Resolutions adopted on the reports of the Fifth Committee 39 United Nations Opium Conference (1953), for Lim­ 778 (VIII). Appointments to fill vacancies in iting and Regulating the Cultivation of the Poppy the membership of the United Nations Ad­ Plant, the Production of, International and Wholesale ministrative Tribunal Trade in, and Use of Opium; The General Assembly 2. To include this Protocol among the multilateral treaties relating to the control of narcotic drugs for the l. Appoints the following persons as members of purpose of assessing, in accordance with General As­ the United Nations Administrative Tribunal: sembly resolution 455 (V) of 16 , The Right Honourable Lord Crook; non-member States which are Parties to such treaties Mr. Jacob Mark Lashly; for their fair share of the expenses borne by the United 2. Declares the Right Honourable Lord Crook and Nations in connexion with the international control of Mr. Jacob Mark Lashly to be appointed for a three­ narcotic drugs. year term to commence on 1 . 458th plenary meeting, 471st plenary meeting, 27 November 1953. 9 .

775 (VIII). System of allowances to members 779 (VIII). Administrative and budgetary co­ of commissions, committees and other sub• ordination between the United Nations and sidiary bodies of the General Assembly or the specialized agencies other organs of the United Nations The General Assembly The General Assembly, l. Takes note of the report 23 of the Advisory Noting resolution 505 F III (XVI), adopted by Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Ques­ the Economic and Social Council on 28 , tions dealing with the administrative budgets of the concerning the question of the remuneration of mem­ specialized agencies for 1954 ; bers of the Permanent Central Opium Board and the 2. Invites the attention of the specialized agencies Drug Supervisory Body, to the recommendations and suggestions made in the Noting also the intention of the Secretary-General Advisory Committee's report. to undertake,22 during 1954, a comprehensive study of 471st plenary meeting, the system of allowances to members of commissions, 9 December 1953. committees and other subsidiary bodies of the General Assembly or other organs of the United Nations, and to submit proposals to the General Assembly at its 780 (VIII). Headquarters of the United Nations ninth session, The General Assembly Requests the Secretary-General to circulate his pro­ 24 posals, together with the comments of the Advisory 1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-Gen­ Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Ques­ eral on the Headquarters of the United Nations; tions, to all Members four weeks before the opening 2. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the of the ninth session of the General Assembly. General Assembly at its ninth session a final report on 458th plenary meeting, the construction of the Headquarters. 27 November 1953. 471st plenary meeting, 9 December 1953.

776 (VIII). Appointment to fill a vacancy in the 781 (VIII). Staff Regulations of the United membership of the Board of Auditors Nations: question of a probationary period The General Assembly The General Assembly Appoints the Auditor-General ( or officer holding Adopts as an amendment to the Staff Regulations of equivalent title) of Colombia as a member of the Board the United Nations the text annexed to the present of Auditors for a three-year term to commence on 1 resolution. This amendment shall become effective from . 1 January 1954. 471st plenary meeting, 471st plenary meeting, 9 December 1953. 9 December 1953.

777 (VIII). Confirmation of the appointment ANNEX made by the Secretary-General to the mem­ Staff regulation 4.5 (additional paragraph to become bership of the Investments Committee sub-paragraph ( b)) The General Assembly Confirms the reappointment by the Secretary-Gen­ (b) The Secretary-General shall prescribe which staff mem­ eral of Mr. Jacques Rueff as a member of the Invest­ bers are eligible for permanent appointments. The probationary ments Committee for a three-year term to commence period for granting or confirming a permanent appointment on 1 January 1954. shall normally not exceed two years, provided that in individual cases the Secretary-General may extend the probationary 471st plenary meeting, period for not more than one additional year. 9 December 1953. 2a See document A/2582. 2 2 See d-:>cument A/2528. 24 See document A/2544.