Filosofija ir menas ISSN 1392-8600 E-ISSN 1822-7805 Žmogus ir žodis / Filosofija Man and the Word / Philosophy 2017, t. 19, Nr. 4, p. 44–66 / Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 44–66, 2017 Two Notions of Vulnerable and Intensely Affected Body: Gilles Deleuze and Alphonso Lingis Laura Galvanauskienė Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Department of Education and Philosophy, Studentų St. 39, Vilnius,
[email protected] Summary. Two different approaches towards Francis Bacon’s painting are analysed in the article: postmodern and phenomenological. The problematic and multiple status of such con- cepts as sensitive body, intensive sensation and the affect common for both Gilles Deleuze’s and Alphonso Lingis’ philosophy become most visible in regard to Bacon’s painting that displays the reality of the vulnerable and intensely affected body as his main subject. The article follows the main intrigue which inspires their studies, i.e. the article aims to explain what determines the suggestibility of Bacon’s canvas: is there the violence of line and colour, which negates the role of figuration (Deleuze) or the violence of life, that on the contrary, affirms representation (Lingis)? The author maintains that such different interpretations are determined by different notions of experience. Lingis emphasizes actual experience which allows to find the link between creation, lived body and life world, while Deleuze stresses virtual experience, impersonal life, body without organs and creation of new perspectives. Keywords: Bacon, body, figure, sensation, phenomenology, experience, violence. 44 Žmogus ir žodis / Filosofija / 2017, t. 19, Nr. 4 DOI: http://dx�doi�org/10�15823/zz�2017�16 ISSN 1392–8600 E-ISSN 1822–7805 Philosophy and Art Alphonso Lingis: from Embodied Subjectivity towards the Plastic or Transgressive Body The challenge to Deleuze’s experimental study of Bacon’s painting1 was posed by the Lithuanian-American phenomenologist Alphonso Lingis (b.