineer shaU'supervlse emergency public (b) Adult a Child - both must be principally residing al that said ordinance will be taken up for further consldera- TAKENOTI.CE, that on 1/25/01 al 8:00 PMInthe • Jr. to James C. & Maria Stokes for Br^eiyik,to; Edward. R. & / works projects and public works projects not exceeding the same address and child must be dopondont on adult lion for final passage at Ihe' meeting of said Township or dny of Its ogendos In aid of such pur'pbsos, shall be Municipal Building, 587 Boulevard, Konllworlh,.Now, •f6r$545,pO'6,;:, V •' V:",/p1 ;:.• .•;,•:•','1 NOTICE OF ADOPTION tho bid threshold offho.Local Public Contracts Law. for Federal Income Tax purposes! An Individual who Is 24 Committee to be hold at Its meeting room In Iho. Municipal' applied lo the payment.of the cost of such purposos, or, Jorsey a PUBLIC HEARING will bo hold by the Board ol. •;iMufltacciulo for $307,500. • ; '"V!;., AjnyJ;Gilligan to Andrew P,'& Sherry • ; Building, 8 Springfield Avenue, Cranford, New Jersey, on If bond anticipation notes have bepn Issuod, to Iho pay- Buchanan for $344j00p^ - ORDINANCE NO. 01-02 SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts ol ordinances Incon- years of age or older, or will becorne 24 years of age In. Adjusimonl ol the Borough of Konilworlh (or the'approval - •!«: 7 Oak Court from. Ha E. Nguyen &; '•'.\:16 King James Court from -Kings W; Hines for $6fji,50p. K ".<•:. • ^V; ,;: 95 Pitney Ave.; from R^alph J. •;,&. sistont herewith aro hereby repoalod to Iho extent o) such current, year cannot bo considered as a child In this mem- tho 13th day of February, 2001, al 8:30 o'clock,,P.M., or ment of the bond anticipation notes, and, tho amount dl 'of.o Yarlanco/subdivlslon (strlko onoUor property owned: as soon thereafter as said maltor can be reached, al bonds authorized for such purposps shall bo reducod : ,187 Mbujfitaiji 'A^ifr Inconslstoncy. ' • ,'...' ' • . bership. . ' .'• ' • • . • : by Tommaso. Pugllese.shown on the lax maps Of the. ^KiL. Hieii.tp iah.:&:LQuise Duckworth Cfturt IhcV,.to Prashat A. &• Ppoja v'l2P4 vProsperjt St. from J. Mder Margaret L, Cuttone to Frederick G, & SECTION 3. If any portion of (his ordinance shall be . (c) .2 Adults - both must bo principally residing at same which time and plnco all persons who may be Interested accordingly.' •.'..',. • . Boroughol Konllworlh as Block 52 Lol(s) 5 located at 109 therein will be given an opportunity to be heard concern- tf6r;$29O,O0O..: ;': '::', - ; : v Agarwal for $519,006. '.: ::r-') • : : Dpnna Milled to: TKoiiig hEVISED.ORDINANCESOFTHE BOROUGH OF GAR. determined to be Invalids such! determination shall not address. .'•'••.•.•.••..••'••...'•. • . ' ' ; Secllon 13. The. capital budget Is hereby nmondod to N. 19111 Slrool, Konllworlh for permission to build ahatid- Inc. to^^ Messercbia Brps. Building Co, Barbara Singer for $561,006i WOOD. 1974, TO INCREASE THE MEMBERSHIP OF arlect the validity of tho remaining portions ol this ordi- ' (d) Family - up to two adults and their children. All must ing tho oamo. . . ••. • !' : . conform wllh the provisions ol this prdlnanco lo Iho extent leap bathroom & entrance. , .' • ' . ; |42750p^^// ..THE BOARD OF RECREATION COMMISSIONERS nance. ' . •.'.••• be principally residing at the samo address and children A copy of this ordlntinco has been posted on tha Bulletin of any Inconsistency therewith and Iho resolutions pro-. T. Puflllose, Applicant. -• ".•.••.. 70 Willougiiby Road from John & 2089 Priricetoh Ave. from Jeffrey R; for$355,6p6..-.;':. •• ':':'%••}'''.':,v:V.•-.;'•;• '•'/••',. ;.'.: 133 iByder Way from Yan: «t Xue F; 'FROM FIVE TO SEVEN MEMBERS. must-be dependent on adult for Federal Income Tax.pur- Board upon which public notices ore customarily posted - iance Board showing full datall Thlft notlco Is published by tho Applicant by Order ol the 30 i SECTION 4. This ordlnahce shall take effect upon In the Municipal Building of the Township, and a copy Is. i> Barbara Swindlehurs^t to Harold S. & & Samantha;Kpwalczyk.to Thomas J. Hup to Sudhir & Kayita Mummaneni , • ••'.•'. 8TATEUENT approval of Iho Commissioner of Transportation and final poses. An Individual who Is 24 years of ago or older, or of tfie amended capital budget and capita! program'as Borough ol Konllworth Board ol Adjuslmonl. • available upto and Including the time ol such mooting to :: r Take notice thai the above Ordinance was passed on the passage and publication In accordance with law. will become 24 years of age In Ihe current year cannot bo approved by the Director, Division of Local Qovornment Tommaso Puglioso ' ' . ' • •'" . Patricia Ai Ahlin'for $389,000. & Melissa Marta for.•$250,0001 •; K!elly L^' Whitevto '. Marc j?. & )Kar6n ;foy:$565;006..' ';.:'•/•''••;:• •:' '',.i:- r ••:'•' Paniela Ydss to,"' Jean-.Michaei ;,& consldored as a child In this membership. • the members of the gorioral pubjlc of the Township who ! final reading altar public hearing at a meeting of Ihe INTRODUCED: JANUARY 23,2001 shall request such copies, al the office of tho Clerk In said Services,' Is on file with the Township Clark and Is avail- 109N. lOlhStroot ' . . . l Catherine^;Griesfbr:$48p,Pp6, V;, „;;,;:'; able (or public Inspection. . '. GARWOOD J 2429 Richelieu' Place from. Fishmianfor$356,066. • -: ; v' ': .3 the- Arbors from Arbors at Governing Body of the Borough of Qarwood on JANU- ADOPTED: '. . . (e) Additional Child Caro Provider!- a person who Is a Municipal Building In Cranford, New Jersey. ' Konilworth, NJ 07033 ' :. v 6 >rtPY23,2001. APPROVED: • . bonallda child care provider fora child member. • Township Clerk Sodlon 14: Tfio Township Intends to Issuo tho bonds or M.fi7 , • r,CM\TMtfil(H Raymundo A. & J. Rodriguez to Peter 1203 Sedgewick Aye. frpin Michael 582 Springfield Ave;.from Chiybfep • ' ATTEST: MICHAEL CRINCOU, Mayor . (I) Senior CHlrahs and Spouse - permanent Cranlord notes to finance the cost of the Improvements doscrlbod 502 Locust Ave. from Ma" A. Murray Hill; L.L.p.' to John A. Christina Arlemma ATTEST: resident age 65 or oldor and spouse who Is riot 85 years • Township of Cranford In Sections • 1 • a'nd 4 of'this; bond ordinance. II the ' -. LEGALNOTICE. .: '•:''''. Sheehan to. Mark' E. Sheehan for D. & Michele E.:Muilenfbr $219,000;, Hennessey ;«tval. to Nee^leppint Melesius for $339,900i .... Pplak to ER.pev. Inc. for $266,066. Municipal Clerk CHRISTINA M. ARIEMMA, Municipal Clerk or oldor, both principally residing ot Ihe same address. . •' . •' County of Union Township Incura such costs prior, totho Issuance ol the PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that tho Garwood Boa[tf o( i' ' CC SBfi.m .. CCM2T1/25/01 (g) Senior Citizen - membership Is available to any per- ... State ol NeW Jorsey bonds or notes, the Township' hereby states Its reason- Education has mado tho following changes In Its Regular ^SlOO'O'^ • '?:' 2130 Seward Drive from Glenn lli & HomesL.L.C.for$i,66i660. •.:""';•' •• ;•• 11 The ArbPrs from Arbor's at 768-C3 Springfield Ave; from JBaxil tnanont Cranlord resident age 85 or older. : '... TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD able expectation to reimburse Itsoll for such'exporidiluros with the proceeds of such bonds or noles In Iho maximum Board Mooting schedule: '••• • .... ,,--!;•.'406 Willow Ave. from ' Michael Holly T.. Beyerl to Kenneth '.Hi'% 705 Shadpwlawn JDriye from,Hans Murray :Hill L.L.C; to Kenneth J. & G.N. &t SingrThe Devegvario Theresa V . ORDINANCE NO. 01-03 TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD ' (h) Corporation or Business membership Is available to CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY ' Fobruary Bill Regular: Mooting start tirmo has been v CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY any Cranlord.based, company by tho submitting of an ORDINANCE NO. 2001-2 principal amount pi bonds or notes, aulhorlzod by this HOME bond ordlnanco. . ' • , .. . • • changodIrom7:30p.m.to7:00p.m. .... ' „; Crincoli to Deirdre M, O'Donnell for Kathleen Einhprn for, $419,000;. , K. & Helen Danielsson'tP Brian P.. & Kasandra Foster for $369,900., A. Rupp for..$2Bfy^ ORDINANCE NO. 20O1-6 employee roster on company letterhead and check mado BOND ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE MAKING OF April 12lh Regular Meeting has been changed to April : : Notice is hereby given that following proposed Ordlnanco payable In full to Swim Pool Utility. Criteria for member- VARIOUS PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IN, BY AND FOR Secllon'18. Tho full faith and credit of Iho Township oro -• was Introduced and passed on first reading at a meeting AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE VIII, SECTION hereby pledged to the punctual paymdht of thp principal "$159,900. . • :.-;;,v.:';••"':;: ••••=•••.";• .:.•:• 2273 Sunrise Court frora Thomas J; Denise TV Cblleran for $786,660;; / ' /65 Gandlewpod Drive from George 90 West End A've, from/Wendy^iss 219-74 OF CHAPTER 219 'REVISED ORDINANCES OF ship Is five (S) or more employees |olnlng In the member- THE TOWNSHIP.OF CRANFORD,' IN THE COUNTY OF '• ' BARBARA CARINO;.SBA/BS of the Borough Council of the Borough of Garwood, In tho THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY ship ai the same.tlme, ... •. • . UNION, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, TO APPROPRIATE of and Ihe Interest on tho obligations authorized by this • 802:'•'] Shadowlawn Drive from ' . •County of Union, Stale of. New Jersey, held on Iho 23rd ordinance. Said obligations shall bo direct, unllmltod and January 22,2001 •?.;:.••"•• KENILWQRTH & C. Charbpnneau to Richard &. F. & Sandra J.Thompson to Ronald M. et.al. to Jeff & Maureen P. AlVidrez for (1068)," BY AMENDING SCHEDULE XXIV- AND ' (I) Limited Corporation or Buslnoss Membership Is avail-, THE SUM OF $378,000 TO PAY THE COST THEREOF SSJH • enm fir wm\ 1 : day of January 2001 and that said Ordlnanco will be INCLUDING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF ROADWAYS AS able. This will entitle a maximum of five (5)'specifically TO MAKE A DOWN PAYMENT, TO AUTHORIZE THE generaj obligations of. tho Township, and Ihe Township '"•: 97 Park Drive from Phillip Belviso "Wendy Guma for $281,000. . ' ' ''; • Anthony T. &Lisa Aiizievinb to Scott & & Yeonsueng Choi for $535,060. ..$439,006.\ ':::.-x- . ••^•y^Z'i^.:: taken up for further consideration for final passage at the INDICATED IN SECTION 1 BELOW AND DESIGNATING slated employees only, per application, to dally use of the ISSUANCE OF BONDS TO FINANCE SUCH APPRO- shall levy ad ailQtfllD taxes upon all the laxablo real prop- meeting of said Borough Council to be held at Its meeting facilities ot (Ims to' be established by the Township orly within Iho Township for ihe paymonl of Ihe principal BORbUQH OF QABWOOD SAME AS "PREFERENTIAL PARKING ZONES" PRIATION AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF UNION COUNTY, NEW JERSEY • room In the Municipal Building, Garwood, New Jersey, on Bo It ordained by the Township Commltteo ol thoCommittee and Department of Aquatics. Payment must BOND. ANTICIPATION NOTES IN ANTICIPATION OF of and Interest on such bonds and notes, Without limita- . the 13th day of February 2001 at 8:00 p.m., or as soon Township of Cranford, New Jersey: . be made by the-corporation or business to Swim Pool • THE ISSUANCE OF SUCH BONDS. " tion as to rate or amount... MEETING DATES FOR 2001 •- thereafter as said matter can bo reached, at which tlmo Secllon.I.Thai schedule XXIV.of Sacllon210-74 Article Utility upon application. Admittance will be allowed upon Soction 16. This ordlnanco shall take qffocl twenty days Planning Board Zoning Board of Adjustment presentation ol special Swim Pool Utility passes, ' BE IT ORDAINED by tho Township.Committee of Iho after tho first publication thorool altar linal passage, Jan24,5001 'Jan: 2,2001 •• • • •' i and place all persons who may bo Interested therein will VIII, Chaplor 210, 'Revised Ordinances of the.Townshlp Township of Cranlord, In the County of Union, Stnlo ol , be given an Opportunity to be heard concerning the of Cranford, New Jersey- (1088),- be and the same Is SECTION II. Section V (Pool Membership Fees)ol Fob. 28 Fob. 6 ' . . " Ordinance No. 90-1, Is horeby ampnded to road as fol- New Jorsey, as follows: , ' . Approved: Mar,28 Mnr.O .' • • - ^ATTESt.. same. : hereby amended by. adding certain portions pi roadways . Goorgo J. Jorn, Chairman ZJhanh as Indicated below, and designating same as lows: ' Section 1. The Township ol Cranford, In the County of Apr. 25 Apr. 3 • ' UNION COUNTY MORTGAGE RATES Attest . .' ' • ' Chrkllni Artammi "Preferential Parking Zonat." ' ' Union, Stats of New Jersey (IhoTownship") Is hereby May 23 May 1 .". • • . 'Municipal Clerk 1. Summer Pool Foes. ' ' authorized to make various public Improvements In, by Rosallo Hollonbrocht, RMG—...^.-v. -.-- Juno27 Juno5 ' , PRODUCT PRODUCT * Borough of Qanvood Schedule XXIV (a) Rosldonts: and for said Township, as more particularly described In Municipal Clerk July 25 , July 3 • . .. ' QBDIHANCEJIOJUHQBDIH W Nam.9 qf Street Sid4 HCUH/Cttyt . Location Individual , ,...... „ $175.00 Section 4 hereof. Said Improvements shall Include all $11Q.1fi CC35 IT 1ffifl/ni Aug. 22 . Aug: 7 ' ••'••.. Commonwealth Bank 800-924-9091 Kentwood Financial 800-353-6896 Partners Mortgage 732-634-8050 > AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 2 (ADMINIS- Woodlawn Avonuo Both ,. 8:oo am to 12:00 nUre . •• 2Adults ;..- ,1215,00' Work, materials arid appurtenances necessary and suit- Sopt.26 .'Sopt.4 .• . •.'..',;• t, TRATION) OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES W THE pm/2 lire. Evory length A'dult and Child..,. ; ! 215.00 able therefor. . . '• , ... • •• NQIIC£ ' Oct.24 ' • OcL2 . . ' '. .-• ,3OYRFIXErj, 7.000, .0.00 :7;650 ;"S% . 60.DAY 30 YR FIXED '6.875 0.00 7.000 5% 60 DAY 3Q YR FIXED 6.750 0.00 6.790 l 5% , 60 DAY , BOROUGH OF GARWOOD, 1974.TO SET FORTH THE Jrarnlly-.-. ;....; 1245.00 Soclion 2. Thero Is hereby appropriated to the paymonl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Mowing proposod Nov. 14 Nov. 1 of the cost of making the Improvements described In f DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE BOROUGH ENQI- ' Sundays, and Holiday's- Additional Child Cate Provider.... ,.-$100.00 bond ordinance was Introduced and passod on first road- Doc. 12 Doo.4 ..'•. 15 YR FIXED 6.375 0,00 0.500 5% 60 DAY 1SYR FIXED 6.375 0,00 6,410 5% • 60 DAY Secllon 2. All other ordinances or portions Ihereol In con- Senior Citizen 4 Spouso ; $175.00 Sections 1 and 4 hereof (horolnaflor relerred to as "pur- Ing at a mooting of the Township Commllloo of Iho 15 YR FIXED . '6,625 0,00 ;6,670V•';.