Bollettino ufficiale dell'Associazione Studiosi Scienze Eterodosse (ASSE) sulla free energy, sui nuovi sistemi propulsivi e sui protagonisti di ricerche e visioni del mondo alternative. Distribuito ai soli soci.

Anno VI nn.37.37 agosto 2005 2

Free-Energy 4 Franco Ivaldi Introduzione a progetto di ricerca “Energia dai cristalli” 6 Eugenio Odorifero Tomi-Smot 10 Univ. degli Studi di Padova Dispositivi Elettrici Storici 16 Chaim Yankle Chaim Yankle ZPE 18 The Wyndpower Group Roof-mounted whisper-quiet urban turbine 20 OceanAir Rooftop Wind Energy Generator 25 Power Management Design Line Ultracapacitor technology breakthrough powers higher-performance products 28 Ocean Power Delivery Ldt. Offshore Wave Energy 30 Wave Hub for Ocean Energy 33 Energia dalle onde del mare in Norvegia 34 E.E.S.D. Wave energy utilization in Europe 60 Kneider Waves Energy Propeller 64 Trinity motors Inc. A Historic Breakthrough In Motor/Generator Function. 66 Michael Fitzpatrick Sound Waves May Be Used To Generate Energy 69 Steve Kundel New Magnetic Motor 74 STRANI MOTORI

Antigravità , Propulslsione Elettromagnetica e PNN 86 Archer Enterprises StarDrive Engineering 92 Stan Deyo Stream of Consciousness

Personaggi e protagoniisti della ricerca allternativa 100 Frank Germano Viktor Schauberger

Frontiere 112 Roland Lehoucq E domani, le colonie su Marte 117 Di Carlo A. Pelanda Terraformare Marte 118 Il sito ideale per una base lunare? Soleggiato 119 AA..VV. Base lunare 126 AA.VV. Retrofuturo 132 Aerospace Systems PLANETS CLIMATE CONTROL 133 J.O.Fletcher Controlling the Planet's Climate 150 B. Carr e S.B.Giddings Buchi neri in laboratorio 158 BIO-ENERGETICS 163 N. Reiter and Dr. S. P. Faile Examination of Novel Powdered Materials 172 Sandeep Acharya Magnetic Energy to Mechanical Energy Converter 174 Sterling D. Allan, Water From Air, From Sea, From Waste Water 176 A cura di Franco Malgarini Basi Extraterrestri 3

La Redazione provvisoria della rivista è presso il seguente indirizzo: Franco Malgarini via di Boccea 302 00167 Roma Email: [email protected] Sito Web: Mailing list: Tale indirizzo è anche sede dell'A.S.S.E.

La redazione non vuole impedire la distribuzione della rivista al di fuori dell'associazione. Tuttavia, ciò può essere un potenziale danno per l'associazione stessa, a meno che non sia necessario davvero. Per il resto, vi preghiamo di usare il buon senso e di passarla solo a chi vi fidate.

La Redazione 4


Noi tutti viviamo in un mondo sempre più "sordo" verso la nostra natura di esseri coscienti. Il nostro tempo con le sue contraddizioni, il suo massiccio rifugiarsi in scorciatoie, la necessità di correre sempre più veloci, ci porta a vivere in un incessante confronto tra: vecchio e nuovo, dottrine cristallizzate e idee progressiste, interesse individuale e benessere generale, valori materiali e valori spirituali ecc. Da ciò nasce la necessità dell'uomo di trovare una risposta alle sue grandi ed antiche domande: chi sono? da dove vengo? dove vado? cos’è la verità? Interrogativi presenti negli scritti sacri di Israele, ma anche nei Veda non meno che negli Avesta; li troviamo negli scritti di Confucio e Lao-Tze come pure nella predicazione dei Tirthankara e di Buddha; sono ancora essi ad affiorare nei poemi di Omero e nelle tragedie di Euripide e Sofocle come nei trattati filosofici di Platone ed Aristotele. Le risposte vengono ricercate di volta in volta nei miti, nella superstizione, nella religione, nella scienza; parte da qui il cammino che porterà l’uomo alla scoperta di orizzonti di conoscenza sempre più evoluti, più universali, che non significa più complessi. La conoscenza oggi è organizzata in modo specializzato e quindi frammentato in compartimenti più o meno stagni, dispersi come la luce diffusa in diverse direzioni dalle facce di un unico prisma. Sfaccettare la conoscenza in molteplici saperi, secondo il famoso motto "divide et impera", rallenta l’evoluzione dell’uomo, ed è conveniente purtroppo solo a pochi, in prospettive molto miopi; mentre a tutta l’umanità, nonché all’intero ecosistema, servirebbe più condivisione di propositi, onde poter agire secondo le grandi ed immutabili leggi dell’ universo, per cui solo con un sano, libero ed indispensabile confronto delle diverse discipline e dei diversi modi di intendere le varie discipline, l’umanità tutta riuscirà a “crescere”. La difficoltà di giungere per quanto possibile ad una conoscenza e coscienza “universale” ha poi come ulteriore effetto, quello di dover compiere un vero e proprio atto di fede nei confronti dei dogmi scientifici nelle mani degli “specialisti” del sapere; tuttavia dinanzi a una ragione debole anche la fede cade nel grave pericolo di essere ridotta a mito o superstizione; per cui nel prossimo futuro se vorremo tutti veramente “crescere”, scienza e religione dovranno sempre di più collaborare per arrivare a dare un significato comune al nostro “sapere”, scoprendo con l’astuzia di un serpente e l’innocenza di un bambino che “dentro” al progetto del mondo da noi definito come “fisico” vi è la mente di un Creatore. Non è questo soltanto il pensiero di un grande scienziato quale Albert Einstein, ma lo stesso Giovanni Paolo II scriveva in una sua enciclica "Fides et Ratio": «La fede e la ragione sono come le due ali con le quali lo spirito umano s'innalza verso la contemplazione della verità. È Dio ad aver posto nel cuore dell'uomo il desiderio di conoscere la verità e, in definitiva, di conoscere Lui perché, conoscendolo e amandolo, possa giungere anche alla piena verità su se stesso» Ed è con questo spirito di rispetto reciproco e grande universalità che oggi dobbiamo accostarci alla “ricerca”, in quanto da sempre la conoscenza è un fattore strategico centrale per lo sviluppo dei popoli. La ricerca che Noi ci proponiamo di sviluppare riguarda il capitolo dell’energia; un mondo moderno senza energia sarebbe impensabile, per cui noi tutti dovremo trovare più tempo per porci alcune semplici domande: da dove viene tutta questa energia? quale prezzo dobbiamo pagare per il suo utilizzo? con l’impiego delle nostre attuali tecnologie, quanto dureranno le riserve naturali disponibili nel nostro mondo? Secondo il nostro attuale senso comune l’energia è intesa come una potenza o meglio una forza in grado di compiere "qualcosa", un lavoro, un movimento; dunque il concetto di energia in realtà è stato creato dall’uomo come una sorta di moneta di scambio per quantificare le interazioni tra fenomeni “fisico chimici” molto diversi tra loro; ad esempio le reazioni chimiche all’interno dei muscoli di un ciclista provocano l’avanzamento della bicicletta, che consiste in glucosio bruciato tramite la 5 respirazione cellulare. Esistono diverse forme di intendere l’energia e quindi di conseguenza anche diverse fonti di approvvigionamento energetico; l’uomo in principio utilizzava la sua propria forza, in seguito ha imparato ad utilizzare quella degli schiavi, degli animali, poi quella della natura come vento, acqua, ecc., infine sono arrivate le macchine che funzionano tramite l’energia prodotta dalla combustione di un “carburante” o dall’energia elettrica, la quale a sua volta viene prodotta a partire da materie prime quali carbone, gas naturale, petrolio ecc., oppure da materiale “nuclearmente instabile” come l’uranio arricchito. Noi tramite lo sviluppo del Progetto di ricerca “Energia dai cristalli”, intendiamo sondare un nuovo modo di intendere e quindi produrre ciò che noi definiamo come energia, utilizzando il fenomeno di “masse critiche” a rilascio controllato, da innescare su strutture cristalline tipo silice e/o quarzi. 6 Il Tomi-Smot di Eugenio Odorifero

Le origini dell'esperimento illustrato qui di seguito partono effettivamente da un fiasco (che poi fiasco non lo è esattamente, se dà nuove idee): l'esperienza del motore a convergenza magnetica, infatti, mi ha portato ad osservare il fenomeno al di fuori del contesto del motore stesso. Da qui poi sono venuti altri spunti, che verranno analizzati più tardi. Il nome Tomi-Smot è, a dire il vero, leggermente improprio: la parte “Smot”, quella che analizzerò ora, non è altro infatti che la convergenza magnetica, analizzata con un singolo magnete.

La parte “Smot”

Come anticipato, volevo mostrare le effettive potenzialità della convergenza magnetica. Per fare questo ho montato Semicerchio di ferro una semplice girante recuperata, a onor del vero, da un vecchio esperimento. Questa è costituita da tre bracci di legno con al centro dei cuscinetti a sfera che girano su un Cuscinetti a sfera albero costituito da un bullone: dal momento, comunque, che per i miei fini era troppo basso (questo bullone, purtroppo, è filettato solo per qualche centimetro) l'ho Magnete con sollevato con un piedistallo di plastica fino a portare la supporto girante ad un'altezza di 2,7 cm. Su uno di questi bracci sono Piedistallo stati montati due magneti di ferrite (24x12x4 mm.) ma riabbassati con un apposito sostegno di circa 9 mm.: tale complicazione si è resa necessaria per centrare i magneti (posti per lungo, quindi con un'altezza di 12 mm.) con il semicerchio di ferro (altezza di 20 mm.), così da percepire l'attrazione del ferro al meglio. Per il ferro, invece, ho operato diverse scelte: l'ho sempre preso dello spessore di 4 mm., ma di circonferenza più piccola rispetto al precedente esperimento del motore e, ad una estremità, l'ho fatto terminare “a punta” o, per dirla in termini meccanici, “a becco di clarino”. Una cosa per volta: ho scelto una circonferenza più piccola, 13cm., perché il movimento della trazione magnetica avviene per avvicinamento graduale: in altre parole il magnete si sposta perché verso un lato trova materiale attrattivo più vicino ad esso e quindi si porta in quella direzione (come indicato dall'illustrazione)1, quindi, se il cerchio è più piccolo allora la differenza della distanza magnete-ferro è maggiore e quindi il moto è maggiormente favorito, anche se è più breve. La parte appuntita invece è servita, non potendo evitare l'effetto morsa, a rendere questo effetto più graduale, quindi meglio gestibile. I seguenti filmati, mostrano la convergenza magnetica in funzione.

tomi-smot parte a convergenza magnetica (vista frontale).avi tomi-smot parte a convergenza magnetica (vista laterale).avi

Dalla vista laterale ho preso due frame che, in particolare, evidenziano come la girante prenda velocità rispetto al dito, risucchiata dal percorso magnetico. Le immagini sono consecutive e l'arco di tempo tra le due è di 1/16 di secondo. Complessivamente, le fasi della convergenza sono tre:

1Tale descrizione l'avrei dovuta dare già al precedente articolo, ho quindi cercato di rimediare qui. 7

1) il risucchio: il magnete, a breve distanza dall'arco di ferro, è attratto da esso (semplicemente per ferromagnetismo) 2) lo spostamento per trazione magnetica, per cui vale quanto detto sopra. 3) l'arresto (l'effetto morsa del precedente articolo) che purtroppo arriva. La potenza accumulata non è infatti sufficiente per andare oltre l'arco. Il fatto che quest'ultimo finisca appuntito dà però il vantaggio, se la distanza a fine percorso è realmente minima, di terminare col cursore magnetico in gran parte scoperto. Questo, come vedremo, tornerà utile più tardi.

Franco Malgarini mi ha chiesto come mai non ho usato gli altri bracci per inserire altri magneti e per rendere il meccanismo più potente. In effetti ci ho provato, ma è stato un insuccesso totale. Non so bene perché succeda2, ma inserire più di un cursore magnetico lungo il percorso convergente ne rende impossibile lo sfruttamento. Anche il motore a convergenza magnetica soffriva di questo problema: con tutto che i cursori erano solo due e coesistevano lungo l'arco di ferro solo nel momento in cui uno lo lasciava e l'altro subentrava il calo di prestazione era notevole. Per tanto, se dovessi decidere di fare ora un motore di convergenza magnetica, sicuramente userei un solo cursore magnetico, naturalmente con tutti i cambiamenti di architettura necessari.

La parte “Tomi”

Approfittando del cursore magnetico così montato, ho provato a fare anche un altra cosa: l'applicazione di un Tomi (detto sommariamente, uno o due file di magneti paralleli fanno scorrere un magnete posto perpendicolarmente lungo un percorso). La documentazione originale del Tomi si trova su ma è anche ben spiegato, in italiano, su “K Pullo - Macchina magnetica a moto perpetuo” su Altra Scienza n.31, anche se il PM3 (ritratto nell'illustrazione a fianco), che è il vero oggetto del suo lavoro, non mi convince molto nonostante l'elaborazione al computer. Ritengo infatti, affinché vi sia movimento nel cursore magnetico, che debba esserci un inizio ed una fine corrispondente ai rispettivi poli magnetici tra i quali si formano le linee di forza. E in un percorso circolare mancano proprio l'inizio e la fine, insomma un polo positivo e negativo realmente definiti. Le linee di forza che si formano, se si formano, non sarebbero utili al fine di una trazione magnetica rotativa e permanente, come è invece nell'intenzione di K Pullo (e non capisco perché il software usato gli ha dimostrato invece la funzionalità del dispositivo). Non dico che sviluppare un dispositivo del genere sia impossibile e, anzi, se invece fosse vero, sarei felice di essermi sbagliato. Un tomi, da quanto ho visto, può funzionare bene fino a circa ¾ di circonferenza, ma oltre succede quanto ho detto prima. Il Tomi lineare, comunque, anche se realizzato con una fila di magneti magari, come appena detto, disposti lungo un arco, è l'unico dal quale sono riuscito a trarre qualche risultato. La versione lineare ha però un problema: se si posiziona il cursore magnetico nell'estremo la cui polarità è uguale a quella della faccia del cursore magnetico con cui interagisce, si ha un effetto di repulsione e quindi il

2 In realtà ho idea che, pure se non viene saturato magneticamente il ferro, l'azione dell'etere di un magnete possa, in qualche modo, rimbalzare sul suddetto, per cui il magnete successivo nella rotazione trova già una situazione compromessa. 8 magnete si allontana; viceversa se il cursore viene portato al lato apposto il magnete rimane intrappolato, attratto da esso. Nel modello che ho costruito ho provato, contrariamente alla sezione precedente, a rendere il Tomi magneticamente divergente, in modo che il cursore fosse meno sensibile alla zona di attrazione.

tomi-smot parte tomi.avi

Nella clip video di cui sopra compio tre prove, nell'ordine: 1) Porto il cursore magnetico lungo la zona repulsione. Il magnete viene respinto e compie l'intero percorso esterno al Tomi fino a raggiungere la zona di attrazione. 2) Porto il cursore ad un po' di distanza dalla zona di attrazione. Naturalmente il magnete ne viene attratto e si ferma lì. Grazie alla divergenza questo polo è un po più debole. 3) In quest'ultima prova porto il cursore magnetico nel percorso convenzionale del Tomi. Il magnete esegue il percorso, arriva alla zona di attrazione... e la supera tranquillamente continuando finché non lo ferma la zona di repulsione. Normalmente la zona di attrazione dovrebbe ridurre il moto, ma la divergenza così effettuata riduce appunto questa conseguenza.

Qualcuno può chiedersi come mai non abbia reso divergente il Tomi dalla parte della repulsione, in modo da rendere la repulsione più debole... Perché contrariamente a quanto si può credere, e nonostante le riconosciute simmetrie del magnetismo, la repulsione è più potente dell'attrazione, e di molto. E superare la repulsione con la sola forza d'inerzia, anche aiutato dalla divergenza non mi è mai stato possibile. Cercare d'indebolire la repulsione sarebbe quindi uno sforzo inutile.

Mettiamo tutto insieme

tomi-smot completo 1.avi tomi-smot completo 2.avi

Mi sono chiesto, allora, se non fosse possibile mettere assieme le due cose. Per intenderci, voglio eludere ”l'effetto morsa” della convergenza magnetica con la spinta del Tomi e evitare la zona di repulsione del Tomi con l'arco di ferro convergente. Quanto appena detto forse è il punto più controverso di questo esperimento: se i due dispositivi, uniti, riescono ad ovviare completamente ognuno i difetti dell'altro allora avremmo un motore a magneti permanenti. Ma se avete già visto i filmati abbinati a questo paragrafo, vedrete che Madre Natura non dà la free-energy così facilmente... anche se ciò non toglie che qualcosa succede comunque. In quanto ad evitare la zona di repulsione, la scienza dice che nulla può bloccare il magnetismo. Io, però, non sto bloccando il magnetismo: sto anteponendo ad un magnete un'altra sostanza magnetica, il ferro, che perciò verrà percepita per prima. Voglio far notare che lo spessore del ferro evita che al contatto con i magneti (nell'esperimento infatti il Tomi viene appoggiato direttamente al ferro di convergenza) questo si saturi magneticamente; inoltre i magneti sono di ferrite, e non al neodimio, e questo è un'ulteriore elemento che evita la saturazione. Per tanto, quando il cursore magnetico passa davanti alla zona di repulsione del Tomi continua ad essere attratto dal ferro anteposto ad esso. Poi si passa al punto successivo: avevo anticipato che la terminazione “a becco di clarino” del ferro dava modo al magnete di rimanere in parte scoperto; bene, ora questo fa sì che si possa passare gradualmente dalla convergenza magnetica al Tomi, in modo quasi indolore. Questo “quasi” è necessario in quanto si esercita un po' di “attrito” (ma definirlo così mi suona scorretto) per l'effetto morsa, per cui il magnete, anche se per poco, 9 non supera il Tomi. La prima cosa a cui si può pensare è prolungare il Tomi, per essere sicuro di dare più moto, ma anche qui la Natura non dà tregua: contrariamente al Tomi classico, al raggiungimento di un certo numero di magneti3, le linee di forza si alterano e iniziano a comportarsi in modo simile al PM3 di cui ho parlato all'inizio, ossia si orientano in modo da non essere produttive. Per ora mi fermo qua, ma non per questo ritengo la ricerca conclusa. L'epilogo è già noto: il moto perpetuo non c'è ancora. Ma in questo esperimento ho trovato diverse idee e suggerimenti che mi potranno essere utili in seguito. Spero, di conseguenza, anche al lettore.


Un grazie speciale a Giovanni Odorifero per la telecamerina digitale e per aver girato tutte clip video: le immagini saranno piccole, ma almeno sono nitide.


Se quanto scritto non vi sembra abbastanza chiaro, o volete porre altre domande, contattate, anche stavolta, questa email: [email protected]. Il bravo Franco, a cui per primo interessano le mie ricerche (come del resto tutte le ricerche, grandi e piccole, che fanno i soci dell'ASSE), mi terrà informato meglio di quanto possa farlo io stesso. In ogni caso, ogni osservazione, purché seria, sarà ben gradita.

3 Io né ho messi in tutto 20, ma ovviamente è un valore sperimentale, non una costante 10

Generatori magneto e dinamoelettrici

Abbiamo visto che Faraday nel 1831 scoprì l'induzione elettromagnetica, ossia il fatto che una variazione di flusso magnetico attraverso un circuito generava una corrente elettrica. Nei vari generatori magnetoelettrici che si susseguirono dopo la scoperta di Faraday, la variazione di flusso magnetico - e la conseguente corrente - si otteneva a partire dal movimento relativo di magneti e bobine. Dalla fine degli anni 1860, vennero introdotti i generatori dinamoelettrici (o dinamo), in cui si sostituirono ai magneti permanenti degli elettromagneti alimentati dalla stessa corrente indotta.

Astuccio elettromagnetico di Nobili, non firmato, costruito da Leopoldo Nobili, 2/4 XIX secolo Lo scienziato reggiano Leopoldo Nobili presentò nel 1825 una cassetta nella quale era raccolto, in scala ridotta, il materiale necessario per riprodurre i principali esperimenti che in quegli anni illustravano le leggi dell'elettromagnetismo. Gli astucci di Nobili costituivano una sorta di "kit" portatile per le dimostrazioni delle interazioni fra correnti elettriche e fra corrente e magneti.

Generatore magneto-elettrico per elettroterapia, firmato "Sonda in Padova", 3/4 XIX secolo Si fanno ruotare davanti ai poli del magnete le due bobine, ottenendo così una corrente indotta. Ad ogni mezza rotazione le correnti indotte cambiano senso e un commutatore - inserito sul prolungamento dell'asse di rotazione delle bobine - permette di ottenere correnti dirette tutte nello stesso senso.


Generatore magneto-elettrico di Stöhrer, firmato "E. Stöhrer in Leipzig", reca inciso "N° 1235", circa 1850 Ideato e descritto nel 1844 da Emil Stöhrer, costruttore di strumenti scientifici a Lipsia, questo generatore è costituito da tre robusti magneti verticali al di sopra dei quali sono fissate sei bobine disposte a corona che vengono messe in rotazione. Nel corso di ogni rotazione le correnti indotte cambiano periodicamente senso e il commutatore posto alla sommità permette di ottenere correnti dirette tutte nello stesso senso.

Generatori magneto-elettrici, bobine e motori elettrici.

Generatore dinamo-elettrico di Ladd, firmato "W. LADD / LONDON / Breveté S.G.D.G.", circa 1870 Presentata nel 1867, la macchina di William Ladd fu una delle prime in cui il magnete permanente venne sostituito con due elettromagneti. Due circuiti detti di Siemens vengono messi in rotazione sotto gli elettromagneti e vi viene così indotta una corrente. Il più piccolo degli indotti Siemens serviva ad alimentare le bobine induttrici, mentre nell'altro circuito si raccoglieva la corrente da utilizzare. Il generatore di Ladd, molto conosciuto all'epoca, conobbe una vasta distribuzione. 12

Generatore magneto-elettrico di Gramme, firmato "GRAMME INV./ BREVETE S.G.D.G./BREGUET FT./ N° 378", 3/4 XIX secolo Notevole in questo generatore è il particolare circuito collettore di corrente messo in rotazione alla base del magnete. Si tratta dell'anello descritto nel 1864 da Antonio Pacinotti, e in seguito riproposto, nel 1870, da Zénobe T. Gramme che lo brevettò a proprio nome ottenendo un clamoroso successo per l'efficacia dei generatori ottenuti. L'anello consiste in un anello di fili di ferro dolce attorno a cui sono avvolte diverse bobine. Un'altra caratteristica del presente modello risiede nel fatto che poteva essere impiegato in modo reversibile, sia come generatore di elettricità sia come motore. Vale la pena ricordare che l'introduzione dell'anello di Pacinotti-Gramme, unitamente alla scoperta della reversibilità delle macchine dinamo-elettriche che Gramme cominciò a costruire negli stessi anni, costituirono due degli elementi fondamentali nell'avvento della corrente industriale fra il 1870 ed il 1890.

Motori elettrici

Abbiamo accennato al fatto che nel 1821 Michael Faraday costruì un apparato in cui un circuito percorso da una corrente veniva messo in movimento di rotazione. Si dimostrava così per la prima volta la possibilità di convertire energia elettrica in energia meccanica, e si apriva la strada alla costruzione di motori elettrici, di cui vennero proposti diversi modelli negli anni successivi. Tuttavia solo a partire dagli anni 1870, cominciarono ad essere prodotti motori efficaci a livello industriale.

Motore elettrico a campo magnetico terrestre, non firmato, costruito da Francesco Cobres, 2/4 XIX secolo L'apparecchio, di cui i cataloghi dell'epoca attribuiscono l'invenzione a Francesco Zantedeschi - professore presso l'Università di Padova - sfrutta l'azione del campo magnetico terrestre. Consiste di quattro elettromagneti uniti e formanti una croce, che possono girare in un piano orizzontale. Dei pozzetti che venivano riempiti di mercurio sono scavati nella base di legno. La corrente passa inizialmente in uno degli elettromagneti che si mette in movimento per allinearsi lungo il campo magnetico terrestre. Con la rotazione, si modificano i contatti nel mercurio e gli altri elettromagneti vengono ciclicamente alimentati, da cui un moto di rotazione costante.


Motore elettrico di Froment, non firmato, 2/2 XIX secolo L'apparecchio è costituito da due bobine che, alimentate periodicamente dalla corrente di una pila, attraggono le barrette di ferro fissate fra i due dischi d'ottone. Un contatto a molla, poggiante su una ruota dentata disposta sull'asse di rotazione, permette di interrompere periodicamente la corrente nelle bobine. Quando passa la corrente, una delle barrette viene attirata, subito si interrompe la corrente, il moto continua per inerzia e si ripristina allora la corrente, con la conseguente attrazione della barretta successiva. Motori di questo tipo vennero sviluppati negli anni 1840 dal costruttore parigino di strumenti scientifici Paul Gustave Froment. Essi conobbero una grande diffusione quali apparecchi da dimostrazione, spesso utilizzati per muovere piccole pompe o verricelli.

