Notes Introduction 1. Nicholas Dirks has calculated that the average conversion rate between British pounds and Indian sicca rupees was about 1:8 in the nineteenth cen- tury. Dirks, Scandal of Empire: India and the Creation of Imperial Britain (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006), 233. 2. Minto Minute, September 11, 1813, Extract Bengal Political Consultations, September 17, 1813; Minute by Alexander Seton, Member of the Bengal Council, October 1, 1813, Extract Bengal Political Consultations, October 1, 1813; both enclosed in Political Letter from Bengal to the Court of Directors, October 2, 1813, BL/APAC/IOR/F/4/453/11102. 3. Adam Minute, April 22, 1834, Extract Madras Judicial Consultations, June 3, 1834, BL/APAC/IOR/F/4/1480/58265. 4. Home and Ecclesiastical Despatch No. 2 of 1851 from Governor-General Lord Dalhousie to Court of Directors, August 30, 1851, BL/APAC/IOR/L/ P&J/3/144, f. 441. 5. John Jacob, Views and Opinions of Brigadier-General John Jacob (1851; London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1858, 2nd ed.), 127, 128. 6. Nugent Minute, June 20, 1813, Extract Bengal Military Consultations, September 25, 1813, BL/APAC/IOR/F/4/456/11119. 7. Douglas Peers, Between Mars and Mammon: Colonial Armies and the Garrison State in Early Nineteenth-Century India (London: I.B. Tauris, 1995), 62, 87. 8. Martha McLaren, British India and British Scotland, 1780–1830: Career Building, Empire Building, and a Scottish School of Thought on Indian Governance (Akron, OH: University of Akron Press, 2001), 188. 9. Burton Stein, Thomas Munro: The Origins of the Colonial State and His Vision of Empire (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1989), 287.
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