•,'..'5% ' 66 DAY poses"), the respective amounts of money horolnallor And January 23, 2002 and January 8, .2002 ; BE IT ORDAINEp by the Mayor and Council ol the flict or Inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Senior Citizen v $ 55,00 slated as tho appropriation for said respective purposes. Township bl Cranford, In tho County of Unlpn, Slate ol All above moolmns will bo hold In tho Municipal Building, ; ' Borough of Garwood: Secllon 3. This ordinance will lake effect upon publication (b) Non-Rosldenls: • • ' Now Jorsoy, held on tho 16th day of January, 2001, and 403 Soulh Ave., Qarwood, Now Jersey and w,IIJ begin at 30 Y.H JUMBO: 7.625 . .OiOO''] 7;670 , ^% ' . ,60 DAY 30YRJUIWBO 7.375 0.00 7.B00 10% 60 DAY 30 YH JUMBO 7,250 0.00 7.290 - "-AlC 60 DAY ' SECTION 1. Chapter 2 (Administration) ol the Revised after final passage as required by law. Individual , ,.$235.00 Said appropriation shall be mot from Iho proceeds of the sale of Iho bonds authorized and tho down payment that said ordinance will be taken up tor further oonsldora- 8:00p.m. , . • ,' Close at hom^l No App Feal No coal relinancsl Free Bl-weeklyl Call U3l Wall do Ihe loan shopping fof youl Loan officers neededl E-mail address partnersmOaol.com r ' Ordinances pi the Borough ol Garwood, 1974, Is horoby . NOTICE OF PENDING ORDINANCE 2 Adults : ;.:....$330.00 llon for final passago at tho mooting'ol'said Township ' . . ' '.••ADELE C. LEWIS MEET JAHErr & ASNOLO WFUfiHT, . Tho foregoing ordinance was Introduced and passed on appropriated by this ordinance. Said Improvements shall • amended by enocllnpVI.il Borough Engineer, as follows: Adult and Child. ....;.'...... :....?:.: ,; $330.00. be mado as general Improvements and ho part of the Committee lo bo held ot Its meeting room In the Municipal Board Secretary First Savings Bank 732-726-5450 Liberty Mortqaqe 800-562-5200 Summit Fodernl S & L Asso. 732-968-0665 : first reading at a meeting ol Ihe Township Committee of . .Family..... i , ;.>.'. ;...,!..„• ,.$360.00 Building, 8 Springfield Avonuo, Cranlord, Now Jorsoy, on $11,71.. fr4n T 1/25/oi PRMID NEW HOMEOWNERS OF , tho Township ol Cranlord, NJ.on Tuesday, January 16, cost thereof shall be assossod against properly specially, • Addlllorial Child Care Pioyl(tami.....fe.....' $150.00 benefited. ••'••• tho 13lh day of Fobruary, 2001,.at 8:30 o'clock, P.M., or • 30YRFIXED 6.625 3.00;. 6.925 .5% .60 DAY 3OYR FIXED:' 6.750 ; 0.00 ^750 • J5% .' 45DAY :3bYRFlXEDy 7.625 0.00, 7.685 !?O% i, N/P DAY , There shail bo a municipal engineer, who shall be known 2001, and will bo considered for final passage after pub- (c) Limited Corporation or Business (minimum 61 5 as soon thoreafler as said matter can be reached, at NOTICE OF ABSENT DEFENDANTS "; lic hoarlng al the Municipal Building, Cranford, N.J. on as the Borough Engineer. Tho Borough Englnoor shall bo Individuals from a Corporation or Business for uso ol Soction 3. It Is horoby determined and staled that Iho which time and placo all persons who may bo Interested (LS.) STATE OF NEW JERSEY TO: .. • • 15YR FIXED, .:6.875: 0,00.; 6.879 .;', 6% . 60 DAY :15 YR FIXED 6.500 0,00 ,6,500 ; -5% y 45 t>AY THANKIKfl Jill GUUUK REMIY, IMC. appointed In accordance with law. Tho torm of said Tuosday, Fobruary 13,2001 at 8:30 p.m. (prevailing llmo). Indoor pool only, Illness center, sauna, showers and making of .such Improvements Is not a current expertso.Ql therein will bo given an opportunity to be hoard'eoncorn- LUIS D. RAMOS A/K/A/. LUIS' RAMOS;- RALPH 15YRFIXED : 6J25 0^ 6,708 20%; ; N/P DAY , APPROVED: Lockers from 5:00 A.M.'- 9:00 A:M.l 11:30 A.M. - 1:30 said Township. • . . ' ' appolntmonl shall be lor a period of one year, commdnc- Ing Iho some. ' : : ; 30 YR JUMBO 7.50p; 0,00 7.500 5% '/.'' 45.DAY ' Ing January 1 and until a successor Is appointed and GoorgoJ. Jorn P.M.; 4:30 P.M. - 6:30 P.M., Monflay through Friday dur- Soction 4. The sovoral purposos horoby aulhorlzod for A copy ol this ordinance has boon posted on the Bullotln You are horoby summoned and required to serve upon 5/1-30YR 7;000. O'OO' :7;370/ .5%.',. 75 DAY • j YRADJ. .'..'• ,'e.OOb 0,00 , 7>785 ...... 26%'!. N/P^DAY Township Commllloo • ing scheduled season). Outdoor pool may be used as 1261CRESCEITT *VEHUE • qualified. Vacancies shall be filled lor Iho unexplrod torm. Ihe financing ot which said obligations are to be Issued Board upon which public nollcas ore customarily posted SHAPIRO & KREISMAN, Plaintiff's Attorney, whose Frae PreQuallUcalton, Credit problems understood, Call today • 2-3S.3 DUTIES AND POWPftfi ATTEST abovo whon Indoor pool Is not available. are set forth In tho following "Scnedulo of Improvements, In Ihe Municipal Building ol the Township, and a copy Is addross Is 406-Upplncoll Drive-Suits J.-Marlton/ NJ Zero point loan speclallstFTHB program. 15 yr la blwkiy App Fee $350 Attorney review $250 . The Borough Englnoer shall: Rosallo Hollonbrocht Each Individual.. :.. :. ..$ B5.00 Purposes and Amounts* which schedule also shows (1) to 08053, an answer to the complaint (and. amendment to GMAC Mortgage 888-921-4622 Loan Search 300-501-3279 Synergy Pccleml Savings Bank 800-693-3838 , 1. Allona all workshop meetings ol (ho Mayor and Municipal Clork (d) Individual full corporation membership, $175.00. Ihe amount of iho appropriation and the estimated cost of the members of the general public of tho Township who complaint, If any) filed In a dvl action In Which FEDERAL HOME OOSEDdECEMBEB 15,2000 , Council, and special mootlngs ana commllloo mootlngs 821.4? IT i/?fj/oi 2'. Winter Pool Fees: each such purpose, and (2) the amount of each sum shall request such copies, at Iho offlco ol Ihe Cloik In said NATIONAL MORTGAGE ASSWAIWIs Plilntlff'and : : as requested; (a) Rosldenls: which Is lo be provided by the down payment hereinafter Municipal Building In Cranlord, Now Jorsoy. LUIS D. RAMOS A/K/A LUIS RAMOS are Defendants, 30YRFIXED 7.125 0.00 .7.290 . 10% 60 DAY 30YRFIXED 7,125 0.00 7.125 . 10%,-'; 60 DAY 30YRFIX6D- 7.376 0.0O 7.44{> 5% < 60 DAY appropriated lo finance such purposes, and (3)lhoesll- ' 2. Advise Ihe Mayor and Council and other olllclals of tho TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD Individual...., Township Clark ponding In Ihe Superlor.Courlbl Now Jersey, Cnarlcery ; rnaleq maximum amount of bonds and notes to be Issued pivtelon.'UNION and bearing Docket* F.1B17740 Wh- 30 YR JUMBO 7.125 0.00 7.125 10%! .90 DAY • 'S/irMiYPi '; :7.00b .0.00 7;720'. : 10% 60 DAY ' Borough with rospoct lo all engineering manors; CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY 2 Adults . Township ol Cranlord YUJ 16YRFIXED 6:625 0.00 6.890 '10% 60 DAY "I want to thank Jill Guzman Realty, Inc. and especlally.Ublrajam , ;•• - 3. Roport to the Mayor and Council Irom tlmo lo tlmo for each such, purpose, and (4) the period of usefulness 1 : County ol Union " '•- (35) days atter the date of this pubScafen, ORDINANCE NO. 2001-5 Adult and Child of each ouch purposo, according to Its reasonable life, "Bira" Conrado for all the work ana effort he put: Into making my;,. rogardlng proposod, ponding and complolod projects; AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE VIII, SECTION Family. Slate of New Jersey exclusive ol ouch dale. II you fall to do so, judgmerjlby is yn FiXEb e.625 0.0b. e.625 10% 90 DAY ' 10/1-30YR, 7.125 0,00 7,500. .10%. 60DAY ;: computed from tho date of said bonds: TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD de/aull may be rendered against you for me • (ells' dream of a homeowner possible. Thank you, Blra. : v ; . 4. Review applications submitted lo the Planning Board 210-67 OF CHAPTER210-REVISEDORDINANCES OF Additional,Child Caro Provldor... Other product) ayallablaiplaasa contact m (or more details irate Into and Board of Ad|ustmonl of lha Borough and mako such THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY Senior Cltlzon and Spouso CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY .demanded in Iho complalnlfand amendmanl to «orn- •••• - ; •• •• ' : ••• •:;::i;'^^liitieffliy;!- rocommondallons, and altond such moolings as may bo (1900)", BY AMENDING SCHEDULE XVII AND INCLUD. Senior Cltlzon.., ORDINANCE NO. 2001-1 p alnl, II any), You shall Ille your answsr arid proof c" Hudson City Savings Bank 201-967-1900 National Future Mortgage 800-291-7900 United National Bank 908-429-2332 ; roqulrod In connection wllh such applications. ING CERTAIN PORTIONS OF ROADWAYS AS INDI- (b) Non-Residents: A. Supblemantal funding for the cohstrucllon ol the BOND ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 1 OF THE ylea h duplicate with Ihe Cleri( of th« Superid/.,C- .,..•'. • janett.ftArnoldVVriehV 5. Proparo plans, spoclllcatlona, esllmalos. drawings, CATED IN SECTION 1 BELOW AND DESIGNATING Individual $260.00 Llbrary/ComrViunlty Center, II Is hereby determined and BOND ORDINANCE (ORR NO.'2000-31) ENTITLED: Now Jorsoy, Hughee Justice Complex, 2 • Induslrlal Permit Foos otlabllshod undor Chaplor 10 ol Soclion 2. All othor ordinances or portions thorool In con- mer and winter season subject lo closing duo lo mainte- Law. ' . < ' "BOND ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE UNDERTAK- municate with tha Legal Services Office ol ths County ol ' "0UHBBsrREreHENCEI8Y0URNEl6HB0ft."* ,; - these OrdlnancoB. Illcl or Inc.onslstonl horowllh aro horoby ropoalod. nance, ropalrs and/or overhaul. Membership Is available Appropriation and Estimated Cost . $176,000 ING OF VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS TO THE ORANGE Venuo by calling 908-364-4340. .... • contact C.M.I. © 800-4264565. Contact lenders for more Information on other products or additional fees which may apply. CM.I. and the NJN Publications assume no liability for i 10. Make rocommondaliono and proparo and oubmil Soction 3. This prdlnanco wltl tako ollocl upon publication to rosldonls and non-resldenlo. Mombers must retain Dowri Payment Appropriated $ 8,400 .AVENUE POOL IN, BY/WO. FOR THE SWIM POOL You; LUIS D. RAMOS A/K/A LUIS BAMQS, ore mad« a typographical errors or omissions. Rales were supplied by the lenders on January 18,2001, N/P-not provided by Institution VWWJILLQUZMANHEALTV.COM,'i'ii '"'""t"'^', ' TiX ,'i | appllcallons, an dlroclod by Mayor and Council, for allor linal passago as roqulrod by law. samo membership type or opt for higher membership cat- Bonds and Notes Authorized $166,800 UTILITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD, IN THE party delendanl to this foreclosure adlon bacatueryou 1 (jranls, conjlrucllon. engineering., planning and all olhor NOTICE OF PENDING ORDINANCE egory whan convortfnn from summor to year-round mem- Period of Usefulness . 16 yean' COUNTY OF UNION, STATE OF NEW JERSEY, TO are ths rocord owner(s) ol ths morlnaaed NOW PROUDLY CELEBRATING OUR TWELFTH ANNIUER9ARYII' i v J municipal projocls. Tho loronolno ordlnanco was Introduced and passod on borsnip. Summor rxwl mombor will have until 1st Monday APPROPRIATE THE SUM OF $250,000 TO PAY THE bacausfl you sxacuted the Nols/Bond^ahd VISIT ALL LENDERS @ www.cmi-mortgagelnfo.com I , I f 1 J 11. Suporvlso and oocuro tho duo execution of all ordl- lire! reading al a mooting ol Iho Township Cemmlltoe ol In October to convert membership lo yoar-round mem- Aggregate Appropriatiopation ana d Esllmalomalod Cost $375,000 COST THEREOF, TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF being foreclosed herein any may be liable lor any ' J I > I jl I rwncai and rqsoliitlomi wllh rospocl to construction, Iho Township ol Cranlord, NJ. on Tuosday, January 16, bership at the year-round too. . AowegaiAowegae DowDow n Paymenay t Appropriated S 16,000 BONDS TO FINANCE SUCH APPROPRIATION AND TO clency thereon, and for any right, title, claim or lnt< , Copyrlpht, 2000. Coopantlva Mortg>g# Information, Inc. All Right* Rmrvtd. * I * PROVIDE FOR THE ISSUANCE OF BOND ANTICIPA- J repair, Improvomont, rogulatlon and maintenance ol pub- 2001, and will bo considered lor linal passage after pub- Foos: , • ' • ... • ...... Aagregato Amounnt ool Bonds antfNol«l » $367,000 you may hsva In, lo or against said mortgaged prem- . lic hoarlng at tho Municipal Building; Cranford, N.J. on TION NOTE8 IN ANTICIPATION OFTHE ISSUANCE OF You, RALPH STONE, are mado a party delenaW lo this . fcJ»W«y« and. places, unitary and storm sewors and other (a) Resident: : Authorized , • ' .•...• • 8UCH BONDS' •••; • •'.' . ' tjiibbo tnglnaarlng works of the Borough. Tuosday, Fobruary 13,2001 ol 8:30 p.tn. (provulllng llmo). Individual $330.00 Secllon 6. The coal of such purposes, as hereinbefore foreclosure aollon because'you may have art Interest M **ji. M*k* wcommenrjallons ao lo maintaining In clean, APPROVED; 2 Adults i410.no. Blated, Includes lha aggregate amount of $5,500 which la. adopted by lha Township Committee pi the Township ol the sub|ed properly by reason 61 a lien, encumbrance, or -*—"4ry arid operative condition oil municipal public ways Goorgo J. Jorn Adull and Child ,,,'..' $410.00 estimal&d.lQ be necessary to finance' the coal of. such, Cranlord, In tha Couray ol Union, New.Jersey (the : otherwise which may be perfected against tha properly (Hants, Mnllary sowers, storm sowers, culverts, Township Commllloo Family.., ...,!,...: $465.00' purposes, Including architect's teas, accounting, engi- 'Township') on October 10,2000 Is hereby amended lo belno lorsdossd and lor any right. lltfeTclalm o^lnterest JILL GUZMAN REALTY, INC. ATTEST; you may have In, la or against said mortgaged premises. »'gat*t, public parking aroas and other anglnaerlng Additional Child Care Provider...... $160.00 neering and inspscllon coula, legal txpense* arid other (Ajchahge one ol the Improvements authorized si the r Rosalia Hpllonbrochl Senior Citizen and Spouse < , $335.00 oxpensej, Including Interest'on »uch obllgallona to the Orange Avenue Pool Irom the replacement of the pool Ill- Dulsd; January26, 200f , • - • . ;.. •-.; • . ail Invesllgatlona and make all eurvoys nee- Municipal Ctork extent permllted by Section 20 pi tho Local Bond Law.. ballon syslam to Ihe Improvement ol the t>ool nation ••,.:•••'• DONALbKPHELAN Senior CHiwn'.,...;,.;: ; ...:..$130,00 . .• '• • ' ' Clork o| Ihe Superior Court lor Ihe preparation ol preliminary designs, plans (b) Non-Rsaldent: .' Suction 6. II la hereby determined and elated that mon- system snd (B) add tho making ol various Improvemenls 7C ELMORA AVENUE, ELIZABETH, fiE'.V J=R'", eys exceeding $18,000, appropriated for down paymonls to the Centennial Avenuo Pool, Including Ihe replacement '" " i, and making ol oslimates of coots lor Individual..'.. .'..$410,00 sg7.fu '.-,'•; • • r »H Hid llorm drain facility construction, TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD Two Adults .; :...., ;,...$565.00 on capital Improvements pr for the capital Improvement Of tho pool Illlratlon system, to the purposes aulhorlzod, r*palf, replacomoni and Improvements, CRANFORD, HEW JERSEY Adull and Child ^ $586.00 fund In budgets heretofore adopted for said Township, are and shall hereafter read as follows: '-. - • 9O8-3536G1 B