Motore elettrico di Trouvé, non firmato, 2/2 XIX secolo Al passaggio della corrente, gli elettromagneti venivano attratti dalle parti più salienti della ruota ma appena vi arrivavano, si interrompeva il contatto in uno dei pozzetti di mercurio, e quindi il passaggio della corrente, e gli elettromagneti continuavano a girare per inerzia. Si ristabiliva così la corrente e gli elettromagneti venivano attratti dall'espansione successiva. Si otteneva in tal modo un moto di rotazione continua. Questo tipo di motore, proposto da Gustave Trouvé intorno al 1864, veniva utilizzato per fare girare dei tubi di Geissler che venivano fissati all'asse di rotazione della ruota. Alimentati dalle scariche periodiche di una bobina di induzione, questi producevano bagliori colorati e, per la permanenza delle immagini sulla retina, invece del tubo rotante, si vedevano numerosi tubi radiali luminosi, di grande effetto. 14

Pendolo di Zamboni, non firmato, costruito da Giuseppe Zamboni, 1830 Ideate nella loro forma più diffusa da Giuseppe Zamboni, le pile dette "di Zamboni" o "pile a secco" - in quanto sfruttavano unicamente l'umidità residua della carta - fornivano una bassissima corrente ma una tensione molto alta. Si dimostrarono straordinariamente longeve: il presente pendolo, posto fra due pile a secco, funzionò ininterrottamente per oltre 100 anni.

Elettroscopio di Bohnenberger, non firmato, 2/4 XIX secolo Una foglia d'oro è posta tra due placche metalliche collegate ai poli contrari di due pile a secco di Zamboni. L'elettricità che si voleva misurare veniva comunicata alla la foglia d'oro, che veniva allora attirata dalla placca di segno opposto. Un elettroscopio in cui una foglia d'oro era sospesa fra due pile voltaiche venne ideata da T. G. B. Behrens nel 1806, e fu poi J.G.F. Bohnenberger a sostituire nel 1814 le pile voltaiche con pile a secco, ottenendo uno strumento molto sensibile. 15

Pila a secco di Zamboni, non firmata, c. 1900 Le pile di Zamboni trovarono diverse applicazioni con l'inizio del XX secolo. Si resero preziose ad esempio nell'ambito delle ricerche sulla radioattività e la radiazione cosmica. Vennero inoltre impiegate nella seconda guerra mondiale e nella guerra del Vietnam per alimentare dei dispositivi per la visione a raggi infrarossi

Il pendolo di Zamboni rappresentato da uno degli studenti di Zamboni Ms Zamboni, 1840 (Collezione Beltrame) 16

Directory:Chaim Yankle ZPE

From PESWiki Summary Claims to have a Zero Point Energy (ZPE) machine that "absorbs the energy of ZPE amplifies it and rectifies it, making a modicum of free energy in the process. It uses a wire container for the ZPE and an energy extractor module. The resultant ZPE energy is then amplified and rectified for energy production."

[edit] Description

From: "Chaim Yankle" Date: Sat Jan 8, 2005 1:44 pm Subject: ZPE energy device

I too have been working on a ZPE machine that absorbs the energy of ZPE amplifies it and rectifies it, making a modicum of free energy in the process. It uses a wire container for the ZPE and an energy extractor module. The resultant ZPE energy is then amplified and rectified for energy production. Chaim [edit] Images From

ZPE Energy Researcher Chaim Yankle 17

ZPE Energy Absorber [edit] Questions for Chaim Q. What is your load scenario, and what is the basic design theory? Q. Where is the energy coming from? All it looks like is a metal mesh and some filtering circuitry. How much power comes out of it? (Daniel - contact at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])) Q. If the energy collected is in the form of electricity, that would mean that the device creates a rotating magnetic field. How so? I have some ideas on a Zero point device I am making, if you would like to discuss, please email me at [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])) Retrieved from "" 18

Directory:Wyndpower Group From PESWiki "Roof-mounted whisper-quiet urban turbines"

PREFACE NOTE OF IMPORTANCE The Wyndpower Group ( is no longer promoting a wind turbine design concept that was invisioned to be mounted on a rooftop and that could respond to winds as low as 3.8 mph. Although the design may still be in R&D by the manufacturer, the private website aka has been removed. THE FOLLOWING IS LEFT FOR ARCHIVE PURPOSES. IT IS NO LONGER ACTIVE NOR ACCURATE IN TERMS OF PRESENT-TENSE REALITY. IT IS NOW HISTORY. Table of contents showTocToggle ("show","hide") 1 Archive 1.1 Official Websites 1.2 Merits 1.3 FAQ 1.4 Contact 1.5 See also [edit] Archive

The Wyndpower Group ( was promoting the potential development of a wind turbine design concept that could be mounted on a rooftop and that could respond to winds as low as 3.8 mph. Presently still in R&D by the manufacturer. This would potentially mean that a homeowner could generate up to 1/2 of the electricity used by a typical home. The principles of operation for the unit are as follows: 1) The vertical axis wind turbine design utilizes wind from every direction, 2) the turbine takes advantage of the increase in power density as the laminar wind passes over a roofline. Comparison to large wind turbines The reason that GE, for example, uses the very tall, large bladed wind turbines is that they want to capture the higher speed winds that exist at higher altitudes. However, few places offer wind speeds for which large turbines are designed. The GE wind turbine blades are bigger than a house, whereas the smaller wind turbine used for individual homes can be installed by a local contractor. It only needs to generate a fraction of the power that the big wind turbines produce to be practical and can take advantage of lower wind speeds common in most areas. [edit] Official Websites • h ttp:// - Website discontinued. • Eco Quest International ( - Potential R&D developer. • Eco Quest International Press Release - mentions long term product development. [edit] Merits

• Eco Quest International Awarded Certified Space Technology Status (http:// The Space Foundation announced today that EcoQuest 19

International's Fresh Air purification product has been officially recognized as a Certified Space Technology. (August 19, 2004) (See also PRWeb ( [edit] FAQ Source: Autoresponse from Wyndpower newsletter subscription. Sept. 12, 2004. Introduction Eighty percent of the landmass on this planet has winds of less than 12.5 mph where harvesting the energy of the wind was not previously possible. Furthermore, there are over 2 billion people on earth that have access to no electricity whatsoever. Worldwide availability of power could be provided to remote sites by small wind turbines capable of generating electricity at wind speeds as low as 3.8 to 5 mph. What is the size of the market? The potential market for small wind systems is 5 million units in the USA alone, according to the Department of Energy. The energy future of the world could be served by the new roof-mounted urban wind turbine. When will product and specs be available? Specifications will be released by the manufacturer as launch time approaches in the future. Who is the developer? A privately owned, debt-free company, that has made over one billion dollars in sales in the last 18 years, located in the USA. What is the anticipated output? The design goal of the turbine is to meet 1/3 to 1/2 of the power requirements of homes in all of Canada and half of the U.S. [edit] Contact wyndpowergroup Santa Barbara, CA, USA email: mailto:[email protected]? (mailto: [email protected]? [edit] See also • Di rectory:Wind Power

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You are here: > News > Free Energy > Directory > Wind > [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] update Jan. 18, 2002 [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] Update Jan. 18, 2003 The following is a copy of a "WindeNews" newsletter that was circulated. No online version could be found to link to, so it is copied here for historic purposes.

March 16, 2004 Note: The trademark name *** has been removed and replaced with the following phrase: [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator]

March 16, 2004 update: EcoQuest International is no longer promoting this unless they get more information from the company by April.

Compare to present news.

From: OceanAir Sent: Friday, January 18, 2002 3:56 PM To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; Subject: WINDeNEWS >>>WINDeNEWS>>> [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] Information/Updates

The purpose for bringing this new innovation to the marketplace is to provide a way for one to create FREE, ENVIRONMENTALLY SAFE electricity....and to begin harvesting energy at LOW WIND SPEEDS. The visionaries among us can imagine seeing these on virtually every rooftop in windy ares and on many home in places where the winds are light or seasonal. Millions of customers will embrace the simple yet profound solution to a problem that they know if they do not take control, will be left vulnerable to price increases that are inevitable. This is due to the current need to build hundreds more energy plants to meet the growing demand for electricity. Will you be one who can catch this vision? 21

"The wind in the United States could produce more than 4.4 trillion kWh of electricity each year--more than one and one-half times the 2.7 trillion kWh of electricity consumed in the United States in 1990." American Wind Energy Association. A large percentage of this unharvested wind are low wind speeds. This is why the [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] is such an exciting innovation because it will be designed to collect electricity beginning at 2-3 miles per hour of wind. (what is your wind speed? see below) THE GOALS OF THE [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] • * Begin havesting energy from wind in the 3-4 miles per hour range. • *To tie each user into his local power comany's energy grid. When a [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] does not meet the homeowners full needs, the home operates by drawing the additional power it needs from the power company. • *To generate 2-3 kilowatts per hour from 10-11 miles per hour of wind. (This level will provide enough electricity for most homes on a 24 hour average). When wind conditions exceed 12 -15 miles per hour the [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] should be making the homeowner a profit! • *Our primary market: homeowners who can make enough energy to offset the cost of their system within 3-5 years. >From then on, every kilowatt they generate will be FREE and CLEAR! • *The operational life of a [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] should exceed 15 years. An inexpensive preventative maintenance check each spring will be suggested. • *[Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] will operate quietly and harvest energy from ALL wind directions. This is a verticle turbine system, not a propeller (not noisy). • *The roof load of a [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] will be no more than 225 pounds. It will be designed to withstand hurrican force winds. • *To generate an electrical waveform that is 100% compatible with North America's power network (and which can be adapted to tie in to foreign systems). • *To offer this remarkable product (including installation & warranty at under $10,000 per home. • *To build our [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] Network to be in a position of being less North America will be dependent on foreign oil. • America's largest hydroelectric project, Washington's Grand Coulee Dam, supplies electricity to approximately five million homes. Imagine the impact [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] will have when 5 million units are in place! • *Put the homeowner in control! Be less dependent on power companies and being vulnerable to price hikes. The media reports tell us that one large state (I believe this is CA) will need to bring hundreds of new power plants on line over the next SEVEN years to keep up with the projected demand for electricity. Our [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] project will offset the need for MANY plants...saving investors/taxpayers BILLIONS of dollars! • *To bring to the market within one year from now. • *To provide installation complete instructions for a licensed electrician to install.

IS [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] REALLY POSSIBLE??? CAN ECOQUEST/ALPINE HANDLE THIS HUGE PROJECT? Take a look at our track record of performance. We brought electrical indoor air purification to the world in 1986 and have manufactured & sold MILLIONS of units! A few days after September 11th, a U.S. Army officer at the Pentagon called on OUR company to supply a truckload of air purifiers to clean up their fire, fuel and disaster contaminated air. Indeed, EcoQuest has the track record, technological capability and vision to make [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] work! DEVELOPMENT STAGE/STATUS 22

The roof-mounted [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] will be approximately six feet wide and seven feet tall. Sufficient size is needed to capture enough power to run a home. Please be patient. The [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] is still under development therefore, all the specs and answers are not available at this time. We have a working prototype in Germany where the project originated. Prototype models will be displayed in America in 2002. A [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] model has been wind tunnel tested to withstand gales of approximately 150 miles per hour. Batteries may not be needed (or they may be optional). Our intent is to share power with each customer's local electric company. State laws vary with respect to this aspect of the [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator]: currently over 30 states require their utility providers to allow independent producers to tie into their power grids.

ABOUT FINANCING THE [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] UNITS • *Several states offer cost-sharing programs and/or tax incentives for residential power producers! Other are expected to follow suit. • *The federal government may offer an income tax advantage (perhaps a tax credit) for buyers of reusable energy equipment such as the [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator]. • *Some power companies will assist their customers iwth direct loans at low interest rates for the purchase of this type of equipment. In this scenerio, payments will simply be a part of each customer's monthy power bill. • *Home Improvement Loans will be available to [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] prospects. • *EcoQuest expects to offer finacing through its affiliate, Best Investments. • *A plan exists for allowing interested customers to make nominal advance deposits in order to secure a [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator] buyer priority number. Tis option may be offered to the public after mid - 2002 when pricing information, specs and delivery date estimates are more reliably known. • * Individuals and companies have expressed an interest in larger, industrial - sized model for commercial and farm use. In time, this will happen. But it will be our goal to get the residential market on solid footing before expanding to larger models. The OPPORTUNITY OFFERED BY ECOQUEST INTERNATIONAL *Don't wait around for the [Rooftop Wind Energy Generator]. Build your platoon now. Collect prospects NOW. *Become a Dealer for $35 which allows you to market ALL their products. *Training, marketing support, sales aids, websites, conference calls, field seminars, corporate and local assistance is available for all Dealers. *We offer three participation options: 1) Casual Seller: immediate income - work at your own pace. 2) Serious Sellers: immediate income, potential six figure earnings through sales. 3) Networker Leaders: Are the biggest earners in our business! Responsiblities: Build Dealer Groups and provide training and leadership to those people. CURRENT EDUCATION ON WIND ENERGY

Wind Power: U.S. Installed Capacity (Megawatts) 1981-2002

Year MW = 100 Megawatts (MW)

1981 10 1982 70 23

1983 240 1984 597 1985 1,039 1986 1,222 1987 1,356 1988 1,403 1989 1,396 1990 1,525 1991 1,575 1992 1,584 1993 1,590 1994 1,725 1995 1,770 1996 1,794 1997 1,680 1998 1,900 1999 2,502 2000 2,554 2001 4,258 Sources: U.S. Department of Energy Wind Energy Program & AWEA

* AWEA total based on project completion data reported by developers.

Sources: U.S. Department of Energy Wind Energy Program & AWEA

What is the Average Wind Speed in My Region? (This is a big file. Please wait a minute or two for it to load) 24

Power Class Wind Power Speed* Annual Average Wind Resource Estimates in the (W/m2) (m/s) 1 <200 <5.6 Continguous United States 2 200-300 5.6-6.4 From the Battelle Wind Energy Resource Atlas 3 300-400 6.4-7.0 4 400-500 7.0-7.5 See also: Basic Principles of Wind Resource Evaluation 5 500-600 7.5-8.0 for a discussion of the Power Class categories. 6 600-800 8.0-8.8

7 >800 >8.8

*Equivalent wind speed at sea level for a Rayleigh Distribution Click here to review entire link

WIND POWER U.S. Annual Wind Power Resource The wind in the United States could produce more than 4.4 trillion kWh of electricity each year--more than one and one- half times the 2.7 trillion kWh of electricity consumed in the United States in 1990. The following map shows annual average wind resources using the 7 wind power classes, which are ranges used to describe the energy contained in the wind. Other wind resource maps are available at the National Wind Technology Center website. Click here to review entire link Wind Resource Database


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PRODUCTS Ultracapacitor technology breakthrough powers higher-performance products By Paul O'Shea

Power Management DesignLine (06/07/2005 10:10 AM EDT)

Maxwell Technologies launches the first of a new family of large cell BOOSTCAP ultracapacitor cells and multi-cell modules based on a technology breakthrough that enables them to store more energy and deliver more power per unit volume and last longer than any other commercially available ultracapacitor products. Richard Smith, Maxwell's executive vice president for strategic business development, said that the just- released 2.7-volt BOOSTCAP MC2600 2,600-farad large cell and fully integrated BMOD2600-16 16-volt module, incorporating six MC2600 cells, establish new industry standards for performance and price. "These new products meet or exceed demanding automotive application requirements for both watt-hours of energy storage and watts of power delivery per kilogram, and will perform reliably for more than one million discharge-recharge cycles at 2.7 volts." Smith said. "The proprietary technology on which they are based also significantly reduces material and production cost, positioning Maxwell to achieve our stated goal of pricing large cell ultracapacitors at one cent per farad in million-cell annual volumes." Smith said that the new family of large cells and multi-cell modules are specifically designed "with the user in mind" to provide versatile, durable, compact and low-cost solutions for strategic transportation and industrial applications.

The cylindrical MC2600 cells, constructed of lightweight aluminum and Maxwell's proprietary electrode, measure 138mm in height, 57.7mm in width and weigh 470 grams. They feature a double-ended design that is available in two versions that facilitate either mechanical or welded termination. They are priced at $92 per cell 26 in low volume, and $54 per cell in mid-range volume. The BMOD2600-16 modules are encased in a rugged, splash-proof, aluminum chassis. They weigh 5kg and are less than 4.85 liters in volume (420x160x70mm). These durable "smart boxes" include temperature and voltage monitoring and internal cell balancing that give designers "plug and play" solutions, plus module-to-module balancing that makes them versatile building blocks for systems with higher voltage requirements. They are priced at $613 each in low volume and $366 in mid-range volume. In March, Maxwell won a next-generation ultracapacitor cell and module development contract from the United States Advanced Battery Consortium (USABC), an entity formed by DaimlerChrysler, Ford, General Motors and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to strengthen the domestic auto industry's technology base through cooperative research. Under that contract, the company is eligible to receive more than $3 million in matching funds from DOE through the FreedomCAR initiative that DOE and the Big 3 U.S. automakers established in 2002 to promote new technologies to reduce passenger vehicles' dependence on petroleum. Smith noted that, as part of the USABC contract, Maxwell's MC2600 and the proposed auto-specific 48-volt modules it is developing will undergo extensive testing against rigorous auto industry standards for energy capacity, pulse power, abuse tolerance, calendar life and cycle life at DOE's Sandia and Idaho national laboratories. "This independent third-party testing will supplement and validate the performance and reliability data that we have been generating internally," Smith said. "The MC2600 and BMOD2600-16 are major stepping stones to penetrating the 50-plus million-unit annual new car market by providing the advanced, low-cost, energy storage and power delivery technology that automotive OEMs around the world require." BOOSTCAP ultracapacitors deliver up to 10 times the power and longevity of batteries, require no maintenance and operate reliably in extreme temperatures. In transportation applications, they efficiently recapture energy from braking for reuse in hybrid drive trains, reducing fuel consumption and emissions, and provide compact, lightweight, "life-of-the vehicle" solutions to stabilize automotive power networks and power new, all-electric subsystems, such as drive-by-wire steering. In mission critical industrial applications, where backup power is critical for continued operation or a soft shutdown in the event of power interruptions, they provide reliable, cost-effective, maintenance-free energy storage. In wind turbine blade pitch and braking systems and other industrial applications, they provide a simple, solid state, highly reliable, solution to buffer short-term mismatches between the power available and the power required. Maxwell is a developer and manufacturer of innovative, cost-effective energy storage and power delivery solutions. The company's BOOSTCAP ultracapacitor cells and multi-cell modules and POWERCACHE backup power systems provide safe and reliable power solutions for applications in consumer and industrial electronics, transportation and telecommunications. The CONDIS high-voltage grading and coupling capacitors help to ensure the safety and reliability of electric utility infrastructure and other applications involving transport, distribution and measurement of high-voltage electrical energy. Our radiation-mitigated microelectronic products include power modules, memory modules and single board computers that incorporate powerful commercial silicon for superior performance and high reliability in aerospace applications. For more information, please visit:

Power Management DesignLine Marketplace (sponsored links) FREE National Instruments TestStand 3.1 Evaluation NI TestStand is a ready-to-run, commercial-off-the-shelf test management environment and framework for organizing, controlling, and executing automated prototype, validation, and manufacturing test systems. Free Guide to Processor Bus Fundamentals Webinar Join Brian Holden, Principal Engineer of PMC-Sierra, for a guide to different processor bus aspects and technologies including common older standards such as ISA, EISA, PCI and PCI-X, and newer standards such as HyperTransport, PCI Express and RIO. 27

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Offshore Wave Energy

Ocean Power Delivery secure first order for Pelamis Wave Energy Converters The contract for the fabrication of the main tubes for the three Pelamis machines, intended for Portuguese project, has been awarded. The twelve tube sections will be constructed at the Arnish manufacturing site, on the Isle of Lewis by the Scottish company Camcal.

Click here to view a copy of the press release OPD announces the signing of an order with a Portuguese consortium, led by Enersis, to build the first phase of the world's first commercial wave-farm. The initial phase will consist of three Pelamis P-750 machines located 5km off the Portuguese coast, near Póvoa de Varim. The €8m project will have an installed capacity of 2.25MW, and is expected to meet the average electricity demand of more than 1,500 Portuguese households. Subject to the satisfactory performance of the first stage, an order for a further 30 Pelamis machines (20MW) is anticipated.

Click here to view a copy of the press release

Click here to view video footage of the Pelamis at the EMEC test centre (2.5MB) We are currently recruiting, please check out our Job Vacancies page for further details

Photographs supplied courtesy of Aquatera - Ocean Power Delivery Ltd has developed a novel offshore wave energy converter called Pelamis. Building on technology developed for the offshore industry, the Pelamis has a similar output to a modern wind turbine. The 29 first full-scale pre-production prototype has been built and is being tested at the European Marine Energy Centre in Orkney. It is anticipated that future `wave farm' projects would consist of an arrangement of interlinked multi-machines connected to shore by a single subsea cable. A typical 30MW installation would occupy a square kilometre of ocean and provide sufficient electricity for 20,000 homes. Twenty of these farms could power a city such as Edinburgh. Dow nloadable version of the Ocean Power Delivery Brochure

Ocean Power Delivery Limited 104 Commercial Street Edinburgh EH6 6NF United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0) 131 554 8444 Fax: +44 (0) 131 554 8544 Email: mailto:Ocean%20Power% 2 0Delivery< [email protected]> D esigned by D estiNet. P owered by Ed itSite. OPD Staff/Board Job Vacancies A wards received Potential Market for Wave Energy Key Concepts Power Prediction The Future Power Conversion Module 7th Scale Prototype Model Test Programme


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news by section our newsletters submit your news rss feeds TAKE ACTION! - Ocean Energy Seeks Inclusion in Energy Bill ...ACT NOW! article tools email story print story reader comments Today's Headlines

• S olar Becomes a Growing Example in California • U nited Kingdom Reaches 1000 MW Wind Barrier • Senate Approves National Renewable Standard • U .S. Senate Doubles National Ethanol Mandate • San Diego Mayoral Candidate Unveils Solar Plan • M ore Headlines

Industry PR • F irst Solar Announces Supply Agreement with Blitzstrom • Senate Finance Committee Adopts Tax Credit for New Hydro Development • L os Altos Hill Town Hall generates its own Clean Solar Power • Cli mate Change -- Oil Imports -- Rising Energy Costs: What Role Can Sustainable Energy Technologies Play? • E vergreen Solar Added to the Russell 2000 and Russell 3000 Indexes • M ore Industry PR

Thomas King The Dark Side of a Bright Federal Policy As a Partner in one of the few private equity groups dedicated to investing in the renewable energy sector, I have been asked by many, including a few members of Congress, to share my thoughts on the simplest way in which federal tax policy can be changed to more effectively accelerate the development and construction of renewable electric generating capacity in United States. The following is my attempt to address these requests and to share my thoughts and market insight with the broader public. ...continue 31

Wave Hub for Ocean Energy

February 17, 2005 North Cornwall, United Kingdom [] A revolutionary 'Wave Hub' 10 miles off the West coast of England to harness the power of the ocean could lead to the creation of up to 700 jobs and contribute GBP 27 million (US$ 51 million) a year to the economy as a result of the creation of the new wave power industry.

"The Wave Hub project is an excellent example of a scheme that could bridge the chasm between research and development and full-scale production."

- Mike O'Brien, UK Energy Minister These are among the conclusions of a series of studies commissioned by the South West of England Regional Development Agency into the economic impact and feasibility of the project, which aims to create the world's first offshore facility for the large-scale testing of wave energy devices.

The Wave Hub, which has already received support in principle from Energy Minister Mike O'Brien, would bridge the difficult gap between production prototypes and full commercial wave farms. It would also generate enough clean, renewable energy to power 14,000 homes.

Wave energy developers would have a direct connection to the national grid and it would provide a simplified permit and consenting regime with the aim of putting the UK and South West at the forefront of the global development of wave energy technology.

"The development of wave and tidal energy has enormous potential in the UK, and UK businesses have an opportunity to be world leaders in the field," Energy Minister Mike O'Brien said. "The Wave Hub project is an excellent example of a scheme that could bridge the chasm between research and development and full-scale production."

The Wave Hub would be located on the seabed within the UK's territorial limit, approximately 10 miles out to sea. Wave energy converters on or just below the surface would be linked to the wave hub, and an electricity cable would run under the sea floor to connect it to the national grid on land.

