Getting Beyond Charity

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Getting Beyond Charity A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of The Australian National University Charity meets clarity: A multiple methods and transdisciplinary approach to improving philanthropic investment in Indigenous Australian education Tony Dreise, March 2018 © Copyright by Anthony David Dreise 2018 Student Statement This statement is to verify that the research contained within this thesis is, to the best of my knowledge, original work. No other person has conducted the research with me. The thesis contains 98,570 words. Tony (Anthony David) Dreise 1 Abstract This study explores current and potentially future relationships between philanthropy and Indigenous education in Australia. More specifically, it has sought to address an overarching research question, namely ‘how can philanthropic bodies more successfully engage with Indigenous people and strategically invest their resources to improve Indigenous education outcomes?’ The research has involved a unique partnership between an Aboriginal researcher, the Australian National University, philanthropists, researchers and educators, and five First Nations communities in urban, regional and rural-remote localities. The study has been partly funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) through the ARC Linkage Projects scheme. Supplementary funds have also been provided by the Australian Communities Foundation, a philanthropic body based in Melbourne. In addressing the overarching research question and in light of the inherent complexity at the philanthropy–Indigenous affairs–education interface, the study has adopted multiple-methods and transdisciplinary approaches. It draws upon history, political studies, business and commerce studies, social sciences, and, especially, upon complexity science and emergence theories to both make sense of the data and to influence the future shape of First Nations education and philanthropic partnerships. Literature from both Australia and abroad is analysed to provide insights and understand tensions about historical practices, contemporary applications, and future directions in philanthropic investment in Indigenous education. The study has also sought to capture the voices of ‘demand’ (First Nations communities) and ‘supply’ (philanthropic bodies). As such, both the study and literature review examine current interventions and investments in First Nations education, and find that philanthropic investments in boarding school opportunities and university scholarships have grown considerably over the past decade. The study acknowledges this, but also argues that philanthropic investment in Indigenous education in its current form is too narrow, nowhere near scale when it comes to current and projected levels of need among First Nations communities, and tends to favour ‘fail-safe’ as opposed to ‘safe- fail’ initiatives. The study posits that improvements in Indigenous education are unlikely to present through oversimplified, linear and mono-dimensional interventions. It also concludes that partners in education, philanthropy and First Nations affairs need to think differently about problems and future possibilities by pursuing a course of positive disruption and collective action, where hearts of charity meet minds of clarity. 2 Acknowledgements As is our custom, the first acknowledgement, with deep respect, is to the First Nations peoples of Australia; especially to Elders past, present and emerging. I pay tribute to your ongoing custodianship of lands, waters, cultures and lore. You have taught me that the very essence of being Aboriginal is to be blessed and that the notion of ‘philanthropy’ (giving and sharing) is as old as First Nations Australia itself. I would like to particularly thank the First Nations people who contributed to this study through your insights, emotion, honesty, and unyielding drive to see a better tomorrow for our people. Equally, to the philanthropic organisations, researchers and educators who gave their time, commitment and considered thoughts to this study, I am so grateful to you. To my ‘new found’ Elders who sit around the table at the Towards a Just Society Fund, I want to especially acknowledge you for your infinite kindness, warmth, wisdom and courage. You are truly inspiring on so many levels. To my supervisors, I am profoundly in your debt. Without your perseverance, intellectual craft, and generosity of spirit, this thesis would not have been possible. Not only have I learnt from you in an academic sense, but in a life sense. You will always have a place at our family’s table. To my family, thanks for hanging in there! In many ways, this journey has been like any family trip. How many times have I heard, ‘Are we there yet?’ Your patience – along with your understandable impatience at times – has spurred me on, including during the times when I was nodding off at the wheel. Love you N, B, B and J with my whole heart and entire soul. To my parents, you have shown me throughout my life that you are the perfect fusion and very embodiment of charity (hearts) and clarity (smarts). My heroes. Finally, and importantly, I would like to acknowledge – with both extreme pride and optimism – the First Nations children and young children, including my own, throughout Australia and internationally. You are what drives me; stay ‘deadly’ and if you think you are not, learn otherwise! 3 Table of contents Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... 2 Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................. 3 Table of contents ...................................................................................................................... 4 Acronyms .................................................................................................................................. 8 Figures and Tables ................................................................................................................. 10 Chapter 1: Introduction ........................................................................................................ 11 Framing and introducing the topic ....................................................................................... 12 Framing my relationship with the field ................................................................................ 14 My cultural and professional background ....................................................................... 15 Philosophical underpinnings of this study ....................................................................... 18 Why I chose the research methods for this study ............................................................. 20 Background context and purpose of the research ................................................................ 21 Overview of the remaining chapters .................................................................................... 24 Chapter 2: Methodology........................................................................................................ 27 Overview .............................................................................................................................. 27 Observation, participation, interpretation, sense making ..................................................... 28 Recursive process: Hunches, curiosity, literature, field research ........................................ 29 Interviews and forums.......................................................................................................... 30 Deep listening and thick description .................................................................................... 31 Story-telling and narrative as method .................................................................................. 33 Chapter 3: Literature review ................................................................................................ 39 Overview .............................................................................................................................. 39 Complexity and tensions in philanthropy ............................................................................ 40 Ancient roots .................................................................................................................... 40 A short history of philanthropy and Indigenous Australia .............................................. 41 Philanthropy in its various forms today........................................................................... 45 Philanthropy: Divergent motivations .............................................................................. 47 Philanthropy and Indigenous Australian education over the past decade ...................... 63 Complexity and certain tensions in Indigenous affairs in Australia .................................... 64 An overview of political debates in Indigenous policy .................................................... 65 Implications and lessons for today’s philanthropic actors .............................................. 76 Complexity and tensions in education ................................................................................. 77 Universal educational impacts: Pedagogical, professional, and structural issues ......... 78 Quality of school and wellbeing of community ................................................................ 89 4 Certain challenges in Indigenous education
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