. i Cranford Chronicle January 25; .2001- vylanuatfy 25,2001 •••/ Cranford Chronicle



MERCHANDISE WHEEL DEAL BIG DEAL .1 for Just $S5,95we'll run itGins from seores V^nor Special loow Rates For Full County Coverage sells, 5Linesi1.wk ...^ By JERRY GARRETT The system enables the allroad,; time' the manual-shift feature of COPLEY NTEWS SERVICE when on "the highway, to enjoy the the' Tiptronic might come in* stabiU^ low center of gravity, and Private Party 6Hly Prfr0aprent;Requlred;: Private Party Oriiy PreiJayment Required The ne\v Audi allroad plowetf safety of a car. Off-road, it will Otherwise, the refined quattro - along the rtittodi rocky trail. It pump you up to SUV-hike groiind all-wheel drive system maintains ~ Please read your ad carefully after publication, we are not responsible for errors after 1st insertion. jwent up one hill and down anotn- clearance, ride height and suspen- control with a minimuni of ansd- jjj :gft-We got the point: The allroad sion travel. But the allroad is not a ety, on all surfaces. Cornering anfij BIMDEX: •could competently handle this , car/$UV hybrid; it's an "either/or" directional stability are first-class^* 0330 Homes 0550 Firewood.8, Fuol 1 1 0755 • Entertainment Services . 0930 Decks S Patios 1095 Recycling jiearefully chosen dirt road. '.•• • : MmODNCEMENTS '.vehicle..,- • ' .•;/' •.•. •.'• ' •' -•. '••'.'. on pavement; traction and torque^ Vw "We ought to take it up there," CLASSIFIED 0002 Death Notices 0331 Open Houses - 0560 FumWre • •:. ,-,•. •'• " , .0762 • Home Health Services, , 0935 Drapery & Decorating 1100 Rooting The ajlroad's suspension can be are judiciously meted out pff-roadfj 0003 InMomorlams 0335 Income Property 0565 Fann Machinery > •• . 0765 Insurance ,. '• 0940 Driveways 1105 Rototilling «|id my co-driver, pointing to a HOURS 0OO4,1 Cardso(.Thanks' . •:.- ••: • 0340 .IndustrialProperty .. ; ••.. .0570.; SnoW Removal Equipment .077.0 Legal Services ' •;'••••• 0941 • Duct Cleaning 1115 Sower & Drain Cleaning . j-aised and lowered by as much as Anew stability system calledV 0007 Memorials/Riots .:, : •'-. 0342, .Investment Properties •'•:•'•:".•••. 0575 Items UndeCSlOO- . .. . • 0773 • Limousine & taxi Services- . ,0945 Electrical 1120 Sheetroek & Sp&ckllhg sharp embahkmeht, with a crest : r 2,6 inches. At tiie lowest of its four... ESP (for electronic: stabilization :; ^rypurcbnvenlende,. opiO" Auctions • . • •; :•'.•. 0345 LoansiMprtgaoes ,':,'' .•'. .0580 General Merchandise .' ' • 0774' Message ,' :•'.: •••'..'•• .••• • 0947 Environmental Testing 1135 Snowblower Repair ' :010S. Adopllon . ;v' .'•• :.'O355 Out^tate Pnoperty' •.'..' : 0581 • Lawn & Garden '••:.,, •':.< •0775 MuslcallnstrUdlon • ,'• •; 0949. Errand Service 1140 gnowplowing at the top. : . . • :. • : selectable levels, the suspension is program),works with the traction •'• 0110 ,'Announcements':• '••• •;'• ••.'..0360. Wahter- Real Estate: ' ' '•. 0582 M«rketBasket. • :: ,: •.--0776 MaiWI Research •.., 0955 Excavating 1145 Telephones .Wrong thing . to/, tell me'. I i.0135-.Lost&Fourid ' • ' . 0380 Vacation Property' •: . :'•. i :; 0583 ' Plants, Seeds A'Ferflltier. - ••'. ,0777 Miscellaneous.' .' " •'•" • 0955 Exterminating 1150 Topsoll, Gravel & Sand control called EDL.(electronic.dif- i; ; 5.6 inches pfifthe tarmac - forhigh - ••' '0140 ' Personals. ,. ..-. ; . .. • 0390' • Mobile Hqmrt;-::V\v> .•::••<•••:••, 0584 .Machinery*Tools' •., •: 0780 Photoorapny; •:"•••."•.': : 0960 Fencing 1155 Tree Services gunned the allroad toward a. 10- ; speed highwayhigh juiks. / ferential lock), arid four-paid ABS : 0150 Prayers . '.,". REAt ESTATtBEMTAlS . .0585 Musical Instruments . ,. •: 07B5 .;• PlanoTunlng & Repair Q965 Floor Care 1160 TVS VCR Repair foot-high wall of mud and rocks. , ,0160 •, Ride.Sbarlno . • . ; .0590 • Office FUmlture & Equipment : 0795 Senior Citizens Services V, 0970 Floors 1165 Upholstery A Slipcovers AtLeyel 2, it moves up an inch disc brakes to automatically cor-.' Monday-Friday • 0400. Apartmerrts tRinplsbeil)•':'. '•; ' 0163 Happy Ads •. ' ; ; ^0595 Photography & Camera Equipment 0800 Sowing Alterations : • : .-0975 Fuel Tank Services 1170 Vacuum Repair Before he could finish screaming, •:•. .0405, Apartmente(Unlumlshed):'' • 1 ; : 0599 Flea Markets '. ' • • ,0801 Shoe Repair- . • . •'•''<• .0980' Furniture Repair & Rollnlshlng 1173 Wallpaper for negotiating pbthoies,curbs and . rect bversjteer or understeen ::, ..•I0170 'Corning:Ewmts • 0410 Commerclalfroperty v. •'•, T was just kidding" we were on : : 0600 GaradeS Yard Sales : • •' 0605 Shopping & Errand Services. 0985 Garage Doors 1175 Waterproofing EMPUJTMEIIT •• -^ :••:•} 0415. Garages'*: Storage. / ; •• speed bumps. Level. 3 cranks the ; Traction is further aided by 8 am to 6:00 pm .'0625 Wanted To Buy „.'•.•.. ' OBIS'TelephoneServices"'. •- . 0990' Garden Supplies 1177 Water Purification top of the berm. .. 0420 Hans •":.•':•• ••- ••••,•:••> i' •••.'. D200 Domestics .••.'••' 0925 Tutorlrifl & Instruction . :•..;' 0995 Glass & Mirrors 1185 Welding car tip another inch, for construc- the development of allroad-specific ' 0205 ,ErnployniohfABencles '"'.'. .0.425. Housbs.{furnl8heid)'. • ;:. , PETS & ANIMALS We lookedback at a carload of : : 0830 Typing & Word Processing : 1000 Gutters & Leaders 1190 Windows & Scroons tion Aones, lawns and flower beds. 17-ihchi tires; with- aspecial \ipead ' 022P Employment Help Sorylcos ; 0430 .Houses (Unfurnished) '•';.-.'; -: • 0630 HorseS.S Uveslbijk ; •"•• •1005 Handyman 119.5 Window Washing '.0435 Hous1nfl:To Share': :'•' '•.'•-'{• Audi execs and engineers, sitting ';0225 '.Emplpyrncntrtesumds•'•. •• •.•.0635 ObedleniMTralnlno : • HOMESElrtiCEl • pattern;.:..•'.. •.':,.'•••..'is-''.\',.;-Y'••t• • ••';''.'•; : ,1010 Heating At Level 4, the ground dear- . '•-' 0437. LotsTdrRentV. - . '. .• . 1 • •'., 0850'• Air Condltkwlng . ;. .• ' RECREATIONAL VEHICLES .••0226 :Buslness;Holp ... •• .0640 Pets • •••- -"' :• •'-•• •">•-•"-' • 1015 Home Improvements there below us, open-mouthed. •••'• : : ••• 0230 , Havens •' -.' • . •:• '"••" ..' ' 0440 rOlllceSpa'M. : .,: •'.••. V0646: .pets Supplies,A'Ser.vlces.: -'[•'• '. .":.• 0855 • Alirnis aV^ectirriy: . -; • • ;,. 1300 Wopeds&OM Bikes ance adjusts, to 8.2 incheSi for the, The rear susp^hsioiijwith tri*. : .'tiOIS. HorhoInspection 1<3Wn up!" I yelled fo Audi VP '. • ,0240 <• General HWp •. .•. v '•.••:: ;. .0,460 RootoB(Furnished) • ••. /'. ;•• v;.:. .0860 •, Aluminum &jVinyl adlrtg, '. •':. 1020 Home & OHIce Cleaning 1305 Motorcycles Baja lOQP, big giame. safaris-of ^igulatied upper .arid lower wish-: 1 0245 ManaBBment Help '<" • '".- •1 0465 Rooms (Unlumlshodi' , • v .0865 Appliance Repair V'...' ' 1310 Motor Homes LeriHunt; ' '.•'•.:" "• '• • •••"' '•'.' .1025 House Washing mapping expeditions for National bones; is stabilized by two control .\02S0 MedloalHulp • ' • 0475... Tpwnhousea.& Condos :-.•••: : '••': 0867 Auto Detailing*Service,, ! .1030- Insulation 1315 Travel Trailers '.' 0255 Part.Tlme.H6lp • „•• 0480 VacationProporly' . ' v 0650 Business dppbiliinltles , ' .. 0870.. Bathrooms .•'•• : : ; : ' "No!" he said, shaking his head; Geographic. / arms rigidly mounted to the sub- p655 Financial Services' .:.•- 1032 Interior Decorating 1317 Snowmobiles • 0260 ' Prpfessldhal Help . . : 0482'.:Farms V .". •••:•'•••:.•-:•.. '• . 0873 Cabinetry . . • v. . 1035- Kitchens 1320 Campers & RVs "All I need to do is get Btuck, ancl •• 0483. Acreage .•• , • . •' .r- • ; 0875 , Cajpentry . ! /, • : That's more ground clearance frame. Up, front, the four-link sys- • 026.5. Sales Help • ••• :-: ':' . PROFESSIONAL SERVICES '1037. Laundry Services 1330 Boats & Motors .^0266 Technical Help „ • • : 0.485.. Wanfod To Rent, . : . 0700 AccountlnflServkies ,: : ••' .08.85 Carpet CleanlrtgV '.„• the photographers would have a temis bolted to the body, with . : 1040 Lawn Care & Landscaping nMMSPORIATtoN than boasted by at least naif the . 0270 .Retail Help '.. .: MERCHAMDlSE •-.;• ; :0710 Appraisers • • , ' O890 Carpet Installation . 1045 Lawn Mower Repair 1350 Automotive Financing field day. You proved the point.". 0275 Trades .,: '• .••;.. •0715 .Architects • •..••..; ?•' • ". 0895 Catering 44 base model SUVs now on the. yibratiori-dampirig rubber-to- : ••• 0500 - Antiques- 'r. „ ,' ' ' ..', .1050' Lawn Sprinklers 1355 Auto Parts & Accessories We had, the allroad- had next weeks 0280 SituationsWantod \ .<. "'..0520 Building'Watorlals a Equipment •0717 Arts Si Crafts, ,' . •••'. O9D0 CelllrigS- .'•- ' ', 1055.' Locksmiths 1360 Automotive Services market. And the allroad, also ups metaj bushings. Expect virtually •'• 0285. Insttuctlon .•••:•• ; : : 0905 Ceramic Tile. V 0530 cjothing ••"'•". . ••„ •.-.;,: .0725 BeautVCareSewlces • : ; 1065. Masonry 1385 Auto? for Sale chugged resolutely up the face of .,'. 0907 Qeramlo Tile .Cleaning the ante with eight inches of Wheel no torque-steer. •, :.:' HEAL ESTATtSAlES OSSS.Cqlloctlbles : ..; 0728 Bridal Services •'..-• ' 1067 Miscellaneous 1394 Antique & Classic Autos publication V0730. Calligraphy ,>.'•,.• .•••: •• . ,0910. Chimney Cleaning . the embankment and nosed diago- 0305. Acreaflo & Lots- .'" .0537 Computers & Electronic Equipment. ,1070 Moving & Storage 1400 Four Wheel Drive travel. .'; '.••:' The pneumatic suspension is 1 •• 0734 • Child Care 4 Nursery. Schools^ • 0915 aeapups&Hagllnfl .0315 Commercial Property . •0540 Crafts*, Gift Sales • ; v 1075 Painting S Paper Hanging 1405 Trucks & Trailers nally up over the top. As one, two : 0735 Computer Services -, • . f'0920 .dockRepairs '". Alowewange first gear might also Self-leveling, as it -cycles . '032O: Tgwnhouseg & Condos • • : 0545 'Estate ATagSalea' -...•. ,1080 Plastering 1410 Vans & Jeeps i^ti0-55M495 .0740 Counselors:' ;•.:.•' • 0922' ConCfetq- .'" and finally three wheels lost any- i;u325.;Farrns '..:.• •• ',. '••..:.: •.. 0.547 iChrlslmasTrBBs'..-. ...••.'",':•::,' 1085 Plumbing 1415 Vehicles Wanted allow the allroad to tackle even through its four settings automat- •0750 Credit Card Services "'.!. -'''•'• 0925.. Consbuctlon, •'•,,••-.-i'.. • 1090 Pools a Spas thing to grab for traction, the scarier off-roading than we put it ically (or manually) for driving guattro system transferred; trac- through - but that's a job better needs as diverse as full passenger* tion: seamlessly to the last wheel left for professionals. loads, trailblazirig or tr^er towi2 Employment Still digging in. The Audi allroad Is both fun and functional. And almost untouchable among ing; (up to3,30 0 pouricls); - ; ; ^ ATTNl OWN ACOMWTER7 RECEPTIONIST ' We never downshifted the, auto- Employment PutHToWortc CHILPCARE DENTAL ^ Open the SUVs or hybrids is the allroad's At its lowest setting, the aU^ ' $734125/hr. to work pnllmt PtMEDICAL PT. Gonaral office duties, RECREATION matic transmission; it soldiered.on ' NANNY DENTAL Khqwladge ol musicaphn. as 1994, Audi was fouling pitches Audi also hopes at least a'third Yes, at the heart of the allroad 7.3-secbnd 0-60 time, which drops ipad slips through ;the air witji^ Agencies 205 oMrOmh6me.com HY6IENIST R/T DIRECTOR tintil we landed again on all fours. .opO ASSISTANT WESTFIELD, Seeking en- RECEPTIONISt Sond resume t/on Vfctodbi into its own dugout with each new of its 300 U.S. dealers now have is an A6 Avant wagon. But there is to a quick 6.8 with the manual: quiet, sedan-like: aerodynamics;,", Car & exp req'd.. CHfidMif Hew Mwey Bora of Garwood la Classifieds A lower-range first gdar'-. available Immediate Job Optiilncjsl AfTW WORK FROM HOME F/T Outgoing Individual thusiastic team member In busy podlalrld office 3 model. Now, it seems, everything enough models to offer, to allow a lot more to the alhioad than that. The standard 6-speed tranny, sipping about one gallon of premi- STAFFMOALTHMMTVES *500' Pit, $2,500+ m Free 908-754-8161 wanted for Cranford of- for our preyenUpn ori- days per Week, plus oc- Shop far the Ails, 180- seeking a PfT recreation i;n the allEbad in Europe - might 908-246-1687 Booklet 1-800^131^240 fice. Exp. preferred, ented practice, Tues., 2-8 cailonal Saturdays > ti 182 East Broad SL, director (or approx. Audi brings to the plate, knocks them to moye into Audi-only show- To help justify an $8,000 bump which is on every auto writer's um petrol for every 21 highway^ WaatAaW, HJ 07080, have helped,- but otherwise we Wiww.daslradream.c6m Benefits. • Mon., Tues., pm -4 Thurs., 8-5:30 pm •Sunday*. Contact Porila 20hrs/wk. Candidate will for the ball out of the park. rooms arid away from Volkswagen- wish list, will probably stay in miles driven. At. its highest! set^w :Thars. FH.,4Sat, Please call 906-232*132 908-232-2310. Fwtt9ge-789«10f be reap, for the planning, from the price of an Avant (Audi Business Help 226 CLERICAL FULL-TIP ( (ivere satisfied. There's not a clinker in thePorsche.-Audi outlets. •'..• fewer than 1,000 of the 2001 all- ting, the allroad bounds aloii^ioff-"; development, manBCjetftent speak for wagon), the allroad is immediate opening'for s of programs, strong \ The allroad had conquered the '',. Somervllle newspaper has 908r276-2447 GAS STATION RECEPTIONIST/ whole Audi lineup, from the TT to Audi is the latest European packed withcontent: a twin-turbo, roads to be produced, jbo bad. road '-.'limited to 22 iriph ? more Homo-baced sales. > fast,, accurate, .typist to management and organi- SERVICES hastiest piece of terrain We would ' ah Immediate full time po- work In the Somervllle of- theA8. ,. .". automaker to reluctantly concede 250 horsepower 2.7-liter V-6, the While the optional 5'Speed nimbly than a BMW X5. In fact, Debbtol 888-915-5550 sition opferi for.' an experi- ATTENDpf v SECRETARIAL zation stdlls required, as oSECRETARY fice of the Messenger- A mature FT Gas station RECEPTIONIST well B,s exp. Knowledge have tackled - not only in the all- With .the allroad, Audi moves Work for the funniest lawyer enced and well organized it needs some sort of SITV-type quattro alL-wheel drive system, Tiptronic automatic is completely the allrdad bests the ^ in ground >• Gazette. Must be Well or- HAIBSTYU8T/AS8T. attendant for daytime; FT/PT avail. In OFFICE HELP of Municipal budget a (fbiid, but in. any stock SUV or In NJ. Personal Injury Law Individual' with • good YOU into a new segment, in search,of thing in its lineup - without com- beefeji-up underpuinings, and a adequate^ the 6-speed wrings.the clearance, center of gravity, teri- BUS DRIVER •comm. skills.' Duties to In- ganized with'{good, cus- Confident beginner needed Salary depends on experi- line: salon In Mablewpod Jlng, and light com- must Send resume by office In" Scotch Plains tomer service skills. Ex- Crossover vehicle. Senior dUara trarraporta- . elude marking multiple ' for busy Cranford Baton. Pd. ence'. Call 908-276-1717. lor pleasant, smiling, re- r skills necessary., 1/29/01. Including salary more buyers and ever-larger sales pletely surrendering its culturally height-adjustable pneumatic sus- absolute last measure of capability ing radius, acceleration, fuel econ- seaks PT Of FT Legal Soc- tioft -¥T»' DoDoflls offered.' cellent, benefits: and Hleldloc,$12 50/hr. newspapers to verify ac- •' vacs, bsnet, 90ftat72-853B ; • sponsible person. : EXC. req. and refs. to: '] People probably will get tired of numbers. And even though Audi based revulsion to this seminally pension. , rotary/Clark., Please call Call recreation department competitive . • salary. salary / benefits. Won- SOS-232-2007 NEED from the allroad package. A tip of omy and handling - no* to mention curacy of .adsi customer HAIRDRESSER Bora, of Oatrwood 80S.322.76d0. :••!•'• Scotch Plains 908-32a- PteaM . call Janet . derful; „' opportunity lor hearing automotive writers writ- expects to sell only 10,000 or so all- American genre. price. service. and- other, func- Looking for. a change? Buoy,, : R«creati6n D«pt. Even with pricing in the low- to the Tiptronic to Audi for even tions. Excellent benefits Dairies, 908-575-6736 ' growth', to management ing this, but Audi has hit another • upscale Westfleld Salon 403 South Ave. roads this year, the little boost in The result? mid-$40,000s, the allroad might offering it. RECEPTIONIST Incl. 401K. Please call or fair, resume to 908- position. Uts talk. An- GLASSBFIEDS ., > i The similarly-^ricqd Volvo looking for the right moti- QarwooaVNJ 07027 Today! " home run with the allroad (yes, sales expected after its mid- . Busy Unden office. An- Pattl Maler OOB-57V 578^709 '.'... :.' -' .' vated IndMdualtd kiln our thony Garubo: . • "Oh no, not arfother $40,000 offer the best-bang-for-Euro in for off-roading, the automatic Crosscountry can't match the all- swer • phohts, ' schedule 6770 or fait resume to • , B730re2-1212 '• : THEY WORK! .that's a small "a;" like, the "q"; in Noyember debut was projected to ; tearn.'Benefits, Education, station wagon!" moaned our editor Audi's lineup. does all right uphill, but tends to road's versatility; neither can the , appk,9Vlslk 9r*VlyfE Express-Times 9O8-57S-8772. ?:'; Professionalism and fun. ••gaattro).'' '• •;;•-•' 'v••'•'• '•'.•'• push Audi to a record 80,000 unite 10am-2pm, SUrt ASAP. when he saw the nrist photos of the The ingenious suspension alone select one or two gears higher than less expensive Subaru Outback. , Scotch Wains 806^2*5200 'if^Hard to believe that as recently sold in 2000. allroad. * is worth the price of admission. needed for downhill. That's one (c) Copley News Service ' . Linden 808-480-7888 . SECRETARY $25K HAIRSTYLIST Assistant needed, for v Manually 23 Full-time position.•••.&»• at the Holiday Inn ^(UITP;«|R^ cellent training. Good. •.-; handle Irwjmlng, calli 4 > |»hllll|»burg : SERVJCE^WT; : •; •'•'•.: ••.•"•!•.••":'.".. -.-i;-rV>i. • Plalnlleld ; awit; Taking For orthodontist office. Ex- Scotch PWni 000^5200' ; Show Hours: phone orders 1 pm-5pm, perience preferred and x; rJndn908^a67B55 some fyplngi' steady year ray license. BeneflU* sal- .HGRTICUtTUBS www.ConiMCtlons round work.. Paid holldaye ary based ori experience. :., PC!, m Oapendtble ptnoin pwtotmal.com 4 vacation. Pleasant work- •;..••«••••• piuii.'i ' •••. to maintain plant* In >*' Ing condnlons. • Call 12noon- SECRETARV: 2p weekdsys:: 908-786- 908-233-8668 FT1PT, Coniputef skills reqM. 1976, Male/ female. Re- ::96&mva*T:'~ '' tireas welcome. . ' Marvin Burton Let Resume 4N ITiUJAN LAHQUAQE Sates consultant 0ENTAL 1 of the month TRADING DESK Direct Work ' >• ;Titton,.--....:':,:;' RECEPTiONiST FbqpslERyjCE LooHngfafKinwonBto V ASSISTANT PT, Summit area school gh» private hnons, FT. Weatfleld. Call B08. cafeteria. Pleas*) calf 9-2 M- «VM 90W8H144 : : R. Seeiaus & Co.; email, Have your resume; enteredl 6B4454A ':. '. .-':"- ••• F. Call 008r91S-2i22; :,v THE MOST FUN YOU WILL EVER Investment firm In Sum- Into the, Resume Dlreci- mil weki energetic, Database. Your resume will computer literate, Indl-. be distributed to all partlcl- vldual with «ome pott patlrig employers. '•; HAVE BUYING A CAR. high Mttool education preferred, Cell Freddie: Enclose your resume with a 90W7*3011 or fax '•»•. check for $10 payable to 8ume to; 008-273-6845 The. Express-Times, Attn: 2001 New Beetle GL New 2001 Jetta Wolfsburq Cathy Clark, 35 5. Third SL, Easton, PA 18042 . i Stock #11769, Vin #1M451055. MSRP: $16,550. Stock #11733, Vin #1M119556. MSfiP: $20,100. DRIVER PT/fT Transportation Care Co., Fax with your credit card Clark, NJ ieeks person- number to 610-258r2100. Certified $||permo. '* ^, ' $*«H*permo. ableIndividual wlth'elean driving record to transport Entail your resume with Lease MMiw 39 mos l^asie mmrw 39 mos client* In company vehi- - credit card Info, to: cle. Daytime hours, Eno- p $1/99 down + $490 bonk fee + $1(5 MV fee + $200 ref. sec. $1999 dowiiV$49P>ok ^ + $165 MV fee + $250 ref. set. llsha. Map reading skills llm«a.eom 98 528ia $33995 required Houriy + benefit*. S,aimCrt^ dep. + 1st month pymt = $2833+taxes due at inception dep. + 1st month pynT:; $3133 +taxes due at inception •ntsdrnes mus» be received by 100-875-9522 J: Wednesday, January 24,2001. A»k»orMr.Ch«rl«« CASHIERS New 2001 GTi New 2001 Cabrio GL General Help 240 STOCK CLERKS Stock #11698, Vin #14025,093. MSRP: $21,825. Stock #11620, Vin #1MaO8978.M,SRP: $20,225; F/t 4P/T. Permanent posl* ; tlon. Muatbe18yr*;or: BOOKKEEPER older 4 able to work Like No Other Pert tittle. Pleaiie f»k re- weekend*. Apply In person: aumeto|BQ8)2784>9tt9. Wln*Ubrary . Lease 46 *Ww 39 mos Lease " * W 39 itu*., BMlllbumAv«. , $1899 down + $490 bonk fee + $165 MV fee.+$250 ref. sec. Admin,Aut. • •'•'.;•,". ;, Sprlnafield $1995 down + $490 bank fee + $165 MV fee.+$Z&n| set. 073^784005 BMW Center rullorParttlnM ChildCara '-.v'-,. dep. + 1st month pymt - $3053+taxes due pt.inception dep..+ 1st month pymt = $3184+taxes due ut inception ATHOMBWITH SALOMON SMITH YOUB OWN CHILD? BARNEV Nat'l Child Care ssrvlce YOUR NEW VW COMES WITH GREAT STUFF! ' Seeking qualified Indlv. to needs kind nurturing: stay In The World assume broad' bailed; re- at homo "Moms" to work 2001 NEW Beetle QL';$spd man.; "$ cyl, power Bponslbllltlei ai Client 3-5 weekdays at "home NEW'2(MVJetlaWolfegurg:4cyn,8tuib6,5spd NEW2001 Gti:4cyl i;8turbo;auto, power NEW2001 C^rioGL4cyl,5spdmariiower Service AMI. 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'98 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA GT 5 SPD BLACK Prices include all cosis to be paid by consumer except for Ik, reg & tax«s. Thb od supersedes all previous '97 VOLKSWAGEN CABRIO GL AUTO WHITE •• $100 sign-on bonus advertising. Not responsible for typographJcol drrors. Pictured dre for iHustratlon^urposes only- V ; :i '• •' '•" . ; •'. >•. t ' .i .";• M,.J w-^..•••*•;;-. ^ *t