Taking account of wave and tidal streams, shipping lanes, the fishing industry, grid connectivity and the environment, an ideal location for the Wave Hub has been identified off the coast of Hayle, in North Cornwall. Hayle already has a direct connection to the national grid, allowing a total capacity of up to 30 MW.

The proposed location for the Wave Hub is now undergoing detailed wave energy monitoring following the 32 deployment last month of a wave measuring buoy by Regen SW, the renewable energy agency for the South West of England, which was set up by the South West RDA, and key regional partners, in 2002.

Funded by GBP 195,000 (US$ 370,000) of private sector investment from RWE npower, the buoy is transmitting real time wave climate data from off the North Cornwall coast, which will help wave energy companies develop their designs and prove the suitability of the site.

The next step will be to secure development funding for the project, estimated at GBP 1.42 million (US $ 2.69 million), to undertake detailed environmental assessment work and firm up the engineering details, obtain all legal permits and leases, complete the business plan for the project and prepare legal contracts with device and project developers.

At the same time, the South West RDA will be identifying potential funders for the estimated GBP 12.42 million (US$ 23.5 million) construction costs of the wave hub. This will include discussions with the DTI on whether the project could qualify for funding under the department's GBP 50 million (US$ 95 million) Marine Research Deployment Fund.

The South West RDA will also investigate whether the project could secure funding from the European Objective One Program for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. The European Commission has recently said that the wave hub would qualify as being within the geographic Objective One area, despite being 10 miles offshore.

The South West RDA has published the results of the feasibility studies on the wave hub website at the following link below.

For further Information • Wa ve Hub Feasibility Study Please Note: does not endorse the sites behind these links. We offer them for your additional research. Following these links will open a new browser window. 33

Wave Energy is located at Ålgård 20 km south of Stavanger, Norway. Established in February 2004, the company’s main objective is to develop the Seawave Slot-Cone Generator (SSG) concept.

Wave Energy is the owner of the patented wave power concept, which stores the incoming waves in several reservoirs placed one above the other. Using this method practically all waves, regardless of size and speed, are captured for energy production. The SSG concept can be an opportunity for countries to meet their environmental obligations.

WAVEenergy, Opstadv. 11c, N4330 Ålgård, Norway, Phone: (+47) 51 61 09 30, Fax: (+47) 51 61 09 31, Cell: (+47) 450 37 360, mail: [email protected]

34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 Directory:Kneider Waves Energy Propeller From PESWiki

Francois Kneider's Wave Energy Propeller Engine Description External fin system taps the energy of waves to provide thrust energy for the craft. Benefits the craft by stabilizing the ride. Toy-size proof of concept prototype built. Possible open source project (for experimental purposes only; commercial applications will need to be authorized under contract).

Table of contents showTocToggle ("show","hide") 1 Official Websites 2 How it Works 2.1 Video 2.2 Diagrams 3 Related Technologies 4 About Francois Kneider 5 Contact 1 See also [edit] Official Websites • http :// • http :// [edit] How it Works [edit] Video • Click here to view 7-second video (http:// - Toy-size prototype moves with wave action, while control craft does not advance. 61

[edit] Diagrams 62

[edit] Related Technologies • T he Clean Queen Of The Sea ( - Orcelle to be the first cargo ship in modern times to be run completely by sun, wind, and waves. Unveiling of first 820-foot long vessel, with cruise speed of 15 knots, expected next month. (Rense / The Telegraph, UK; March 13, 2005)

[edit] About Francois Kneider • http :// - bio page in French [edit] Contact Francois Kneider Kneider Innovations, 13 Allee Nicolo Paganini, F.13880 Velaux, France Phone: (33) 442 464 464 email: [email protected]

Mary-Sue Haliburton (PES Network project coordinator, interim) email: mary-sue (at)

[edit] 63 See also • Ocean & Sea Wave Power ( - Directory at From research and development to presently implemented solutions that harness the power of waves for energy production. - Directory - Other 'directory' listings at PESWiki - Main_Page - PESWiki home page

Retrieved from "" Categories: Sea Wave Energy


Hot Off The Press

A Historic Breakthrough In Motor/Generator Function. TECHNOLOGY UPDATE... – This power system platform, under the PowerMax™ label, features chargeback capabilities which produces current from dormant start up windings as the motor turns at speed, while requiring no additional input current and resulting in no attrition of shaft speed or torque. What this means is that for the first time in history an electric motor can operate and produce work from batteries and return a portion of the current consumed to recharge those batteries. Obviously this breakthrough Shown Above: technology has far reaching implications. With world wide PowerMax Motor concern over fossil fuel consumption and foreseeable Generator with depletion of resources along with atmospheric destroying Compressor attached hydrocarbon emissions the most immediate use of this for load (25 PSI) with technology would be to apply it to the production of motor secondary motor vehicles. running from Chargeback coming off This technology enhances all alternative power sources formerly dormant start for vehicles, including batteries, fuel cells photovoltaic windings. cells (solar) and internal combustion over electric (hybrid), with the obvious benefit being extended runtimes with lower energy requirements. 65

1. First AC single phase synchronous motor/generator with AC squirrel cage start up

2. First AC synchronous magnetic core run operation (Present Synchronous run previously switches to DC after start up)

3. First AC generation without slip rings

4. First multiple field rotor/stator technology

a. Analogous to 4 cylinders vs. 1 cylinder in internal combustion engines

5. First combination single phase AC and 3 phase AC into one single phase motor.

6. First AC motor which does not pull additional current under variable loads (No peak usage after start) “This generated power can be used to charge back 7. First AC motor (PowerMax only) to batteries even while the motor is driving the vehicle.” utilize dormant start windings to generate free current PowerMax technology could lead the way to a new generation of electric vehicles---with all the power, a. Magnetic core range, and conveniences we associate with current generates current when gasoline fueled vehicles. passing dormant start windings

b. Current from dormant start windings is pulled off as free current Read Full Press Release in Adobe Acrobat Format. c. Free current does not affect line current to Contact: Mr. Sharp motor run windings Email: [email protected] Phone: (518) 622-9687 d. Motor still runs load when free current is being generated with no effect on power run windings of motor---no additional current is required for load.



Sound Waves May Be Used To Generate Energy, Produce Weapons And More By Michael Fitzpatrick 4-3-00

Sound, as any deafened rocker will tell you, can be surprisingly powerful. So powerful, in fact, that scientists are discovering just what a little bit of pumped-up volume is capable of - from levitating objects in space to rearranging our internal organs. To prove how potent sound waves can be, a selection of unfortunate laboratory animals were placed on the receiving end of this more sinister use of acoustic technology. When high-powered infrasound was directed at the subjects, it caused internal bleeding and even destroyed body tissue. Good news if you happen to be a military scientist looking to develop a sound-wave weapon. Encouraged by the lab results, militarists around the world are working on such sound arms, which they hope to put to use in conflicts. On the battlefield, they say, an array of loudspeakers could be directed at the enemy, who would be blasted by very powerful infrasound - very low- frequency sound waves below the hearing threshold of the human ear. With such a weapon, devastating attacks could be made without ever firing a conventional shot. Fortunately, sound is also being used more constructively - promising to defeat noise pollution and even power engines in the future. Researchers working at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, for example, have developed what they claim is an environmentally friendly engine with no moving parts that is powered by sound waves. Built on the principle of a 19th century pump invented by Robert Stirling, who discovered that cooling and heating gases could drive a piston, the thermoacoustic Stirling heat engine produces sound from heated helium within the engine. The sound waves then drive a piston which in turn generates electricity. "Small low-cost engines like this could be used in homes for cogeneration," says Greg Swift, one of the creators of the experimental engine. "That is, they could be used to generate electricity while at the same time producing heat to warm water or the home." Cars create a great deal of the sound pollution to which we are exposed each day. A group of Japanese scientists believe that the solution to this is to fight noise with noise. 67

Japan's Public Works Research Institute has unveiled a new kind of wall fitted with a device that ameliorates highway and railway noise by overlaying its own sounds. The idea came from the technology used in aeroplane headsets, which also cancel out unwanted noise using noise. The institute's cylindrical Active Noise Control (ANC) measures the sound waves generated by traffic and then spouts its own sound waves, whose peaks and troughs cancel out the peaks and troughs of the sound waves coming from the traffic. The result is a lessening of the racket on our tormented ears, although the reduction achieved so far is only in the region of five per cent. Acoustic research is not only coming up with some answers to problems caused by transport but has discovered that sound can do a little transportation of its own - using the magic of levitation. Acoustic levitation was first experimented with successfully in the 1940s. Now, the use of high- powered sounds is sophisticated enough to suspend objects in the air and move them along as though on an invisible conveyor belt. Yoshiki Hashimoto, of Tokyo's Kaijo corporation, has developed a machine that lifts objects and moves them by acoustic levitation using supersonic waves. Firing off sound waves which vibrate 20,000 times per second, the Kaijo acoustic levitator can keep a small silicon wafer hovering one millimetre above the surface. The direction and speed of the supersonic waves can also be controlled. It could revolutionise the semiconductor industry, according to Hashimoto, as super-sensitive microchips don't stand up to a lot of handling. Other methods of "no contact" transportation for the industry have been experimented with before - using gas jets or \electromagnetic force, for example - but acoustic levitation offers the greatest advantage, says Hashimoto. "Any material can be levitated, regardless. It has high controllability and good positioning and manipulation capabilities. Also, in comparison with other systems, the suspension mechanism is compact and uses very little power." Further experiments with acoustic levitation methods are being conducted in space. Because of the absence of terrestrial gravity, many experiments involving acoustic levitation are better observed in zero gravity. The weightless conditions in space labs orbiting the Earth also gave rise to the discovery of another sound-related phenomenon which has excited a lot of American scientists. What caught their interest was the presence of so-called acoustic luminescence; that is, light being emitted from liquid under high-intensity sound. The phenomenon, known as sonoluminescence, had been observed on Earth as far back as the 1930s, but in space a very different type of luminescence was produced. "Experiments using a single bubble, such as can be conducted in space, reveal that the pulses of luminescence are very short," says Tim Leighton, professor of ultrasonics and underwater acoustics at the University of Southampton. "This is something which is very difficult to explain with standard physics." Around the world there have been claims that this new type of acoustic luminescence is a discovery that could lead to hundreds of different applications, from nuclear fusion to sewage treatment. Leighton, however, remains cold-blooded. "Nobody has actually proved an application for it," he says. "The excitement over the single bubble experiments rely on having one bubble in a perfectly symmetrical, controlled environment. Of course the moment you throw some sewage in there, for example, you've ruined that." Southampton's acoustics department is also hot on the trail of another ground-breaking use of 68 sound - a virtual sound system to complement virtual reality (VR) entertainment. The department calls its system the Stereo Dipole, and it has won an accolade from the Design Council as a "Millennium Product." The secret of realising virtual sound is through virtual sound fields. Adjusting these means you can make a sound source appear to be anywhere: behind your head, above or to the side, or you can move it around. All of this, of course, would be very useful for entertainment systems using VR, which is at the moment basically a visual experience enhanced by earphones. Led by Philip Nelson at Southampton's Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, and by Hareo Hamada at Tokyo's Denki University, the team has produced a system for creating what it calls "virtual acoustic images". "Crucially, two loudspeakers are placed very close together, which produces a sound field that radiates," says Prof Nelson. "This creates a particular property where you can produce a null in the sound field in one or other of the listener's ears." This enables the sound produced at the listener's ears to be a very close replica of the sound that would be produced by the virtual source. The signal processing involved can either be executed on a computer at the time a sound recording is made, or it can be implemented on a special purpose chip which can be embedded into commonplace devices, such as television sets, personal computers and portable stereo systems. Yamaha Corporation in Japan has licensed the rights to use this technology and is now making chips for its implementation. Ultimately, it will make VR capable of very closely simulating our "take" on reality. Nostalgic headbangers could even immerse themselves in replicas of bygone concerts - if their hearing is up to it, that is.

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N ew Magnetic Motor by S teve Kundel His website is This has a patent application in progress, and patent drawings are included below. Steve has given permission to replicate it. Any questions you can contact him ...... HERE It uses a 3.6 watt voice coil, but could be setup with a Bedini circuit easily. You can add more magnet rotors along the shaft for increased power. "The coolest thing about it is (i think), it goes faster with every revolution, I'm not increasing the power, its switching is controlled by its own rotation, which is slightly out of phase with the rotation my one reciprocating magnet interacts with one or two pairs of rotating magnets at the same time. My reciprocating magnet and rotator operate on two different plains. I have mounted a 7 lbs. fly wheel to it and got about 375 to 400 RPM,... had to stop it, my flawed model was causing the fly wheel to vibrate out of control."- STEVE

POWER Radio Shack Power Regulated AC-to-DC Adapter set @ 12VDC 300mA (in videos)

ENERGY TO WORK (i have not set up a dynamometer yet)

Adapter set @ 9VDC 300mA (no difference between 9VDC & 12VDC)

These are the numbers on my motor using a 10mm pully

Motor power 9V @ 300mA Lifted 9 oz. 16 in. in 7 sec.

Motor power 9V @ 300mA Lifted 8 oz. 16 in. in 5.5 sec

Motor power 9V @ 300mA Lifted 7 oz. 18 in. in 4 sec

Motor power 9V @ 300mA Lifted 6 oz. 19 in. in 3 sec

7mm reciprocation (norm. approz. 4mm reciprocation @ 2,000 RPM)

The greater the reciprocation (4 5mm to 7mm) the greater the torque

(I only bought 9 oz. of brass wieghts)

thanks Steve Kundel



72 73




1. MOTORE "ELETTROSTATICO" #1 "Electrostatic" motor # 1

A sinistra un generatore di EAT secondo lo schema riportato nella pagina Intersting, intriguing and vintage electronic circuits. 75

Un curioso motore "elettrostatico" fatto con due lattine di aranciata (gli induttori, fissi, isolati) e una bottiglia di acqua minerale (il rotore), che ruota attorno ad una astina che la attraversa dal fondo fino al tappo. Sulla bottiglia sono applicati tre settori di stagnola da cucina fra di loro isolati. Da ogni lattina parte un filo di rame appuntito che si affaccia ai settori di stagnola a 10 mm di distanza. La posizione e la distanza di questi fili va determinata sperimentalmente. Nella figura in alto il motore ruota con le cariche che passano attraverso l'aria fra la piastra metallica collegata al generatore e la lattina di sinistra. La lattina di destra è collegata a terra. Index

2. MOTORE ELETTROSTATICO #2 Electrostatic motor # 2 76

Questo motore è stato inventato dall'autore*. Per funzionare esso richiede talmente poca energia che può essere messo in rotazione senza collegamenti elettrici: appoggiato su un supporto isolante di polistirolo espanso, e alimentato con le cariche che passano attraverso l'aria dal generatore di alta tensione all'elettrodo sensibile. R è un resistore da 10 MOhm. Ogni volta che l'aletta B giunge in prossimità della punta dell'armatura fissa quest'ultima si scarica, e la rotazione può continuare. Il rotore è di leggerissimo lamierino di alluminio ricavato dal fondo di una teglia per infornare le pizze; l'asse è un ago con la cruna appuntita che ruota su coni da orologio. *Guido G. Pegna, A simple "electrostatic motor", Am. J. Phys. 45, n.2, 218 (1977) 77

3. MOTORI "UNIPOLARI" "Unipolar" motors

L'asse di rotazione è verticale. Sotto al disco metallico con la scanalatura alla periferia, e solidale con esso, vi è un magnete anulare (ricavato dallo smontaggio di un altoparlante) che ha 78

i due poli sulle due facce piane. La corrente arriva dal grosso conduttore di rame ricurvo, che pesca in una goccia di mercurio che sta nel solco del disco; percorre il raggio del disco e prosegue verso il basso lungo l'asse fino ad un pozzetto di mercurio che sta nella vaschetta nera in basso. Il motore è alimentato con una corrente continua di circa 0,8 V e qualche Ampere. Esso si mette spontaneamente in rapida rotazione. E' questo uno strano motore: in esso la parte elettrica percorsa dalla corrente e la parte magnetica ruotano insieme, e sono in realtà indistinguibili.

4. IL MOTORE A CUSCINETTI The bearing motor

Un primo motore a cuscinetti da 30 mm di diametro. La ruota nera è un volano. 79

e un altro motore con cuscinetti piccolissimi (12 mm di diametro). Il principio di funzionamento di questi motori è ancora controverso. Sono graditi contributi di spiegazione: scrivere all'autore In questi motori la corrente attraversa il primo cuscinetto, l'asse conduttore e quindi il secondo cuscinetto. I contatti elettrici sono applicati alle ghiere esterne dei cuscinetti. Proprietà: 1. il motore deve essere avviato; 2. il motore gira indifferentemente nei due sensi; 3. il motore gira sia in corrente continua che in corrente alternata. Una spiegazione del funzionamento di questo motore si trova in Am. J. Phys. 46 (12), Dec. 1978 p. 1213, ma è talmente complicata che appare poco plausibile. L'alimentazione è di circa 1 V con correnti fortissime (si tratta in pratica di un cortocircuito). Questo secondo motore richiede per l'alimentazione un trasformatore da circa 10 W con secondario appositamente avvolto con filo da 1,5 mm di diametro, come illustrato qui di seguito: 80


5. IL MOTORE A PIETRINE The "Flint" motor Le pietrine da accendisigari sono di un materiale ferromagnetico che ha un punto di Curie particolarmente basso. A circa 50 °C transiscono a paramagnetiche. E' quindi possibile costruire un motore incollando alla periferia di un disco metallico non magnetico (alluminio, ottone), ruotante attorno ad un asse verticale, una corona di puntine da accendisigari, e fissando un magnete ed una sorgente di calore in prossimità del disco. Il disco prenderà a ruotare. E' questo in effetti uno strano motore termico.


A thermoelectric motor

Dischi di Rame (Cu), colonnine di Antimonio (Sb). Una serie di giunzioni Cu-Sb (Rame-Antimonio) disposte su una circonferenza viene riscaldata, mentre le giunzioni superiori corrispondenti restano fredde. Le correnti termoelettriche interagiscono con il campo di due magneti fissi e la coppia generata mette in rotazione il sistema. Costruito da G. Denotti.




Prendete una bottiglia di "Fanta" da 1,5 litri. Praticate nel fondo, al centro, un foro da 7 mm di diametro. L'interno deve essere bene asciutto. Ora, tolto il tappo, versate nella bottiglia alcuni c.c. di alcool denaturato. Capovolgete e fate sgocciolare l'accesso di alcool. Chiudete la bottiglia, appoggiatela su un piano, e avvicinate una fiamma al foro sul fondo. La bottiglia parte a gran velocità, con un rumore forte di soffio ad una fiamma blu che da dentro la bottiglia si propaga all'esterno dal foro. E' questo un razzo a vapori di alcool molto efficiente. Non vi è pericolo di esplosione della bottiglia. ATTENZIONE! Tenere la bottoglia dell'alcool ben tappata e lontana dalla zona dell'esperimento. Nella foto il razzo sulla sua rampa di lancio.



STATICO A fully static alternative steam engine

La caldaia è costituita dal sottile (diam. est. 4 mm) tubo di rame avvolto a doppia spirale. Per la messa in marcia, la si riempie di acqua con un contagocce. Si versa un po' di alcool nel 83

fornelletto e lo si accende. Si aspetta che qualche goccia di acqua calda esca dai tubi aperti posteriori, e si mette il motoscafino nell'acqua. Da questo momento il motoscafo procede per successivi rapidi impulsi di acqua eiettata dai tubetti posteriori, fino a che è presente la fiamma. Il fornelletto è semplicemente una scatoletta riempita di cotone idrofilo. Il problema posto da questo propulsore è :perché, dopo che per la prima volta il vapore nella caldaia ha spinto tutta l'acqua fuori dai tubi posteriori (fase propulsiva), il ciclo ricomincia e si ripete periodicamente? Esiste in Francia l'"Association des Moteurs Plop-Plop", che conta più di 250 membri, dedita allo studio ed al miglioramento di questo strano oggetto. Potrebbe funzionare una versione grande per una barca vera? Index

9. IL MOTORE STIRLING The Stirling Engine: see the specific page for this phantastic engine


Questo è il motore Stirling costruito nel nostro Laboratorio. Diametro dei dischi di base: 13 cm. Con una differenza di temperatura di 25°C ruota a 150 giri/min. La sorgente di calore è una lampadina da 25 W posta all'interno della base in legno. Cilindro di vetro, pistone di grafite, dislocatore di polistirolo espanso. L'albero ruota su due cuscinetti a sfere.



IN UN MOTORE SINCRONO How to turn an asynchronous motor into a synchronous one Le spark-gap rotanti per i grossi trasformatori di Tesla sono vantaggiosamente mosse da motori sincroni, in modo che il condensatore primario sia portato a scaricarsi sul primario della bobina solo quando ha immagazzinato la massima energia, e quindi approssimativamente in coincidenza con i picchi della tensione a 50 Hz. Un normale motore asincrono con rotore a gabbia di scoiattolo da 200-300 W (il condensatore di sfasamento non è in campo) si presenta così:

Questo è lo statore con i suoi avvolgimenti 85

e questo è il rotore (i cuscinetti sono protetti in vista della successiva lavorazione). Si tratta di un motore a due poli, alimentato a 220V, velocità di targa 2750 giri/min. Per trasformarlo in un motore sincrono con velocità di rotazione di 3000 giri/min occorre spianare due facce opposte del rotore, ciascuna per una larghezza di 1/6 della circonferenza, come nella seguente figura:

Il motore, con il suo condensatore normalmente collegato, si autoavvia e ruota ora a 3000 giri/min. Per verificare che effettivamente il motore sia sincrono si può usare una illuminazione stroboscopica, vedi il circuito di una lampada stroboscopica. 86

Welcome to our 'StarDrive Engineering' News Page

For a layman's description of the StarDrive device's method of operation, click here AESI Corporate Information^

* * * * * 6/06/ 05 - 2 nd PoC Experiment Progress Bulletin!: We have now completed the initial phase of testing of our 2nd proof-of-concept experimental setup, using the original experiment's +/-500-volt source module (solid state dc-dc converter, 1.5W), and have been able to apply its full unballasted output across the stator plate induction rings without shorting problems. While the induced anode ring voltage is much lower than in the 1st PoC Experiment, due to the action of the capacitor plates added to the armature ("rotor"), we can see that the performance of this prototype 24kW EDF Generator primary power system increases sharply as the induction rings' voltage is raised. For example:

- when the induction ring voltage was raised 13.6% from +/-323 [max. 40 Ω ballast R] to +/-367vdc [semi- ballasted @ 18 Ω] in the second of a series of 3 tests, the equilibrium armature voltage only increased by 12.2% yet the required converter input power went up by 25.7%!; However, - when the induction ring voltage was raised just 9.5% more, from +/-367 [18 Ω ballast R] to +/-402vdc [min. 2.9 Ω fuse R] in the third test of that series, the input power only went up by another 20.4% while the equilibrium armature voltage increased by over 60%!! So, we have ordered a new +/-2.5-kV source module (1.5W), with which we should of course be able to extend the input voltage testing range by a factor of five (5) and the induced rotor voltage by a far greater ratio. And with the flexibility we have in readily adjusting the polyester capacitor dielectric thickness, we can achieve better induction field intensity control (to avoid sparking) while running higher and higher percentages of breakdown field intensity between the stator and armature induction ring pairs. It must be noted here that, in this initial test series, we are already producing 85% of the induced armature voltage we will need to show an output COP of 1.0, using under 1 watt of input power from the 'smallest' module available - and this voltage is over 40% of that which will be required to operate the completed 24kW Generator prototype at its full rated output . . . More to follow! 6 /01/05 - Important 2nd-Quarter Update: I know that many of you are anxiously awaiting news of our 2nd Proof-of-Concept Experiment and are concerned about the terrible 4-month delay we suffered in obtaining the 3 special ceramic plates for it – from some bass-fishin', defense contractin' good ole boys in Oak Ridge (who shall remain nameless) . . . Well, as you can see below, we finally have the 2nd PoC Experiment fully assembled and have been testing it and analysing the initial results for about 2 weeks now. It has performed 87 pretty much as expected, although a couple small mechanical and electrical modifications will be necessary over the next 2 to 3 weeks if we are then to proceed to a final test of this primary power system's ability to demonstrate output COPs of 4 to 7 (and perhaps better) . . .

