October, 1966

On Wednesday evening Mr. Fisher showed slides of happenings at during the past year including pictures of the epic moving of the huge boxwood from the Wickes's property to a spot near the Tomb.

Thursday evening a Memorial Session was held in the Banquet Hall of the Mansion to pay tribute to our former Vice-Regent from New Hampshire, Mrs. Gordon Woodbury.

Friday was Governor's Day and the weather was perfect, but the attend- ance was disappointing. The Vice-Regents received our visitors in the Ban- quet Hall, standing in order of precedence. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Stant, Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Anderson, Mr. Marshall J. Beverley, Mr. Armistead Boothe and Mr. Walter Macomber. The visit to the Tomb was the first order of procedure where wreaths of Mount Vernon boxwood were placed on the Tombs of General and Mrs. by Mrs. Stant and the Regent. This was followed by the reading of 's Prayer. Luncheon was served in the Administration Building and afterward the official party, conducted by Mr. Wall, made its annual inspection of the estate.

After dinner Friday evening Mr. Fisher showed us the Stratford film followed by some movies of Mount Vernon spanning snow drifts to summer flowers.

Saturday evening the Council was host to Mr. Charles Nagel, a member of our Advisory Board, and newly elected head of the National Portrait Gal- lery, and Mrs. Nagel. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Macomber, Mr. and Mrs. Armistead Boothe, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Densmore, Mr. Charles C. Wall and The Reverend and Mrs. Albert Jones.

After dinner we assembled in the Banquet Hall where Mr. Nagel gave us an interesting account of his hopes and plans for the new National Portrait Gallery and showed slides of some of the portraits already acquired.

On Sunday morning we attended the early services at Pohick Church. Be- fore the services the Regent placed a wreath of Mount Vernon boxwood on the grave of Colonel Dodge.

Directly after church we set off in five cars driven by Mr. Wall, Mr. Fisher, Mr. Densmore, Miss Meadow and the Vice-Regent for Virginia for an unforgettable day in the Shenandoah Valley. The fall colors had us all al- most speechless, but "not quite". Conducted by Mrs. Todd, Vice-Regent for West Virginia, we visited before and after luncheon houses in the Charles Town area built by the . They were "", "Hare- wood", where we were most graciously received by Dr. John Augustine Wash- ington and his wife; "Claymont Court", where the owners, Mi. and Mrs. John Gurtler, showed us around; and "".

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