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NEWSPAPER GET REPORTER We want a hungry rapdrter ready to do battle In a competi- tive iriarkel The Ex- pro»»-Tlme« covers Warren and Hunter- *<*! don counties In New Jersey and the Lo- BUY IT. hlgh Valley In Penn- sylvania We want a natural self-starter to uncover hard hitting stories Competitive salary and benefits Send resumes to Tom zanke, New Jer- sey editor, The Ex- OCLL press- Times, 30 N fUfca NISSAN Fourth St, PO Box 391, Eastoo, PA ,18044-0391

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AM/FM Stereo Cassette, Alloy J "Id CUS/OIII $ byl^ Au|<5,;PiS; PB; A^Gi AM/FM si^^^^^^^ I Cassette & Morel 1 Air Bao.& Morel • : 52927MI/VINi7VR305546 Wheels & Morel ' Premium Pkg.VIN; IGF58i99 -MSRP: $42;2g5, $4,074 due at delj\/dry iricl: $2,500 cap Cost I 31400MI/VINWBC96326 37067MI/VIN#XUtt5521 Qtihveniehce^ackagetVIN:iDP26961,MSRP: $69,485, $4j824 due'at delivery inch ^2,500 I cap cbst reduction, $900 ref, &$Q; Hep,; $525 bank fee & 1 st mo. pymt. Total pymts: $32,384, reduction, $550 ref. sec. dep* $525bank fee& 1st mo. pymt. TotaJ liy^i.^iy.g^Totalieasa 1'98 ACCORD LX $13,995 1 "09 RAV4 4X4 $16,995 I '99S8d $24,905 3 : ! ; ; : BUICK 4-Dr, V6, Auto, PS/PB cost: $20,989, ELPO: $26;645 ' -';'-'^- ^-.- 2' • , ' " . 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PS/PB, Air Cond, PW, PDL, tA/C,PW, PDL, Cruise, bual Air I I Air Bag & Morel I Bag, Moon Roof, AM/FM Stared PS/PB. A/C, PW, PDL, Pwr . Cruiso, Moon Roof, Anll-Lck I 28727MI/VlNf/WNA70203 Mlrrs, Side Air Bags, Cruise & Brks & More! I Cass, CD Player & Moral I 150052M|/VIN(A/W185589 Morel 22i26MI/VfN#X2618784 83392MIA/IN«S4407335 i 98 REGAL GS $15,995 I I BUICK 4-Dr, V6, Auto, Pwr i '98 EXPLORER XLT $18,995 •M1500 PICK UP 4X4 $25,995 '97 GRAND PRIX OT $11,995 I Strng & Brakes, Air Cond I FORD 4-Dr, 4WD, V6, Auto, CHEVY 2-Dr, Extended Cab, PONTIAC 2-Dr, V6, Aulo WIOUO UEUDEH OF I PW, PDL, Cruise, Till, Alloy I PS/PB, A/C, PS/PB, PW, PDL, V8, A/C, Auto, PS/PB, PW, PAOUOUEMflEnOf . PS/PB, A/C. PW, PDL, Cruise I Wheels & Morel I Cruise, AM/FM Stereo Cass, PDL, Cruise, AMJFM Cassette, AM/FM Cass, Rr Dof a Morel. Ryan (Rpirte 124) Mkirristovm I 30441MI/VINIM1475428 i. Cw^D Player, ,uyu., DuaPAiu.uai mri Bauuug o&i i CD Player & Moral 40137MI/VINWF315060 I I Morel 29039MIA/INttWZA8270a 40123MIA/IN(/XE255520 , WE ARE PROFESSIONAL GRADE" Automotive Automotive Limited ^H Limited Call "The Credit . GM Employee sales welcome..Jtsk for Mary. Cal) ' -• • "• •.•'.•• Free1-:' 1-800-NEED LOAN : ; YOU TAKE CARE OF YOUR BUSINESS • . • FREE SERVICE COURTESY CARS • '••: :'r": • FREE SERVICE COURTESY CARS ''••\- ASK FOR INSTANT CREDIT! MMIl - , Every Used Car comoa with an UNCONDITIONAL 45DAV All lessas are closed-end lor credit qualified Individuals. Losses reap, for malnL, excess wear & taar, arid at lease end lor mlleaoa In sxcass Ol All leases are closed-end tor credit qualified Individuals. Lessee resp.lor malnl;, excess wear 4 tear, and at lease end lor mileage In excess ol 10,000 SATISFACTION GUARANTEE! ROUTK 22 VVIXI, NOR'I'M BRANCH (SOMKRVIU I . 10,000 ml/yr.at 204/ml- Prices incl. all costs to be paid by a consumer, except tolicensing , rag,fee s & prepaid taxes. Not, reap. IWtypoa. ;.' ' rril/yr. at 20t)m\< Prices Incl. all coats to be jjald by a consumer, except (of llcenslnfl, reg. fees & taifes. Not responsibla'tor typos."' .,:"•••'''';.;',-. .Fldmlngton, NJ • 1-B00-TOYWA-6^^(1-800-869-6826)• M-F 9AM-9PM,Sat.9AM'6PM«(968J78M7p0 ^L;' '.'' '.'.' ••'-:. •"' ' , ',. • :'. .'•'.' ','•' ''•,.' .'•• • .'. .'. . .' '' . • • " '••' •'."/ • '.'" • ;:'* ". .' ".' '.• ''•" •'•;'- •••••." •' ;. ' ' jt r Prices include all consumer costs except tax, lie. & reg. fees. . > 908-722-2700 • 1-800-773-8757 "' **.•'

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MINUTES FROM: GARDEN STATE PARKWAY NJ TURNPIKE • RT 78 & RT287 until 03/01/0t. Subtect to primary lender apprbvd. Pymte calculatod at A Ti^ f4w«ic©raK "U p toftO h>ps^j;; mm ; "ricw include all cosisto be paid by the consumer except lor licensing, registration and taxes. Special financing in lieu of rebates. *Offerwtth approved cmdit Deaferto suL i feted motWs In lieu ol rebates prices available on in-stock units only. Trices Jncl. all rebates 4 incentives. Select vehicles ind $400 coll drad rebate fit quaj, Jeepteaselncl. $? — . —^ l.VUI leases era basad on ctosed-«ndtoasew/(Niiibh o^avallnlease er^..Cebco9t / ffiplu$1sirno.|pt,refsecdep.&acqfefldueattoir«eptlon.Chevyleases:(ft^ML l 1t t f d & f d t l iti C h l (Ph Ot $12^69 Vt $8469 Mllb $12463 Blae; $19449 Ttoe) Totl pymtsi , , Visit our \i\seb site www.autosporthonda.corn m&Mib,$13,017Diamante,$10,827Montero,$9253Eclipse,$15.884MonteroStk»Z453).Totalpyrnts:Galant:$12,357,MoritooStkIZ453:1^,802,Diamante:$18,495,M(mt^:$f5J(S.E(%>s>:$12,07fl.Mll6aad: 12ki«wr ^•NwteJ» j [10820.15K mlAT !5* thereafter. Conv. Van: Finance based on 72 months w/$4999 down pymVB 8.7% apr financing; Total cost: $25,7357Ad offers can not be combined,.All advertised vehicles sold co&metlcally as Is,Photos used