A full Report is in preparation, and I will be posting a Board-authorized level of disclosure to this website as soon as possible in the form of a new webpage like that for the 1st PoC Experiment. Also, for the great number of you who visit our Over-Unity Disk Dynamo Analysis webpage and who have expressed enthusiasm for our magnetic-induction Dynamo 1 Project, I've included below a photo of one of the two finished end support structures for the 18" prototype. We have already begun building the two corresponding stator magnet heads, for which we have all materials and components on-hand, and have finally located an agreeable vendor of the required 3-μohm-cm Ag-graphite material for the unique brush system – so, construction is coming along well! Many thanks to Frank Ivan at Algo Machine Shop for the great work he continues to do on our behalf! 88

I nevertheless find it troubling to note that of the literally hundreds of people who visit our OU page per week, not a single one has taken us up on our offer to provide interested students and engineers with a copy of my original and definitive Eddy Current & Stator Loss Analysis white paper or an edited ("B") version of the Project Manual, upon request, with prior submission of a basic 1-pg. NDA . . . Do people actually read anymore? Lastly, but not least, I have decided to post-release a couple more pages of my book, with my thanks to the many starship troopers out there who regularly visit in search of 'starship design', 'interstellar propulsion', 'faster-than-light drive' and so forth. Sometimes it seems that the only people I actually hear from wanting to know more about the beautiful technical details of my stardrive system are, well, nuts! . . . I will let the Manned Vessel Design DataSheet speak for itself and for the book. [pdf, 283KB, 2 pgs.; weight, displacement, Field voltage, and peak rotor current for vessels of 40, 60, 80 and 100 feet in diameter.] Sincerely, Mark Tomion Pres. AESI 3/ 07/05 - A Memorandum Regarding E-M ail: Like so many businesses everywhere, we've had to implement new software and strategic filters on our main computer system to divert the overwhelming flood of spam and virus-infected e-mail we've been receiving. Also, our Internet hosting company is putting online a new e-mail server with programmable filtering – and now you may only forward first-time e-mail to us that either comes directly from the links provided throughout our website or is addressed to us in the same way. Furthermore, it would seem that the geometric growth of "e-garbage" lately has also been accompanied by an inversely-proportional drop in meaningful new correspondence – which is detrimental to our ability to effectively promote and develop our business – and that most people have gotten so sick and tired of it they just don't want to bother 'doing' e-mails anymore! Nevertheless, as professional people we all have an obligation to overcome or adapt to this unwanted extra burden or see our working productivity thwarted just that much more!! I would much rather ask all of you whose interest in our work is sincere to let us know that by phone, if you don't want to write, than have an opportunity to meet new friends and associates pass by unattended. It's simply criminal that such a wonderful medium for business communications and conduct has gotten so hopelessly polluted . . . My own policy with regard to e-mails is that I'll spend no time at all on inconsequential matters, and any time that it takes on the most important issues related to communicating in 'real time' with valuable new and existing contacts and to conducting our business properly. It is unlikely - but still possible - that some of your important new correspondence might be inadvertently lost or deleted, so please call our office (Mon.- Fri., 9am - 5pm EST) if you don't receive a timely response to an initial e-mail inquiry or are not sure whether it was properly delivered. Thanks! Best regards, Mark Tomion 89

Pres. AESI 2/21/ 05 - EDF Generator's A ustralian Patent Granted: We've just received confirmation that Australian Patent #2001273462 [WO02/09259, WIPO]; pdf Abstract] for the Electrodynamic Field Generator was granted to AESI president Mark R. Tomion on Dec. 16, 2004 (expiring 7/11/21). Companies interested in building or selling EDF Generator products or devices in Australia that are or would be covered by this comprehensive Patent must now seek licensing from Archer Energy Systems, Inc. as the IP rights assignee. We appreciate the significant indications of interest in this technology we've been receiving from 'down under', and would welcome the opportunity to work with the Australians in applying it to the challenges of reducing their key dependence on fossil fuels for generating electricity (~90%) and lessening the near-critical shortage of fresh water there. Enquiries should be directed to: [email protected].

2/10/ 05 - Special Dy namo 1 Project Memorandum: We'd like to announce the formal inception of our exciting Magnetic Disk Dynamo 1 Project, in association with ALGO Machine Shop Ltd. of ON, Canada. The fundamental purpose of AESI's Dynamo 1 Project is quite simply to see if a 'new' Faraday disk dynamo of our unique and sophisticated design can actually be built and publicly demonstrated to operate over-unity, when so many others have tried and failed. While this design is of course based to a degree on landmark prior art, we're fairly sure that no one has ever built a device of the particular configuration defined in our now-complete Project Manual's specifications, nor is it likely they had a better theoretical and mathematical model from which to proceed. At the present time, when even the energy supply required to maintain modern civilization is itself uncertain, we've begun building an experimental Dynamo which might not only constitute a feasibly marketable electric power supply system for single-unit-housing customers but should also be essentially production-ready if it proves successful! Theoretically, the model under development could exhibit a net input COP of 1.49 or more, whereby it would be sufficiently over-unity that it could operate 'closed-loop' as driven by its own high- efficiency electric motor and custom inverter! Although the power output of a disk dynamo goes up proportional to the 4th power of increases in the rotor's mean induction radius, we wanted to select a size of device whose overall "slim-line" housing diameter would not be significantly greater than that of a typical residential water heater and, in this way, we made the fortuitous choice of 18 inches as the device's nominal rotor disk diameter. And because the vertical shaft will be "live" electrically in the chosen design, we desired the 18"-dia. prototype unit to be modular in nature so that multiple thin units could be mechanically coupled end-to-end vertically (and driven by a common electric motor, or other source of input torque) until the combined net output is commensurate with the power needs of a typical residential housing unit. While it is possible but extremely unlikely that our prototype won't be that much more efficient than a high- performance truck alternator (~70%), we will consider the project to be a gratifying success upon any of the only remaining possible outcomes: 1) we just might be able to meet Dr. Hal Puthoff's "1-watt challenge" (as yet unachieved anywhere else, so far as we know!) and show true self-sustaining operation of an electric-motor-driven device that can also power at least 1 watt of additional load; 2) failing that, we may well still be able to solidly verify over-unity operation of an electromotive device – if only for the academic accomplishment of it – if for instance we develop well over 1,000 watts of net output across the buss bars using less than 1,000 watts of shaft input torque; or 3) we may find that the overall efficiency, despite all those brushes, is less than but quite close to 100%, and that the Dynamo could perhaps be manufactured and sold as a terrific mini wind turbine or micro-hydro generator. I actually do expect to see the latter outcome realized, which means we probably have a viable product! The absolute minimum percentage of classical Lenz-loss back-torque that we can expect our prototype to express is only 20% - in addition to the significant brush drag (countertorque) . . . The 18" Dynamo's peak power output capability is 4.3kW at 1900 rpm, by the way, so to achieve 20kW in output (for instance) 5 of these units would have to be coupled end-to-end mechanically (which is possible by design) if they're to be driven by a common 90 shaft. While it is possible according to the rigorous mathematical model we have developed that the prototype Dynamo could be efficient enough to operate closed-loop electrically, it is much more realistic to consider it as a truly exceptional wind turbine power plant! Therefore, AESI is also developing a 12-ft.-dia. vertical-shaft aeroturbine kit* and simple 60' hinged jack-spar mast of our own unique design, with a customized linear torque ratio planetary fluid transmission provided by Pneu-Hydro Energy, Inc. of Maine. *[editor's note: A design patent is being applied for; more to follow!] This elegant system would be able to drive a single shaft-coupled Dynamo stage delivering up to 3,000 watts of electrical power, and could actually offset the average U.S. single-unit residential power bill at 50% capacity (continuous duty). In the Dynamo 1 Project Manual, we develop theoretical proof sheets wherein the performance potential of the 18"-dia. Dynamo is assessed for both electric motor drive and wind turbine drive scenarios, and these studies are both sobering and exciting. We've been chided to a degree about devoting valuable resources to a program which "tries to use an age-old model to deal with new-age problems" - that we are only 'tilting at windmills'. But even if we're unable to verify OU operation in first-round testing, the Dynamo 1 prototype is a beautiful piece of unconventional equipment which will teach us a great deal, which expresses some very adroit engineering, and which just may prove to be a very significant and newsworthy scientific achievement. To the extent permissible, we will try to provide a few photos periodically as work progresses, perhaps as incorporated in a new project webpage. Students, engineers, and prospective investors may obtain a copy of either the Eddy Current & Stator Loss Analysis white paper or an edited ("B") version of the Project Manual upon request, with prior submission of a basic 1-pg. NDA. 2/09/ 05 - AESI 2004 Year-End Report: Despite the lack of recent postings, the last few months spanning the change of the year have been very busy and productive. However, notwithstanding the available funding we have (for a change), we have only just been able to secure delivery of all of our prototype EDF Generator's primary power system components. Before installation in the 24kW Generator, this unique non-magnetic hi-voltage source system will be assembled, tested, and documented as our 2nd (and final) proof-of-concept experimental set-up (in a new webpage similar to the first, but with more and better photos!). While last year's annual report optimistically asserted that we should by now have completed the 24kW air- cooled prototype, it has instead taken all that time just to get this far. The important thing, though, is that we made it, and will be able to make demonstrable progress much more quickly from here on out. Moreover, 2004 was a good year for us in that the 'StarDrive' Generator's international patent rights are still intact and secure on all fronts, and professional interest and enquiries continue to increase worldwide – albeit slowly. Finally, as the unbelievable delay in shipment of our outrageously expensive parts carried over into the first two months of 2005(!), we were able to develop a complete pre-production technical manual for a very sophisticated variant of the Faraday disk dynamo described on our Over-U nity w ebpage. This beautiful neo- classic machine, which is under construction, has a peak output power rating of 4.33 kW at 1900 rpm, and will be discussed further in a soon-to-follow separate posting. [Certain technical information about this project, including a definitive white paper on stator-variant loss analysis, is being made available to those who sign a basic NDA with us.] I truly expect 2005 to see us finally complete the contruction and testing of both these exciting and advanced prototype energy system products. In the meantime, it is at least comforting that no one else has yet demonstrated any practical self-sustaining OU hardware either - let alone any with solid cost-effective product potential. To put it simply, this is our goal for 2005; may you all have a prosperous and Happy New Year as well! Kind regards, Mark R. Tomion Pres. Archer Energy Systems, Inc. 11/02/ 04 - Tomion's 'StarDrive' Interview with Tim Ventura: Those of our far-sighted visitors who are interested in hearing about the EDF Generator's ultra-high-voltage propulsive variant straight from the inventor 91 himself may find the recent ½-hour American Antigravity int erview with Mark Tomion of some interest. The discussion centers around the similarities and differences between Mr. Tomion's "StarDrive" device and the historic Levity Disk of John Searl. This recorded interview may be accessed from the bottom of the linked page (above). 10/03/ 04 - Announcing a new AESI Officer and o ur First Int'l. Investor!: Archer Energy Systems, Inc. would like to welcome Ricardo Zepeda Graham, Vice Pres. of Doxa Int'l., SA de CV in Mexico City, as our first international investor and as a duly-elected Assistant Secretary of AESI who is now qualified and authorized to act as our official company representative throughout Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean region. Mr. Graham is currently attending Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), where he will soon complete his MBA. He has our best wishes for academic success, and our sincere gratitude and appreciation! ______* * * * * ______0 8/06/04 - Announcing AESI's initial Priv ate Placement Offering: While the fine continuing encouragement and support of our many 'working class' correspondents has been very gratifying, the scientific "community" in this country has thus far failed to give our proprietary Electrodynamic Field Generator technology the serious and unbiased attention it truly deserves. Therefore, adequate academic sponsorship funding for the completion of our expensive prototyping work hasn't been forthcoming, in some cases as promised, and apparently industry engineers are just not going to be able to get their companies interested in the EDF Generator without a "white paper" or two on its complex yet elegant operating theory – despite the availability of the 100-page Patent and published 440-page technical manual! Needless to say, to us this is ridiculous and wholly unacceptable! Archer Energy Systems, Inc. is therefore pleased to announce the commencement of our initial AESI Private Placement Offering, whereby a limited number of qualified investors of vision have the exciting opportunity to acquire an equity interest in the EDF Generator and its worldwide intellectual property rights. Our valued investors will thereby also be doing us the invaluable service of making the Company essentially self-funding and, together with management, will enable us to keep the development of viable self-sustaining power generation equipment moving forward and the destiny of the EDF Generator technology firmly in the Company's own hands. For those who are interested in learning more about AESI's 24kW EDF Generator prototyping and product development project, we've prepared a pdf Special Executive Summary [excerpted from the Company's 2004 Business Plan] which is now available upon request (by return e-mail) at: [email protected]. This Executive Summary tells how to obtain a numbered copy of the AESI Series "B" PPO Memorandum (prospectus). Those who would like to secure direct participation in the Company's cutting-edge engineering program should also download this brief but thought-provoking Company overview. [If you cannot presently open and read pdf documents, you may access the following hypertext link to the official Acrobat Reader pdf software download website:]


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"The Cycloid-Space-Curve-Motion Cycle of Atomic Transitions" as discovered by the Austrian Physicist, Viktor Schauberger [ PAGE ONE][ PAGE TWO][ PAGE THREE][ PAGE FOUR] Implosion Technology] [ HELP FRANK GERMANO! ] [ Vortex Science ]

Very briefly, Schauberger engineered several types of machines that would create an up-current of axially-spinning air so powerful that the up-current's drag force would speed the whole machine higher and higher into the air. Of the many different types of air turbines he made several of them boasted a thrust force of nearly 10,000 bhp - simply by moving air. Some designers have utilized Schauberger's special turbines for flight (see fig. 1) and new research (see below) suggests that there indeed is a strong case for the continuation and re-establishment of Schauberger's research into these hugely beneficial technologies. Unfortunately Schauberger was an Austrian caught up in the inhumanities of war-stricken Europe, and at the peak of his creativity was forced to work for the German war effort until the end of WW II. Under orders from Himmler he was to carry out research-and-development for the Germans at Mauthausen concentration camp where he worked with twenty to thirty prisoner engineers on secret projects centered around 'higher atomic' energies. He received special dispensations from the German SS, for both himself and his prisoner engineers, to carry out this research work. In 1944 he and his engineers were moved, again under the direct orders of the SS, to Leonstein in Austria. At that war's end most of his machines at Leonstein were sequestered by American and Russian 'engineers' and cul-de-sac'd. After the war he moved to Salzburg, but found no-one willing to help him further his researches. Schauberger wanted purely to help humankind make a better world for itself. In return his life's work was taken from him by the arts of businessmen, and he died a broken man in 1958. Perhaps as a gesture of good-will, both the Russian and American 'engineers' should return these research documents and prototypes to the Schauberger family at PKS Austria, or at least publish the voluminous research works that are, after all, the legacy of one of the greatest engineers of all time.! But for a collection of notebooks, design-board sketches, and articles published in German periodicals (see note 1), and a smattering of published patents all of this great man's contribution to New Physics would have been lost to the world. The subject of Viktor Schauberger's discoveries has no handy starting point, so I'm going to jump straight in where it suits best the overall subject of flying aircraft. The Pipe - Stage One Central to any understanding of Schauberger's levitating force is his use of the cycloid-space-curve. This he used to generate a dual flow of fluid through a pipe - of an inner axial flow which moved faster through the pipe than did its peripheral flow which was especially directed into a cycloid path (see fig. 2). In this flow-separation lay the secret of the inducement of what Schauberger referred to as implosion - a force opposite to but many more times more powerful than ex-plosion. This unique force though was merely one stage in a whole cycle of transitions resulting in a thermo-electric process that transformed ordinary air, water, or sea- water into a super-biomagneto-kinetic force. The pipe gives one example of how Schauberger brought about what he referred to as a "fermentation" and a "cold-oxidizing" of, as in this case, natural water. The same principle, as will be seen further below, could be applied to atmospheric air. Using Schauberger's terminology, his task was to segregate the carbone and the oxygene particles of water or fluid, process them, and then reconstitute them with a different energy configuration - with a much higher energy 101 quota than was normal. Then, by using certain characteristics of a vortex, in conjunction with the implosion effect, it would channel the resulting release of repulsion energy and use the energy for kietic propulsion of the generating device.

This is how he did it: If you look at the flow patterns drawn into fig. 3, it can be seen that what this pipe created was a peripheral cycloid flow which acted centrifugally, close to the pipe wall. This motion would begin to draw out and harness the organic carbones of the through-flowing water. Correspondingly, tight to the centre of the pipe was drawn the inorganic oxygenes rotating under a centripetal reactive force. His discovery that water's (and air's) carbones react to a centrifugal influence, while oxygenes to a centripetal one having come from many years of previous experimentation and observation (see note 2). The special guide vanes secured into the pipe to rotate the peripheral fluid flow were also specifically placed lengthwise at specific intervals, over the whole length of the pipe, to instill an alternating increase and decrease in the flow-pressure along the pipe, which resulted in a general cooling in temperature of the whole water-mass (another one of Schauberger's discoveries - Viktor Schauberger British Patent: Water conduit, #415280, of 1934 ). What occurred under the influence of these opposite motive forces, within the water, was a metabolic process of transformation (see note 3), or as Schauberger explains, "It is also known that dissociation and re-combination, therefore the rearrangement of the atoms, can be effected in the substrate with the aid of catalytic processes. In this regard it has been observed that these processes take place in a characteristic cycle or oscillating rhythm until a new state of equilibrium is established " (see note 4). The processes that he could generate by using the cycloid-space-curve-motion within an enclosed space would lead to the almost instantaneous production of a lower and a higher product of synthesis (see note 5), which constituted the dissociation part of the process.

Fission and Fusion Through the cooling of the water the density increases, and as the differentially rotating central core (of oxygenes) and peripheral spiraling carbones rotate about each other their bipolar ingredients constantly abrade at the intervening slip plane and against the outer-wall guide vanes. This breaking down or refining process further induces a dissociation of the micro-particles of the two separated fluid flows, firstly by a process Schauberger named the oligo-dynamic effect (see note 6) of decomposition and hence a liberation of supplementary influences, and secondly, by a shriveling up and densifying of both the oxygene and the carbone elements, thereby creating a reduction in volume. Thirdly the carbones, or rather the residues of the carbones, are rendered unipolar (and potentially different from the oxygenes). As a result, the axial core of the fluid accelerates ahead of the peripheral (spiraling) flow thereby increasing the potential-difference between the two flows. Then, in what can only be described as a highly complicated triggering of bio- electric chain-reactions, there occurs an energetic interchange between the residues of the abraded carbones and the axially-flowing oxygenes. Whereby, as Schauberger stated, "If this state [of interchange] is reached at the anomaly point [of 3.98ºC or 39.164ºF], then the highly energized organic residues (the former particles of the carbones) bind their fertilizing counterparts (the oxygenes), and the naturalesque product of synthesis is complete" (see note 7). One would suppose that this 'charged water' would be likened to a fluid in colloidal form, whereby its molecules would have instilled into them a strong, negative electrical charge, but, according to Schauberger, this was not the case. He proved that the product of this process was a much higher form of energy. "If on the other hand a tri-polar mass is split up by suction-intensifying and temperature-reducing dynamic influences, then the true creative substance (residues of carbone) will be exposed to revitalizing (cooling) temperatures. In this case the formative pulp-matter becomes free, unipolar and so highly active that it binds, consumes and digests the oxygen, which has become passive under this other dynamic influence. The end product of this magnetolytic dissociation is the predominantly magnetically charged ion, whose original formative and levitative force, which as everything else in Nature is to be understood as an indirect effect, can be intensified by up to 96%. Imbued with levitative force, these ions suck up the inferior matter and the generating device in their wake..." (see note 8).This was a discovery previously unknown to science at the time. In conclusion then, from the above delineation of what happens inside this special pipe, at this stage in the transition- process there is a RADIAL-TO-AXIAL (centripetal) force, and chain-reaction, which performs a highly dynamic transformation upon the pipe's through-flowing fluid, whose reaction is to accelerate in a perpendicular motion along the longitudinal axis: By way of an electronic analogy, it is somewhat similar to an outer ring-electrode and a central axial 102 electrode, whereupon a non-uniform electric field exists to create an oscillating combination of electrophoretic and streaming potential reactions. the reactions of which upon the fluid would be to alternately generate electro kinetic energy and be accelerated by electro kinetic energy.

One More Step For Mankind - Stage Two But the Pipe discovery was only the first step toward a Schauberger-type flying aircraft. The next step can be found in Schauberger's centripulser Repulsine machine. When I first saw the drawings of a Repulsine prototype made by Schauberger in the 1940's, I thought there must be a turbine inside that rotated to create the centrifugal force it required to process it's fluid - but - it seems this prototype didn't work like that. In fact, the whole machine rotated as one unit to create it's centrifugal effect. This rather bulky and cumbersome machine has been thought, by some researchers, to hold the secrets of gravity- manipulation. This machine was however, more likely to have been built merely as a demonstration model to show others some of the principles of his (Schauberger's) discoveries. From the sketches for his other centripulser turbines such as the Klimator turbine and his Repulsator turbine, there can be seen the next ‘basis’, which Schauberger designed into his atom-transforming and levitating machines. For in these machines, the above Pipe processes were transferred to, and configured as, a centrifuging air chamber that alternately braked and pulled upon the air-fluid moving through it. Inside this Repulsine, the discoveries Schauberger made in the PIPE process, above, were transferred to, and configured as a multi-plated, rotating turbine, with an amazing amount of skill and brilliance. It has to be said, Schauberger and his team of engineers did this task with a creativity and engineering prowess that the old Newtonian physicists of today can only dream of. On close inspection of this machine (in the figures shown here and shown in Schauberger's other patent applications and sketches for his 'centripulser' turbines) can be seen the next 'basis' upon which he designed his atom-transforming and levitating machines.

In these centripulser machines, close regard was paid to the principles of the Pipe processes, in that, when the chamber was rotated at above 10,000 rpm a considerable suction was created at the chamber's central inlet ducts as a result of the centrifugal forces dragging the fluid radially outwards (see note 9). The water, or fluid drawn in, is accordingly, "sucked" through the machine's low-pressure chamber, wherein this flow is 'pummeled' by it's traverse around flow-restrictors (which, for instance, could comprise concentric rings) located inside the chamber in such a way as to shape and to momentarily exert pressure on the fluid flow. Additional to these centrifugal (axial to radial) forces are the rotational forces, operating perpendicular to the centrifugal forces, dragging upon the air-fluid inside the low-pressure chamber. Rotating anti-clockwise, the Repulsine's tapering pressure chambers (where the cover plates taper down from the crests into the troughs) acted as a 'multi-stage centrifuge' to create a considerable suction at these 'ducts' (the Repulsine was rotated at around 10,000 rpm) (see note 9again), the air drawn in was then sucked centrifugally through the two (interconnected) waveform plates, made of inorganic silver-plated copper (see the removed cover plate in fig. 5). Here then is what Schauberger called the transition-promoting planetary motion together with a rhythmical alternation of suction and braking-pressures. This alternating motion causes the dissociation process of the oxygenes and carbones of the through-flowing air into two separate components. 103

For, essentially, there are two forces involved here; the centrifugal suction-pressure-suction (which can be made into a rhythmical force), and the rotating frictional force of the turbine's low-pressure chamber (spinning at around 10,000 rpm). With these forces, Schauberger used to great advantage the fact that the carbones react more readily to a centrifugal force than do the oxygenes. When the normal (atmospheric) air has entered into the mechanism at the air intakes around the centre and has begun the dissociation process, the oxygenes in the air flowing through will react less to the centrifugal forces than will the carbones (as in the Pipe explanation above) and so the oxygenes will get dragged more by the rotating frictional force inside the low-pressure chamber than will the carbones... meaning that the oxygenes will follow a longer radial curve than will the carbones on their radial flow outwards. There will be a dual flow, just as in the example of the Pipe above, where there will exist an expulsion of a higher and a lower form of this synthesis, which is now ready for the next stage of the process; the process of reconstitution (see note 10). What exits from the turbine at this stage is the 4% carbone + 96% oxygene i.e., the predominantly negatively potentiated energy.

The Work of a True Genius In order to backtrack a little and show more clearly the process that occurs through the waveform plates, I have drawn in (fig. 7) an exaggeration of the separation effect which takes place (note that on some of Schauberger's prototypes, all five of the concentric waveforms had air intake ducts, while others utilized only two. For the sake of clarity, I have diagrammed here only two such rings of air intakes). Essentially there are two forces involved here; one - the centrifugal suction (which, as we have just seen, is a rhythmical force), and two - the rotating frictional force of the turbine's waveforms (spinning at around 10,000 rpm) in an anti-clockwise direction. With these forces Schauberger has used to great advantage the fact that the carbones react more readily to a centrifugal force than do the oxygenes. In (fig. 7) it can be seen that the normal (atmospheric) air enters into the mechanism at the air inlet slits around the center. The oxygenes in the air, which react less than the carbones to centrifugal forces (as in the Pipe explanation above) get pulled, or rather dragged, more by the rotating frictional force inside the waveforms, than do the carbones, and so the oxygenes follow a longer radial curve than do the carbones on their flow outwards. The carbones (represented in fig. 7 as the wider band on the right) exit through the gaps between the blades on their inside curve, which if you look closely are of a larger radius of curvature than those on the outside, meaning that the air- flow speed will be greater for the oxygenes than for the carbones - this provides the slip separation and a slip pressure - just as in the example of the Pipe so as to force the same sort of transformation process... When you then take into consideration what happens at the Repulsine's circumference, where the super- charged air exits, you can see that each pair of higher and lower forms of this synthesis will be squeezed together into a very tightly condensed 'skirt' of energy - ready for the next stage of the process. With such ingenuity this man Schauberger should have won the Nobel prize in physics for the Repulsine alone ! But then, seeing as Nobel was the inventor of high explosives, perhaps not... 104

This is why, when this machine was spun-up a blue-white luminescence could be observed glowing around the outer cowling. But this stage, as mentioned above, is still only one of potential energy, a potential energy that can be intensified at a ratio of 4 : 96, according to the great man himself.

