Extensions of Remarks E1573 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS

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Extensions of Remarks E1573 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS June 26, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1573 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A TRIBUTE TO PRINCE WILLIAM tour Vietnam Veteran and the longest serving research, I am incredibly disappointed that COUNTY SUPERVISOR JOHN D. county supervisor in Prince William County NBAF may now be delayed. The President re- JENKINS history, his career is one of service to country quested $36 million in 2010 for NBAF design and community. and construction. I have concerns that this in- HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY Madam Speaker, I ask that my colleagues vestment is inadequate for moving forward OF VIRGINIA join me in applauding Supervisor John D. Jen- with this security priority. But as the House today considers H.R. 2892, the FY 2010 De- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES kins’ dedication to his community. As a public servant he embodies the values the Boy partment of Homeland Security Appropriations Thursday, June 25, 2009 Scouts hope to instill in their youth. He has Act, it appears that even the President’s re- Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Speak- taught generations of Scouts the nobility of quested funding amount may not be provided. er, I rise today in honor of Prince William public service and the great potential that it Citing safety concerns with researching foot County Supervisor John D. Jenkins and the holds to help one’s fellow man. and mouth disease, FMD, on the mainland, years of service that he has selflessly devoted f the spending bill provides no funding for to his neighbors, constituents and friends. Su- NBAF. In addition, the bill requires yet another pervisor Jenkins was recently awarded the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SE- FMD risk analysis. Occoquan District Good Scout Award by the CURITY APPROPRIATIONS ACT, As a Member of Congress who represents National Capital Area Council of the Boy 2010 a large agricultural district, I understand the importance of determining the risks associated Scouts of America. I cannot think of a more SPEECH OF appropriate recognition of John’s accomplish- with conducting FMD research, whether on an ments in public service than an award based HON. JERRY MORAN island or in the middle of the country. What we know is that studies by experts at DHS and on the credo, ‘‘You are put here to do some- OF KANSAS elsewhere say that FMD can be safely studied thing for your fellow man and to take an active IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES on the mainland, as it is done in other coun- part in your community and its issues.’’ Wednesday, June 24, 2009 tries like Canada, just across our northern bor- Supervisor Jenkins and his wife Ernestine The House in Committee of the Whole der. Modern biocontainment technology has moved to Prince William County in 1973 and House on the State of the Union had under eliminated the need for locating this work on immediately took a role in their neighborhood consideration the bill (H.R. 2892) making ap- an island, like we did decades ago. The same as the Forestdale representatives to the Dale propriations for the Department of Home- state-of-the-art research methods and facilities City Civic Association. Their three sons were land Security for the fiscal year ending Sep- allow the Centers for Disease Control and educated in the Prince William County Public tember 30, 2010, and for other purposes: Prevention to research dangerous human dis- School system and were Eagle Scouts in local Mr. MORAN of Kansas. Madam Chair, I eases in the city of Atlanta. While I understand Troop 1378. They have 14 grandchildren and come to the House of Representatives to en- the risk associated with the research of any two great grandchildren. courage my colleagues to support and fund an dangerous disease, it should not blind us to Supervisor Jenkins began his life in public urgent national security priority—the creation the risk of inaction. The bottom line is that if office in October of 1982 when he was ap- of the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility, we do not build NBAF and increase our ca- pointed to fill the vacant Neabsco District Su- also known as NBAF. pacity to combat diseases, our country will be pervisor’s seat. He has since been reelected From a rancher feeding his cattle this morn- less safe. to that position 6 times. He has served two ing in Washington, Kansas, to a family sitting The research that will be performed at terms as Vice Chairman of the Board of Coun- down for supper tonight here in Washington, NBAF is critical to secure America’s food sup- ty Supervisors, two terms as Chairman of the D.C., Americans need to know that the United ply and protect our agricultural industries from Northern Virginia Regional Commission, two States is prepared to handle an outbreak of animal disease outbreaks. A modern facility terms as the State President of the Virginia dangerous animal disease that could harm our that can respond to outbreaks is urgently Association of Planning District Commissions, country’s economy and our food supply. needed and must remain a top priority for the two terms as the State President of the Vir- Our nation’s current animal disease re- U.S. As the appropriations process moves for- ginia Association of Counties and two terms search center, located at Plum Island, New ward, I strongly encourage my colleagues in as the Chairman of the Virginia Railway Ex- York, is well over 50 years old and can no Congress to fund and support NBAF. press Operations Board. John has served on longer meet our needs. With today’s threat of f boards and steering committees of the Virginia bioterror attack, as well as the threat of natural VETERANS HEALTH CARE BUDGET Municipal League, the Virginia Association of and accidental outbreaks of foreign animal dis- REFORM AND TRANSPARENCY Counties, the National Association of Counties eases, it is clear that more research capacity ACT OF 2009 and represents the Board of County Super- is needed. NBAF is needed to concentrate our visors on the Quantico Marine Corps and Fort efforts to assess disease threats to livestock, SPEECH OF Belvoir Base Realignment and Closing advi- wildlife and humans, and to develop the vac- sory committees. cines and countermeasures against these HON. AL GREEN Supervisor Jenkins has been a tireless ad- threats. A modern, safe animal disease re- OF TEXAS vocate for many organizations throughout his search laboratory is critical for protecting our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 27-year tenure on the Board of County Super- country. Tuesday, June 23, 2009 visors. However, his involvement in the Scouts After years of study and a rigorous selection Mr. AL GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I predates even his time in office, spanning 6 process, in January, the Department of Home- rise in strong support of H.R. 1016, the Vet- decades and involving countless Scouting land Security unanimously chose to build erans Health Care Budget Reform and Trans- causes. Camp William B. Snyder in NBAF at Kansas State University in Manhat- parency Act. Haymarket, VA opened its doors in 2006 due tan, Kansas. DHS found Kansas State Univer- The men and women who have served our in part to the Supervisor’s efforts to end its sity to be the best fit for this critical mission. nation in combat deserve to be provided with stalled development. He is a fixture at local Kansas was chosen because of the State’s the very best that we have to offer. One part Scouting promotion ceremonies and often existing biosecurity research infrastructure, of achieving that is getting these men and uses his considerable fundraising abilities on skilled animal science workforce, strong citizen women the best health care that they can pos- behalf of the Boy Scouts of America. His dedi- support, and large cost-share contribution. At sibly have. In turn, it is critically important that cation to the Scouts is unquestioned and with the time, NBAF was expected to be completed the Veterans’ Administration (VA) have assur- his receipt of the Good Scout Award, the Boy by 2015. ances regarding their funding in a timely man- Scouts of America recognize his devotion to Despite the fact that there has never been ner so that the VA can deliver health care in the people of Prince William County. As a two- stronger need for accelerated animal disease an efficient and timely manner. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Nov 24 2008 08:56 Jun 27, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K25JN8.001 E26JNPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E1574 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 26, 2009 This important legislation authorizes Con- In addition, most insurance companies cover Woman Airforce Service Pilots of World War II gress to approve VA medical care appropria- only short term treatment, which can limit ac- with a Congressional Gold Medal. Known as tions one year in advance of the start of each cess to therapy and thereby inhibit recovery. WASP, these courageous women faced in- fiscal year. While we still have much further to The SCC addresses these issues in a credible bias and hardship while serving our go in terms of making sure that every hero re- proactive and effective manner. Fees charged country. Out of the 300 recipients, three turning home has all the care that they need, for services are on a sliding scale and are up WASP are from the 9th district in Memphis, this bill will at least ensure that the VA will be to 75% less than at other facilities.
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