i Cranford Chronicle January 25,2001 January 25,2001 Cranford Chronicle

General Help 240 I General Help 2401 General Help 240 General Help 240II General Help 240 Medical Help 250 Medical Help 250 Medical Help 250 AS LOW AS «m* WORK FROM HOME MARKETING ASST. #00 P/T, $2,500+ F/T Free COOK MULTIPLE CLERICAL MEDICAL ••Booklet 1-800-431-824O CERTflEDHOME P/o Luxury assisted living Exiting |ob In the lashlon POSITIONS SOS SECURITY INC. PERSON residence seeks In*, (or Industry yet working, lo- The Duke Farms Founda- Leading Security Agency has BILLING HEALTH ADE _ APR PTpos.Exc.aal. & bene- for front desk at Medical ' cally In Bemdardsvllie. Ad- tion', manages :• Doris Office. Diversified duties. fits! Apply In- person at Moms a Somerset dy. Cans , mid support for the - mkL Duke's •' property In Competlttve salary. Flexi- WHh good skillful Work ZBARTENDERS The Chelsea at Warren: hmedtateOpenings tor Bderly, DebKatod, Par FIIMAIMCING Dept, customer contact, Somervllle, NJ. which en- ble hours. Please call 0tMcs( •' ofOBnlntJooftl 3 FT & 1 PT, Please 274 Wnfl George Rd.EOE fJem or FT (SOhrs. guaran- Box 321, Ifaitu- follow up on leads, travel to compasses 2,700 acres Diane at B08-«54-6540 skills, knowledge of leed). BansHs W FT poei- ON SELECTED 2Oaa^7f hen, NJ 08840 shows In NVC, Italy, and Including an 800 acre park •xt.227 ..••.'••• •. electronic billing and tkxt Earn vacakn days W CUSTOMER Paris. . Degree . preferred, i with 7 artificial lakes, posting. '.••-•'•;•• Per Oem pceBcn. Ujat marketing or .sales back- fountains and a beautiful haw phine, rasaWe car, SERVICE ground required Great op- HUMAN i,Thc v, vista, a working farm and OFFICERS valdridrtveralcensa.Cal portunity. Starting v salary Interior display gardens. Positions, available In: 908-654-6540 Betty Surette at: 908- 7 immediate Openlnga RESOURCES Express-Time^ Sii.OOhr-iiZOOhr, 100% Bd We are currently recruit- Hunterdon, , .Middlesex, 766-0180 ext. 143 for In- Hunterdon & Somerset F/T Assistant f Dlrector- Ekt212 Benefits for entire- family, ing for the following • op- terview. ' Counties, salaries base on Morris, and • Somerset Eidtlng opportunity In a Contact our office for more portunities: County areas. Full Time •^Career Fair 2001 «p. Positions to start detail. SECURITY GUARD- re- fast paced medical billing Immediately. Positions and Part Time positions Medical Help sponsible lor patrolling office In Rorham Park. ;; LPN - CNA • .•' .• • '•• .range from entry tevel to .' available at our PlwstJg- Regional the grounds, assisting Competitive salaries and Wanted supervisory. Contact our bus Corporate AccouitB. benefits. Fait resume lor Busy.' medical office In Dietary Aides-Cook 5 January 23 office for more detailed In- Personnel with answering the switch Comprehensive training Immediate consideration airabeth seeking P/T or formation. We look tor- RLZZE. Whltehouse boards, and greeting provided. HS Diploma or to: 073460.9732. .. F/T office help to answer Bus Drivers w/CDL it the Holiday Inn to meeting you. 808-334*8113 foundation guests. This Is GEO,: dean; record, Car, o a full time position. 40 'valid drivers' license, own busy phone*, write HMO FT/PT. Ail shifts. Chancel- o : Phillipsburg see our other openings online Insurance referrals; and lor Gardens of Watchung gil vyww.reoj6nalpersonnel.com hrs/wk. evening hours transportation, home INSURANCE o o may be required. 3pm- phone required, and must assist with patients. Bi- Assisted Uvlng Facility. VERlrtERS lingual, energetic, 008-754-8180 *' Show Hours: Personnel 11pm. ••:"'• be 18 years of age or WE'RE OVERSTOCKED - THESE VEHICLES MUST GO! GROUNDS PERSON' F/T Exciting opportunity In friendly, and dependable . Ht.22E.WhltelK.UM older. All applicants will 1 o Responsible lor general a fast paced medical bill- Individual needed. Prior ^10 am to 6 Dm 908-3344113.. be drug screened Major landscaping, including Ing office In Ftornam Park. office. experience pre- see our other openings online Medical, Health, Dental, Part-Time j mowing, assisting w/ Competitive Salaries and' ferred but will train right New2001 f""OlfOI IFR www.raglonalpersonnel.com REPORTER Vision, 401K, TuWonfWnv person-Fan resume to plant a tree care, mulch- . , busement and Md Vacation. benefits: Fax resume lor Employment 255 Chevrolet LHVHLICrl dlnable to attend? Immediate consideration (90B)81O«732 , or cal We Want a :hungry' : ing A Irrigation, snow a. (Jpto$12O) par hourtostart. CUSTOMER toj 973460-9732. (006)687-0264 and leave reporter ready to do leaf removal. Paraippany Office battle In a competi- DISPLAY \ OARDNER- |073) 4024600/ OFFICE : Letriesume SERVICE, P/T ' Responsible lor main- tive market. The EK- (973) 402*262 Fax MEDICAL MEDICALS 4 dr, 4 cyl, 4 spd aulo trans, pwr str/brks. AIR, AM/FM stereo, •"-.'• Direct work Plainfleld area. Taking press-'Jirnes covers taining the Indoor display Newark Office MANAGER gardens on a dally basis.. CD, cloth bckts, b/s mldgs, cargo net, floor mats, front mud INCLUDES REBATES phone orders 1 • pm-5pm, warren and Huntor- ^073)588-1000/ ACCOUNTS REGEPtlONIST Interior design firm look- : fcfryou. . some typing, .steady year doncounllos In New Also responsible for some, . |973) 69&OS96 Fax ing for ah office manager guards, Int Wip, Stk #1077, VIN #17176887, MSRP $14,973 round work. .Paid holidays outside work, such' as Bridgawater Office . PT. txp. ^ must Approx. 16- to work |n Chatham office, Jersey and the Le- COLLECTORS & • 20 hours/ no weekends. (Jauo your .resume entered 4 vacation. .Pleasant work- mowing, 'weeding .and (008)722-1441/ . part time 2-3 days. Flex, hlgh Valley In PeniK -Avail Immed. 90S464«3ia Into Me Resume Direct- ing CondWons. Call 12noon- pruning the shrubs around (908)218-1740 rax sched; Ideal for' at home sylvanla. Vfe want a. DATA ENTRY or fax resume 906^84-7646 Database. Your resume Will 2p weekdays: 908-7S6- natural self-starter to . the greenhouses, . moms. Must be computer New 2001 1976- Male/ female. Re- Competitive salary &'ex- SOS SECURITY * distributed to all partlcl- .' uncow hard hitting POSTERS literate In Excel and Word. Chevrolet riStlng employers, • ': tirees welcome. : : cellent bertellts, Send re- Call (O73)7O1-9306. $ storied, Competitive- RECEPTIONIST/ sume and cover letter In- F/T Excltlna opportunity In salary and.benefits. dicating' the position . of 8 fast paced medical bill- Enclose your resume with a ' Send resumes to SECRETARY DENTAL Interest tbr .-..• . ..'•-•• Call Immediately 24 hrs a day Ing office In Florham Park. check for $10.payable to Tom zanke, New Jer- PLANTCAREP/T V6,4 spd auto trans w/overdriv/e, pwr str/brks/wlnd/mlrr, Duke Farms Foundation . Competitive' Salaries and For Dental/Oral Surgeon the Express-Times, Attn: RECEPTIONIST/ sey editor, The Ex- : 1-800-SECURE-O benefits. Fax: resume for' office, F/T,. typing ft Do you have a green AIR, AM/FM stereo-cass, spd cntri, cloth bckts, floor mats, 16,490 Cajliiy-Clai*, 35 S, Third St., Attn: Human Resources' INSURANCE PERSON proas. Times,.30 N. ; WwW.sbsaecurity.icbM Immediate consideration computer. 9084344030 thumb or enjoy garden- Easton, PA 18042 : •.•- Office •'• • . -'- ing? Earn a salary by Stk. #1062. VIN #16141203, MSRP $18,590 2V4-3 days/wk. Exp. roq'd. Fourth St., PO Box PA Box 2030, Ht 206 Sooth to: 873-660-9732. : 008-688-4994 391, Easton, PA , taking care of plants In JX-O Fay with your 'credit card 190444391, Sormrvllle, NJ08876 corporate garden Call number to 610-25M100. - ' o'rfaxs 908-722-2372' 800-968*484, E*£ 238 o Law Clerk ::6 ' SUMMERJOB MEDICAL New 2001 ... "Email your resumo with :.. Chevrolet I; ..credit.cardInfo,to: :. . '. Great opportunity(W •.«. Office Support y ASSISTANT: experienced for busy flee Coordinator , ' tclarltfexproks- " posure to Corporate law. OFFICE Excellent ' Opportunity plastic surgery, practice 4 Immediate openings In Day camp counselors, Bedmlnster Township. PT po- V6,4 speed automatic transmission w/overdrive, ...... '" tlmas.com - r-Long term Temporary as- . Hunterdon County activity Instructors, WSI/ available In busy Internal Hi Westfleld Immediate ASSISTANT 1 • sWon, requiring some eve- signment In great work Admin. *ir>18hr. . medicine; practice' for opening,. , "..',' :'-. •;•'•" ••. power str/brks/win/Icks, AIR, AM/FM stereo, cloth Brldgewater law office Ufeguard. Ideal for ning and weekend hrs. Man- Resumes must be recoiued by environment. Paralegal Clerk $8410hr. teachers, college stu^ experienced. Individual seeks, right person for : age &. run Twsp Hsc . Wednesday, January^ 2001. certification A+, typing,; . RecJeve. $10^12hr. dents. - Watchung 'aVea,' with' strong assisting int, dual air bags, t/gls, b/s mldgs, Stk. #1223, VIN *17,749 telephone,-mall, and til- programs; currently sched- 3 filing,. Intense document, AdmIn$1241Shr. Interviewing now.' . '. Skills. EKGs needed, no 908-654-6540 ing . duties. Computer ules, hires,' overseas activi- #19190^94, MSRI $19,749. CHILDCARE . review, prepare summa- 608-58O-CAMP VehlpunclUre needed.' M- ries and findings. Contact skills a plus. Great op- Regional Personnel F, 8:00-5:00 No Satur- ties for all ages, varying WHh : NANNY our officer For Immediate portunity/ benefits. We Rt 22E. Whltehouse days. No evenlrigs. Fax sessal.Deslni Indfvldual W review. will provide training. Call resume to: '. • V .'/• AtWnUoti HMMh Care WttaaW exp: or training In rec. pro- Needed, F/T or P/r ASAP. Carol 908-231-7900 : '. 908-5344113 New 2001 www.reglonalpe rsonnel.com Medical Heln 250 DirecTemps.com grams and plannlnQ/ Works . • •' Csr & exp req'd. • Regional Personnel 908-232-1920 with volunteer Becreetlon Chevrolet :! 908-754-8161 Rt. 22 E. Whltehouse . Set your own pay rales . .. CommHtoe. Cover letter and Earn hoUrty bonuses MB-334-S113 resume fax Susan Stanbury, CHILD CAHE- Wosl|leld Sell Your Free Alpha pager see our other openings'onllne BILLING/ Administrator, '130 Hillside Jamlly. 2 school age chll- CLASSIFIEDS Free penKnalW* Site Account iWBlArulpersonnel.com MEDICAL Ave., Bedmlnster, NJ 07921. 4 dr, 4 whl drv, V6, 4 spd auto trans w/overdrlve, pwr rifroh seeks prof, nanny & Stop typical, annoying: •driver. 7ant-7pm. $60Or GET COLLECTIONS RECEPTIONIST Fax: 90S334-996S. EOE str/brks/wlnd/lcks/heated mlrr, AIR, AM/FM slereo-cass, cloth PT. Flex, hours. Exp. a Agency sollcltatlonsl 23,595 • '$700/wk. 808-317-9777 bckts, rear wind convenience pkg, tilt, speed cntrl, deep t/gls, MACHINIST must. No eye's or Sat. P/T, phones, scheduling, , Unique Agency '.- Open Glassifieds CHILD CARE • Work In great opportunity/ ,;•••• CKeckout ••', b/s rtildgs, Stk. #1109, VIN #12159364, MSRP $28,795 1" a 2^ Class, Day Shift, Salary commensurate with 0 O .your own home. Apply exp. Fax resume 908^964- www.dlrectemps.com ' for the Services Benefits; Plainfleld area. orcall1-877-MPLOYHE 0 O at Monday Morrilnn inc 908-322^403 7648 or call 908-464-5318 908-898-0250 VNd! 908/529-4884 . In The Classifieds (1^877-675-6963) 0 o 0 HUGE SAVINGS ON EVERY PRE-0WNED VEHICLE! o o o "92 CKWROIET ASTBO MMVAN IT "96 SATURN SW2 WAGON 97 CHEVROIH CAVWJER IS SEDAN '98 CHEVfiOlET UlMMA StDAN O O 7 B passenger, V6, aulo trahB BWD pwr 4 dr 4 cyl, auto trans FWD pwr strMlnd/lck$/bikB/mln 4dr 4 cyl 2 2 Iitor auto trans FWD pwrclr/ABS AM/FM 4dr VO auto trans FWD pwrslrickaAiiks AIR AM/FM o o slr/wlnd/lcks/ABS AIR AM/FM steioo-cass tilt cnjlsa AIR AM/TMsterwKass lilt cmlss dual air bag Inl wip Eteroo en tidal Ain trip odometer Int wip cup hldrs $lomo tilt dualSikloalrbans tripodomotsr Intwlp o o o roof tack trip odometor Inl Wip t/glg, disc btfc) 92 927 r/dor t/gls, cons rem hatch rel 621S7 ml, STK#7Q2U, (uolW dlscbrk doarcoal polnl dual air lugs 35547 ml r/daf t/gls disc bfks 26 081 ml STK4847U VIN# o ml,STK*045U VINjf NB16S1S1 VIN*rr237f15 STKW96P WMW7321877 W014 0° °0 0 O o o O O 0 O o 0 •99 mmm CAVAUER IS SQJAN RELAX WE USE •98 CJBBOUTS10 SHORT BEOHCXUP o o 4 dr 4 cyl outo tmns FWD pwr oli/ABSAvlndflcka/mlrr Ve aulo trans 2whltlrvAIR pwr 6tr/ABS. AM/FM °0 AIR AM/FM storeb-ca s tilt crul e roar spoiler keyless steroo bass Int wip dual air bags 33 645 ml, 0 ° bntiy Int wlp r/daf l/atg cup holders cons rsm trunK rol 3OOD IWIILE STOG26P, VIN#WK1116fJ5 o 0 dual olr bags (3274 ml CTKiflOOU VIN M71D4S41 o new 0° HCarfax* WARRANTY o o o o VEHICLE HISTORY SERVICE Ask lor complete details. *1O,995 00 o oo 99 MERCURY TRACER IS WAGON •98 V0USWA6EN GUF 61 HATCHBACK '97DOOKHMUP1500 CUJB CAB SHORIBEO SIT •97CHEVR01CTTJVH0EIT o 4 dr 4 cyl auto trans FW0 pwr slrMnd/lckn/ mlrr/btks 4 dr 4 cyl, auto trans, FWD pwr Blr/lcks/bika AIR VO 2 whl drv aulo trans pwr clr/wlnd /Ickg/mlrr/AQS 4 dr V(l outo Irons 4UUdrv pwr Bli/*lrnVlcka/(iqa»/mlrr/AD3 AM/FM storeo cass dual air bags (rip odomotor Inl AIR AM/FM storoo cass tilt cruise bedllnor ollqywhls t\\\\ At-VFM utoroo cian lit cnilso (Juilnlrbrtgs loalhftr rool oc Aln AM/FM aloroo-coocaa it duaii olrr bans rooff rack Inll wipwip,, i(tch ptlvocy OIIQB mnnnn board nl!oy*hl» itilwlp Vnls c6no o o t/wlp r/(WII l/ol/ l romhnlchrohhll 13 0766 ml 9TKJ053PP VlVlrU wip r/dot. disc bmkos 32 514 ml STK*CONS VIN* Inl wip Vgls coiwtnaro 34 628 ml STM051U VIIM*" bcMu conv opnro 3n 110 ml BTKJV05I)P KR&H3BI1 WM21BE61. *;^7j^ O Q &H3BI1 lor a o 16.995 Check the classified first. i Wanttogetintoanewl car fast? Get into the classified section first j Check the Classrfiedadsofferthe.1 classified ads widest selection of i first. newandused vehicles; Need a new set of wheelsH in the market Plus, j Whether you're classified ads are the; opening doors or most convenient way I climbing corporate toi comparison shop ! Judders, your new career starts in the ' features, prices and : payments. classified section. ; Make an executive i Ready to ride? Check1 decision. the classified section! Check the classified first ads first. Find just the car you want at the; price you^ want to

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x ,*• • *• .'• Cranford Chronicle January 25,2001 (January 25,2001 Cranford Chronicle