Stage Three - To Infinity and Beyond... Now, following on from the above two stages, we have a highly energetic force at the periphery of the machine, which is absolutely crackling with energy. If a suitably curved vessel is located below this rotating peripheral force, and which can turn and guide this force back towards the machine's axis - to transform this energy flow into a centripetal force - then, just as Schauberger describes its effect, it becomes an accelerated radically-to-axially in-winding rotational force. And we are back at the same situation with what happened inside the Pipe in stage one, where it resulted in the axial fluid being accelerated at great speed through the pipe - well not quite. In this configuration, there is a lot more energy involved, and it has already gone through one stage of synthesis. Now it is being mechanically forced centripetally in towards the centre for its final transformation, the reaction to which is very forceful. This is IMPLOSION. This is one of Viktor Schauberger's descriptions of what happens next to this energy; "As the end product of a natural or unnatural sequence of motion, it will be accelerated along either the longitudinal or the transverse axis. In the naturalesque - formative - direction of acceleration, which must take place along the longitudinal axis (centripetally), so-called electricism acts as the absolutely indispensable resistance for all motion. As the formative velocity rises, the resistance increases commensurately in order to provide the additional frictional (resisting) surfaces required by the accelerating matter. The actual loss of formative energy associated with this amounts to about 4%, i.e. in this case approximately 96% of the formative energy (= magnetism streaming upwards at enormous speed = levitism) is freed, which sucks up its generating device and a portion of its immediate environs in its wake" (see note 10). Indeed, in all of Schauberger's descriptions of this levitative force he nowhere describes it as either a propulsive effect i.e. created by a pressure-force, or as an electrical effect i.e. an electrokinetic force.

May the Force be Levitative This force was one that streamed in spiral fashion upwards above the machine from the machine at high speed, and which drew the generating machine or craft up in its wake - an inverted vortex or black hole if you will. Schauberger variously referred to this projectile of force as a "magnetism", a "biomagnetism", an "organic vacuum", an "all-attracting force" or, as it was most often called, a "diamagnetismus" (see note 11). Essentially it seems to have been the second stage of implosion. The first stage of implosion is the densifying effect (where the products implode under the centripetal cycloid motion and are squeezed into an ever-decreasing space where, as he says, they become increasingly densified) but there must follow on from this a repulsion force - as the next natural progression - which, just like in the Pipe process, shoots the product out of this densified core like a bullet high into the air (see note 12).

Stage Four - Flying Disc:

Archimedes displaced... When Schauberger strove to explain his principles of levitating energy he drew upon the famous observation made by 105 the Greek Archimedes and gave it a new twist, which I will try and duplicate here. Here is what Archimedes would like to have said: One - Since every body loses weight in proportion to the degree to which it is displaced by a specifically densifying medium (see note 13)... then, Two - Sit in bath = loose weight (displacement of water). Three - Sit on floor = loose no weight (no displacement of medium). Four - If medium surrounding is more dense then it determines motion. Five - Schauberger's trout (see note 14) expulses a densified fluid about its rear, as it expands it squeezes the trout forward. Six - If you create a situation where normal air is more dense than the air directly above or ahead of the craft - the normal air will move the craft ! Seven - There are two sorts of 'levitational motive force' featured in the many machines of Viktor Schauberger... Eight - One, a spinning upwards force would provide a NEGATIVE (vacuous) air density above the craft. Two, if the craft utilized only the centrifugal force, as in a Repulsine, it would propel a POSITIVE (increased) air density below the craft. Both these motive forces will send the craft up into the air. May his work continue...

After reading through this webpage, some of you must be wondering - WHY - this amazing technology hasn't seen the light of day, so to speak. Well, the answer is not as easy to explain as one might think. With the help of remnants from my former company, "International Turbine And Power, LLC, we are pioneering the use of the Tesla-type bladeless turbine. We have also begun the design phase for the Schauberger implosion motors. The turbine, as far as a commercially viable product is one thing. The Schauberger "free" energy devices are quite another. I invite you to click on this link for a few surprising thoughts and ideas that should startle you. For the answer: click here. After you've had the chance to read this great article, return to this webpage. Further down the page you will find some great books covering all of the information presented on this page. Below that, you will find links to products that utilize the Schauberger principles. Enjoy. FDG

NOTES: I must here say a special thanks to Callum Coats for his unstinting dedication toward his goal of getting out into the world an English translation of at least some of the writings of this great man Viktor Schauberger, certainly without Callum's books I would not have understood Viktor's valuable contribution to the re-alignment of scientific knowledge. Note 1 - While Viktor was still alive he worked with Aloys Kokaly in Germany to write articles about the many discoveries he had made throughout his life, these were collected and published in German in the "Implosion" magazines, which can now be obtained from Klaus Rauber at: Geroldseckstr. 4, 77736 Zell a.H., Germany Another source of Viktor's scientific work is the "Mensch und Technik - naturgemäß" German periodical. Note 2 - See his Fluid Pipe patents Austrian 134543 (1933), 136214 (1934), 138296 (1934). And too the explanation of them in "Living Energies" by Callum Coats p180-2. Also patents Austrian 196680, and French 1057576 (translated in "The Energy Evolution" by Callum Coats p104-114). Note that my fig. 3 is different from that shown in Callum's books because I believe it more accurately portrays Viktor's own explanation. For the difference in reaction between the oxygenes and the carbones to centrifugal forces see Viktor's text translated in "The Energy Evolution" p102 and 57. Note 3 - Another of Viktor's explanations for this transformation is; "Like the beads of carbon-dioxide in water that has been warmed, through the strong influence of heat the residual substances shrivel up after the separation and precipitation of the higher quality constituents. Due to the high pressure the outer envelope or the carrier substance will be crushed and in this way the de-energized elements released. The opposite primary elements, the varieties of so-called oxygen, will be physically released at higher temperatures, i.e. they attain the so-called charged state that enables them to consume, or as the scientist says, to bind their as it were 'devoted' condensed counterparts" (from Viktor's text translated in "The Energy Evolution" p100). Note 4 - This is from the patent application Austrian 146141, and from its English translation in "The Energy Evolution" p189. Note 5 - From Viktor's text translated in "The Energy Evolution" p100. Note 6 - The oligo-dynamic effect is a necessary stage in the cycle-of-action of a substance's rejuvenation, whereby the substance is broken down (decomposed) in readiness for its next stage of development. See also Viktor's text translated in "The Energy Evolution" p102/3 and p70-3. Note 7 - From the English translation in "The Energy Evolution" p103. 106

Note 8 - From the English translation in "The Energy Evolution" p83. Note 9 - See the implosion machines featured in "Living Energies" p275-293 where Callum Coats gives the rotational speed as between 10,000 and 20,000 rpm, and an English translation of the Repulsine patent document in "The Energy Evolution" p189-195. The 'basic' concept is to be found in "Mensch und Technik - naturgemäß" Special edition Vol 2, 1993, section 7.5, whereupon the English translation of it can be found in "The Energy Evolution" p165. Note 10 - From the English translation in "The Energy Evolution" p82. Note 11 - It was probably a big mistake to call this force "diamagnetismus", which Viktor meant as 'through an attracting force that moved in a magnetic flux-like curve' to describe an involuting motion, which always converges toward a line, while at the same time curling back in on itself... because it got miss-translated in English (and especially by the American scientists after the war) to represent DIAMAGNETIC as in the Hall effect or the attribute of a bismuth or a copper - which is a miniscule effect detected only in micro-electronic semi-conductors. A lot of people get fooled by that one, I certainly did - a long time ago! In some cases, more with regard to the implosion of water than of air, Viktor refers to this "attracting magnet for the surrounding air-masses" as dissociated (H), where H referred partly to a suctional force, and partly to an atom of the least amount of density, more from the fact that there just wasn't a better way of describing this previously unrecognized force. Note 12 - This second stage of implosion describes the process of inter-atomic repulsion, where the atomic lattice (and the inter-atomic spacing therein) can collapse only so far, because whoever constructed this universe ensured that when the inter-atomic spacing reaches a certain level of compression the atoms gain a repulsion force - and the greater the compression, or densifying, the greater the magnitude of repulsive forces the atoms gain. Viktor does actually say that at the formative stage (of implosion) the up flowing force does encounter a resistance which increases "commensurably in order to provide the additional frictional surfaces required by the accelerating matter" (from the English translation in "The Energy Evolution" p81/2). Note 13 - From the English translation in "The Energy Evolution" p214. Note 14 - Viktor used the example of the trout's swim upstream as the foundation for his research into Implosion - biologists and scientists would do well to learn from it. Also see "Living Energy" p142. END Suggested Books: "Energy Evolution", and "Living Energies", below. Lastly, continue to "Implosion Technology Report" for my views on how to implement this amazing technology into today's society. Below, you will find books on Viktor Schauberger, from, and five websites that I highly rate for their work with Schauberger type products. These are all listed here as I have tried and thoroughly enjoy all of their products. Yep...THAT is an endorsement ! FDG

Learn more about Viktor Schauberger...purchase the books below, from

The original translation of Viktor Schauberger's work, "Living Water", by Olof Alexanderrson...start here, and get each one in order. This is an excellent, brief introduction to the thought of Viktor Schauberger, and I hope it inspires works which are more complete. Callum Coates' books reach in this direction, but what is really needed are more people to read these books, synthesize their information, and come up with new and original books which take us further into depth in these areas. This will probably involve synthesizing the work of Schauberger, Grander, Bienveniste, and others. An understanding of Schauberger is very important for those attempting to reconstruct an Indigenous European Perspective. Schauberger has the elements of a modern water shaman, and his shamanic / intuitive techniques of letting his body float with the water should be closely correlated with what Hans Peter Duerr has to say about "out of body" experience in his tome "Dreamtime". Although Schauberger lived in the 20th Century, his perspective allows us to imagine back what earlier indigenous practitioners may have been like. The Colonial, Imperialist Europe is only one side of the coin of Europe. We must also include the suppressed indigenous, pagan, and green sides. Significantly, the Inquisition represents a watershed in European history where a great deal of the indigenous healers and theorists were wiped out in holocaust proportions. An understanding of Schauberger, coupled with an appreciation of Steiner, Hildegard of Bingen, Hans Peter Duerr, and others, will allow us to reconstruct what a noncolonial, nonimperialist Europe was like. Understanding water's 107 nature is essential in this regard, for water forms the basis of our understandings of flow. Furthermore, understanding water's energetic qualities will help us understand how it interacts with the body. Traditional Chinese Medicine, for example, would benefit from an accurate and holistic understanding of water's qualities. In short, this book is an excellent appetizer.

The book that started it all...Living Energies, Callum Coats first Viktor Schauberger book. If you only buy one book, this would be the one to get. Fantastic. Living Energies, May 23, 2001 Reviewer: Frank D Germano, from Tafton, PA United States: This book started it all! Callum Coats basically brought to "light" the resurgence of interest in Viktor Schauberger's theories. This is truly a brilliant work. Water as a carrier of vital energy information, trees as bio-condensers of energy between the deep earth and the sun, how self-cleansing rivers nourish the landscape, how the future of the earth depends on the replanting of natural forests, revolutionary agricultural implements, free energy heater-coolers, jet engines and gravity defying machines invented by Schauberger in the 30's and 40's, home power's pretty much all here. It was a hard book for me to put down once I started reading, and I go back to it continually for reference. This book pretty much sums up Schauberger's work, which Coats then compartmentalized and expanded in the "Eco-Technology" series with four other books. I would highly advise getting this book, first, and reading it thoroughly, before moving on to the series, as it is a fascinating preface into discovering who Viktor Schauberger WAS, and learning just how far-reaching his theories were, and applicable to us, today. FDG.

1,) The first book of the "Eco-Technology series" - The Water Wizard - This book gives a lot of history on Schauberger. The nature of water, May 23, 2001 Reviewer: Frank D Germano, from Tafton, PA United States: This is the first book of the "Eco- Technology" series, and as so, gives you the foundation of the theories presented by Viktor Schauberger, and amplified by Callum Coats. It DOES contain quite allot of previous information written in Living Energies (Coat's first Schauberger book), however, the discussion and the text is much more thoroughly covered. The substance of water, water supply, deep-sea water, the consequences of drinking purely mechanically treated water, notes on the secrets of water, high-frequency water, the pulsation and healing power of water, river regulation, groundwater tables, temperature and movement of water...notice my use of the word WATER. Yes, this book is about water, but, by reading it, just wait until you discover what you DID NOT know about "water". It is a very good start, and as I said, a foundation for understanding the theories of Viktor Schauberger. FDG.

2.) Part two of the "Eco-Technology series" Nature As Teacher, A great book on living with nature. A very nice read. Our Senseless Toil, May 23, 2001: Reviewer: Frank D Germano, from Tafton, PA United States: I had to use a title from one of the books' opening chapters. This book is going to annoy some people. Callum Coats presents Viktor Schauberger's theories in a modern light. The laws of Nature, Questions for Science, Nature as Teacher, the fish-eagle, the swing, the trout, the ox, dancing logs and stones, the Genesis of water, the coming bio-technical age, the secret of the egg form...these are elucidated...then comes the fun stuff... the age-old secret of the atom, implosive breathing, life-force and animated breathing, is there perpetual motion (?), organic syntheses, the false world view, the mechanical equivalent of heat, plasmolytic motion; this volume gives tremendous insight into what is happening in the world, today, and practical solutions on HOW we may yet save our world. Most telling is Schauberger's inane gut feelings on the powers at work in the environment, and living water. Hey, it's only volume two of the series. Get all four, and see how these books will influence YOU to change the way we look at the earth . FDG


3.) The Fertile Earth , part three of the "Eco-Technology series. Pure drinking water, how to make it, the benefits produced in the body...the natural flow and paths of rivers, and how man has disturbed, natural farming...trees as the life giving force on the's all hear! Are you trying to save Mother Earth?, May 23, 2001 Reviewer: Frank D Germano, from Tafton, PA United States: If you are in any way interested in the environment, then this book will appeal to you. This is the third book in the highly acclaimed "Eco- Technology" series by Callum Coats. Not only does the book delve into what man is doing to harm the environment, it also offers "fresh" ideas on what we can and should DO about it. I can't believe "Green Peace" or some other pro-environmental group doesn't have this book as part of their by- laws! Fascinating. Of coarse, the entire book is based on the revolutionary work of Viktor Schauberger. This one, if you are into farming, just have a back-yard garden, or are a hard core pro-earth person, will keep you reading till the end...and want to read the entire series. A very well written and inspiring book. A different view of natural phenomena, the influence of temperature and water movement, forestry, agriculture, the energy industry, the dying forest, timber and water in the building industry, soil fertilization, increased! Again, whether you are just into learning what's happening to the earth, and why, or you are serious about trying to DO something to stop the damage already done, this book will open your eyes. FDG

4.) The Energy Evolution , the final book of the "Eco-Technology series" (If you are interested in the designs and patents on Schauberger's devices, this is the book. Culmination of the Eco- Technology Series, May 23, 2001 Reviewer: Frank D Germano, from Tafton, PA United States: This book, being the fourth and last of the Eco-Technology series, is an incredible finish. Naturally, all of the book deals with Viktor Schauberger, and his theories on living water, and the environment. This book, however, goes deeper into the actual inventions than the previous ones. It contains almost all of Schauberger's patent information, most of which, even though "lost" originally, is now amplified and explained by Callum Coats. The Trout Motor, the Repulsine, and the rest of Viktor's inventions fall in place like a well stacked deck of cards. You could very easily build these wonderful engines, yourself (with some help from a good machine shop, of coarse!). If you have waited for the conclusion of the series, your wait will be well worth the time. I highly suggest you pick up this copy. FDG

Sacred Living Geometry: The Enlightened Environmental Theories of Viktor Schauberger: Our Price: $39.95

Editorial Reviews: The research of Callum Coats takes us on a journey through the life and inventions of Austrian ecologist Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958). Now, for the first time, you can view the evidence in this detailed, three-hour illustrated lecture presentation on this two video set. Viktor Schauberger was a genius whose ideas were far ahead of his time. He worked as a "forest-master" in the Austrian Alps when they were still a true wilderness. This experience was to influence his entire life's work. Schauberger prophesied the environmental crises we are seeing today, predicting that unless we start to cherish rather than exploit our world, we would surely destroy ourselves. He demonstrated how deforestation would deplete the world of water, causing deserts and climatic chaos. Asked about our technology, "How else should it be done?" His answer was "exactly in the opposite way that it is done today!" His maxim: "Comprehend and Copy Nature!" From his precise observations of the processes of Nature, Schauberger pioneered a completely new understanding of the nature of water as the most important life-giving and energy-empowered substance on the planet. This led him to develop a radical new science which flew in the face of conventional scientific thinking but which, today, is being increasingly recognized for its highly-relevant implications for civilization. Viktor Schauberger might have made a career as a brilliant inventor. Forced, for a time, to develop radical new 109 forms of propulsion for the Third Reich, he went on to work on devices utilizing the principles of implosion - hundreds of times more powerful than conventional power sources. Even in the weeks just before his death, US government and commercial interests were exerting pressure on him to reveal his secrets. Schauberger's deep insights in the special properties of water and nature hold immense implications for future technology and ecology. On VHS tape, two tapes. BACK TO INDEX

FIVE websites that I highly rate for their Schauberger based products. I am not associated with them, but simply love their products. Check 'em out for yourself...!

In the 1920s the Austrian forester, hydrologist, hydraulic engineer and inventor Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) developed an entirely new view of water as the carrier of life. As an eco-technologist he was able to turn his amazing discoveries into practical applications and enjoyed Europe-wide successes in hydraulic engineering. His inventions for improving water quality caused quite a stir internationally. Today, after decades of obscurity, disregard and suppression, his discoveries are receiving the attention they deserve. On this CD-Rom, 200 pages of original documents from the Viktor Schauberger archives at the PKS (Pythagoras- School), Lauffen/Bad Ischl, Austria are published for the first time. The texts, private research findings, patents, as well as 60 graphic images and sketches by Viktor Schauberger from 1929-1948 exclusively focus on his theories on the movement of water, water quality, the hydrological cycle and naturalesque river engineering. They are cross-referenced in the form of a handbook with hypertext functions. Index and search functions enable easy access. Furthermore, the CD contains 8 audio sequences of Viktor Schauberger's voice (this recording is the only surviving audio document of Viktor Schauberger), plus 4 video clips with extracts from an historical film about a log-flume erected by Viktor Schauberger. The CD is in both German and English language. Order through: Earth Transitions, or the Center For Implosion Research...your choice.

Viktor Schauberger's "Whorle-pipes" It's not too often that I will include links to products, other than books on this website. This is one exception. Pictured to the left is a pipe that replicates Viktor Schauberger's "Whorle pipe" and is of extraordinary construction. I won't waste time, here, with much more of a description. Just click on this (translated by "BableFish") link and go to the website...order one today, and hook it up to your home's water supply: you'll be glad you did. Note: unless you have a translation program on your browser, you'll be stuck in German. Here's the scoop: Areas of application: The tubes are intended for the energetic revaluation of drinking water. As long as an official examination of the tubes is not present by the TÜV yet, we recommend for the moment only the transfer in accessible areas. For a firm installation under plaster we take over no guarantee. The tubes are checked after distortion random check-well-behaved for 10 cash pressure. The tubes are supplied as bars with different lengths, maximally 2.5 m. Association for implosion research and application inc. This is the link, above, to the Association for Implosion Research website If you have trouble opening this page, or, if you do not have a German to English Translation program...use this link, below. Copy/Paste THIS link - ( ) into the "AltaVista - Babelfish" url translation spot... BableFish Translation Page Contact address& email: Klaus Rauber , Geroldseckstr. 4 , 77736 cell a. H. Tel./fax: Klaus Rauber ( 110

[email protected] ) use THIS email address to reach Klaus. It is listed incorrectly on the rest of their website. FDG

ECOWORLD - The Company ECOWORLD NEW ZEALAND LIMITED, was launched in June 1993 as an environmental marketing company for natural bacterial products. The Grander "Living Water" Systems were soon added to ECOWORLD's list of environmental products once the far-reaching impacts of this technology were known. Specific treatment protocols for the natural bacterial products have been tested and developed by ECOWORLD to suit various applications, and service persons are trained in the use of the products. The Grander "Living Water" Technology has been trialed in many different countries and industries with satisfactory results, and a set of installation criteria has been developed for New Zealand conditions. Both technologies of Bio-Remediation and Grander "Living Water" Treatments are environmentally friendly, they are world-renowned, and they compliment and enhance each other. ECOWORLD are proud to bring these technologies to our part of the world. ECOWORLD operates nation-wide, using mail order and telemarketing methods, and has developed a network of personnel working both in marketing and servicing. All personnel are environmentally conscious and keen to play their part in promoting New Zealand's clean green image. I've ordered quite allot of their products, and am thoroughly impressed with the quality. I really like the "Pendant" (you wear this little super ionized water encasing pendant...hey, what the looks nice, and it makes you feel "good"! I even have given serious thought about becoming one of their distributors. FDG

The "CIR" was founded in December 1997 by Dolly Knight, MBBS, GCHM and Jonathan Stromberg, BSc, MSc, DIC, FGS. Dolly holds a degree in Medicine and in Homeopathy and has cared for and healed many people and animals since the age of three. Jonathan holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Geology and a Master of Science in Engineering Geology and is a Fellow of the Geological Society. Both are members of the Scientific and Medical Network. They believe we have a duty to do whatever we can to improve our ailing planet's environmental condition. Their aim is to realize Viktor Schauberger's goals and develop technologies, which are simple, pollution free and work in harmony with Nature. We hope that their work and products will help to reverse some of the damage already done. Check out their "Vortex Energizer" series products, and the "Water Egg". All of their products are based in some way on Viktor Schauberger's ideas. This link will take you to their home page...from there, click on the "products" link. The Center For Implosion Research, United Kingdom . FDG

FutureTech Today introduces the Electron 3 & 4 Living Water Machine. This machine is being marketed through Future Tech Today, made by "For Health Reasons" of Chicago Illinois, USA. (makers* of quite probably the best water filtration system, based on victor Schauberger's ideas, of coarse, on the planet! Purer Distilled Drinking Water: When vapor turns to rain, it passes through temperature gradients where the temperature is continually changing with oxygen. This process stretches and contracts the H bonds that hold the molecules together...this creates ENERGY! Plant diseases are caused by viruses and bacteria, and our method of autoclaving them, using INTENSE HEAT, DESTROYS THEM (NOT just boiling). The research chemist and others spent thousands of dollars on every product on the market, and ONLY OUR METHOD prevented the diseases in plants and caused incredible growth by just dropping plant buds in the water. Root growth 2 1/2 inches long compared to 1/8 of an inch in any of the others during the same time frame...even compared to water with nutrients added to the it!! This test was REPEATED over a period of three YEARS there is no mistake!. The BOTTOM LINE is that today's ordinary water is DEAD! Why would ANYBODY want to use DEAD water, and yet most people do! If you can afford the rather steep price of their units, it is well (no pun intended!) worth the price, from personal use, on my end. *The company that originally produced this unit is listed below - "For Health Reasons" of Chicago, IL. 111

The company SELLING (marketing) the unit is FutureTech Today... "Future Tech Today was founded in 1998 with ambitions to break the latest energetic healing technologies to the general public while maintaining a research and development program allowing them to bring tomorrow's technology today. The idea was to represent the latest technological research in the fields of energetic medicine, water vitality, and EMF (electro-magnetic field) protection products. They represent products and technologies from all over the world, many of which are in very early stages of production or still in research phases; in this way they give the general public a preview of technologies to come..." (from their website, and used here for endorsement sake) FDG

FutureTech Today introduces the Wellness Filter! This is the Wellness Filter®, and comes in various sizes to suit individual needs. In my humble opinion - it's the best on the market, today. Pricy, but well worth it. Again, this product is offered through FutureTech, Today. For website info, use either their link - F utureTech Today - or (If you go to directly, you can even become an associate, an affiliate, or a partner-type program with them if you meet their strict company requirements). "The Wellness Filter® offers you and your family a quality of water that Nature has provided to only a select few. By using natural purification processes in combination with advanced technology, the Wellness Filter® produces what many believe is the best drinking water on Earth. The Wellness Filter® not only removes harmful contaminants but it also enhances the water through a patented process that creates a quality of water beyond the reach of conventional water filters. Clean water plays a vital role in your health, fitness and appearance..." (from the FutureTech Today website).

*FOR HEALTH REASONS P.O. Box 528492, Chicago, IL. 60652 773-434-5020 / Voice , 561-658-6414 / Fax Never change another water filter again!

Clean Water, of Denmark, with Erik Lavigne: The Living Water Vortex Jug - Water is the essential component of all life. It comprises 70% of the Earth's surface, 75% of the human body, 90% of blood and sap. 97% of Earth's water is in the oceans, 2% is frozen in icecaps, 1% is fresh, but much of this is inaccessible, deep in the Earth. From what is left, we use 98% for industrial purposes and agriculture, only 2% for the nutrition and health of every living organism.

Water's reputation as a powerful solvent derives from its ability to absorb energy vibrations and its particular electromagnetic and chemical qualities, being able to break down substances into their constituent parts. Naturally flowing water creates complex structures: micro clusters of vibrating energy centres, constantly receiving and transmuting energy from every contact the water body makes; and laminar structures which generate energy from the interaction of the planes against each other.

Healthy water carries nutrients, the building blocks of growth, healing energies, disposes of waste and is constantly cooling, cleansing and purifying itself. We depend on water as a catalyst, a transport system, to maintain our correct body temperature, to supply nutrients and electrical impulses. Dehydration is a common source of illness - we need to drink 1-2 litres of good water every day, more especially as we grow older. Tea, coffee and alcohol all dehydrate the body, therefore, if we drink them we need to drink more good water to compensate.

We need to protect and care for our water; our survival depends on it. As population increases and industrial growth proliferates, good water is getting perilously scarce. (from Erik Lavigne's site). Pricing is around 60 UK dollars. Ordering info is found on his site. 112

La conquista del pianeta rosso E domani, le colonie su Marte

Sempre più precise e dettagliate, le immagini trasmesse dalle sonde spaziali rendono più familiari i pianeti del sistema solare. Dopo la Luna, Marte si trova a portata di razzo e sembra così vicino alla Terra da autorizzare tutti i progetti: trasformarlo in colonia scientifica, installarvi basi militari o industrie minerarie e persino... renderlo abitabile.

Roland Lehoucq Tutti i grandi progetti di colonizzazione dello spazio o dei pianeti del sistema solare si scontrano con un inevitabile problema tecnico. Mantenere nel tempo condizioni favorevoli alla vita umana al di fuori dalla Terra impone la creazione di una versione in miniatura di un ecosistema terrestre capace di evolvere e riprodursi malgrado le condizioni esterne. L'assenza di atmosfera, di acqua e di vegetazione, una temperatura esterna troppo bassa o troppo elevata, un flusso di raggi ultravioletti e X troppo intenso o una radioattività troppo forte sono altrettanti ostacoli allo sviluppo di una colonia umana esterna alla Terra - che sia sulla Luna, su Marte o nelle gigantesche stazioni che fluttuano nello spazio. Per una futura colonia planetaria, esiste una soluzione ambiziosa: trasformare le condizioni prevalenti della superficie del pianeta per renderle compatibili con la vita umana. Questa colossale operazione di ingegneria planetaria ha un nome: terraformazione. L'idea che si possano volontariamente modificare le condizioni della superficie di Marte si trova, già nel 1917, nel romanzo di Edgar Rice Burroughs, A Princess of Mars (John Carter di Marte, Ed. Nord), il primo di una serie di undici romanzi nei quali una «fabbrica» di atmosfera rende abitabile il pianeta rosso. La stessa idea si ritrova nello scrittore inglese Olaf Stapledon (1886-1950). Il suo romanzo Last and First Men, pubblicato nel 1930, è un monumentale affresco del futuro dell'umanità nei prossimi due miliardi di anni. In questo caso è l'atmosfera di Nettuno che viene resa respirabile grazie a piante geneticamente modificate che assorbono i gas nocivi e liberano ossigeno. In quanto al termine «terraformazione», vi è accordo nel riconoscerne la paternità a Jack Williamson, uno scrittore americano autore di libri di fantascienza, che ha introdotto la parola «terraforming» in Seetee Ship (trad. it. Il millennio dell'antimateria ed. Nord, 1991), un romanzo pubblicato nel 1951. Terraformazione (1) è il vocabolo con cui Williamson indica l'insieme delle operazioni necessarie per rendere un pianeta compatibile con la specie umana. Da allora, questo tema viene trattato sempre più spesso dagli autori di fantascienza. Nel 1952, Arthur C. Clarke pubblica Le sabbie di Marte (in Italia, primo romanzo di Urania, Mondadori), nel quale propone di riscaldare il pianeta scatenando la combustione della luna Phobos, tramite una reazione nucleare. In Dune, il miglior romanzo di Frank Herbert (1965) (pubblicato in Italia da Sperling&Kupfer), i fremen, aiutati dal planetologo imperiale Liet Kynes, progettano di rendere fertili gli immensi deserti del loro pianeta, Arrakis. Ma l'opera di riferimento sull'argomento resta la trilogia di Kim Stanley Robinson (Red Mars, Green Mars e Blue Mars, 1993-1996, di cui trad. in it. solo Il rosso di Marte, Mondadori, 1995), dove l'autore narra la trasformazione di Marte in pianeta abitabile e ne descrive le conseguenze umane, sociali e politiche. La terraformazione però non eccita solo l'immaginazione degli autori di fantascienza, interessa anche gli scienziati. Il primo ad essersi occupato dell'argomento è stato addirittura il celebre astrofisico americano Carl Sagan. Nel 1961, egli propone un meccanismo per rendere più clementi le condizioni atmosferiche del pianeta Venere, il quale, oltre ad avere già una sua atmosfera, ha dimensioni simili a quelle della Terra. Sulla sua superficie, però, regna un vero e proprio inferno: la temperatura raggiunge 480 °C e la pressione atmosferica è 92 volte più elevata di quella della Terra. Le sonde sovietiche Venera, che vi si sono posate tra il 1975 e il 1982, ne sono la prova: in quelle condizioni estreme hanno funzionato solo poche decine di minuti! A seguito di questo primo lavoro di Carl Sagan, la terraformazione è stata studiata con maggior interesse e uno dei ricercatori più attivi è Christopher McKay, dell'Ames Research Center della Nasa, in California (2). 113

Il processo è lento. Fa passare il pianeta interessato attraverso diversi stadi di abitabilità. Per fortuna, ci sono varie correzioni ambientali che possono facilitare l'insediamento umano, ben prima che la terraformazione sia completata. Per esempio, un'atmosfera più densa, meno irrespirabile, fornirà un ottimo scudo contro le particelle cosmiche e le radiazioni di alta energia, renderà più facile mettere in orbita vascelli terrestri con sistemi aerei di frenata, permetterà di utilizzare veicoli volanti, di costruire insediamenti non pressurizzati o di passeggiare sulla superficie senza scafandro, grazie ad una semplice maschera a ossigeno. La prima tappa di una terraformazione riuscita passa per quello che il biologo canadese Robert Haynes chiama «ecopoiesi». Si tratta di trasformare un pianeta sterile in un luogo capace di accogliere la vita e di sostenere un ecosistema completo. Si potrebbe ingenuamente immaginare che basti diffondere sul pianeta interessato una buona quantità di batteri accuratamente selezionati o geneticamente modificati. Non è così semplice. Consideriamo il caso di Marte. La temperatura della sua superficie varia notevolmente durante la giornata, da -140 °C a +20 °C, con una media ben al di sotto dello zero. L'atmosfera ha una pressione molto bassa e non vi è alcuno strato di ozono per filtrare i raggi ultravioletti del Sole. Affinché i batteri terrestri, anche quelli più resistenti, possano sopravvivere, bisogna realizzare le seguenti modifiche: ¥ aumentare la temperatura di superficie di almeno 60 °C; aumentare la pressione atmosferica; ¥ fare in modo che l'acqua liquida possa scorrere sulla superficie; ¥ ridurre drasticamente i flussi di radiazione ultravioletta e di particelle cosmiche che colpiscono la crosta del pianeta. Terraformare il sistema solare Se è facile redigere la lista dei cambiamenti, realizzarli concretamente sembra più difficile. Due fenomeni permettono di ridurre le difficoltà. Primo, i mutamenti sono strettamente intrecciati: modificare una condizione ne può correggere un'altra nella direzione desiderata. Così, l'aumento della pressione atmosferica migliora la protezione della superficie contro le radiazioni e crea contemporaneamente un effetto serra che aumenta la temperatura. Secondo, il sistema è dotato di una «retroazione positiva». Dietro questo termine tecnico si nasconde un circolo virtuoso per la nostra impresa: il miglioramento della situazione crea condizioni favorevoli a una nuova trasformazione positiva. Ad esempio, non sarà necessario importare gas su Marte per rendere più densa la sua atmosfera, né costruire enormi radiatori per riscaldarlo. Un forte impulso iniziale dovrebbe permettere di avviare un'evoluzione spontanea delle condizioni del pianeta verso un regime di alte temperature - che si spera stabile. La cosa assomiglia maledettamente a ciò che l'umanità sta già facendo sulla Terra, ma con non auspicabili conseguenze... Sembra ormai certo, grazie all'osservazione di molti rilievi del terreno, che sostanze liquide, acqua in particolare, abbiano percorso un tempo la superficie di Marte. Si ritiene anche che un'atmosfera densa, molto probabilmente formata per lo più da biossido di carbonio (CO2), abbia ricoperto il suolo. Gli scenari di ecopoiesi in questo caso si basano sull'idea che sia possibile ricreare il vecchio habitat. L'ipotesi forte è che una grande quantità di CO2 sia ancora presente nel pianeta e che sia disponibile in forma facilmente estraibile, imprigionata in «serbatoi» di superficie. Liberandola, si giocherebbe su due tavoli. Come prima cosa si determinerebbe un aumento della pressione atmosferica, con conseguente formazione di un embrione di atmosfera. Poi, visto che il CO2 - che intrappola gli infrarossi - è un gas a effetto serra, ne deriva che più l'atmosfera ne contiene più si riscalda, e la macchina termica s'imballa. Una temperatura elevata favorisce la liberazione del gas per sublimazione (passaggio diretto dallo stato solido allo stato gassoso) dal ghiaccio delle calotte polari o per degassamento dal suolo marziano, il regolite. Questa produzione supplementare aumenta la pressione e la temperatura atmosferica, di conseguenza si libera una maggiore quantità di biossido di carbonio, il che a sua volta fa innalzare pressione e temperatura, e così via. È bene sottolineare che lo sfruttamento delle calotte polari o del regolite per liberare il biossido di carbonio non è un'utopia. Nel corso di un anno marziano (3), la pressione atmosferica può aumentare del 20% quando, in primavera, la calotta polare sublima per effetto delle radiazioni solari. Ugualmente, la pressione atmosferica diminuisce in inverno, quando il biossido di carbonio gassosa si condensa passando allo stato solido. È anche vero, però, che abbiamo solo un'idea approssimativa di quanto gas sia intrappolato nelle calotte polari e nel regolite. Secondo alcune stime, le prime conterrebbero abbastanza CO2 da moltiplicare l'attuale pressione atmosferica per 10 o per 20. Le riserve di regolite consentirebbero di guadagnare ancora un fattore 4 o 5, il che permetterebbe di raggiungere una pressione finale vicina alla metà della pressione atmosferica terrestre. Resta comunque il timore di qualche delusione, visto che lo spettrometro Omega della sonda europea Mars Express (4) ha recentemente scoperto, precisamente nel gennaio 2004, che, contrariamente a quanto si credeva, la calotta polare è per lo più composta da ghiaccio di acqua. 114

È anche possibile che il biossido di carbonio sia presente sotto forma di carbonati, come sulla Terra. Sul nostro pianeta il biossido di carbonio, imprigionata nel carbonati marini, torna nell'atmosfera grazie all'attività vulcanica, dopo aver fatto una piccola deviazione nelle viscere della Terra. Su Marte, per vaporizzare i carbonati si dovrebbero utilizzare mezzi particolarmente brutali: esplosioni nucleari, impatti di asteroidi, tiri di laser. Cominciare a bombardare un pianeta per prenderne possesso sarebbe certo un comportamento tipico della nostra specie, ma questa evidente mancanza di finezza potrebbe non suscitare entusiasmo... Come procedere? Uno studio di Christopher McKay e Robert Zubrin (5) dimostra che basterebbe un aumento di 4° C della temperatura della calotta polare per scatenare il processo, l'amplificazione naturale permetterebbe di ridurre il tempo, l'energia e i mezzi tecnici necessari per modificare le condizioni climatiche marziane. Per ottenere questo risultato, gli autori propongono semplicemente di riscaldare la calotta polare con un immenso specchio spaziale che focalizzi la luce del Sole. Dovrà essere grande (un buon centinaio di chilometri di raggio), leggero e abilmente collocato, in modo che la gravità marziana compensi la pressione, debole, ma non nulla, esercitata dalla luce solare sulla sua superficie: lo specchio dovrà inoltre mantenere una posizione stazionaria rispetto alla zona da illuminare. In pratica dovrebbe essere una versione gigante dello specchio orbitale russo Znamya, posizionato nel febbraio 1999 e costituito da una vela di Mylar di 5 millesimi di millimetro di spessore e di 25 metri di diametro. C'è un'altra soluzione per aumentare la temperatura di una calotta polare: cospargerla di una sostanza nera, tipo polvere di carbone, che, assorbendo più efficacemente la luce solare, determina un aumento della temperatura. Secondo uno studio della Nasa, la tecnica di annerimento permetterebbe di fare fondere le calotte in poco più di un secolo. Vi è però un inconveniente: il vento marziano, benché molto debole, potrebbe interferire con lo spargimento o portar via lo strato nero già collocato. Per quanto riguarda il regolite, il problema è più complesso perché il biossido di carbonio, fissato sulla superficie dei minerali, è più difficile da liberare. In questo caso, l'aumento della temperatura dovrebbe interessare un grosso spessore del regolite (200 metri), e non solo lo strato superficiale. Per aggirare l'ostacolo, si può prevedere di introdurre nell'atmosfera dei gas a effetto serra più efficaci del biossido di carbonio. Grandi fabbriche, del tipo dei «processori atmosferici» che James Cameron ci mostra nel suo film Alien 2 (1986), potrebbero produrre decine di miliardi di tonnellate di clorofluorocarbonio (Cfc), le cui molecole offrono un contributo all'effetto serra diecimila volte più efficace di quello del biossido di carbonio. Sulla Terra, i Cfc liberati dall'attività industriale hanno svolto un ruolo non trascurabile nel riscaldamento climatico e nella formazione del buco nello strato di ozono. Un problema che non si porrà su Marte... solo perché non esiste uno strato di ozono. Una volta che le condizioni del pianeta Marte saranno un po' migliorate, si potrà pensare di introdurvi alcuni microrganismi. Se questi esseri viventi sono capaci di produrre ammoniaca e metano, ottimi gas a effetto serra, potranno anche partecipare al riscaldamento del pianeta. Tuttavia, esso sarà ancora ben lontano dall'essere un paradiso. I microrganismi selezionati dovranno essere campioni di sopravvivenza in ambienti estremi. Simulazioni in laboratorio hanno già dimostrato che alcune specie di batteri produttori di metano possono adattarsi ad una pressione atmosferica ridotta e trovare sul suolo marziano il nutrimento necessario alla propria sopravvivenza. Potremmo anche trarre vantaggio dalle notevoli capacità di resistenza dei batteri Deinococcus radiodurans (che possono sopravvivere a dosi molto elevate di radiazioni ionizzanti) o Matteia (capaci di sopravvivere senza acqua). Una volta resa più densa l'atmosfera di Marte, sarà possibile che in alcuni luoghi la temperatura si alzi abbastanza da permettere all'acqua liquida di scorrere nuovamente in superficie. L'aria sarà sempre irrespirabile, ma microrganismi o licheni potranno sopravvivere. Un essere umano potrà camminare senza tuta pressurizzata - anche se dovrà comunque proteggersi contro il freddo e indossare una maschera a ossigeno. Mentre il riscaldamento e la condensazione dell'atmosfera possono essere effettuati con mezzi straordinariamente modesti, la tappa successiva è più lunga: si tratta di riattivare l'idrosfera per ritrovare quel ciclo completo dell'acqua che il pianeta sembra aver conosciuto alcuni miliardi di anni fa. Le calotte polari sembrano essere le riserve più evidenti. Ma, secondo i dati raccolti dalla sonda americana Mars Odyssey (6), sarebbe presente in grande quantità, sotto forma di ghiaccio, anche nel sottosuolo del pianeta. Infine, l'acqua potrebbe essere imprigionata in alcuni minerali del regolite. Se le riserve di Marte si rivelassero insufficienti, bisognerebbe risolversi ad importarla: catturare un nucleo di cometa o un gigantesco blocco di 115 ghiaccio negli anelli di Saturno, per poi farlo precipitare sulla superficie del pianeta rosso, potrebbe essere una soluzione quantitativamente soddisfacente. Ancora un bombardamento, ma per una buona causa. Si può supporre che in alcune zone il vapore acqueo liberato si condensi sotto forma di nuvole: per la prima volta da miliardi di anni la superficie di Marte sarà bagnata dalla pioggia. Si formeranno laghi, torrenti e fiumi; l'acqua serpeggerà di nuovo attraverso le terre rosse. Il fondovalle di Valles Marineris sarà inondato e nascerà un immenso fiume, di una larghezza fuori dal comune, che scorrerà tra vertiginose pareti a strapiombo. Le basse pianure dell'emisfero nord, oggi due chilometri al di sotto del livello medio della superficie, si trasformeranno in un oceano che circonderà il polo Nord. Gravità e campi magnetici Per aumentare la quantità di ossigeno dell'atmosfera e renderla respirabile, bisognerà servirsi dei cianobatteri, microrganismi che possono sopravvivere in condizioni estreme, e la cui attività di fotosintesi capta il biossido di carbonio e libera ossigeno. Sulla Terra, essi hanno regnato da dominatori per due miliardi di anni. Cianobatteri selezionati dovranno, in un primo tempo, portare la pressione parziale di ossigeno al valore soglia di 1 ettopascal (7) affinché le piante possano svilupparsi liberamente. Piante che probabilmente dovranno essere modificate geneticamente sia per farle adattare alle difficili condizioni ambientali che per renderle migliori produttrici di ossigeno. Quando la pressione parziale supererà i 120 ettopascal, i primi coloni potranno permettersi brevi passeggiate senza le maschere a ossigeno. La nostra descrizione a grandi linee di questo scenario termina però con una nota pessimistica rispetto alle possibilità di riuscita. Il pianeta rosso è afflitto, infatti, da due gravi handicap che potrebbero impedire qualsiasi tentativo di terraformarlo. Prima di tutto, essendo Marte un pianeta più piccolo e meno massiccio della Terra, la sua gravità è più debole. Così debole che si è rivelata incapace di impedire la fuga della maggior parte della sua primitiva atmosfera verso lo spazio. Se si ricrea artificialmente un'atmosfera marziana, è del tutto plausibile che i gas liberati o iniettati svaniscano nuovamente nello spazio interplanetario, vanificando tutti gli sforzi precedenti. Il secondo problema nasce dal fatto che Marte non ha più un suo campo magnetico, perché il meccanismo che lo ha generato si è spento con il raffreddamento del cuore (anch'esso legato alle piccole dimensioni del pianeta). Sulla Terra, il campo magnetico forma una sorta di scudo che, insieme all'atmosfera, protegge la superficie dalle particelle ad alta energia di origine solare o cosmica. È assolutamente certo che non potremo mai riattivare il campo magnetico di Marte. Il pianeta non potrà contare su questo straordinario ombrello naturale, che protegge la superficie e limita l'evaporazione dell'atmosfera. Terraformare Marte è un progetto grandioso, forse uno dei più straordinari mai immaginati dal cervello umano. Si potrebbe anche tacciarlo di assurdità o di arroganza. Nella sua famosa trilogia marziana, Kim Stanley Robinson descrive molto dettagliatamente un metodo credibile per cambiare il volto di Marte. Tenta anche di rispondere ad una domanda difficile: l'umanità deve terraformare il pianeta rosso? Due gruppi, con idee radicalmente diverse, si fronteggiano nel romanzo. Per i Verdi, la terraformazione non è altro che la logica conseguenza della conquista dello spazio. Per i Rossi, Marte è un santuario geologico che racconta la storia del nostro sistema solare e come tale deve essere assolutamente protetto. Si tratta, al fondo, della contrapposizione tra un antropocentrismo che difende l'idea che l'umanità si debba diffondere in tutti i luoghi che può raggiungere, e un biocentrismo che riconosce il valore intrinseco della natura e cerca di preservarla a tutti i costi. L'estensione al cosmo dell'etica ambientale che prevale sulla Terra apre incontestabilmente nuove prospettive ai dibattiti politici e filosofici: se terraformare è possibile, deve essere autorizzato? È accettabile modificare il volto di un pianeta? Eppure, colonizzare Marte è forse inevitabile. Dopo tutto, il nostro pianeta è fragile e isolato, un impatto d'asteroide può, in pochi istanti, cancellare l'umanità e la sua storia. Rendere Marte compatibile con la vita, vorrebbe dire in qualche modo migliorare le possibilità di sopravvivenza a lungo termine dell'umanità nel sistema solare e, più in generale, nella Galassia. Una cosa è certa: la trasformazione di Marte è credibile e potrebbe essere avviata grazie alle tecnologie di questo XXI secolo appena iniziato - al prezzo, è vero, di alcuni approfondimenti teorici e di un notevole sforzo tecnico. Al di là di un possibile ruolo in quell'obiettivo a lungo termine che è l'esplorazione dello spazio, lo studio della terraformazione (naturale o artificiale) resta anche un eccellente stimolo intellettuale, che favorisce interdisciplinarità, condivisione delle conoscenze e riflessione sull'azione di una umanità diventata «ingegnere planetario». Perché se è possibile, forse anche facile, rendere Marte abitabile, è vero anche che è altrettanto facile destabilizzare e distruggere irrimediabilmente la biosfera terrestre. 116


* Astrofisico del Centro dell'energia atomica (Cea), Saclay. Una prima versione di questo articolo è stata pubblicata sulla rivista di fantascienza Bifrost, n° 35, agosto 2004. - (1) La maggior parte dei testi francesi utilizza la traduzione «terraformazione», un termine che, al contrario di «terramodellatura», si può applicare anche al processo naturale di formazione dell'ecosistema terrestre.

(2) (3) Marte gira sul suo asse ad una velocità simile a quella della Terra: la giornata marziana (chiamata anche «sol») dura 24 ore e 39,6 minuti. Il suo periodo di rivoluzione attorno al Sole è invece circa il doppio di quello della Terra: l'anno marziano quindi dura 669 sol, ossia 687 giorni terrestri.

(4) (5) (6) (7) Su Marte, la pressione atmosferica al suolo varia, a seconda della stagione, tra 6 e 10 ettopascal (hPa). Sulla superficie terrestre la pressione atmosferica è invece di 1015 hPa. (Traduzione di G. P.) 117

Terraformare Marte

In alcuni think tank si fa largo l'idea di avere un pianeta di riserva

Di Carlo A. Pelanda

(originariamente pubblicato su Il Foglio)

La versione originale dell'articolo (PDF). Il sito di Carlo A. Pelanda

Esostrategia. Dal 14 al 17 agosto [2003] la "MarsSociety" si riunirà a Eugene (Oregon). Il clima del convegno sarà eccitato per le missioni di esplorazione appena partite verso il pianeta rosso con lo scopo di rilevare eventuali segni di vita. Uno dei temi scottanti riguarderà la prospettiva di terraformare Marte, questione molto controversa sia sul piano ecoetico sia delle possibilità tecniche.

Questa rubrica raccomanda a chi è interessato di partecipare ai lavori perché in qualsiasi scenario del futuro bisogna per forza includere gli esodestini, intesi come uscita della specie dagli endolimiti dell'ecologia terrestre. Ma tale "teoria esodirezionale" è forse l'oggetto culturale più difficile da comunicare a causa della discontinuità storica e psicologica che contiene. Infatti viene trattata a due livelli.

Il primo è continuista: giustifica le esplorazioni spaziali e lo sbarco su altri pianeti come evoluzione lineare della sete di conoscenza della specie. Lo si può comunicareanche ai bambini come bella avventura del progresso. Ma in cambio del consenso si carica di gravi difetti cognitivi. Per esempio: lascia intendere che per andare nello spazio l'uomo non debba modificarsi, semplifica le esostrategie come conquista dei pianeti più vicini senza approfondirne il significato eccetera.