"V Professional Situations Furniture 560 Wanted to Buy 625J Professional I Carpentry Help MAHOOANY DR TABLE- 1AACaUHJorracorcto,mBOB, I Services If• Professional Carpentry • w/6chalra, 55"Lw/216" Rooflng/Sldlng* Windows HOUSE CtJAWNO-Polish toy cars, watches, leddy leaves, 4yrs old, Asking btS0«^54468B Doors* Porches'Decks HAIRDRESSER bdy, eap. refs, own bans, $400 90a-7fl»-48e7 . . Leaders* Gutters • . Margaret 908/429-2095 Child Care/ ! Salon In Springfield ROUND WAXNUT TABU «, AAA OLD PHOTOS Most Repairs'Free Est looWnfl 'or sislctanca lo CHAIR SET- Centar pedes- Nursery . ': zTyrs Exp . .'.•'," assist In all. bhasas. of. postcards, sport* • * TUJERCARE tal, 2 leaves, 4 chairs, *100. paper • : Item*, •', 1^190^561-4073 hair dressing. Call::: All nationafltlM. Screened. , SMinaster Exerciser $20, 2 Schools 973^67-9088 etc. Wanted for top Uc. Bonded. AURORA • stereo speakers $20. 908- $$$ Pre-1960 •'•;:•, .: Clean ups ' "55 AGENCY 732-222-3369 687-0759 John 908-322-1545 MONDAY MORNING INC ! S LEGAL 170Morria Ave., L. Br, NJ 8XLAR4>EPf>LARCOUCHaV Quality ChlkJcare & Hauling •HOUSE & OFFICE* LOVE SEAT- Uke new,. 96B/B68-4884 : SECRETARY 11*AA CLEANUP HouahrJd Lincoln - •CLEANIHQ* Blue, burgundy,"•» groen Wart9tobuycttrod«,t6£»3i Buay Union County: Law Reasonable rates, flood fabric, $500, 908-931-1350 oroor*.dBtrt»iBrnoval low Firm located In downtown .. ref., own transp. ' ' I^tjteoa23}1GG4 rah«eeeat,9qe33M14e LS Sedan Cranford seeks F/T Legal 908-925-7291 FURNITURE- ; remodeling, Secretary. EXc computer must sell; Beauttfu) mahog- a UOMEL, FLYER a cmm EXCELLENT CHILD CARE BAROAIN CLEAN-UP EXCEL CLEANING LADY* any DR set, vifS ft buffet, 3 TRAWsTTop cash prices pd. provided by 2 exp. AtHcs, Basemants, Garages, .•-!•• :•; •kills req'd yrAcnowMdga Motor Trend's First Global of Windows NT a Word to do homes, offices, with . drawer server, table S KXM6M671 or 973425-1538. mom's, lots of TLC 4 UtB Hauling. 008*86^)578 Car Of The Year. r 732-54M560 , Chairs. $1700. Kitchen set, child-friendly environ- Perfect. 8alary commen- QUNS-SWORDS-KNIVES CLEAN UP ALT. HAUL HOUSE CLEANING cherry, w/ 6 chairs $100. ment. New-bom a up, surate with exp. Fax re- MILITARIA..NJ A federal Freoest. Insured. sume to: 908-93M1B1 Expy wABfs. HBasonebter*a Ihomasville sofa, A dub unbeatable rates. Please chair, tapestry $150. 808- Ucensed. Top cash paid. can Cindy, 732-424-7929. : 7day service.; or call 908-931-1150 ' 90S-7J)4-2147orS81'9043 704-9066iw». '.•• 7 ••:•;,'• Call Bert 732-821-4949 : 1-888-781-5800. HOUSE CLEANING FROM MONDAY MORNING INC LEOAL ' A-Z (^ Polish worpan. OLD OR ANTIQUE FURN CLEAN UPS ; • Reliable, Insured care for EVERYTHING 4 ANYTHING 732T271-10B4 ' ' I General Glass, China,' Any. Un-, Infants frtoddiers. . ', ' SECRETARY , usual Hems, House Sales Dumpster rentals, Fully' Lincoln Busy Union County Law 2QCII Merchandise 58D by Nancy. 908/272-5056 or ••. •.'••90675264884 ' '.' .'' Insured, 908-403-9358 Firm located In downtown Instruction 908/2334157 Cranford seeks F/T legal CLEAN UP a LT. HAUL ..•"'. 'OCI TECH.' '•'. •• 'GUN SHQW . Photography 780 • ' Free eat Insured. Town Car :%[ : ; Secretary. Exc. computer '••' 'ComputerTraining, POSTCARDS, Sheet :'4u'oatC - :•'•••; •• '•' ••JBiIr CoiidiHoninlg ••:' '" ' skills req'd w/knowlettae AlthePlarnfleldFlreDepl " • : 7 day service. • . ; Networking, MCSC, : music, Radios, ' TVs, Unsurpassed comfort.toupled •••V6Englnei;;: :\ ' '. '^AM/FMStsfeo.Ca^; (On RL115 Just \ 1-888-781-5800 of Windows NT 4 Word Cisco, Handson-Lab Cameras, Toys, Mili- CREATIVE PHOTOQRAPHV; with an incredibly smooth, '* Automatic.'!/;'':;,/ ; Perfect Salary commen- South of Wlndgap, PA) 29YrsofWeddnpABarmtavah '•;.;i;Till.Vyiie^.i);: .'>;•;':,••; OcHedM>rg 73»784r024i tary, Pens, Worlds : controlled ride. Burate with exp. Fax re- Opentothepubllc.1-27, Portraiture 732*07^608 Decks & Patios 930 sume to: 908-931-11B1 ' 8Brrv5pra1-28-,9Bnv3pm. ..Fair, etc. ?0«272e5777.: [ Real Estate Sales For Mo. 717-697-308S or call 908.931-1180 ' : A Fishing TacMe CoOector DECKS By UNUMITEO > Power Brakei" /• Tutoring & VVabuiWall types of OLDER CAMERAS A AC- .Wartetohjycttrods,reels, ' 94 MEB0DE5 S500 •• -PowerWindows-; q*| Gondos & luree,catatofja90a233-1654 decks. All workguaran- 1 :> LE(3AL' CESSORIES' Projector Instruction \ir,' VI, ttii liiiii, •/PowerLocks.:? -' : : iAl^rtltffuinVVflf«iiBl»Vr screen & lights. Gaf, Ko- tsed 10 yrs. Free Est; Ins. Townhouses 320 dak, Bolox. 908-245-7597. ALL UONEU RYB1 4 OTHER TRAWa Top cash prices pd. Part lime 'I iFull |tlmft I 80NNaJ*f(es.38Rs.2tt TOTAL QVM 1000 EXER- 80MS4-4671 or97^425153a •I ••; Driveways 940 Flexible hours. Bridge-' •BA, end uVt, HK, LH vtfFP, CISE SYSTEM- Used ones AFFORDABLE water otflc«,seeks lltloa- BUYMQ Cahieras & Photo Home Tutoring. 'All ; 1 appls.$191>W0 9OM22-172B $100,908-888-7060 PATERNO PAVINQ . tlon/ workers comjwn- Eqtap,1 pc. brwhole studio subjects. K-12. ADU/LD. Ballon secretary. Great Free trial.lesson.' . Curbing & Sidewalks Homes for Sale 330!•'•'. OUNSHOW Call K«n at 732-928-7811 Free Est Call 245^162 environment,'. benefits, AlthePialnfleldFlreDept V 908-233-6990 salary commensurate >Vtth • 6n 2001 Models SWel, (OnRI.115JU8t ' experience.. Please' vcafl sivE kfl South pf Wlndgap, PA) MILITARIA.'NJK Federal Electrical 945 Carol 908.231-7900; '' BA, iternoifeted. 908*87- Opbn to the public. 1-27, licensed. Top cash paid. Home ABLE ELECTRIC lOeMi »2181OO Byownar., - 9anv6pm. 1-28-,SB»iv3pm,' Call Bert 732-821^4949 Sales Help 2B5h For Info. 717-697-3088 Services Reasonable. Llc.11500 RBa|E|tatB THE OLD TOY SHOP , 276-8692*688-2088, . Lincoln REFRIGERATOR/ Washer RONSON ELECTRIC I Wanted 360 & Dryer-Air running exc. Wants t^l OLD TOYS Carpentry 875 All Types of electrical work. $100 each. 732*5*8690 ' Dolls & Trains for Cash ' Uc, 5532, Insured-Freo Est Advertising ALL/ANY CONDITION of 908-754-7209 25 yrs exp. 732/752-5683 '. 13 Yri at Same Locution- SHALL JOBS ONLY 1 Cash paid for-your prop* Navigator is the most luxurious, f'757 Central Ave, Westfleld QuaBy Work-Heaa Ratea ALK Electric Contractor erty,; Fast closing. No Musical Real. Comm. Free Est. Ins. • . and genuine fulhize SUV. Moh. Thru Sal ttBflt-4 3Opm 28yraexp.Bob9(Ba««07 red (ape. Call-Today. '. Uc#S732. 908-7554030 ERA Queen CMy Realty Instruments 585 908-232-8388 CARPENTRY & RdOFMa . Askforiydla© • Repair. Celling & floor RONSON ELECTRIC Assistant; AH Types of electrical work. Full Time position avail-' ; 908-322-5454 PIANO- Baldwin Acrosonle porches, steps, paint, ALL/ANY CONDITION .Spinet style. Gorgeous Uc. 5532, Insured-Free Est ab|o. Suburban News Financial/Business 732-355-9020. 25 yrs exp. 732/752-5683 &' The Independsht Cash paid for your prop- shape. $1,250. 908-704- Press part of the largest ' erty. ..Fast closing. No ,".9066 ••'•• '•' . •'•••-'.'•• DISPOSAL SERVICES weekly newspaper group red tape. Call Today.. Financial In New Jersey Is seeking • ERA Queen City Realty Flea Lincoln individual with -clerical .,••;.'• AakfcrLydlaSt Services 655 *4'Door..yan.,ii'v.'':.;;;,-'^l^^ background to help sup- 908-322-5454 Markets SERVICES INC port a successful sales 1O-2S YARD CONTAINERS Continental team. : For Interviews BIO INDOOR NEED HELP COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL <• RESIDENTIAL call Eileen Blckel, Real Estate Rentals A.luxury car for people who are FLEA MARKET: nEPAIRINQ VOUR C DUMPSTER RENTAL CLEANUP SERVICES Advertlslnfl Directors, Roselle Catholic HS, Rarltfln CREDIT7 No fees. Call 1- k § DEMOLITION confident being themselves;- . Power^&S'Brake3;V/,^>loi^f)6riin^ 732496-4223 or Fa* m, Sat) Jan., 27,9arrH)pm 880458-9681 Toll free. 1 i 1 Apartments ' . n_..'.•'•• itii ' .I.'..',, •'•••' •.'•' ."jlL^.»i:''Li .il!rti'J.'i:lJ .•'•' ,:''•'* resume to: 732^381- 0OB-6B6-B229 Fax: 908-964-4418 0098. •..'.'. .; '.'. :>' .•• Power Locks;--';•.•: •'.vyKwlsi* (Unfurnished! 405 SUMMlT-24 Franklin'Placo Impeccable ' condition, 3BR, 2BA, many Updates. $20O0/mo: #045^997 • " • WEICHERT REALTQHS/, ' .••:;;!:;:'vSUlilMlf ••;•::•, price-ir : FREiREAL ^ :': ••- DisCgurit,&^400collegegrad/mb,ifi^^i^f,^^;/^C^S^^'^ ESTATE SEMINAR LINCOLN i Commercial AM E R I CAN L.U X.fJ R Y. Prices incl all costs lo bo paid by consumor except license, nBglstrolfort & taxes, Supersedes all provloui offers.'Not rasp for lypoj, Saturday, January • •.'•' *|Musl be a gfodualabf o 2 or 4 yroccreditoctcollog'e within ihs last 12 mos). All disc. >5i Ihcanlivdj bock lo.cJeolor. •• Property »'2> ^27;1{)3OAM •;r- Call For Future ' : for Rent 410 I , .. Seminar Dates . ' SPACE AVAILABLE Re- j .• If you're .conslde'rlna a Ca- tail/ QHIce/ Storage; •& reer In real dstate. Vour t • DpwnlbWn1 Berkeley timing couldn't be better, Visit us On the web <§ ivwiv.tlfnc0rs.cqtn 1 '" Heights' 4 units of apprbx- [email protected] ~1 Corria. learn'about a new 1,000 square feet each. "profitable .'career with Immediate • occupancy, , Welchert ReeHorsr'We offer i free education, mentoring : Call Landlord ©908- programs & state of the art 507-6980. PRE-OWNED CLEARANCE training; Call Bob Olpp and H3VP 073-835-5000. ; . . •; <; UITOHX! WESTFIELD-; >'95 LINgpLN:f6\VN CAR ? $0 R:EGAL Prime location.' Medical '4 dr, V8, .auto Irons- w/dD,-'pwr •A' dr. 4,ev\',- .aulo Irons1 w/OD,' pwr' 4 "dr, 'Vo, auto '• l.roni,'-. w/Ot>, pwr 4 dr, 8 cyl, ouloji'dns, pwr ilr/brk/wlnj/loclti/i«ofi} ; AIR,. AM/FM .'ita.rta.eoii w/CD, r del/Hit. cn)lM,l/oli,.- profexlonal - building ,.slr/brt/(wlnd,/locl(s/iea|«,.'AIR, AM/FM Jlsruo .iW/bwwlnd/lb«l!»yjfunli;*IR/,AM/l M <<.~ ••-';-•- ---.-—-•-.-——--•r—- T LINCOLN 7p,S\5 ml, 5rK;#OP88A,..V.IN..«5.Y^3l4586,. STK*6»9VIN#yKS(V5Cto^ '• Whli, ^Z23.ml,.SriC-«OP83;yiN:#W.157a708,'= I PISCATAWAY V1600 sq ttv store, $12O0/mo. 732-985- CHATHAM OFFICE 2843oC9Q8«47-7966 Mercury C : 64 MAIN STREET : "99-FORryivisQ PICKUP , '98 FORD EXPLORER SPORT ; •OOWERCOUVBIANDMAHQLIIS '99 MERCURY [ 973^638-8000 , Houses V6', .aOiomatlc • Irantwliiloni -pv^.r ,"? dr, V8, auto Irani, pwr str/brk/Wlnd/locks, AIR, 2dr, V6,a'ulo Irons, 4*4, P*t slr/brki/wlnd/locks/ 4.door, V8, automallp Irons'mls.iion, pwr •Ir/brk/wlnd/lqcks/lrunlc/ieai,' frnt/rr' AIR, .AM/FM stereo caw, t/gls, till, cnilso, cloth, remolo driver's tear, AIR, AM/FM Stereo cdss, cd, till," .slr/brk/wlnd/locla/lronk/drvseal, AIR, AM/FM ^Wesa^BacMnlo': Com- (Unfurnished) 430 AM/FM iloroo cdsj, l/nls, r def, lilt, crolw, clolh 369 SOUTH AVE. E. • mlrri alum: wills, 17,949 ml,. ST(C# 1 X4'A.- VIN "crglse, l/olj, re del, leather Ihl, suii roof, plum whls,': stereo coss, lint; r defj lilt, cruise; cloth int/16,073 ponent Mnfr. In Central NJ ; : lSTMOP82VIN*yX60Q089: ' ' ' ln^.26,530 ml, STK #Ol>73, VIN Wp)34327. XN3 ' : •3li8i? ml, Slk. #OW VIN #WUA94^81 , seeks a highly motivated, SOMERViLLE- Vicinity ; technically oriented Indlv S Med, Cehter, 3Br, 2Ba, WESTFIELD, NJ )>••'•$. •"• ••$: classified ads •'for Inside * Mies. Qualified 2 car gar, C/ac, avail. cand must possess strong a/1, Siiioa/rrio.,;.' tiqs- communication skills 4 be 725^3696 evenings. (908) 232-6500 wdl-oroanbed. Duties Iricl. •98 FORD F150 XLT PICK UP 4X4. . '98 MERCURY MOUNTAINEER AWD '00 FORD F-150 CLUB CAB 4X4 PICKUP: 'OOIINCOINTOWN.CAR'SIGNATURE contact w/establlshed bus- •4 • dr, V8, aulo trans'. w/Qb,- .pwr V8 auto trans, pwr ilr/brV*ltid/l6cts, AIR, 4dr, V8, pwr ilr/brk/swtnd/loek/lrunlt/ seals, AIR). ,V8, pwr str^brk/wlnd/locks,.: AIR, AM/FM tomers & expanding cus-, ilr/bil/wlnd/locb/lruhk/nali/AIR, AM/FM il«reo . tomer. base. - Exp, In the Rooms ,_/ , •'.••,••..•„•>••• ,- . •'• AM/FM stereo coil, (III, cruise, remote mlrr, cloth,'. AM/FM stereo cass w/CD; till, cruise, rde.l,Iml, stereo cass, lilt, cruise, cloth Inll alum.whls, cass, l/ols, t d«f, till, cnilM,.gduga's,'l«ilhir, alum wMi,. . loolber, rnoonrf, aliim whls, 27,595 m|, SIK#IT1IA, 15,060 ml, STK. #OPB7, VIN /#YNB18W5. electronic component In- Prices include all costs to be paid by alum whis, 30.2*1 mi;: STK#OPB4, VJN l .2P, 108. ml, STK ».0Pfp3,. VlN.WyV8.UD29; (Furnished) 460 mm73729 •VIN #WUJ0043>. :•• ': , ' .•"•.' . dustry a plus, We offer a consumer except for license, registration - ' ' ' ' • • •''•• competitive salary, bnft & Si. taxes'.: Not. responsible for opportunity' for growth, SUMMIT! Room tor . Send resume w/sabry to: 4110 pet Week. Uc f typographical errors, am Bomsr Crystal Co., PO Agent Call 908-598-0522 Box 10, Middlesex, NJ 08848 orfax 732-356-7362. Merchandise r':;\ • (•• SALES Antiques 500 Entry level Canvas Sales. Start the "New" Year off Pars* House Antiques HphL IMMEDIAT6 OPEN- Stage House A/Bags. Set Pins INGS In hoi Mercar & Mid- Armq. Bought & Sold Deafer dlesex territories, available. :, Space Aval908-322-9090 Represent 120 YEAR OLD company . wAremendous Parsa House Antique* market panetratlbn.' WeSJage House vaiage. Set pms will train. 0rJy.h»r#6rkl«| jSfa BooghtiSold Dealer ' applicants, need respond Space Aval908-322-9O90 j Car a must 1st yr potential • mid 30's, Reply lo: Norm Estate & Tag < Schleslnger,, Schwaab ' Regional Mor, 444 E. Park Sales 545 Drive, New WHord,NJ 07848 or Caill«oa«3»«443 X '''" ESTATE SALE ' "06 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA GLS 608 or fax 201-261-8923. ClUNPORDCONOOMINiUM 321 North Avenue/ Unit #108 4 cyl, auto trgns, pwr strng/brks/wlnd/locks, AIR, Retail Help 270 (complex next to cassette, tilt, cruise, spoiler, 66,829 miles, .';''-Sat'January sAit-Sp VIN#TM021202. Contents of home Includ- " jng dining room set, living AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION! room furn.; antiques, BR Check the classified ads first- DfflVEft Mts, • sofas, TV's, and WESTFIKLD LUMBER & HOME CENTER-has ' more position available', (or HOUSE FURNITURE Want in gpt into a newcarfest? 6^1* thecteifi^ sectionflrst Classified ads prices and 1 yard ; person/driver. COMTENTS Muit have valid .driver's 8»t.,J»n.27 B!30-3pm HcaiuMi. .Apply.1 In par- 112 Jerome Ave. son at: 700 North Aye, So. HalnfUld. NJ offer the widest selection of naA/arid used vehicles in the marto Ea»l,We«lfl«ld. ; Some pc«. 60 yr«. old, Ethan . 908-232^885 : AllenDfl«*t,Bfl,LflFum., K|L Pum., Beauty Supply f urn. 4 Eqpt, a More. are the most convenient way toi^ Emiiloyment Firewood & HERE WE 60 the classified section AGAIN! OARMNSUPPtV Progressive "Carrier" Firewood 1/2 or full cords Dealer seeking additional 90&664-1566 73^388-1581 first T«chi, InstalUr* and 8EAK)l«DHAW»WO0M PtumtMrs. Upscale wages, jHg/eordbriesrticord. Holiday*, alek/pertonai 908^147.1310 tltys. Vac. 401K, Bonus**, Uniforntt,: Tuition reim- Furniture 560 • I bursement •'. *Y .Benefit tiaeluigsl,. 3-6 yr<, Exp.UD MT. 2 end tables, VI Ptrrunant not seasOnall) I dresser; dresser w/ mlr CaU, Fax ore-mall "Bob" at ror,»IIOO. Ooa78441 ••I B7dU4440t17 B7dMU54440» BEAUTIFUL contempenuy B73-«35-7«Ofl f«a*. pillow back sola, a low bobOslashluk.oom seat' • Cream . / multl, Stathluk Plumbing malehlnd chair.w/ otto- HU&AlCdltl*o&A I man, purchased for WOW BrHlverHd/i Chatham will. sacrlllce for $1200. '•}, • »' *' Must seer 73*389-r«6« 416 MORRIS AVE HEAVY EQUIPMENT BED • On OrBiOWdiC., E>tW OPERATOR Experienced, well trained operator, Backboe, dowr, Mtcavatart, Good wlsry, blNINO ROOM 8BT- benetlts, Call 808*34- ThMnasvllle cherry Dining Rm;t«bl»,fl chairs Stable •J I: Md.«a7»: 973-701-9TO1 SitlllltilllKS DR ilT • 12 pc,, SOLID EASY CHEHUV. oar'^daubitpt* Q.Wt.BChlpj TOFIND • pendakf: ohalrs,. I flh ed (ilr««uu»Ni buffet« hutch W/michlng FlA.nr*, Avail, on 8at. * Mrver,.' never used, all Bun. Good ref,, Call any .till box«d, wrtall tofdp UTUtUh«4M ||9M B7*« • ",'•' i.:!: •' •y ••.'.•.:• ^':V^:±':y--\:'.l4it

it'' ' '' ' '•'".- ^--«"4'»:>*" -<-*-»-'•>'•>-' —• -* -*'•-»• .'•:*-'^j-'j-> -'—* ->-'-.- .»•«•'». .«'...«-.»—*—•»—»- •^•^-'-'t-^-'t-^ -i • if » T>-