Il secondo - generato nei think tank futurizzanti - tratta invece la questione in termini più realistici e, quindi, più crudamente discontinuistici. Per esempio: l'uscita dall'ecologia terrestre implica necessariamente la costruzione di un Homo Esosapiens in grado di adattarsi a nuovi ambienti; non conviene spendere soldi per conquistare Marte perché con gli stessi si potrà costruire un pianetino artificiale che darà due vantaggi, abitabilità e mobilità cosmica, invece di uno solo. Ma ciò non risulta comunicabile perché troppo estremo o esotico.

In sintesi, la teoria esodirezionale trova comunicabilità solo nella sua variante degradata. Nei think tank detti si è discusso su come trovare una cerniera tra i due livelli. E proprio Marte potrebbe esserlo. La terraformazione del pianeta implicherà comunque che, per abitarlo, gli umani dovranno essere biomodificati, ma non troppo. Quindi si prospetta un esoscenario dove il valore di Marte è definito dal suo poter essere un compromesso tra esocultura continuista e discontinuista. Facilmente comunicabile come utilità di avere un pianeta di riserva. In conclusione, il secondo livello degli esodirezionali ha rivalutato l'opzione marziana che prima considerava uno spreco. Ma ciò mette in priorità il far prevalere al primo livello il progetto di terraformazione di Marte contro gli esoscettici.

Esodestini: gli articoli futurizzanti di Carlo A. Pelanda 118


15-04-2005 Il sito ideale per una base lunare? Soleggiato

Il sito ideale per una base lunare dovrebbe essere soleggiato, cioè battuto costantemente dalla luce del Sole. E secondo i planetologi sono pochi i siti lunari adatti. Per molto tempo infatti gli scienziati hanno pensato che i monti ai poli lunari e i crinali dei crateri potessero essere "baciati" costantemente dal Sole, ma senza uno studio dettagliato della superficie lunare, si trattava unicamente di ipotesi. Ora un team di ricercatori guidati da Ben Bussey del Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory di Laurel nel Maryland, ha analizzato le immagini prese dalla sonda Clementine nel 1994 e ha messo insieme una serie di foto del Polo Nord lunare prese durante un intero giorno del nostro satellite (che dura circa 28 giorni terrestri). Il loro obiettivo era trovare quelle zone che fossero costantemente illuminate.In un articolo pubblicato su Nature, i ricercatori spiegano di aver individuato alcuni siti sul bordo del cratere sempre illuminati, che potrebbero essere "baciati" dal Sole durante tutto l'anno. A differenza della Terra, infatti la Luna ha un asse meno inclinato. Il problema è che le immagini del Polo Nord lunare sono state prese soltanto durante l'estate e per sapere se effettivamente questi siti rimangono al Sole anche durante l'inverno servono nuove mappe che forse verranno realizzate nel corso di alcune missioni previste per il 2007. Siti di questo tipo sarebbero comunque perfetti per una base lunare: potrebbero infatti ricavare energia dalla luce solare durante tutto l'anno. La temperatura poi sarebbe di "soli" 50 gradi sotto lo zero, quindi molto più ospitale delle regioni equatoriali dove oscilla tra i meno 180 e i più 100 gradi centigradi. Inoltre ai poli potrebbe esistere del ghiaccio e fornire quindi importanti riserve di acqua per la base.



Secondo Cornelius Ryan, "quest'isola celeste costruita dall'uomo potrebbe servire da piattaforma di lancio per proiettili radiocomandati. Missili muniti di bombe atomiche potrebbero essere lanciati con micidiale precisione contro qualsiasi bersaglio situato sulla superficie terrestre e riuscirebbe impossibile intercettarli. In altre parole, chiunque riuscisse a costruire per primo una base sospesa nello spazio potrebbe impedire a ogni nazione del mondo di fare altrettanto. Ma in possesso di nazioni amanti della pace, la base siderale potrebbe essere la custode celeste dell'umanità. L'equipaggio scorgerebbe, ad esempio, i bombardieri disposti in formazione di partenza sulle piste degli aeroporti, i concentramenti di truppe, gli aeroplani in volo dalle portaerei; in sostanza, nessuna mossa di carattere aggressivo potrebbe passare inosservata e non una nazione al mondo potrebbe intraprendere preparativi bellici senza essere matematicamente certa di venire osservata da occhi sempre vigili, a bordo della 'sentinella nello spazio'". Ryan, tuttavia, non aveva immaginato che gli stessi compiti potessero essere svolti da capsule di piccole dimensioni e completamente automatiche, come avvenne in realtà. COSTRUZIONE DELLE ASTRONAVI LUNARI, DI CHESLEY BONESTELL © Bonestell Space Art 120

Il 1964 - sempre secondo un altro articolo, pubblicato il 18 ottobre 1952 - sarebbe stato l'anno dello sbarco sulla Luna. Cornelius Ryan commise tuttavia un altro errore clamoroso: "E' credenza diffusa che l'uomo volerà direttamente dalla Terra alla Luna, ma per farlo, ci occorrerebbe un veicolo di proporzioni così gigantesche da rivelarsi economicamente irrealizzabile. Inoltre, allo scopo di dare alla spedizione un margine di sicurezza, non dovremmo usare una nave sola, ma un minimo di tre. Per un volo senza scalo Terra-Luna e ritorno, ogni missile dovrebbe essere più alto dell'Empire State Building e dieci volte più pesante della Queen Mary!" Be', nonostante sembrasse assurdo, questi missili furono costruiti davvero... AVVICINAMENTO E ATTERRAGGIO SULLA LUNA (CHESLEY BONESTELL, © Bonestell Space Art) 121

Nei piani di Collier's, usando la stazione spaziale come cantiere, sarebbero state costruite in orbita tre enormi astronavi lunghe 50 metri. Per trasportare i pezzi e il propellente dalla Terra sarebbero occorsi ben 360 voli, contro i venti sufficienti per la stazione orbitale. Non era previsto l'uso dell'energia atomica. "Due delle navi lunari saranno cariche di propellente per il viaggio di andata e ritorno. La terza nave, che non farà ritorno, trasporterà solo provviste e attrezzature per il soggiorno degli astronauti sulla superficie lunare. Quando l'intelaiatura sarà a posto, verranno montati grossi ammassi di nylon e plastica che formeranno le cabine degli astronauti. Una volta gonfiate d'aria, diventeranno sferiche. Immediatamente dopo verranno installati i serbatoi di propellente. I due veicoli da trasporto passeggeri sembreranno in realtà un gruppo di sfere in una struttura metallica. Il terzo veicolo, destinato al carico, avrà invece come struttura centrale un grande cilindro simile a un silo". La sfera superiore sarebbe stata adibita ad alloggio e divisa in cinque livelli: in tutto, le tre navi dovevano ospitare un totale di 50 astronauti. Alla base di ogni nave sarebbero stati collocati 30 motori razzo, e dalla Terra l'accensione simultanea di tutti e 90 i motori sarebbe sembrata "la nascita improvvisa di una nuova stella". PRIME OPERAZIONI DI SBARCO, SENZA PIU' I SERBATOI SFERICI DI CARBURANTE (OPERA DI CHESLEY BONESTELL, © Bonestell Space Art) 122

Durante il volo, i serbatoi di propellente usati per la partenza sarebbero stati sganciati, e quindi le astronavi avrebbero perso l'aspetto di un cumulo di sfere. Gli astronauti avrebbero potuto godere delle stesse comodità che oggi si prevedono per la Stazione Spaziale Internazionale. Il luogo d'atterraggio scelto era il Sinus Roris, a nord del , e il soggiorno sulla Luna sarebbe durato sei settimane."Le fiamme dei razzi lambiranno l'arida superficie lunare" scrisse . "La base rotonda del carrello d'atterraggio affonderà nella soffice polvere vulcanica. Poi le quattro zampe estensibili si allargheranno per sostenere il peso del veicolo. Il ronzio dei motori si spegnerà, e resterà il silenzio. Allora avremo raggiunto la Luna". SPACCATO DI BASE LUNARE RIPARATA DA UN CREPACCIO (FRED FREEMAN, © ignoto) E INSTALLAZIONE DI UN TELESCOPIO LUNARE (CHESLEY BONESTELL, © Bonestell Space Art) 123

I razzi sarebbero poi stati scaricati, cominciando dai trattori per la locomozione, e la stessa nave cargo sarebbe stata smontata, tagliata in due metà a forma di mezzo cilindro e usata per costruire una piccola base permanente. Una metà sarebbe servita da alloggio, l'altra da laboratorio. Per ripararsi da radiazioni e meteoriti, sarebbero state collocate in qualche crepaccio. Servendosi dei tre convogli di trattori, gli astronauti avrebbero esplorato la Luna in lungo e in largo. "Anche vicino al campo base" scrisse Ryan, "l'esplorazione sarà un lavoro arduo e difficile. Dovremo superare crateri meteoritici, burroni, grandi pilastri rocciosi, lottando nelle tute ingombranti, sempre nervosi per i meteoriti e attenti alla sottigliezza della crosta. Troveremo minerali rari e di valore? la scala dei valori cambierà sulla Luna. Oro, platino, perfino diamanti, non saranno di importanza per noi, mentre un minerale da cui poter ricavare acqua sarebbe il più prezioso di tutti". A differenza di altri autori, quelli di Collier's riconobbero correttamente la possibilità di irradiare sulla Terra trasmissioni televisive. CAROVANA ESPLORATIVA SULLA LUNA © Bonestell Space Art 124

Il più spettacolare obiettivo delle esplorazioni sarebbe stato il cratere , a ben 250 miglia di viaggio. Per giungerci ci sarebbero voluti quattro scomodi giorni. "Il percorso sarà lento e difficile" scrisse Ryan. "I veicoli sceglieranno cautamente la strada fra grosse rocce e profondi crepacci. I trattori saranno equipaggiati da congegni automatici per raccogliere campioni, incluse trivelle per prelevare roccia dal sottosuolo. A piedi, gli uomini scenderanno nel cratere quanto più possibile, poi ne verrà calato uno sul fondo con delle funi. Sarà un lavoro pericoloso: nonostante la gravità relativamente lieve, una caduta sarà altrettanto dannosa che sulla Terra". Alla fine, soltanto due razzi avrebbero riportato gli uomini alla stazione spaziale, mentre la base lunare sarebbe rimasta a servire come punto d'appoggio per altre spedizioni. PARTENZA DALLA LUNA ( © Bonestell Space Art) E BONESTELL INSIEME CON VON BRAUN 125

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Negli anni della Guerra Fredda era inevitabile l'idea di usare la Luna per scopi militari, partendo dal principio "Chi controlla la Luna controlla la Terra". Nel 1958 Homer A. Boushey, generale dell'U. S. Air Force, affermò che il nostro satellite sarebbe stato ideale per lanciare missili nucleari contro la Russia: "Se avessimo una base sulla Luna, i sovietici dovrebbero sferrare uno schiacciante attacco atomico contro di essa due o tre giorni prima di attaccare gli Stati Uniti, e una cosa simile non potrebbe passare inosservata. Oppure la Russia potrebbe attaccare per primi gli USA, ma solo e inevitabilmente per ricevere, dalla Luna, 48 ore dopo, certa e massiccia distruzione". Dal canto suo, , ritenuto il massimo cervello del programma spaziale USA, disse: "Non credo che gli americani cederanno il loro Paese al Comunismo internazionale. Il dominio dello spazio è la più grande avventura dell'uomo, e mi sembra che dovremmo rimboccarci le maniche, sputarci sulle mani e metterci all'opera! Il Mondo Libero si attende da noi risultati, non promesse; supremazia, non alibi". BASE MILITARE LUNARE (SINISTRA), E BASE SOTTO UNA CUPOLA (A DESTRA, ILLUSTRAZIONE DI ROY G. SCARFO, © Scarfo Studio) 127

Di conseguenza, nel 1959 fu commissionato ai genieri dell'U. S. Army uno studio su un fortilizio lunare permanente, denominato Progetto Horizon. Questo è finora, per quanto se ne sa, l'unico progetto esistente di base lunare militare. Il primo sbarco di due soldati sulla Luna sarebbe dovuto avvenire nel 1965. Appena un anno più tardi, dopo 61 lanci di razzi Saturn, si sarebbe potuto creare un avamposto per 12 uomini, e con tutta la solita dotazione di un accampamento militare. La base doveva essere formata da serbatoi metallici cilindrici, larghi 3 metri e lunghi 6, alimentati di energia da due reattori nucleari e infine sepolti nel sottosuolo (portando dalla Terra anche un bulldozer!) come protezione contro sbalzi di temperatura, raggi cosmici e meteore. Le armi a disposizione sarebbero state missili, mine e bombe a mano: per proteggersi, i soldati avrebbero indossato scintillanti tute di metallo solido. Come veicoli di lancio sarebbero stati usati vettori Saturn I e II, lanciati da otto rampe sulle coste del Brasile (come oggi l'Ariane dalla Guyana). ILLUSTRAZIONI DI FRANK TINSLEY, PROGETTI IGNOTI 128

Nel 1961 fu la volta dell'Air Force, che tuttavia si limitò a presentare il Progetto Lunex, un avamposto simbolico di tre soli uomini disarmati. Il primo sbarco sarebbe avvenuto nel 1967, e la base sarebbe stata pronta per il 1968. Il piano prevedeva l'uso di tecnologie ancora oggi avveniristiche, a partire dal modulo d'allunaggio: un'intera navetta spaziale lunga 16 metri, che sarebbe allunata in posizione verticale, poi rilanciata verso la Terra e fatta atterrare come lo space shuttle odierno. CITTA' LUNARE SOTTO UNA CUPOLA, ILLUSTRAZIONE DI ROY G. SCARFO, © Scarfo Studio (CONCETTO DELLA GENERAL ELECTRIC, ALTEZZA 400 METRI, DIAMETRO 2 CHILOMETRI)

Tornando alle basi non militari, nel 1964 fu la volta della Boeing, che propose un'estensione del 129

progetto Apollo già in corso. In pratica, dei moduli più grossi lanciati dal Saturn V, chiamati LESA e composti da due cilindri uno dentro l'altro, avrebbero consentito a 18 uomini di restare sulla Luna due anni. Infine, nel 1971, quando la gara lunare volgeva ormai al termine e fu annunciato che il Saturn sarebbe andato fuori produzione, la Rockwell adattò i progetti esistenti allo space shuttle, con 9 unità cilindriche più piccole per entrare nella stiva, e l'uso di veicoli di transito per farli arrivare sulla Luna, compresa una stazione in orbita lunare. La costruzione della base sarebbe dovuta iniziare nel 1985, includendo un osservatorio. Gli equipaggi, di soli quattro uomini, sarebbero stati rinnovati ogni anno. Naturalmente, anche tutti i progetti civili sarebbero stati approvvigionati d'elettricità da generatori nucleari. CITTA' LUNARI SOTTERRANEE, ILLUSTRAZIONI DI ROY G. SCARFO © Scarfo Studio

John De Nike, della Martin Marietta, affermò nel 1964 che la sua compagnia stava progettando basi di tipi differenti, come palloni da gonfiare sulla superficie e tunnel sotterranei. Erano allo studio perfino scavatrici lunari per aprire i tunnel. Una volta avuta la base, sarebbero occorsi veicoli per la locomozione. Il celebre professor Hermann Oberth descrisse nel 1959 un rivoluzionario modello di trattore cingolato in grado di superare i burroni e scalare le ripide montagne che si credeva esistessero sulla Luna a quell'epoca. Come? Con un salto in alto di 125 metri, ottenuto tramite un pistone a gas compresso. Il veicolo sarebbe stato sormontato da un enorme giroscopio per mantenersi in equilibrio anche col pistone alzato: cioè, avrebbe saltellato su un trampolo... IN ALTO A SINISTRA: BUFFA TUTA RIGIDA DI ALLYN HAZARD, 1959. IN ALTO A DESTRA: VEICOLO LUNARE DELLA GRUMMAN. IN BASSO A SINISTRA: ALTRI VEICOLI NASA E GRUMMAN. IN BASSO A DESTRA: POGO LUNARE 130

Nel 1962 l'ingegner Markow della Grumman Aircraft propose di usare ruote di metallo flessibile con molle al posto dei raggi. Nel 1966 tali Dobson e Fulton della NASA proposero un "verme lunare" lungo 12 metri e largo 3, in cui "la superficie del fondo si sposti in modo simile al movimento di serpenti e millepiedi, e capace di raggiungere discrete velocità su terreno accidentato". Per discrete velocità intendevano cinque miglia all'ora. Ma l'idea più accarezzata era che gli astronauti avrebbero volato con piccole unità a reazione, salendo diritto su un poggiapiedi, stringendo un volante come in motocicletta e via! Richard Wong, della Bendix Corporation, ipotizzò anche modelli per due o tre persone, sedute. DUE VEICOLI INCREDIBILI: IL TRAMPOLO SALTELLANTE DI OBERTH E IL VERME GIGANTE DI DOBSON E FULTON 131

Fin dal 1964 anche i russi avevano inseguito un progetto di base lunare, chiamato . "Disegnate la base" disse Sergei Korolev, l'equivalente sovietico di Von Braun "e io calcolerò come portarla lassù". Lo schema prevedeva nove cosmonauti dentro nove moduli gonfiabili lunghi 9 metri, sempre alimentati da reattori nucleari, così come nucleari sarebbero state perfino le auto lunari, con un'autonomia di centinaia di chilometri! Un aneddoto abbastanza bizzarro è che dagli oblò della base non si sarebbe visto il vero desolante esterno, ma rincuoranti immagini televisive della Madre Russia...


PLANETS CLIMATE CONTROL In May this year our company is planning the launch of two satellites - AKS-1 and AKS-2. These technological satellites are designed to test and set up the Global System for Lightening the Earth's night surfaces from space. The satellites are also designed for partial shielding of Earth's surface from Sun radiation. It will allow to resist the global warming of our planet in the most efficient way. Besides, by making use of orbital reflectors it is possible to build the ecologically harmless system of climate control. For instance it could be the tornado and cyclones' blocking, dissolving of clouds, prevention of earthquakes and floods. Using the orbital mirror as a gigantic sunlight shield that is spread over the tense daylight surface (e. g. volcano, tectonic crack) we could quite efficiently and quickly freeze its activity, hence preventing volcano blast or earthquake. At present time the Mankind faces the choice of either investing to develop the passive means of early natural disaster alert or to move to new places of living. Our company decided to learn how to block natural disasters using a very simple technology - thin foil orbital reflectors. This will be the first ever experiment in history for active weather and natural forces control. Because of the small size of the reflectors the experiments to be held on satellites AKS-1 and AKS-2 on early stages are not going to stimulate any serious processes. For instance, using the orbital reflector size of tennis court carried by AKS-1 for the heating or cooling of Earth's surface will not produce temperature change of more than 1 degree Celsius. However, in future it will be possible to heat or cool the pieces of surface in range on 10-20 degrees Celsius using reflectors of bigger size. In future, using such reflectors it will be possible to adjust other planets' (Mars or Venus) conditions so that the human being could live there. For example, cooling Venus or heating Mars by altering the light flux it is possible to achieve the same atmospheric pressure and the same temperature as on Earth.

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Directory:Bio-Energetics From PESWiki

BIO-ENERGETICS Objective Develop and index of resources (studies, sites, news articles) pertaining to human health from a perspective of interactions with externally applied electro-magnetic stimuli, either as a matter of intentional modalities or environmentally-imposed factors.

Table of contents showTocToggle("show","hide") 1 Disclaimer 2 Introduction 3 The Body's Natural Electricity 3.1 Electrical Phenomenon in the Nervous System 3.2 DC Potentials in the Body 3.3 Electrical Phenomenon in Cellular Communication 3.4 Electrical signals in the Brain 3.5 Electrical signals in the heart 3.6 Electrical Properties of Cancer Cells 3.7 Human-to-Human Electromagnetic Health 3.7.1 Reiki 3.7.2 Touch Therapy 3.7.3 Energy Healing 3.7.4 Chranial Sacral 4 Electromagnetic-Related Health Modalities 4.1 EM Pulse 4.2 TENS 4.3 BioMagnets 4.4 ElectroAcupuncture 4.5 Electro-Acupressure 4.6 Impedence Scanning 4.7 Minerals 4.8 Orgone 5 Environmental Electromagnetic Concerns 5.1 Health Effects of High Power Transmission Lines 5.2 Health Effects of 60 Hz AC Power 5.3 Cell phone impact on health 6 Shiedling 6.1 Methods 6.2 Products 7 Weaponry 7.1 Pain Trigger 159

8 Resources 8.1 Websites 8.2 Books 8.3 Directories 8.4 Articles 9 Discussion 10 Contact 11 See also

[edit] Disclaimer This site is not intended to teach medicine from an "authoritative" point of view. Rather it is to provide information for those who make responsible choices about their own health. [edit] Introduction Considering the body's natural electrical make-up, it should be no surprise that external electromagnetic forces will have an effect on the body and ultimately on health, either for good or for ill. The purpose of this directory is to create an exhaustive index addressing the various components of this equation, from natural electricity in the body, to possible health modalities, to harmful environmental concerns. • S ee introduction statement - on theories v fact; chemical v electrical. [edit] The Body's Natural Electricity [edit] Electrical Phenomenon in the Nervous System The conveyance of signals involves charged ions in a chain-reaction sequence. • U nderstanding the Transmission of Nerve Impulses ( 1210.html) (; adapted from Anatomy and Physiology For Dummies) [edit] DC Potentials in the Body Landmark book by Robert O. Becker, Body Electric (http:// (1985), presents astonishing information about direct current (DC) potentials in living organims, and how they dynamically change during sleep, healing, anethsesia; and how manipulating these potentials can induce healing and even regeneration of limbs in rats and frogs. [edit] Electrical Phenomenon in Cellular Communication A charge across the cell membrane and its sudden shift through channels in the membrane is one of the primary signal mechanism for cell communication and function. [edit] Electrical signals in the Brain This is the section where impulses enter the erodermus spendum and transmit pulses of neuro electric ions. This can be intensified when two energy sources are swollen because of an increased energy field. [edit] Electrical signals in the heart [edit] Electrical Properties of Cancer Cells • T he Electrical Properties of Cancer Cells ( [edit] Human-to-Human Electromagnetic Health [edit] Reiki [edit] Touch Therapy [edit] Energy Healing [edit] Chranial Sacral 160

[edit] Electromagnetic-Related Health Modalities list here [edit] EM Pulse

• em-pro ( - Glen A. Gordon, M.D. has treated thousands of patients, mainly sports injuries; pulsed electromagnetic healing apparatus $150. Documented model with data from refereed journals that show mode of action to be alignment of anti-oxidants with free radicals, which are the primary culprit in disease and injury. U.S. the only industrialized nation not using this technology widely, due to AMA/drug lobby. • Rev iew of Lecture in Salt Lake City; July 30, 2004 (http:// ng.htm) - (PESN) • P ulsed Electromagnetic Healing - Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) energy alleged to pass through skin into the deepest parts of the body. See (PESWiki; May 6) [edit] TENS Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation - claims to mitigate pain through external electrical pulsing. • T ranscutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) ( ( [edit] BioMagnets • BioMa gnets: Helps relieve Arthritis, Carpal Tunnel, Knotted ... ( • Magnet Chairs - pad on chair [edit] ElectroAcupuncture • El ectroAcupuncture Treatment Information ( LifeWave Energy Enhancer New NanoTechnology Patch - Nonthing Enters The Body! LifeWave works with the body's natural energy system. LiveWave is designed to send a signal to the body to burn fat as fuel instead of carbs. The result is a multifold increase in energy and stamina. The patches communicate through the bodys magnetic field and create what is know as a resonant energy transfer, again nothing enters the body, LifeWave is not a transdermal patch. The Patches have been clinicly tested at several Major Universities. The Patches "transmit" the instructions "burn fat, make energy. Much more information is avalible through the companys website, as well as an Endorsement from 7x Mr Olympia, Ronnie Coleman. Whats coming in the future from this company may suprise us all. This first Link in blue [1] will take you to the companys website. It is sold to the general public through independant distributors. [1] ( For those looking for a new and exciting way to improve your health, I highly recommend you take a look at the information. The next link in blue [2] will take you to my personal website, I'm using the patches and will be posting my results. Robert Patrick [2] ( [edit] Electro-Acupressure • El ectro-Acupressure - Scientific Explanation ( [edit] Impedence Scanning Impedance scanning is based on evidence that electrical current passes through cancerous tissue more easily than normal tissue. 161

• Br east cancer detector uses electricity instead of X-rays ( - Painless, portable device uses electrical current rather than X-ray to examine breasts for cancer. (PhysOrg; April 26, 2005) [edit] Minerals • El ectrical Properties of Minerals ( 20info/CelluarBattery.htm) [edit] Orgone [edit] Environmental Electromagnetic Concerns [edit] Health Effects of High Power Transmission Lines • A n Overview of Literature on the Health Effects of High Voltage Lines (http:// ( • EMF Health Effects Research - History and Status ( [edit] Health Effects of 60 Hz AC Power Some argue that the 60 cycle electricity to which we are subjected in a home or other buildings has negative health consequences. list documentation here. [edit] Cell phone impact on health • Go ogle > Environment > Energy > Electromagnetic Field > Cell Phones ( phone-health-FAQ/toc.html) • Mo bile Phone Antennas and Human Health ( [edit] Shiedling [edit] Methods means for protecting a person from environmental exposure to electromagnetic fields [edit] Products • L ( - company sells devices to shield against electromagnetic fields. [edit] Weaponry Listing use of war applications of electromagnetic-body interaction. [edit] Pain Trigger • Ma ximum pain is aim of new US weapon ( - Weapon delivers a bout of excruciating pain from up to 2 kilometres away. Intended for use against rioters, it is meant to leave victims unharmed. Pain researchers are furious that work aimed at controlling pain has been used to develop a weapon. (New Scientist; March 2, 2005) [edit] Resources [edit] Websites • EMF ( • El ( • Roy ( • El ( - Jeff Bahary's Turn Of The Century Electrotherapy Museum and Tesla Library • El ( Electrotherapy Association • Of ficial Site of Dr. Bruce Lipton ( - cellular biologist and acclaimed speake • E ncyclopedia on Bio-Electric Resonance ( • EU ROPA - Public Health Environment - Electromagnetic Fields (http:// 162

• He alth Freedom Rights ( Act now, before your right to choose is gone. • Di rectory of Alternative Medicine on Bio-Magnetic Therapy (http:// • T he History Behind Magnetic Therapy ( • Roy al Rife Technologies Homepage ( - Site run by Mike Tichlear, who has done a great deal of research in this area and has been very busy defining various frequencies which affect all biological entities. • T rue Rife Home Page ( • w ( [edit] Books • Cross Currents: The Promise of Electromedicine, the Perils of Electropollution (http:// by Robert O. Becker • Vibra tional Medicine: The #1 Handbook of Subtle-Energy Therapies (http:// by Richard, Md. Gerber • E nergy Medicine: The Scientific Basis of Bioenergy Therapies (http:// by Candace, Ph.D. Pert • El ectromagnetic Fields: A Consumer's Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves (http:// by B. Blake Levitt • Bioel ectromagnetic Healing: A Rationale for its Use (http:// by Thomas Valone • Roy al R. Rife: Humanitarian, Betrayed and Persecuted (http:// by Gerald F. Foye • T he Holographic Universe ( by Michael Talbot [edit] Directories • DM > Electrotherapy ( • DM > Magnetic Therapy ( • DM > Energy Healing ( • El ectrotherapy ( - Wikipedia's encyclopedic entry (not very well developed) [edit] Articles [edit] Discussion • PES_ HealthVortex ( YahooGroups discussion list augmenting this directory project. • See also the Talk page for this PESWiki index. [edit] Contact • Mary-Sue Haliburton - project moderator for PES Network Inc. • PES Network Inc contact page ( [edit] See also - Directory - other directory listings - PESWiki - main index page

Retrieved from "" Categories: Health 163

E xamination of Novel Powdered Materials Prepared from Platinum Group Metals by Variants of the Hudson Method By N. Reiter and Dr. S. P. Faile 25 August 2004

Background: From January to June of 2004, we continued our examination of claims related to the so- called "ORME" form of transition metals, as promoted since the 1980s by D. Hudson et al. Previously published work performed by us in 2003 related primarily to the attempted replication of anomalous forms of gold, with particular attention to the examples disclosed in Australian patent #AU3662489 (04-01-1990) awarded to David Radius Hudson. While the unusual properties attributed to the ORME form of gold remain minimally documented and replicated, they are accompanied in lore and anecdote by claims of even more peculiar or dramatic behavior exhibited by the analagous forms of some platinum group metals. Most popular among speculative claims is iridium, which as disclosed by Hudson, exhibited the most dramatic anomalous physical effects, such as room temperature superconductivity (as ascertained by flux exclusion) and extreme apparent fluctuations in weight. Evaluation Method and Procedures: As we discovered in our investigation into ORME gold claims, it becomes after a point quite difficult to isolate empirical knowledge from second hand accounts and speculation. One particular personality long active in the genre has claimed that the ORME form of iridium was found to produce a strange antigravitational effect when rotated in a specific manner. Others active in the field have been cautious enough to state that no known positive replications of those particular claims exist. For our evaluation, we turn once again to the Hudson Australian patent, which seems to provide the clearest or at least the most precise set of examples for replication. Of particular interest to us has been Example #3. We transcribe the example text herewith:

"EXAMPLE 3 The Preparation of Platinum Group Elements In Monoatomic State (ORMEs) From Pure Metals The non-metallic, monoatomic transition elements of the platinum group are prepared as follows: (1) A selected sample of pure metal or metal salts from the group platinum, palladium, ruthenium, osmium, rhodium, or iridium are pulverized to a finely divided powder. (2) 5.0 g of a single select elemental metal powder is intimately blended with 30 g sodium peroxide and 10 g sodium hydroxide (silica free) in an agate mortar and pestle. (3) The blended sample is placed in a zirconium crucible and fused over a Meeker burner at maximum heat for 30 minutes. (4) After cooling the melt, the crucible is placed into a 600 ml beaker containing 300 ml of 6M HCl. (5) The melt should completely dissolve into the HCl. The crucible is removed from the solution and rinsed with water, and the HCl solution is carefully inspected for any insoluble metals or metal oxides which, if present, must be filtered out and fused again as in step (2) above. (6) The HCl solution is gently boiled down to just dry salts. "Just dry" is as defined in Example 1. (7) The just dry salts are taken up in 300 ml of pH 1 HCl solution and then gently boiled down to salts again. The salts at this point, depending on the selected metal sample, are alkali chlorides together with alkali- cluster-noble metals-metal chlorides. (8) The procedure of steps (6) and (7) is repeated four times, being careful not to bake the salts. 164

(9) The salts are diluted with 400 ml of deionized water. (10) 30 ml of concentrated perchloric acid is added to the solution and then slowly boiled to fumes of perchloric acid. (11) Steps (9) and (10) are repeated three additional times. If the solution salts out before fuming is achieved, it is necessary to add an additional 5 ml of perchloric acid to replace acid lost in fuming. If ruthenium or osmium is the select metal, steps (10), (11) and (12) must be carried out under reflux and washed back with water since ruthenium and osmium will volatilize. The salts at this point, depending on the selected metal sample, are alkali monoatomic noble metal oxides. (12) The salts are diluted to 400ml with deionized water. (13) The pH is adjusted very slowly with sodium hydroxide solution until the solution maintains the pH of 7.0 + 0.2 for more than 12 hours. (14) Boil the solution for several hours, adding deionized water to maintain 400 ml during the entire boiling until a reddish-brown hydroxide precipitant is formed which is filtered on a fine fritted, glass filter. (15) The hydroxide precipitant is dissolved off the fritted glass filter with 400ml of pH 1 HCl and then boiled for approximately ten minutes. If the sample contains rhodium or iridium, sodium bromate should be added as an oxidant prior to boiling. (16) The solution is neutralized slowly with sodium bicarbonate to pH 7, and the solution is boiled again and allowed to cool. (17) The precipitant which is formed is filtered again through a fine fritted glass filter. The material at this point, depending on the selected metal sample, is a monoatomic noble element hydroxide. (18) The hydroxide together with the filter are vacuum dried at 120C for approximately 12 hours. (19) The dried material is carefully transferred from the filter to a quartz ignition boat. (20) The ignition boat is placed in a cold tube furnace and the temperature is slowly (2C/min) raised under a hydrogen atmosphere to 600C and held at this temperature for one hour and then slowly (2.5C/min) cooled down to room temperature under hydrogen and then the sample is purged with argon for approximately one hour to remove occluded hydrogen. The material, an ORME, will be a greyish-black powder and will be completely amorphous to x-ray analysis. In other words, a certified pure noble metal powder has been converted to a "non-analyzable" form. At this point the ORMEs, depending upon the selected element sample, will be orbitally rearranged due to the d orbital hole or holes, i.e., positive hole(s). The ORMEs are identified as having an infrared doublet between 1400 and 1600 cm-1. The doublet indicates the presence of an electron pair moving between the d and s orbitals. " In our initial evaluation of this generic "recipe", it became apparent that certain aspects were going to prove extremely problematic, and that we would not be able to perform a true replication of the art. The overwhelming problem was the procurement and useage of perchloric acid - a highly regulated and extraordinarily expensive oxidizer. After review of prices, safety requirements, availability, and permits, we decided that it was beyond our capacity as independent experimentalists to buy and accommodate perchloric acid. This being agreed upon, we decided nevertheless that it would be worth our while to attempt to use a modified version of the Hudson recipe to attempt to produce materials with unusual properties anyway - as sheer exploration! It had become apparent to us in our examination of gold processing that a number of diverse recipes had been cited by experimenters - all producing precipitated powders with varying degrees of interesting anecdote attached. What could we discover from processing some platinum group metals with a simplified protocol based on Hudson's patent example as framework? We settled on a basic processing recipe: A small quantity of the platinum group metal in the form of a powder or shavings was fused with NaOH and 165 sodium peroxide (both ACS grade - Alfa Aesar) in a zirconium foil (99.99%) boat over a propane flame for five minutes. Fusing was done in air. The ratio of the PG metal selected to sodium hydroxide and sodium peroxide was taken from the Hudson patent text: 5 to 10 to 30 respectively. Following the fusing, the Zr boat was allowed to cool for five minutes before immersing it whole in a 1000 ml pyrex beaker filled typically with 300 to 500 ml of 6M HCl:H2O. Following the dissolution of the residues inside the Zr boat, the boat was removed, leaving a beaker of typically pristine solution, of distinctive color. Concentrated NaOH solution was added slowly to the PGM solution to adjust pH until precipitation occurred. We then allowed the solution to rest overnight or until the precipitants had fully settled. Precipitants were then separated, and washed with distilled water a minimum of three times. Final precipitants were then dried over a 200C hotplate, and initial properties of the resulting powders were examined and recorded. We then would typically anneal portions of the powders acquired in a tube oven under controlled atmospheres at temperatures between 200C and 500C. In addition to establishing a baseline process recipe, we needed to derive an adequate set of criteria for evaluating any materials produced. In our previous discussions of anomalous forms of gold, we disclosed an interesting but yet undefined phenomenon that we referred to as grain hopping. With gold derived powders and some powders derived from natural pricipitatates, we observed a minor Meisner Effect - like repelling of select individual grains in the aggregate. Would iridium or other PGM orme powders exhibit this same property? Anecdote would suggest so, since iridium orme was said to be more dramatic in its physical anomalies than gold. Could we directly measure the resistivity of bulk powders as an indicator of actual room temperature superconductivity? These two criteria would augment the overall qualitative evaluation of properties. We now disclose basic appearances and properties of the materials we worked with. A simple test for comparative electrical conductivities, and results, will follow.

Iridium: Three batches of iridium based material were prepared. In all three cases, the iridium powdered metal (-325 mesh 99.99% from Alfa Aesar) fused rapidly with the sodium compounds. Upon immersion in the dilute HCl, the fused material dissolved completely into a brilliant and beautiful deep blue-violet solution. With pH adjustment using NaOH, we observe the beginning of precipitation at about pH 6. Precipitates were extremely fine grained and of a deep cobalt blue color. Speed with which precipitation occurred may depend on relative ratio of water to HCl. In all cases, the dried precipitate was of a deep nearly irridescent indigo-black, with some hues of blue and green seen. We observed that the iridium precipitate did seem to be quite vigorous in its propensity for grain hopping; at least matching that of gold based powders. Some smaller number of individual grains appeared to be ferromagnetic, attracted and dragged by a small rare earth magnet held under a plastic weighing dish in which a quantity of the powder is placed. The anecdotal source mentioned previously who claimed dramatic properties for iridium orme disclosed an embodiment that supposedly resulted in the levitation of a rotating ceramic disk. It was claimed that iridium orme powder had been blended into a green clay slurry, then fired to form a ceramic disc that when spun on its axis, would levitate. In May, 2004, we took a small quantity of our own powder (about 50 mg) and dispersed it into a zirconia silicate cement which was cast into a small 2 inch diameter hexagonal "chip". After firing at 200C, we looked for transient weight changes after spinning or accerating the disc laterally. None were observed to the resolution of our balances. Attempts to quantify the overall magnetic properties of the powder were inconclusive, as diamagnetic properties of plastic or glass weighing dishes seemed to swamp any foces resulting from the small quantity of powder at our disposal. We also suspected that any aggregats of the grain hopping force may have been counterbalanced somewhat by the stronger attraction of selected grains. In early spring of 2004, we observed that the Ir precipitate, while retaining most of its grain hopping potential, 166 appeared to be adversely affected by long exposure to atmospheric moisture. A short annealing (15min. typ.) in air at 300C would restore the vigor of the grain hopping. This was also noted with the material derived from rhodium, described next. PHOTO of Ir Orme

PHOTO of magnet and disc

Rhodium: 325 mesh rhodium powder (99.99% pure Alfa Aesar) fused into a dark glassy mass with our sodium components with nearly the same appearance as iridium. However, upon dissolution in HCl:H2O, a dark olive green solution resulted. Precipitate was brownish green and finely flaked. When washed and dried, the powder 167 resulting was approximately the color of coffee or cocoa powder. Before and after annealing, we observed some amount of grain hopping, though comparatively less than with iridium derived material. Only one batch of Rh material was prepared. PHOTO of Rh Orme

Platinum: Perhaps 100mg of very tiny niblets of platinum thermocouple wire (26 ga) were fused with the sodium compounds. Yet again, the glassy material formed from fusing closely resembled that of the previous materials, however with Pt, the color of the fused mass was lighter and slightly yellowish. In HCl:H2O, it dissolved without color. Precipitate was whitish, and when washed and dried, assumed a cream color. This color remained consistent after annealing. Very little grain hopping was observed - the powder appeared to be primarily inert and without any special property. Only one batch of Pt material was prepared. PHOTO of Pt orme

Gold: 168

Although not included in example #3 of the Hudson patent, we felt that it might be rewarding to try the dual sodium compound recipe with gold. About 100 mg of minute shavings of 99.99% gold were used. Fusing in the Zr boat seemed problematic, with the gold not easily wetting. After about three extra minutes of fusing time, the mass appeared to be fairly homogeneous, and thus was cooled and added to the HCl:H2O. The resulting solution was a light yellow green in color - resembling the dissolved Au from the middle steps of Hudson's patent example #1. With pH correction, we acquired only a slight amount of precipitate, of a faint cream color. When carefully washed three times and dried, we recover a sparse heterogeneous mix of white flakes, white waxy looking salts, and purple colloidal gold dispersed in said waxy salts. Before and after annealing, we observe a slight amount of grain hopping - more than platinum but less than rhodium powders. The grain hopping property diminished within 48 hours - an effect seen previously in our early experiments with gold ORME. PHOTO of Au Orme

Rhenium: While technically not one of the PGM, rhenium is mentioned by Hudson et al as having an ORME form. During our experiments with Th and U doped fungi, Re was found on multiple occasions to be present in the final EDS analysis of cultures in which unusual alterations of radioactive decay were observed. We procured a small quantity of -325 mesh 99.99% Re from Alfa Aesar, and applied it to our generic recipe. A clear solution results when the fused mass in the Zr boat dissolves in HCl:H2O. Adjustment to about pH 10 caused a very delicate hazy white precipitate to form. After settling, washing, and drying, we recover a slight amount of slightly waxy pearl white powder. When tested for grain hopping, the Re precipitate was found to be very poor - almost completely inert. PHOTO of Re Orme 169

Electrical Conductivity Tests: Early in our investigations, it was suggested that simple direct measurements of the resistance of a powder aggregate might provide clues as to whether room temperature superconductivity had been achieved. As far as can be ascertained from literature, simple oxides of platinum group elements should be quite high in resistivity, well above values for metal or metalloid powder. It has been frequently observed that when finely divided powders of even highly conductive metals are measured in a bulk column or aggregate, the total electrical resistance of said column is quite high. A useful example is nickel powder. Could a bulk resistance measurement of our precipitated powders be compared to known metal powders? Approximately equal amounts by volume of our assorted powder products were tapped and packed into the edge of a weighing dish, and contacted at 3mm spacing with meter probes from our Keithley 175 multimeter. A similar quantity of one micron 99.99% nickel powder was examined as a control. What we observe is interesting, although our technique is admittedly quite crude. The following figures represent the average of five readings each in different spots: Ni powder: >200M-ohms Ir precipitate: 47M-ohms Rh precipitate: 175M-ohms Pt precipitate: >200M-ohms Au precipitate: 188M-ohms Re precipitate: >200M-ohms Admittedly, many sources of error could enter into these figures. Grain size, packing, purity, residual oxide and chloride species, all could play a role. Yet in the most outward way, it does appear as though the Ir precipitate has an appreciable conductivity. It is followed in series by the Rh and Au materials. The Au precipitate over time has continued to change color toward a purple hue, indicating the presence of colloidal metallic gold. We suggest that the ordering of conductivity among Ir, Rh, and Au material does seem to correspond with the degree and robustness of the grain hopping effect. Several metal powders (Al, Zn, and Cu) were examined in plastic weighing dishes for signs of grain hopping. No signature effect was noted. Were grain hopping an electrostatic or electret artifact, it should be quite apparent with any high dielectric powder, and absent with metallic powders. This poses an interesting puzzle 170 with respect to the Ir precipitate, as it does display an apparent electrically conductive nature, yet exhibits the most robust grain hopping effect of any of our produced materials. The Chemistry of the PGM Precipitates: What would conventional chemistry predict as to the compositions of our materials? Given our technique, we probably should be ending up conventionally with platinum group oxides, hydroxides, or oxychlorides. Currently, our analytical resources as far as EDS, XRD, and IR Spectroscopy have become quite limited, thus forcing our detective work along old fashioned routes. In the case of our Ir and Rh materials, the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics gives its ever practical clues. IrO2 is listed as a black or blue crystal, in the di-hydrate form it is an indigo color. Rh in the form of RhO2 is said to be brown, and in the di-hydrate form is olive green. Thus for both of these elements, we find that the colors of our precipitates do indeed match the traditional published properties of the hydrated dioxide. In the Australian patent by Hudson, this is discussed. Hudson’s claim appears to be that the precipitates formed from his processing of PGM elements are in the form of oxides and hydrides containing unusual or surprising properties due to their orbitally re-arranged "orme" character. General Conclusions and Discussion: Our experiments with platinum group elements, plus a novel ORME recipe for gold and for Re have provided some interesting results, despite the ultimate failure to replicate certain specific dramatic claims. We summarize and disclose the following: 1. A simplified variant of the D.R. Hudson Australian patent example #3 for PGM elements was found to produce precipitates for Ir, Rh, and Pt starting metals. When applied to Au and Re, the process also produced precipitated material. 2. In the case of at least two of the PGMs (Ir and Rh) the resulting precipitates resemble the classical descriptions of the dioxide or hydrated oxide forms of said elements. 3. Dramatic weight alteration claims made for Ir derived powders encapsulated in ceramic discs and rotated were not successfully replicated. 4. A still ill-defined phenomenon resembling Meisner Effect flux exclusion referred to by us as grain hopping was observed to a robust degree in Ir material, and to a lesser extent in Rh and Au derived materials. 5. A crude measurement of electrical resistivity in the powders from our process showed a surprisingly conductive nature for the Ir material. 6. This above measurement may relate to the vigor of the grain hopping effect observed in the same material (Ir derived powder). 7. In a general sense, we have apparently found some corroboration with the claims of Hudson et al that Ir ORME is the most dramatic of elements for physical anomalies. Among our experiments, Ir did indeed produce the most interesting results. Presently, we are limited in our further directions for investigating claims of unusual matter or ormes. Procurement of a small quantity of perchloric acid would allow us to perform a true replication of the example #3 steps. If such can be obtained, our plan is to focus on iridium. Apart from this effort, we will continue to characterize and understand the grain hopping effect. As in our past ventures, we eagerly invite dialogue with other researchers interested in replication, or clarification of our procedures. As is well known among those familiar with the lore of ORMEs, unusual biological and psycho-interactive effects are frequently claimed for human ingestion of small quantities of materials. We have explored this to a very limited degree with respect to Ir and Rh precipitates. Results were extremely subjective, and out of the scope of this report. During the experimental phase of this project, we did not neglect looking into historical accounts of "strange matter" or matter exhibiting implausible behavior. Perhaps the closest corollary surround some of the lesser known claims of Dr. Wilhelm Reich, with respect to materials he referred to as Orene, Orite, Brownite, and Melanor. While lacking any known critical replication since their disclosure during the 1950s, Reich was quite specific in his accounts of these materials, said to be "pre-atomic." In particular, the white powder called 171

Orene, found near vessels containing alkaline aqueous solutions, bears an interesting resemblance to the "g- orme" of Hudson. Both materials have been said to produce strong bio-interactive effects. Nevertheless, until such a time as we can better verify such material's existence, as well as come up with a coherent model same, there is little more we can do except note the resemblance and speculate. Our overall investigation into the matter of David Hudson's claims and ORME matter has carried us along for over a year. While we have not successfully verified the more dramatic claims made for both gold and PGMs, we have seen evidence to suggest that the claims are not entirely without basis in empirical fact. Whether some non-intuitive but otherwise mundane explanation for grain hopping will arise or not, we cannot yet say. In closing, we would like to thank the following parties for their help and participation: Mr. Art Ziegler, Mr. Barry Carter, and the members of the Vortex on-line science discussion group, chaired and operated by Mr. Bill Beaty.


Sandeep Acharya's Magnetic Energy to Mechanical Energy Converter

Sandeep Acharya was kind enough to share with me his plans for this machine that can convert magnetic energy into mechanical energy. In other words, it's a perpetual motion machine (at least it looks like one to me). Like all such machines that have been built in the past, the great stumbling block is overcoming the effects of friction. But Sandeep promises that if powerful enough magnets are used, the effects of friction can be overcome.

Without further commentary, here is Sandeep's own diagrams and explanatory text for his "Magnetic Energy to Mechanical Energy Converter." 173 174

You are here: > Directory > Water Water From Air, From Sea, From Waste Water Technologies that enable the inexpensive obtaining and purification of potable water through condensation from the air, from salt water, and from waste water.

• O/U Water Desalinization >

Clean Water Products - patented technology by Dr. Cluff can desalinize water without using chemicals at just $300 / acre-foot, producing 60,000 gallons per day, recovering salt and minerals valued at up to $600 per acre-foot.

• Air - Australian company sells water-from-air devices. They also sell solar power units for remote signs (e.g. billboard, traffic lights) as well as for mobile devices such as PDA's, laptops and cell phones.

• R ay of light for water industry - University of Aberdeen scientists developing new technology that uses sunlight to treat dirty water and create electricity simultaneously. Three industrial partners develop novel technology for breaking up pollutants found in all types of water supplies. (PhysOrg; UK; April 28, 2005) (Renewable Energy Access; May 3, 2005)

• Z Solar Sea Water Desalination - Reinvented the Solar still. Fresh water out of seawater with solar energy. 175

• Ne w Earth Systems CentrO3fier Modular treatment system highly effective at removing wide range of contaminants including ammonia, arsenic, heavy metals, toxic organics, phosphates, and many others. Second generation completed; preparing for market.

• Desalination Taps Geothermal, Solar Thermal - A Phoenix inventor said he has developed a new way to economically take salt out of water, and it depends on a readily available resource - hot water. (PESWiki; Sept. 7, 2004)

• O xen power desalination unit - Desalination unit in remote India is run with the help of a pair of oxen using an indigenously developed reverse osmosis membrane. (, Sept. 11, 2004) • Le banon may start using the sun to get fresh water - Lebanon might soon look toward the sky for its freshwater but the drops won't be coming from the clouds. Project in which a desalination plant will be designed, powered by a solar pond along the seashore line. (Daily Star, Lebanon; Jan. 26, 2005)

• G enerating Water from Air ( Efficiently condenses and purifies water from air humidity.

• A quaMEGA - Living Waters from Magnetic Earth Generated Æther Product has been available for 5 years.

Other Innovations • Clean Water with Nanofilters - Water can pass, while bacteria and viruses are blocked. Filters sturdy enough to be cleaned repeatedly, sterilized, autoclaved. (MIT Technology Review; Nov. 2004) See also • Wa ste to Energy posted by Sterling D. Allan, Feb. 26, 2003 Last updated June 16, 2005


Basi Extraterrestri

A cura di Franco Malgarini


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