UF2T January 25,20Q!l January 25, 2001 Cranford Chronicle Cranford Chronicle WHEELS TO GO Floor Care n I Gutters & I Home II Masonry

AUTO CREDIT HOTLINE GARY'S Supplies 990II Leaders 1000II Improvements 1015 A-1 WAYNE P. SCOTT WALLPAPERINO BY VW JETTA *9S- 57k, Al EAGLE FLOORS AC, sunroof, green, flo" ^SPECIAL FINANCING FOR EVERYONE HARDWOOD FLOORS Quality Masonry Servlcea. FEMININE TOUCH - Installation / sanding & BARTELL'S OOD JOBS & GENERAL FreeEsl,|ns'd,Rer8.43yre. Reasonable •'.-.• , rates. cond,$8300. .••;•:; •Sanding • Staining ...... 908447-2937 BAD CREDIT IS GOOD CREDIT HERE reflnishlng Hardwood • Farm a, Qardep DEEGAN REPAIR • tt Hauling, a:family business. Every Prompt service. Free es- •:• Reflnlsh* Free tit QUIlkHCO. ' • Fully Insured ••• floors; Free estimate. Top soil, Mushroom Soil, brush cleared & - re- jobaspacUy.73246&«230 tlmates. No Job Too 'iJr<& CHRYSLER ;Call M r. Jay for Models & Prices 808-322-2644 WE BUY CARS.: HK»H * 90B-66&4348 * 1-80M75-0212 Stone, Quarry Dust, Wall moved. Expert Inl/ext Smalll 908/231-0282 . Fishing around 800-615-6312 Stone, Grinnell Block, carpentry, painting, re- A1 REP MASONRY: EST PRICES PAID We do it all, big or snialll iff RR Ties, Firewood, & placement windows 4 MARANO & SON! T/ymoutti •,,/• yrs.exp. Fully Ins. Free Recreational PVC drainpipe '.-. AUTO SALES, INC DEEGAN decks., tree work, log Est Ron 608-526-6847 732-388-1SB1 GUTTER COMPANY splitting, .gutters clrid. Vehicles 607-13 South Ave, 18 Bulk Division 608*54-1566 908-4794344 No job too small. Why A-1 WAYNE P. SCOTT , South Ava.,GarWoddj break your back? If you Quality Masonry Services. for extra cash? don't see It, ask. Call us FrasEst,lnSld;Rers.43yrs. Boats & AUDI '91 80 Fully-equipped; good cpnd.j today for FREE: esL Our a family business, Every i25Kml.J2500 21st year) 908-S2&B535 jo0asp6cUty.732fl6&-S23O Motors 1330 STHATOS 2O1PHO '88-21 > Structural Rapalra . Mason Contractor foot bass boat, showroom CHEW BDIETTA'89-6 •HoorJoWs" BsmtWalls Specializing In Brick, condition, always kept In- cyl.; autai ps, pb, AC,,FM 732-396-0404 MC/VIM Block * .Concrete. No side, GT200 Johnson mo- cans., rjobd deal, gar d, tor; tandem'-wheel trailer Job to big or small. Over $1,49S/BO; 732-246-4030 in . 25 yrs; experience, Fully with brakes, new trolling Op-feet ma,,, Home & Office ; Insured. Free est Call motor and batteries; hy- draulic jack plate, plus COUGAR IS '89- Exc, 908/526-3500 . •! Cleaning 1020 many extras. 56,500. Call cond, very low , rtl.i anytime 908-654-1401 J350fl/obo. Call . ollof CHEVROLET Moving & 6pm: 732-525-3158 HOME, OFFICE, A BLDO. Exp'd Sparkling Clean. Refs. Storage 1070 Transportation FORD TAURUS OL*96j ROYAL CHEVROLET Call 908-704-9887 Fully loaded; white OKI., i Now Open Saturdays-6 Days AVWeek : •; 1548Route22East..\ •: SCHAEFER MOVING Autos for Sale 1385 45K ml., aulo., $6900. J I 2hr rnln. Low Rates. Ins. Lie. 732-968-4257 :•.• .' SAVE Lawn Care & PM00561.908/964-1216 AUDI "93- SERIES 90-4 SAVE . dr.,. auto.,. 72K, pearl, HONDA ACCORD LX '96; S2105 S5593 (732)^356-2460 Landscaping 1040 p/ovflrythlng, ca8B., snr(., Creen, 90k highway ml., Painting & ,4dr, AT, all pwr, mlntc wel{ • malnt.,: many, new, NEVJ 2001 CHRYSLER YOYMIER JLAVW&LNDiKArt Paperhanging 1075 parts, mint cond., $8500 $10,200. 908-359-6012. ( NEW 2000 CHRYSLER COXCORDi: IM Cleanups, Mowing, Shrub 908-273-2858 ': days, S DODGE 908^832-6039 eves.'. HYUNDAI EXCEL '94- Gold. Trimming & Tree Re- • Hatchback, a/c, 4 spoakef moval. 732-873-2248 A1 Richard's Painting BUICK CENTURY '93- s Alpine pass., manual,83Kj . Experienced. Int/ext. iodk,4dr;PW,PL,ip6ksa $1600. 908-769^914 i CLAYTON AMERMAN DODGE MULCH STONE • Pick-Up Very reasonable. Free ' runs great, new parts, Est. Fully Ins. 24 hr, • 78 yeses Of Sales & Service" or Del. Retail/Wholesale. $3700/(£o. 90M90.1890 HYUNDAI EXCEL «94- redl Eagle Fence 1-800-2623215 answering sen/; • '. 18,995*441 22,402 CADILLAC '91 SEDAN ' Main Stteef, Peapack 732-499-9234 . «xc. cond., Sspd., .^alr 4 dr. 6 cyl, 4 spd auto Irans, pwr str/ABSArylnd/sis/lcks/lrunk/mlr, AIR, SEVILLE-121K hi. ml• am/fm. , hew clirtpri,, $1,350 HI bcto Wulp ^ met dual «Jrh«(^rix»rr^,iuiiCT»wriS^or™ilBWlS!u5f!pei loo I ,•1 $ll6059c«tc^«2^<(1ll[i)rtSt5»lw*l«i.6ctt)i»alll(|r*J, T«pynit«.tltni6« HI AM/FM stereo-cass, 4 disc CD, tilt, cruise, r/del, t/gls, b/s mldgs, leather I OLD tiUY PAINTING.: $6500. Will consider trade. 808-389-8891 (DAYS) I ^1 COSI.II3OTW Pudi'•• V;/.•:••: 270 Route 2% West Paper hanging. 32yra,exp. equip. 908-624-0999 • $ Insured- (908)526-3382: used local only. 71.5Kml.| :?•;::: Green Brook CHEVY SUBURBAN '96- $3200' 732-738^5714 . .995 H 4.895 .995 16.895 (908)756-2239 WEEKEND PAINTING . Loaded, good cond, aflk, . Small lobowelcoffle $18,000. (D) 973-972-3665 TOYOTA COROLLA CE W, ^7 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAHEDO 4X4 '98 FORD EXPLORER XLT 4x4 •98 JEEP GRAND CHEflOKEE LAREDO 4X4 '00 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE Of (N) 908-277-3356 : !73i) 752-8383 ^ Call Tom 732-968-4924 . 4dr, auto, a/c, all pwr. 6 l ll W 6 cyll aulo Irani Wod pttr •trMBS/WiVlctoMir am/fm cass,, 49,5OO0mi] AIR AUFUltnlKVI CD U nS« KwWmlrta fniitlratrAIHIieal,AWFM>l«nK»a ftcnjb. To Showcase Your Dealership '83- 280ZX 2+2, r/da/Vf VIfglal lhrarnM ldg ai ir bba g WfWwc* r^to^o«* * dbt Plumbing all pwr, t-tops, runs well, execbhd., Asking $7,900.' g»Ka7ml5tlHJ2739 WtHmm •rhlcvra 7paaau«lliMi17378ml,8TKirU2TS4 in AUTOSOURCE needs body work, $1000. . ; 908-755-6872 VIN#VB76l7O8. 908-889-4719 . $ $ Call Barbara Morgan NATALE PLUMBING/HTG VOLVO 850 OLT ^ - 4 dr! No ]ob too Big br Small . DODOE CARAVAN ES sedan.-Blue/hreen metaJlli .995 t7.795 18.995 at(908) 575-6719 908-322-4298 Dennis Natale •94- Limited edition, fully tan leather Inter., auto, AC Plumbing He+nm 5322 ' loaded,' exc. cond, 69k, Sfl, CD, cold weather pkg.., $6950. 73Z-669-0978 snowtlres, 50K,.eKc. cond, DODOE DAKOTA '02- Ext. Asking $15,999 cab,; 35k; V8, Sspd, loaded, 908-789-9424 • stereo, exc. cond, $7,5007 : obo. 908-27^6912 evening. VOLVO 850 TURBO '95 ' Navy Blue, Lthr. Int., .full] ';#....' .'.,.. ;':• • ; FORD CROWN VIC. *97- Chrysler 40K. exc. cond, Priced to loaded; t owner, 64K, Exc Sell W,95a 90*653-9618 Cond., $13,000 obo. .' 201-280-1100 www.westendcihrysler.com CELEBRATING*65 YE, FORD EXPLORER XLT EARS-CELEBRATING '96- 54K, CD, sunroof, VW PASSAT <92w auto 965 ST. GEORGES leather, exc. cond., :blk.( new tires, runs great ,* RAHWAY. IM $15,500 973-313-3342 {good cond., well malntnd. ™* 732-388-00941 all. pwer,.. Sunroof, AC Prices Iruil all coals to be paid by consumer except license, registration & taxes Not resp (or typos Pictures for Illustration purp only, All prices FORD MUSTANd OT CONV 1 •91- Vortech. Stir charge, alarm w/ remote-start, CD all applicable rebates and Incentives. All rebates go back to dlr 'To qtiallty (or Owner Loyally Rebate Must be previous Cfiryslor Lessee GT40 Ehg., loaded Iri/out, 1.31 IC $3,900/obo.. 908 • $11000. 908-276^964 203-9104 . G FORD MUSTANQ .OT CONV. '91: Super- charaed, V8, 6. spd. + Antique & • much-more, mint. 41K, Classic Autos 1394 Must Selll' Nag; $14,000 906-248-1882 asH for Joe FORD'PROBE QT '94CADILLA- C '73 SEOAI . 6spd, AC, block,'all pwr, DeVlllto-orig. owner, exc I '.cond.',. full power, gat alarm, exc. cond, sunroof, $5000'. 973-912-9544 kept, black w/red leathe FORDTHUNDERBIRD, LX Interior, $4500 OBd: • '93- Sunroof 4. extras, 908-353^053 clean, 9«k, $4250 obo. CHEVY BELAIR '56 • me "•' «O8-6B!W)227 2 dr hrdtp, body & Int. ro •Q HONDA ACCORD EX '99- stored, new chrmo, orlg, I '-:>,-O 1 4Dr, all pwr, CD,, sunroof, . cyl. ong & AT.' asklnc , 4cyl, 27k;, $18,000. '•: $22,000. Bob908*»7-624( 908-486-1600 Check the HONDA ACCORD EXL "98 EL DORADO CONV. '78 0 , 4 dr, alrto, Ult/crulse, A/C, Restored,: B5«; lots of ex PW, PL, mnroof, loath, ABS, tra part*, A/C $5300 908 classified alarm, 1 ownor, garg.' Must 276-3673,908-307-9554 ;Se* l« 81K,$iO,9i».: 732- SUPER SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR AAA & AARP MEMBERS 381-B70SEvis, • -..•FOR' D 1942 CP V-8, 3S0| section nbto, ' new paint. Jobi HONDA ACCORD LX '91 - low ml,, 94K, exc. cond., well' $15,000. Possible swap' rftalnt., all rise, kept $5500 ner> . for convertible.. Call 732480-2142 ) first. 201-819^944 or 90M9S-1919 HONDA CIVIC COUPE EX PONTIAC 1958 Staj MpL •43-AT..SR, loaded, white Chief, 4:dr, A-1 cond. . vy/tani 67k, $5600;. 908- $12,000. Possible swat 771-6595 or 732-340^)409 for convertible. .'.Cal Q2O '92- Auto., .732-388-2142 all pwr,, sunroof, 'exc. TUCo«t»J rMODELS CBrid., .103K, $4000 4 DOOR SEDAN 908-9254789 Four Wheel rrSawy home shoppers V6EH6IHE SAVE 2432 BRAND NEW 2001B)RD 2001 FORD INFINITI Q45- '90, 95K ml., loaded,: mlnL cond., Drive 1400 marly new parts. Gar. PICKUP wo. aor kept. Clean Inl but. I reach forthe classified n $7,500. 973-376^)064 DOOOEDURANQO SLTW 2.0L4 cylinder, 5 speed manu trans, pwrstedrind/bVakesi'air-cbnditibnlng, 3.0L V-6, automatic ot> trans, pbwer steering/brakes, air conditioning, Leather * all options. Blacl JEEP CHEROKEE '89 ' Inf./oKt. 62K, $17,900. Cal S Cloth interior, bsw tires, Sfk.#8034, VIN#1W113944 MSRP,$13,'645. bucket seats,.bsw all season tires, STK#T6634, VIN IKE/6447, MSRP :, ads before they hit the : 125k,.'. auto,: all power, . Tom days 908-272-781C IMSC y Price incl $476 dealer disc. & $400 coll. grad.reb ^;; :'••,'- .: . ' : • $21,185. price .incl $1036 dealer disc. & $400 coll, grad. 'reb good eorid., $3000.' , 873-912-9724 FORD EXPLORER XL1 30 IK*** LEXUS ES 300'95 - Gold •94-4 WD, stick, A/Ci streets. The ' ext/lnt, moonroof, od cond, loaded, clean, Must Sell 12,99 •O- nar. kept, 83K, $13,500 $6,900 908-233-9017 ( 908-637-8168 HONDA PASSPORT LX ' ;. newspaper classified o MAZDA MX3. "92- loaded, 2SK, warranty, ' [„ '..'runs great, $2000 firm. $22,000/Obt>. 908-277-; B0B-3O1.0167 section offers MERCURY COUGAR '91- 97K, V8, fully loaded, Trucks & great cond., Asking $2800. o 0B0- 908-88M266 Trailers 1405 [; everything they need MERCURY SABLE '93- VRV aarw »^ayaaf w^aF^ • ^w^^—^ m •. '95F2504X4 : , ) '95 G20 CARGO VAN ; Fully loaded, leather Int., CHEVY STEP VAN '72' '98 ESCORT ZX2 '95LcSABREUM.ITED auto., 3.8L eno., 4 dr., I to make an informed Ford, 5.8L V-8, aulo trans, m stmg/brks, AIR, WUnsr, '• CKovrdlrjl, 8 cylinder, autoiriatic transmission, power Mint ebnd, 10H box, .4oB cnvnuER Ford 4 cyl. auiol fans pwr stm^'brksJwind/locks/sunrool, Buick, 6 cylndor, aulo Irans, pwr stmgfcrksMnd/tocks, 106K, digital dash, $4000. ^orlg. ml., $220S/obo. 732, Oil Road Pkg. 112,038milaa. VI(3lSCA093«2.M Is. sMijg/brakos, AIR, cassette, 57.123 miles, VW111626.. k AIR AM/FM Sleroo-cass lill, cruise. 50,337- mi •, AIR, Illl, crui5O,.aljim>ls;.54,femllft6,yiNlteH431114., 008.931.9441 388-4042JohnWBarbara; 4r DOOR SEDAN ** DOOR SEDAN VINWRI41972. , ; ..'''• MITSUBISHI 3000 OISL *93 "purchasing decision. I 9ld Equip Incl. 4 pyl, AIR, r/aal, pwr almanjrki, t/ali, ap 2 D00H-4 WHEEL DRIVE V tW Unled o CARQO red, fully, loaded, leather, 3 (XMtRACnHS TRUCK, mlfra, whl tut, qlo* bekta, told down rr wi OpUqulp Ind- ^ 1! (Fire rescue) gonarator, aulo OD Kant, traction ualal, W» mldgt, matt, nl«h bunk $ $: 87,500 ml., $9,000 Call oJw, HUM Shwo, CO. StMWSIB, VlN#J7t01l)04, MSHP w/oloc. outlet, auto,; newer, 1 908-241.9730 ^4,87i lricl.*12B0 faelary rtta^i IWOOMADRaMnt CatL' 10, •JL ong. ft.trans. Shelve Int, 8950 MITSUBISHI MIRAOE S $4600 732-356-7710 . ' COUPE'OS-49,534ml, ac, '00 CONTOUR SE •00 FOCUS 8E , am/fm cass, auto, PS, bODOE RAM '86- Wagon,' $6000. 008-771^)762 i"U Ford, 4 cylindor, aulo trans, pwr stmg/ABS/wlnd/locks, 12 MONTH Ford, 4 cyl, aulo Irans, pwr striin/artack brkaAvindiocks, Bolge & Gold, good condH AIR. till, cruise, alum wills. 15,920 miles, VIN0YKI215O7. AIR, lill, cruisa, alum*, 14,0(0 mllos, VINJYW201479. SB '96- tlon,4w/d,$2000obo. i Exc. eond,, leather, moon- 908.753^104 i wvmanfotd.com roof, Base audio, ABS, 60K, $12,900 908-277.1138 FORDE130'94-53K.orlg.,' $ NISSAN SENTRA SE '93- Wtonsusp:, Imtdellpwar; AT, AC, CC, am/fm cass, a/o, W windows, Map Jbundar, 10,950 FOR MORE! auto start, racks, wtUy caoa upoller, 97.7k, $3900.. SSSdOUbo 908437122Vi S08-79O4891 '00 FOCUS SE WAGON •OOlACfRDSSE. 'OOWINDSTARIX '97 F250XLT SUPER CAB 4X4 OLDS CUTLASS '89- 140k, Ford, i cyl. aulo Irans, pwi slrnrVbrfcs. AIR, CD. alum whls Ford, 6 cyl, aulo Irans, pwrslmo'antNock biksAvtodfocfcs, Fofd,Fofd, 66cySndor, autotnuis,pwr8brfltorksMidta*3/aoat3, Ford, 7.5LV-8, aulo Irans'pwsinigMsMilnd/locks, AIR,, 4dr, AT, Reliable Oldie but Vans & Jeens 1410 lilt, cruiso, bodllnor, alum whls, 68,005 mltos, Goodie; $1100. km lill, cruiso, 5212 miles, VIWYW32831B AAIR, , lill, cruiso.. alumwhls, ksyless cnlry, 8768 ml, dual AIR;; lill ,, cruiso, privacy gls,15,656 mlloa, : VINWBC32613 ' '' ' ' •"'• ' VINIVEA440O7. ' •• •.. , • 908-484-3072 '. VINIYG153591VINIYG153591. : " ' VINWBC32613., ' ISU2U AMiqO '92- Auto) OLDS. CUTLASS SUPREME ac, Bolt top, exc. cond: $ $ $ re '89- loadad. runs/looks $6400. 900-272^268 1 tlttecendablel$2M0ltdbM n CARGO 13,950 18,050 19,550 ck 908-534^807 PONTIAC TRANS WI>O»i VAN _i TOYOTA 4 RUNNER SR8 . '07- rully loaded, 6Sk, 8 SPORT COUPE •, "9* V6, 3.0U 8 ipd, 4WO, passongor, $10,000. < quip Incl: 4300 V-8, eimo OD trairt, pWr • WfeuiBSs^^ihi^MSin^iir? 125K, loaded, well main- 80S273-11T83 ' Low Price Talks - Nobody Walks At^. tained, many new parts, I;riAaSn in la nlnsa In aideft i t doors. - • Ibtu, traction contrtl. alum whta. >u.tiLi.£:. lUlLLEURN $8400/oba 9oe.2T3.28S8 DOME GRAND CARAVAH W TO.V8, 3.0, loaded.^1 Mfom, M8HP $20.897,. • .'gK^ra %^fu^'W^IW. Days or 906-8324039 , • • ' '\H 1*3*370.. IncL |4Q0 QMAr C Coll. Qnd R«bal« If auii, I Eves ask for Steve. • pwr, CC,rool rack, 05 arm.« new Irans, gar. kapt, al TOYOTA 4 RUNNER SH8 IFPOT MAPLEWOOD wrvlca records, rwllcu l«l •92-V6, 3.0L, 5 spd, 4WD, loutly malnlalnod, run* < . 126K, loaded, well main- looks like r»w,S30M. Mid tained, ' many new parts, d^Mxa«a(C8ll)e<».91jij [the first place to look for everything $8400/obo. 608-273-2858 Day* or 9004324039 Eves ask for Steve. UNION PORDWINDSTAROL TOYOTA CAMRY DX '91 • V4b4p,p,M,(ijal l CHIVY P/W, A/C, CO, 5 Bpd man, no cass; Exc. cond AaU : 77K miles,, gd. cond., $7S0fl/6bO 908-722.1080 •• ••' SATURi)AY:SEftWC&: $AM $4,050,908-301-0414 aunuM VOLVO BM OLT IU • 4 dr. Vehicles tedut Blua/grean motalllo 1713 SPRINGFIELD AVE#i MAPLEW0GD registration &;taxes. Not responsibly.for ton leathtr ln|ar., aujcv AC, Wanted 1415 : BR, CO, cold wsalhw pkfl., 4 ^~^ mimm a#-k 0*m ^~%' •** '*~*% f± 'M*±r ^% typographical errors;, Pictures are for WEU BE THERE f snow tiro*; BOK, exo. cond, 'AMUIMOMTHI •%:<•' J **M, ' f m^ B . . M^ ••:•••• illustration purposes.only.' lf qualified. Aniklnfl 118,999 SHORT HILU MAU SE HABLA E3PAN0L 1 9OB-7B»»424 HerllaaJ^r the hllridl -.. . «y'#"' m• ••<^j) *"" '•••#"' ^y -! H;. oV^ J ^iiF ^JF ^u^' Subject to Primary Lendar Approval. See _~ .-<^_r <^_r ^^_r .ViaiTUSbNTHeWEBAT • 2 VOLVO eao TUROO WAOON tax Dedu;||blB, Frad •94- White, Tttait sunroof, Towlnfl, Free PHone Cat* FINANCINQ-MANY.SOURCES *?l^i!A&te ad'vehlclas, *?38 mo'ieaw,w/12,00fl ml^r; 2

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Cranford Chronicle January 25,2001 MARANO & SONS

1998 POSDED^DITIOK XII 14 di, W auto, w, p/s, p*, pW, p/fdds, 1998NB8iWMHPttSE 1998 NISSAN SENIRAXE 1999 FORD MUSTANG 1 p/sub, till, cmw, ass, d changer, 3{it, Katito, nit'^jA, nrV, p/locks, 14 dr, auto, air, p/s,!^, pAn, pTlocksi 4 dr, 4x4 auto, air, p/s, jVb, 3 dr, V-6 auto, air, p/s, p/b, pAv, I soli rannlrfbdardi, alloy uM 39,000 ' ik, till, cniiM, cass, cd, monnroo/, p/locks, p/seats, tilt, cruise, cassyi M«W, tilt, cnlise,. cass, cd, trac- cass, dual air bags, 33,060 miles.' cd, leather, heated Seats, moon- mi!iVINflVU65169. .-. !, alloy wheels .only, 25,000 miles. VTOWC7512M ••.'•-• , ':• tion control, ABS, alloy wheels, WN#Vm01197;-" •V .-•.•; roof, alloy wheels, running boards', rear, spolier. moonroof 29,000 only 33,000. nfeWimfclflSffl miles, WXF148577. .:v.- . ; AUTO SALES INC $20,995 $17,995 $10,995 $21,995 $14,995 1998 FORD EXPIOBERXIT 1999NEKCEDES.. " IWSIEKSES3M 1998VOIVOS70 1998 MERCEDES M30 i rfr, "aiito: air, p/j;p/b, p/w, ^uu. d- .S'c////?// / 'sal Cars & Trucks .4 dr,auto,alr, p/s;pyb, phi, p/locks, 4dr, auto, air, p/i, p/b,' p/w, 4 dr, auto, air/r/s, prt>,iv\v, p/|ocks, p/sejts,. tilt,-cmlsc,cass, healed p/sals, (IIUnils«, cass, leather, trac- Ip/seais, till,' cruise,'cass, cd changer", t.moonroof, traction,control, p/lockj, |Ht,.cruise, cass, ABS, p/seals, tilt, cruise, cass, moonroof, Since H)')5 7000iry!N#XA7173ra tion conlrol,nwonraor,allpy wheels, I moonroof, running boards/alloy whttls onlyM,OMiniles.VlNIHSI333» dual air bags.35,000 miles alloy' '.wheels 39,000•;• miles. I oniy 26,000 milf VW«P7227.: VIN#WJ502283 • •."•;.' • . 1$ 19,495 $27,995 $24,995 $18,995 $24,595 50"-13 Soulli Avr. ISO South Avc. 1998 TAURUS SHO 1996 HONDA CIVIC DX 1996 ACCOM) H I998TOVOIAC0HOLIALE 4 di^^ Ganvood. \J O~O2~' (ianvood, NJ (P0.T , 5sp4 jv^>b, p\v, p^s, ca I oss, cd manga; moonroot chrome 47,O0OmiIesVIN»tL028i)O34 ' ' cniw.'tBSsi'i, air bags only 27,000 908-7X9-1551 9ON-"\S9-O555 luteis,37.0(Bmik HanJtoMI dual aiVhags, VIN#TA235'917 ' miles. V1NIWCM374S I'ax 9()8-"7S9-2~'-J-» I'ax 908-789-1792 IVMU81534 $9,995 $16,495 $8,995 $11,995 $10,995

1998 MITSUBISHI ECUPSE US 2000 BUICK LESABRE 1998 CADILLAC SEDAN DEHLLE 1998 CADILLAC SEVILLE SIS 1996BUICKBEGAL 2dr,auto,ar,r>fc,r*k1pto,l>1ocks; tilt, W, 4dn auto, air, tfs, jJb, \Av, piocks, 4 dr, auto, air, p^ pfc, pw, ptocks, 4dr, auto, air, p&, pvb, pw, piocks, pleats, V^,4dr,auto,air,p%,p''.Mocks,tjll; cruise, c4 alloy wheels, 38,000 miks, pleats, bit, cruise, cass, cd, alloy wlids pteds, till, cruise, cass, chrome wheels, hit, cruise, cass, cd charger, moonroof, cruise, cass, dual air bags: 20,000 miles. VTOVA42fo713 3G000 miles. V1NJWU773W6 heated seats, chrome wheels 37,000 VlW152« miles. VINWJ983586 $12,995 $18,495 $21,495 $25,995 $9,495 1099 CADILLAC ELDORADO 1998 BMW 7401 1998 BMW 5281 1997 PLYMOUTH CRAND VOYAGER 2 dr, alrto, air, t^ $lb, pk>, p/iteks, 4dr, aula air, |>S, |>h pw, plocks, tilt, cruise, ,A;p%1|,i^p1ocks,p&cat5 V-8, auto, air, p/s, p/b, p/wAulo, , air, p/s, p/b, p/w, p/locks, tilt, ivtots, bll, cnus^, cass, cd danger, cass, cd, lcatlicr, mootirooCaBcy wiiccJs, «le till; cruise, cass, traction control, side air p/locks, p/scats, moonroof, alloy cruise, cass, alloy wheels, dual healed scaLs, alloy wheels, 34,000 i bhW 31 lags, 25,000 miles. VJMTO13916 wheels, leather, 35,000 miles. doors, 3 seats, 36,000 mills miles, WNKIVDL50225 WNMI1C123275 VL32S287 miles V1NOT608733 NOW $24,995 $37,900 $31,900 $20,995 $13,995 except for licenslns, reolsfrata fttue i " For your convenience, call toll free: 1.800.360.3603 Multi hevrolet

Check the classified section Brand Mew 2000 Chevrolet Brand M«w 2000 PbtvroUt Brand Mew 2001 Cbavreltl first EXFRE! CARGO VAN yortoc 4300 V9 j sppod oulo IranSml-oion with ovordnvo powar olosrlnrj/dlsc Vortoc 5700 V8,4 speod auto transmission heavyduiy, lull sbe 8 foot bed, Vorlsc 6700 VB, 4 opesd auto transmission with overdrive, power Gleerlna/front onlbrakos AIR AM/FMstoroo 4whoolABS dualnlrbafls hlohbacklrontbuckls power stoering/brakos. AIR, AM/FM stereo^assette, front cloth bench saat, disc brakes AIR AM/FM stsrsocassette,-4 wheel ABS vlny) bucktos flxedglass llnod fjlaos sldo S ronr doors STK#Y2631 VIN#Ya211028 MSRP $2iTW0 tilt, erulso control, STK#2473, VIN#YR212564, MSRP $23,116 rear doors & rear tide doors Idcklng differential rear axle, STK4Z3184, VlW*ni1B373, MSRP $24,759 Price Includes $500/ GM Rebate Sawy home shoppers reach forthe classified * *16,999 ads before they hit the1 streets. The newspaper classified section offers Brand Maw 2001 Chevrolet Brutd Utw 3001 CbavreUt Brand |M«w 3001 everything they need CORLX/GsTTES to make an informed; A di4*Mdrv Vf * tin) oulo Irans«, ovordilw p»r slrtiksAwidVlataated mlrr Mfl AUTM tlwuxus VO 4 updBiilo Irana w.low haul mods 4WO pwrslr/bHuAtlixMt^ualednilrr IronlS rear AIRS cnl^.fllJSS^' H"^ ctolh bckts roar wind coni/onl«ncs pkg custom owihsadconsola lieal AM/FM ileras-coia, CO 9 iptator «y» w/aubwoal«r locking nu itiU, erulu b/i mldas, ttilWbcUi timmt login «««Wslops rentktylou tnlry honullnk onilar iiitliiM iM vfl 8 ud man bam pwr alr^Wddver ual XlR AM/FM jureo CD, Ddu iu«JiAr ivti acUv n WS'rMSnPS?a.795. SI704cull.cash+J2S51stpymt».$I9Mtoalslonino. ro* Mhllno pkO, BTKtaKo. VIM*IJI65jjO,M9RP 139,480, tHOOtusl. Clifi+J498 111 pyml Wjmferwmoryrfc, 4*rJfB5,STW23(iM.VIrU151l46<9rUSBWj7M. l&OOcwlcaHw Tllpymsj:$t.H6p. Tllco6l»SI5,854. Porch.opt altoasoiindJIJ.09}, 12.000mirVr,:i6cthsraaRv.. • -$t600diinlilnrJno TOpymlo-SJ3,052.1njca*|J»jfe.O52. Pg«ii,1.opl.«tl8aM«nd»2O,fiM.. $6001STpyml .JMSIdii* i| atoning. TH pvmU . ««,?«. ;We

OVER 150 USED CARS, TRUCKS S VANS REDUCED NOW! '98 PLYMOUTH NEON 97 FORD TAURUS 93 TOYOTA EXT. CAB PICKUP II '98 CHEVROLET MALIBU fti '96 SUBARU OUTBACK 1 nn w/ 0 ID iflLV? " * (' * P »WABS/Wlnd/ldte,' AIR, AM/FM aloroo-caas, l/ni r/dol, Ml wlp; Ws mldna, bckls. cona sty ad whig, 2h T , VIN# WO678308 $8995 $10,495 '98 HONDA CRV '98 CHEVROLET VENTURE EXT '99 FORD CROWN VICTORIA 00 DODGE DAKOTA EXT. CAB H '96 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN LS 4X4 6!pdmm A dr, V«, nulo Irani w/OD, p*r r 4 p ilr/ABSAvlnd/lclu/ili/anl, 3 dr, e cyl, aulo Irani w/O0, pwr r 1 p ilr/ABB, AIR AM/FM ' Am'iufcii* • ''""'• I"*" »P»l'MW/lclu, ADS, t cyl. oulo liana w,'0D, p*r > 4 i • •••• : J AIR, AM/FM oloroii-coM, i/pl«, r/dol, rA«lp. W wlp. b/i mkin!. uuto-au, dual «Him ctoi, AIR, AM/FM alorwKau. lulhar M, Ma, r/d«l, rrMp, Inl wlp, iluU'Cau, t/oli, Inl wlp, bcku, caii, irylW whli. MOO ml, iW*tiMi,iarm,viN«WCO47a3i>. I1 •mi, crulie, Etii, HiW-whhi^io,MI,mi;VlN *WDI6Mll tl^mUoJ.lill.FnjlM.lilyklduWj/al.jftnil.'VlN #1*221030 VIN#VSB<)ilO8, . •' , . $ 13,995 $14,995 <14,995 $15,995 $20,995

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